Student Survey Instrument Update North Carolina Public Schools <>

Student Survey Instrument Update - Lynda Fuller
1/12/16 9:34 AM
Student Survey Instrument Update
North Carolina Public Schools <>
Tue 1/12/2016 9:25 AM
To: Lynda
Fuller <>;
NCDPI Educator Human Capital Policy and Research Director Tom Tomberlin recently sent the following memorandum to district
human resources directors. This is being shared with you for informational purposes.
CC Lynda Fuller
NCDPI Communications
Greetings HR Directors:
As many of you are aware, we have initiated student surveys for the fall semester. Because we created the process for a stateCwide
implementation, we automated the studentCteacher assignments from PowerSchool course enrollment data. I realize that many districts
have opted not to participate in the student survey process this year, but I need to make you all aware that the student survey icon will
be active for all students during your district’s scheduled administration window.
I am making you aware so that if you get questions about the survey from your teachers and/or students, you are able to communicate
your local LEA decision about participation. Please share information about the student surveys with your principals as well as your
district’s position on participation. For districts who are participating in the student survey process, support requests should be sent to
the student survey district administrator who will escalate the issue to the DPI Support Center if necessary. Please do not advise
your schools to contact the DPI Support Center directly if your district is not participating in the fall
administration of the student surveys.
There is a possibility that students will complete the surveys even if the district has elected not to participate formally. If NCDPI receives
data from school districts that have elected not to participate, we will notify the district that data are available and allow the district to
make a decision about whether those data will be shared with teachers/principals or not. NCDPI will not report or analyze student
survey data without the expressed consent of the district.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact, Jennifer DeNeal, or
Tom Tomberlin
Thomas R. Tomberlin
Director, Educator Human Capital Policy and Research
Office of the Deputy State Superintendent
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Student Survey Instrument Update - Lynda Fuller
1/12/16 9:34 AM
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
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Raleigh, NC 27699C6368
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