GPA and Grade Scale: Proposed Implementation Plan What we know • Multiple grade scales are needed. Core PowerSchool can accommodate this requirement. What we know • Multiple GPA Requirements. Again, like the grade scales, PowerSchool can accommodate the need for multiple GPAs. What we know • The core application does allow for a teacher to have multiple grade scale in the same gradebook. What we know • The core application does allow for a teacher to assign a different grade scale to students in the same class. Identify other affected Areas/Processes • Did we miss an area that needs to be examined? • Include automatic reference to display of GPA student is associated • Quick Lookup Page? What can CORE PowerSchool offer • New Scales – can create multiple scales • New Weights – can create multiple weights – Enhancement to product may be required – Based on specific criteria such as 9th Grade Entry date • PowerTeacher Gradebook will allow multiple grade scales per class – Can the Enterprise Controller push down these scales? – Will this require one-time setup by teachers in their gradebook?