pi v. 1 t) 0 . EPORTER DEVOTED \ TO THE INTERESTS VOL. VII. HOW ' SOME OF US" WRITE AN ESS A Y. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. ATHENS, G-A., SATURDAY FEB 4. 1888. NO. 15 bfgan to be disseminated above the had, through fear, refused to defend | dent, Targum, Campus, College horizon; civil and religious liberty the place, by her exhortations, so Message, University Courier, Lehigh began1 their grand march; and the roused their despondent spirits as Burr, Randolph Macon Monthly, First, waiting, delaying, fetters which had held woman cap- to induce them to hazard an engage- College Echo, Indian School, ReadWill) heart and hand staying, tive, were shattered. Tyrannical ment with the enemy, in which they ing Room, Fayette Collegian, ReWitb shrinking and sighing, Anil uselessly tryina; man, who had with fiendish delight were successful, and by which the veille, Lantern, Lenox Nutshell, Beginning, then slopping, seen woman oppressed, began to be town was saved. University Quarterly,) University Wiih highest hopes dropping, more leniently disposed toward her. The name of Marie Antoinette, I Magazine, Wilmington Collegian, Then fcra'cliinsi, erasing, As science, art, and the more enno- though held in contempt by many, Anchor, Butler Collegian, AssociaOur wi.rk s-adly facing ; bling acquirements of mankind be- deserves an exalted position upon tion News, College Reflector, Free And writing, re writing, And manfully fij;htins;; C ime better perfected, in a corre- the roll of eminent women. During Lance, Press and Printer, Deltan, Then thinking and groaning, sponding degree, did woman rise; the fiery scenes of the French Revo Alma Mater, Southwestern UniAnd seaiching nnd moaning, and to day she stands upon the same lution she was the support and versity, Journal, Butler Journal, .I'.nd hunting, discussing, level with man, the position which spirit of the aristocracy. Slie con- Chimes, Red Man, Georgia Cracker, Eternally fussing, God intended she should occupy. ducted herself heroically toward her Evening Capitol, Greensboro Sun. And slowly proceeding, Now, as we take a retrospective ill fated husband; suffering with him The "sense" litile heeding, We have before us the first num-Inserting, completing, view of woman's career, wi at once the hardships of imprisonment, as ber of The Lantern, from the OhioAdvancing, retreating, perceive that there is no death of il well as the luxuries of honor and State University. Inscribing thoughts fitting, lustrious women. The pages of affluuence. Her devotion was unA correspondent of a London And hud ones omitting ; history are replete with records of wavering during life, and like a true Literary Journal announces the disS» thus we keep working, her brilliant achievements, and she woman she faced the yells ami covery of a new autograph of Jno. Though often with suit king; is celebrated in poetry and song. anathemas of the Parisian mob un [.Harvard, the founder of Howard Till, ending with joy, And wilh many a caper, Such women as Lucretia, Joan of til the guillotine closed her existence, jUniversity. The only writing of Yet filled with foreboding, Arc, Marie Antoinette, and MollyIt is only necessary to mention Ibis hitherto known to exist are the We "hand in" our paper. Pitcher, j/es'\^es hundreds of others, ,tlie name of Molly Pitcher^, as /^£,»l vv " jsyijuatures iin the registry of Carle-ton-. ttest the capabilities of woman. memoiy is dear to every XmenMfiv") ^MHiiniUjj^'^fu'.io In times of \peace and prosperity, and her deeds are known to all. WOMAKHOOD. woman is the queen of the house we then, when such examples arej. The University of Virginia has There is, perhaps, no word in any lold. The true wife leaves the disclosed to us, refuse to admire i nv ' te(J Pres. Cleveland to this year's commencement exercises. language of greater import than the transaction of business to tier hus- woman? In conclusion, word ' woman." let me say that, band ; while she endeavors to rcnThe Argo, of Mary Sharp college After the beneficent Creator had ler home bright and attractive. She America is particularly blessed with j has been revived, and we are glad to formed man in His own likeness, aud leems her highest responsibility to noble women Our o.vn State has see it. It is always bright and cheerhad seen the deplorable condition in o be that of training the young in cause to be proud of her fair (laugh ful, and one can readily recognize which he was, moved to compassion, all that is pure and noble. Women ters, who have played so prominent the pure and delicate ideas of true He resolved to make a helpmate for are more faithful than men a great a part in church and in stale affairs. womanhood expressed in its pages. him. Thus, woman was formed to deal more faithful than men. You The heroism displayed by them dti The Free Lance, a paper always assist man; to soothe and alleviate lever saw a man pursue his wife ring our late cival war;, the privawelcome, came this week especially his sufferings. It seems that our nto the very dust mid slime of de- tions and toil they underwent won bright and interesting. We conmother Eve possessed the character- gradation, and take her in his arms. und3'ing praise for them. Let us gratulate it upon this successful honor the women of our land, and istics which have ever rendered the We never saw a man stand at the issue. ever hold our arm in readiness lodesex illustrious. Although she caused shore vvliere she had been morallyman to be forever driven from the wrecked, waiting, in hopes that the feud them. We can but decide that! The Butler Collegian, one of our Garden of Eden by her inability to dark waves would bring her back, when God made woman, He gave to finest exchanges, furnishes us in its resist temptation, she has proven even her corpse to his arms. On man his most priceless boon. last issue with a splendidly written P. H. E. herself of such incalculable benefit the other hand, we have seen wos article, " The Death Penalty," showto the human race, that we are forced man, with her white arms, lift fallen | ing plainly the inconsistency of capto overlook this one frowurd act, and man from the mire of debauchery, EXCHANGES. j ital punishment with the teachings admire her. and as her heart beat with compasI of the Bible ; and dealing with its In the early stages of the world, sion, hold him to her bosom as We publish below a full list of our j substitute, Life Imprisonment.in the man, in glaring disobedience to the though he was an angel. While exchanges. most logical manner. mandate of God, regarded woman a: man is uncouth, rough, debased, The Binghamite, Northwestern | his inferior, aud conducted himsell woman is tender, kind-hearted, de<- College Chronicle, Hesperian, St. The University of Pennsylvania toward her as though she was hi: voted. Viateurs College Journal, JEgis, Da intends sending an exploring expeserf, his slave. The perfection of al! Not only in peace, but also in the vidson Monthly, Goodson Gazette, dition to ancient Babylon, under the laborious undertakings was assignee thrilling scenes of war, has woman Pennsylvanian, South Carolina Col direction of Dr. J. R. Peters. to the womeu of the time. They were manifested her magnanimous spirit. legian, University Magazine, A delThe Princeton Seminary has. a ill-treated, spurned. We read of the We could point many examples of phian, Hampton Library Magazine, theological student who is seventy numberless indignities heaped upon woman's heroism ; but will only Hesperian, Southern Collegian, Unithem, with hatred for their oppress notice those named above. Joan of versity Magazine, Dartmouth, Ob years old. " Better late than never." ors. But, it was not the design 01 Arc, when her native town was server, College Messenger, Indicator, We would suggest to a certain exintention of the Creator, that woman threatened with destruction by an St. Charles College Gazette, Phoanix, change, that it might be advisable should forever live in such onerous invading foe, leaped upon a horse, Perdue, LaFayette, Troy Polytech- to enlarge its sheet, in order to give thraldom. The light of civilization and rushing among the soldiers who nic, College Index, Yanktown Stu the Detroit Free Press more space. Affirmative. State of Georgia. Downing and Gaston. Negative, [Second- Claw Matter.'] Howell aud Ha3r s. Subject for Saturday week: "ReDEM08AND KAPI'A PHI the by Published THENIAN SOCIETIES. solved, That England has progressed more in science, art and litEDITORIAL STAFF. erature, during the last 100 years, T. W. Reed, P. K..............E.litor-in-CMef than the United States." AffirmaP. H. Estes, D................... .Miscellany P. S. Black, P. K........................Local Black and Boston; negative, tive, R. F. Maddoi, D ...................... .Local and Knight. Dobbs ..Society ....... K P. Jr., G. A. Whitehead, Appointments for next Saturday: W. W. Sheppard, P. K............... Alumni A.M. Hartsfleld. D.................Exchange Senior orators, T. W. Reed and Moon; Junior orators, Tale and BUSINESS MANAGER, Oscar Davis, D. Wilcoxon; Sophomore declaimers, The UmvERriiY REPORTER is issued every A CARD. E. W. Rodgers and West. Saturday afternoon during the college year, The election of Spring debaters by the literary societies of the University of Terms, One Dollar per year, strictly in The newspaper notices being somewas set for Saturday next. LITERARY SOCIETIES. advance. alumni Atlanta the C. C. FOE, Pres. confused, what Communications solicited from students and Dr. of funeral the that thinking protein. Sec. 1 to EI.LTS. HAM., communications all Address DEMOSTHENIAN lumni. THE REPORTER, Feb. 4;'1888 j Moll would not occur before SaturAthens, Ga. THE EDITOR. Society met and was called to or day, 28th, ult., delegated one of their and funeral the Comer. attend to der by President Mr. C. F. Finch, a promising young number The great mass of people are enMinutes of preceediug meeting man and a graduate of the Univer- bear a floral emblem of their respect, ignorant of the trials which tirely sity in the class of '87, was thrown veneration and love for their lament- read and adopted. undergoes. Truly average'cditor the Messrs. A. S. Johnson and Toliver from a horse this week in Quitman, ed Chancellor and friend; hut as the after puzzling one hard a is lot his flow Eberhart were nominated and duly Ga., and killed. The sympathies of burial occur/ed Friday, and the somepresent to trying brain, liis time in Athens initiated regular members of the the College go out to the bereaved ers could not reach subpaper's the to readable thing sending the exercises, funeral the for Society. family. emergupon at railed is he scribers, of what was only an outward exThe Society then turned to the from the editorial sanctum. abandoned. was feeling of pression of Election of Spring Debaters, ing head Let it be urged upon the editors is it right that the poor, deluNow, Flowers wither and their sweetness and the following gentlemen were of the REPORTER that they write of human beings (if such set ded their articles before Saturdays, and dies; but the Chancellor's memory elected: Messrs. Sheffield, Ross, j they can be called) should thus be alumni the to Arkwright, Shackelford, Harper and hand them in so that there will be will ever be precious served? Is it just that he should no delay* in getting out the sheet.- -and the general public of Atlanta. Johnson. have the army and navy of some ALUMNUS. The committee reported, the folNothing helps so much as having irate individual turned loose upon lowing question to be dtbated for plenty of copy always on hand. THE CHANCELLORSHIP. him, to cripple his resources and the medal, which was a^j&utcd: Ret. Jpnce blioirid be a necessitate the use of poultices, tioii befoi'e the solved, "That there at questioil other curative lotions? :uec it detenmir,e upontlle kind of sett! property qualification for voting in besides selection the is Trustees of Board once for all, No! answer We is to leave on the campus next comthe United States." of office the till to man suitable a of wish to chastise a public the Does mencement. Such a worthy class W. H. Pope's time, as Junior oramade vacant by the Chancellor, cat even, is not office whose man, a be will that settee a should leave death of Dr. Mull. The Prudential tor, was extended to next Saturday. capable of making a shadow? As fitting reminder of their college days. Ray was appointed Senior orator; Committee from that body have ad puts it in his own There should be no delay in this and Arkwright, Sophomore Josh Billings Johnson to vised President J. J. Gresham will simply quote we terse language, matter. call a meeting for Feb. 17th, in or- declaimers. "There is some says: He him. from The question for debate next SatLet the Senior class have their derthat they might elect a successor. who, rather world this in people urday, "Resolved, That suffrage be pictures taken. Nothing can be The action of the Board on the 17th nil, would at fault any find not than extended to woman." more pleasant than having a group is looked forward to with much inan angle tew say tew hesitate not On motion, the Society then adpicture of the boys with whom one terest by all of the alumni of the was altogether tail his that worm, journed. lias gone through college, and those institution, since it will be of high too long for the rest of his body." COMER, Pres. all and welfare, her to who have been his best friends, as importance Let pessimists complain of hard BRAND, Sec. also his class-mates. A group pic- entertain the hope that a wise and times and innumerable troubles; let ture will not cost much, and no one judicious selection will be made. labor still try to throw dirt on capiVarious names have been proposed PHI-KAPPA HALL, | can afford to be without one. tal; let earthquakes shake the meanFeb. 4,1888 f and the friends of each person arc ness out of people and bring them Society met and was called to orIt has been suggested that we warmly advocating their selection. to repentance; let anything happen; have an honorary Chancellor, who The name ot Rev. Benj. M. Palmer der by Pres. Tate. but, if you please, give the editor a Roll being called, the newly electwill be the head of the University, ot'New Orleans,has been mentioned, rest. ^ and that one of the Professors be but it is hardly probable that he ed President, Mr. C. C. Poe was in. chosen to manage the affairs of the would accept, if elected. Prof. Jo- stalled, together with Messrs. Moone Our friend Lovell has received University. The name of Hon. Jcl- seph LeCoute, of the University of andBennett as 1st and 2nd assists another well-filled box from homo, ferson Davis hrs been mentioned in California, has been suggested as a ants, respectively. and the inhabitants of Edwardsvillo. Mr. Sheppard then responded as this connection. It is claimed that suitable man, but receiving as he together with quite a number of this would spread the fame and rep- does, a salary of $10,000 a year, he Junior orator, and Mr. Jlitchell as other students, will be royally enterutation of the University, but we would hardly resign to accept an Soph, declaimer. tained. Let such boxes come often. Society then turned to head of des cannot see how it could be carried olfice paying $3,000 a year. Prof. YOUN& MAX. out so as not to injure the, interests Leroy Bioun, of Auburn, Ala., Dr. bate, Resolved that theatres are more Debated beneficial. than College, injurious Emory of Hopkins, S. I. of the University. So we favor the The sole basis of prosperity and Judge W. R. Hammond, of Atlanta, affirmatively by Kodgers, E. W., continuance ot the old custom. Col. C. C. Jones, of Augusta, Dr. Sheppaid, Walker and Jones. Neg- omfort is labor. Means obtained We notice in the Banner-Watch- Geriueau, of Columbia, and Gen. atively, Moore, Tate, Bennett and in any other way than by honest, man that a certain person going by Henry R. Jackson, have been prom- Black. Decision given in favor of psrsevering labor, physical or mennegative. tal, never satisfies. Skiff, the jewelthe name of "Athenian" is very jeal- inently mentioned for the place. Subject for next Saturday, Resolv- er is laboring to satisfy his customous of Atlanta in regard to the Among our own professors nearly Chancellorship. While it is true all have been suggested, and we feel ed that there should be a high li- ers by selling them honest goods at that several Atlanta gentlemen have satisfied that they could fill the of- cence on the sale of whiskey iu the very reasonable prices. University Reporter. been mentioned for the place, it does not stand to reason that they or their friends arc going to scheme and plot for their elcection. If there be in Atlanta a man worthy to fill the of iice of Chancellor, we hope that he will be selected, although we favor the selection of one of our professors now at the University. If there is anvthiug which puts a wrong construction upon this matter, it is jealousy, and we are sorry to see "Athenian'' iu such a jealous mood. fice satisfactorily. At the of the Trustees the claims of L-ach will be weighed carefully, did a good selection will be made, Prof. Charbonnier is now as Chancellor, and in all prob will continue to do so until! next Commencement. Senator Brovn is iu favor of waiting until the meeting of the Board in July next, before making a selection. We hope that a fine selection will made, and that our next Chancellor will be one who will fill that oilice as acceptably as our last. I: LOCALS. The glass for the library doors have arrived, and are very handsome. Joe Boston wanted a microscope to look at the eclipse of the moon with the other night. Ask Eberhart, of the Law Class, about his experience with H2S at the Blackwell Island. The Law Class has 21 men at present. Mr. Lane has joined the Law Class of the University. Joe Boston leaves this morning for a short visit to bis home in Marietta. Editor Maddox and Editor Hartsfield will exchange departments on the staff of REI>OKTER editors after this issue. The college orchestra is now iu full bloom. Old friends will meet the student and the goat. Why is life like skating? Because it is full of ups and downs. Lamar Lyndon, while reading an article in one of the daily papers the other day about the arrest and conviction of a noted shop lifter in New York remarked to himself: '-I would like to see any man lift a shop before I'll believe a thing like that. The Juniors have just past the the trials and tribulations of the hemistry, examination. McRee,|trying to spell sea: "I know how: to spell sea; it is s-a-e. No it is s^ee." While his hearers are laughing, he secures a dictionary and spelU the word correctly. Verily, the Junior of the present is deficient injmany respects. Downing, speaking of his composition said: "My language may not be exactly right: but I know my punctuality is perfect." The Kerry Gow will be presented at the Ope-a House next Friday night by a talented troup. Georgia Beta Chapter of S. A. E, Fraternity, this morning bought the lot next to Dr. Benedict's, for the purpose of erecting a club house upon it. This must have been what the BannersWatchmau was icferring to when it stated that a twenty five thousand dollar club house was to be built by the students. The question for debate in the prize contest in the Demosthenian Society, which is to occur on the second Saturday in May, is: "Re solved. That there should be a prop erty qualification for voting in the United States." We expect a good debate upon tins subject. The Phi-Kappas] will elect their Springjlebaters next Saturday. Don't fail to take in Kerry Gow at the Opera House next Friday. Jno. Upshaw knows a good dog when he sees it. That is why he fed the one that walked into his room The Dimosthenian Society this morning early in the morn, and kept it until selected six men well worthy to represent advertised for. Charity has it's reher on the occasion of Spring Debate. ward lOc. Patronize our advertisers, as they patronize us. The excellent skating rink at Beussee's hall has beeu an attraction which has been indulged in by many of the students during the past week. A member of the Junior German class put it this way, in rather doubtful grammar: "Professor, 1 know the books has come( because I seen them." Messrs. Harper, Atkwright, Sheffield, Ros?, Johnson and Shackleford, are the lucky ones. It should now be the purpose of the debaters to make the occasion even more successful than that of '87. They should immediately select a question an d a judge and make the chapel on the appriate night in May ring with the unadulterated Demostheninn eloquence. It would be well for the Phi Kappa's to select their debators in the near future nnd the result will be an eminently successful and interesting display of forensic talent. It is strange that so many of the business men of the town cannot afford (?)a card in the college paper, THE THINGS WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE when the students expend annually in the classic city over one hundred A student leave Athens immethousand dollars among these same diately after the close of college merchants. without waiting over a few days'to The Seniors are in a death grapple see his friends(?). Poe on skates. with "Electricity" and their despair iug cries are pitiable in the extreme. The students treated at least Question in Geology; "How can we civily by tlio "Lord High Execuaccount for oblique damnation? (si- tioner" of the Commercial. The books for enlisting exaini lerice by the class),but presumed by all that the devil-fish was there and nations close at once. had something to do with it." The subscribers to the RE remember the Business Man PORTER Prof, of Chemistry: "Mr. C what ager. is instantaneous combustion?" The lecture rooms better venti Mr. C : "Why, it is that kind lated. that's sooner than quicker." Some Lucy Cobb young ladiesi ante before the audience ; how the who are not resting on their merits, oliiudc of his office was invaded by rof. Strahan, who, with his iaimitake more exercise. able smile, enticed him into conA professor that sympathizes entiug to deliver a lecture; his first with a. student on examination day. mention had been to lecture upon More of the Mystic Soph. Wild Sunlight," but a sober second Cat Club. Their|short but sweet ca bought decided him to treat of reer cannot be so soon forgotten. 'Man's Weapons and Tools." If Some external appearance of lis audience afler hearing his first our $5,000 on the Summey and Stil- ecturc, did not like it, he expressed well houses. us willingness to step over to the Jdiversity, and get his manuscript ALUMNI KOTES. HI SunMght. It is needless to say hat but one lecture was read. Prof. Mr. C. C. Rudicil, graduate of the Jliarbonnier then commenced at the class of'86, is taking his last course nost primitive tools, and showed of lectures in the Atlanta Medical hat the present ones were produced College. iy evolution a fact that caused Mr. W. K. Stansell, of Carters- gladness to the heart of our esteemville, Ga., graduate of the class of id Professor of Chemistry, who was '85, has a position in the Treasury iresent. But a sketch of the lecture Department, Washington, D. C. would be unjust ; let us hope that Mr. J. B. Dudley, of the class of .he lecture will be delivered at an '86, is a student in the Bellvue Hos ;arly date, so that all of theUuiverpit-al, New York, preparing to enter dty may have the privilege of hearthe medical profession. ng it. Mr. W. E. W. Dunson, class of An interesting feature of the even'82, is a rising attorney in the city ng, was the expression of opinions ipon the subject under considera^ of Gainesville, Ga. Messrs. R. F. and A. G. Cassells ,ion by Profs. Wilcox, White, Barof the class of '86, are rising and 'ow and Strahan, who were present, promising young merchants at Me- 3rof. Wilcox's speech was his maiden effort at the Athenaeum, and it Intosh, Ga. Mr. John R. Slater, of class of'81 abounded in "jaw breaking" and is a prominent lawyer in Valdosta, mirth-provoking allusions, which af 'orded a strange contrast to the Ga. eelings which the finals of said We notice that Mr. Ulysses V. professor arouse in the minds of his Whipple, of last year's graduating iollege disciples. class, has been appointed to a clerk The guests were then ushered into ship in the Treasury department at dining room, where delightful he Washington. refreshments were served; and with They are all worthy young men, and may they ever be as prosperous the music of the waltz sounding in our ears, the writer retired, rejoicing as they deserve, and ever keep the proud banners of the grand old Uni that the truth of the chestnut, "jews, niggers and students excluded,'' had versity aloft, and ever up to the been disproven. ' former standard. AT THE ATHEXJSUM. It required all the " weapons and tools" of which the learned lecturer treated last evening, to protect those who were brave enough to venture out, from the inclement *nd rainpenetrating weather. But as the worn out newspaper phraseology goes : "They were amply repaid by the pleasures of the evening for the inconveniences encountered in 'git tingthar.'" A large number of the University's students can testity to the delightful hospitality of the Ath enaeum ; and the delegation from the University last evening, consisting of Messrs. Hai'dwick,Barnes Dauiel. Pope, and Collier, found th evening only too short. The programme was coramencec by a vocal duet, by Mrs. Hodgson and Prof. Strahan. Prof. L. H. Charbonnier, who pre sided, then introduced himself a the speaker of the evening. He ex plained the reasons for his appear RESOLUTIONS OF TEE TENXYSONtA N SOCIETY. At a called meeting of the Tennysonian, last Monday, Miss Annie Smith presented the following preamble and resolutions, which were adopted by a rising vote. B. TARWATER, Sec. Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to remove from us, by death, our loved and respected instructor of Parliamentary Law and Practice, Dr. P. K. Mell, therefore be it Eesolved, 1st. That,. a& a society, we express our heartfelt grief at his death. Resolved, 2nd. That the next reg^ ular meeting of the Society, February 27th, be set apart for a Memorial service. Resolved, 3rd. That our sympathies, as a Society, be extended to the bereaved family, and that the Secretary be instructed to send them aicopy of these resolutions. Y. B. CLIFTON, ARTIST IN MANUFACTURER Ot— Repairing Fine Watcher, Badges and Pins a Specialty. FINE CIGARS, Over LONG'S DRUG STOBE, Corner BROAD STREET and COLLEGE AVE. JUHCS DOKNBIATT, Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco of all grades, also all kinds of Smokers Artilca. FINE CIGARS A SPECIALTY. AnicelctofCar.es. Terms Strictly Cash. UNIVERSITY JEWELER. C. fl. SCUDDER. 51 glatjton fftrcet, Deals in new and second hand guns, shells, wads, caps und all kinds of GUN MOUNTINGS, LONG & TAYLOR, THE LIVE DRUGGISTS, Gons and Rifles rented out at reasonable KEEP A FULL LINE OF CHEMIOAL APABATUS. rates. Special atiention paid to the cleaning and repairing of Bicycles. All Work Guaranteed. HaseJton & Dozier's Music House, FOR MEN'S :F i JST IE s H: O'lE s CALL ON E I. SMITH & CO. Cor Clavton St. and College Avenue. Clayton St. Next to Post Office. MISS VON DER LlETH, Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments, and Novelties. Fine Harmonicas, Violin and Guitar Strings a Specialty. TOYS, GAMES, CHILDREN'S * BOOKS, WAGONS AND VE OCEPDES, 4«M'QUEEN & DURHAM!* AND NEW OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10th. The distinguished Irish Cotnediad and vocalist, GONFEGTIONEBIES. of all ndd. & SLIEIDGKK!. E. W. BURKE, 72 S Cl BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER THE TALENTED LEADING ACTIIB68, FULL LINE OF HARMONICAS, And a superb Dramatic Company. Irish Songs ! Reserved seats to by had *t W. H. Uavis' Thursday morning. n the Commercial Hocel Block on College Ave-' with a full corps of assistants. They solicit the- patronage of the students. joaps, Brushes, Combs, Column* s, Ex'racts, Bay Rum, Spong.'S, Etc. Colgate s cele jrated Cashmere Boquet, and Vin et Toilet Waters. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. THE KERRY Gow, VIRGINIA MARLOWE NEW BARBER SHOP, OF TOILET A.RTICLES, In Fred Marsden's greatest oi all Irish Dramas Played by him with unparalled success for 8 consecutive seasons in all pridciple cities and leading theatres In America. A Comedy-Drama without eqtutl,presenting not only realistic pictun s of Life and Love on the Emerald Isle, bnt an every day tale in every laud. Supported ly -HAVE OPENED UP THEIR- WE KEEP IN STOCK A FULL LINE J. S. MURPHY, Irish Wit! GIVE THEM A CALL. ST. M. MYERS & Co, Call.attention of the students and general public to their select stock of Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Gents Furnishing Goods, fferchandi6e. FRATERNITY PADS A SPECIALTY- And the most complete line of Scarfs Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Gloves, Etc., that can be found in the city. MILES Has lately added to his Dyeing Establishment, near the Episcopal church, a general DAVIS & HARRIS, Cleaning and Repairing Department. PROPRIETORS OF THB PALACE BAKBER SHOP, BROAD STREET, ATHENS GA. Guarantee satisfaction in.their line. Hot and Cold Baths. Call on them. He can make your old clothes look as good as new. solicils your palrnrmitK. MRS. C. BODE Calls the attention of the students to h «r select stock of CANDIES, CAKES and all kinds ot Confectioneries. A full line of Hai monicas, liase Halls and Bats, etc., con stantly on hand. FO R CATARRH THROAT, MOUTH, EYES.&C, ARTISTIC SHOEMAKERS, FOR ARTISTIC USE in fine drawings, Nos. 659 (Crow-quill), 390 and FOR FINE WRITING, No. 303. and Ladies', FOR BROAD WRITING, Nos. S94, 389 and Stub Point, FOR GENERAL WRITING, Nos. 40,, 333, 390 and 301. 170. 849. 604. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. For sale by Druggists. Gold Medal Paris Exposition, 1878. Joseph Gillott i Sons, 91 John St., New Yorlt. THE ATTENTION GO TO W. H. DAVIS SNEAD'S SHOE STORE. ffchocl gtationery, f|lank |fook6 _,._x J JACKSON ST., opposite B.-ff. Office. Do all kinds of repairing on shoes. Fine Stitching, Invisible patching and putting in Elastics a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed. FOR TOOR Musical Instrumenes and Strings. Harmoni cas a specialty. Broad Street §amuel fj. Jfenedict, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office 59 CLAXTON STREET, next door to thePost-Offlce. Residence BROAD ST., Opposite Campus. TELEPHONE NO. 24 B Y YOUR DRGUS FROM GEO; W. RUSH, COLLEGE AVENUE. ORR & HUNTER, BRUMBY'S DRUG STORE, DEALERS IN On COLLEGE AVENUE, is headquarter* lor COAL. Office opposite Opera House, above Hulme's Store, THOMAS STREET. Of the Students is called to the NEW AND SELECTED Stock of FINE SHOES at The Beat (3.00 Shoe in the Market. r HARRIS & MACK, IJPens He guarantees satisfaction and THE RELIABLE TAILOR SHOP, TOM JHCKSOJi ftPURE * DRUGSH and all kinds of PATENT MEDICINES. A full line of Cologne, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Brusht>» and Teeth Powders. A fine asaortment of tfce best grades ot Cigars and Tobacco on hand. J. Z. COOPER & SON, Call attention of the students and genera public tr their selectst ock of The Tailor, can be found over Max Joseph's HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. store. Cleaning and repairing neatly done. The finest in the city can be oil The cutting tndmakinu of pants a speriattv. tained at the turn-outs most reasonable prices at their Give him a Call. stables on MARKET AND THOMAS STS.