Appendix A Nuclear Attack Risk Checklist

FM 3-14/MCRP 3-37.1A
Appendix A
Nuclear Attack Risk Checklist
Threat Capabilities and Intentions
Yes or Possible
Enemy’s national policy permits nuclear weapons use?
Enemy has nuclear employment doctrine?
Enemy would doctrinally target unit?
Enemy is capable of locating unit?
Enemy is trained and equipped to operate in nuclear environment?
Enemy has internal warning system?
Is there a production capability?
Other sources of radioactive material, such as nuclear power or
waste plants?
Has enemy purchased materiel/technology from other countries to
support infrastructure?
Are there known terrorist threat capabilities?
Are there connections to known terrorist supporting countries?
Are there known nuclear warheads?
Is there a known stockpile?
Are nuclear munitions present in our area of interest?
Are units within nuclear delivery systems’ (aerial, missiles, artillery,
unconventional forces, other) ranges?
Favorable conditions, such as weather and terrain, exist for
Intelligence sources (electronic or human) show probable use?
Enemy has used nuclear weapons in theater?