Sept. 10, 2015 Teachers' Biweekly Message - Lynda Fuller 9/11/15 10:18 AM Sept. 10, 2015 Teachers' Biweekly Message North Carolina Public Schools <> Fri 9/11/2015 10:13 AM To: Lynda Fuller <>; Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page. Sept. 10, 2015 Last week’s accountability report illustrated the many ways that North Carolina teachers, principals, students and parents are staying focused on student achievement. Whether you teach kindergarten or 12th grade, these accomplishments are yours. Congratulations on North Carolina’s high school graduation rate, which jumped to another historic high of 85.4 percent in 2015. All student subgroups shared in this good news, which is another cause for celebration. The 2014-15 results also showed that 72.2 percent of traditional public schools received performance grades of C or better while charter schools came in at 70.4 percent receiving grades of C or better. Science proficiency moved up for fifth and eighth graders, and more students were proficient in mathematics. On top of this, 2015 Advanced Placement results released by the College Board found that more North Carolina high school students are taking Advanced Placement courses and tests and succeeding in these college-level courses. The number of tests taken increased 19.1 percent, and the number of scores of 3 to 5 increased 9 percent, according to the College Board. All of this is news worth celebrating.…wLATFQbVDaoQShvuEAAHWegkcAAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=95&ispopout=1 Page 1 of 7 Sept. 10, 2015 Teachers' Biweekly Message - Lynda Fuller 9/11/15 10:18 AM Last week’s accountability results also underscored the continued need for early childhood education, more flexibility in school calendars and targeted support for schools that need it. We continue to watch for signs of a budget agreement and will alert you as soon as any movement occurs in that regard. State Board of Education Meeting Highlights At their September State Board of Education meeting, members received reports on 2014-15 Accountability Data, School Performance Grades, Cohort Graduation Rates and Career and Technical Education Credentials earned during the previous school year. Members also approved the Digital Learning Report and Read to Achieve local alternative assessments. Board members discussed Global Educator Digital Badge requirements, revisions to CTE Essential Standards and guidelines for Academically or Intellectually Gifted programs. The complete list of Board actions is available on the State Board of Education website. Welcome Back Fellow Educators! Welcome, fellow educators, to your 2015-16 clean slate! What an exciting time to be an educator! The start of a new school year is one of my favorite things about being a classroom teacher. You are greeted with anxious anticipation regardless of the number of years you have forged a new adventure with new students. You have prepared all summer with hours of physical labor in your classroom and weeks of professional development to further improve your craft. Now, you can showcase what you have learned at this juncture. There is no pre or posttest for you, but there are the smiling and sometimes hesitant expressions of your students waiting to see what a year in your classroom may hold. For you, no matter what the ups and downs of last year held for you professionally or personally, the opportunity to mold this school year into the BEST North Carolina has experienced is yours. With this thought in mind, I want to encourage each of us to be diligent in our quest for better education for our students. May we shine a positive light for the students in North Carolina, even amidst the sometimes turbulent and ever changing tides of our profession. There will be those days when you question your chosen path and wonder if the grass is always a lot greener in other professions or just the pay. My prayer is that your students will rejuvenate each of you when the inevitable bad days arise. Please take the time to build meaningful relationships with your students that will further their development as lifelong learners, and seize the opportunity to show each of our students in North Carolina that they are valued and worthy!…wLATFQbVDaoQShvuEAAHWegkcAAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=95&ispopout=1 Page 2 of 7 Sept. 10, 2015 Teachers' Biweekly Message - Lynda Fuller 9/11/15 10:18 AM Here’s to an inspiring and life-changing school year! Keana C. Triplett, 2015-16 North Carolina Teacher of the Year. Follow me on Twitter (@teachtrip) and/or Facebook (Keana Triplett, NC Teacher of the Year) so I can share in your incredible experiences this school year! New Classroom Assessment Items Available in Schoolnet This week as you log in to the Instructional Improvement System (Schoolnet) you may notice that there are more assessment items available in Math and English Language Arts. Staff recently purchased an additional 55,000 assessment items for classroom level use in grades K-12. The new items include multiple choice and open response items. You can find these items under the publisher name “FAIB from Certica Solutions, Inc.” when doing an advanced search in Item Central. In addition, the Northwest Evaluation Association items for Science and Social Studies also were refreshed and have been assigned a new publisher name. The new publisher name is “FAIB from Certica Solutions, Inc.” As a reminder these items (and the new items noted above) are available to ALL users in Schoolnet so they are intended for Classroom Assessments (not Benchmark Assessments). If you have any questions about this resource, please contact Kayla Siler. NC State Advisory Council on Indian Education Announces New Instructional Resources The North Carolina State Advisory Council on Indian Education is pleased to announce its new online Culturally Responsive Instructional Resources. Use of these resources by classroom teachers was the Council’s sole recommendation in its Annual Report this year to the State Board of Education. The goal of the recommendation is to increase graduation and achievement rates among the state’s American Indian students and to educate all students and teachers with accurate information about American Indians. As this map shows, every county in North Carolina has an American Indian population. The figures on this map are “Indian alone” and do not take into account Indians self-reporting as multi-racial. These new webpages include a wide variety of accurate and appropriate resources for teaching to and about America's first people. K-16 teachers will find many useful resources including lesson plans and teaching suggestions, research, text lists, information on all eight state-recognized North Carolina tribes, and contemporary background information on Indian country today. Teachers will particularly want to note: - Text Resources page with lists of recommended books for elementary, middle and high schools as well as a useful guide for evaluating books;…wLATFQbVDaoQShvuEAAHWegkcAAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=95&ispopout=1 Page 3 of 7 Sept. 10, 2015 Teachers' Biweekly Message - Lynda Fuller 9/11/15 10:18 AM - Teaching About Thanksgiving page with recommended books and thought-provoking teaching points; - Teachers/Administrators page with resources listed alphabetically, including an American Indians in Children's Literature blog link with great book reviews and information, and LearnNC's Curriculum Guide aligned to CCSS and Essential Standards with information on all eight state-recognized North Carolina tribes; and - Montana Office of Public Instruction Indian Education for All Companion Guides - Connections With Common Core Standards with detailed ELA lessons aligned with the CCSS using wonderful Nativebased texts. Please make sure your fellow classroom teachers and social studies departments are aware of these resources. K-2 Teachers Will Want to Take Advantage of The Read Aloud Project K-2 teachers: are you wondering how to align your K-2 read alouds with the North Carolina ELA Standards while engaging your students? Curious about what topics will build the knowledge and vocabulary your primary students need to develop their ability to read well independently? Looking for a bank of quality lessons to support your science and social studies instruction with high-quality read alouds? If so, you may want to participate in The Read Aloud Project, which will be held Oct. 1-2 at the Charlotte Museum of History. All the details, including registration, are available online. ELA LiveBinder Updated The K-12 English/Language Arts LiveBinder has been updated. Please visit to find new resources and professional development opportunities. Free Resources from NCWiseOwl Most of you are aware that there is a password available to students and teachers to use with NCWiseOwl when off campus. Effective Aug. 5, this password changed to wiseowl15. Please be sure to share this with others in your school and district to ensure the continued use of NCWiseOwl resources. While the password cannot be shared on public facing websites, please feel free to share with parents and students on paper flyers, bookmarks, etc. A new resource from EBSCO has been added to the NCWiseOwl site. You will now see a link for Explora in each of the school zones. Explora will be replacing Searchasaurus, Kids Search, and Student Research Center. Over the next few weeks, staff will be removing the links to those three resources that are being discontinued by EBSCO. Teachers and students should be able to use Explora to access content that they are accustomed to receiving from those three resources. Be sure to check out the NCWiseOwl Toolkit that provides links to promotional materials and tutorials. Staff also are excited about Wiseowl Wednesdays. Webinars are planned for Wednesdays throughout…wLATFQbVDaoQShvuEAAHWegkcAAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=95&ispopout=1 Page 4 of 7 Sept. 10, 2015 Teachers' Biweekly Message - Lynda Fuller 9/11/15 10:18 AM the school year. Also the @ncdpiDTL twitter account will have special NCWiseOwl related tweets on Wednesdays. As a reminder, Jennifer Northrup now serves as the NCWiseOwl support person for the state. If you have professional development needs, please first try contacting your regional consultant. Middle School STEM Resource Future City Future City focuses on how to make the world a better place through a citywide sustainability issue. Students engage in engineering concepts where they identify problems, brainstorm ideas, design solutions, test/test, build and then share the results. This year’s topic is: waste management. Interested? If so, you’ll want to act fast as registration fee is waived if you register by Oct. 15. When registering, make sure you say “bill me later” when it asks about the $25 fee. Participating schools receive access to the free SimCity software and supporting materials and the winning team gets a free trip to Washington DC to compete at nationals. Contact NC Regional Future City Coordinator Nancy Shaw for more information. NCCAT Supports Public School Teachers For nearly three decades the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) has provided high-quality professional development to help teachers make a difference in the classroom. NCCAT offers professional development in a variety of topics including early grades literacy, digital learning, beginning teachers and teacher leadership. NCCAT conducts programs for pre-K through 12th-grade teachers, school administrators, counselors and library media specialists. Other educators who may be eligible for programs are curriculum specialists, lead teachers, mentors, school social workers and school psychologists. Established by the state legislature in 1985, NCCAT is a place where teachers “advance teaching as an art and a profession” through a wide range of learning opportunities. The calendar of programs is available online. Information on how to apply is available here. NCCAT also provides online programming. You also may want to access information on how NCCAT may be able to work in your school.…wLATFQbVDaoQShvuEAAHWegkcAAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=95&ispopout=1 Page 5 of 7 Sept. 10, 2015 Teachers' Biweekly Message - Lynda Fuller 9/11/15 10:18 AM NC Dept. of Insurance Sponsors Poster Contest to Support Fire Prevention Week The theme for this year’s Fire Prevention Week in North Carolina (Oct. 4-10) is “Hear the Beep Where You Sleep.” Insurance Commissioner and State Fire Marshal Wayne Goodwin invites all second and third grade students to participate in a poster contest to promote fire safety and the need for smoke detectors in places where we sleep. Winning poster designs will be displayed on the Office of State Fire Marshal’s website, and every child who participates will receive a personal thank you for helping keep North Carolina fire safe. The deadline to submit a poster is Oct. 1. Contest details are available on the Office of State Fire Marshal website. Environmental Sustainability Focus of Symposium Join World View on Oct. 21-22 at The Friday Center for Continuing Education in Chapel Hill to explore one of the world’s most pressing global issues – the sustainability of our environment. Participants in From Local to Global: Exploring Environmental Sustainability will explore themes related to food security, energy, pollution, waste reduction and more through keynote addresses, a film screening of Landfill Harmonic and 30 different concurrent sessions. Sessions such as digital storytelling, STEM note-booking, and service learning will increase educator capacity to add environmental themes into classrooms and schools. This program is designed for K-12 administrators and teachers in all disciplines, and educators will leave the program with strategies to integrate global themes into their schools and classrooms. For details, including registration, please visit the World View website. Stay Connected with North Carolina Public Schools: SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: Manage Subscriptions | Help…wLATFQbVDaoQShvuEAAHWegkcAAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=95&ispopout=1 Page 6 of 7 Sept. 10, 2015 Teachers' Biweekly Message - Lynda Fuller 9/11/15 10:18 AM This email was sent to using GovDelivery, on behalf of: North Carolina Public Schools · 301 N. Wilmington St. · Raleigh, NC 27601…wLATFQbVDaoQShvuEAAHWegkcAAA%3D&IsPrintView=1&wid=95&ispopout=1 Page 7 of 7