N9 1 l-oA. 1996 2 r997 3 1998 4 200 3arna Bvte, cbaBToDx Eeponeilcrust onilT B Koaorilq HoTo KaprorpaQu pa He e Texnor orvtfl na qr$poBara Kaprorp afun (ctaerop Cr. Bacranee) rtog ra ph ic Representation Using a Rational Cubic Soline with Tension Cartographic Education for Geodesists in Bulgaria (craBroD 5. KoeH) Bucuero reoAe3ilqecKo o6pasoBaHue e Elrtrapvfl (craBrop n. A. lleHea) Ca 5 1 200 1 lllsgaHre qronafl Ha rconSepeH !-lt4e c MexAyHapoAHo yqacrile "KaprorpaQrn r Erconorvs" I Codran. 9-10 uail L996 MexgyHapo4eH crMno3vyv t/t usnox6a "CtepeMeHHH TexHofl orvv B KaAacftpa" , Cobwn, L9-20 HoeMBpu L997 Email Seminar of Cartography, 1998 Ha Email Seminar of Cartography, 2000 - 2001 MexAyHa poAeH cil M no3 vlyu " l-eo4e3HL{ecKh, OororpaMerpht4HtA t4 cnbTH l{KoBt4 TexHon ornn - pa3BVTUe v VHTerphpaHo nphnox eHrAe", Cofiun, B-9 6 2003 Mero.quKa 3a aHaflil3 Ha nrTHoTpa H cnopH hTe npou3LxecTBl4fl u npvL.il HVTe 3a rqx L{pe3 reorpa$crn aHaflr3r (craeroprr H. HarZaen os. V1n. VlaaHoa) Structure and Realization of 7 2006 Electronic Atlases Internet GIS and Internet B 2006 Ma pping Analysis of Internet Atlases 9 2006 HoeMeoil 2001 f oAuruH14 K Ha YnuBepcmrera no apxhreKrYPa, cTpo[TencTBo n feoAe3vB 2002 - 2003, rou XL, ca. VI -st International Conference on Cartography and GIS, Borovets, Ja n ua ry 25-28 , 1 2006 1-st International Conference on Cartography and GIS, Borovets, Ja n ua ry 25-28 , 2006 1-st International Trade Fair of Geodesy and Cartography GEOS 2006, Conference, Prague, 16-18 March 2006 N9 l-o[. 3arnaBv,e, cbaBToptl Internet GIS and Electronic Atlases 10 11 2006 2008 Project for an Internet Atlas of Bulgaria llpoerr Ha vHrepHer arflac na Surapvn L2 AsAaHtae 16-th International Symposium "Modern technologies, education and professional practice in Geodesy and related fields", Sofia, November 09-10, 2006 Second Internationa Conference on CartograPhY & GIS, January 2L-24, 2008 HayvHa cecilfl ,,[loHBeHara I Kaprorpafun - ocHoBa 3a BHeApqBaHe Ha HayqHl4Te il3cfleABalun", CoQlAA, 2008 lTHoeuapr 2008 13 L4 15 16 20 10 201 1 2012 20t2 Comparative Analysis of the Online Mapping Sites on the Example of a Part of Sofia City Third International Conference on CartograPhY and GIS, June 15- 20, 20L0, Nessebar, Bulgaria. The OBSERVE Project Strengthening and Development of Earth Observation Activities for the Environment in the Balkan Area (craBropt4 P. Patias, V. Tsi ou kas) Earth Observation Activities for the Environment in Bulgaria (cuaaropu P. Baueea, H. HafiReHos) GMES Operational CaPacitY Workshop, 17-LB March , ZOLL, Sofia, Bulgaria The Project Observe Under 7-th Frame EU Program International Jubilee Scientific Conference Sciense & Practice, November 15- L7, 20L2, UACG - Sofia South-Eastern EuroPean Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics, Vol 1, No 1s, 20L2 N9 t7 1B l-oa. 20L2 2013 3arna g,vte, cbaBToplr The Statement and the Possibilities for Environmental Mapping in Reoublic of Bulqaria Earth Observation Capacity for Environmental Mapping in Bulgaria ylsgaHtae 4th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, June 18- 22, 20L2, Albena, Bu Iqa ria 26-th International rtog raphic Conference, Dresden, Germanyn 25-30 Ca Auq 19 20 2L 20L3 2015 1 3 Vqe6HNrc, CoSNn,201-3 In Search of Map Accuracy 5th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, June L5- 2L, 2014, Riviera, Bu lga ria Cneqra nv3upaHo KaprorpaQrpaHe e Suraptte (craerop Kp. MrroeHcKa - LlepHeea) On the Analysis and Assessment of Maps (npner 22 20 Kaprorp aSwn 20L4 2015 ust AorcnaA) Monorp aSun, lAnten EHrpa Hc, CoQrn , 2OL5 14th Internationa I Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, CEST 20L5, 3-5 September 2015, Rhodes, G reece