High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results Table 1. 1997-98 to 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results Statewide Summary Reading and Mathematics Reading Number Tested Mean Scale Score 1997-98 Mathematics* Percent Students at Achievement Levels III, IV Percent Students at Achievement Level I Number Tested Mean Scale Score Percent Students at Achievement Levels III, IV Percent Students at Achievement Level I 73,976 55.6% 73,635 54.9% 163.3 11.9% 174.3 14.9% 147 Standard Deviation 10.2 1998-99 75,660 61.1% 75,527 61.4% 164.8 8.8% 176.3 11.8% 13.5 Standard Deviation 9.8 1999-00 77,360 61.7% 77,096 64.7% 164.9 8.8% 177.5 10.5% 13.6 Standard Deviation 9.8 2000-01 80,692 61.6% 80,492 66.8% 164.9 9.5% 178.4 9.8% Standard Deviation 10.0 13.8 14.1 Notes: *The North Carolina mathematics tests measure the competencies in the 1998 North Carolina mathematics curriculum beginning in the 2000-01 school year. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. Table 2. 1997-98 to 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level by Gender and Ethnicity Reading Achievement Levels Female Male American Indian Asian Black Hispanic MultiRacial White 11.9 8.8 8.8 9.5 7.0 5.4 5.5 5.7 17.0 12.2 12.3 13.5 19.1 15.0 17.6 17.7 9.9 9.6 10.6 9.1 19.1 15.7 16.0 16.3 15.1 12.7 12.0 13.7 8.1 6.8 6.6 7.1 8.8 5.7 5.6 6.5 32.5 30.2 29.4 28.9 31.1 28.8 27.7 27.5 34.0 31.5 31.2 30.3 41.8 42.2 40.3 38.4 30.5 30.3 31.4 27.5 46.1 45.9 44.6 43.7 39.9 38.8 39.4 38.5 26.4 27.4 22.8 26.5 26.7 23.2 22.8 22.4 41.0 45.2 45.4 44.9 45.5 48.6 48.9 49.0 36.4 41.7 41.8 40.8 34.2 37.8 36.4 37.9 40.2 40.3 40.4 41.6 31.0 34.6 35.5 35.8 36.6 39.8 40.3 39.8 43.8 45.6 51.5 49.4 45.4 50.0 49.8 49.0 14.6 15.9 16.4 16.7 16.4 17.3 17.9 17.9 12.6 14.6 14.8 15.5 4.9 5.0 5.7 6.0 19.4 19.9 17.5 21.8 3.7 3.8 3.8 4.2 8.4 8.8 8.3 8.1 21.7 20.3 19.2 16.9 19.1 21.1 21.8 22.2 All Students Level I Students performing at Achievement Level I do not have 1998 sufficient mastery of knowledge and skills in the subject area 1999 to be successful at the next grade level. 2000 2001 Level II Students performing at Achievement Level II demonstrate inconsistent mastery of knowledge and skills in the subject area and are minimally prepared to be successful at the next grade level. 1998 1999 2000 2001 Level III 148 Students performing at Achievement Level III consistently demonstrate mastery of the grade level subject matter and skills and are well-prepared for the next grade level. 1998 1999 2000 2001 Level IV Students performing at Achievement Level IV consistently perform in a superior manner clearly beyond that required to be proficient at grade level work. 1998 1999 2000 2001 High School Comprehensive Test Achievement Level Ranges - Reading Level I 132-150 Level II 151-162 Level III 163-174 Notes: Percents are rounded to the nearest tenth. Due to rounding, data may not add to 100%. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. Level IV 175-201 Table 3. 1997-98 to 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level by Gender and Ethnicity Mathematics* Achievement Levels Female Male American Indian 14.9 11.8 10.5 9.8 12.8 10.6 9.2 8.2 17.1 12.9 11.9 11.5 24.2 16.7 18.7 16.0 7.8 8.1 7.4 6.6 26.2 22.9 20.6 18.7 18.3 15.2 14.7 14.8 15.7 11.6 10.3 8.5 10.2 7.1 6.3 6.0 30.2 26.8 24.8 23.4 30.1 26.9 24.6 23.5 30.3 26.7 25.0 23.4 41.2 38.4 36.3 31.2 18.8 21.2 19.2 16.9 42.0 40.3 38.6 37.0 37.8 34.6 31.7 30.6 25.7 27.9 23.7 23.4 25.3 21.0 19.0 17.6 38.8 42.0 42.6 42.3 41.6 43.9 45.0 44.5 35.9 39.9 40.2 40.2 29.9 38.6 37.3 41.1 38.5 35.6 39.7 36.8 28.6 32.5 35.1 37.4 35.9 39.5 43.2 42.5 36.4 39.9 44.8 45.3 43.3 46.2 45.8 44.5 16.0 19.4 22.1 24.4 15.5 18.5 21.3 23.9 16.6 20.5 22.9 25.0 4.8 6.2 7.7 11.7 34.9 35.1 33.7 39.7 3.2 4.3 5.8 6.9 8.0 10.7 10.3 12.1 22.1 20.7 21.2 22.9 21.2 25.7 28.9 31.9 All Students Asian Black Hispanic MultiRacial White Level I Students performing at Achievement Level I do not have 1998 sufficient mastery of knowledge and skills in the subject area 1999 to be successful at the next grade level. 2000 2001 Level II Students performing at Achievement Level II demonstrate inconsistent mastery of knowledge and skills in the subject area and are minimally prepared to be successful at the next grade level. 1998 1999 2000 2001 Level III 149 Students performing at Achievement Level III consistently demonstrate mastery of the grade level subject matter and skills and are well-prepared for the next grade level. 1998 1999 2000 2001 Level IV Students performing at Achievement Level IV consistently perform in a superior manner clearly beyond that required to be proficient at grade level work. 1998 1999 2000 2001 High School Comprehensive Test Achievement Level Ranges - Mathematics Level I 141-159 Level II 160-171 Level III 172-188 Level IV 189-226 Notes: *The North Carolina mathematics tests measure the competencies in the 1998 North Carolina mathematics curriculum beginning in the 2000-01 school year. Percents are rounded to the nearest tenth. Due to rounding, data may not add to 100%. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. Table 4. 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results Performance of Academically Gifted, Exceptional, Limited English Proficient and Title I Students Percent At or Percent At or Average Average Above Level IIIAbove Level III Scale Score Scale Score Number Category All Students Not Exceptional Academically Gifted AG Reading AG Math Students with Disabilities Behaviorally-Emotionally Handicapped Hearing Impaired Educable Mentally Handicapped Specific Learning Disabled LD Reading LD Math LD Written Expression LD Other Speech-Language Impaired Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Orthopedically Impaired Traumatic Brain Injured Autistic Severe/Profound Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf-Blind Trainable Mentally Disabled Section 504 Limited English Proficient Not Served by Title I Schoolwide Title I Program Targeted Assistance Migrant Percent1 100.0 83.0 9.3 5.7 5.5 7.7 0.5 0.1 1.1 4.8 3.0 2.0 3.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 Reading2 61.6 61.4 95.7 95.8 95.8 21.4 17.5 25.6 2.2 23.8 16.8 19.5 23.8 23.1 26.9 48.6 31.6 48.6 * 41.2 * * * * 41.5 Mathematics2 66.8 67.0 97.4 97.1 97.8 27.3 16.2 37.8 3.4 32.4 29.2 21.2 34.1 26.7 25.4 52.9 33.1 38.9 * 35.3 * * * * 48.2 Reading 164.9 164.7 175.1 175.4 175.2 154.8 153.5 155.8 148.9 155.6 153.9 154.3 155.6 156.1 157.8 162.7 157.7 159.2 * 158.5 * * * * 160.5 Mathematics 178.4 177.7 194.6 194.8 195.7 165.9 162.8 168.1 157.8 167.5 166.5 164.4 168.0 166.2 166.8 174.9 168.2 170.7 * 168.7 * * * * 172.7 748 0.9 21.8 38.6 155.6 169.1 78,748 1,184 31 93 88,871 97.6 1.5 0.0 0.1 61.9 37.7 48.4 32.3 67.2 39.9 41.9 40.9 165.0 159.1 159.7 158.3 178.5 169.6 170.8 170.1 Tested 80,692 66,748 7,507 4,566 4,457 6,164 411 82 901 3,898 2,404 1,636 3,061 104 67 35 661 37 22 34 0 8 2 6 571 Notes: *No scores are reported for groups with fewer than thirty students. 1 Percents for "Not Exceptional" through "Trainable Mentally Disabled" are based on the sum of the students in those categories. Percents for "Section 504" through "Migrant" as well as AG and LD categories are based on the number tested in the "All Students" category. 2 The standard for grade-level proficiency is a test score at Level III or above on high school comprehensive tests in reading and mathematics. The "All Students" and "Not Exceptional" categories are shown for the purpose of comparison. "Not Exceptional," "Academically Gifted" and "Students with Disabilities" do not sum to "All Students" because some student answer sheets were not coded completely. All data are rounded to the nearest tenth, therefore, exceptional categories may not sum to 100%. "Number Tested" is the number of students who took the high school comprehensive test in reading. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. 156 Table 5. 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results Performance of Students Using Accommodations Category All Students Braille Edition Large Print Assistive Technology Braille Writer Cranmer Abacus Dictation to Scribe Interpreter Signs Test** Magnification Devices Student Marks in Test Book Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud** Use of Typewriter or Word Processor Hospital/Home Testing Multiple Test Sessions Scheduled Extended Time Testing in a Separate Room English/Native Language Dictionary/Electronic Translator One Test Item per Page Percent At or Percent At or Average Average Number Above Level IIIAbove Level III Scale Score Scale Score Tested Percent Reading Mathematics Reading Mathematics 80,692 100.0 61.6 66.8 164.9 178.4 5 0.0 * * * * 25 0.0 * * * * 8 0.0 * * * * 4 0.0 * * * * 0 0.0 * * * * 22 0.0 * * * * 16 0.0 * * * * 7 0.0 * * * * 810 1.0 18.8 24.0 154.3 164.9 1,999 2.5 6.7 15.1 151.3 162.4 9 0.0 * * * * 41 0.1 51.2 46.2 161.0 169.8 404 0.5 15.1 20.3 153.7 163.7 4,417 5.5 21.3 28.5 155.0 166.3 3,521 4.4 15.7 23.1 153.5 164.6 237 0.3 20.3 43.6 155.4 170.5 0 0.0 * * * * Notes: *No scores are reported for groups with fewer than thirty students. Accommodations reported may have been implemented only for reading, only for mathematics, or for both portions of the test. Accommodations are available for students with disabilities, limited English proficiency or temporary disabilities. All data rounded to the nearest tenth, therefore, accommodation categories may not sum to 100%. "Number tested" is the number of students who took the High School Comprehensive test in reading. **The "Interpreter Signs Test" and "Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud" accommodations are prohibited from use during the administration of tests that measure reading skills. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. 157 Table 6. 2000-01 High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results Participation of Students with Special Needs** High School Comprehensive Statewide* All Students with IEPs Standard Administration With Accommodations NCCATS Accommodation Pilot*** Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled Hearing Impaired Educable Mentally Disabled Specific Learning Disabled Speech-Language Impaired Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Orthopedically Impaired Traumatic Brain Injured Autistic Severe/Profound Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf-Blind Trainable Mentally Disabled Alternate Assessments NCAAAI Pilot*** Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled Hearing Impaired Educable Mentally Disabled Specific Learning Disabled Speech-Language Impaired Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Orthopedically Impaired Traumatic Brain Injured Autistic Severe/Profound Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf-Blind Trainable Mentally Disabled NCAAP**** Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled Hearing Impaired Educable Mentally Disabled Specific Learning Disabled Speech-Language Impaired Visually Impaired Other Health Impaired Orthopedically Impaired Traumatic Brain Injured Autistic Severe/Profound Mentally Disabled Multihandicapped Deaf-Blind Trainable Mentally Disabled All Students Identified Only Under Section 504** Standard Administration With Accommodations NCCATS Accommodation Pilot*** Alternate Assessments NCAAAI*** NCAAP**** All Limited English Proficient Students** Standard Administration With Accommodations Not Participating First Year Second Year Reading Tested Percent Mathematics Tested Percent 85,570 7,860 6,164 5,587 783 32 4 455 165 3 3 43 4 7 10 5 14 0 38 100.0 9.2 7.2 6.5 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 85,570 7,860 6,154 5,587 779 32 5 454 166 3 3 41 4 7 11 5 14 0 34 100.0 9.2 7.2 6.5 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 198 7 2 118 22 0 0 14 2 0 10 0 5 0 18 270 1 0 50 1 0 0 8 1 1 26 43 38 0 101 604 571 352 5 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.0 201 7 2 118 21 0 0 14 2 1 10 2 5 0 19 270 1 0 50 1 0 0 8 1 1 26 43 38 0 101 604 569 352 3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.0 0 0 1,025 748 452 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.9 0.5 0 0 1,025 743 452 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.9 0.5 139 109 0.2 0.1 139 109 0.1 0.1 Notes: *Actual student membership is used for the statewide N-counts. **Due to miscoding or rounding, some columns may not add up to the total. These data represent coding on the 2000-01 high school comprehensive test answer sheets. These data do not reflect the actual number of alternate assessments scored for the 2000-01 school year. ***NCCATS is the North Carolina Computerized Adaptive Testing System accommodation and the NCAAAI is the North Carolina Alternate Assessment Academic Inventory; both were pilots for the 2000-01 school year. ****NCAAP is the North Carolina Alternate Assessment Portfolio. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. 158 Table 7. 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results Characteristics and Performance Percent 100.0 Percent At or Percent At or Above Level III Above Level III Reading Mathematics 61.6 66.8 Average Scale Score Reading 164.9 Average Scale Score Mathematics 178.4 All Students N 80,692 Gender Male Female 40,032 40,657 49.6 50.4 56.3 66.8 65.2 68.3 163.6 166.2 178.2 178.6 Ethnic Group American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Other 997 1,636 21,872 2,054 686 53,387 39 1.2 2.0 27.1 2.6 0.9 66.2 0.1 43.9 63.4 40.0 47.9 66.3 71.2 51.3 52.8 76.5 44.3 54.6 68.2 76.4 45.0 160.5 165.9 159.9 161.6 165.8 167.1 162.0 172.9 184.2 170.5 173.4 178.3 181.8 173.4 Parental Education Did not finish high school High school graduate After high school education Trade or business school Community college Four-year college degree Graduate school 4,909 19,706 8,018 2,970 14,044 19,586 8,928 6.3 25.2 10.3 3.8 18.0 25.1 11.4 34.9 46.6 64.3 58.5 63.7 73.3 84.0 42.8 54.5 68.1 62.0 69.2 77.1 86.3 158.7 161.3 165.0 163.7 165.0 167.8 171.6 170.0 173.5 177.8 176.4 178.1 182.5 188.5 Hours of Homework (per week) None assigned 1,555 Assigned but not done 2,564 1 hour or less 18,524 1 to 3 hours 35,105 More than 3, less than 5 hours 11,849 Between 5-10 hours 7,508 More than 10 hours 2,088 2.0 3.2 23.4 44.3 15.0 9.5 2.6 26.2 44.4 47.4 61.3 76.6 85.1 85.4 28.4 51.5 54.5 66.5 80.8 88.2 88.3 155.4 160.4 161.5 164.6 168.6 171.3 172.3 166.3 173.5 173.7 177.5 183.8 188.1 190.7 Days Absent (so far this year) 0-7 days 54,687 8-14 days 16,910 15-21 days 5,035 More than 21 days 3,053 68.6 21.2 6.3 3.8 66.3 55.8 47.2 37.2 72.2 60.1 50.5 37.8 166.1 163.4 161.3 158.8 180.4 175.5 172.4 168.9 Notes: "N" is the number of students who took the High School Comprehensive test in reading. Students may identify more than one "Courses Taken" or "Use of Outside Reading," therefore, "N" will be greater than "All Students" and "Percent" will sum to greater than 100. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. 159 Table 7. 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results Characteristics and Performance (continued) N Percent Percent At or Percent At or Above Level III Above Level III Reading Mathematics Average Scale Score Reading Average Scale Score Mathematics Use of Outside Readings* Class Discussions Oral Reports Quizzes Essays Apply to activity Apply to course project No Follow-up 46,867 20,816 45,382 35,068 28,625 14,363 5,722 58.1 25.8 56.2 43.5 35.5 17.8 7.1 69.3 68.0 67.6 72.6 72.6 76.0 53.1 74.1 72.7 72.6 76.9 77.1 80.5 58.7 166.7 166.5 166.3 167.5 167.4 168.7 162.8 180.8 180.5 180.2 182.1 181.7 183.8 175.7 Use of Graphing Calculator No regular access Has access, doesn't use Uses 1-2 times a month Uses 1-2 times a week Uses daily 13,263 11,647 10,129 13,648 30,372 16.8 14.7 12.8 17.3 38.4 48.9 61.2 56.5 62.5 69.6 51.9 65.5 61.2 68.1 76.2 161.6 164.5 163.5 165.1 167.2 172.5 177.1 175.6 178.7 182.7 Courses Taken* Pre-Algebra Algebra IA Algebra I or IB Technical Math Geometry Algebra II Advanced Math Science - outside reading Science - no outside reading Social Studies - reading Social Studies - no reading Vocational - reading Vocational - no reading No Sci., SS, or Voc. 42,077 27,553 56,266 5,697 46,022 22,631 2,807 47,665 17,597 48,054 12,937 18,848 13,841 1,360 52.2 34.2 69.7 7.1 57.0 28.1 3.5 59.1 21.8 59.6 16.0 23.4 17.2 1.7 69.2 51.5 68.1 50.1 78.5 90.1 90.6 66.6 69.6 69.2 69.9 73.0 77.2 26.5 73.4 56.9 74.0 56.6 85.2 95.3 94.0 71.9 73.5 74.2 74.4 77.9 81.8 31.8 166.8 162.4 166.5 162.1 168.8 172.4 174.8 166.0 167.2 166.7 167.0 167.2 168.5 156.6 181.1 174.3 180.7 174.3 184.4 192.0 198.5 179.8 181.7 180.9 181.4 181.5 183.7 167.6 4,556 5.7 39.3 44.3 159.3 171.0 333 0.4 56.2 58.3 162.7 175.1 Student Took Make-up Test Yes Misadministration Yes Notes: "N" is the number of students who took the High School Comprehensive test in reading. Students may identify more than one "Courses Taken" or "Use of Outside Reading," therefore, "N" will be greater than "All Students" and "Percent" will sum to greater than 100. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. 160 Table 8. 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results Teacher Evaluation and Performance Percent At or Percent At or Above Level III Above Level III Reading Mathematics Average Scale Score Reading Average Scale Score Mathematics N Percent All Students 80,692 100.0 61.6 66.8 164.9 178.4 Teacher Evaluation - Reading Expected Grade A Expected Grade B Expected Grade C Expected Grade D Expected Grade F 12,280 24,650 23,814 10,336 3,701 16.4 33.0 31.8 13.8 5.0 90.0 73.3 51.3 35.7 26.7 91.2 77.6 58.4 42.7 35.4 172.9 167.1 162.3 159.0 156.9 190.0 181.2 174.6 170.3 168.1 Assessed as Level 1 Assessed as Level 2 Assessed as Level 3 Assessed as Level 4 8,275 21,857 29,874 13,559 11.3 29.7 40.6 18.4 27.0 44.5 70.3 92.2 34.2 52.2 75.4 92.7 156.8 161.0 166.4 173.3 167.9 172.9 180.0 190.5 Teacher Evaluation - Math Expected Grade A Expected Grade B Expected Grade C Expected Grade D Expected Grade F 10,392 21,359 23,566 12,087 5,990 14.2 29.1 32.1 16.5 8.2 89.4 73.7 55.6 41.3 33.5 93.7 80.2 62.3 45.1 34.0 172.8 167.4 163.3 160.1 158.3 192.1 182.2 175.6 170.7 167.7 Assessed as Level 1 Assessed as Level 2 Assessed as Level 3 Assessed as Level 4 11,725 23,374 26,646 12,144 15.9 31.6 36.1 16.4 35.2 50.7 71.2 91.0 36.9 56.6 78.0 95.2 158.7 162.2 166.7 173.1 168.5 173.8 181.1 192.5 Notes: "N" is the number of students who took the High School Comprehensive test in reading. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. 161 Table 9. 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Test Goal Summary Report Developmental Score Number of Mean Observations* 164.9 80,692 READING (Average of Averages) GOAL 1: Use strategies and processes that enhance control of communications skills development. GOAL 2: Use language for the acquisition, interpretation, and application of information. Obj 2.1: Identify, collect or select information and ideas. Obj 2.2: Analyze, synthesize, and organize information and ideas and discover related ideas, concepts or generalizations. Obj 2.3: Apply, extend, and expand on information and concepts. GOAL 3: Obj 3.1: Obj 3.2: Obj 3.3: Use language for critical analysis and evaluation. Assess the validity and accuracy of information and ideas Determine the value of information and ideas Develop criteria and evaluate the quality, relevance, and importance of the information and ideas MATHEMATICS (Average of Averages) 178.4 80,492 # of Items 71 Percent Correct** 18 65.5 163 54 55.6 59.6 72 37 53.2 54.5 32 4 13 59.5 67.1 15 53.4 70 GOAL 1: Obj 1.1: Obj 1.2: Obj 1.3: Numerical Relationships Perform operations with real numbers Solve problems involving number theory Solve problems using ratios, proportions, and percents 21 3 9 9 61.7 51.7 GOAL 2: Obj 2.1: Obj 2.2: Obj 2.3: Obj 2.4: Obj 2.5: Growth and Measurement Geometric problems using two and three-dimensional shapes Solve problems using properties of angles, lines, and planes Solve problems using perimeter, area, and volume formulas Solve problems using right triangle relationships Transform polygons in the coordinate plane 63 18 9 15 12 9 47.2 53.7 57.7 35.1 42.4 50.2 72 13 12 14 14 51.4 57.1 56.7 51.6 46.3 14 5 42.4 62.3 54 23 21 10 46.8 58.8 40.4 32.3 GOAL 3: Obj 3.1: Obj 3.2: Obj 3.3: Obj 3.4: Obj 3.5: Algebraic Concepts Use the language of algebra and formulas to solve problems Demonstrate an understanding of relations and functions Graph and use linear equations and inequalities Solve problems that involve nonlinear equations Use an appropriate method to solve problems involving systems of equations and inequalities Obj 3.6: Perform operations with polynomials GOAL 4: Obj 4.1: Obj 4.2: Obj 4.3: Data Analysis Solve real world problems using statistics Solve real world problems using probability Fit a line or curve to a set of data NUMBER OF STUDENTS TAKING FORM A --------26,881 B --------27,017 60.4 C --------26,794 Notes: * “Number of Observations” includes students who attempted at least one item on the test. ** “Percent Correct” is the number of correct responses to an item divided by the number of students who took that item summed over all items for a goal or objective divided by the number of items for that goal or objective. Data received from LEAs after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. 162 Table 10. 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Test Distribution of Scale Scores - Reading NUMBER OF STUDENTS WITH VALID SCORES* 80,692 MEAN 164.9 HIGH SCORE 198 LOW SCORE 132 STATE PERCENTILES 90 75 50 (MEDIAN) 25 10 SCALE SCORE 177.37 172.07 165.40 158.28 150.83 SCALE CUMULATIVE CUMULATIVE SCORE FREQUENCY FREQUENCY PERCENT PERCENT 198 1 80692 0.00 100.00 197 5 80691 0.01 100.00 195 4 80686 0.00 99.99 194 12 80682 0.01 99.99 193 16 80670 0.02 99.97 192 24 80654 0.03 99.95 191 28 80630 0.03 99.92 190 83 80602 0.10 99.89 189 94 80519 0.12 99.79 188 110 80425 0.14 99.67 187 220 80315 0.27 99.53 186 225 80095 0.28 99.26 185 140 79870 0.17 98.98 184 531 79730 0.66 98.81 183 658 79199 0.82 98.15 182 816 78541 1.01 97.33 181 982 77725 1.22 96.32 180 1106 76743 1.37 95.11 179 1304 75637 1.62 93.74 178 1446 74333 1.79 92.12 177 2107 72887 2.61 90.33 176 1689 70780 2.09 87.72 175 1865 69091 2.31 85.62 174 2678 67226 3.32 83.31 173 2795 64548 3.46 79.99 172 2855 61753 3.54 76.53 171 2942 58898 3.65 72.99 170 2910 55956 3.61 69.35 169 3076 53046 3.81 65.74 168 3885 49970 4.81 61.93 167 2949 46085 3.65 57.11 166 2314 43136 2.87 53.46 165 4663 40822 5.78 50.59 164 2294 36159 2.84 44.81 163 2859 33865 3.54 41.97 162 2176 31006 2.70 38.43 161 4193 28830 5.20 35.73 160 2021 24637 2.50 30.53 159 1911 22616 2.37 28.03 158 2365 20705 2.93 25.66 157 2322 18340 2.88 22.73 156 1618 16018 2.01 19.85 155 1973 14400 2.45 17.85 154 1394 12427 1.73 15.40 153 867 11033 1.07 13.67 152 1311 10166 1.62 12.60 151 1167 8855 1.45 10.97 150 1162 7688 1.44 9.53 149 1034 6526 1.28 8.09 148 947 5492 1.17 6.81 147 936 4545 1.16 5.63 146 531 3609 0.66 4.47 145 545 3078 0.68 3.81 144 683 2533 0.85 3.14 143 543 1850 0.67 2.29 Notes: *Students with valid scores are those students who attempted at least one item on the test. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. 1998 STATE PERCENTILE 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 98 98 97 96 95 93 91 89 87 84 82 79 76 73 69 66 62 58 55 51 47 43 40 36 32 30 27 24 22 19 17 15 13 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 STANDARD DEVIATION 10.0 VARIANCE 100.2 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION 163 Table 10. 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Test Distribution of Scale Scores – Reading (continued) FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION SCALE SCORE 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 LESS THAN 136 FREQUENCY 417 325 256 107 86 34 24 58 CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY 1307 890 565 309 202 116 82 58 PERCENT 0.52 0.40 0.32 0.13 0.11 0.04 0.03 0.07 CUMULATIVE PERCENT 1.62 1.10 0.70 0.38 0.25 0.14 0.10 0.07 Notes: *Students with valid scores are those students who attempted at least one item on the test. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. 164 1998 STATE PERCENTILE 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table 11. 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Test Distribution of Scale Scores – Mathematics NUMBER OF STUDENTS WITH VALID SCORES* 80,492 MEAN 178.4 STANDARD DEVIATION 14.1 VARIANCE 199.0 HIGH SCORE 226 LOW SCORE 141 STATE PERCENTILES 90 75 50 (MEDIAN) 25 10 SCALE SCORE 197.22 188.28 178.10 167.86 159.62 CUMULATIVE PERCENT 100.00 100.00 99.99 99.98 99.95 99.89 99.87 99.78 99.74 99.58 99.52 99.31 99.19 98.95 98.79 98.47 98.32 98.01 97.42 96.96 96.47 95.95 95.37 94.38 93.40 92.33 91.19 90.37 89.07 87.78 85.91 84.46 82.92 81.33 79.68 77.38 75.58 72.99 71.01 68.95 66.81 64.58 62.27 59.81 56.49 53.92 51.13 48.33 45.40 42.60 40.57 38.51 36.44 33.25 1998 STATE PERCENTILE 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 98 98 98 97 97 96 95 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 86 85 83 81 80 78 76 74 72 70 67 64 62 59 56 54 52 50 47 43 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION SCALE SCORE 226 225 224 223 221 220 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 FREQUENCY 1 7 7 25 49 19 66 38 124 51 169 98 195 127 252 123 254 475 365 394 417 469 795 793 859 923 659 1046 1034 1507 1168 1240 1282 1323 1853 1453 2078 1594 1662 1723 1791 1865 1977 2670 2070 2246 2255 2357 2257 1633 1654 1670 2570 2502 CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY 80492 80491 80484 80477 80452 80403 80384 80318 80280 80156 80105 79936 79838 79643 79516 79264 79141 78887 78412 78047 77653 77236 76767 75972 75179 74320 73397 72738 71692 70658 69151 67983 66743 65461 64138 62285 60832 58754 57160 55498 53775 51984 50119 48142 45472 43402 41156 38901 36544 34287 32654 31000 29330 26760 PERCENT 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.02 0.08 0.05 0.15 0.06 0.21 0.12 0.24 0.16 0.31 0.15 0.32 0.59 0.45 0.49 0.52 0.58 0.99 0.99 1.07 1.15 0.82 1.30 1.28 1.87 1.45 1.54 1.59 1.64 2.30 1.81 2.58 1.98 2.06 2.14 2.23 2.32 2.46 3.32 2.57 2.79 2.80 2.93 2.80 2.03 2.05 2.07 3.19 3.11 Notes: *Students with valid scores are those students who attempted at least one item on the test. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. 165 Table 11. 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Test Distribution of Scale Scores – Mathematics (continued) FREQUENCY DISTRIBUITON SCALE SCORE 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 LESS THAN 148 FREQUENCY 1654 840 2547 1630 808 2468 696 1538 2160 683 1339 1739 555 1016 1331 724 519 489 574 362 223 167 71 125 CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY 24258 22604 21764 19217 17587 16779 14311 13615 12077 9917 9234 7895 6156 5601 4585 3254 2530 2011 1522 948 586 363 196 125 PERCENT 2.05 1.04 3.16 2.03 1.00 3.07 0.86 1.91 2.68 0.85 1.66 2.16 0.69 1.26 1.65 0.90 0.64 0.61 0.71 0.45 0.28 0.21 0.09 0.16 CUMULATIVE PERCENT 30.14 28.08 27.04 23.87 21.85 20.85 17.78 16.91 15.00 12.32 11.47 9.81 7.65 6.96 5.70 4.04 3.14 2.50 1.89 1.18 0.73 0.45 0.24 0.16 Notes: *Students with valid scores are those students who attempted at least one item on the test. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. 166 1998 STATE PERCENTILE 40 38 36 33 31 28 26 24 21 18 16 13 11 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 Table 12. 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results Mean Scale Score by LEA - Reading State Mean Mean Score* 176.1 ... 175.7 ... 174.5 ... 174.1 ... 173.5 ... 168.9 ... 168.5 ... 168.1 ... 167.5 167.3 167.1 ... 166.7 166.5 166.3 166.1 165.9 1999, 2000, 2001 State 1998 State 165.7 165.5 ... 165.1 164.9 164.7 164.5 ... 164.1 163.9 163.7 163.5 163.3 163.1 162.9 162.7 162.5 ... 162.1 161.9 ... 161.5 161.3 ... 160.9 160.7 160.5 160.3 160.1 159.9 ... 159.5 ... 157.9 ... 157.5 ... 153.5 ... 150.5 ... 145.9 *** 2001 LEA Performance Thomas Jefferson** Raleigh Charter HS** Woods Charter** Quest Academy** Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Transylvania, Wake Asheville City, Clay, Graham, Watauga Elkin City, Shelby City Avery, Orange, Polk Cherokee Camden, Johnston, New Hanover Mount Airy City Cabarrus, Granville, Kestrel Heights**, Winston-Salem/Forsyth Hickory City Alleghany, Asheboro City, Buncombe, Guilford, Henderson, Roanoke Rapids City Burke, Carteret, Craven, Haywood, Kings Mountain City, Moore, Mooresville City, Onslow, Surry, Swain, Union Jackson Alamance-Burlington, Ashe, Chatham, Davie, Durham Catawba, Dare, Iredell-Statesville, Macon, Mitchell, Pender Lee, Newton Conover City, Pitt Charlotte/Mecklenburg, Stanly, Wayne Gaston, Lexington City, Madison, McDowell, Person, Rowan-Salisbury, Rutherford Caldwell, Clinton City, Cumberland, Lenoir, Wilkes Cleveland, Richmond Edenton/Chowan, Gates Duplin, Elizabeth City/Pasquotank, Franklin, Harnett, Lincoln, Perquimans, Rockingham, Thomasville City, Yancey Beaufort, Greene, Randolph Alexander, Yadkin Currituck, Hyde, Martin Nash-Rocky Mount Kannapolis City, Sampson Hoke, Jones, Montgomery, Pamlico Brunswick, Tyrrell, Whiteville City Davidson, Edgecombe, Northampton, River Mill Charter**, Scotland, Washington, Wilson Stokes Bladen, Warren Columbus Anson, Vance Caswell, Robeson Bertie Hertford Cape Lookout Marine**, J.H. Baker Jr High** Halifax, Weldon City Laurinburg Homework** New Century** Laurinburg** Wayne Academy** Kennedy Charter**, Lakeside School**, Omuteko Gwamaziima** Notes: *Scale scores from the region tables are rounded up to the nearest two-tenths of a point. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete charter school name can be found in the Appendix. ***Data are not reported where number tested is fewer than five. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. 167 Table 13. 2000-01 North Carolina High School Comprehensive Multiple-Choice Test Results Mean Scale Score by LEA - Mathematics State Mean 2001 State 2000 State 1999 State 1998 State Mean Score* 2001 LEA Performance 194.0 ... 192.0 191.5 ... 187.5 ... Thomas Jefferson** 186.0 185.5 185.0 184.5 184.0 183.5 183.0 182.5 182.0 181.5 181.0 180.5 180.0 179.5 179.0 178.5 178.0 177.5 177.0 Clay Transylvania Graham Shelby City, Wake Buncombe, Elkin City Cherokee Watauga Johnston, Mount Airy City Alleghany, Asheville City, Polk, Quest Academy** Newton Conover City, Orange, Roanoke Rapids City Avery, Cabarrus, Dare, Haywood, New Hanover Ashe, Catawba, Hickory City, Surry, Union Burke, Durham, Guilford, Henderson, Perquimans, Winston-Salem/Forsyth Asheboro City, Granville Camden, Carteret, Chatham, Davie, Iredell-Statesville, Jackson, Moore, Pender, Stanly Alamance-Burlington, Caldwell, Charlotte/Mecklenburg, Craven, Lenoir, Onslow, Pitt, Wilkes Kestrel Heights**, Kings Mountain City, Lee, Lincoln, McDowell, Pamlico, Person Currituck, Madison, Rowan-Salisbury, Swain Alexander, Cleveland, Clinton City, Davidson, Edenton/Chowan, Gaston, Macon, Mooresville City, Rockingham, Rutherford, Wayne Franklin, Greene, Harnett, Martin, Mitchell, Scotland, Stokes, Yadkin, Yancey Beaufort, Lexington City, Randolph, Richmond, Thomasville City Duplin, Elizabeth City/Pasquotank, Gates, Nash-Rocky Mount, Sampson, Wilson Kannapolis City Brunswick, Cumberland, Hyde Hoke Edgecombe Montgomery, Tyrrell Columbus, River Mill Charter**, Vance, Whiteville City Anson, Bladen, Northampton, Robeson, Warren, Washington Cape Lookout Marine** 176.5 176.0 175.5 175.0 174.5 174.0 173.5 173.0 172.5 172.0 171.5 ... 170.5 170.0 ... 168.5 ... 165.0 ... 164.0 ... 162.5 ... 159.5 *** Raleigh Charter HS** Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Woods Charter** Caswell, Jones Bertie, Hertford, Weldon City Halifax, Laurinburg Homework** J.H. Baker Jr High** New Century** Laurinburg** Wayne Academy** Kennedy Charter**, Lakeside School**, Omuteko Gwamaziima** Notes: *Scale scores from the region tables are rounded up to the nearest five-tenths of a point. **Denotes a charter school. For reporting purposes the charter school name has been abbreviated; the complete charter school name can be found in the Appendix. ***Data are not reported where number tested is fewer than five. Data received from LEAs and charter schools after August 2001 are not included in this table. Prepared by the NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/Testing Section. 168