Muskegon Community College

Muskegon Community College
ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE AND ARTS (ASA) Degree with Michigan Transfer Agreement
Student name:_____________________________________________ Date:_____________________
A minimum of 62 credit hours with a minimum cumulative 2.0 is required for the ASA Degree.
Courses numbered below 100 do not count toward the ASA.
General Education Requirements
Minimum – 35 credits
Communication – 6 credits, grades of “C” or better
American Culture – 3 credits, grades of “C” or better
English 101 and 102
History 201, 202, 207, 211, 212A, 214, 220
Political Science 111, 205, 220
International Culture – 3 credits, grades of “C” or better
Science – 6 credits, grades of “C” or better
Courses must be in two or more disciplines (subjects).
Must include at least one lab science
Lab classes:
Biology – any MCC Biology course with a lab
Chemistry – any MCC Chemistry course with a lab
Geography 101A, 215
Geology 101A, 102
Physical Science 101A
Physics 201L&L, 202L&L, 203L&L, 204L&L
Anthropology 105D
Astronomy 101, 105A
Biology 101BEL, 200, 207 – lecture only
Geology 201
Math – 3 credits, grades of “C” or better
Math 105, 107A, 109, 111, 112, 115 (or BUS 105), 151, 161, 162,
215, 276, 283, 295M
Ethics and Logic – 3 credits, grades of “C” or better
Philosophy 101, 102, 104, 202, 204, 205, 207
Social Relationships – 3 credits, grades of “C” or better
Economics 101A, 102A (formerly 101, 102)
English 130 (Women’s Studies 101)
Psychology 102, 201, 202, 203, 207, 208, 209, 210 (Soc 210)
Sociology 101, 102A, 202A, 203, 206, 210 (Psychology 210)
Women’s Studies 101 (English 130)
Western Culture – 3 credits, grades of “C” or better
Art 198, 199, 202
English 200, 201, 204, 205, 206, 210, 213, 225, 226, 227, 228, 231
History 101, 102, 204
Humanities 195
Political Science 203
Theater 201
Anthropology 103, 110
Chinese 101
English 207, 211, 218
French 101, 102, 201, 202
Geography 104, 105
German 101, 102, 201, 202
History 150, 151, 216
International Cultural Studies 101 - Belize
Philosophy 203, 210
Political Science 202, 210, 211
Spanish 101, 102, 201, 202
Aesthetic Values – 3 credits
Art 100A, 101, 104, 105B, 107, 108, 109, 117, 204B, 205, 207,
208, 209, 211, 220
Dance 100, 101, 102, 106, 200, 201, 206, 210A, 210B, 210C, 210D
English 208 (Communications 203), 223
Music classes numbered 100 and above except Music 240
Music 100, 101, 102, 103, 192, 194, 195, 201, 202
Theater 101, 102, 108, 120, 141, 142, 144, 145, 147, 148, 160,
202, 203, 210, 212, 217, 260
Physical Education – 2 credits
One credit must be from:
Physical Education 101A, 103, 104A, 118, 201
One credit from: any Physical Education or Dance course
MCC and the Michigan Transfer Agreement require a
“C” or better in courses used to meet ASA and MTA
requirements. Groups requiring courses with “C’s “
or better are noted on this guide.
Classes that may be used to fulfill MTA requirements
are in bold and require a “C” or better (for students
completing the MTA only).
Computer Competency – MCC’s Computer Competency Test or any CIS class with a “C” or better.
Electives – Overflow general education groups, related to major, areas of interest. Minimum – 27 credits.
December 14, 2014 – Counseling & Advising Center
Degree Worksheet
ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE AND ARTS (ASA) Degree with Michigan Transfer Agreement
Student name:_________________________________________
A minimum of 62 credits and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 are required for the ASA.
Courses numbered below 100 do not count toward the ASA.
Computer competency is required by testing out or course completion (grade of C or better in any CIS
Courses used to fulfill the General Education Requirements require a grade of “C” or better.
The ASA meets the Michigan Transfer Agreement.
Choices of courses within groups and electives should be made with prospective transfer institution and
prospective majors in mind.
Transfer guides specific to majors and/or four-year colleges are available from the MCC website.
General Education Requirements - 35 credits
Choices to fulfill each group are on the reverse side
of this form.
Electives – 27 credits minimum
May include CIS courses, Math 100A, overflow
credits from general education groups, and
disciplines not on this guide such as business,
education, criminal justice. Generally related to
major and minor.
Communication – 6 credits
English 101
English 102
______ ______
Science – 6 credits
Two courses in two disciplines. ______ ______
Must include one lab course.
______ ______
______ ______
______ ______
Math – 3 credits
Math 105 or higher.
Math 100A DOES NOT fulfill
this requirement.
______ ______
______ ______
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______ ______
Credits / Grade
______ ______
______ ______
______ ______
Ethics and Logic – 3 credits
______ ______
Social Relationships – 3 credits
______ ______
Western Culture – 3 credits
______ ______
American Culture – 3 credits
______ ______
International Culture – 3 credits
______ ______
Aesthetic Values – 3 credits
______ ______
Physical Education – 2 credits
______ ______
______ ______
December 14, 2014 – Counseling & Advising Center