Consolidated School Crime Report North Carolina Public Schools <>

Consolidated School Crime Report - Lynda Fuller
3/1/16 2:40 PM
Consolidated School Crime Report
North Carolina Public Schools <>
Tue 3/1/2016 2:01 PM
To: Lynda
Fuller <>;
Dear LEA Superintendents and Public Information Officers/Communication Directors,
On Thursday, the State Board of Education will receive the 2016 Consolidated report that details school crime data, suspensions and
expulsions and annual dropout data. While the report narrative is already posted on the eBoard site of the SBE, the spreadsheets listing
school level information will not be available until Thursday morning at approximately 10 a.m.
We wanted you to have the draft news releases and school spreadsheets ahead of time, however, so that you could prepare to respond
regarding your local figures. These items are attached to this email.
Please do not share these with the public or news media ahead of Thursday morning at 10 a.m.
If you have questions about this, please feel free to call me. Thanks for your attention to this.
Vanessa Jeter
NCDPI Q Communications
Reportable Crimes by DistrictsQSchools.pdf
Reportable Crimes by LEAQCharter.pdf
0303 Dropout Data Crime & Violence[1].docx
0303 Schl Crime and Violence.docx
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Consolidated School Crime Report - Lynda Fuller
3/1/16 2:40 PM
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