Interfraternity Council University of Northern Iowa Bylaws Table of Contents Qualifications of Officers Nominations of Candidates for Office Elections, Length of Office, and Vacancies Duties of the Officers The Executive Committee Financial Obligations Notification of Membership Changes Standing Recruitment Rules Scholarship Requirements for all Chapters New Member Practices Regulations Depledging/Disassociating Colonization Bylaws 02 02 03 04 08 09 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 University of Northern Iowa Chapter North-American Interfraternity Conference Page 1 Official Bylaws and Precedents of the University of Northern Iowa Chapter of the North American Interfraternity Conference Article I Qualifications of Officers Section 1. Qualifications for Executive Officers. Paragraph 1. He is an initiated member of a full member fraternity. Paragraph 2. He and his fraternity are in good standing with Interfraternity Council (to be referred to as IFC) and the University of Northern Iowa. Paragraph 3. He must be enrolled as a full-time student (12 hours) at the University of Northern Iowa, Allen College, Hawkeye Community College, and Kaplan University during the entire period of his service as an IFC Officer. Paragraph 4. A candidate for office shall have at least a 2.70 cumulative grade point or a 2.70 grade point for the previous semester. These requirements must be met throughout the end of his term. Paragraph 5. A candidate may not be President of his respective fraternity in the Spring or Fall semester subsequent to his election as an IFC Officer. Paragraph 6. A candidate must have at least one year of experience in the University of Northern Iowa Greek community. Section 2. Qualifications for IFC Delegates Paragraph 1. Chapter Presidents shall serve as the voting delegates of their respective member chapters of IFC. Article II Nominations of Candidates for Office Section 1. Nomination Committee Paragraph 1. The slate: A list of IFC Executive officers to be considered for approval by the IFC delegates for the purposes of election to the respective positions. Page 2 Paragraph 2. The nomination committee will be formed at the request of the President prior to the end of the application period for Slate Elections. Paragraph 3. The nomination committee will be comprised of a voting member from each chapter along with the current IFC President and the Fraternity Life Advisor who will serve as ex-officio members. The respective chapters will decide on their own representatives for the nomination committee. Paragraph 4. The qualifications for a nomination committee member require a 2.70 cumulative GPA or a 2.70 GPA from the past semester. Each chapter representative, at the least, must be in their forth (4th) semester in the Greek community. A nomination committee member will not be eligible for the Slate. Paragraph 5. The duties of the nomination committee are to review all received applications, interview desired candidates and compile a slate in the best interests of the fraternal community. Paragraph 6. In the event of a tie, the IFC President casts the deciding vote. Paragraph 7. Following the completion of the slate by the nomination committee, each selected member to the slate must confirm their position on the slate prior to the presentation of the slate for the delegates. Paragraph 8. For vacancies or unfilled positions by the nomination committee, the application process will be reopened and the current IFC president will dictate the timeline of the interview and selection process. Article III Elections, Length of Office, and Vacancies Section 1. Elections. Paragraph 1. Annual: The President, Vice President of Administration, Secretary/Treasurer, Vice President of Scholarship, Vice President of Chapter Development, and Vice President of Public Relations shall be elected annually during the fall elections. Paragraph 2. Presentation format: At least one voting member of the Nomination Committee will be available to present the slate to the delegates at the pre-determined IFC meeting. After his presentation, there will be a question and answer period, and discussion will follow. Section 2. The slate shall be confirmed by a 2/3 majority vote of the IFC Delegates present. Page 3 Paragraph 1. Voting shall be done by secret ballot. The current IFC Officers shall not vote. Section 3. An officer may be re-elected to IFC, but shall not hold the same office for more than two and one half (2½) semesters. Section 4. Vacancies Paragraph 1. An officer may be removed from office for failure to follow and support the aims and purposes of the IFC, or the IFC code of conduct. Paragraph 2. A ¾ vote of the total membership of the IFC shall be necessary to remove an officer from office. Paragraph 3. An officer will automatically be removed from office for a grade deficiency. Paragraph 4. Any person becoming President of his respective fraternity while serving as an IFC officer will forfeit his IFC office. Paragraph 5. In the event of two (2) consecutive unexcused IFC meeting absences of an officer, the office will be declared vacant. The President shall open first round nominations for this office immediately. In the event that the President was removed, the Vice President of Administration shall perform this duty. Elections to fill the vacant position shall be held at the meeting following first round nominations. The newly elected officer will serve the remainder of the vacated officer’s term. Line 1. Excused absences: Excused absences include but are not limited to Academic classes, Illness, and Family Emergencies. Section 5. Term: Each elected officer’s term begins at officer instillation at the last regular meeting of the fall semester. Article IV Duties of the Officers Section 1. President Paragraph 1. Preside over all regular and special meetings of IFC and shall call special meetings whenever he deems it necessary by giving member fraternities 24-hour notice. Paragraph 2. Represent the IFC on any University matters pertaining to the IFC and will participate on available University wide committees. Page 4 Paragraph 3. Work closely with the Fraternity Life Advisor, President of Panhellenic Council, and any other faculty or administrative personnel as an official representative of the IFC. Paragraph 4. Deliver an annual report, both written and oral, at the second to the last meeting each semester, and must submit, in writing, at the completion of his term of office, an evaluation of his term as President, to be given to his successor. Line 1. Must personally transition successor, including detailed directions pertaining to the planning, preparation, and execution of Lambda Eta Omega. Paragraph 5. Have overall responsibility for the operation of the IFC and perform any other duties deemed necessary by the IFC or stated in the Constitution or Bylaws. Paragraph 6. Be responsible for planning, preparing, and conducting the Greek Emerging Leader Program, Lambda Eta Omega. Line 1. Must assist his successor in the execution of a Spring Lambda Eta Omega. Paragraph 7. Assist the Secretary/Treasurer with the formulation of the budget. Paragraph 8. Prepare and present budget requests to NISG Section 2. Vice President of Administration Paragraph 1. Be familiar with all of the IFC President’s policies and actions. Paragraph 2. Assume the duties of the President in the event of his absence for any reason. Paragraph 3. Enforce all policies and procedures of the IFC and revise these as deemed necessary. Paragraph 4. Serve as an ex-officio representative of the IFC Judiciary Board. Paragraph 5. Preside as chairman at all meetings of the Executive Committee. Paragraph 6. Advise all officers and committees. Paragraph 7. Meet with the Panhellenic Vice President of Programming and Fraternity Life Advisor weekly to review “social notification” forms. Paragraph 8. Provide social calendars after each social roundtable Section 3. Secretary/Treasurer Page 5 Paragraph 1. Assess member Fraternities for their IFC semesterly dues. Paragraph 2. Collect all assessments and fines of the IFC. Paragraph 3. Pay the bills approved by the members of the IFC in a timely fashion. Paragraph 4. Prepare a written budget of proposed expenditures no later than the second IFC meeting following the President/Advisor Round Table meeting. Paragraph 5. Prepare written financial statements at the end of each month and forward them to member fraternities. Paragraph 6. Assess a fine on delinquent accounts as approved by the IFC. Paragraph 7. Serve as the secretary at all regular and special meetings of the IFC, as well as the IFC Executive Committee meetings, as well as all other pertinent material, before the next regular meeting. Paragraph 8. Be responsible for the agenda and minutes of all IFC meetings, make arrangements to distribute these minutes, as well as all other pertinent materials. Line 1. E-mail agenda and minutes, to the IFC Executive Committee, Delegates, Fraternity Life Advisor, and interested Faculty, no later than 5 p.m. on the day following meeting. Paragraph 9. Maintain a complete up-to-date file that will include minutes of all IFC meetings, officer reports, and all other pertinent materials. Paragraph 10. Be responsible for all correspondence of the IFC and the management of the IFC office. Paragraph 11. Be responsible for the distribution of any pertinent materials to the member fraternities. Paragraph 12. Register group each fall and spring semester with student activities involvement center. Section 4. Vice President of Scholarship Paragraph 1. Arrange study tables and tabulated studied hours Paragraph 2. Work closely with chapters on academic probation to develop a suitable scholarship program to meet IFC requirements. Paragraph 3. Hold and facilitate monthly scholarship round tables for chapter scholarship chairs. Page 6 Paragraph 4. Alert chapters of university scholarship resources available to them. Line 1. Compile and file tutor information. Line 2. Compile and file a Greek major list. Line 3. Create and distribute academic advising contact list to all chapters. Paragraph 5. Obtain academic preview/review statements from each chapter at the beginning and end of each semester respectively. Section 5. Vice President of Chapter Development Paragraph 1. Set forth policies governing recruitment in a manner he deems necessary. These rules shall be approved by the IFC. Paragraph 2. Coordinate expansion efforts. Paragraph 3. Live in Cedar Falls for the summer of his term. Paragraph 4. Coordinate orientation and info-sessions. Paragraph 5. Revise recruitment/expansion policy as needed. Paragraph 6. Coordinate events geared toward Greek unity. Paragraph 7. Will participate in and lead all applicable and available diversity initiatives per the desire of IFC. Paragraph 8. Establish and Chair a Recruitment Committee consisting of a minimum of one (1) members from each chapter; with the option of being the current recruitment chair for their respective chapter. Line 1. The Vice President of Chapter Development must set up the first meeting of the Recruitment Committee. Line 2. The Recruitment Committee will establish how many and how often they should hold meetings throughout the semester. Line 3. There is to be a minimum of two (2) Recruitment Committee meetings a semester. Paragraph 9. Will hold a minimum of two (2) Recruitment Roundtables per semester. Page 7 Section 6. Vice President of Public Relations Paragraph 1. Design, publish, and distribute such materials (e.g. Greek Life, Northern Iowan Ads, Speak Greek) as deemed by the body of the IFC. Paragraph 2. Locate, design, and publish all press release opportunities on behalf of the IFC. Paragraph 3. Will update and improve the Website, including content, on a regular basis. Paragraph 4. Establish and Chair a PR Committee consisting of a minimum of one (1) members from each chapter; with the option of being the current communications chair for their respective chapter. Line 1. The Vice President of Public Relations must set up the first meeting of the Public Relations Committee. Line 2. The Public Relations Committee will establish how many and how often they should hold meetings throughout the semester. Line 3. There is to be a minimum of two (2) Public Relations Committee meetings a semester. Paragraph 5. Will hold a minimum of two (2) Public Relations Roundtables per semester. Article V The Executive Committee Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President of Administration, Secretary/Treasurer, Vice President of Chapter Development, Vice President of Scholarship, and Vice President of Public Relations. The Fraternity Life Advisor shall be an exofficio member. Section 2. The IFC Executive Committee shall set the agenda for all IFC meetings. Section 3. The Executive Committee shall act as an interim governing body while the IFC is not in session. All subsidiary councils and committees created during this time by the IFC and the Executive Committee shall be responsible to and the responsibility of the Executive Committee. Section 4. All officers of the IFC Executive Committee shall attend all weekly IFC meetings, IFC Executive Committee meetings, IFC/Panhellenic Council Joint meetings, retreats, Page 8 leadership conferences, and other meetings necessary in carrying out the responsibilities of the office, or the aims and purposes of the IFC. Section 5. to date. They must prepare a semesterly report, as well as keep their notebook and files up Section 6. The Executive Committee shall have the power to issue policy statements and to carry out all policies and regulations duly established by the IFC; as well as the preparation of appropriate programs for presentation to the IFC. Section 7. The actions of the Executive Committee shall be subject to review by the IFC, and the Interfraternity Judicial Board. Section 8. Executive Committee meetings shall be chaired by the IFC Vice President of Administration Article VI Financial Obligations Section 1. Following the election of officers and committee heads: Paragraph 1. Line 1. Funding may be requested from the IFC (hereafter referred to as IFC) to be used for non-alcoholic events that will promote Greek Life around campus/surrounding community (philanthropies, etc). Line 2. Those requesting funds from the IFC must submit an itemized proposed budget to the IFC Secretary/Treasurer two (2) weeks prior to the requested event date. Line 3. Within one (1) week after the proposal is submitted, the Executive Council will make the decision on whether or not the request has been approved. If denied, the IFC Secretary/Treasurer will provide a written account on why the proposal was denied. Line 4. Itemized proposals must consist of line items detailing what funds will be used for, arriving at the total amount submitted by those requesting funds. Also needed is documentation that the chapter has requested funds from another source (NISG, Panther Contingency Fund, etc.). The IFC will only be used as a secondary source for funding. Line 5. Events held off-campus are not required to go through another source Page 9 Line 6. The maximum amount requested will be capped at the beginning of the semester by the IFC Secretary/Treasurer at an amount that will work in accordance with the IFC Budget. Line 7. After the event the chapter requesting funds must provide the Secretary/Treasurer receipts for the items requested and then will receive a reimbursement check. Paragraph 2. The time periods represented within each budget will be: Line 1. Fall Semester: 1st day of classes until the day before spring semester classes begin. Line 2. Spring Semester: 1st day of classes until the day before fall semester classes begin. Section 2. Any chapter not having one (1) member present at any regular IFC meeting will be fined $1 per member of the chapter. Section 3. Any chapter not having one (1) member present at any IFC sub-committee meeting will be fined $1 per member of the chapter. Paragraph 1. Required sub-committee meetings include but are not limited to all policy reviews, all roundtables, and all committee meetings. Section 4. A member Chapter has two (2) weeks to pay an IFC bill after receipt during a regular IFC meeting. A chapter will be placed on bad standing if the bill is not paid within two (2) weeks. Section 5. When the IFC deems an event an All Greek Event, all active and/or initiated chapter members are required to be in attendance. For every member not in attendance, a fine will be assessed to the chapter of $ 5 per member that does not attend the All Greek Event. Examples include speakers brought to campus by the Greek Community. Ex: 58 man chapter, 46 attend Greek Speaker, chapter would be fined $60. Section 6. When the Panhellenic or IFC deems a philanthropy an All Greek Philanthropy, all chapters will be held responsible to field the required amount of members for said event. For every member not in attendance of his scheduled time, a fine will be assessed to the chapter of $10 per member that does not attend the All Greek Philanthropy. Ex: 10 required spots, 7 attend, chapter would be fined $30. Page 10 Paragraph 1. Chapters not able to field the required amount of members for events deemed All Greek Philanthropies may substitute for absent members only within the chapter who is responsible for that date or event. Line 1. If a member of a chapter cannot make the time they signed up for the same chapter must provide a replacement from their own chapter. Section 7. Dues for member Fraternities Paragraph 1. The dues of each IFC member fraternity shall be an assessment of $12 per member (active and pledge) for each semester. Paragraph 2. Each IFC Member fraternity shall receive the bill the first IFC meeting following the two week recruitment period and the bill shall be paid two calendar weeks from issue date. Chapters will not be billed for additional new members until mid-term. Paragraph 3. Dues will be increased by $.50 at the start of each fiscal year. The fiscal year will run from July 1 through June 30 each year. Line 1. Starting July 1, 2014 the dues will be $12.50 per member. Paragraph 4. Dues shall be reviewed in Spring semester of every even year(ie. 2016, 2018, etc.) Article VII Notification of Membership Changes Section 1. The Fraternity Life Advisor and Student Involvement Center shall be notified in writing of the following changes in membership within seven (7) days of the change: Paragraph 1. When a fraternity has a new member join. Paragraph 2. When a fraternity affiliates transfer students. Paragraph 3. When a change in officers, advisors, and/or corporation board members occurs. Paragraph 4. When a fraternity suspends a member. A suspended member will not be allowed to represent the fraternity or the IFC in any campus events or activities for the duration of the suspension. Paragraph 5. When a fraternity depledges/disassociates a man or he depledges/disassociates. Section 2. Each fraternity shall turn in a complete list of members and new members by the third Wednesday of classes each semester. Page 11 Article VIII Standing Recruitment Rules Section 1. Eligibility for Rushing: Paragraph 1. A potential new member must be a full-time student at the University of Northern Iowa, Hawkeye Community College, Allen College or Kaplan University. Paragraph 2. A potential new member signing a bid card must have a 2.5 cumulative GPA or a 2.5 GPA from the previous semester. If the potential new member is a freshmen with no college credit then his High School cumulative GPA will be used. Section 2. Recruitment Procedures: Paragraph 1. IFC Recruitment begins on the first day of classes in the fall semester, and continues for two weeks. Paragraph 2. A recruit becomes a potential new member when he signs a grade release form available from the Student Involvement Center. A potential new member may sign his membership card beginning the second Friday of classes in the fall. A list of first names, last names, and student ID numbers must be given to the Fraternity Life Advisor before a student may become an associate member. Line 1. For a potential new member to be eligible to sign a membership card with the Student Involvement Center a chapter must do the following if the potential new member is a UNI student: a. Send an email to the Fraternity Life Advisor with the first name, last name and student number of the potential new member b. The Fraternity Life Advisor will then check the potential new members high school GPA for first time students or the potential new members last semester and cumulative GPA for all other students. This process will take at least one day to process. c. The Fraternity Life Advisor will then send an email back to the person from the chapter who had the grades checked with the appropriate GPA. d. If the potential new member has above a 2.5 GPA as stated Article VIII, Section 1, Paragraph 2 and the chapter wants to offer the potential new member a bid then the chapter representative needs to send an email to the Fraternity Life Advisor stating they are offering the potential new member a bid. Once this email has been sent the potential new member may then come to the Student Involvement Center and sign their membership card. Line 2. A recruit is any non-affiliated male student at an eligible academic institutes. Line 3. A potential new member is anyone that has signed a grade release form. Page 12 Paragraph 3. A first time, first semester freshmen student may not become an associate member of any fraternity until the conclusion of the recruitment period. Paragraph 4. Returning and transfer students of the University of Northern Iowa, Hawkeye Community College, Allen College, and Kaplan University may become an associate member of a fraternity at any time during the year. Paragraph 5. No formal pledging ceremonies may take place during those periods designated by the IFC as recruitment periods. Paragraph 6. No sorority woman may participate in or be present at a fraternity recruitment event. Section 3. Recruitment Restrictions and Violations: Paragraph 1. All recruitment events must be non-alcoholic. Paragraph 2. Recruitment Schedules must be turned in by the date the IFC Vice President of Chapter Development deems necessary. Paragraph 3. No individual recruitment tables will be allowed at university events where an IFC table is present. Paragraph 4. Individual chapter recruitment events will not be allowed to be on the same day as an IFC recruitment event unless allowed by the Vice President of Chapter Developement. Article IX Scholarship Requirements for all Chapters Section 1. Chapters will abide by the guidelines stated in the Academic Policy for Scholarship requirements. Section 2. Chapters are required to send members to work the Greek Study Tables when needed. Chapters will be fined one dollar ($1) per active member of the chapter if they do not show up to work their study table. Article X New Member Practices Regulations Section 1. The following new member practices are not acceptable: Page 13 Paragraph 1. Any action or situation created, intentionally or unintentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities may include, but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of fatigue; physical or psychological shocks; quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips, or other activities carried on outside or inside the confines of the chapter house; wearing of apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts or buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; exclusion from social contact; forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug or other substance which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the institution. Any activity upon which admission or initiation into or affiliation with or continued membership in an organization is directly or indirectly conditioned shall be presumed to be forced activity, the willingness of an individual to participate in such activity notwithstanding. Section 2. Any violations of this article will be taken to the Fraternity Life Advisor and the Vice President of Administration. Article XI Depledging/Disassociating Section 1. When an associate member is depledged/disassociated or he depledges/disassociates from his chapter, he shall not be eligible to join any fraternity again that academic semester. Article XII Colonization Section 1. Recognition as a Colony: Paragraph 1. Must be a National Fraternity. Paragraph 2. Must send a letter of interest to the IFC, Northern Iowa Student Government, Fraternity Life Advisor, Office of Student Activities, and the Vice President of Student Affairs. Paragraph 3. At the request of the IFC, provide information and/or give a presentation to the IFC. Paragraph 4. Must pass a simple majority vote of all fraternities in good standing with the IFC. Section 2. Guidelines for Colonies: Page 14 Paragraph 1. The colony must maintain a 2.5 GPA. Paragraph 2. The IFC dues will be ½ of those levied on recognized chapters. Paragraph 3. The colony must have one (1) primary representative present at each IFC meeting, but are not entitled to vote. Paragraph 4. The colony is bound to abide by the policies and procedures of the IFC. Paragraph 5. Violations of the terms of colonization or unsatisfactory progress towards chartering of the chapter can result in expulsion as outlined in the Constitution. Section 3. Full Recognition: Paragraph 1. After a National Charter has been received, the colony will receive full membership. Article XIII Bylaws Section 1. A proposed change in or addition to the Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee prior to the next meeting of the IFC. Section 2. Bylaws may be adopted, changed, or added to by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of all members of the IFC. Section 3. All Bylaws, unless having gone through revision, shall remain as adopted for each successive term. Section 4. as needed. The Vice President of Administration shall update the Bylaws on a yearly basis or Paragraph 1. The Bylaws shall be updated in whole in the spring of every odd year. Updated October 30, 2000, by Brian Pederson - IFC President Updated January 27, 2003, by John Good - IFC President Updated March 7, 2005 by Chase Cheviron - IFC President Updated September 11, 2007 by Josh Sparrgrove-IFC Vice President Updated October 15, 2008 by Josh Sparrgrove-IFC President Updated November 9, 2009 by James Gulley-IFC Vice President Updated April 12, 2010 by David Miller – IFC Vice President Updated September 23, 2010 by David Miller – IFC Vice President of Administration Updated November 9, 2011 by IFC exec board Updated October 21, 2013 by Cory Baker- IFC Vice President of Administration Page 15