STUDENT GUIDE TO University CO-OP & CAREER SERVICES YOUR FUTURE IS STEIN BRIGHT 3201 ARCH STREET | 215.895.2185 | SCDC@DREXEL.EDU | DREXEL.EDU/SCDC LinkedIn Group – Drexel Career Connections GET TO KNOW THE STEINBRIGHT CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTER your go-to , resource for co-op and career services. As one of the largest collegiate teams of co-op and career counselors in the nation, there is no better place to get the answers and resources you need. COOPERATIVE EDUCATION Drexel is co-op. It’s how you’ll get a feel for what you really want to do. Co-op gives you hands-on, in-the-workplace experience that employers value, which helps you get hired. Steinbright offers workshops, webinars, and individual meetings to help prepare you for every step of the co-op process. INTERNATIONAL CO-OP Please go away! Visit and meet with a member of our international co-op team at least six to nine months prior to your co-op cycle. RESEARCH CO-OP Gain hands-on research experience and growth in critical thinking and problem solving skills through the research co-op program. ENTREPRENEURSHIP CO-OP Use your own company as your co-op experience. Learn more at GRADUATE CO-OP Master’s students in select majors can accept three to six month paid co-op positions in their career field. CAREER COUNSELING LOOKING FOR ADVICE ON YOUR CAREER PATH? Steinbright offers individual career counseling appointments to assist you with selecting majors and setting appropriate career goals to guide your career exploration. JOB SEARCH ASSISTANCE GETTING READY FOR SENIOR YEAR? DON’T WAIT. Gain access to more than 5,000 job postings on DragonJobs and attend our career fairs. Our career coordinators are available for appointments in person, by phone or via Skype. Ask about the “Senior Series” workshops; advice on resumes and cover letters; how to use databases and job search engines; networking; interview coaching; salary negotiation. PRE-HEALTH & PRE-LAW ADVISING GOING TO PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL? Meet with Steinbright’s pre-health advisor for career information, course selection guidance and information on pre-requisites for advanced degree programs. Pre-law students can schedule one-on-one advising for more information about the law school application process. Also attend the Philadelphia Law School Fair, the largest of its kind in the region, hosted at Drexel. FROM CO-OP... ALONG YOUR JOURNEY... TO CAREER From the One-Year-Out Alumni Survey, graduating class of 2012: 3 Quarters Prior Spring Quarter Prior May July August Fall & Winter Quarters Available 1 month before end of cycle 92% of graduates are working or enrolled in graduate or professional education. Keep in touch while on co-op. We'll send you professional pointers for making the most of your co-op. Having a great experience? Let us know #mycooplife CO-OP EVALUATION Still searching? Come to Steinbright for a workshop and individual job search meeting with our coordinators. ON CO-OP Moving on to B round? Contact your co-op coordinator to schedule a mock interview or a resume review. These are great tools to utilize to have a fresh start. C ROUND Steinbright’s job database is now open! Apply for up to 25 jobs, go on your granted interviews, and get ranked for a position. You can land your job in either A, B, or C rounds. B ROUND The pre-registration meeting provides a chance to meet your coordinator, review your resume, and discuss career interests and co-op outcomes. It is also important to start your self-directed job search at this time. A ROUND Offered exclusively by Steinbright to all co-op students to give you the tools and resources for career assessment, resume development, interviewing skills, job search strategies and more. PRE-REGISTRATION COOP 101 FALL/WINTER Evaluate your co-op and prepare for the next one. If that was your last or only co-op, we'll introduce you to our career services team to get your post-graduate job search underway. 92% of those working full-time are working in professions that are closely or somewhat related to their field of study at Drexel. From the Senior Exit Survey, graduating class of 2013, Of those accepting job offers before graduation: 94% 38% who participated in co-op found the experience useful to their career path. accepted full-time employment from a former co-op employer. SPRING/SUMMER 4 Quarters Prior Fall Quarter Prior November January March Spring & Summer Quarters Available 1 month before end of cycle STEINBRIGHT’S POWERFUL COMBINATION OF CO-OP AND CAREER SERVICES IS A DREXEL ADVANTAGE FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT GO TO STEINBRIGHT & GET TO WORK