Cat Conondrum Contest Answers 1. Caterer. Business card. (GIVEN) 2. Catalonia - Map area on notice board (top left) 3. Catalogue. Crossword clue – “ordered list…” 4. Catalytic converter. 5. Catamaran. 6. Catapult - slingshot on curtain. 7. Cat Burglar. 8. Catch/ catching a ball on the Players Cigarettes card. 9. Catch phrase - “It’s the way I tell ‘em”. 10. Catch 22 - title of book on shelf. 11. Caterpillar. 12. Catfish. 13. Catgut - thread with needle in drawer. 14. Cathedral. 15. Cattle. 16. Catherine. Queen Catherine of Aragon. 17. Catherine wheel firecracker (Brock’s). 18. Catheter - tube below right cat’s paw. 19. Cat o’nine tails. 20. Cat’s cradle - String game on paws of cats. 21. Cathode ray tube - Diagram in curtain. 22. Catholic - Pope. 23. Catkin – plant, bottom left. 24. Cat suit. 25. Catsup. 26. 3120. coded word for cat on note paper 27. Cat. coded word for cat on Scrabble tiles 28. Catachresis. Incorrect use of words on sign tacked to window frame. 29. Catafalque - Bier/coffin holder. 30. Catalpa. Plant. 31. Catchline. Headline for ad. Part of newspaper cutting under cat. 32. “Cathy’s” word in gilded letters on window (partly hidden by curtain). 33. Tiny black cat next to cow. 34. Cattle Egret – bird on top of cattle/cow. 35. Catnip. Plant. 36. Cat Stevens -musician– upside down banner 37. Album Title “Teaser and the Firecat” for Cat Stevens 38. Cat. Scattered police style words. Charlie. Alpha. Tango. 39. Cat No.1. large cat featured in illustration (left). 40. Cat No.2. large cat featured in illustration (right). 41. Gatto - Italian for cat. Part of caterer’s card. 42. Cataract – small blue eye diagram etching on notice board. 43. Catacomb - Ticket stub to a catacomb in drawer. 44. Cat… - Border coded word from “Cathy”. 45. Cat… - Border coded word from “Cat Conundrum”. OTHERS ANSWERS ACCEPTED 46. Cat flap. Crossword clue. 47. Catchment area. German word on flag pinned into map circle. 48. Cat’s eye. Diagram. 49. Cat - spelled out in Morse code on outer tiled border. 50. Catbrain. M517 on catamaran. Images used to fool you – not accepted: 1. Katherine Parr. 2. Semaphore spelling DOG. 3. Music sheet with notes C and A, but there is no T in music. To solve the code on the drawer edge and the border: Use one letter back in the alphabet for the actual letter for the code solution. A=B, B=C, C=D, and so on. So “The one ADENQD will add two to your score.” “The one BEFORE will add two to your score.” The tiles in the border will spell out the official title of the puzzle: “CAN YOU CRACK CATHY’S OLD CURIOSITY SHOP CAT CONUNDRUM?”