Impact of Distributed Series Reactances on Power Networks From Power Line to Pipe Line Deepak Divan Harjeet Johal School of Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA 777 Atlantic Drive Atlanta, GA US Power Grid: Problems (Opportunities) • Grid is seeing increasing congestion and degraded reliability • Uncontrolled power flow is a major issue for transmission & distribution • Building new transmission/distribution lines is no longer a simple process • First line to reach thermal rating limits system transfer capacity, even as neighboring lines are under-utilized • Real situation is worse as reliability has to be ensured with (N-X) contingencies • Lack of visibility and control leads to conservative operation resulting in significant under-utilization of assets • Possible cascading failures under contingency conditions • Reliability, load growth, RPS standards and ‘Smart Grid’ initiatives under EISA 2007 will be major drivers for new investments 138kV ∠0° j1 6 Ω 675A 138kV ∠ 7 .7 5 ° j2 4 Ω 450A Power flow path from Wisconsin to TVA* *Courtesy: Tom Overbye, UIUC Confidential Unarticulated Market Need – Controlling Power Flows • Reliability of meshed networks is substantially higher than for radial systems. However, utilization is poorer. • Controlling network power flows along existing lines has not been considered feasible – either technically or economically. • Benefits of controlling power flows includes: • – Enhancement in system utilization and capacity without building new lines – Tool for managing load growth, congestion and contingency issues – Self-healing grid which responds to contingencies, improving system reliability – Routing of power along desired pathways, from ‘power-line’ to ‘pipe-line’. ‘Green’ electrons can be verifiably sent from renewable sources to specific loads. – Effective management of congestion and uncontrolled loop flows – Reduced level of generation reserves required to ensure system reliability Traditional approach has been through the use of phase-shifting transformers (too slow) or FACTS devices (too expensive). Confidential Distributed FACTS for Power Flow Control • Distributed FACTS suggested by Divan – Smart Wires – Provide the functionality of FACTS at lower cost and high reliability P12 = – – – – – – V1 V2 sin (δ ) Xs Series VAR injection controls effective line impedance & real power flow Large number of modules float electrically and mechanically on the line Can be incrementally deployed to provide controllable power flow Standard low-cost mass-manufactured modules Redundancy gives high reliability and availability Phase I supported by TVA, Con Ed, DOE and others D-FACTS Confidential Active Smart Wires • Distributed Static Series Compensator (DSSC) – Active solution employing a synchronous voltage source inverter – Each module rated for 5 KVA (capable of injecting ± 4.6 V @ 1000 A) – Communication interface is required to realize the bi-directional control – Can be made larger for distribution applications (one per line) Main transformer Current feedback Line Current Power supply V Filter PWM Inverter Controls Communication Module DC Capacitor Confidential Distributed Series Reactance – Passive Smart Wires Power Line N Xm Transformer XM Power Supply SM S1 Ithermal I0 Control • • • • • Line Current (ILine) Simplest implementation of DSI, with inductive impedance injection (Current Limiting Conductor or CLiC) – functions as a current limiting system As current in a line approaches the thermal limit, CLiC modules incrementally turn on, diverting current to other under-utilized lines Increase in line impedance can be realized by injecting a pre-tuned value of magnetizing inductance of the STT Each module is triggered at a predefined set point to reflect a gradual increase in line impedance No communication required and the devices operate autonomously Confidential Increase in System Capacity With DSR Modules Simplified Four Bus System 180 160 C Line 2, Line 4 Overload 140 B Overload 100 Line 2, Line 5 A Profile of Line 2 Current 1 Overload 80 Line 2 Overload 750 A 0.75 60 40 Line 5 Overload 20 C' Line 1, Line 2, Line 5 Overload A' 20 40 60 80 100 Load2 (MW) 120 B' 140 160 Line Current (KA) Load 1 (MW) Line 1, Line 2, Line 4, Line 5 Line 2 Overload 120 624.2A 0.5 548.7 A Generator Taken Off 0.25 System Capacity with DSI/DSR Modules Blue: Normal, Red: DSR, Green:DSI 0 0 0.5 1 DSR Active 1.5 2 2.5 Time (sec) Contingency Condition: Generator Outage Confidential Increase in Network Utilization IEEE 39 Bus System Increase in utilization from 59% to 93.3% for 14 lines G8 G10 37 12.86 MVAR 26 25 28 29 30 2 38 Network Performance With CLiC 27 G6 8 9 10 G2 36 Power Lines 34 32 G5 G4 G7 G3 • Increase in Transfer Capacity from 1904 MWs to 2542 MWs (congested corridors and the required MVARs are shown by red lines) • With (N-1) contingency, capacity is increased from 1469 MW to 2300 MW without building additional lines • Would require 9 additional lines to realize capacity increase Confidential Line29_28 20 3.52 MVAR Line29_26 13 11 23 Line26_27 31 7 19 Line25_26 12.64 MVAR 0 22.76 MVAR 9.15 MVAR 12 Line23_24 14.75 MVAR 6 Line currents with CLiC Line currents without CLiC Line22_21 14 5 20 Line19_16 4 40 Line2_3 39 35 22 Line13_14 21 60 Line12_11 15 80 Line10_13 19.52 MVAR 3 G1 12.04 MVAR 16 Line9_39 18.77 MVAR 100 Line6_7 24 G9 Line6_5 17 Line Currents (%Thermal Limit) 18 1 DSR Prototype Complete module with the casing • Electrical – Operating Level : 161 KV, 1,000 A – ACSR Conductor: Drake (795 Kcmil) – Injection: 10 kVA, 750 A • Mechanical – Target weight per module: 120 lb – Packaging to avoid corona discharge, and other mechanical, thermal and environmental issues • Simple low-cost design suitable for mass manufacturing • Suitable for distribution and transmission applications Confidential Validation at High Voltage and Current Corona inception: 125 kV Operation Under Fault Currents Extinction: 123 kV Photographs correspond to 166 kV Confidential Investment Cost for IEEE 39 Bus System • Cost of laying additional lines: $500,000/mile • Target cost of DSR unit: $100/KVA, cost of redeployment: $30/KVA • ATC of the system is limited to 1904 MWs • DSR modules can relieve network congestion at a lower cost for the first 400 MWs • DSR continues to be attractive for next 300 MWs 7 2.5 Investm ent Cost w ith only DSI technology – Building additional lines can be suspended for the first 700 MWs A combination of the two schemes can provide a much lower investment cost • Allows incremental investment decisions with rapid implementation. 2 Investment Cost ($) • x 10 A' Investm ent Cost w ith a com bination of DSI technology and building additional lines 1.5 B' Line 19-16 Line 6-5 Line29-28 X 1 Line 2-3 0.5 Line 22-21 0 1400 Confidential 1600 A 1800 2000 2200 2400 Load (MWs) 2600 2800 Solution Cost Under Contingencies 7 • • • • Network congestion occurs at a load of 1470 MW with one contingency, as opposed to 1900 MW with no contingencies DSR modules are attractive until 2000 MW, i.e. for the first 530 MW of load growth. DSR modules can maintain optimal congestion levels from a pricing perspective If 2.5% load growth is assumed, the investment in the new line can be deferred for 13-15 years. Reduces uncertainty and risk, improves ROI. Interest on deferred cost of new line may pay for DSR modules! Confidential x 10 2 Investment Cost ($) • 2.5 Line 6-5 Line 29-28 1.5 Line 2-3 1 Line 22-21 Line 21-16 0.5 Line 22-21 0 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 Load (MWs) 2600 2800 3000 Drivers for Transmission Capacity Investments • In a free market, price differentials should provide incentives for investments to increase transmission capacity – – – Lower cost generator’s opportunity for windfall profits should incent him to invest in incremental transmission capacity Congestion costs provide the opportunity of arbitrage Price differentials help to finance investments LMPA ($/MW) With Congestion 25 With Complete Congestion Relief 25 LMPB ($/MW) 50 49 Consumers costs in region A ($) 3750 3750 Consumers costs in region B ($) 7500 7350 Gen. A revenue ($) 6250 11100 Gen, B revenue ($) 2500 0 0 4850 Available revenue for transmission Inv. ($) • In a regulated market, increase in societal welfare is supposed to form the basis of any policy initiative – • Reliability improvements are easily supported by PSC’s and can support capacity increases Increased societal benefits can be realized from congestion relief, but it is not clear how such investments may be funded. Confidential Impact of Incremental Transmission Capacity •Incremental increase in transmission capacity affects market participants differently Participants Change in Welfare Congestion costs (LMPB-LMPA) Δx Producers - (LMPB-LMPA) Δx Consumers (LMPB-LMPA) Δx •The congestion revenue collected by ISO increases •Gen. B loses revenue, while Gen. A gains revenue. Net change in generator revenue is negative. Generator Dispatch Curves 30 •Consumer welfare increases; ISO’s allocate congestion costs back to market participants (FTR) •Market operates under the assumption that infrastructure changes happen too slowly, and so congestion costs are redistributed to participants. Confidential LMPB = 27 Gen. B Dispatch Under Congestion 26 Price/MW •Consumers may not benefit uniformly with increase in transmission capacity (marginal costs can cause consumers in Region A to pay more) 28 24 LMPA = 24.18 LMPA = 23 Gen. A DispatchUnder No-Congestion 22 Gen. A Dispatch 20 Tranm ission Capacity 18 XA = 500 MW 0 100 200 300 400 500 MW 600 700 800 900 1000 Business Models for Smart Wires Reliability •Works well with the traditional utility approach of maintaining system reliability •In line with EISA, “Creation of smart grid to improve reliability and performance.” Economics/Congestion •Investor model: A profit sharing mechanism between investor and consumer Congestion relief through outside investment can provide break-even in 2 years Congestion Costs Congested Hours/year Increase in welfare DSR Cost PI=8 Profit-Sharing Formula $25/ MWHr 500 hours $12,500/ year/MW $13000 /MW (cost for 13 modules) 50% consumers, 50% investors till desired ROI is reached Time Investment Costs Investor profit Consumer welfare 12 months $ 13000 - $ 6250 $ 6250 24 months - - $ 500 $ 12500 36 months - $ 6250 $ 18750 Directed Power Flow • ‘Green’ electrons can be directed along a designated network path (pipeline) • Carbon cap & trade may generate opportunities for investment Confidential Title XIII of the Energy Independence & Security Act of 2007 Places great emphasis on Smart Grid – Electricity delivery network modernization using latest technologies to meet key defining functions: • Optimizing asset utilization and operating efficiently • Self healing and resilient operation • Greater control of the grid to enable new business models and functionality Financial Incentives • $100M/year for 2008-12, 50% cost share for utilities on demonstration projects, 20% reimbursement for expenditures on Smart Grid • Rate recovery and accelerated depreciation allowed Renewable Portfolio Standards and Real-Time Pricing. • Results in significant level of dynamics on the grid, with significant challenges • Increased adoption of Advanced Meters to serve as pricing gateways will result in greater volatility of loads Key Technologies Targeted: • Controls to improve reliability, dynamic optimization of grid operations, smart appliances, to facilitate integration of advanced technologies in electric networks to improve performance, power flow control and reliability. Confidential Smart Wires in a Smart Grid • It is proposed that the use of distributed solutions based on low-power power electronics can allow utilities to move towards dynamically controllable meshed grids, significantly enhancing grid reliability, capacity and utilization. This can enable: • Improved reliability without having to build new lines • Improved dynamic coordination between regions • Reduction in dynamic capacity reserve for generators • Possibility of moving power along a predetermined contract path • Can be applied at the transmission, sub-transmission and distribution levels. • Can be layered incrementally onto the existing infrastructure as desired, and will not degrade the inherent reliability of the existing system. • Makes the grid self-healing, automatically maintaining safe operating levels even in the face of contingencies. • Funding such investments on the basis of congestion relief is problematic in regulated environments, new mechanisms may have to be found. • Project is supported by IPIC, TVA, ConEd, Southern, NRECA, and others. Target full-scale pilot demonstrations in 18-24 months. Confidential