PHYS 2053 Discussion (Section: 8717, 8713 and 8716) Instructor: Tomoyuki Nakayama

PHYS 2053 Discussion (Section: 8717, 8713 and 8716)
Instructor: Tomoyuki Nakayama
Office: NPB 2155
Office Phone: 352-392-0310
Office Hour: Monday 2:00-3:15pm (M5) & Friday 2:00-3:15pm (F5)
Class structure & Objective:
You will learn how to solve problems in the discussion class. After reviewing theory
briefly, we will work through problems. I will demonstrate everything (except numerical
calculation) on the board, so the pace is not so fast. Therefore, you should not just copy
the board, but try to solve problems with me. Your goal is to be able to solve rather
complicated problems in a relatively short period of time. We will have review sessions
before exams.
The discussion section grade is worth 15% of your course grade. The grade is based on
your weekly quiz scores.
You will have a quiz almost every week (normally on Friday). Each quiz is on chapters
covered during the previous week. It also corresponds to the homework problems due on
Monday of the same week. Make-up quiz will not normally be given without proper
reasons and providing me with written documentation such as doctor’s notes or a proof
of military service. If the situation does not allow you to get any proof but you believe it
is a good reason enough to get a make-up quiz, then just ask me. No make-up quiz will
be given after I hand out the solution and post it online. You need to bring your
calculator (Scientific calculator is recommended.) and you are allowed to bring a
handwritten formula sheet. But you are not allowed to put worked examples on the
sheet. You have to show all work to get full credit. Each quiz consists of 4 problems and
graded out of 20. At the end of the semester, the grade is rescaled to out of 15, and then
it will be curved to the average of 11 for each section. All the TAs are required to curve
the grade to 11 to ensure fairness.
Office Hours:
Office hours are pooled by all the TAs, which means you can see any TAs on their posted
office hours. All other times you may just walk in my office, or make an appointment
through email to make it sure that I am available.
Attendance will not be taken, but I strongly urge you to attend every class. You are
expected to acquire all the problem solving skills discussed here and many of the quiz
problems are similar to those worked in discussion.
If you are granted a classroom accommodation from the university, please let me know
so that we can make an arrangement. You will need to provide me with an official letter
from the Dean of Student Office.
Academic honesty:
Each student is expected to keep high standard of academic honesty, and I deal with any
types of cheating severely. You should avoid any suspicious behavior during the quiz. Do
not let your eyes wander around during the quiz. You are not allowed to use cell phone.
Since a correct answer mysteriously appears without necessary steps may be considered
cheating, you must show all your work. You are not allowed to tell or ask the quiz
problems to the students in my other sections. Telling and asking quiz problems
constitute cheating. All violations of academic honesty will be reported to the
Your feedback is essential to enhance the quality of the discussion section. Although
each student has different needs and it is difficult to satisfy all of your needs, I hope this
class will be helpful to everyone. So please don’t hesitate to give me your opinions or
suggestions about this class.