2011 Bill Compilation Session Laws/Ratified Bills Bill # Bill Title Sponsor(s) Recent Action HB 17 Wayne County Board of Education Vacancies Sager, LaRoque Ch. SL 2011-49 HB 48 No Standardized Testing Unless Req'd by Feds (Holloway, Blackwell, Hilton, Cotham) Ch. SL 2011-8 HB 181 Add Supt. to NC Econ. Dev. Bd. (Glazier) Ch. SL 2011-121 HB 197 School Calendar Flexibility/Inclement Weather (Frye, Jordan, Rapp, West) Ch. SL 2011-93 HB 200 HB 200 Appropriations Act of 2011 (Brubaker) Ch. SL 2011 - 145 HB 338 Burke School Board Recall Blackwell Ch. SL 2011-157 HB 498 Wake County School Board Presiding Officer Voting Dollar 6/15/2011 Ratified HB 523 Change Winston‑Salem/Forsyth Election Method (Folwell, McGee, L. Brown) Ch SL. 2011-141 HB 536 Lincoln and Chatham School Board Districts Rhyne Ch. SL 2011-181 State Health Plan/Additional Changes Murry, Dockham, Barnhart Ch. SL 2011-96 High School Work Partnership (Cotham, Lewis, Holloway, Hall) Ch. SL 2011-91 HB 792 Gfeller-Waller Concussion Awareness Act (Folwell, Cook, McGrady, and Glazier) Ch. SL 2011-147 SB 8 No Cap on the Number of Charter Schools (Stevens) Ch. SL 2011-164 SB 49 Increase Fine for Speeding/School Zones (Allran) Ch. SL 2011-64. SB 83 Wilson County School Board (Newton) Ch. SL 2011-53 SB 260 Pitt County School Board of Education Pate Ch. SL 2011-174 HB 578 HB 769 Ratified Bills HB 22 2011 Budget Technical Corrections Crawford 6/18/2011 Ratified HB 342 High School Accreditation Blackwell, Holloway 3/15/2011 Ratified HB 344 Tax Credits for Children with Disabilities (Stam, Randleman, Jordan, Jones) 6/17/2011 Ratified HB 376 Retirement Technical Corrections McGee 6/16/2011 Ratified Last Update 6/27/2011 8:21 AM 1 of 10 2011 Bill Compilation HB 427 Run and You’re Done (Faircloth, Folwell, H. Warren, Shepard) 6/17/2011 Ratified HB 588 The Founding Principles Act (Brubaker) 6/18/2011 Ratified HB 595 Reorganization/Legislative Oversight Comns. (Barnhart, Burr) 6/16/2011 Ratified Amend Various Gun Laws/Castle Doctrine Hilton, LaRoque, Cleveland, Hastings 6/17/2011 Ratified HB 720 School & Teacher Paperwork Reduction Act (Murry, Blust, Brandon) 6/18/2011 Ratified HB 730 Local Bds of Education/403(b) Option HB 736 Amend Law Re: School Discipline HB 744 Safe Students Act (Fisher) Langdon, Lubeke,Daughtry, Lucas (Folwell, R. Brown, Hastings, Torbett) HB 758 Establish Arts Education Commission (Carney, Glazier, Adams, Johnson) 6/16/2011 Ratified HB 765 Study Length of School Year (Lewis) 6/16/2011 Ratified Dropout Recovery Pilot Program (Holloway, Hilton, Blackwell, Langdon) 6/16/2011 Ratified HB 927 State Pensions Plan Solvenvy Reform Act Folwell, Starnes, Dixon, McGee 6/15/2011 Ratified SB 125 Regional Schools (Brown, Hartsell) 6/16/2011 Ratified SB 148 General Statues Comm. Technical Corrections Hartsell 6/18/2011 Ratified SB 243 Public-Private Partnerships for Schools Stevens 6/15/2011 Ratified SB 339 Modify Driver’s Education Program (Hartsell) 6/17/2011 Ratified SB 394 Clarify Process/Reportable Offenses in School (Newton, Tillman, Preston) 6/16/2011 Ratified SB 415 Eliminate Cost of Reduced Price School Meals (Purcell) 6/18/2011 Ratified SB 466 Modify Teacher Career Status Law (Hartsell, Tillman) 6/17/2011 Ratified Testing in Public Schools (Tillman, Preston, Soucek) 6/18/2011 Ratified HB 650 HB 822 SB 479 Last Update 6/27/2011 8:21 AM 6/18/2011 Ratified 6/18/2011 Ratified 6/16/2011 Ratified 2 of 10 2011 Bill Compilation SB 498 Modify Law Re: Corporal Punishment (Pate, Purcell) 6/17/2011 Ratified SB 726 Multiple Birth Sibling Classroom Placement (Hise) 6/17/2011 Ratified SB 727 No Due Checkoff for School Employees (Hise) 6/18/2011 Vetoed by the Governor Other bills that made crossover and are eligible in the Short Session * HB 773 Studies Act of 2011 has been appointed to a conference committee HB 8 Eminnent Domain Stam, Lewis, McGrady 5/2/2011 Ref. to Com. On Judiciary I. 2/24/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Rules, Operations of the Senate. HB 67 Wilson County School Board (Tolson, FarmerButterfield) HB 218 Legislative Task Force on Childhood Obesity (Insko, L. Brown, Johnson, and Weiss) 6/14/2011 Re-referred to the Senate Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. HB 244 State Health Plan/Add Sterling Montessori Murry 6/9/2011 Ref. to the Senate Committee on Insurance. HB 261 Intrastate Motor Carrier Markings McComas 4/4/2011 Ref to Com. On Transportation. (Hastings) 4/06/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. 6/8/2011 Passed 1st reading in the Senate., referred to Committee on Rules and Operations of the Seante. 4/5/11 Passed 1st Reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on State and Local HB 278 School Calendar/Onslow County HB 320 (SB 278) Continue P3 Study (McGee, Ross, McComas, Carney) HB 322 Haywood School Board Filing Period (Rapp, Haire) Report on Fitness Testing in Schools Insko, Bell, Harrison, 6/7/2011 Ref. to the Com. On Rules and Laroque) Operations of the Senate. HB 334 HB 394 HB 451 Flexible Work Option for All State Employees DWLR Penalties Increased/Vehicle Seizures (Hurley) 4/19/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Pensions & Starnes 5/16/2011 Ref. to Judiciary II. If fav., rereferred to Appropriations/Base Budget. HB 480 Stanly County School Board Filing Period Burr 4/19/2011 Ref. to Com. On State and Local Government. HB 503 Nutrition Stds./All Foods Sold at School (Insko, LaRoque) 6/6/2011 Ref. to Com. On Education/ Higher Education. 5/2/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. HB 546 Alternative Salary Plans/ Charlotte-Meck. Sch. (Samuelson) HB 623 Eliminate Agency Final Decision Authority (McCormick, Stevens, Cleveland, Glazier) 5/31/2011 Ref. to Com. On Judiciary I. HB 627 Study Efficiency and Cost Savings/State Govt. 6/6/2011 Ref. to Com. on Local and Local (Blackwell, Crawford) Government. HB 719 Suspension Removed When Eligibility Met (Brawley) 4/27/2011 Ref. to Com. on Judiciary II. (Cotham, Holloway, Keever, Graham) 4/19/11 Received in the Senate, passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Education/Higher Education. HB 766 Last Update 6/27/2011 8:21 AM Testing in Public Schools 3 of 10 2011 Bill Compilation HB 773 Studies Act of 2011 Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House. 6/18/2011 Conference Committee Appointed. HB 823 Governance of the Dep’t of Public Instruction (Holloway, Hilton, 6/8/2011 Re-ref. to Com. on Rules and Brubaker, Blackwell) Operations of the Senate. HB 829 Streamline Education Planning Responsibility HB 836 Compensation Study /State Bds. and Comms. 5/2/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred (Cotham, Glazier, to the Committee on Education/Higher Holloway, Blackwell) Education. 6/9/2011 Ref. to Com. On Rules and Operations of the Senate. (McElraft) (Carney, Justice) 6/2/2011 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Senate Committee on Education. Personal Learning Plan for Each Child (Brandon) 6/2/2011 Ref. to Com. On Education/Higher Education. AED’s in State Buildings (Carney, E. Warren, Hackney, Brubaker) 6/6/2011 Ref. to Health Care. If fav., re-ref. to Appropriations/Base Budget. Balanced Budget Act of 2011 (Stevens, Brunstetter, 3/9/11 Veto Overridden, sent to the House, Hunt) received and read. Transfer State Health Plan to State Treasurer (Apodaca, Brunstetter, Hartsell) 4/6/2011 Vetoed by Governor 4/13/2011 Veto overdidden 4/14/2011 Read in House School Buses/State Vehicles/Tires (Harrington, Rabon, Forrester) 4/5/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Rules, Calendar and Operations of the House. SB 423 Educ. Oversight Comm. Study of Teacher Tenure (Fisher, Cotham, Gill, 6/15/2011 Re-referred to the Rules, Calendar Keever) and Operations of the House. SB 617 LRC Study Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Mgmt (Atwater) 6/8/2011 Ref. Com. on Health and Human Services. SB 648 Amend Law Re: School Discipline (Preston, Tillman, Hartsell) 5/16/2011 Ref. to Com. on Education. SB 724 An Act to Improve Public Education (Stein, Tillman) 5/12/2011 Ref. to the Com. On Education. (Tucker) 6/14/2011 Ref. to the Committee in Judiciary Subcommittee B. (Tucker) 6/8/2011 Engrossed. 6/13/2011 Ref. to Committee on Rules, Calendar and Operations of the House. HB 837 HB 855 HB 914 SB 13 SB 265 SB 416 SB 707 SB 755 Last Update 6/27/2011 8:21 AM Completion of CPR by Students Required School Violence Prevention Act Ed. Employees Ass'n/Equal Access Act 4 of 10 2011 Bill Compilation The following bills did not make crossover. HB 11 HB 41 1/31/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education, if favorable, Appropriations. No Postsecondary Education/Illegal Aliens (Cleveland) Tax Fairness in Education (Stam, Hager, Collins, 2/07/11 Referred to the House Committee on Brawley) Education, if favorable, Finance. HB 51 PTA Parental Involvement/Dropout Prev. Funds (Lucas, Glazier) 2/10/11 Re-referred to House Committee on Appropriations HB 61 Speaker/Pro Tem Term Limits (Blust, Tillis) 4/12/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Judiciary I. Eugenics Program-Support and Education (Womble, Parmon) 2/14/11 Referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services, if favorable, Appropriations. Sunshine Amendment 3/29/11 Withdrawn from calendar, ordered engrossed. 3/29/11 Re-referred to the Committee on Rules, (LaRoque, T. Moore) Calendar, and Operations of the House. HB 73 HB 87 HB 94 HB 131 Local Flexibility Re: School Calendar Funds/One School Superintendent per County (Lucas, Bell) 3/10/11 Assigned to the Commerce and Job Development Subcommittee on Business and Labor. (Parmon, Lucas) 2/21/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education, if favorable, Appropriations. HB 132 Make Up Snow Days With Distance Learning (Lucas) 2/21/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education. HB 145 Phoebe’s Law (Work/School Zones-Speed Camera Pilot Program) (Glazier, Murray, Rapp, Jordan) 5/17/2011 Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House. Transfer State Health Plan to State Treasurer Dollar, Blackwell, Hurley, Blust 3/2/2011 Re-referred to the Committee on Appropriations. Putting Students First/Local 2/24/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, (Burr, Folwell, Hager, referred to the Committee on Education, if Rapp) favorable, Commerce and Job Development. HB 161 HB 175 HB 185 HB 210 HB 238 HB 247 HB 253 Last Update 6/27/2011 8:21 AM (Randleman) 2/28/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education. Building Code/School Animal Husbandry Bldgs. . (Brisson, Glazier, Lucas, Parfitt) 3/03/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education. Calendared for 3/22/11 State Health Plan/Repeal Penalties 3/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, (Dollar, Blackwell, referred to the Committee on Health and Harrison, and Hurley) Human Services, if favorable, State Personnel. School Calendar Flexibility Enhance Charter School Accountability Home Schoolers Participate in School Sports (Glazier, Cotham, Rapp, Lucas) 3/09/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education, if favorable, Appropriations. (Dixon, Cleveland) 3/09/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education. 5 of 10 2011 Bill Compilation HB 264 NC School of Biotechnology and Agriscience (Glazier) HB 288 North Carolina Science Olympiad Funds (Glazier, Weiss, Parmon, Michaux) HB 393 Modify Internal Auditing Statues (Hastings, McGee) 3/09/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education. 3/10/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee onreading Appropriations. 4/11/11 Passed 2nd and 3rd in the House. 4/12/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Program Evaluation. HB 413 Winston-Salem/Forsyth School Board (Parmon, Womble) HB 466 Spend 65% of Funds in the Classroom (Blust) 3/22/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Government. 3/28/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education, if favorable Appropriations. Improve School Discipline (Blust) 3/28/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education, if favorable Judiciary Subcommittee A. Funds/Cumberland Intern'l Early College Lucas, Glazier, Frazier, Parfitt 3/30/2011 Referred to the Appropriations Committee. School Calendar Pilot Program/Stanly County (Burr) 3/31/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education. Volunteer Service in Retirement Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House. 3/31/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on State Personnel, if favorable, Finance. (Hilton, Fisher, Keever, Moffitt) 3/31/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education, if favorable, Finance, if favorable, Appropriations. (M. Alexander, Johnson) 4/04/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House. Study County Public-Private Partnerships (Collins, Howard, Tolson, Carney) 4/05/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Public Utilities, if favorable, Finance. Bill of Rights/Deaf/Hearing Impaired (Blackwell, FarmerButterfield) 4/05/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Judiciary Subcommittee A. Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights 4/05/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, (McGrady, Holloway, referred to the Committee on Rules, Calendar, Fisher, Hurley) and Operations of the House. HB 467 HB 500 HB 553 HB 556 HB 564 HB 579 HB 592 HB 625 HB 657 HB 665 HB 681 Last Update 6/27/2011 8:21 AM School Capital Fund Formula/Lottery Proceeds Modify Law Regarding Corporal Punishment Require Drivers Education for All Drivers (Boles) Study of American Indian Mascots at Schools (Graham, Pierce, Brandon) 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Transportation, if favorable Rules, Calendar and Operations of the House. 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House. 6 of 10 2011 Bill Compilation HB 685 HB 695 Government Transparency Act of 2011 Family/School/Community Compacts (Blust, LaRoque) 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Judiciary Subcommittee A, if favorable, Finance. (Bordsen) 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education. HB 700 Auto-Enroll in Supplemental Retirement Plan (Bordsen) 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on State Personnel. HB 727 Amend Dropout Prevention Grants (Parmon, Hamilton, Fisher) 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education. Amend Law Re: School Discipline (Langdon, Luebke, Daughtry, Lucas)An 5/2/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Education/Higher Education. Reduce and Prevent School Discipline Problems (Cotham, Brandon, Glazier) 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education. Salary Funds/ Spend Only for Salaries (Blust) 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Appropriations. Enact Employee Fair Classification Act (Glazier, Brandon, Ross, Bordsen) 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Commerce and Job Development. Full-Services Community Schools Pilot Program (Cotham, Brandon, Jackson) 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education. Modify Teacher Career Status Law (Cotham, M. Alexander, Keever, Johnson) 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on State Personnel. (West, Haire) 6/1/2011 Withdrawn from the Appropriations Committee, referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the House. HB 736 HB 770 HB 785 HB 790 HB 793 HB 815 Teachers/Isolated K-12 Schools HB 826 Coverage for Treatment of Autism Disorders (Parfitt, Glazier, Keever, Murry) 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Health and Human Service, if favorable, Insurance. HB 831 Multiple Birth Sibling Classroom Placement (Murry) 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education. (Harrison, Cotham, Carney, Glazier) 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Education, if favorable Appropriations. Funding Formula for NC Virtual Public Schools (Langdon, Stevens) 4/07/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Appropriations. NC Science Competitions Program Ctr. Funds (Jeffus, Tolson, Fisher, and Glazier) 4/11/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Appropriations. (Glazier, Insko) 4/18/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services, if favorable, Appropriations. (Pierce, Hall) 4/26/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Rules, Calendar and Operations of the House. (Pierce) 4/26/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Rules, Calendar and Operations of the House. HB 840 HB 856 HB 860 HB 866 HB 870 HB 871 Last Update 6/27/2011 8:21 AM Healthier and Greener Schools Act Transition Residential Schools to DPI Enforcement Funds/Texting While Driving Root Poverty/Task Force Funds 7 of 10 2011 Bill Compilation HB 891 SB 6 SB 62 SB 67 SJR 90 (Luebke, Bryant, Wainwright, Weiss) 5/5/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Appropriations. Berger 5/5/2011 Referred to the Appropriations/Base Budget Committee. Make up Snow days with Distance Learning (Mansfield) 2/14/11 Referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. Sunshine Amendment (Clary, Tucker, Goolsby) 2/16/11 Referred to the Senate Judiciary I Committee (Tillman, Preston, Soucek) 5/10/11 Withdrawn from the Senate Education Committee. 5/10/11 Re-referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. 2/22/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Education/Higher Education. Restore Teacher Asst. Funds State Health Plan/Refunds for No Coverage. State Board of Education Confirmations SJR 92 State Board of Education Confirmations (Tillman, Preston, Soucek) SB 115 Coverage of Treatment of Autism Disorders (Purcell, Garrou, Mansfield) 2/21/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Insurance. (Brown, Hartsell) 2/28/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate referred Committee on State and Local Government. (Apodaca, Brunstetter, Tucker) 2/28/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred Committee on Rules, Calendar and Operations of the Senate. (Hartsell) 4/27/11 Favorable report in the Senate Education/Higher Education, re-referred to the Committee on Appropriations/Base Budget. (Hartsell) 3/3/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to Education/Higher Education. (Brisson, Glazier, Lucas, Parfitt) 3/03/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Education/Higher Education. SB 124 SB 140 SB 169 SB 172 SB 184 (HB 210) Add Supt. to NC Econ. Dev. Bd. Leadership Limits/Gubernatorial Team Ticket Study Innovations/Incentives in Education Classroom Experience for School Personnel Building Code/School Animal Husbandry Bldgs. SB 278 (HB 320) Continue P3 Study (Jenkins) 3/09/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. SB 282 (HB 244) State Health Plan/Add Sterling Montessori (Stein) 3/10/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Insurance. School Calendar Flexibility/Inclement Weather (Hise) 3/21/11 Withdrawn from the Education/Higher Education Committee, referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. Cooperative Innovative High School Programs (Dropout Recovery Programs) 3/31/11 Committee substitute received a favorable report in the Education/Higher Education Committee. Committee substitute adopted. 3/31/11 Re-referred to the Committee on (Atwater, McKissick) Appropriations/Base Budget. SB 283 SB 296 Last Update 6/27/2011 8:21 AM 8 of 10 2011 Bill Compilation SB 361 SB 362 SB 389 SB 391 SB 396 SB 400 (HB 334) SB 448 (HB 500) SB 475 (HB 131) Interscholastic Sports Open to all Students Reallocate Lottery Funds Transfer Child Nutrition Program to DACS SPA/Repeal RIF Priority Consideration Repeal Civil Penalty Funds to Schools Report on Fitness Testing in Schools Funds/Cumberland Intern'l Early College Funding for One LEA per County (Tillman, Hise) 3/21/11 Withdrawn from the Education/Higher Education Committee, referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. (Tillman, Tucker) 3/17/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Education/Higher Education, if favorable re-referred to the Committee on Finance. (East, Rouzer, Apodaca) 3/22/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Agriculture/Environment/Natural Resources (Brunstetter, Hise) 3/23/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Judiciary I. (Gunn) 3/23/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Appropriations/Base Budget. (Purcell) 3/23/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. Mansfield 3/30/2011 Referred to the Appropriations Committee. (Apodaca) 3/31/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. SB 520 The Founding Principles Act (Vaughn) 4/06/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. SB 535 APA: Modify Final Administrative Decisions (Hartsell) 4/12/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Judiciary I Committee. Healthy Families & Workplaces/Paid Sick Days (McKissisk, Kinnaird) 4/12/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. Changes to Fees for Teacher Certification (Hartsell, Tillman, Preston) 6/8/2011 Withdrawn from the calendar. 6/8/2011 Re-referred to Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. (Brunstetter) 4/14/11 Passed 1st reading in the House, referred to the Committee on Insurance. (Hartsell) 4/19/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. (Forrester, Hise) 5/10/2011 Withdrawn from the Appropriations Committee, re-referred to the Seante Committee on the Education/Higher Education. (Soucek) 5/2/2011 Withdrawn from the Appropriations Committee, re-refered to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. (Kinnaird) 4/20/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. SB 3 SB 558 SB 576 SB 585 SB 641 SB 667 SB 689 SB 732 Last Update 6/27/2011 8:21 AM State Health Plan/Study Pretax Contribution Education Governance Amendment Permit Advertising on School Buses Mountain Snow Days Reporting of Scores on the ASVAB Test 9 of 10 2011 Bill Compilation SB 733 SB 757 SB 759 SB 776 Last Update 6/27/2011 8:21 AM Modify Small School Provisions Interscholastic Sports/Concussions Equal Education Opportunity Tax Credit Calendar Flexibility/Greene County Schools (Davis) 4/20/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Education/Higher Education. (Graham) 4/20/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Education/Higher Education. (Graham) 4/20/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Committee on Education/Higher Education, if fav., re-refer to the Finance Committee. (Pate) 4/28/11 Passed 1st reading in the Senate, referred to the Senate Committee on Education/Higher Education 5/2/11 Re-referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. 10 of 10