Seminars and Colloquia 2009 - 2010 Colloquia

Seminars and Colloquia 2009 - 2010
October 7th
A Dynamic-Logical Perspective on Epistemology
Sonja Smets, University of Groningen
October 28th
A Ricci Curvature Tensor By Any Other Name
Mark Colyvan, University of Syndney
October 30th
Naturalizing Normativity
Mark Colyvan, University of Syndney
May 4th
Walter Banker: The Conjunction Fallacy Reconsidered
Stephan Hartmann, Tilburg University
May 4th
Social Heuristics That Make Us Smart
Raplph Hertwig, University of Basel
June 1st
Meta-Induction and Social Learning
Gerhard Schurz, Universitu of Düsseldorf
June 1st
The Extremely Improbable
Alan Hájek, Australian National University
Epistemology and Philosophy of Science: Winter Semester
September 10th
The Bounded Strength of Weak Expectations
Jan Sprenger, TiLPS
September 24th
The Role of Experts in the Epistemology of Economics
Carlo Martini, TiLPS
October 1st
Michael Strevens: The Causal and Unification Approaches to Explanantion Unified - Causally
Reading Group
October 15th
Contextualism Tested
Dorette van der Tholen, TiLPS
October 29th
EPSA/NWO aftermath
Working Group
November 5th
Individual and Social Preferences
Chiara Lisciandra, TiLPS
December 3rd
Social Ontological Approaches to the Fundamental Problems of
the Social Sciences
Egemen Nisanci, Tilburg University
Logic and Language: Winter Semester
September 8th
A Dynamic Logic of Belief and Intention
Eric Pacuit, TiLPS
September 22nd
Barriers to Implication
Gillian Russell, Washington University and TiLPS
October 6th
Towards an Intensional Semantics for Fregean Predicates
Kristina Liefke, TiLPS
October 20th
Articulating the Value of Truth
Filip Buekens, TiLPS
November 10th
The Analytic/Synthetic Distinction
Gillian Russell, Washington University and TiLPS
November 24th
The Inquisitive Turn: A New Perspective on Semantics, Logic,
and Pragmatics
Jeroen Groenendijk, ILLC, Amsterdam (tentative)
December 8th
The Logics of Ancient Greek Tense and Aspect
Corien Bary, Radboud University Nijmegen
Epistemology and Philosophy of Science: Spring Semester
February 9th
Measurement and Robustness
Eran Tal, TiLPS
March 9th
On the Purely Instrumental Value of True Belief
Torsten Wilholt, University of Bielefeld
March 16th
What Is Scientific Philosophy?
Stephan Hartmann and Jan Sprenger, TiLPS
April 6th
Investigating Human Inference in a Probability Logic Framework
Niki Pfeifer, University Salzburg
April 27th
A Puzzle about Belief Updating
Carlo Martini, TiLPS
May 11th
Part 1: Moral Conformity
Chiara Lisciandra, TiLPS
May 11th
Part 2: Particularistic Culture and Corruption: A Theoretical and
Experimental Approach
Ting Jiang, Tilburg
Logic and Language: Spring Semester
February 4th
The Problem of the Safety of the Agenda in Judgment Aggregation
Ulle Endriss, ILLC
March 4th
A Copy of Several Reverse Mathematics
Sam Sanders, University of Ghent
March 18th
The Evidential View of Reference-rules
Filip Buekens, TiLPS
April 8th
Quantifier Processing
Jakub Szymanik, ILLC
April 22nd
Between Logic and Common Sense: Word Meaning and Sentence
Meaning in Natural Language
Yoad Winter, Utrecht University
May 6th
Modal Interpretations of Temporal Expressions
Stefan Kaufmann, Northwestern/Göttingen
June 10th
Polynomials, Divine Language?
Michiel de Smet, Ghent University
June 10th
Part 1: Polynomials, Divine Language?
Michiel de Smet, Ghent University
June 10th
Part 2: Assertoric Semantics
Stefan Wintein, Tilburg University