TIPS »» Learn how and where you study most effectively, and actively create that environment. Do you like a cluttered or neat desk? Do you need to be alone or with other people? Do you want music or noise in the background, or do you prefer silence? »» Are you over-scheduled? It’s okay to say no to something. Look for things that can be reduced or put off, and adjust the rest of your responsibilities accordingly. »» Notice things that waste your time (i.e., Netflix, TV, internet, etc.) and minimize the time spent on them. “UNFORTUNATELY, MY FIRST SEMESTER OF COLLEGE WAS A HUGE LEARNING CURVE FOR ME. I WAS UNPREPARED FOR THE TIME DEMAND OF COLLEGE, AND IT WAS STRESSFUL. I STARTED USING SOME OF THESE TIPS, AND IT HAS HELPED A LOT! I NOW ALWAYS CREATE A CALENDAR AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SEMESTER, AND I LIVE OFF MY TO-DO LIST. IF I COULD DO IT OVER AGAIN- I WOULD MANAGE MY TIME BETTER A LOT SOONER!” STUDENT SUCCESS GUIDE —A JUNIOR’S TESTIMONY »» Set goals and stick to them. Goals are an important way to get everything done. »» Routines can make daily tasks go faster, such as getting ready, doing chores, and studying. TIME »» Look for breaks between classes and study during those times. »» Visit the Academic Learning Center (located in the ITTC, room 008) for tips on how to study more efficiently. MANAGEMENT ACADEMIC ADVISING GIL 102 (319) 273-3406 LET US HELP YOU GET ORGANIZED ACADEMIC LEARNING CENTER ITTC 007/008 (319) 273-6023 “LACK OF DIRECTION, NOT LACK OF TIME, IS THE PROBLEM. WE ALL HAVE TWENTY-FOUR HOUR DAYS.” —ZIG ZIGLAR “THE BAD NEWS IS TIME FLIES. THE GOOD NEWS IS YOU’RE THE PILOT.” -MICHAEL ALTSHULER 168 HOURS Do you realize that we only have 168 hours a week to get everything done? SCHEDULES A visual schedule can help you identify times to study, or time that is currently not being utilized as efficiently as it could be. Find a schedule template at unialc/college-reading-learning-center/ resources or use a digital calendar, such as Google calendar. Fill in the number of hours per week you spend on each activity. Then add up the hours and put that number next to “Total.” Classes ___ Work ___ TO-DO LISTS s) r (2 hour ish Pape l g n E Write 1. ience y for Sc 2. Stud xtbook istory te h g in d a rt re 3. Sta h (3 ours) (1 hour) ry store e c o r g 4. Go to project for final ic p to e s 5. Choo ads?) dry (3 lo 6. Laun d Ann auren an L h it w g out 7. Han n Room 8. Clea Organizations ___ To-do lists are a great way to stay organized and on top of everything. Studying ___ (multiply credit hours x2) q Start by making a list of everything you need to do. Meals ___ Chores and Hygiene ___ q Make sure it is easily accessible. Use a digital copy or a planner you can always carry with you. Hours per week for sleep ___ Other ___ Total ___ Now subtract the total from 168, and this is your free time per week. (Divide by 7 to get free hours per day.) REMEMBER TO INCLUDE: • Classes • Organizations/Meetings • Studying • Work • Sleep • Meals/Hygiene/Chores • Other Free time per week ___ Free time per day ___ Remember to leave some time for yourself each week to relax. q Prioritize! Identify tasks that need to be completed today, tasks that need to be completed tomorrow, and tasks that need to be completed this week. Do the most pressing tasks first - not just the shortest or easiest. q Check off completed tasks! PROCRASTINATE? When there are free hours in your schedule, use those hours to study for a certain class. Even if nothing is due that week, you can always review and stay on top of your notes! “BY FAILING TO PREPARE, YOU ARE PREPARING TO FAIL.” – BENJAMIN FRANKLIN