MATH 511 Spring 2011 Midterm Exam #2 Explain your answers carefully! 1. (15 points) Evaluate I cos (z + 1) dz 3 |z|=1 z − 4z so that f is analytic inside |z| = 1. By Solution: Let f (z) = cosz 2(z+1) −4 the Cauchy integral formula it follows that I I f (z) πi cos 1 cos (z + 1) dz = = 2πif (0) = − 3 2 |z|=1 z |z|=1 z − 4z Alternatively, a partial fractions decomposition of the integrand could be used. 2. (15 points) If f is an entire function and |f (z)| ≤ ex if z = x + iy, show that f (z) = Cez for some constant C, |C| ≤ 1. z Solution: Let g(z) = fe(z) z . Since e 6= 0 for any z, it follows that g is entire and |f (z)| |f (z)| |g(z)| = = ≤1 |ez | ex for all z. By Liouville’s theorem g must be a constant C so f (z) = Cez and clearly |C| ≤ 1 must hold. 3. (20 points) Let G = {z : |z| < 1, Im z > 0} be the upper half of B(0, 1). If S is the MoĢbius transformation iz S(z) = z−1 what is the image under S of G? Solution: The boundary of G may be regarded as the union of E1 and E2 where E1 is the real axis from −1 to 1 and E2 is the upper half MATH 511 Spring 2011 Midterm Exam #2 of the unit circle. The image of either this line or this circle under S is a line since both contain z = 1 which gets mapped to ∞. Computing the images of 0, 1, ∞ we see that E1 gets mapped to a part of the line through 0, i, that is, the imaginary axis, and computing the image of −1, i, 1 we see that E2 is mapped to a part of the horizontal line through i/2 and (1 + i)/2. The image of G then must be one of the four quadrants these two lines divide the plane into. By considering the orientations, or just by checking a point, we see that it is the lower right quadrant, i.e. 1 S(G) = {z = x + iy ∈ C : x > 0, y < } 2 4. (15 points) Find and classify all isolated singularities of the function f (z) = z e2z − 1 Solution: The isolated singularities of f are those points z for which e2z = 1, namely z = kπi for any integer k. For k = 0 we notice that lim f (z) = z→0 1 2 so this singularity is removable. For all other choice of k we have lim (z − kπi)f (z) = z→kπi kπi 2 so that these are all simple poles. 5. (20 points) Suppose that f is holomorphic in B(0, 1) and satisfies |f (z)| ≤ 1 1 − |z| |z| < 1 00 Show that |f 00 (0)| ≤ 27 2 . (Hint: first show that |f (0)| ≤ r ∈ (0, 1), then optimize with respect to r.) Page 2 2 r2 (1−r) for any MATH 511 Spring 2011 Midterm Exam #2 Solution: Use the generalized Cauchy integral formula with n = 2 and a = 0, I 2 f (w) 00 f (0) = dw 0<r<1 2πi |z|=r w3 to get 1 f (w) |f 00 (0)| ≤ max 3 2πr π |w|=r w Using the assumption on f it follows that |f 00 (0)| ≤ 2 r2 (1 − r) for any r < 1. Now make a choice of r to minimize the right hand side (equivalently maximize r2 (1 − r)). The optimal value is r = 2/3 leading to |f 00 (0)| ≤ 27 2. 6. (15 points) If f is continuous on an interval [a, b] ⊂ R, use Morera’s Theorem to show that Z b F (z) = e−tz f (t) dt a is an entire function of z. Solution: If T is any triangle in C we have I I I Z b Z b −tz −tz F (z) dz = e f (t) dt = f (t) e dz dt T T a a T by Fubini’s Theorem. Since e−tz is an entire function of z for any fixed H −tz H t, it follows that T e dz = 0 for all t, hence T F (z) dz = 0 for any such triangle. F is clearly continuous, so by Morera’s Theorem it is analytic on any open set. (Note that F is the Laplace transform of f if we regard f as defined to be zero outside of [a, b].) Page 3