NC Department of Public Instruction November 4, 2014

NC Department of Public Instruction
Office of Civil Rights Data Collection – Status Update
November 4, 2014
Female Speaker
—their data to the Office of Civil Rights. This data is our previous year data and
is collected every two years. So this is just kind of review. If you joined us for
the first status and if not then this may be new to you. Again, a reminder is you
really want to look at those LEA and school level forms that are provided by the
Office of Civil Rights. This link is definitely clickable. The original document,
this PowerPoint is on the PowerSchool website for you to download. And you
may want to save this as a bookmark but those LEA forms and the school forms
are exactly what we’re going by to collect the data. And I will tell you that
they’ve done some considerable work in regards to their documentation. There
are definitions, there are instructions of what they’re asking for and what they
perceive their requests to be. So their documentation is much better than previous
years and should be very helpful to you.
Now as with any of our webinars, if you have any questions, please try to
preface the question with the subject. I will go through each section and I will ask
for questions. Please feel free to put them in at any time and I will do my best to
address them. We have about an hour and a half today and I’m not quite sure that
my content actually fully covers that whole hour and a half, so I’m sure we’re
going to have plenty of time for questions and possibly I can give you some time
back in your day. And at any point if you have questions, please feel free to type
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them in. Just please do submit—or try to preface your question. Notice at the
bottom here of the slide that I’ve actually added slide numbers and I’ve also—and
added an originally presented date so you have an idea of where we are within the
Back to the actual submission process for the Office of Civil Rights. This
is the first time that our state has submitted this data for our LEAs and the
scheduled submission window from the Office of Civil Rights is 11/17 of this
year. That’s when they anticipate that they’ll—they will open for the national
submission. And from there they want to ensure everyone that regardless of the
date that the submission opens, the nation will receive 75 full business days to
complete the submission. So they are very aware that holidays, they are a
coming, and that users and data collectors need to be provided the appropriate
time to submit the data. We do hope still to be done much sooner than that this
year, so fingers and toes crossed. Our project is going very well.
Let me tell you a little bit about—and just a reminder here,
communications, I have a contact list of OCR coordinators. Anything that comes
directly from me, I first provide to the OCR coordinator. And then I request that
the NC CIS PowerSchool team send that data out as well or that information out,
and also the Office of Charter Schools to send that information out too, so that
I’m covering every possible avenue I can to reach the audience that I’d like to
speak to. So if you are the one receiving this information and you are not the
person who should be informed or there’s an—a bit of information that might be
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helpful to one of your staff or a peer, please send this information on, and that
would be much appreciated.
So let me talk to you a little bit about this presentation. At this point, what
I’m going to try to do is keep a comprehensive file, PowerPoint presentation of
everything that we’ve talked about in these status reports. So you’re going to see
that the front slide will be updated with the date of the status report and I may do
some work on that. This presentation in its original format can be downloaded on
the NC CIS course list and there are multiple pages where a redundant link has
been provided. So wherever you click on this particular presentation at—in the
NC PowerSchool website, you will get the same information, so don’t be
confused by multiple links out there.
What I also did was I added those footers at the bottom to tell you when
we originally talked about this and those page numbers. And I’ve also hidden the
slides and will do so from the previous status, but I wanted to keep a running list
of everything that we’ve talked about and hopefully that helps you organize
better. If you have suggestions, I’m definitely open to them but I want to make
this as complete and comprehensive as possible. So a little out of the OCR realm
here, but as far as this presentation for other status updates, if you want to actually
print the file, you can download it from those NC PowerSchool links and you can
print it in full if you would like. Or if you’re wanting to follow along with the
status webinar, then you may want to ensure that you do not print the hidden
slides because I think that would mess you up in the order in which we’re going.
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So I’m going to just switch over real quick and kind of demo how I did
this. I had to do a little experiment. So I went to the original file, okay, and so
that’s what you’re looking at on your screen right now. And to print without the
hidden slides because it will automatically do so in whatever format that you
choose, whether you want three slides on a page, just one slide, however you’re
comfortable, you’re going to click on file, and this is again after you’ve
downloaded the document to a location you’re comfortable with. You’re going to
go to your print option and then from print, and notice this is my printer Joe
Sausageface, I named him that because we don’t get along often, so I wanted to
make sure that I knew I was printing to the guy that I have some trouble with
every once in a while.
So Joe—or Joe Sausageface is ready. And then I have this setting for print
all slides. And we have this option right down here at the bottom to print hidden
slides. By default, that puppy is checked, okay, so you’re going to get everything
every time you print. If you want to follow along with the webinar, I would
recommend that you uncheck this option and then print your files as—or I’m
sorry, your slides as you’re comfortable if you want to follow along during the
webinar. However, if you want to use this entire document for any kind of
redelivery, and I’m not sure how intensive that would be really, if you are on the
home page, notice as I scroll down here on the left-hand side that I have slides
Okay, so we talked about slide 11 here last status, two weeks ago. So I’ve
hidden the slide. Now if you in fact want to show them as you are doing a
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presentation and notice that my little footer’s wonky so I’m just going to take a
minute, then all you have to do is right click and choose the hide slide option and
your slide is good to go. So if you were in that presentation mode, then that slide
would be available as you were—as you were doing your webinar or your
presentation to your staff. So that’s just kind of a quick how to and I’m going to
go back to where we were.
Okay, so another couple things about this, the page numbers and the
originally presented date and then any new known issues. As we move through
this status I’m going to stamp it with a new. That kind of helps me stay organized
and hopefully it’s a good visual indicator for you. So enough about my creativity
with our PowerPoint presentation. Let’s talk about the project tasks. Now this
was originally presented in our status but let’s go through it again. This is high
level, the task that needed to be complete, and we’re well on our way, very
pleased with how this project is going. And considering its previous year data, it
really is hopefully going relatively well for you guys too. But this has been a fun
experience for me. So we still have these goals to accomplish and we’re probably
I’m going to say a little past midpoint. So we’ve made some progress in the last
couple weeks but we still have a ways to go definitely.
So let’s talk about what we’re discussing today. I’m going to go through
some status updates on—as far as where we are in the project and those 10 high
level tasks. In addition, we’re going to talk about some known issues, some
recent fixes and what we’ve identified recently with your help. I’d like to pause
for just a second and I know I am not doing justice to the thank yous. But I really
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want to thank the charters and LEAs that have participated in reviewing this data
and provided information that we at the state level would not have caught because
we don’t know your data. So thank you so much to Duplin [ph], to Cleveland, to
Haywood, to Crossroads, to Wake, to Charlotte and to everyone else. Thank you
very much for your participation in this. And again, I know I am missing so many
districts and staff members who have participated in this, but thank you.
Just a bit of a reminder for that November 4th—or 14th maintenance
weekend and then we’re going to do a little bit of a demo as far as reviewing
CRDC data in PowerSchool because we’re now at that point where if we haven’t
already, we should start looking at our data. So I’d like to give you some tips.
Also, I’ve gotten a couple what if this happens and it took a bit to do some
research but hopefully the answers are pretty simple, so I’ve laid them out here.
And a couple of brief reminders.
So let’s get started. I’m going to pause for just a second. You’re going to
see my wiggly mouse and I’m going to see if there are any questions I need to
address right now. One of them I’m going to hold for just a bit and another is
where do we find the OCR coordinator list. Okay, so that list, that’s a great
question, is not published. Each of you should have a quote unquote OCR
coordinator and just like everyone else that that coordinator air quotes here that
you’re not seeing, would have many hats. I can publish something for you now
for this year but anything after that, based on the CRDC LEA level screen is
where I’m going to take my contact list from. So anyone who is identified as the
OCR coordinator for those three fields and I can show you if needed, is who I will
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be communicating with in the future. Right now I have a side database that is
relatively labor intensive that provides me two contacts and I get quite a bit of
bounce back. Now because of the nature of the beast, I can’t often track down
those bounce backs and get the information out there to the appropriate member,
which is why I use as many options of contact for distribution of notifications as
possible. So I hope that answers your question.
And one question I’ve already received here is show us where that contact
information is and I am happy to do so. So give me just a second to navigate
over. I have quite a few windows open for our benefit. Excuse me for—again,
for the wiggly mouse. Hang on. Hang on. Oh, I also want to thank Green
County who is allowing me to demonstrate in their system, however, I will not be
showing any personally identifiable information for students. I’m definitely
going to avoid those areas. But the request right now was to show you where that
contact information is for your OCR coordinators within PowerSchool. So give
me just one second to log in and hopefully I’m using the right username and
password and it looks like I am not.
All right. Okay, so from the LEA office looking at the right hand side, I
want to make sure I’m in LEA office and the path to these screens is the same
regardless of where you’re navigating, whether you’re in the LEA office or if
you’re in a specific school, you’re wanting to go to setup. And from setup you
either have LEA or school. Your OCR coordinators are listed at the LEA level.
So any PowerSchool coordinator or central level staff member who has access to
the LEA office can look up this information for your district. Now I scroll to the
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bottom of the page and I click the link for civil rights data collection, CRDC, and
our first three requests are contact information. Who is the person who is
managing civil rights—or who is the civil rights coordinator based on gender,
based on race, color and national origin and also based on disability. And
generally from what I’ve seen, it’s usually the same person. Now it does benefit
every LEA to fill out each of these pieces because it would likely appear when
your data goes to the feds that you don’t have someone who is dealing with the
basis of disability. But pretty much from what I’ve seen, your OCR coordinator is
your OCR coordinator. There aren’t generally three people who are dealing with
that. But I could be wrong, I—it’s just what I’m seeing in the data.
So allow me to go back. I hope that answers the question. And let’s get
on through with the status piece. And again, feel free to ask any questions at any
point and I will stop when I have an opportunity and address your questions. So
as of today, November 4, we should have completed at the LEA level the LEA
and school level CRDC screens. This was the first push and the final
communication was sent originally by me on 9/22 and then through NC CIS and
the charter staff. We also should be finalizing, we should be complete with our
Section 504 records in PowerSchool. A communication was sent by me first from
9/30 and then through NC CIS and the charter distribution list and the quick
reference document is located on the student information page on the NC CIS
website. So again, if you were to download this and you’re unsure where exactly
you should navigate within the website, you can click this link. It’s live and it’ll
go directly to that page.
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In addition, LEA should have completed the update to incident data, and
that was sent on 10/6. The due date was I believe the 24th initially of October,
first sent by Ken Gaddis [ph] to _____ coordinators, then through NC CIS and
then through my coordinator group. So we should be done and kind of sitting on
idle from the LEA perspective for these particular pieces. Now give me a second.
My mouse is going to wiggle all over the place. I’m going to check questions for
just a second here. And I’d actually, for just a brief minute I—I’m going to flash
up the poll that we did in the last status meeting. I want to know if you’ve
completed your CRDC screens. It’s very important that your data be complete.
The poll should be in progress and I’m only going to give this maybe about 15
seconds or so.
Another thing is if you don’t know where they are, if you’re unsure about
this, you—we need to get you working with your either PowerSchool coordinator
or your OCR coordinator. There should be someone within your charter or your
LEA who should know what’s going on and what’s due for this submission. So I
am going to close this poll and I’m happy to say that about 85 percent of you who
answered said yes. So I’m very pleased with that. That’s pretty cool.
Now I’m not going—really just going to share this, I’m going to move to
the next one. Now in regards to Section 504, I’m launching this poll, have you
completed your 504 data for specifically ‘13-’14? Okay. So while you have that
flashed up on your screen, I do see quite a few questions coming in. One is I
don’t see the poll. I’m sorry, I’m not quite sure what that might be but I am
getting responses. So I’m going to give that just a couple minutes more. Okay,
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now I’m going to close this poll and I’m going to address some questions. So if
you haven’t done so already, we are on marker of 45 seconds and I don’t see any
more adjustments and so I’m closing this. And I have about an 85 percent there
too. What I neglected to do was ask you about your incident data and I should
have done so.
Okay, I see a response and I will address that I think on a—outside of the
OCR webinar. Okay, so we’ve got about 85 percent who have completed that as
well. So that’s good to know but I’m thinking that pretty soon we’re going to
want to start consuming your data so you need to make sure that that information
is complete. I did get a response that says that the civil rights coordinator is not
necessarily the same person responsible for reporting the data. Boy, I don't know
how to answer that in—just in—I’m not sure that I can manage a slide system of
contacts. I was really hoping to use PowerSchool. We’ll have to address that at a
later date. I guess the good thing is that our next submission after we get through
this project is ’15-’16 so I’m sure I’ll come up with a fantastic idea or somebody
will assist with a stellar idea as well, so, but thank you for that. I appreciate the
Okay, so one question is if we found that our discipline and incident data
needs to be correct, can we still fix them? Oh, boy, you know, I would
recommend that you contact our business owner here, our department head here
for incidents. And the reason being is I understand that you can fix them within
the system, but I also understand there is reporting due around incident data. So
you may want to contact Ken Gaddis regarding your incident data and then see
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where that goes. But as far as the Office of Civil Rights, we still have not pulled
the data. Now like I said manually—or functionally I know you can update them
but I’m wondering what other reporting is tied to those particular pieces. So
that’s about the best I can do as far as answering that. You’ll want to contact Ken
Okay. All right. And thank you for your comments. Okay, and I do
see—now it would benefit—again, I would like to repeat, please preface your
question with the subject and that’ll help me go through and answer questions in a
timely fashion as appropriate to the section that they’re—that we’re in. That
would really be helpful for me, thank you. I have a question about what if you’re
a new district—or you’re new to the position and have just recently taken on the
OCR responsibility but you’re not receiving the messages. My email address is
within this presentation. You’re welcome to contact me directly and if you are
the one who is responsible for submitting OCR data, then please feel free to
contact me. I’ll update that database. So thank you so much for your question.
Let me see here. Let me see here. Okay, I think that at this point we can
go ahead and move on. And let’s be really clear too, okay, so this is really new to
us and I’ve got like a mixed audience. I’ve got OCR coordinators and I’ve got
PowerSchool coordinators. Now I understand that some of our PowerSchool
coordinators are responsible for retrieving this data but that’s not always the case
within the LEAs. I’ve spoken to many people recently. I’ve met lots of new
people in regards to this collection that have nothing to do really with
PowerSchool. So this is something—this is new in the fact that we are pulling it
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from PowerSchool. So it’s really important that we work together because the
data itself should already be there but possibly an OCR coordinator may need to
come to a PowerSchool coordinator because they have never actually tried to use
the system before. So we’ve got kind of a mixed bag as far as who does what.
You know, the data in coming years because this is a implementation year, should
be within the, you know, for example the ’15-’16 submission should be solid and
we should be able to just go ahead and pull it because it was from a previous year.
This year’s a little bit unique, so this is new I think to a lot of us.
Okay. So I am going to continue at this point and get through this status
piece and then we’ll start answering questions, or more questions. So what’s in
progress right now? Now as far as we’ve got some—we’ve addressed some data
issues last status, two weeks ago, in regards to what might be missing from
PowerSchool. We identified that LEP data was quote unquote missing from
PowerSchool for ’13-’14 in regards to the Office of Civil Rights submission.
We’re also missing in PowerSchool SAT, ACT and AP exam scores. And then
we have a challenge of LEAs that use third party applications to house their data
rather than in PowerSchool. So these are part of the project that really need to be
a focus for certain parties.
Now not all of the LEAs have much to do with this. So for example, with
LEP, I’m personally loading the data. It’s actually been very interesting. I’m
about 50 percent complete. Now this is data that would not be seen on the
interface. It is specific to ’13-’14 only and only in regards to OCR. It came from
the authoritative source, from the CFDC. That is the Consolidated Federal Data
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Collection. Two weeks ago I couldn’t remember what that stood for but today it
just rolls off my tongue.
Now ACT and SAT, I know there is much debate about whether that
should be in the system, whether or not it should be shown, should it be on
transcripts, so on and so forth. This is going to be data that is housed within a
table, will be specific to OCR reporting, and should not have any impact on any
other areas. AP exam scores, same thing. These are coming directly from the
authoritative source, so we have all of the disks that are needed to load the data.
It will not be visible on the interface but you will be able to see it in the report
output. And that’s about 25 percent complete, so that’s going to be loaded by
another area here at DPI.
And then there are those third party loads. That’s specific to certain
LEAs. The LEAs have been communicated with as far as the expectation and
what the timeline is, and they’re still pending documentation from the Department
of Public Instruction. So hopefully those LEAs should receive the templates that
are needed relatively soon to accomplish the goals as laid out during their
meetings with PowerSchool staff.
So what’s in progress right now? So the state level submission file, we
have our first iteration of it. It has—it is being reviewed and tweaked, so I’d say
we are about a quarter of the way there. Now testing as far as the federal tool,
submitting the data is pending and our first true submission date, so that other side
of this process is still pending. I’ve got a meeting with the feds tomorrow, so I’m
really excited to hear from them where they are because we still have not been
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notified of the pilot. Now that tells me that there’s a possible delay in when they
will open the submission window. But as of right now, the submission window
opens in the federal tool or for the federal data on the 17th. And I may have an
additional update for that at our next status. I do want to emphasize that you’re
going to receive notification before we pull your data for that first true
submission. Anything that we do as far as testing will be wiped clean and you
will be notified. My goal will be to notify you two weeks prior to the true
submission so that you can really heavily look at your data. And I just want to
again emphasize that you’ll have an opportunity to review the PowerSchool data.
So give me just one second and I’m going to take a look at our questions.
One question is why can’t the approval be made available after the submission
end date. If DPI is pulling the data regardless, we need the approval button for
LEA purposes. Thank you for bringing that up. That will—that is going to be
something that is discussed here soon and is part of I think some of the content of
this webinar. I can’t tell you either way how that’s going to go but we will see
what we see. It’s likely that that will happen, I just can’t give you an update any
more than that.
So another question is if I got an email from you about the project status
webinars which begin with zero OCR coordinators, does that mean I’m probably
on your list? You—well, okay, the answer is maybe. So what I did was I talked
to—or I’m sorry, I pulled my OCR coordinator list and any person who was on
the previous webinars, who signed up regardless of whether they attended, so
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again I’m trying to canvass every option that I have for communication, so I am
not quite sure. I can follow up with that here after the webinar if possible.
Okay. So EOG EOC scores, if I answer—oh, if answered, I apologize,
was just able to join. Okay. So when can we expect ’13-’14 EOG and EOC
scores in PowerSchool? I am not certain of that. I am sure I can find you an
answer potentially after the webinar, sometime after this week. I’m not quite sure
so I’m not able to answer your question from—right at this point, so my apologies
there. Okay. It looks like I have taken care of the questions as they stand now
and we’re going to move forward.
So what is still pending? It’s that validation process on the federal side. I
know that I said this two weeks ago but I’m starting to mean it even more. I’m
going to have to turn my attention soon from the PowerSchool data, I think we’re
on a really good clip as far as making sure that the reporting is accurate and that
we have the data needed to submit. But I need to start turning my attention to
how we are going to validate and what the process is now that the—there’s
another layer which is the state submitting your data. So like I had said before,
we have a webinar with the feds tomorrow and they’ve been very helpful. So I
anticipate we’re going to get an update on federal submission window dates. I’m
not quite sure yet. They have not contacted us for the pilot so I kind of think that
maybe they’re a little bit delayed. Now just as a—as an update there or as a
reminder, if you didn’t join us on the last status, we are one of I believe six or
seven states that are now realizing that it benefits us because our federal reporting,
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all of our federal reporting comes from the state level based on your data that the
Office of Civil Rights should follow that same process.
One thing that the Office of Civil Rights intends to do moving forward is
to audit our aggregate numbers because we do not send student detail, no
personally identifiable information, just numbers, against other Ed ______, so
other federal submissions to kind of, you know, ensure that everything is looking
good. Now if you as an LEA are submitting data on behalf of your district for
OCR and we’re submitting all of your other federal data through another
mechanism, there is more possibility that we will be out of whack. So we are one
of seven. I anticipate that more are going to jump on board but they—the federal
Office of Civil Rights Department has their own project going on to accommodate
that state level submission. So that’s why we have this delay this year.
So I believe based on what I’ve learned from the feds so far is that there
will be security within their tool. That will be something that is assigned at the
LEA level, will have to be managed at the LEA level and so I’m really excited
about getting some information to share with you on that. So we are not quite yet
ready to talk about once we’ve actually compiled and validated this data on the
other side of this when we submit, how did the LEAs validate and what is that
process. But we are getting close so I’m hoping to have more information for you
in the coming weeks.
I do see that we have some questions. Okay. And one question is besides
the CRDC screens we’ve completed—great, I’m glad those are complete—are
there any other PowerSchool reports that we need to run and review. Not in
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relation to OCR. There are some CRDC reports within the system that you’ll
want to take a look at and if you can just bear with me, I’m going to show you
how you might validate some of that data. So thank you for your question and I
hope to provide you satisfactory answers here shortly.
Okay. So let’s start with what’s popped up in the last two weeks. Okay.
So here are our new known issues, here’s our update. So the first thing that we
notice is right after I sent the communication about Section 504 and how you
might be able to track those particular students that were outside of your school,
they transferred to another school within your district, there was a report—thank
you—from those who have helped again, I don't know who I mentioned before
but I want to say Catawba, New Hanover, thank you again. It’s really been
beneficial that we’re partnering on this. But there was a report that it appeared
that a user could not only update that 504 information that was tied to their school
but they could peruse around the student record and potentially make updates.
So given that we want to protect our student’s information and we want to
make sure that the appropriate staff are making the appropriate updates, we shut
down access to the list. Not to the program, you still have the ability to view all
of your students, you still have the ability to update your student records, and you
have the ability to pull a list in a different fashion. But what you cannot do at the
school level, they’re only—PowerSchool coordinators have the ability to view
this list and access it through the special enrollment view screen. So this was
communicated on the 29th. Thank you to those who reported it. We moved on it
as quickly as we could and you do have other opportunities to pull lists. So we
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did not shut down functionality completely, we just made sure that we secured
student information.
Our next here is at the LEA level and also at the school level. I should
have documented that as well. All of the reports for CRDC school detail part one
we’re reporting ______ data as no. Didn’t see grade levels, didn’t see anything.
That was resolved this weekend. Okay, that is the first fix to grade levels and I’ll
come back to that. But you should be able to run your reports now and your
CRDC school detail part one should be accurate. There is a caveat. I’ll get to that
on the next slide. But as of this weekend, you will have grade levels and you
should have data from your CRDC screens listed in this report.
Submission end date for CRDC reports, okay, so the submission end date
as we’re talking about it now is the submission end date within that dashboard. It
is a relatively arbitrary end date at this point and so we have—or will update that
particular date required by the system to November 30. That may be re-evaluated
as we move forward because there have, you know, we’re in line with the feds as
far as they still have pieces of their project that they need to finalize. And so I
anticipate that we will move this data again but at this point it should not—have
no impact on you running your report and right now it’s simply something that’s
required by the system. That may be re-evaluated as we move forward and we
determine what business processes and functional procedures need to be adapted
or added based on this new project. But right now that shouldn’t have any impact
on running the report and reviewing the data.
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Okay. So another piece on that Section 504 that was implemented
recently is that we got reports from districts that their data was not reporting on
the Office of Civil Rights data collection. Now we did some digging and we
found that just like with our previous system where it required system codes,
PowerSchool has its own quote unquote system codes and behind the scenes they
have what’s called a program ID, which is basically a unique identifier, a key for
them. So not everyone has the same program ID for 504. And there are some
LEAs who have more than one 504 in special program enrollments. That is not a
problem if you intend to use it for Section 504. But the logic is going to be
updated for the statement to say something like—and forgive me, I’m not—I
don’t have my SQL hat on, but contains 504. So that should be updated here in
the November weekend for any of you who are noticing that data is not reporting.
We’ve identified the results and hopefully we’re well on our way to making that
change. So I really anticipate lots of good things in the November maintenance
weekend for this report.
Now the approval button for CRDC reports which was mentioned earlier
by one of the districts, can we have this? This is a pending item. It needs to be
discussed by the team. I am not for or against it. What I want to make sure is that
we all understand what it’s needed for and that we use it appropriately. So like I
said, anything that needs to be adapted or added to ensure that this collection is
successful, I am happy to do and communicate. So right now that’s on the table
but no decision has been made. And we are listening for feedback, so thank you
for that.
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Okay. Another thing that was reported and actually this did come up in
our status last—two weeks ago, was that those who have non-state reporting
checked in school information, and I don’t think I’m using the right term there,
are unable to see the dashboard. For example, some users may have their TK
students in their 000 school and that is not a school that reports, you know, for
PMR, for state reporting type of collections like SAR. So this is pending as well.
So we’re working on trying to figure out a solution so that it doesn’t have an
impact on your overall state reports because our OCR collection on the
PowerSchool side resides in our state compliance report dashboard.
I have a question that I’m going to address in a bit. I’m hoping that my
answer is satisfactory. And I also have a comment that says we’re having some
connection issues. I see you. I will call you later. I’m happy to help. Okay. So
I’m going to move forward.
All right. So this particular slide we went over last—two weeks ago. I
want to keep saying last week so I’ve got to get away from that phrase. We went
over this already. One thing I want to say, though, I’m going to jump back to the
slide before. Where we have this line right—oops—where we have this line right
here that says the CRDC school detail part one, it was coming up blank at every
level. Okay. So we made that fix and because your grade levels were not there,
then the whole report said forget about it, I don’t really care about the rest of your
data. If you don’t have this, I can’t go any further. Okay. So there’s another
issue with our grade levels so I want to assure you that we are supposed to have a
fix for this in November for November maintenance weekend in regards to for
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this particular issue that we’re talking about, a middle school might have TK
students, and then they have six, seven, and eight. Right now PowerSchool sees
that information which is being fed by EDDIE [ph] that exchange directory. It’s
so important, it’s more important than it’s ever been before to make sure that that
information is accurate, but it’s seeing those grade levels right now as a complete
grade range. So you’re still going to have if that scenario or a scenario like it
applies to you, you’re still going to have issues with your grade levels. That
should be updated in maintenance weekend. I’ll be doing some testing here
So for example you might have seen that your grade levels weren’t
appearing now and now you’ve got too many. What I would advise you to do is
go back to EDDIE and ensure that your grade levels are accurate there. Now if
your grade levels are accurate within EDDIE then wait for the fix. If they are not,
please contact the home base support center immediately because I need to know
about that. We’re going to have to come up with a solution for anybody who may
not have updated their grade levels appropriately in ’13-’14. We’re going to have
to come up with a fix for that.
So moving on, another issue that was identified was the IB program
indicator was looking a little whackadoo [ph]. We had some seventh and eighth
graders that were in IB programs and that was because the report was looking at
the fourth character rather than the fifth to indicate an IB program. So logic will
be adapted to look at that fifth character and also to ensure that they were—that
those students are then in the appropriate grade level. So that fix is coming also.
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So low to no course enrollment counts. Actually I’m seeing this starting
to be resolved now, so if you’re still having issues with courses I’d like to know
about it. I believe that that fix was added earlier than expected, so if you’re
finding some issues there, then definitely let me know.
The red dot of death. Okay. So this seems to happen a little bit
sporadically but I can tell you a couple things about it. First off, if you have any
new schools that were not in ’13-’14, they don’t need to be part of the OCR
collection. So they need to be excluded from the collection. And this document
if you download—or this presentation if you download the original addresses
those exclude from CRDC options. And what you want to think about in terms of
what should be counted for the Office of Civil Rights and what should not.
Also too, if you have any of those under 300 schools that are missing
terms, so in a way you’ve got two things here, but it boils down to the same thing.
Did you add schools and they don’t have a ’13-’14? So I guess you would
consider do they need to be included or not in the OCR collection. And if they
do, those terms have to be added for the previous year. If they do not, exclude
them from the CRDC using that school level CRDC screen. It’s the very first
option. I’m going to navigate over. Oh, look at—I timed out.
Okay. So we’re going to watch me fail the log in the first time again and
actually this time I don’t think so. Okay. And so what I’m going to do is I’m just
going to select a school. And then from the school I’m going to navigate in the
same fashion that I did for the LEA level CRDC screen. Right under setup I’m
going to click the school link. I’m going to scroll to the bottom of the page and
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click the Civil Rights Data Collection, CRDC. And my very first option is is this
school excluded from CRDC reporting. If the answer is no, then all of your
enrollment based on the logic within the report should appear when you run your
Office of Civil Rights part one and part two reports. If yes were the case, then
you will not see them within PowerSchool at all—or I’m sorry, within the reports
at all. You will not see that school. So it will be excluded from all counts and all
of the data collection.
I’m going to go back and I’m going to scroll through a whole bunch of
stuff, sorry about that guys. I can’t help it. I have lots and lots of screens up all
the time. And we’re going to move to a reminder for the November maintenance
weekend and here’s where we’re going to start getting into the nitty gritty of this
presentation. Most fixes that we’ve identified as being—or most issues that
we’ve identified as being a problem should be implemented, their fixes, on
November 14th. So we’ve got about two weeks before that happens. And as
described on those known issues and updates, the vendor has identified when they
plan to put the patch in. So it’s really important, I should have said OCR
coordinators and PowerSchool coordinators start really carefully reviewing their
data after that maintenance weekend. And anything you think is weird, I want to
hear about it. I really want to know and I want to know as quickly as possible.
So come that November 14th, that CRDC, they need to be run and you need to
scrutinize your data and then please report to me anything that you think is
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So give me one second. I see that I have some questions coming up. I’ve
got some wiggly mouse stuff going on for you. One of them I—I’m still holding
on because we’re going to get to that section. And then I have a—I think this is
more or less a comment and a question or at least a description. They had us
move our PK LEP students out of our PK school number 100 and into the LEP
program 292. Should the LEP program be included in the collection? Great
Okay. So I haven’t been party to the LEP design and implementation but I
do know the business owner. And in passing he had mentioned that some of our
LEAs were starting to move out their PK LEA—PK LEP students into their own
containers under 300 and that that wasn’t going to work for the way that their
business processes have been created. That’s all I know about that. I can’t
answer any more LEP questions but to fully answer the question as noted here,
should we include 292? [SNEEZES] Excuse me. Absolutely, yes. We want that
enrollment count for your LEP students. So especially if they’re PK because for
OCR, Limited English Proficient and I believe LE—PKs are pretty heavy focus.
So thank you for the question. The answer is yes; your 292 school should be
included in your OCR count.
Now how that will report on the flip side over to the feds as far as like a
school number and the NCES number as official to the federal government, that is
still to be determined. So I will have information for you as soon as possible as to
what that might look like when you the LEA review your submission on the—in
the federal tool. So thank you for the question.
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Another one is—okay. So I think this is a question and all schools should
be excluded from ’13-’14 CRDC reporting on the ’14-’15 screen. Okay. I think I
know what you’re asking so I’m going to go back. Excuse me for—I’m going to
navigate back and I want to point something out about this screen that might be
misleading. Right up here it says we can change our term; right? Well, consider
this screen right now like demographics, like the demographics screen. So there
are some data elements that we house in the current year’s system that might be
considered historic. A good example are final marks. That is historic information
if it was from last year but it is definitely required for the current year. So we
house that—I’m being very, very simple here—in a table that specifies that this
final mark is from this particular year and semester or quarter or whatever—
however you’ve segmented out your instructional time.
But when we look at a screen like demographics, we don’t look at that
from year to year. So for example, if a student’s phone number was 555-1234
with a 919 of course, you know, in the ’13-’14 year, we don’t have another table
that says that the student’s phone number, new phone number in the ’15-’16—
or—shoot, in the ’14-’15 year is 919-123-45678. We don’t house that as
historical data. This screen, the Office of Civil Rights screen is similar to the
demographic screen. It is not something that is stored every year. So right now
the school of thought on how we would manage this data is that at the end of year
process, the EOY process will wipe this data clean in preparation for the next
submission so that you update it fresh rather than relying on data already existing
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that could be out of date. So I think that is the approach that we’re going to take
based on these screens.
And the reason that I just gave you that long-winded description is that
there’s no need to change the term because it doesn’t matter tight now where
you—what arm you’re in, whether it’s in ’11-’12 or ’17-’18. This screen does not
see this in terms of year-to-year information. So I hope that answers your
question. Give me a second. I’m going to go back to my presentation because I
need the guidelines and then I see that we have questions. So if that is not clear
then please feel free to ask any questions.
Now our next question is we’ve had—we have several preschool schools.
They are not included in state data collection. Do they need to be included in
CDRC? That is great. Yes, they do. If those students—here’s the big key. And
actually I’m just going to take us back to our previous—some of our previous
slides. All right? And I’m going to be lazy I guess and just show you this
because it’s hidden. We’re not going to see it in today’s presentation. But if you
have students who are receiving services from your LEA but not sitting in a
public school we want them as part of the enrollment count. That—but the key is
is if they’re receiving services from your LEA. If you are using a quote unquote
school in PowerSchool as a container, a bucket like assignment or evaluation and
the student is A, not yet receiving services and B, not in a true public school, that
type of container should be excluded.
So I just want to re-emphasize that any student who is receiving services
from your LEA but not attending a public school, that type of school should be
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counted. Any student who is in a public school should be counted. But if you
have a quote unquote school, big air quotes all over the place here, if you have a
school that is being used as a grouping mechanism and the student’s ADM might
be somewhere else or the student has not even yet started your school or has not
gone through an evaluation process and so is not receiving services, that should
not be included. If that is not clear, feel free to contact me at any time and I will
be happy to try to explain that.
I’m going to go back again to my questions. Excuse me for the wiggly
mouse. I want to make sure I address everything here. And it looks to me like
we’ve got—we’re making pretty good time. So I hope that that answers that. If
you have students that are sitting in a pre-K school that’s a location, they’re
receiving services, then include them in the enrollment counts and we’ll figure out
a little bit later exactly how or where they’re going to be reported to satisfy what
the federal government needs. Because those particular types of air quotes school
do not have the official NCES number.
Another question about those is how about the graduated school? Well,
by design, thankfully enough, we do not have to worry about the graduate school
for the CRDC reporting because that’s hard coded to be excluded. Any students
who graduated from the previous year, they will be picked up based on their
enrollment records. So they will be included even if they’re housed in the
graduate school, but you don’t have to go do anything as far as answering
questions or exclude the graduate school. It already is by design.
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Okay. So another question about program schools. Program schools
included in ’13-’14 OCR, and thank you for prefacing, I really appreciate that.
The question is if we checked the students in the program schools and there were
none who have ’13-’14 enrollment dates, do we still include the schools in CRDC
reporting for ’13-’14? That’s an excellent question as well. I don’t see any need
to count a air quote school, which is really kind of a container for those programs.
I don’t see any reason to count students if you didn’t have anybody enrolled in
there. And again, it doesn’t have that official number so no one’s going to look
for that school to be reporting data. So if you have—if you do not have any
students in those program schools that we’re talking about for ’13-’14, then
exclude them from the report. Not a problem.
But that’s, you know, that—it’s important that we all understand that.
And then I guess if we see something like that we can always kind of contact the
LEA and see if that’s required or not. I mean I anticipate that once we get the
final submission, like the complete compiled report for the feds that we need to
review, that we’re going to have some questions on how we’re reporting data and
there may be some changes that are necessary. But I don’t think that a lot of that
will be labor intensive for the LEAs. So I feel pretty good about that piece, I just
don’t have the answers as far as how the data’s going to be displayed. So I hope
that answers that question.
And another question, just to verify, all this data is from ’13-’14? Yes.
Yeah, OCR and a lot of federal collections, I’m not going to say all of them, but a
lot of federal collections focus on the previous year. So Office of Civil Rights
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just as a reminder is requesting data from all of the districts in the nation every
two years. So if they ask for it in—where are we, ’14-’15? Yeah, ’14-’15, then if
they are asking for a submission, then it’s always going to be a year behind. So
when you look at it as far as submission for the Office of Civil Rights, it’s for
school year ’13-’14 and then school year ’15-’16 and then school year ’17-’18.
So yeah, so this is previous year data. And what’s pretty cool is that when we get
to the ’15-’16 submission, that this should be just a couple pushes of a button then
going over and reviewing and approving on the federal side. Or perhaps they will
come up with a different mechanism, a different approach depending on how their
project on the federal side goes.
So what we’re really trying to do is just push a couple buttons, you extract
your previous year data and we submit it to the feds. So hopefully after this
implementation year, it should be a very easy process. And from what I’ve heard
from the LEAs and from the staff who have had to do this before, they’re really
looking forward to that. So more information to come on what happens on the
other side once we get all this PowerSchool data finalized.
So let’s talk about reviewing. Okay. And again I want to thank Green
County for allowing me to use screen shots from their database. But let’s talk
about how we might review some of the CRDC data, with a reminder that a lot of
fixes will be put in on November—on the November 14th maintenance weekend.
So you at the LEA level decide when this is worth your very valuable time to
review. Either you can look at it now and understand that there are fixes that will
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need to be put in or wait until that November 14th update but at that point we
really need to start looking at this data and making sure it’s accurate.
Okay. So enough of my soap boxing. Let’s talk about what we should
see. Okay. So for all you PowerSchool coordinators out there, your OCR
coordinator, whoever that is, and I’ll try to get some kind of list up somewhere so
that you can at least know who my contacts are. But they’re not always accurate.
I just, you know, need to throw that out there. But OCR coordinators should
know how many school containers you have out there. So they should have
access, they should have the ability if they are the ones truly filling out those
screens to A, access those screens, but they really need to know all about the
migrant program or any containers that you’ve put in there.
They need to understand just like we were talking about how you would
exclude a school, they need to understand what they’re looking at from the data
and technology perspective. So they should have access to view these schools or
at the very least understand what they’re looking at. And if the LEA determines
that this is not access that they want to provide, then there needs to be support
from a person who understands the technical and the data and the potential school
containers that that OCR coordinator might not see and give them the pitfalls.
LEAs see RDC reports, so the reports that would be finalized and
submitted are a collection of all schools that haven’t been excluded. So if we
exclude the migrant program or if we exclude a school because it’s _____, we’re
not going to see it at all on the reports. And then again, just a reminder here of
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where you might get some more information about that excluding schools for the
CRDC screen.
Oh, I have a question about define ungraded students. PKs are not
ungraded. Ungraded are students that may be assessed and determining—okay,
and I might be getting this wrong. They may be—oh, I think I have to get back to
you because I don’t want to tell you the wrong thing. Ungraded is really an actual
grade level and based on the person that I talked to, has the expertise, there’s only
a few LEAs—or a few schools that use it. So I think you would know if you have
ungraded. And if—another point of information here is if you’re looking for a
definition, like ungraded right now I think it would be up to DPI to at least tell
you how we use this. But ungraded—or I’m sorry, definitions exist within that
CRDC documentation. So that’s what we’re looking at is the perspective of the
Office of Civil Rights and how they define things. So if you’re looking for any
kind of definition, you should really check out their documentation and do a
search on that. But as far as how we use ungraded, I really hesitate to give you
my description because I could be making it up. So I can follow up with you after
the webinar. So thank you for your question.
Okay. So in reviewing the CRDC screens and the data, one thing that I
want to tell you is that they’re based on the way that the questions are laid out
within the Office of Civil Rights documentation. So again, here is a link to the
Office of Civil Rights page that has the LEA form and the school form. Now
there are a couple other options. You’re going to find this in the middle of the
page. It’s just kind of crazy, they’ve got a lot of information on that page. But
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they have a couple other options for specific school types. This LEA form is—
oops, I keep—oops, sorry. This LEA form is what you’re going to see on CRDC
LEA details part one and part two. This school from encompasses every type of
school that the Office of Civil Rights has described. So this is every question that
would need to be answered but not every school has to answer every question. It
really kind of depends on the type of school they are. Now the reason that I have
put these two screen shots in, and there will be more emphasis on this here later
within other slides, is the school level and the LEA level are a little bit different.
The school is where we—or I’m sorry, the LEA level is where we will
pull the compiled data. So one thing that you need to know is that the school does
not have to run the CRDC reports in order for the LEA level to run the CRDC
report. They are not tied in that fashion. So the LEA is not dependent on the
school running the report. What you see within the LEA CRDC is everything that
will be submitted. So this is all aggregate information and it is split out by part
one and part two as seen in the documentation from the fed side.
What you see in the school CRDC is going to be a little bit different in that
you have those kind of quote unquote—I really like those air quotes today. My
hands are going everywhere. But everything that you see at the beginning here,
LEA school detail, school detail part one, student aggregation is all of that official
stuff but then we have added a detail level to allow you to look at their records
and what’s submitting where. So we have two options on part one and that is
student detail by school, so it gives you that Terra Dominguez [ph] is part of your
enrollment count and she went to Algebra I and she is part of Advanced Math.
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And she is—also I was really smart that year, is also in Geometry and Calculus
and she’s in the IB program and she’s taking these AP courses. So it’s this long
row of data based on Terra Dominguez. And X marks the spot as to where she
reports. So it gives you a really great idea about the student records and what you
see. So maybe Tara was not in any AP classes. Maybe Tara was not in the IB
program, which was identified, you know, when we noticed that sixth and seventh
graders and eighth graders were in the IB program. So these are really good
reports to go back and revalidate your data.
Now in addition we have a class detail part one. Now that class detail will
display in CRDC part one and CRDC part two. The student detail only displays
in the part one. The class detail shows you—or wait, it might be the other way
around. We’re going to check it out in just a minute. But the class detail shows
you every class section that has students enrolled for your first semester, so
anything that could potentially report. But when I say everything, your PE classes
are on there, your homeroom classes, and the OCR or data in relation to the
Office of Civil Rights don’t care about that. But what this gives you is an idea of
what course numbers would be reporting for specific types of classes as defined
by OCR.
I’m going to stop for just a second and I see lots and lots of—lots of
question. CRDC website, the place where we can get documentation from the
government, you just—oh, sorry, okay. Great. Website is not working. I’ll
check that out. It should be working so why don’t we just give it a shot right now.
Hang on for just a second. Again, I am probably DPI spokes person for ______.
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I love this sucker. I love this sucker. So I go to federal request, this is my—and
thank you; I don’t think that he is on anymore. I saw him drop off the line but one
of our LEA coordinators, our PowerSchool coordinators showed me this
application and you don’t’ have to bookmark anything. You can use any browser.
You bookmark it through here. It’s pretty cool.
Okay. So I have Office of Civil Rights file specs on my bookmark. And
what we’re looking at here is I’m just going to copy this right at this moment.
Excuse me for the wiggly mouse. I am sending this to everybody. If the website
it not working on the document I’ll follow up on that but just so you know, it’s all
right there. Everybody just got that. So one more time I’m going to send it, one
more time just in case. Okay. All right. So if you were to scroll to somewhere
around the middle of this, I mean it’s a very, very, busy screen. But what you’re
going to find are the ’13-’14 LEA form, the ’13-’14 school form, the ’13-’14
elementary, ’13-’14 blah, blah, blah.
Okay. So these are the two big daddies right here. These are the ones
that’ll give you every question that you—that would be asked from OCR. And
what’s cool is that they detail, so for example—excuse me for just a second. I’m
going to go over to Office of Civil Rights data collection. What they detail in
these for example, maybe this isn’t the greatest example, but we’ll just go to
Kindergarten program indicator. So what it does is it tells you with each of these
what type of student the question applies to or what type of course the question
applies to. So their information is really great this year. I’m very appreciative
that they’ve taken the time to update that or my job would be a lot harder.
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Okay. So let’s see. So I sent you the website. And maybe I missed
something. Somebody else said that they’re not getting that. So may—
potentially I might have left off a character or something when I copied it in to the
presentation. So let me move on to some other questions. And oh, and then a
comment is maybe your school server is blocking it. You want that stuff to stop.
Oh, first page had ww2, okay, so I made—okay. I made an error there, so I will
update the document. And so okay, moving on.
So the detail level. Is this working correctly because it is not showing up
on the AP qualifying and the students in seven or eight grade students who
were—who took algebra are not showing. I’d like to follow up with you
personally on that just to make sure we’re considering everything. If indeed we
have a bug on our seventh and eighth grade students in regards to AP or algebra,
I’d like to take a look at that. But I can’t answer that quite at—quite right this
Okay. So I think I have answered every question that I can. I’m going to
go back to the presentation, get myself oriented here. [COUGHS] Excuse me.
And I think what I’m going to do is switch to the paper copy because I’d like to
show this to you as—pretty much live. So if you’re following along, slide 7—37.
I’m going to navigate over and let’s kind of talk about how this stuff works in
PowerSchool. Okay. So Office of Civil Rights Data Collection, I have not been
signed out, hallelujah. Okay. So all of my reports live under state reports in
regards to the Office of Civil Rights. And the first thing I’m going to do is I think
we can go ahead and start with central—Green Central High. What you may or
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may not see depending on which area you’re in is your CRDC report part one and
part two either live down here at the school level or somewhere up here.
Now I haven’t been part of the implementation process for the other state
reports. The common follow up, I’ll be working on that later on. But this is how
CRDC is currently working. Each of the reports contain filters, okay, and they’re
very convenient. I’m not going to run this again. I’m just going to click on
review. When I click on review, I’m at the school level. First and foremost I
have no exceptions, so I can just stay on data view. As far as data views, when it
comes to the school level, I have one or two more options depending on which
part of the report I’m running to look at that detail. Then I also have LEA detail
part one, school detail part one, student aggregations.
Okay. I want to show you what LEA detail shows you. It shows you an
overall count of your school if you are in fact in a school and not in the LEA
office. So for example, number one right here is a little redundant because you
know you only have one school in your one school. Okay. What I would like to
show you also is that you have filters. And these filters are based on the columns,
based on the categories. So for example, if I look at category one and I’m looking
at CRDC, I see that number one is a count of students. Okay. So this is not
necessarily something I would filter on because I can very quickly review this
data. I also at the school level have the ability from the report to see who that
civil rights coordinator is and some of the other high-level office—high level
LEA office information there is.
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Now if I were to go for example to school detail part one, again, showing
aggregate information, what I’m seeing here are my grade levels as they were
input in EDDIE and if they are just a range. Now just remember that we still have
one more fix coming from the—for those grade levels. What I wanted to show
you here too is that when we look at the school, if we look at the filters, we have
the school option. This is a holdover from the LEA level. And then we have
category one, category two, category three. So again, that falls in line with your
particular columns. But what I wanted to show you here as well and I think it
might be easier to see here, is that these categories align with the numbers and the
questions within the Office of Civil Rights documentation.
So it’s easy, if I look at—okay, category one is actually question one,
count of students. Category two is going to be question two and its dependent on
which view you’re looking at. Are you looking at the LEA level, are you looking
at the school level part one or part two. Now notice also here for example, and I
know this is kind of hard to see but we have civil rights is question four, question
four, question four, question four, question four. That is because that—within
this particular question, we have multiple segments of information. So it’s just
pretty much telling you question four, the first part of that question is the first
coordinator, for example, and then what is their name. What is the first
coordinator’s email address? What is the first coordinator’s phone number? So
the LEA and the school level follow the design of the documentation, so I really
hope that helps.
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Now if I were to look at the detail for example, and excuse me for just one
second, I see questions coming up. Okay. So the two questions here are do the
reports have to be run at each individual school or can it be run at the LEA? Now
the design should be that you do not have to run this within a school for the LEA
to pick it up. The school level report was created as a complementary
investigation item, so it wasn’t necessary, it was an addition. And if you are
finding that the two are linked in the fact that the school level had to be run before
you saw the data in the LEA level, I’d like to know because they should not be
dependent on each other per the requirements.
So another question was do you have to run each school or just the LEA
level, and the answer is you should be able to run just the LEA level, however if
you want to actually really investigate how your data is reporting it in terms of
detail, you’re going to find that at the school level. Okay? So you have the
option here of running—or reviewing the reports using the filters that you have.
And those filters come in really handy when you’re looking at multiple schools at
the LEA level or you can export the data.
The benefits of exporting the data into something like Excel for example is
that you can use the same filtering methods here as your export option, really easy
peasy. I’m going to walk you through it in just a second. If you export that, the
data, then you have the ability to kind of roam around PowerSchool and look at
records that you need to without losing your output from the report. So I have
pros and cons of the two. I really like the filters in reviewing the data in the
interface, but sometimes it’s so massive, for example with those student detail and
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the course detail that I need to export it out to be able to look at it more
So I’m going to actually export the class detail out and you can see
kind of—again, look at the filters. The filters are based on the questions and
based on the categories. But there’s a lot of data and I don’t see all of it. I cannot
show you the student detail, obviously, but this is kind of a good example as far as
what you would be looking at student versus course. So you’re going to see that
school number. You have sorting options here within the system. You see the
course name, the course number, and we’re always looking for those first five
characters when it comes to this report, your section and what it applies to. Okay,
so what it is—what that course is defined as for OCR.
So just very quickly, I’m going to export. I should get a popup and for
mine anyway it associates to Excel. If you’re finding that something is a little bit
different, then contact your technical staff if you’re unable to resolve it because
I’m not sure I could help you. So I get my list being built, my spreadsheet should
pop up, boom, right here. And now I can sort as I need to. So for example, I
could apply a filter here by clicking on my first row, adding this filter, and I want
to see all of my algebra classes. Whoa, I got none in here. Let’s see, what is this?
Is this algebra? Algebra I course, Algebra II course, no, Advanced Math, so
here’s a yes. So we may have some data that needs to be corrected. So now I can
see all of the course sections that are within the Advanced Math category. I’m
wondering why we don’t see algebra. Maybe they weren’t doing that. I don't
know but we’ll probably want to look at that just a little bit deeper.
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So this is kind of how you can use—how you can kind of review your data
outside of the application. Okay. I see lots of comments about the algebra. Hang
on just a second. All right. Okay. So one of our comments is you have talked
about reviewing ’13-’14 data, however the term that you are using in your
presentation is ’14-’15 SY. Do we use ’13-’14 or ’14-’15 term when reviewing
data? I’m not sure what you mean what I’m showing in the presentation. Just
give me one second. Yeah, another reminder that we’ve talked about is one of the
things that we noticed was that initially—give me a second here, I’m trying to go
back up—in my presentation. I don’t see it.
But initially when this report first came out, you absolutely had to change
this to ’13-’14. Well, it made no sense up here. What we were thinking is if you
have to run this in the ’14-’15 year regardless of whether it’s looking backward or
at current data, you should be able to run it in the term that you’re doing your
operational day to day stuff in. So there was a change, I believe that was in
September, that allows now that your term, you should be running this in ’13-’14
and your system is automatically going to go back into previous year information
to compile the data that you need. If you run this in ’13-’14, it’s going to be
looking at ’11-’12 and that stuff’s looking crazy, let me tell you. So if your stuff
looks wildly, wildly off the first time you run it, ask yourself if you’re in the right
When I’m looking at data that is historical, for example grades or
something like that, I probably don’t need to change my term. And when running
the report, I don’t need to change my term. I’m not quite sure when if ever that
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you would have to for the data elements that you would review. I really am just
unsure about that. But I can understand where maybe there was some confusion
with that. So moving forward forever and ever, you can run the report, which is
going to look back at previous year data in your current year forever and ever and
ever and ever.
Give me just a second. I want to address some other questions that I think
I saw. And I’m trying to get back to my little question panel so there we go.
Okay. So in reviewing data you might have to make a decision as far as where
you’re looking at or what term you’re looking at, but as far as running the report
current year and it will look backwards. Okay. Here’s a question. If we received
the red dots failed for part two at the LEA level, what should we do? Okay. So
the first thing that you want to look at is—or you want to ask yourself is did I
have any new schools open for ’13—that—in ’14-’15, and do I have program
schools that don’t have terms. Because the first and easiest fix is if the report is
looking at ’13-’14 and there have been new schools opened or a term has not been
created for a program school in ’13-’14 and your new school is, you know, ’15’16 and didn’t have a term. Then that’s the first and easiest fix. So you would
either determine do I need this particular school or program in ’13-’14? If the
answer is yes, I need to add a term, if the answer is no, I exclude it from the
Office of Civil Rights reporting.
Now other than that, it has to go to the support center. Please ask that they
escalate the ticket to Pearson. My understanding is that sometimes the fields may
be too small for the data that it’s containing or there might be something else
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that’s data related that’s holding up the report. So if fixing the terms for your
schools or reviewing the terms for the previous year does not remove that red dot
of death, then you need to please contact the support center and ask that you’re
issue be escalated to Pearson for review.
And my understanding is they’ve been pretty responsive. I’ve heard that
there are about 11 LEAs that had to get reported up and since I’m not in that loop
I have to ask the developer because that doesn’t really go to me. I don’t work
with the Pearson support center. So I’ve heard about a handful of LEAs that are
experiencing that. However, if you do run into that, then please do contact the
support center because we sure don’t want that holding us up when we actually
get to the point of submission.
Okay. So a comment is the stuff you’re doing with saving and exporting
your directions are related to the fact that you’re using Firefox? Yeah, yeah,
that’s true. I don’t think that there’s really anything that I can do about that. You
click export and whatever browser you’re using is how you’re going to get that
data. If—I believe the Firefox is the browser that is recommended, however I do
understand that there are restrictions out in the LEA. So the big thing is is that the
export is as easy as pushing the button, whatever browser you’re using, you’re
going to need to walk through getting your file back.
Okay. So somebody else is reporting they’re seeing zero for their algebra
classes. That is something that needs to be investigated and so please feel free to
contact me. Our algebra was Math I last year. Oh yeah, thank you, really good
reminder. Okay. So I had to go through this exercise with the curriculum
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department and in regards to Math I versus algebra, so I think I just choked on
that puppy. Algebra is the old course code and Math I is the new algebra. I
wanted—I almost wanted to say algebra or Math I is the new black but that
doesn’t work, Orange is the New Black reference, kind of funny, maybe not,
probably fell flat. I’ll move on. I forgot about Math I. We had to go through this
exercise to map the courses as applicable to those OCR definitions. So if you
have no Algebra I, do you have Math I? I really hope that you do.
So we can walk through that on an individual basis and hopefully I can
help explain that, but thank you so much for the reminder, bless you, bless you
because for a minute I was thinking oh my gosh, everything’s broken. So we
were in kind of a transition year in ’13-’14 is my understanding on those course
codes. And so we had to kind of accommodate that by doing some mapping and
our curriculum department was involved in saying this is the course that should
apply to this particular OCR request and this is the course that should apply to this
particular OCR request. So hopefully we have everything covered but I’ll be
contacting you. And so then we had a confirmation, could it be that we were
using Math I and that’s great, that is fantastic. Thank you again for the reminder.
And then I have—let me see, HS courses at middle school. Does Algebra
I come across at middle school even though it is a Math I course? I think I’d have
to look at that on an individual basis but my—I would believe so. If it’s not
coming across, maybe we just need to do a double check because I do recall
algebra being part of your seven and eighth grade OCR data element request, so
we’ll just have to take a look and see if we’ve coded that correctly.
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Okay. So I hope that semi answered the question. Okay. I have a
question regarding two specific students and they’re 504 and I’ll be contacting
you personally as well, so thank you for the question and I will get back to you.
I’ve tried to contact each of you individually if you had questions. I was I’m
going to say about 85 percent successful. So if you don’t hear from me this week,
then you’ll hear from me next week. Just give me a little bit to try to catch up
with the questions.
And okay, so one was a comment, thank you. Okay. Thank you for the
time, appreciate that. Okay. Another comment and okay—let me see. Will a
course offering be linked to the fact that I have no grades showing? Yeah, yeah,
yeah. Here’s the thing. Okay, so going back—that’s a really great question.
Going back to how important EDDIE now is to accurate data within
PowerSchool. We probably won’t have these kind of problems in the ’15-’16
submission. But we will in the ’13-’14 and the fact that EDDIE was not
connected. So we are noticing that there are—have been a couple schools that
said my grade levels were off. We’re going to have to figure out a way to fix that
on an individual case-by-case basis.
But the reason that I’m bringing that up and why that’s important is that
you might have noticed that your grade levels, you know, they weren’t displaying.
And if your grade level is missing, then I don’t believe—that’s the first part of the
logic is it says ninth grade is required for XYZ and you don’t have ninth grade,
OCR says well, I’m done. Okay. I’m good to go. So those grade levels are really
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important as far as accuracy. And I’m going to say that we have quite, you know,
we’re only going to have a couple one offs, so I’ll be contacting you as well.
All right. So moving forward, I just want to do some—make some
reminders here. So—or maybe pieces of information that you weren’t quite
aware of. The school level reports that have those additional detail views that we
will not send to the feds but are ultimately what your aggregate numbers are
coming from are a list of students as of October 1, 2013. Same holds true for
your classes. So if you knew you had geometry but it was in second semester, it’s
not going to appear on your detail class list. If you knew you had, you know, five
more students based on how many withdrew with you, I think you need to
consider—you need to ask yourself when that student was actually enrolled.
So here’s where I am getting to the point of—I think this is like the last
slide. Let me just take a look on my paper copy and it’s just about the second to
last slide. So here are some things that have been brought up as far as what if this
happens and how do I do this. So one of the questions is what if I want to see my
schools that have completed the CRDC screens at this point? Well, I agree with
the LEA that made mention of the approval process, that would be the easiest way
for you to know that they’ve done their data—or they’ve done their due diligence.
But it adds another layer of timing, so it’s something that has to be considered.
But right now, what you would need to do is determine how many of your school
should be reporting and then you look at your CRDC part one and filter or export
and review the data as you see it and ensure that those schools have updated. It’s
not the best solution but as far as looking, this is one way to do it.
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Another LEA had mentioned an export of the tables and it was really,
really fancy and pretty cool, but I figured I’d just kind of stick with the basics
right here. But you can go and look and filter that CRDC school detail part one
and it’ll become very evident to you whether or not the LEAs—or I’m sorry, the
schools have updated their screens.
So moving to the next what if. What if my overall student enrollment, the
CRDC aggregation by school part one looks wrong? I know I had X number of
students at the end of the year. So this goes back to this is a snapshot of your data
as of October 1 the previous year, regardless, that is the date that this data will be
pulled. And it kind of coincides with other federal deadlines as well. So ask
yourself, was that student enrolled during—or enrolled on or before October 31—
or I’m sorry, October 1? If the answer is yes, then please contact me. If the
answer was no, then they shouldn’t actually be reported on your CRDC for school
year ’13-’14.
So the same holds true of your classes. What if I know—I know my
school had more classes than what’s being reported on the CRDC. Ask yourself
if they were in second semester. If they were in second semester, they’re not
going to be picked up on the CRDC unless they’re a follow on, and there are very,
very few exceptions for that. But they will not be included on the civil rights data
So what if my grade level—phew—what if my grade levels are reporting
incorrectly? And that’s some pretty bad grammar right there, isn’t it? Okay. So I
see PK through eighth grade. I have PK and I have six and eighth grade only. So
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we’ve discussed this but I really can’t emphasize how important this is. I need to
know if your EDDIE grade levels are correct, but after November maintenance
weekend. So just hold tight for right now. Right now that page is seeing a range
whether we want it to or not. So in this situation, you would have PK through
eight and that’s not accurate. After November 14th, if that still exists, I really
need to know. But what you can do in the interim is verify that your grade levels
were correct in EDDIE because if they are not correct in EDDIE, I have to take
some kind of action. And that’s kind of a to be determined, so hopefully I have
an update on how we’ll be resolving that in the next two weeks.
Now the final slide for today’s presentation boys and girls is some
reminders about running the report in current year. So you no longer have to go
backwards into ’13-’14. If you do, you’re going to get really, really strange
results. So run that—those CRDC reports in the ’13-’14 year. Start looking at
your data very heavily after November 14th and fell free to contact me or use the
support center or Remedy process. I understand that the audience that I’m talking
to may not have access to Remedy. You can contact your PowerSchool
coordinator or you can contact me directly. We prefer to have those numbers,
those tickets will be escalated to me and I do my very best to follow up with you.
I know that I have a small amount of tickets that as yet still unresolved and it is
likely because I have not reviewed in—on this week at least, it is likely because
I’m waiting for that maintenance weekend.
And always rerun your reports from the school level or the C—LEA level
if any changes have been made. So changes in the report logic like the November
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14th maintenance weekend. Changes in student data which I hope are not
happening right now but examples include Section 504, examples include the LEP
data that I’m loading right now. Examples could include incident data and the
addition of that zero tolerance action. I think it’s an action. If you’ve made
changes to your course data or any changes to your CRDC screens, when you’re
reviewing that report, that report is completely static based on the run time that
you did it before. It’s not dynamic, it’s not going to reassess itself. So if you get
in—questions from your school level staff, I think maybe the first thing you might
ask them is have you rerun that report recently? If the answer is no, let’s try that
and see where that takes us. But again, I’m available for questions and I will
respond as quickly as possible.
I do see that I have some questions, so I’m going to turn back to our
question panel and see what I can answer. The first question I see is will part one
and part two window be open at the same time or will part two be a separate time?
Great question. I don't know why they separated it, part one or part two. It may
be how they evaluate the data, but all the data is due at the same time. It’s kind of
how they’ve broken out their table of contents. I think because they’re taking a
look at your initial for example October 1 enrollments and then that part two kind
of has to do with later on in the year, some of it does. But it’s all due at the same
time, but I don't know the rhyme and reason as to why they did part one and part
two. I think that’s just kind of how whoever created its brain works. That’s just
my assessment. I don't know. But it’s all due at the same time.
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And here’s a question about what about the teacher’s section with
absenteeism and the school expenditures? Fantastic question as well. What I can
tell you right now is all of that stuff is coming—that stuff—the data is coming
from what we call up here the red systems. And we have access to the majority of
the financial data, which is where we would be getting your expenditures, and
your FTE teacher information. I think that’s coming from possibly payroll, I’m
not quite sure. Now there are some elements—and there’s only one that I know
that we don’t collect at the state level and that’s that teacher absenteeism. But the
majority of the data should be coming from those red systems. And very, very
soon here I have to start turning my attention to understanding what that data is.
Right now as a head’s up, it is correct that we do not have teacher
absenteeism. You might want to maybe ask for that data ahead of time. It doesn’t
hurt to have a Plan B because I’m not quite sure what the solution will be to that.
It’s possible because that’s not tied into any aggregations, it’s a stand-alone
element that we may ask you to update that in the federal tool, but I’m not there
yet. I don’t quite know what we’re going to do. But as far as my initial
assessment of that outside—that—the data that’s outside of PowerSchool, the—
everything exists with the exception of that teacher absenteeism. So you might
want to just try collecting that by hand right now in the event that we don’t have a
solution before the submission window.
I see a question about enrollment counts, the October date. Are you
referring to enrollment counts only? I need a little more specification, enrollment
counts only. Enrollment into school, enrollment into courses, Section 504 would
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be based on or before October—the October 1 date. So if I’m excluding anything
let me know. There was a Slide 40, third answer of what if you have SY ’12-’14.
Oh, what if you have SY ’12-’14. Wow. Okay. Well, that’s a really bad typo on
my part so I will make sure that I update that. So the answer on that should be
was the class in second semester? Classes are counted as of October 1, 2013.
Second semester classes are not reported for school year—I don't know what I
was trying to tell you there but for the school year ’13-’14. So I think I got a little
crazy with the speed typing there, so thanks for the head’s up there.
Okay. We’ve got a couple more questions. Oh, okay. So for example,
would a student who passed algebra in the ninth grade taken in second semester
be counted? The answer is no. If that class is in second semester, they are not
counted. So if the class enrollment is as of October 1, then the course and the—
whether the student passed or failed would be counted but not second semester
classes. So thank you for that clarification.
I have two other questions. If you guys don’t have any other questions
we’re going to shut down pretty soon. But we have taken the majority of our time
today. [SNEEZES] Excuse me. The question—the first question I see is could
the submission end date be a cause for a current school to get the red dot of death
[COUGHS] which should be resolved during maintenance weekend. It never
occurred to me so I will take that into consideration [SNEEZES], excuse me, as I
do the research. But I really don’t know a lot about that approval submission end
date and what it impacts. So I really do need to research that and I will hopefully
have all the information that you need [COUGHS] excuse me—at our next
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webinar session. But thank you for the head’s up. I will consider that in my
The final question that I see is number 47, so I’m assuming that’s on the
OCR documentation because I think there were only 41 slides or 42 slides, justice
[ph] education facility hours. Do you have any idea why all of my schools would
have hours listed for this? No, I sure don’t, so I will follow up with you offline.
And like I said, if you all have questions I will review the webinar report and your
questions and I will contact you within the next two weeks and try to address your
concerns. You may also contact me from my email address. I would really prefer
a lot of times that you submit that Remedy ticket so we follow the escalation path,
however, any way you reach me is any way I will respond to you.
So if there are no further questions, thank you again for spending your
time with me today, this Tuesday afternoon. I hope that this had value for you. I
hope that we continue to provide you substantial information and I’m looking
forward to the second part of this project. So since we have no more questions,
I’m going to release you nine minutes early. Thank you very much and you have
a great afternoon.
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