2014-15 Academic Year 1

INTERFAITH CALENDAR: 2014-15 Academic Year
This calendar contains select major religious holidays of major world religions. This list of holidays is not
exhaustive, rather it’s meant to alert University community of special occasions that may not be typically
represented in the United States. Feel free to utilize this calendar to be aware of special occurrences of your
students. Please be aware that a student may be absent or unable to do something on a certain day based upon a
religious holiday.
 1st - Lughanssad - Imbolc - Wicca/Pagan Northern and southern hemispheres
 5th - Tish'a B'av - Jewish
 6th - Transfiguration of the Lord - Orthodox Christian
 10th - Raksha Bandhan - Hindu
 17th - Krishna Janmashtami - Hindu
 29th -Ganesh Chaturthi - Hindu
 Beheading of John the Baptist - Christian
 30th - Paryushana Parva - Jains
 22nd- Equinox
o Mabon - Wicca/Pagan northern hemisphere
o Ostata - Wicca/Pagan southern hemisphere
 24th-26th- (Sundown to Sundown) - Rosh Hashanah - Jewish
 27th - Meskel- Ethiopian Orthodox Christian
 29th – Oct. 3rd - Navaratri - Hindu
 3rd - Waqf al Arafa - Hajj Day - Islam
 4th - Yom Kippur - Jewish
 4th - Saint Francis Day - Catholic Christian
 4th - Dasara - Hindu
 4th-7th - Eid al Adha - Islam
 9th-15th - Sukkot - Jewish
 13th - Thanksgiving - Canada - Interfaith
 16th - Shemini Atzeret - Jewish
 17th - Simchat Torah - Jewish
 20th - Birth of the Báb - Baha'i
 20th - Installation of Scriptures as Gukru Granth - Sikh
 21st-25th - Deepavali - Hindu
 23rd - Diwali - Deepavali - Hindu - Jain - Sikh
 24th - Jain New Year - Jain
 25th - Hijra - New Year- Islam
 26th - Reformation Day - Protestant Christian
 28th - Milvian Bridge Day - Christian
 31st - All Hallow's Eve – Christian
 1st - All Saints Day - Christian
1st - Samhain - Litha - Wicca/Pagan Northern and Southern hemispheres
2nd - All Souls Day - Catholic Christian
5th - Ashura- Islam
6th - Guru Nanak Dev Sahib birthday - Sikh
12th - Birth of Baha'u'llah - Baha'i
15th-25th - Winter Lent - Orthodox Christian
24th - Guru Tegh Bahadur martyrdom - Sikh
26th - Day of the Covenant - Baha'i
27th - Thanksgiving - Interfaith USA
28th - Ascension of Abdu'l-Baha - Baha'i
30th - Advent begins through December 24 – Christian
 8th - Rohatsu - Bodhi Day ** - Buddhist
 12th - Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe- Catholic Christian
 17th-24th - Hanukkah - Jewish
 21st - Solstice
o Yule - Christian
o Yule - Wicca/Pagan northern hemisphere
o Litha - Wicca/Pagan southern hemisphere
 24 - Christmas Eve - Christian
 25th - Christmas - Christian
 26th - Zarathosht Diso (Death of Prophet Zarathushtra ** - Zoroastrian
 26th – Jan. 1st – Kwanzaa
 1st - Feast of St Basil - Orthodox Christian
 1st - Gantan-sai (New Years) – Shinto
 1st – New Years – USA Interfaith
 5th - Mahayana New Year- Buddhist
 5th - Guru Gobindh Singh birthday - Sikh
 6th - Epiphany – Christian
 6th - Feast of the Theophany - Orthodox Christian
 6th - Nativity of Christ - Armenian Orthodox Christian
 7th - Feast of the Nativity - Orthodox Christian
 13th - Maghi - Sikh
 18th - World Religion Day - Baha'i (begins sundown on 17 )
 19th - Timkat - Ethiopian Orthodox Christian
 24th - Vasant Panchami- Hindu
 1st - Triodion begins Orthodox Christian
 1st - Four Chaplains Sunday- Interfaith
 2nd- Presentation of Christ in the Temple - Anglican Christian
 2nd - St Brighid of Kildare - Celtic Christian
2nd - Imbolc - Lughnassad - Wicca/Pagan - northern and southern hemispheres (begins at
sundown on 1 )
3rd - Setsubun-sai- Shinto
4th - Tu BiShvat - Jewish (begins sundown on 3 )
14th - Saint Valentine's Day- Christian
15th - Nirvana Day - Buddhist - Jain
15th - Transfiguration Sunday - Christian
15th - Meatfare Sunday - Orthodox Christian
18th - Ash Wednesday - Christian
19th - World Religion Day - Baha'i
19th - Chinese New Year - Confucian, Daoist, Buddhist
22nd - Cheesefare Sunday - Orthodox Christian
23rd - Clean Monday - Great Lent begins - Orthodox Christian
26th - March 1st - Intercalary Days- Baha'i (begins sundown on 25)
MARCH 2015
 1st - Orthodox Sunday - Orthodox Christian
 2nd – 20th - Nineteen Day Fast - Baha'i (begins sundown on 1 )
 5th - Purim- Jewish (begins sundown on 4)
 5th - Magha Puja Day - Buddhist
 6th - Holi- Hindu
 6th - Hola Mohalla - Sikh
 17th - St Patrick's Day - Christian
 17th - Maha Shivaratri- Hindu
 18th - L. Ron Hubbard birthday - Scientology
 20th - Equinox
o Ostara - Wicca/Pagan northern hemisphere (begins sundown on 19 )
o Mabon - Wicca/Pagan southern hemisphere
 21 - Naw Ruz (News Year) - Baha'i (begins sundown on 20 )
 21st - Norooz (New Year) - Persian/Zoroastrian
 21st - New Year - Hindu
 21st-28th - Ramayana- Hindu
 28th - Ramanavami- Hindu
 28th - Birth of Prophet Zarathushtra- Zoroastrian
 29th - Palm Sunday - Christian
APRIL 2015
 2nd - Maundy Thursday - Christian
 3rd - Good Friday - Christian
 3rd - Mahavir Jayanti - Jain
 4th-11th - Pesach (Passover) - Jewish (begins sundown on 3)
 4th - Therevadin New Year - Buddhist
 4th - Hanuman Jayanti- Hindu
 4th - Lazarus Saturday - Orthodox Christian
 5th - Easter - Christian
 5th - Palm Sunday - Orthodox Christian
10th - Holy Friday - Orthodox Christian
12th - Pascha (Easter) - Orthodox Christian
14th - Baisakhi - New Year - Sikh
15th - Lord's Evening Meal - Jehovah's Witness Christian
16th - Yom HaShoah - Jewish (begins sundown on 15)
21st - First Day of Ridvan - Baha'i (begins sundown on 20)
24th - Yom Ha'Atzmaut * - Jewish (begins sundown on 23)
29th - Ninth Day of Ridvan * - Baha'i (begins sundown on 28)
MAY 2015
 1st - Beltane - Samhain- Wicca/Pagan northern and southern hemispheres (begins
sundown on April 29)
 2nd - Twelfth Day of Ridvan - Baha'i (begins sundown on 1)
 2nd - Ascension of Jesus - Orthodox Christian
 4th - Visakha Puja - Buddha Day- Buddhist
 7th - Lag B'Omer - Jewish
 7th - National Day of Prayer USA - Interfaith
 13th - Lailat al Miraj * - Islam (begins sundown on 12)
 21st - Declaration of the Bab - Baha'i (begins sundown on 20)
 24th-25th - Shavuot - Jewish (begins sundown on 23)
 24th - Pentecost - Christian
 29th - Ascension of Baha'u'llah * - Baha'i (begins sundown on 28)
 31st - Pentecost - Orthodox Christian
JUNE 2015
 1st - Lailat al Bara'ah * - Islam (begins sundown on May 31)
 4th - Corpus Christi - Catholic Christian
 7th - All Saints - Orthodox Christian
 16th - Guru Arjan Dev martyrdom - Sikh
 18th - Ramadan begins - Islam (begins sundown on 17)
 21st - Solstice
o Litha - Wicca/Pagan northern hemisphere (begins sundown on 20)
o Yule - Wicca/Pagan southern hemisphere
JULY 2015
2nd - Asalha Puja day - Buddhist
9th - Martyrdom of the Bab - Baha'i (begins sundown on 8)
13th Ulambana (Obon) - Buddhist
13th - Lailat al Kadr - Islam (begins sundown on 12)
18th-21st - Eid al Fitr - Islam (begins sundown on 17)
23rd - Emperor Haile Selassi birthday - Rastafari
24th - Pioneer Day - Mormon Christian
26th - Tish'a B'av - Jewish (begins sundown on 25)