Flag%Lowering Announcement North Carolina Public Schools <>

Flag-Lowering Announcement - Lynda Fuller
2/15/16 11:48 AM
Flag%Lowering Announcement
North Carolina Public Schools <NCPublicSchools@public.govdelivery.com>
Mon 2/15/2016 6:40 AM
To: Lynda
Fuller <Lynda.Fuller@dpi.nc.gov>;
Hi, all,
Please see the following directive from the NCDOA regarding flag lowering today and this week.
Vanessa Jeter
NCDPI Communications/919%807%3469
North Carolina Department of Administration
February 14, 2016
To: Cabinet Secretaries; Council of State Members; Office of the UNC President; Administrative Office of the Courts; Office of
Administrative Hearings; General Assembly; North Carolina Community College System; Governor’s Mansion; Governor’s Office
From: Acting Secretary Kathryn L. Johnston
Re: Lowering of United States and North Carolina flags in honor of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
Governor Pat McCrory ordered all United States and North Carolina flags to be immediately lowered to half%staff on all state facilities in
honor of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Flags should remain at half%staff until sunset on the day of his interment.
“America has lost a giant of the US Supreme Court and a man who devoted nearly his entire adult life to public service,” Governor
McCrory said. “He was an unapologetic defender of the Constitution whose intellect and congeniality will be missed. Ann and I offer our
deepest condolences to the Scalia family.”
For flag information, please contact DOA Public Information Officer Chris Mears at chris.mears@doa.nc.gov or 919%807%2340. Please
click on the following highlighted links to either join the North Carolina Flag Alert list serve, or view the North Carolina State
Government Flag Guide.
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Flag-Lowering Announcement - Lynda Fuller
2/15/16 11:48 AM
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