Or I Z FEB 28 1963 THE RHEOLOGY OF HUMAN BLOOD L.ISRAR( by Giles R. Cokelet B. S., California Institute of Technology, 1957 M. S., California Institute of Technology, 1958 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology January 1963 Signature Redacted Signature of the Author: Department of Chemical En eering Certified by: E. W. Merrill, Thesis Supervisor Certified by:. E. R. Gilliland, Thesis Supervisor Accepted by: G. C. Williams, Chairman Dept. Committee on Graduate Theses THE RHEOLOGY OF HUMAN BLOOD by Giles R. Cokelet Submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering on January 21, 1963, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Science. ABSTRACT This thesis reports the results of a rheological study of human blood obtained from healthy individuals. The rheological properties of blood, as a bulk material, were determined in the shear rate region from zero to 100 inverse seconds, with particular attention at the shear rate region of zero to 10 inverse seconds. The effects of changes in red cell volume fraction (hematocrit), temperature, plasma composition, anticoagulant, and red cell and blood age were investigated. The GDM viscometer, a concentric cylinder, Couette - type viscometer, was employed to make the viscometric measurements. The "roughness" of the viscometer surfaces was found to be important in making viscometric measurements on blood. .In addition, migration of the red cells away from at least one viscometer wall at shear rates below about 1 sec was detected. The possibility of an error in calculation of the shear rate due to the slight variation in the shear stress across the viscometer gap was considered. An under- standing of these effects, which are revealed in part by time dependence of the shear stress at constant shear rate, is shown to be essential to the correct interpretation of the data. ii The relationships between shear stress, shear rate, and hematocrit, developed by Casson for his model suspensions, were found to be good means of correlating blood data in the low shear rate region. The limits of applicability of the Casson equations were found to be from zero shear rate up to a value which increased in magnitude as the hematocrit decreased; at a hematocrit of 45%, the upper limit usually was about 1 inverse second. However, these relationships can not be used to determine fundamental properties of the red cell. It was established that blood has a yield stress which, in normal blood, is dependent only on fibrinogen, of all the plasma proteins, for its formation. Free calcium ions are not essential for the formation of a yield stress in blood. It was also discovered that hemoglobin (as from lysis), and lipids in the plasma have important roles contributing to the yield stress yet to be determined in adequate detail. With respect to blood containing normal concentrations of fibrinogen, the interrelationships of yield stress and hematocrit, and of the temperature effect on rheological parameters in general, were extensively investigated. Edward W. Merrill, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering Thesis Supervisors; Edwin R. Gilliland, Professor of Chemical Engineering iii Department of Chemical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge 39, Massachusetts January 18, 1963 Professor Philip Franklin Secretary of the Faculty Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge 39, Massachusetts Dear Sir: The thesis entitled "The Rheology of Human Blood" is herewith submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Science. Respectfully submitted, Giles R. Cokelet iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For having suggested the subject of this work, and for his patience and encouragement during the ups and downs of this study, special thanks are due to Professor E. W. Merrill. Without his overall guidance, and continuous aid, this project would not have progressed as well as it has. Mr. P. J. Gilinson, Jr., and Mr. C. R. Dauwalter, of the Instrumentation Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, were continuous sources of information about the GDM Viscometer. Their interest in improving this vital instrument was indispensible. The Instrumentation Laboratory, under the direction of Professor C. S. Draper, supplied the GDM Viscometer. Dr. A. Britten, of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, not only arranged for the supply of blood used in this work, but also patiently contributed his ideas and medical knowledge. Hyunkook Shin, Karin Ippen, and Bill Margetts supplied not only their labors, but also their ideas and humor. All their contributions were essential to the progress of this study. Mr. Jerry Pelletier performed the protein analyses. Thanks too to Sally Drew for her contributions as a draughtsman, typist, and humour equilibrator. This investigation was supported by PHS Research Grant H6423 from the National Heart Institute, Public Health Service. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page SUMMARY.......... II III IV .................. 1 15 INTRODUCTION. ................................ A. Background and Objectives. ................... 15 B. Composition and Properties of Human Blood.. . 17 (1) The red cells. .......................... 17 (2) The white cells ......................... 24 (3) The platelets ................ 28 (4) Blood plasma ................ (5) Coagulation and aggregation ......... 32 35 C. Proposed Model. .......................... D. Results of Previous Investigators .......... PROCEDURE .................. . 42 The GDM Viscometer ................... B. The Merrill - Brookfield Viscometer C. Preparation of Blood Samples. .............. (1) Obtaining blood samples .............. (2) Preparation of samples ........... DISCUSSION OF RESULTS......... 48 . . . . . . 51 51 52 . . . . 0 ... 54 Whole Blood ........................ (1) 54 Derivation of vis'cometer equations . . 54 Assuming constant fluid viscosity in the viscometer gapp. . . . .. .. .. . . . 54 (b) The Krieger - Elrod equation. . . . . . . 57 (c) The Vand wall effect . . . . 58 (a) (2) 37 42 ... s... ..... A. A. 29 ...... Time effects ..................... vi . ... . . . . . . . 67 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont) Page Section Time effects at constant bob rotational speeds ................. 67 (b) Time effect upon stopping the viscometer bob .................. 81 Correlation of shear stress - shear rate data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 (a) The low shear rate region . . . . . . . . 96 (b) The high shear rate region. . . . . . . . 105 The yield stress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 . . (b) Effect of hematocrit . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 (c) Effect of temperature . . . . . . . . . . . 118 (d) Variation with source . . . . . . . . . . . 122 . . . 112 Effects of physical factors on blood rheological properties . . . . . . . . . . ... 122 (a) Hematocrit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 (b) Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 123 (c) Sample age . . . . . . ...... . . . . . 134 (d) Centrifugation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 138 (a) Anticoagulants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 (b) Plasma protein content . . . . . . . . . . 142 (c) Plasma lipid content . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 (d) Plasma hemoglobin content . . . . . . . 150 . . . . Red Cell Suspensions.......... (1) ........ 151 Red cells suspended in saline . . . . . . . . . . B. 138 Effects of chemical factors on blood rheological properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6) Method of determination.......... . (5) (a) . (4) . . (3) (a) vii 151 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont) Section Page (2) 154 Red cells suspended in a-globulin saline solutions . 155 Red cells suspended in y -globulin saline solutions . 158 Red cells suspended in fibrinogensaline solutions.. ........... 158 . (3) Red cells suspended in albumin-saline solutions. ............................ . (4) (5) Plasma. . . . . . . . . . . 161 . C. . . . . ... . . . . . CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . 163 . V * . . ... . . . . . . VI RECOMMENDATIONS..... 166 APPENDIX B. The Krieger - Elrod Enu ation.. . ... . .. 169 Derivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 (2) Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 . (1) . A. 180 C. Location of Data and Calculations . . . . . 191 D. Literature Citations . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . 192 E. Nomenclature . . . .. . . 198 . . . Use of Theoretical Equations to Correlate Blood Data in the Shear Rate Range 2 to 20 sec-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF TABLES Table No. 2-1 Page Title . . . . 30 Rate of torque decay at constant viscometer rotational speed. .................... . . . . 75 4-2 Yield stresses of kaolin suspensions . . . . . . . . . . 88 4-3 Casson constants and rouleaux axial ratios calculated from equation (4-25) from data of figures (4-20) and (4-21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 . 4-1 . Main constituents of blood plasma and representative normal concentrations..... Experimentally determined yield stresses of blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Effect of temperature on the rheological properties of blood . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Effect -of high temperatures on the rheological properties of blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Effect of high temperature on the rheological properties of blood. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 . 4-4 . 4-5 . 4-6 . 4-7 Effect of temperature on a cold-agglutinating . 4-8 b lo o d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 131 Effect of storing blood containing ACD at 400C on the rheological properties of blood . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Rheological properties of suspensions of different aged red cells in plasma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 The effect of centrifuging on the rheological properties of blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 The effect of anticoagulants on the rheological properties of blood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 A-1 Shear stress - shear rate data for a blood sample . . 179 B-I -1 Viscosity of blood at shear rates between 4 sec1 1 . and 20 sec- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Red cell volume fraction at closest packing for suspensions of Table B-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 B-2 ix LIST OF FIGURES Page Title Figure No. 2-1 The Human Red Cell. ........................ 2-2 The Fibrinogen Molecule in The Dry State 32 2-3 Model Red Cell Aggregate ..................... 35 2-4 Comparison of The Data of Dintenfass with The Data of This Thesis ................ 41 3-1. Overall View of The GDM Viscometer ........ 42a 3-2 Schematic Diagram of the GDM Viscometer . 3-3 Detailed Schematic Diagram of the GDM Viscom eter ........................ . 45 Schematic Diagram of The Grooved Viscometer Surfaces ........................... . 47 3-4 .18 . . . 43 3-5 The Merrill - Brookfield Viscometer......... .... 49 4-1 Comparison of Shear Rates Calculated From Viscometric Data by the Krieger - Elrod Equation and the Conventional Equation .. ....... 4-2 59 Comparison of the Viscometer Cylindrical Surface - Suspension Interface When The Cylindrical Surface is (a) Smooth, and (b) Rough on a Scale Greater Than The Particle Size ........................ 4-3 4-4 62 Effect of Viscometer Wall Roughness on the Apparent Rheological Properties of Blood .... 64 Typical Torque - Time Curves for Human Blood, at Constant Viscometer Rotational Speed. ......... 4-5 ............................. Time Required To Reach Torque - Time Curve Peak versus Viscometer Bob Rotational Speed, for 3 Blood Samples ....... 4-6 4-7 68 . 69 Photograph of Hyperlipidemic Blood and Plasma, and Normal Blood Plasma ................... 71 Hyperlipidemic Blood in The Viscometer, 0.5 Minutes After Stirring Stopped, Bob Speed Is 0.2 RPM. .......................... 72 x LIST OF FIGURES (Cont) Figure No. 4-8 Page Title Hyperlipidemic Blood in The Viscometer, 5.5 Minutes After Stirring Stopped, Bob Speed Is 0.2 RPM. ................... . . 73 Sedimentation of Red Cells Normal to a Shear Field. .......................... 76 4-10 Sedimentation Rate of Hyperlipidemic Blood 78 4-11 Torque - Time Curve for Blood at Constant Viscometer Rotational Speed ........... 82 4-12 Shear Stress - Shear Rate Data for Human Blood, Using Extrapolated, Peak, and Steady State Torque Values ..................... 4-13 4-14 . 4-9 Obtained on Stopping the Viscometer Bob Rotation ......................... . . 84 . . 85 Torque Decay Curve Obtained for Kaolin Viscometer ........................... Torque Decay Curve for 4% Kaolin Suspension . in the GDM Viscometer, Rotation Stopped. Comparison of Yield Stress Data for Kaolin Suspensions as Determined in the Merrill Brookfield and GDM Viscometers ......... . 87 . . 89 . . 91 - 4-16 83 Torque - Time Curve for Human Blood, Suspension in the Merrill - Brookfield 4-15 . . 4-17 Torque - Time Curves for Blood, GDM 4-18 Torque - Time Curves for Blood, GDM Viscometer Rotation Stopped ........... 92 Viscometer Rotation Stopped ............ 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 Casson Plot of Data for Blood of Various Hematocrits .......................... Test of Casson Equation using Human Blood Data. ............................ 99 . . . 100 Test of Casson Equation using Human Blood Data. ................................... 102 Shear Stress - Shear Rate Data for Blood, Red Cells in Serum, Plasma, and Serum ...... 108 xi LIST OF FIGURES (Cont) Figure No. 4-23 4-24 Title Page Shear Stress - Shear Rate Behavior of Blood and Red Cells Suspended in Albuminated Saline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Shear Stress - Shear Rate Behavior of Red Cell - Serum and Red Cell - Saline 4-25 Suspensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 111 Cube Root of Yield Stress versus Hematocrit for 5 Different Normal Bloods . . . . . ... . . . . . 117 4-.26 Casson Plots for a Typical Normal Human Blood, at Three Temperatures and Four Hematocrit Levels . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. 120 4-27 Viscosity (log scale) versus Reciprocal Absolute Temperature, Determined from Table (4-5) ............................... 125 Relative Viscosity (log scale) versus Temperature, Computed from Figure (4-27) ............ 127 4-28 4-29 4-30 4-31 4-32 Effect of High Temperatures on The Rheological Properties of Blood .......... . 129 Effect of Temperature and Hematocrit on The Slope of The Casson Plot for a Blood. .... 130 Comparison of Anticoagulated Blood Samples with Native Blood............. . .. ..... 140 Rheological Properties of Red Cells Suspended'. in Plasma, Serum, and a Plasma - Serum M ixture .......................... . 4-33 Rheological Data for a High Lipid Content Blood 4-34 Effect of Hemoglobin on the Rheological ........... Properties of Blood ............ 4-36 4-37 148 152 Rheological Properties of Red Cell - Saline ....... Suspensions, Effect of Hematocrit. 153 Rheological Properties of Red Cell Albuminated Saline Suspensions .............. 156 Rheology of Red Cell - a--globulin saline Suspensions ........................ 157 - 4-35 145 xii LIST OF FIGURES (Cont) Figure No. Title Page Rheology of Red Cell - y -globulin Saline Suspensions. .............................. 159 Rheology of Red Cell - Fibrinogen Saline Suspensions......................... 160 4-40 Effect of Temperature of Plasma Viscosity. ..... 162 A-i Diagram for Evaluating d w1 /d Ti for The Krieger - Elrod Equation................. 176 4-38 4-39 A-2 Diagram for Evaluating d 2 1n w /(d In T1)2 for The Krieger - Elrod Equation . ...... B-1 3-2 B-3 B-4 . ... 177 Specific Viscosity Divided By Hematocrit versus Hematocrit For Red Cells Suspended in Plasm a................ ........... 181 Test of The Mooney Equation with Red Cell Suspension Data ..................... 185 Test of Brinkman's Equation with Data for Red Cell - Plasma Suspensions. ................ 186 Test of Simha's Equation with Data for Red Cell - Plasma Suspensions. .............. xiii . 188 I. SUMMARY Introduction The objective of this study was to investigate the rheological properties of human blood, obtained from donors in good health, near and at zero shear rate. This particular shear rate range had not been pre- viously investigated because of a lack of sufficiently sensitive viscometers and because of the almost exclusive use of capillary viscometers by those interested in blood flow. Interest was focused on the very low shear rate region because it is in this region that the interparticle forces become important in comparison to the hydromechanical forces. The nature and cause of the inter- particle forces were to be studied. Blood consists of several types of cells suspended in a complex solution (plasma) of inorganic salts and organic compounds. The red cells occupy about 45% of the blood volume while the other particles together occupy less than 1% of the blood volume. The red cells are bi- concave discs, 8 p in diameter and 2 g in maximum thickness; they are easily elastically deformed. From the work of Fahraeus (23), it is known that the presence of certain of the plasma proteins has a profound influence on the ability of the red cells to aggregate in stationary blood. Procedure Blood samples and red cell suspensions were studied in the GDM viscometer, which is a concentric cylinder, Couette type instrument (Figure 3-3). The unique features of this particular viscometer are that the stationary outer cylinder, the "cup", is mounted on an air bearing, and that the torque is measured by a "torque-to-balance" system 1 which permits torques to be measured with a precision of 0. 0001 dyne cm or 0. 1%, whichever is larger, in the torque range from 0. 0100 to 1999 dyne cm. Because of the dimensions of the viscometer cylinders, 2 this corresponds to shear stresses from 0. 00036 to 74 dynes/cm . The inner cylinder, the "bob", is rotated at speeds from 0. 01 to 100 rpm, which corresponds to shear rates in the viscometer gap from 0. 01 to 100 sec . The viscometer bob, constructed of coin silver, is hollow and attached to a hollow shaft down which passes a tube; water at a chosen constant temperature is circulated through the shaft and bob at a rate of about 2 liters per minute. of lucite. The viscometer cup is constructed Because of the high thermal conductivity of the bob, the high heat capacity of the bob, and the poor thermal conductivity of the lucite cup, the fluid in the viscometer gap has been calculated to be within 0. 05*C of the temperature of the water passed through the bob. constant temperature water is maintained within temperature. The 0. 01*C of the chosen A stationary guard ring, which penetrates the surface of the fluid in the viscometer, prevents the mechanical transfer of a torque from the rotating viscometer bob to the viscometer cup by any surfactant layer which might form at the liquid-gas interface. Two sets of viscometer cylinder surfa'ces were used: (1) a smooth surfaced set, and (2) a rough surfaced set consisting of cylinders vertically grooved with 720 equilateral-triangular cuts 66 microns deep. the viscometer surfaces, rough or smooth, were "siliconized". All The vis- cometer gap (1. 5 mm) is large in comparison with the red cell size. Blood samples were obtained from donors in good health at the Blood Bank of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. were collected by routine blood bank procedure: 2 Most of the samples ACD solution was mixed with the blood to prevent coagulation and to permit blood storage at 4*C. Other samples were collected without addition of anticoagulant and with the addition of other anticoagulants. The volume fraction of the blood occupied by the red cells was varied by combining various portions of Red cells were also suspended in centrifuged red cells and plasma. isotonic saline containing plasma proteins and protein fractions. Results and Discussion (a) Before discussing the rheological behavior of blood, it is essential that certain phenomena which might lead to an erroneous interpretation of the experimental data first be presented. (1) Time Effects at Constant Viscometer Rotational Speed. A recorder continuously traces out the torque reading of the viscometer as a function of time. When the viscometer contains whole human blood, and the bob is rotated at a constant angular speed, the torquetime curve takes one of two forms. 1 sec If the shear rate is greater than about the torque rapidly climbs to a value which is constant thereafter (upper diagram of Figure 4-4);-if the shear rate is less than about 1 sec, the torque initially rises to a maximum and then decays (lower diagram of Figure 4-4). The time necessary to reach the torque maximum increases as the shear rate (bob rotational speed) decreases, and the rate of torque decay immediately after the peak, expressed as dyne-cm per minute, appears to be independent of the shear rate, but varies with the nature of the viscometer surfaces and with the blood donor. This behavior has been observed without exception in all blood samples from donors in normal health, and the shear rate at and below which the time effect is first observable has always been at about 1 - 4 sec-4 From the observation that viscous homogeneous fluids show the same behavior as the initial portion of the torque-time curves for blood, it has 3 been concluded that this behavior is the transient period during which the blood is attaining its steady state flow pattern in the annular viscometer gap. The subsequent torque decay period, is explained by the mechanism of a developing layer of cell-free blood plasma at one or both cylindrical surfaces. This layer, which acts as a lubricant, de- velops only at shear rates below about 1 sec' and grows in thickness with time until the torque has decayed to a steady value. This argument requires that the red cells of the blood receed from the viscometer walls. Visual evidence of this mechanism was obtained with the fortunate discovery of a blood donor whose blood plasma contained about 8% fat. The fat concentration was sufficiently high to cause the blood plasma to be opaque and milky white, instead of the usual clear, straw -colored, fluid. This blood was placed in the rough surfaced viscometer and stirred by raising and lowering the rotating bob, which was rotating at a rate of 0. 2 rpm. Its appearance about 1/2 minute after stirring was stopped was normal (red in color) , but thereafter it became milky white in color as time progressed. This color change was caused by the develop- ment of a plasma layer at the outer viscometer cylinder wall. The blood was again stirred, returning to a normal color, but the viscometer bob was not rotated - the blood did not whiten with time. Clearly, the de- velopment of the plasma layer is induced by the flow of the blood. Further experiments with this blood sample showed that the plasma layer did not develop at shear rates greater than 1 sec~I and that the layer developed only when a torque decay was simultaneously observed in the torque-time curve. From this interpretation of the torque time curves, it is quite obvious that the correct torque value to be associated with a particular shear rate is close to the torque-time curve peak, if the peak occurs shortly after 4 starting the fluid motion. However, in the case of low shear rates, where the peak occurs several minutes after start up, some correction must be made to the peak value in order to correct for the plasma layer which has been developing in this time; a linear extrapolation to time zero, of the torque-time curve after the peak would be one such attempted correction. Such an extrapolation procedure was used at the lowest shear rates in this study. No torque decay (at constant viscometer rotational speed) was found for suspensions of red cells in isotonic saline, or in isotonic saline containing a plasma protein or protein fraction, with one very important exception. The exception was red cells suspended in saline containing the protein fibrinogen. This strongly suggests that the migration of the red cells in the viscometer at low shear rates is dependent on, or coincident with, the ability of the red cells to aggregate into rouleaux at low shear rates, which is known to depend on fibrinogen. The cause of the migration cannot lie in the deformation either of the red cells or the rouleaux, but may be due to a Magnus effect, or due to the iritercellular attractive force between red cells. (2) The Effect of Viscometer Surface Roughness As a consequence of the geometric hinderance of a smooth wall, a suspension occupying the space immediately next to the wall does not contain the same volume fraction of particle material as the bulk fluid. A model of this situation in the viscometer could consist of thin layers of the suspension suspending medium at the smooth walls and uniform suspension in the rest of the viscometer gap. Such a situation would result in lower torque values being recorded at each viscometer bob speed than would be recorded if no wall layers existed. 5 The rough surfaced set of viscometer cylinders was prepared with a "roughness" which is large compared to the red cell size. Both the rough surfaced and the smooth surfaced viscometer surfaces were used to determine the rheological properties of a blood sample. The difference was found to be significant and, usingthe equation derived by Vand (64) for the model of the smooth surfaced situation, the wall layer thickness was calculated to be 1 to 3 microns, in good agreement with the expected thickness considering the red cell dimensions. This wall effect was verified by similar tests on several blood samples, and also by the use of sand-coated viscometer surfaces. The effect was not due to cali- bration errors, as Newtonian fluids of viscosities ranging from 1 cp to 500 cp were found to have the same viscosity in both the smooth and rough surfaced viscometers. (3) Calculation of the Shear Rate The commonly used equations for relating the rotational speed of a concentric cylinder viscometer to the shear rate in the viscometer gap assume that at a particular rotational speed the viscosity of the fluid in the gap is constant across the gap. This assumption is valid for Newtonian fluids, but, because of the slight variation in shear stress across the gap, is not exactly correct for non-Newtonian fluids (although the error due to the assumption is generally small) . Krieger and Elrod (42) derived an equation which permits the calculation of the shear rate from the experimental data without making any assumption about the properties of the fluid in the viscometer gap. time consuming. Application of their equation, however, is It was found that it usually was not necessary to use the Krieger-Elrod equation to calculate the exact shear rate for blood samples from healthy donors if the hematocrit (red cell volume fraction) was below about 45%. At higher hematocrits, use of the usual equation 6 led to low shear rate values, and the Krieger-Elrod equation proved to be of value. (b) The Rheological Properties of Blood The considerations discussed in the previous section were essential to the study of and interpretation of the rheological properties of blood, as will become clear. (1) Yield Stress The yield stress of blood has never been recorded in the. It was experimentally determined in this study in the follow - literature. ing manner: after the viscometer had been in operation at some constant shear rate the rotation of the inner cylinder was stopped and torque-time curves, such as shown in Figure (4-13)., were obtained. If the fluid in the viscometer was water, plasma, or red cells suspended in albuminated saline, the torque decayed to zero in a few seconds, as indicated by the dashed line. When blood is in the viscometer, the torque initially decays at the same rate as in the case with water, until a certain value, T reached below which the torque decays much slower. really two exponential curves. is This curve is It has been found empirically, using suspensions having known yield values, that the point where the transition from one exponential curve to the other first takes place corresponds to the fluid yield stress. For blood, the agreement between this independent determination of the yield stress and the value obtained by extrapolation of the low shear rate data is always within a few percent. Analysis of the torque-time curves obtained after the viscometer rotation is stopped shows that the curves are qualitatively in agreement 7 with the following hypothesis. The three dimensional network giving stationary blood its yield stress is supposed to contain rouleaux, and the average length of the rouleaux is assumed to be a function of the shear rate to which the blood was subjected immediately before becoming stationary (higher shear rates causing shorter rouleaux). The dependence of yield stress on hematocrit was found to be correlated by an empirical expression proposed by Norton (51) for clay suspensions: y where Tr c ) T 3 = a(c - c is the yield stress, "a" is a constant, and "c" is the hematocrit. The constant "c " is the red cell concentration below which blood cannot have a yield stress because it is not geometrically possible to construct a 3-dimensional network throughout the blood with the amount of red cells available. Figure (4-25) shows the yield stress-hematocrit data for 5 different bloods. In the case of blood samples of hematocrit less than about 40%, the yield stress appears to be independent to temperature in the range from 10*C to 37*C. At higher hematocrits, the yield stress decreases slightly as the temperature increases. It has been hypothesized that, for blood samples of hematocrit below 40%, the product of the linkage density and the average link strength of the 3-dimensional network in stationary blood must be independent of temperature, but that the members of the product vary with temperature (link density decreases and link strength increases with temperature increase). At higher hematocrits, the red cell density is becoming so high that the nature of the structure giving the blood a yield stress is different from that of the lower hematocrit blood. 8 (2) Correlation of Shear Rate - Shear Stress Data The ability of the red cells in human blood to aggregate when the blood is stationary was first extensively studied by Fahraeus (23). In normal health, the red cells, which are disks with concave faces, aggregate by joining together at their faces to form rod-like rouleaux (having as their diameter the diameter of one red cell). These rouleaux are flexible and easily broken down when the blood is caused to flow. At sufficiently low shear rates, the rouleaux, because of their asymmetry, will become aligned along the fluid streamlines and will act as though they were rigid straight rods if the streamlines are straight. Because of their frailness, the rouleaux will decrease in length as the shear rate increases, until at high enough shear rates the red cells exist only as individuals. To a remarkable extent this behavior of blood is identical to that of a model suspension proposed by Casson (10): mutually attractive particles are suspended in a Newtonian medium; these particles aggregate at low shear rates to form rigid, rod-like aggregates whose length varies inversely with the shear rate.' For this model, Casson found that the relationship between the axial ratio J (length to diameter ratio) of the aggregates and the shear rate - was 9FA 2 a p _1 S48 provided J was very much greater than unity (FA is the cohesive force between the particles forming the aggregates, dynes/cm2, fl is the suspending medium viscosity, and "a" is a constant whose value depends on the orientation of the aggregates with respect to the fluid streamlines). For shorter aggregates, not being able to determine the J - -k relationship, Casson assumed that over short ranges of P, the relationship was 9 (S-i) +p * J=a where a and 1 are constants. Using this later equation, he then found the following relationship between the shear stress and the shear rate of his model suspension: 1 T2 _ 1 2 +b (S-2) where S =2 (S -3) -1 (1-c au ac -1 b aa-1 1 (-c4/ In these equations, "c" is the volume fraction of the suspension occupied by the particles.. The Casson suspension must fulfill certain conditions. First, over 1 1. a certain shear rate range, a plot of T2 versus PP should be linear. Also, from equation (S-3), a plot of ln s versus ln(1-c) should also be linear with a slope equal to [-(aa -1) /2]. Having thus determined the quantity (aa ), equation (S-4) indicates that a plot of b versus 1/(l-c)(aa -1) /2 should be a straight line, with a slope equal to the negative of the intercept. The data of Figure (4-19) indicates that at low shear rates (below 1 sec I) the first condition of a Casson suspension is fulfilled by human blood. Figure (4-20) shows a plot of ln s versus ln(1-c)for three blood samples: from this graph the value of the quantity (aa -1)/2 has been evaluated as 1.19 for two bloods at 19*C and 1.09 for one sample at 25*C. Using these data, a plot of b versus 1/(1-c)(aa -1) /2 was prepared - Figure (4-21). 10 The slopes and intercepts of these curves are shown: the intercepts are approximately the negatives of the sl6pes. On one point does blood not fulfill all of the graphical properties of the Casson model: the lines should all pass through the point [ 1/(1-c) (aa-1) /2 1. 0, b = 0 in Figure (4-21); instead they pass slightly away from this point. This is because blood has a critical concentration of red cells below which it does not have a yield value. It has been found that a decreases and P increases as the temperature increases. The range of applicability of the Casson equations is from zero shear rate up to a limiting value, which decreases -in value as the hematocrit -1 at a hematocrit of increases. The limiting shear rate is about 1 sec about 45% in normal blood. Because of approximations and assumptions in the derivation of the Casson equations, they cannot be used to calculate any fundamental properties of human blood. The fact that blood, in the low shear rate range, obeys the Casson relationships is not sufficient prcof in itself that blood behaves in detail like the Casson model suspension. (3) Effects of Blood Constituents on the Rheological Properties of Blood (a) In the normal plasma protein concentration ranges found in blood from healthy individuals, only the protein fibrinogen seems able to cause blood to have a yield stress. This is shown clearly in Figure (4-32), which shows data for red cells suspended in plasma, in serum made from the same plasma, and in a mixture consisting of equal volumes of the plasma and the serum. In these suspension solutions, only the 11 fibrinogen concentration varies, the other plasma constituent concentrations remaining constant. The red cell have no yield stress, and the red cell - - serum suspension was found to plasma - serum mixture sus- pension had a yield stress about one quarter that of the red cell - plasma suspension (blood). The yield stress is not directly proportional to the plasma fibrinogen concentration although higher fibrinogen concentrations do cause higher yield stresses. The red cell migration in the viscometer (at a constant rotational speed of 1 rpm or less) occured only in those red cell - protein containing saline suspensions which contained fibrinogen. The speed of migration increases as the fibrinogen concentration increases; blood samples showing high yield stress also show high migration speed. Free calcium ions do not play a role in causing the intercellular red cell force. (b) The red cell properties change with the red cell age, but these changes do not affect the rheological properties of the blood. (c) The lipid content of the blood may influence the blood properties, especially at the higher lipid concentrations where the yield stress and apparent viscosity at a given shear rate increase.with increase in lipid content. (d) Hemoglobin in plasma increases the yield stress and apparent viscosity of blood. This may prove to be of great importance in open-heart surgical procedures with the "heart-lung" machine, in which the hemoglobin concentration continually rises with time. (4) Effect of Temperature on the Flow Properties of Blood In the temperature range of 100C to 37*C, changes in the rheological properties of blood from healthy donors were reversible. shear rates above about 20 sec , At the temperature dependence of blood 12 is the same as that of water, while at lower shear rates the temperature dependence decreases as the shear rate decreases. This is a consequence of the temperature independence, or near independence, of the blood yield stress. Blood plasma, which is Newtonian, has the same temperature dependence as water. When blood is held at temperatures a few degrees above 37*C (98.6 0 F) irreversible changes occur, as indicated by changes in the flow properties. It is tentatively postulated that this irreversibility is due to an instability of the protein fibrinogen. Several abnormal bloods, known as cold agglutinating bloods, were found to undergo irreversible changes at temperatures a few degrees below 37*C. All of the irreversible changes referred to were characterized by higher viscosities and higher yield stresses, when the blood was retested at 37*C, after the thermal treatment (heating or cooling). Conclusions and Recommendations A procedure for obtaining meaningful low shear rate data for blood has been developed, and the Casson equations have been found to be satisfactory correlative means, though imperfect in their fine detail. A model for blood, similar to the Casson model suspension, seems appropriate. The role of fibrinogen in causing the red cell attractive force is beginning to become clear. The studies described herein point to the need for research into the details of the fibrinogen effect, such as the competitive sorption on the red cell surface by the other plasma proteins, the role of lipids in the plasma and on the red cell, the fibrinogen effects 13 under conditions of disease, and so on. Many other effects noted in this thesis, such as the red cell migration at low shear rates and the irreversible effects of temperature changes, remain to be investigated in detail. The use of low shear rate viscometry, as developed here with a sensitive concentric cylinder type instrument, can be used as a tool for the study of medical and biological problems. It offers the advantages of requiring small samples, using non-destructive testing, and giving results rapidly. Hopefully this technique will find wider use in the future. 14 II. A. INTRODUCTION Background and Objectives Blood, which is a suspension of several types of deformable particles in a complex aqueous solution, has been a subject of medical interest for a long time. Today, the interest in blood is not just clinical in nature, but is also aimed at understanding the properties of the individual constituents of blood. On obtaining a knowledge of the forces governing the behavior of individuals, the inter -relationships of the parts can be better understood. Studies of the rheological properties of blood, and of parts of blood, offer one means of investigating the interactions of the members of this important suspension. Since there are many diseases in which circula- tion difficulties arise, and many of these diseases are marked by abnormalities in size, shape and/or concentration of one or more of the constituents of the blood, it is important to see what effect these abnormalities have on the flow properties of human blood. However, before an understanding of the abnormal can be obtained, it is essential to understand the normal. Considering the ease with which the importance of blood flow studies can be ascertained,. it is not surprising to find that the flow of blood has been investigated for quite some time; indeed, the French physician Poiseuille seems to have been the first to have made such an investigation. With few exceptions, until very recently, these experimental studies have been conducted in capillary tube viscometers, probably because of the gross physical similarity between the blood vessels and capillary tubes, and because of the ease with which one can make and use such viscometers. While such studies will permit one to determine 15 pressure drop-volumetric flow rate data, they will not permit one to gain an insight into the properties of the blood. - If one is interested in investigating the interconstituent forces re sponsible for the flow properties of blood, one must make his studies at low shear rates. In order to do this in a capillary viscometer, with any degree of precision, one must use very small capillaries. using small capillaries presents two major objections: However, (1) the blood flowing through the capillary is not subjected to a shear rate which is even approximately uniform, and (2) in sufficiently small capillaries (less than about 0..3 mm in diameter) the influence of the tube walls becomes large. Consequently, if one is interested in the flow properties of blood at low shear rates, another type of investigative instrument must be considered. An instrument which overcomes the objections to the use of capillary viscometers is the Couette-type viscometer, which physically is two concentric cylinders with a gap between them. The fluid to be studied is placed in the gap, one cylinder is rotated at constant speeds, and the torque transmitted through the fluid from the rotating cylinder is measured at the other cylinder, which is stationary. The shear stress and shear rate are almost constant across the viscometer gap, and the approach to constant conditions is determined by the dimensions of the cylinders and the gap. In addition, the gap can be made large enough to eliminate the in- fluence of viscometer dimensions on the measured properties of the fluid being tested. Such an instrument, capable of making measurements at shear rates as low as 0. 01 sec, has been developed at M. I. T. , and has come to be known as the GDM Viscometer. 16 Considering the almost complete lack of data on the flow properties of human blood at shear rates below about 50 sec , the objectives of this thesis have been to make a study of the rheological properties of normal human blood at shear rates below about 50 sec In order to more fully understand the causes of these properties, the studies have extended into investigations of suspensions and solutions which are a combination of several of the constituents of blood. In addition, pre- liminary studies of abnormal bloods were undertaken, and indicate the potential usefulness of this type of investigation for understanding the causes of circulatory difficulties. B. Composition and Properties of Human Blood Human blood is a complex suspension of three general types of The three types of particles are the particles in a continuous medium. erythrocytes (red cells), the leukocytes (white cells). and the platelets. The continuous medium, known as plasma, is in itself a complex solution of inorganic salts and organic macromolecules in water. The importance of each of these parts of the blood merits a brief discussion of each of them, 1. The Red Cells* The normal human red cell, when observed in stationary blood, has the shape of a biconcave disk with a mean maximum diameter of about eight microns, a maximum thickness of about two microns, and a minimum thickness of about one micron. cubic microns. Its average volume is 87 ( 5) The shape of the erythrocyte is shown in Figure (2-1). *Most of the information contained in this section is discussed in references (53) and (34). 17 While this is its shape when it is viewed in stationary blood, it is very flexible and is deformed into almost every shape during its circulation This flexibility arises because the red cell is essen- through the body. tially a thin membrane container filled with a solution. Figurp (2-1) The human red cell In health, the human male has about 5. 4 million red cells per cubic millimeter of blood,Z~18 while the human female has about 4. 6 million per cubic millimeter. This means that normally, in a man, the red cells occupy about 47%o of the blood by volume, and, in a woman, about 42% of the blood volume (the percentage of the blood volume occupied by the red cells is referred to as the blood "hematocrit" in medical language, and does not include the volume of the blood occupied by the whiecells or platelets). When a human has a low hematocrit, he is said to be anemic;- anemia can be caused by (1) blood loss due to excessive bleeding, (2) lack of functioning of bone marrow (the source of red cells) such as that due to excessive exposure to X-rays or benzene compounds, (3). failure of the red cells to mature such as in pernicious anemia, and (4) destruction of red cells such as occurs in severe sickle cell anemia. The other extreme in hematocrit, that of a high hematocrit, is called polycythemia; this condition develops in humans who live at high altitudes (physiologic polycythemia) as well as in persons suffering from a tumerous condition of the red cell forming organs (erythremia). Under the conditions of these diseases, the hematocrit may be anywhere from about 10 percent to 70 or 75 percent. The red cell is a "living" body in the sense that metabolism does go on in it, and that it does age. It has generally been found that the red cell survives for 110 to 120 days in the human. During this life time, the red cell is reported to undergo changes in its dimensions, shape, volume, density, osmotic fragility, metabolism and composition. At the physiological pH of 7. 2, the red cells have a net negative charge. This has been determined by electrophoretic measurements. Attempts to find the isoelectric point of the cells have lead to conflicting conclusions: some workers report isoelectric points between pH values of 3. 6 and 4. 7, while other investigators have not been able to find an isoelectric point. The problem is complicated by the inability of the red cell to remain intact at pHs which differ very much from 7. 2. The source of the cells net negative charge has been attributed to the free phosphate radicals of the phospholipids, and to carboxyl groups of other substances, all-which are constituents of the red cell membrane. Some workers have found that quartz particles, of about the same size as the red cell, when coated with the protein albumin, have the same mobility as red cells; these workers therefore concluded that a surface layer of albumin is important in giving the red cell its negative charge. Since the mobility of cells from the different serological groups are not 19 the same (the mobility of A and B cells being about 17% less than that of 0 cells), it is not surprising that cells coated with antibodies have lower mobilities than uncoated cells. In spite of the fact that red cells have a net negative charge, the cells will stick to each other if the potential difference between the cells and the surrounding medium becomes less than a critical potential. Thus, cells can be made to stick to each other (agglutinate) either by lowering the cell potential or by raising the critical potential. Red cells suspended in sucrose solutions or in weak concentrations of electrolytes lose their negative charge and agglutinate. On the other hand, cells treated with antibody agglutinate because the critical potential is raised. This later type of agglutination occurs when bloods of the incompatible serological groups are mixed, and the cells are believed to be held together by an antibody -antigen interaction. Unlike the case with agglutinated cells, which are randomly joined together rather strongly, the red cells in stationary blood will aggregate, flat face to flat face, to form "poker chip" stacks of red cells, called rouleaux. The red cells in rouleaux are only weakly held together and when the blood is set into motion the rouleaux decrease in length, or break up completely. breaking. The rouleaux are not rigid, but can bend without The formation of these rouleaux was carefully studied by Fahraeus, (24), whose work showed that the plasma protein albumin prevented rouleaux formation, while the globulins aided rouleaux formation to some extent, but fibrinogen greatly enhanced the formation of rouleaux. In stationary blood, these rouleaux may contain only a few red cells or may contain up to about 30 red cells. Quite obviously the membrane of the red cell strongly determines the physical and chemical properties of the erythrocytes. 20 Estimates of the thickness of the membrane range from 50 ductivity measurements) to about 5000 R (by R (by electrical con- birefringence measure- ments). - The electron microscope has yielded estimated thicknesses throughout this entire range. The membrane thickness does not appear to be uniform in all areas of the cell. Most information on the cell membrane has been obtained with membrane material prepared by causing red cells to haemolyze (lose the red cell contents) and washing the remaining cell "ghosts", called stroma. Unfortunately, the methods of causing red cell haemolyzation and of washing the stroma have a large effect on the results of investigations on the stroma. However, work preformed on stroma indicates that it makes up about 10 volume percent In chemical composition, the stroma appears to be of the original cell. about 90% protein and 10% lipid, although the proteins and fats seem to be combined by Ca and Mg ions. The proteins include hemoglobin and several protein fractions, which depend both in number and activity on the analytical method used to obtain them. The main lipid constituents are cholesterol, phospholipid, cerebroside and neutral fat. While there is some agreement as to the chemical constituents, oY the membrane, the architectural arrangement of the constituents is not agreed upon. The classical picture of the cell membrane is of a double molecular layer of lipid coated on both the inner and outer surfaces with protein; the proteins are associated through Ca groups of the lipids. ions with the polar Some workers believe that an incomplete albumin layer forms the outer surface. Others, working with the electron microscope, concluded that the red cell outer surface is covered with plaques, 50 R thick, protein in nature, held together by lipids. What- ever the spatial arrangement within the membrane, the membrane seems to have some elastic force maintaining the red cell shape since changes 21 in the cell shape, brought about by changes in the suspending medium (such as changes in pH, osmotic pressure, temperature, and pressure) are reversible. The red cell membrane permits the diffusion of low molecular weight substances into and out of the cell. However, this process is not one of simple diffusion since the red cell, at equilibrium with blood plasma at 37*C (human body temperature), has a sodium ion concentration about one tenth that of the plasma and a potassium ion concentration about 30 times that of plasma. Red cells which have been cold stored have a distribution of ions more like the plasma, but upon raising the blood temperature, the usual ion distribution is restored. Hence, some meta- bolic process seems responsible for the active rejection of one ion from the cell and the active inclusion of another ion. The rate of permeation through the membrane is very high for water: red cells burst when placed in distilled water for 2.4 seconds (volume on bursting being about 160% of the original volume - a volume closely corresponding to that of a sphere with a surface area equal to that of the red cell). The passage of chloride and bicarbonate ions through the red cell membrane occurs by simple diffusion and is very rapid: the time required for the ion concentration change to reach 50% of the total change that is obtained when the red cell environment is changed is about 0. 1 second at 38"C. The important fuel, glucose, also enters the cell rapidly, but its mechanism of diffusion appears to be one which utilizes specific sites on the membrane surface. Other substances, present in blood plasma, also have rapid transport rates through the membrane. The membrane of the red cell appears to flicker. While this motion might be due to the Brownian motion of molecules in the cell environment, 22 some experiments have indicated that the flicker is related to the metabolic activity of the cell. The cause of flicker has not been demonstrated to be solely due to either Brownian motion or a metabolic process, and both sources probably contribute an appreciable fraction of the motion. The contents of the red cell interior are dissolved in a water solution and include substances which cannot diffuse through the membrane, These non-diffuseable substances are as well as diffuseable materials. responsible for many of the more important functions of blood: haemoglobin, which permits the blood to transport large quantities of oxygen and which accounts for about 70% of the blood buffering action, and carbonic anhydrase, which acts as a catalyst for converting carbon dioxide into carbonic acid. Haemoglobin is a spherodial molecule composed of four haem units combined with the protein globin, which has a molecular weight of 66,700 and forms crystals which consist of alternate layers of haemoglobin and bound water. The concentration of haemoglobin in the red cell is high, about 34 gm/100 ml of cells, a concentration sufficiently high to make the physical state of the haemoglobin somewhere between that of a liquid and a crystal. In fact, it has been proposed that the red cell changes its shape fron a biconcave disk to a half melon shape during circulation through the body of a person suffering with sickle cell anemia because his type of haemoglobin forms long crystals (or gells) in a high carbon dioxide environment. cell. These gells cause the distortion of the red As implied above, haemoglobin exists in several types, some of which are responsible for red cell diseases. The remaining main con- stituents of the red cell interior, and their concentrations are: Reduced Glutathione 1. 1 gm/ 1H 2 0 Chloride Ion 73 m. eq. /1. H20 Bicarbonate Ion 25 m. eq. /1. H2 0 23 Phosphate Ion 0. 04 gm/1. H20 Ester Phosphate 0. 69 gm as P Sodium Ion 15 m. eq./1. H2 0 Potassium Ion 150 m. eq. /1. Water 69 wt. / 1. H2 0 % H2 0 These species represent only the more abundant constituents of the cell interior, many other entities being present only in very small trace amounts. The red cell is physically relatively rugged while it is in its normal natural environment. However, when placed in other media, it easily looses constituents both from its membrane and its interior.. Suchlosses often dramatically alter the physical properties of the cell membrane, and the cell shape. If the changes in environment are large enough, the cell will rupture, spilling its contents out and leaving behind its "ghost", the stroma. The change in environment needed to rupture the cell may be relatively small. This short discussion of the red cell mentions only those features of the red cell which might have some influence on the rheological and flow properties of blood. It has been concerned with normal red cells, and has not touched upon variations in cell shape, construction, or behavior which occur in some human diseases. 2. The White Cells' The leukocytes, or white cells, are of five types: (1) three types of polymorphonuclear cells known as the neutrophils, the eosinophils, and the basophils, (2) the monocytes, and (3) the lymphocytes. cells have discrete nucleoli, cytoplasm, and mitochondria. 24 All these The white cell concentration in an adult usually is about 7000 per cubic millimeter of blood, of which about 63% are neutrophils, 1. 6% are eosinophils, 0. 4% are basophils, 5. 0% are monocytes, and the remaining 30% are lymphocytes. In children, the normal white cell count is higher and the cell type distribution is different. The concentration and distribution of white cells can vary widely and rapidly, even in healthy persons. Extremely hard exercise, even for a very short period of time, can increase the neutrophil concentration 6 or 7 fold; taking a very deep breath can cause the neutrophil concentration to increase by Damage to tissue will cause a rise in the white cell concentration 50%. in blood, and certain diseases can cause a great increase in one particular type of white cell, e. g., whooping cough, which may cause the lymphocyte concentration to rise from the usual 2100 per cubic millimeter up to 100, 000 or more per cubic millimeter. The various forms of leukemia may be characterized by high increases in the while cells, with or without a distribution change, or by the production of mutant cells. As generally described*, the shape of all of the white cells is that of an easily deformed sphere: the polymorphonuclear cells being 10 to 12 microns in diameter, monocytes 12 to 15 microns in diameter, the small lymphocytes 8 microns and the large lymphocytes 13 microns in diameter. An idea of the flexibility of these cells is obtained when it is realized that not only do these cells squeeze through capillaries, which have a smaller diameter than the white cells, but they also squeeze through the pores of the blood vessels. See, for example, reference (34). 25 While agreeing that the white cells are extemely flexible, Tullis (62) says that it is probable that a white cell is never globular, and detection of a rounded edge can be accepted as sufficient evidence that the cell is dead. He pictures the white cell as an irregularly shaped, gelatinous body. The length of the life spans of the white cells are not known. This lack of knowledge arises because the white cells are not restricted to the circulatory system, as the red cells are, but rather, use the circulation system as -a mode of transportation from the bone marrow and lymphogenous organs (where they are produced) to the areas of the body where they are needed to overcome infectious agents. From studies on people who have been subjected to gamma rays, which cause destruction of white cell producing material, it. is estimated that the polymorphonuclear white cells have a life span of perhaps 8 to 12 days (of which time only a small fraction may be spent in the blood). The life span of mono- cytes is completely unknown, because of their greater mobility through the parts of the body. Since the production of lymphocytes in a day is several times greater than the number of lymphocytes in the blood stream at any time, it has been estimated that the lymphocyte life span is well under 24 hours, some estimates being as low as 4 hours. The white cell membrane is even more elastic than that of the red cell; the white cell volume may increase to 1000 shape changes occurring. 3 without irreversible Thus, when the white cell ingests foreign particles (phagocytosis), it can increase its volume considerably, and become more sphere-like as it ingests more and more particles. This may explain why one sees, in motion pictures of the microcirculation (29),spherical white cells rolling along the blood vessel walls: these cells are extended because of ingested material. 26 The "stickiness" of white cells is often referred to, but Tullis (62) says that the white cells, when in the body (invivo)do not adhere together, even when highly concentrated. When out of the body (in vitro), clumping is usual; this clumping generally is due to cell damage done during cell removal from the body, and in subsequent handling. Unlike red cells which have a hydrophobic surface, the white cell is hydrophilic and will stick to wettable surfaces. Consequently, when attempting to collect white cells, one must be sure that only unwettable surfaces are used. At least two types of in vitro white cell clumping are known. One form, called agglutination, is irreversible and shown by dead or dying cells. It occurs from exposure to wettable surfaces, mismatched blood, and other causes of white cell death. The other form of clumping is reversible, but will lead to white cell death if continued for an hour or more. It is brought about by those agents which also cause the for- mation of red cell rouleaux. The anion permeability of the white cell membrane is similar to that of the red cell membrane. Potassium and sodium ions also pene- trate the white cell membrane. Determinations indicate that the water permeability is high, but less than that for the red cell. The interior of a white cell is more complex than that of a red cell. It contains cytoplasm, often containing globulin-holding bodies, a nucleous, nucleoli, granules, and ingested particles. According to Endes and Herget (21) the inorganic chemical composition of a leucocyte interior is: 113 millimoles /liter Potassium 22 Calcium 2 27 " Sodium 70 millimoles /liter Chloride Inorganic Phosphorus Bicarbonate 10 1.8 The white cells contain a high concentration of various enzymes. As might be expected, the white cell is very active metabolically. Buckley (62) has found that the oxygen consumption of a single white cell is 10 to 12 x 10 3. -9 3 mm /minute. The utilization of glucose is also high. The Platelets The'third type of blood cell, the platelet, is an incomplete cell, lacking both a nucleus and fine structure. It has long been held that the platelets are fragments of megakaryocytes, cells which are developed from the same primitive cell (myeloblast) as the white cells. The platelets are small, one to three microns in size, and normally ate present in the blood in a concentration of about 400, 000 per cubic millimeter. Their life span is about four days. The classical picture of a platelet as a small disk is not correct. With phase contrast microscopy, it has been established that the platelets have many small fibrils projecting from their surface. In young platelets, the formation and destruction of these fibrils is reversible and dependent on the dissolved CO2 and 02 content of the platelet environment; high CO2 - low 02 contents result in fibril formation, while low CO2 - high 02 environments result in fibril destruction. These observations, reported by Tullis (63), were made in vitro, and have not been made in vivo, although there is no reason to suppose that platelet fibrils do not exist in vivo, The visualization of these fibrils has permitted a reasonable explanation for several features of fibrinogen clot retraction, e, g, , the effect of gas phase composition on clot retraction, when the clot forms in blood which is exposed to oxygen and carbon dioxide mixtures. 28 The finding that the platelet fibrils decrease in number and size as the platelet ages is also consistent with the evidence which suggests that the "stickiness" of platelets is a sign of platelet youth; the older a platelet, the less the tendency for the platelet to agglutinate with other platelets. Tests on stored platelets also show that the destruction and reformation of fibrils, caused by changes in the dissolved gas content of the environment, becomes less reversible as time passes. However, age does not seem to affect the ability of the platelet to play its role in the mechanisms which lead to clot formation: only its role in clot retraction seems to be a function of age. Like the other particles of the blood, platelets have a negative net charge. 4. Blood Plasma* By centrifugation, the cellular particles of blood can be sepa- rated from the suspending medium, which is known as blood plasma. Blood plasma is usually a clear, slightly straw -colored fluid whose specific gravity is generally about 1. 03. Its pH is 7.46. Plasma is an aqueous solution of a seemingly infinite variety of organic and inorganic substances. Table (2-1) is a list of the more abundant substances, and representative normal concentrations of these substances. The proteins are large molecules composed of various amino acids. Some, such as albumin and fibrinogen, have been fractionated from *Plasma composition data obtained from reference (16). is the source of the data on the proteins. 29 Reference (56) TABLE 2-1 Main constituents of blood plasma and representative normal concentrations 6. 8 weight % Proteins Albumin a -globulins P -globulins y -globulins Fibrinogen 3. 5 w eight o 0. 83 0.89 0.70 0.49 Other Organic Substances (in mg/100 ml plasma) -Sugar Urea Cholesterol 123 22 107 - 320 (194 average) Inorganic Ions (mg/100 ml plasma) Na 4 311 - 334 13. 7 - 19.5 C++ 9.2 - 11.2 Mg ++ C1 1.22 - 2.43 so4O4 HC 3 352 - 373 22. 1 13.3 170 30 Others, such as the globulins, are plasma in a relatively pure form. really protein fractions which are separated from plasma by a separation procedure because the proteins making up the fraction have some common property, such as electrical charge at a given pH, density, or solubility. And some others are detected by a biological property, but have not been isolated because of their low concentration in blood plasma and their similarity to other proteins. The molecular weights of the species making up the plasma protein fractions ranges from 44,000 to about one million, but the colloid molecular weight of whole serum (plasma with the fibrinogen removed) about 90,000. is This is because the most abundant protein, albumin, has The p-globulin molecular weight is a molecular weight of about 69,000. 93,000, y- globulin 160,000, and fibrinogen 340,000. Determination of protein size and shape is complicated by the fact that the proteins are hydrated when in aqueous solution. With the ex- ception of fibrinogen, the more abundant proteins are generally considered to be roughly spherical in shape. Albumin has been estimated to be a prolate ellipsoid of axial ratio of about 4.2 to 3.3, an oblate ellipsoid of 5.4 to 4.0 axial ratio (depending on the assumed degree of hydration), and also as a prism 145 R long, 50 R wide, and 22 A thick. The y -globulin molecule has been estimated to be a prolate ellipsoid 235 R long and 44 A in diameter. The shape and size of fibrinogen, in the dry state, as determined by Hall and Slayter (36), by using the electron microscope, is unusual for the proteins and is shown in Figure At physiological pH, all of the proteins have a negative net charge. The order of electrophoretic mobility is albumin > a 31 - globulins 4-75 *k z5 A Figure (2-2) > a 2 - globulins > The fibrinogen molecule in the dry state (36) p -globulins > fibrinogen > y - globulin. In addition, the proteins act as surfactants and will orient themselves at gas -liquid interfaces to form surfactant films, which may lead to experimental artifacts in viscometric experiments (40). Upon reaching an interface, the proteins irreversibly change their spatial configuration (denature), thereby changing their physical and chemical properties because of the, exposing of new constituent parts to the environment, as well as changing their size and shape. 5. Coagulation and Aggregation Two properties of whole blood are especially important in any rheological study of blood: (1) the coagulation process, and (2) the aggregation of red cells in stationary or very slowly moving blood. Each of these will be discussed separately. (a) Blood hemostasis is the process by which the body seals off severed blood vessels so that a person does not bleed to death. It is a very complicated mechanism, parts of which are still not fully understood, which consists of the following steps: 32 (1) damage of the blood vessel wall, (2) contraction of the blood vessel, (3) adhesion of platelets to the damaged vessel wall of a temporary platelet clot, (4) and formation of a fibrin clot from fibrinogen, (5) shrinkage of the fibrin clot to form a dense structure. (6) relaxation of the blood vessel. The third and fourth steps are important in any blood study since they will occur, with any pretense as an excuse, unless special precautions are taken. The third step, platelet adhesion, will occur on any wettable surface. The platelets, upon sticking to the foreign surface, burst and spill their contents out into the surrounding blood. These spilled contents cause the neighboring platelets to stick together and on the foreign surface. Also, the spilled platelet contents help set off the fourth step of hemostasis: the coagulation step. Clearly, in any study of blood, it is important to prevent platelet adhesion. This can be done by siliconizing all surfaces which may come into contact with the blood. Step four of hemostasis is known as coagulation and involves the conversion of the protein prothrombin into the enzyme thrombin, so that the thrombin can cause the polymerization of fibrinogen into fibrin fibers (43). Many reactions occur simultaneously in this process, some aiding the coagulation process and others combatting it so that only that blood in the vicinity of the wound will clot. Obviously, one does not desire blood coagulation to occur during a rheological study of the fluid. Coagulation will occur, at 37"C, within several minutes after the blood 33 is removed from the body even if all surfaces which come in contact with the blood are siliconized. If the blood sample is chilled, coagulation can be prevented for perhaps half an hour. One way to prevent coagu- lation for longer times is to add to the blood sample a small amount of the natural anticoagulant heparin, an electrolytic polysaccharide. Heparin works as an anticoagulant by blocking the formation of thrombin. Several other substances can be added to the blood to prevent coagulation: oxalate ions and citrate ions for example. These substances are effective because they form very weak complexes with calcium ions, an essential ingredient in the coagulation mechanism, thereby blocking the coagulation process by preventing one of its essential steps. Complexing calcium ion. also prevents the formation of platelet clots on foreign surfaces, since calcium ion also seems to be important in that process. Of course, the effect of anticoagulants on the rheological properties of blood must be determined. (b) The ability of the red cells to aggregate in stationary, normal human blood was first extensively studied by Fahraeus (23, 24); It was found, by observation of whole blood drops, that the red cells aggregate with their flat sides together to form the analogy of a stack of identical coins. These aggregates, called rouleaux, normally fall apart easily when fluid motion is induced. In illness, these rouleaux often are much longer than normal and the rouleaux may themselves aggregate together in clumps which do not fall apart easily in plasma currents. Fahraeus found that albumin acted to prevent aggregation and fibrinogen acted to enhance aggregation, with the globulins being weak aggregation aids. The variation in plasma protein concentration which occurs in certain diseases and other clinical situations will therefore change the degree of aggregation of the red cells in stationary or slowly flowing 34 blood, and this change in aggregation forms the basis of the explanations for several clinical tests, such as the red cell sedimentation rate (24,32), and the guttadiaphot test (26). Normally, in stationary healthy blood, the rouleaux may contain about eight to thirty red cells, with the average being about fifteen red cells. The rouleaux are flexible and will bend when flowing around obstructions. Unlike the case with coagulation, it is not desired that red cell aggregation be prevented when making rheological tests on blood, since the reversible formation and destruction of rouleaux does occur in normal healthy blood (26). Indeed, this ability of the red cells to aggre- gate can have a dominant role in establishing the rheological properties of whole blood at low shear rates. C. Proposed Model The model used to interpret the rheological behavior of human blood, fron a healthy donor, in the low shear rate region consists of mutually attractive, flexible, disc-like particles (red cells) suspended in a Newtonian fluid of a slightly lower density than the particles (plasma). Because of the interparticle attractive force hypothesized to exist, the aggregates are peculiar in that they are formed only by the face - to face joining together of the disc-like particles (Figure 2-3). axial ratio Figure (2-3) Model red cell aggregate 35 J 1_ 8g - particles will reversibly aggregate at very low shear rates, but the The length of these aggregates, called rouleaux, varies in an inverse fashion with the shear rate. The maximum length at a particular shear rate is determined by the stress exerted on the aggregate by the suspending media; when the stress at the center of the aggregate (the point of maximum stress) just exceeds the cohesive force holding two particles together, the aggregate will fall apart into two fragments of equal length. Because of the high collision rate of particles, even in very dilute suspensions, aggregates of less than half the maximum length will be rare, and almost all of the aggregates will have lengths between J and 1/2 Jma, where J length at a given shear rate. is the maximum permissible aggregate The value of Jax will depend on the orientation of the aggregate in the shear field. The rouleaux are not rigid, but slightly flexible as evidenced by their ability to bend when flowing past obstacles, as observed under the microscope by causing blood to flow between two microscope slides between which were trapped small stationary air bubbles. The rouleaux, and indeed the individual particles themselves, are large enough so that the effects of Brownian motion are negligible* Thus, the rouleaux, being anisometric, will tend to rotate in a laminar, uniform shear rate field with a variable velocity and a period which increases as the shear rate decreases and the rouleaux axial ratio increases, and which depends on the orientation of the rouleaux, (9) , (39). In dilute suspensions the tendency is for the anisometric particles to align parallel to or perpendicular to the direction of flow. In the concentration region *Brownian motion may be the cause of the flickering of the red cell membrane. This membrane flicker may aid red cells in attaining their face-to-face orientation in the rouleaux. 36 of interest here, not only are there hydromechanical forces to consider, but also mechanical interactions, which tend also to align the anisometric particles along shear planes. And as the concentration increases, the mechanical interactions dominate. It has also been observed with a microscope, that when blood flows between microscope slides, the rouleaux do align themselves with their length parallel to the direction of flow. Because of this tendency for the rouleaux to align, any 3-dimensional network formed when blood is caused to become stationary after previously having been under a low shear rate field will differ from a network formed from blood which previously had been in a sufficiently high shear rate field so that no aggregates, or only very small aggregates, could exist. In the first case the network will be analogous to a bunch of fibers which have been combed more or less parallel to each other, while the second case will be analogous to a wad of fibers which are randomly interwoven. In addition, the length of the rouleaux formed while the blood was flowing (and hence the shear rate) will affect the nature of the network, since the rate of aggregation of cells in stationary blood has been microscopically observed to be very slow. The mechanical properties of such networks would therefore depend on the prior history of the material. Consequently, blood, by this model, would be expected to have a yield stress which would vary with the blood's prior history, predominantly shear rate, and the direction of stress. D. Results of Previous Investigators Until recently, most of the rheological investigations related to blood were made in capillary viscometers, although Brundage (8) used a concentric cylinder viscometer, and Copley, Krchma, and Whitney(14) 37 used a falling ball viscometer. by Bayliss (1) (2). This work has been reviewed in detail The main conclusions to be drawn from these works are that blood is not a Newtonian fluid, but rather its viscosity decreases as the shear rate increases. In addition, Fahraeus and Lindqvist (25) first pointed out that below a capillary diameter of about 0.3 mm the rheological properties were a function of the tube radius. Attempts to explain this abnormality generally use the idea of a plasma layer at the tube wall, created by the "axial drift" of red cells away from the tube wall.(25) (58) (38) (15), or the idea that the flow of blood through a tube is analogous to alternating tubes of sheared and unsheared fluid (the "sigma" effect) (38) (20). The results of investigations aimed at determining the relationship between the hematocrit and the apparent viscosity of blood have led to conflicting correlations. Nygaard, Wilder and Berkson, (52) , apparently using red cells in serum, found a linear relationship between viscosity and hematocrit in the hematocrit range of 15 to 50%. Brundage (8) found that the viscosity increased at a faster rate than the hematocrit and at a constant hematocrit was proportional to the plasma viscosity. Bingham arid Roepke (4) found that the reciprocal of the viscosity was a linear function of the hematocrit. Haynes (38) found that for hematocrits below 10%, the viscosity was a linear function of hematocrit, but above 10% it was an exponential function of the hematocrit. Obviously, there is not general agreement on the effect of hematocrit on blood viscosity. It is generally agreed that the viscosity of blood decreases at a slightly faster rate than that of water as the temperature increases (2). Several erroneous ideas have gotten into the literature. Two of these ideas are (1) that removal of the fibrinogen from blood does not 38 affect the rheological properties of blood (2), be effectively replaced with saline (37). and (2) that the plasma can The first view seems to be based on the work of Bingham and Roepke (3), who showed that fibrinogen did not contribute very much to the viscosity of plasma. The fallacy of this view was demonstrated byWells, Merrill and Gabelnick (69), who showed that the viscosity of blood at a given shear rate was much higher than that for red cells in saline. Reference to the difference in behavior between red cells -suspended in plasma and red cells suspended in serum has not yet appeared in print. Another serious error which has been reported in the literature is the apparent finding that blood plasma is non-Newtonian (11, 68). How- ever, as has been shown by Joly (40), and Merrill, et al (47), this error arises from an experimental artifact caused by the formation of a layer of denatured plasma proteins at the liquid-air interface formed in the viscometers. This layer has some mechanical strength and if the effect of this layer on the viscometric measurements is not eliminated, erroneous conclusions can be drawn from experimental data. The experimental work discussed above was all done at shear rates above about 60 - 100 sec , at shear rates below 10 sec and until very recently, no work was reported -1 . In addition, it was mainly done in capillary viscometers; data from such instruments are difficult to interpret, not only because of wall effects or sigma effects, but also because the fluid in the tube is not being subjected to a uniform shear rate. The rotational viscometers (cone - in - cone, plate - and - cone, and concentric cylinder) offer several advantages: the fluid being tested in them is subjected to an essentially uniform shear rate, and, in some forms, the viscometers are capable of measuring very small shear stresses at very low shear rates. 39 These instruments are now being used by a few investigators (69, 1%, 19, 12). Dintenfass, (18. 9) has used a cone - in - cone viscometer to make measurements down to a shear rate of 0.006 sec,. conclusions are that: 17, His general (1) at shear rates above about 8 sec- 1 the viscosity of blood is constant, (2) at about 8 sec- the rheological nature of blood changes drastically, and (3) at shear rates below about 8 sec the logarithm of the viscosity is a linear function of the logarithm of the shear rate. While the data of Dintenfass are in the same range as the data reported in this thesis, none of Dintenfass' three general blood characteristics were found (Figure 2-4). Dintenfass does not report any surface or time effects, as is reported herein. It is believed that these effects, especially the time effects and possibly sedimentation effects, not considered by Dintenfass, may account for the divergence of his data and the data reported here. He does not report an experi- mentally determined yield stress for blood. The work of Dintenfass supplies the only known data, besides that reported here, on the rheological properties of blood at shear rates below 1 sec 40 I I FIGURE 2-4 Comparison of data of Dintenfass with data of tis tnee S 100 ------ Dinten rass Temp, o = 3600 This t hesis, a = 44 .6% Temp. S44.6% 10 pN 0 Temp * log secm 1 0.1 10.000 100 10 log r. , op. 41 37,,0O0 III. A. PROCEDURE The GDM Viscometer The, viscometer employed to determine the rheological properties of blood was developed by adapting a very sensitive torque measuring device so that it could be used to measure the torque transmitted by a viscous fluid from the rotating "bob" to the stationary "cup" of a conventional concentric cylinder Couette viscometer. The necessary torque measuring device had been developed earlier at the Instrumentation Laboratory for the testing of parts used in the guidance system of the Polaris missile. The adaptation was performed by P. J. Gilinson, Jr., C. R. Dauwalter, who were responsible for the development of the original torque measuring device, and E. W. Merrill; hence, the "GDM" designation of the machine which resulted from their efforts. A photograph of the actual viscometer is presented as Figure (3-1), together with a labelled silhouette of the equipment. A schematic diagram, illustrating the method of measuring torques, is presented as Figure (3-2). As shown in this figure,, the outer cylinder of the viscometer, the "cup" (C) is mounted on the top plate (D) of a frictionless air bearing (G). The plates (D) and (F) provide vertical positioning and the cylindrical surface around shaft (E) provides horizontal positioning of the bearing. The shaft (Q), an extension of shaft (E), has attached to itself two metal rotors, (R) and (S), which can rotate in the gaps of two electromagnets, (L) and (K), which are called the microsyn voltage signal generator and the microsyn torque generator respectively. The voltage signal generated in (L), which is proportional to the angular displacement of the rotor (R) from its null position, is fed into a voltage amplifier (J), which, in turn, feeds into a current amplifier (M). 42 A feedback current from (M) is Elba&, C=X= 1I 4k I *~; ~ of -Vl time Srecorder' 77- II si1- INSTRUMENTATION LAhUA CRY M.I.T. Datet JAN 8 1963 print No. 3) 64 FIGURE 3-2 Schematic diagram of'the GDM viscometer A D air G F Eag Q IR K 43 supplied to the microsyn torque generator (K), causing a torque to be applied on the shaft (Q). This torque is applied in the direction opposite to that of the torque causing the shaft (Q) to originally rotate away from its rest position. Thus, when a torque is applied to the viscometer "cup" (C) by the rotation of the viscometer inner cylinder, "bob" (B), in a viscous fluid contained between the cylinders, shaft (Q) rotates until the torques exerted by the microsyns on the shaft (Q) exactly balance the viscometer torque. The magnitude of this torque is read on a calibrated meter (N), which measures the feedback current sent to the microsyn torque generator (K). Details of the concentric cylinder viscometer itself are shown schematically in Figure (3-3). made of coin silver and hollow. which passes a tube (4). The inner cylinder, the "bob" (1), is It is attached to a hollow shaft (3) down This arrangement permits water from- a constant temperature bath to be circulated through the bob. The outer cylinder of the viscometer is a cup (10) constructed of lucite. A cylindrical guard ring (2) penetrates through the liquid gas interface formed when the viscometer is filled with liquid; this prevents the transmission of a torque from the rotating bob to the stationary cup by any surfactant layer which might form at the liquid-gas interface. The bob is positioned concentrically within the cup by adaptor (8) and a shield (9), which rests on the air bearing frame (14). The cup is positioned by studs which are part of the floating table (15) of the air bearing. The bob is rotated by means of a gear train which is activated by a constant speed synchronous motor; by the proper selection of gears, various bob rotational speeds can be obtained. In its present form, the bob can be rotated at speeds from 0.01 rpm up to 100 rpm. Torques ranging from 0.0100 to 1999 dyne-cm can be 44 FIGURE 3-3 Detailed schematic diagram of the GDM viscometer 1 Silver rotor, the "bob" 2 Guard ring 4 Hollow drive shaft and tube Water lead-in and -out tubes 3 5 Assembly housing 6 Sealed bearings (4) 7 Plate attachment to housing 5 to bring to correct vertical elevation 8 Adapter 9 Lucite shield 16 13 -011 -.'Ile 1 IK _ _Ij 10 Lucite cup 11 Upper sealing plug for shaft 3 12 Cross bar in 11 engaging with slot 13 Slotted motor shaft from Brookfield Variable Speed Drive it/ 12 KJ 13 5 14 Circular rim of air bearing 15 16 Air bearing table Brookfield motor a 2 1' elf -w 10 15 45 measured with an uncertainty of 0.0001 dyne-cm. The cup movement, away from its null position, necessary to permit measurement of a torque, is generally about 0.002* of arc, or less. The constant temper- ature water, whose temperature varies no more-than 0.01*C, is sucked through the bob at a rate of about 2 liters per minute. Because of the high thermal conductivity of the bob, the high heat capacity of the bob, and the poor thermal conductivity of the cup, it has been calculated that the fluid in the viscometer gap is maintained within 0.05*C of the temperature of the water sucked through the bob. Three sets of cylindrical surfaces were utilized in this work: all bobs were constructed of coin silver and all cups were made of lucite (polymethyl methacrylate). Two of these sets were used primarily for - testing human blood, and required about 8.5m1 of fluid to fill the vis cometer. 'The third set was used to test smaller samples of fluids; it required only about 1 ml. of fluid. The dimensions of the cylinders are: o. d. of inner cylinder i. d. of outer cylinder length of inner cylinder A B C 2.224 cm 2. 574 cm 2. 896 cm 2. 224 cm 2. 438 cm 2. 917 cm 1. 397 cm 1. 537 cm 1. 669 cm The surfaces of set A were smooth, while those of sets B and C were vertically grooved (the dimensions given above for sets B and C are those of the smooth surfaced cylinders from which the grooved surfaces were made). Figure (3-4) is a schematic diagram of the grooved surfaces: each cylinder was vertically grooved with 720 cuts, 66 microns deep, by use of a 60* broaching tool. Unless otherwise indicated, all surfaces were siliconized, using the Clay Adams product, "Siliclad". 46 The outside & , /. 0 -; K: 1~-~ Viscometer "bob" surface " cup " Viscometer I surface FIGURE 3-4 Schematic diagram of the grooved viscometer surfaces 47 of the viscometer cup is rubbed with a small amount of "Statnul"*, a conducting fluid which causes any static charge, which may have been built up by the handling of the cup during assembly of the viscometer, to be rapidly dissipated. A more detailed description of the air-bearing, and the torque measuring system, may be found in references (30) and (31). B. The Merrill - Brookfield Viscometer The Merrill - Brookfield viscometer is a concentric cylinder vis- cometer which uses standard Brookfield drive heads, manufactured by the Brookfield Engineering Corporation, to which is attached a special rotor. The rotor is suspended and rotated in a special stationary well (the rotor - well unit was designed by Professor E. W. Merrill of M. I. T.). The viscometer is shown schematically in Figure (3-5). In use the viscometer was mounted vertically, by clamping the well, in an air conditioned room whose temperature was 22"C. The unique feature - of this viscometer is its large surface area, which enables the vis cometer to be used to measure small shear stresses accurately. Two Brookfield drives were utilized: (1) a drive which could be run at 8 rotational speeds (0. 1, 0. 2, 0. 5, 1, 2, 10, and 20 rpm) and (2) another which had six drive speeds (0. 3, 0. 6, 1. 5, 3, 6, and 12 rpm). The two Brookfield drive units had torsion wires for different shear stress regions. The torsion wire deflection scales of the Brookfield units were marked in arbitrary divisions. *"Statnul" is a product sold commercially by Daystrom, Inc., Newark 12, New Jersey. 48 FIGURE 3-5 The Merrill - Brookfield viscometer Standard Brookfield iscometer Drive Head A0 a In Z.pacer Suspended Rotor. Wetted Rotor Area = 57.6 in 2 Well m1-0 I o" +- 2.6005'' , i . 49 Fluid From the dimensions of the rotor and well, the relationship between the rotational speed of the rotor and the shear rate in the viscometer gap can be determined: ?= 2. 10 (rpm) where y -1 is the shear rate in sec 1 . This relationship is derived in the same manner as that for the GDM viscometer in section IV-A-1-a. To obtain the relationship between the shear stress and the scale deflection of the torsion wire of the Brookfield units, the scales were calibrated by putting Newtonian fluids of known viscosity (water, molasses - water mixtures) in the viscometer and determining the scale deflection - shear stress relationship. These relationships were 8 = 0. 0616 (Scale Reading) for the 8 speed unit, and T6 = 0. 0048 (Scale Reading) for the 6 speed unit (T is the shear stress in dynes/cm 2 The viscometer was filled to the level indicated in Figure (3-5), the excess fluid overflowing over the inner weir of the well when the rotor was lowered into place. Measurements were made starting at the highest rotational speed and going to the lowest speed. After making the measure- ment at the lowest speed, the highest speed measurement was repeated to see if any change had occured in the fluid during the measurements. The yield stress of a fluid was determined in this viscometer by rotating the rotor at the lowest speed until a steady shear stress reading was obtained and then the rotation was stopped. If the fluid had a yield stress, the shear stress reading did not return to zero, but to a finite value; this steady value at zero shear rate was taken as the yield stress. 50 This viscometer was used only to verify the yield stresses of suspensions determined in the GDM viscometer. Because of the large volume required - 60 ml. - it is not suitable for the testing of blood. C. Preparation of Blood Samples 1. Obtaining Blood Samples Blood samples were collected by two procedures, depending on the size of the sample. Large samples (one or one-half pint) of blood were obtained from donors in good health at the blood bank of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. The blood was drawn by venepuncture and collected in plastic bags (Fenwal cedure. Code No. JA-2C) by routine blood bank pro- The plastic bags come prefilled with a standard ACD solution, which for a bag for 500 ml of blood is of the following composition: Citric Acid: 0. 6 Dextrose: 1. 83 gm Sodium Citrate: 1. 65 gm gm Total ACD solution volume 75 ml Blood which was not immediately used was refrigerated at 4 *C.. Small blood samples (about 10 - 15 ml) were collected by venepuncture from the donor with siliconized needle (size 20) and siliconized syringe. Samples which were not anticoagulated were transferred immediately to the siliconized viscometer or else chilled immediately to about 40C. Anticoagulated samples were prepared by transferring 10 ml of the blood in the syringe to a siliconized glass tube containing *Fenwal blood collection units are manufactured by Fenwal Laboratories, Morton Grove, Illinois. 51 200 units of heparin, 1.34 gm sodium oxalate, 3.8 gm trisodium citrate, or 3.8 gm ACD, all of which were either in solution or solid form. Samples not used immediately were refrigerated at 4"C. 2. Preparation of Samples To obtain blood samples of various red cell volume fractions (hematocrit), an anticoagulated original blood sample (as obtained from the donor) was centrifuged at 3000 g and 40 C for 10 minutes. This sedi- mented all cells, -leaving above the suspending medium, plasma. The white cells, occupying less than 1% of the blood volume, sedimented at a slower rate than the red cells and were left on top of the red cell pack; the white cell layer and the very top layer of red cells were removed from the centrifuged blood by use of a syringe and large bore needle. The remaining plasma and red cells were separated by decanting off the plasma. Various proportions of red cells and plasma were combined to get samples of the desired hematocrits. Hematocrits were determined by filling small glass capillaries (diameter about 1 mm, length about 5 mm) with the sample, sealing the bottom of the tube with clay, and centrifuging at 17,000 g for at least 15 minutes; the ratio of the red cell pack length to the total length of the sample was taken as the hematocrit. Generally two capillaries were filled for each sample and the hematocrits determined with the two capillaries usually agreed within 0.5 hematocrit units. Serum was prepared from blood by either allowing native blood to clot naturally for half an hour and removing the clot and cells by centrifuging, or by adding thrombin to ACD containing blood to initiate clotting. After removal of cells and clot, the serum was kept at 37*C for at least 12 hours to allow the remaining thrombin in the serum to be destroyed. 52 Suspensions of red cells in media other than plasma were prepared by centrifuging an ACD blood sample, removing plasma and white cells with a syringe and large bore needle, washing the remaining red cells several times in the final suspension medium, and finally suspending the washed cells in a fresh portion of the final suspending medium. The washing procedure involved adding to the red cell pack an equal volume of the final suspending medium, suspending the cells with gentle agitation by inverting the sample several times, and again centrifuging for 10 minutes at 3000 g (4C). The supernatant solution was removed by the use of a syringe and needle, and the process repeated the desired number of times. Details as to the composition of the various suspending media are given where suspensions of red cells in such media are discussed. 53 IV. A. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Whole Blood When determining the rheological properties of a suspension near limiting quantities, such as very low shear rates and very low shear stresses, it is essential that the physical arrangement for the measurement of these properties be closely looked at. Under limiting conditions, small causes may lead to large errors in interpretation of experimental' data, whereas the same small causes may have a negligible effect at higher conditions. Several such factors, discussed in detail, and found significant, in the following sections, must be considered when interpretating low shear rate rheological measurements of blood. 1. Derivation of viscometer equations (a) Assuming constant fluid viscosity in the viscometer gap. The viscometer under consideration consists of an inner cylinder of radius r1 rotating at a constant angular speed 62, and of an outer cylinder whose inside radius is r 2 and upon which a restraining torque G (per unit height of the inner cylinder) is exerted to prevent movement of the outer cylinder. The space between the cylinders is oc- cupied by the fluid whose rheological properties are being investigated. At a radius r (r1 5 r < r2 ), the shear stress and the restraining torque are related (at steady state): =0 T (27rr)r-G = I dO T G 27rr 2 (4-1) This equation is valid for any type of fluid provided that the largest unit of matter in the fluid is small in comparison to the viscometer gap size, and that the flow is laminar. 54 The rate of shear in the fluid occupying the viscometer gap is = r d(u/r) r4-w (4-2) dr dr Considering a fluid whose properties are independent of time and viscometer gap size (equivalent to the condition stated above that the largest material unit in the fluid is small compared to the viscometer gap size), we can write (4-3) f r) From Equations (4-1), (4-2), and (4-3), and using the boundary conditions appropriate for the GDM viscometer, i. e., at r r r u r r2 u 0 o one can obtain r1 2 dr f(T (4-4) r2T 2 For a Newtonian fluid (4-5) T where 77 is a constant, the fluid viscosity, and therefore f(T)= 1 for a Newtonian fluid. (4-6) ) Substitution of (4-6) in (4-4) and integration of the result gives which upon use of (4-1) becomes ~1 [1 1 0 Ir4 27j21r 55 J 1] r~ or G 4 ro r7_' 2 2 r2-r1(47 _r7 2 ss1 (2 so that, using (4-1), (4-5), and (4-7) r 2 1 r ~ ILr r2 2 2 2 1 2 -r1 (4-8) - -2w From Equations (4-1) and (4-8), the shear stress and shear rate at any point in the viscometer gap canbe calculated from experimentally determined quantities, provided, of course, that the fluid in the vicometer is Newtonian, or that the fluid viscosity does not vary significantly across the gap, the flow is laminar, and the fluid can be considered a continuum. For a point at the outer cylinder surfaces (r = r 2 ), the equations for the shear stress and shear rate are as follows: viscometer set A T2(dyne/cm2 ~Ui~t. 2 2 (sec- ) cm) _ T(ne 28. 77 0. 7463 N (rpm) viscometer set B = T 2 27. 26 2 1. 026 N (4-9) viscometer set C T 6.19 2 = 1. 05N The validity of these equations was checked by putting three standard oils (K, D, and H oils obtained from the National Bureau of Standards) 56 in each of the viscometers: the difference between the experimentally determined fluid viscosity and the viscosity reported by the National This close agreement indi- Bureau of Standards was less than 0. 5%. cates the absence of any "end effects". (b) The Krieger-Elrod equation. The equations for calculating the shear stress and shear rate from experimentally determined quantities, which were presented in the previous section, ar~very convenient to use. However, they are based on the assumption that the fluid viscosity does not vary across the viscometer gap. Since blood is known to be non-Newtonian, and since the shear stress varies across the viscometer gap by about 28% in the larger vicometers, the use of equations (4-9) for blood is open to some question. For the case of laminar flow of a continuum in a concentric cylinder viscometer, whose inner cylinder was stationary and outer cylinder rotated, Krieger and Elrod (42) developed an equation for the shear rate at the surface of the outer moving cylinder making only one assumption; this assumption was that a functional relationship existed between the shear rate and shear stress: y, = f(r) The method of Krieger and Elrod can also be applied to the viscometer used in this work (see Appendix A). The resultant expression for the shear rate at the surface of the rotating inner cylinder is w rh 111+1 d2 w 2 dInw 1 (ln s)4 45 W1 57 + (In s) 4 1 4 d 1 (d ln T1 )4 + (4-10) when s = r2/r If the term jin s (d in w 1 /d in T1)] is less than 0.2, only the firsttwoterms of the series need be used and the error caused by this procedure willbe less than 1%. If [in s(d in o/d in Tr)) is greater than 0. 2 but less than 1, one additional term must be used in order to keep the error below 1%. A comparison between the shear rate - shear stress data of a sample of human blood calculated from the experimental information by use of Equation (4-10) and by use of equations of the same form as Equations (4-9) but derived for a point onthesurface of the inner cylinder, is made in Figure (4-1). In both cases the shear stress was calculated from the equation. 1 G 2,rr 1 Details of these calculations are presented in Appendix A. The data are plotted as the square root of the shear stress versus the square root of the shear rate for reasons which will be explained later. should be noted from Figure (4-1): Two things (1) the error introduced by the use of Equations (4-9) to calculate the shear rate at a point in the viscometer gap can be appreciable if blood is the fluid filling the viscometer, and (2) the correction introduced by use of the Krieger-Elrod equation does not change the general qualitative features of a plot of the square root of the shear stress versus the square root of the shear rate for human blood. (c) The Vand wall effect. Both Equations (4-9) and (4-10) are based on the supposition that the shear rate of the fluid in the viscometer gap is solely a function of the shear stress. In the case of blood, or a fairly concentrated suspen- sion of any type of particle, this is not strictly true since the particle 58 FIGURE Comparison of shear rates calculated from viscometric data by the Krieger - Elrod equation and the conventional equation 1.0 CD C C El .5 0Calculated assuming constant viscosity across viscometer gap DO 0 0 0-woo j, Calculated from Krieger equation Hematocrit = 47.4 Temperature = 24.8 % CD 4-1 0 C Viscometer set B 0 0 1 2 1/2, (sec-l/2) 3 - Elrod concentration adjacent to the cylinder walls is lower than in the bulk of the fluid. This variation in particle concentration arises because the pres- ence of the solid wall physically prevents the particles from occupying the space next to the wall in the same manner as they do in the bulk of the suspension. For example, red cell centers can never touch the space adjacent to the solid walls; hence, the space adjacent to a wall is occupied by a red cell - deficient layer of blood. Because the shear rate - shear stress relationship for blood appears to be a strong function of the red cell concentration, it is evident that the shear rate of blood in the viscometer gap is not solely a function of the shear stress, but is also a function of the red cell concentration, or equivalently, the radial position of the point of interest in the viscometer gap. Because of the red cell deficient layer of blood next to the solid boundaries of the viscometer gap, the fluid in this region will have a lower viscosity than the bulk fluid, and this will give rise to an apparent slippage velocity at the wall. Of course, at very low particle concentra- tions, the wall slippage effect will disappear. Vand (65) considered the problem of apparent wall slippage in capillary and Couette viscometers by considering the fluid flow as two phase flow (a wall layer of one fluid and a bulk fluid core or layer). He derived the expression relating the viscosity of the bulk fluid (ij) with the wall layer fluid viscosity (77) and the viscosity calculated from experimental data ignoring the wall effect (y ): x - -1 H (L -)1 (4-11) where, for the capillary viscometer H x ( 1- p )4 rw 60 (4-12) and for the Couette viscometer (with rotating bob) (-)1-Df H x = 2(4-13) 1+ 2D r -r2 in which D is the thickness of the wall layer. In deriving these equations, it is necessary to assume that both the wall layer liquid and the bulk liquid have constant viscosities. This is a poor assumption in the case of a cap- illary viscometer filled with a non-Newtonian fluid, since the shear stress varies from zero at the capillary center to its highest value at the capillary wall. However, in the case of the Couette viscometer, this assump- tion will not lead to a large error if the shear stress (and hence viscosity) does not vary too greatly across the viscometer gap. The division of the flow into simple two phase flow is, of course, a simplification. The above. theory would not be valid if the solid boundaries were rough on the scale of the size of the particles. In such a "rough wall" situation, if the "roughness" were great enough, the wall-slippage effect would not be seen. This is illustrated in Figure (4-2). If the viscometer surface is relatively smooth, as shown schematically in Figure (4-2(a)), the wall-slippage effect may be noted. However, if the surface is grossly rough, as shown in Figure (4-2(b)), the particles and suspending medium which are in the "cracks" of the surface will remain at rest relative to the surface, whether the surface itself moves, or remains stationary. If the "cracks" in the surface are numerous enough, the bulk suspension in the viscometer gap will "see" cylindrical viscometer walls of itself (shown by the dashed line in Figure (4-2(b), -and there then will not be any cause for a wall-slippage effect. 61 / P.0 / (b) EP i (b) 1,0 C) (a) Figure 4-2 Comparison of the viscometer cylindrical surface - suspension interface when the cylindrical surface is (a) smooth and (b) rough on a scale greater than the particle size. The GDM viscometer set B, which consists of vertically grooved cylindrical surfaces (see Figure (3-4)), fits the conditions of the rough surface described in the last paragraph, if used with human blood. Conse- quently, if shear stress - shear rate data are obtained for a blood sample by using the rough cylindrical surfaces (set B) and the smooth cylindrical surfaces (set A), the magnitude of H, inEquation (4-11) can be determined; this calculation is based on the use of the rough surfaced viscometer data to calculate rj, the smooth surfaced viscometer data to calculate Itj and the viscosity of the blood plasma as Tr 0 The "thickness" of the wall layer, D, can then be calculated from Equation (4-13). 62 Figure (4-3) shows, on a plot of the square root of the shear stress versus the square root of the shear rate, data obtained on a blood sample by use of the smooth surfaced and rough surfaced viscometers. The data points were calculated by use of both equations (4-9) and the Krieger-Elrod Equation (4-10); in this case the difference between the results of the two methods of calculation was not greater than about 0.25%. To insure that the difference between the two sets of data obtained with the two different sets of viscometer surfaces was not due to an instrument calibration error, Newtonian fluids with viscosities varying from about 1. 1 centipciise to about 500 centipoise were tested in both viscometers: the data obtained from both viscometers for any fluid agreed, with the greatest difference between the two experimentally determined viscosities being 0. 4% of the viscosity. The difference in the two curves for blood in Figure (4-3) must be attributed to the surface effect which has been discussed above. Making use of Equation (4-11) the following values of H were calculated from Figure (4- 3): H 49 sec 1.010 25 1.016 9 1.019 1 1.018 0.04 1.006 These values of Hx correspond to wall layer thicknesses of between 1 and 3.microns, as determined from Equation (4-13). When one recalls the fact that the red cell is roughly disc shaped with a thickness of 2 microns and a flat face diameter of 8 microns, this wall layer thickness seems reasonable. 63 FIGURE 4-3 Effect of viscometer wall roughness on the apparent rheological properties of blood 1.5 * Blood, rough surfaced viscometer A Blood, smooth surfaced viscometer o Red cells in albumin - saline, rough surfaced viscometer ARed cells in albumin - saline, smooth. surfaced viscometer 1.0 Temperature C = 25 C 4.0.5 Area of inset H 0-3 Woo 0 -5 00..1.0 00 0 > 7-5 2 2 3 56 1/2, (sec-l/2 7 1.0 8 Also shown in Figure (4-3) are data for a suspension of red cells in an isotonic saline solution containing 3. 5 weight percent human (crystallized) serum albumin. The data for this supension, obtained with the two viscoAt first, this seemes to contradict the meters, fall on a single curve. conclusions reached in the previous paragraph, but if Equation (4-11) is rearranged to give H 17X + 0 (4-14) *- q 1+ (H -1) 7 x 0 and it is assumed that H = 1.01 and use is made of the experimentally determined value of 77 (1.01 cp at 25*C), Equation (4-14) becomes 0 L02(4-15) T * 77~ 1.01 + 0.01-) x The largest value of 7) determined from the data shown in Figure (4-3) for red cells suspended in albuminated saline, is 6 centipoise; using this value for tj in Equation (4-15) gives Tx 1 /2 = 0. 98 71/2 This represents the largest difference to be expected between r 1/2 and 71/2 since the suspension viscosity decreases below 6 cp as the shear rate increases. Consequently, it is not surprising that the data obtained for a red cell suspension in albuminated saline, using both the smooth and rough surfaced viscometers, should all fit on one curve. Several groups of investigators have attemped to detect the wall Sweeny and Geckler (61) made a suspension of 124 micron glass beads in a glycerol - slippage effect in the concentric cylinder type viscometer. water - zinc bromide solution (40 volume percent beads), and made measurements at 3 shear rates in a concentric cylinder viscometer which had 3 different size bobs. These authors claim that no wall slippage effect 65 was detectable, or else it was smaller than the experimental variation in their results. Considerable doubt is cast upon the validity of their results since their data indicates that their suspensions have a maximum viscosity at a shear rate of about 100 sec', at both higher and lower shear rates. with lower viscosities This behavior is not consistent with the generally found behavior of particle suspensions of this type. Evenson, Whitmore, and Ward (22) suspended spheres of p'lymethyl methacrylate (38 to 388 microns in diameter) in a water -glycerol - lead nitrate solution. Tests on these suspensions in a Couette - type visco- meter with gaps of 2, 3, and 4 mm showed no wall slippage effect. How- ever, these results are not surprising when it is realized that the maximum volume concentration of spheres was only 20%; at such low concentra- tions the particles are separated by large enough distances to make the nature of the viscometer wall surfaces of very little or no importance. The' results summed in Figure (4-3) are typical of the results obtained with several normal bloods. Tests were also made with smooth cylindri- cal surfaces, and surfaces coated with washed sand particles (0. 0029 0. 0041 inches in diameter); in the case of the sand-coated surfaces, the effective viscometer dimensions were determined by making torque - bob rotational speed measurements on several Newtonian fluids of known viscosity and by utilizing Equation (4-7). (In the tests with the Newtonian fluids, tests were made with one surface smooth, of known radius, and one sand-coated surface, and then the tests were repeated for both surfaces sand-coated; this procedure permitted the radii of each sanded surface to be calculated.) In all cases, the results indicated a wall-slip- page effect on the smooth surfaces, and the "thickness" of the wall layer was always about 1-3 microns. 66 2. Time effects (a) Time effects at constant bob rotational speeds A recorder attached to the viscometer continuously traces out the torque reading of the viscometer as a function of time. Whenthe viscometer contains whole blood, and the bob is rotated at a constant angular speed, the torque - time curve takes one of the two forms shown in Figure (4-4): (1) if the shear rate is greater than about 1 sec -1 , the torque rapidly climbs, after the bob is started rotating, to a value at which it remains constant thereafter (upper diagram - Figure (4-4)); (2) if the shear rate is less than about 1 sec , the torque initially rises, upon starting bob rotation, to a maximum value and then decays with time (lower diagram - Figure (4-4)). less than about 1 sec , For the cases where the shear rate is the torque will decay, after having reached its maximum value, until a steady value is attained. If the blood is one whose red cells sediment rapidly, the torque will slowly rise from this steady state 20 - 30 minutes after bob rotation was first started; this is due to the increase in hematocrit which occurs in the bottom of the viscometer as the cells settle downward. If the blood in the viscometer is sufficiently stirred, by raising and lowering the stillrotating bob, the torque - time curve is reproduced when the stirring is stopped. The time necessary to reach the maximum torque value increases as the shear rate (bob rotational speed) decreases, as is illustrated in Figure (4-5) for several different blood samples. Even though the data in this figure represent the behavior of "normal" bloods (from donors in good health), the great variation among bloods is apparent. Because of the complexity of the rheological properties of blood, and the complexity of the mechanism by which steady state blood flow is attained in the viscometer, no quantitative importance can be attached to Figure (4-5). However, 67 Ii1 I I 11 11 ) I I IM Full Scale Torque 50 dyne-cm Upper Curve 10.2 sec-1 Lower Curve 20.4 sec-1 t t4 '1 Id1 I I I "Mt 4ft TflT Full Scale Torque - 3 dyne-cm ; 0.01 sec-1 Figure 4-4. Typical torque-time curves for human blood; upper diagram for shear rates greater than 1 sec-1, lower diagram for shear rates less than 1 serTF 68 4-5 FIGURE Time requir ed to reach torque - time curve peak vers us viscometer bob rotational speed, for 3 blood samples 1.0 0.7 -- )( 0 C Sample m 8264, W3 Sample M Sample K 4370 8264, N2 0.2 x 10-4- rpm 0.1 0 0.07- X0 0.05I 0.021- EM 0.01 1.1 0 20 10 8.6 x Peak time, 69 , (minutes) because viscous Newtonian fluids, such as aqueous glucose solutions also show the same qualitative behavior, it is hypothesized that the initial portion of the time-torque curve, illustrated in the lower diagram in Figure (4-4) by the portion of the curve preceding the maximum torque value, is the transient period during which the blood is accelerating to its steady state flow pattern. The subsequent torque decay period is explained by the mechanism of a developing layer of blood plasma at one or both viscometer cylindrical surfaces. This layer, which acts as a lubricant at the viscometer surfaces, develops only at shear rates below about 1 sec 1 and it grows in thickness with time until the torque has decayed to a steady value. - This argument requires that the red cells of the blood recede from the vis cometer walls at low shear rates. Visualevidence of this mechanism was obtained withthe fortunate discovery of a blood donor whose blood plasma contained about 8% fat. The fat concentration was sufficiently high to cause the blood plasma to be opaque and milky white, instead of the usual clear, straw-colored fluid. In Figure (4-6), the right tube con- tains a sample of this blood with the red cells settled down in the lower part of the tube, and the milky plasma in the upper part of the tube. tube of normal blood plasma is shown on the left. A The middle tube shows a sample of the high fat blood with its red cells in the process of settling down (this particular blood had a very high sedimentation rate). This blood was placed in the rough-surfaced viscometer and stirred by raising and lowering the rotating bob, which was rotating at a speed of 0.2 rpm. Upon stopping the stirring, the blood appeared to be uniformly red, as - shown in Figure (4-7), which is a color photograph of the blood in the vis cometer taken about 0.5 minutes after stirring was stopped. Continued bob rotation resulted in the development of a growing whiteness in the 70 FIGup 4-6 Photograph of hyperlipidemic blood and plasma, and normal blood plasma 71 Hyperlipidemic blood in the after stirring stopped, bob 72 viscometer, 0-5 minutes rpm speed is 0.2 Hyperlipidemic blood in the viscometer, 5.5 minutes after stirring stopped, bob speed in 0.2 rpm 73 apparent blood color, as is shown in Figure (4-8), which was taken about 5 minutes after Figure (4-7). This whiteness can only be interpreted as being due to the presence of a plasma layer at the outer viscometer surThe blood was again stirred, but this time the bob was not rotated; face. the blood did not show a plasma layer at the outer wall of the viscometer gap 5-1/2 minutes after the stirring was stopped. Clearly then, this de- velopment of a plasma layer is induced by the flow of the blood. Further experiments with this blood sample showed that the plasma layer did not -1 develop at shear rates greater than 1 sec , and that the layer developed only when a torque decay was simultaneously observed inthe torque - time curve. The use of smooth surfaced viscometer surfaces duplicated these observations. The magnitude of the rate of torque decay immediately after the maximum torque is reached is a function of blood sample donor, hematocrit, and shear rate. For a particular donor, the effects of hematocrit and shear rate are qualitatively the same as those found for bloods fron other healthy donors. It has been observed that the rate of torque decay is zero for blood samples whose hematocrit is below about 10% and above about 55%; the maximum rate of torque decay occurs at about 35 - 40% hematocrit, as is illustrated by the data in Table (4-1). It might be suspected that the torque decay found at low shear rates might be due to sedimentation of the red cells in the blood, especially since the sedimentation rate of red cells also is low at very low and high hematocrits, with the maximum sedimentation rate also at 35 - 40% hematocrit. If the sedimentation of the red cells is the. explanation for the torque decay, then since the torque does decrease with time, there must be a decrease in the concentration of red cells in the blood (in the viscometer gap) with time. 74 Granting that red cells are leaving the viscometer gap due to sedimentation out the bottom of the viscometer gap, and also entering the top of the gap at the same time, it is necessary to determine the net change with time in the number of red cells in the viscometer gap. Figure (4-9) illustrates how the red cell sedimentation rate varies when blood is subjected to a shear stress normal to the direction of the gravitational force causing the red cells to settle. Two effects kre to be noted: (1) the initial period of slow settling decreases in length as the normal stress is increased, and (2) the maximum settling rate.decreases as the normal stress inci-eases. In the limit, then, since the blood above the viscometer gap TABLE 4-1 Rate of torque decay at constant viscometer rotation speed. Rate of Torque- Decay (dyne cm/min) Hematocrit Bob Rotational Speed 10.2% 1 9.2% 21.6% 27.5% 33.2% 39.10% 46.0% 0. 5 RPM 0.000 0.030 0.026 0.061 0.067 0.048 0.042 0. 2 RPM 0.000 0.030 0.045 0.046 0.064 0.069 0.057 0. 1 RPM 0.000 0.038 0.047 0.057 0.065 0.062 ----- Blood Sample Temperature Rough Surfaces M-8264 = 25. 0* C Viscometer is essentially stationary (and could have a long ''induction" period of little or no settling), and when the blood in the viscometer gap is at a low shear rate (having no "induction" period and the maximum possible sedimentation rate), the maximum possible rate of torque decay due to settling of the red cells would be 75 i FIGURE 4-9 Sedimentation of red cells normal to a shear field 66.2 Sample Oqi K 1184 Rough hamster bob Smooth large cup 66.o 0% eN *sNO 65.8 0% '0 %G \ C) -3 O*z .. .1-I C) '0 '0 +~ 65.6 '0 0 0 '*0tpm0 **0 65.4 rpm = 2 65.2I 65.0' 0 rpm = 0. 1 20 10 Time, (minutes) I--- 30 dT "dO/max _ (maximum sedimentation rate) bob length (Torque) Returning again to the high lipid blood shown in Figures (4-6) through (4-8) the maximum sedimentation rate at 25 0 C was found to be 1. 11 mm per minute, Figure (4-10), which becomes 1. 7 mm per minute at 37 0 C if one applies a temperature correction to the sedimentation rate (66). For the experiment recorded in Figures (4-7) and (4-8), the peak torque value was 9. 2 dyne cm and the initial rate of torque decay was 1. 4 dyne cm per minute; the blood was at 37. 0*C. Therefore, the maximum torque decay possible, due to red cell sedimentation is ( )min dO max 1.7 min X 9. 2 dyne cm= 0. 53 dne cm mm 29.17mn Thus, the maximum decay rate to be expected, due to red cell sedimentation, is about 1/3 that experimentally found. Since the extreme situation considered above would be visually detectable if it occurred, and it never has been seen, it is apparent-that red cell sedimentation does not account for the torque decay phenomena being discussed. It might be argued that there was sufficient torque transmitted from the bottom of the bob to the bottom of the cup of the viscometer to permit the torque decay to be explained on the basis of the sedimentation of red cells away from the bottom of the viscometer bob. Such an argument would require the torque transmitted between the bottom of the viscometer bob and the cup to be appreciable. This particular "end effect" was dem- onstrated to be negligible by (1) putting National Bureau of Standards "K" oil in the viscometer and determining the oil viscosity with the bob in its normal position, and raised 0.0417 inches and 0.0614 inches above its normal position (viscosity at 25*C is 33 cp), (2) repeating the experiment 77 I :'IGURE 4-l0 Sedimentation rate of hyperlipidemic blood ~0 79 1.11 mm/min 78 0 0 \0 0 77 \0 co 4, 4e 76 K C' .0 Sample: M 5855, type 0+ Temperature = 25.0 0C 75 1 0 10 20 I 30 I I 50 Time, (minutes) I 60 I 70 I 80 withmolasses at 25*C (viscosity =.2400 cp), and (3) repeatingthe experiments with blood at- 37*C and 2.05 sec . In all cases, the data indicated that no "end effect" was detectable. The torque decay is therefore clearly due to the migration of the red cells of blood away from one or both viscometer walls at low shear rates. Goldsmith and Mason (33) have reported that when suspensions are passed through circular tubes at particle Reynolds Numbers below 106, the particles willmigrate towards the region of lowest shear rate if they are deformable spheres or threads; rigid spheres, disks, or rods do not migrate at all. These authors attribute the migration to a force which arises when a particle is deformed in a variable shear rate region. Thus a sphere suspended in a fluid inthe gap of a Couette viscometer ideally would not migrate because of the (almost) uniform shear rate inthe viscometer gap. According to this theory, if the red cells in blood could be prevented from aggregating at low shear rates, no migration might be detected because of the very smallvariations in shear rate across the viscometer gap; rouleaux might migrate because of their greater deformability. The experimental evidence partially supports this viewpoint: the red cells in human blood do migrate at low shear rates (when rouleaux can form), but red cells suspended in an isotonic saline solution containing 3. 5% human serum albumin (which prevents any red cell aggregation, as has been verified by microscopic investigation) have not been found to migrate (as evidenced by the lack of any torque decay phenomena). However the hypothesis of Goldsmith and Mason requires migration to the region of lowest shear rate. In the GDM viscometer, this region of lowest shear rate is at the surface of the outer cylinder. Since with both the rough and smooth surfaced viscometers, the red cells were found to migrate away 79 from the outer wall, it must be that Goldsmith and Mason's theory does not apply to the situation of human blood in a Couette -type vis cometer. It has been reported by Segre and Silberberg (59) that in a suspension flowing through a verticaltube at particle Reynold's numbers between 10 -3 and 6 X 10-2 rigid spheres.of polymethyl methacrylate not only migrate away from the tube wall, but also simultaneously migrate away from the tube axis. Thus, the spheres come to occupy an annular space in the tube. Segre, and Silberberg attributed the migration of the spheres away from the tube wall to the Magnus effect,. but offe red no explanation for the migration away from the tube axis. S. G. Mason has reported (46) that he has duplicated the w ork of Segre and Silberbe rg and found the ir findings to be corre ct. It appears, therefore, that there are physical forces which could explain how red cells in blood recede from one or both walls of a concentric -cylinder viscometer atlow shear rates. Notest has been devised whichwould per- mit one to determine if the red cells recedefrom the inner cylinder wall, but there is no doubt that the ability to migrate at low shear rates is related to the ability of the red cells to aggregate: red cells suspended in albumin-saline solutions do not aggregate or migrate; red cells suspended in aIand y - globulin - saline solutions, where some smallaggregation may occur, do not migrate; but, red cells suspended in fibrinogen - saline solutions, and in plasma, where aggregation can be observed under the microscope, do migrate. The migration may arise not only because of the increased deformation of aggregates over individual particles, the Magnus effect, and other purely physicalforces, but also because of an attractive force between red cells and red cell aggregates which is similar, but not identical, to the force causing aggregation. This attractive force would permit more efficient "packing" of the cells in blood at low shear rates. 80 The attractive force is not identical to the force causing aggregation because red cells will normally only aggregate face-to-face; however, both forces may arise because of a fibrinogen - cell surface site linkage, with the majority of sites being on the cell faces. From this interpretation of the torque - times curves, it is obvious that the correcttorque value to be associated with a particular shear rate is close to the torque - time curve peak, provided the peak occurs shortly after startingthe fluid motion. However, inthe case of low shear rates, where the peak occurs several minutes after start up, some correction must be made to the peak value in order to correct for the plasma layer which has been developing atone or both viscometer walls in this time. Since thetorque decay afterthe peak of the torque - time curve is exponential, as illustrated in Figure (4-11) an exponential extrapolation to time zero of the torque decay section of the torque - time curve would be one such attempted correction; this corresponds, within the limits of experimental error, to a linear extrapolation of the portion of the torque - time curve immediately after the peak totime zero. Figure (4-12) shows, on a plot of y 1/2 versus 1/2, thepeak, extrapolated, and "steady state"values for a blood sample (b) Time effect upon stopping viscometer bob Upon stopping the viscometer bob rotation, the torque recorded bythe viscometer does not drop to zero instantaneously, even though the bob is stopped essentially instantaneously. This occurs because it takes some time for the viscometer cup and torque -summing shaft to return to its null position, and because the fluid inthe viscometer does not stop flowing instantaneously. Nevertheless, with a fluid such as water inthe viscometer, the torque will return to zero within a few seconds afterbob rotation is stopped. However, with blood intheviscometer, the torque does not return to zero until a time lapse of about 5 minutes or more has occurred since the viscometer rotationwas stopped; a typical example of this behavior is shown in 81 FIGURE 100 - 4-li Torque - time curve for blood at constant viscometer rotational speed 90 70 7 70 4 0 s- G 0 50 P4 0 4,- CG 30 S0.01 0.02 0. 1 20~ 0 2 rpm rpm rprn 4 6 8 Time, e 82 (minutes) 10 12 1.2 FIGUKE 4-12- Shear stress - shear rate data for human blood, using extrapolated, peak, and steady state torque values o.8 Cu H CU Time Effects '- U C) o .6 Cu H No Ttme O0.2 0 Extrapolated - t =0 v flues 9Peak values 0- Minimum (steady state) values 0 0 1 2 .1/2 (e-/ 3 '4. ff1 IIIII Ll 1 1LIL" LL.L' I I I I I I I I I I I I 11144"444- 1i i I I I I i i i i i i i+ KimI_ III Li .......... !.+.f + ! T! i ! 6 11 ! t 1 U U U U U F" I .1- -Mr r=L 11-111- 1-1 .1 . . I . I I. - - f1 4 ~tI if I 1-Er N ' rA L1I M[I.E ! II Full Scale Torque - 4 dyne-cm Initial Rotation = 0.1 rpm. Figure 4-13. Torque-time curve for human blood, obtained on stopping bob rotation.' 84 I Figure (4-13). When the bob rotation is stopped, the torque initially decays at a rate which is the same as when the viscometer is filled withwater (dashed line in Figure (4-13)), until a certaintorque value, T , is reached, below y which the torque decays at a much slower rate." This curve is really two exponential curves, and it has been found empirically that the point where the - transition from one exponential curve to the other first takes place corres ponds to the fluid yield stress Kaolin suspensions in water were prepared and their yield stress values were determined in the Merrill-Brookfield viscometer by the same methods used by Bolger (5). In the Merrill-Brookfield viscometer, the torque decay curve was of the form shown in Figure (4-14). These same suspensions were then placed in the GDM viscometer (rough surfaces) and it was found that they displayed the same type of torque - time W 0- YIELD STRESS -50BROTATION STOPPED Figure 4-14. Torque decay curve obtained for kaolin suspension in the Merrill-Brookfield viscometer. 85 curves as blood when the viscometer rotation was stopped. As the Kaolin concentration was increased,, the length of time required for the torque By projecting the original torque - reading to return to zero increased. time curves traced out by the viscometer recorder on the wall of a room, it was possible to obtain time-torque data from the curves. These data were then plotted onsemilog paper, Figure (4-15) being one such curve for a 4% Kaolin suspension. From such curves, the shear stresses cor- responding to the torque values where the curves departed from one exponential curve to the next were calculated. In Table. (4-2), the yield stresses, as determined in the Merrill-Brookfield viscometer, are compared with the shear stresses of departure from the initial exponential decay curves obtained with the GDM viscometer. The agreement between the Merrill-Brookfield yield stress and the GDM viscometer departure stress is good, considering the inherent errors of the methods used to obtain these values. Bolger found for these Kaolin suspensions that the cube root of the yield stress was linearly related to the volume fraction of the suspension which was occupied by the Kaolin flocs. The data of Table (4-2) are tested in Figure (4-16) for this relationship, the floc concentrations having been obtained from Bolger's Sc. D. Thesis (5). The data of Table (4-2) do satisfy the relationship. It was not feasible to determine the yield stresses of the usual human blood samples in the Merrill-Brookfield viscometer because of the relatively large sample of this valuable fluid required to fill this viscometer. However, a sample of "outdated "blood (stored over 3 weeks) was placed in both the Merrill-Brookfield and the GDM viscometers and its yield stress determined by the methods discussed above; its yield stress was found to be 0.108 dyne/cm2 by use of the Merrill-Brookfield viscometer and 0.110 dyne/cm by use of the GDM viscometer. is excellent. 86 Again, the agreement I i FIGURE 4-15 Torque decay curve for 4% kaolin suspension 500 in the GIM viscometer, rotation stopped, = 1.67 (dyne/cm2)1/3 7 1/3 - -- 200 (D 70 50 30 0 I I i 1 2a 3 I Scale time, a, 87 (minutes) I I 5 6 YiELD FLOC , CONCENTRA TIN COMCEMTR4TION wr rR4crIoM * VO I U/ME Y/EO STrESSES DEPARTURE M-B v/SVMETR DYNE /CM 2 s rC ss y DYNE/CM 2 '/3 C \ CM P/ACrO Y3 (CN (\3 2 " KAOlI N TABLE 4-2 STRESSES OF kAOLIN SUSPENSIONS /\ct 0.0/ 0. 89 0.02 0.160 0.5? 0.55 0.04 0.279 4.7 4.4 /..67 1.61- 0.05 0.330 9.3 9.Z5 2./o 2.12 - OBr4INED FRoM REFR 5, PAGE 168 0.0289 0.307 0.838 0.8/ I FIGURE 21- I 4-iE Comparison of yield stress data for kaolin suspensions as determined in the Merrill-Brookfield and GDM viscometer0 rn H Cu Li a) Co %- eel H o Measurement by GDM I)Measurement by Merrill--Brookfield Temperature = 25.0 "C 0' 0 0.1 0.2 6F , Floc volume concentration 0.3 One question remains to be answered: why is there a difference in the nature of the torque'- time curves for the same substance in the two different viscometers? the torque is stopped. - Figures (4-17) and (4-18) are semilog graphs of time curves obtained when the GDM viscometer bob rotation Four curves are shown one each for four initial bob rotat- ional speeds (before bob motion was stopped). The two exponential posi- tions of these curves can be seen, together with a first non-exponential section immediately after the bob rotation is stopped, and a second nonlinear section between the two exponential portions. During the period of time represented by the first nonlinear sections and subsequent first linear sections shown in Figure (4-17), the electromagnetic torque exerted on the torque-summing shaft of the GDM viscometer by the microsyns is greater than the viscous torque exerted on the viscometer cup by the fluid in the viscometer gap, and the viscous torque of the damper and the gas in the air-bearing gap. Consequently, the vis- cometer cup is rotated towards its null position; this motion is analogous to the initial rapid torque decay period of the Merrill-Brookfield viscometer (see Figure (4-14)). In the Merrill-Brookfield viscometer, the torque does not return to zero when the bob rotation is stopped if the fluid being tested has a yield value. Instead, the torque drops to the value corresponding to the fluid yield stress and remains constant at this value (within the time span of the experiment, which may be an hour or two). In the same situation in the GDM viscometer, the torque decays at a very slow rate after the torque has dropped to the torque value corresponding to the fluid yield stress. In addition, for blood, the rate of torque decay below the yield torque depends on the shear rate to which the blood was subjected just before the bob rotation was stopped. 90 10.0 FIGURE 7.0- 4-17- Torque - time curves for blood, GDM viscometer rotation stopped 5.0 Rough surfaced viscometer set B Initial rpm 2.0 A Full scale torque o 1.0 10 dyne cm A 0.5 5 dyne-cm O 0.2 3 dyne cm 1.0 -- 0.7 0-5 E'0.5- 0.2 0.1 T Time, , 20 (see.) 0 91 30 FIGURE 0.2 4-18 Torque - time curves for blood, GDM viscometer rotation stopped Rough surfaced viscometer set B Initial 0.1 rpm Full scale value E 0.1 3 dyne cm V 0.2 3 dyne cm A 0-5 0 1.0 5 dyne cm 10 dyne cm S U a, U k -. 35 x 105 4.35 dynecm x .105 5.80 x 10 5 7.25 x 10 5 El 0.07 A 0.05 0 0.02 1 I 0.01 50 100 I I 200 150 Time, e, (see) 92 I 300 400 The reason for the difference in behavior of the blood in the two different viscometers lies in the "spring constants" of the two viscometers. In the Merrill-Brookfield viscometer, the spring constant is 0.10 dyne cm per radian while for the GDM viscometer the spring constant is 4. 35 K 105 dyne cm per radian (for a torque full scale setting of 3 dyne cm). Therefore, in the GDM viscometer, at the yield torque position, the cup is rotated about 1. 24 X 10-6 radians, or 7. 1 X 10-5 degrees of arc, away from its null position. This means that the viscometer cup surface, in returning to its null position from the yield torque position, travels a distance of about 0.02 micron, which is much less than the diameter of a red cell. This represents the distance the cup moves as the blood in the viscometer gap relaxes. Presumably, the blood in the Merrill-Brookfield viscometer is also relaxing, even though the torque reading appears to be constant. If it is relaxing at about the same rate as it does in the GDM viscometer, the movement is so slow that it would not be detectable in the Merrill-Brookfield viscometer within the time period of an experimental test. The viscometer cup could return to its null position by "slipping" over the structured fluid in the viscometer gap. However, this does not seem likely when the rough-surfaced viscometer surfaces are used, and the cup must move because the fluid in the viscometer gap "creeps". Considering the blood in this "creeping" situation to consist of rouleaux, more or less entangled to form a network structure throughout the blood, we might expect, by analogy to the case of long slipping ropes entangled in a network structure (27), that the "viscosity" of this network would be proportional to the length of the rouleaux length raised to the 2.5 power. Assuming that the network viscosity is proportional to the rouleaux length raised to some power n, it follows that the torque exerted on the viscometer cup by the blood rouleaux network is given by 93 Tb KJn - (4-16) where K is a constant, J is the rouleaux axial ration (length to width ratio), and 0 is the angular velocity of the cup. Neglecting the viscous torque of the viscometer damper and air-bearing fluid, and making use of the fact that the electromagnetic torque exerted by the viscometer microsyns on the torque-summing shaft is proportional to the viscometer cup displacement from the null position: T = k 0 (4-17) the torque balance on the viscometer cup - torque summing shaft gives: 14 = k, O-K Jn 0 (4-18) where I is the rotating system moment of inertia. Since under the "creeping" motion being considered here for blood, the viscometer torque reading, Te (and hence angular displacement 4), is an exponential function of time (see Figure (4-18)): T In = ln Te-ln ki 1= In (constant) = ln + st (4-19) 1 where s is the slope of the straight lines in Figure (4-18), and t is time. Differentiation of Equation (4-19) gives dT dt s T e (4-20) d 2Te dt s2 T 2 e Substitution of Equations (4-20), using Equation (4-17), converts the differentiation Equation (4-18) to s2 + KJn 0 (4-21) and 'therefore: KJn 5 94 -Is (4-22) Since k 1 is of the order of 106 dyne cm, I is about 205 dyne cm sec2 and s is of the order of -10 -2 sec -1 , the Is term is negligible when com- pared to kl/s: k KJ 1 (4-23) From the data in Figure (4-18), the following values of KJn were calculated for each curve in the figure: N. (rpm) -KJn (dyne cm sec) 0.1 3.6 X 108 0.2 1.6 0.5 0.69 1.0 0.60 where N is the viscometer bob rotational speed before rotation was stopped. From this information, it appears that the axial ratio, J, of the rouleaux making up the network in the creeping blood decreases as the shear rate of the sample immediately prior to cessation of viscometer rotation increases. This qualitatively agrees with the model of blood aggregation set forth in this thesis; namely, at low shear rates the red cells aggregate to form rouleaux, whose length decreases as the shear rate increases. From the above discussion, it must be evident that the concept of a yield stress is not simply the shear stress necessary to initiate material flow. Given sufficient time, any material under stress will "flow" to re- lieve the stress. Therefore, the idea of a yield stress involves a time lapse in its definition. As a convenience to the experimenter, the yield stress can be defined as the minimum stress needed to cause the material to "flow" a minimum (perceptible) amount in a convenient length of time. For some materials, such a stress can be relatively sharply defined for 95 experimental time lapses of minutes or hours, and this stress is called the yield stress. 3. Correlation of shear stress (a) - shear rate data The low shear rate region. In the low shear rate region, it has been proposed that the red cells in blood aggregate to form flexible rod like aggregates. These aggregates, called rouleaux, have a length which is a function of the shear rate under which the blood is flowing: their length decreases as the shear rate increases. In addition, blood normally contains a rather high con- centration of cells, so that there is considerable interference between This complex situation is not amenable totheo- particles and rouleaux. retical treatment, but a recent suspension model considered by Casson (10) seems closest to normal human blood, of all the models considered in the literature. Casson's model suspension consists of particles suspended in a Newtonian medium. The particles are mutually attractive, so that at low shear rates the individual particles aggregate. These aggregates are allowed to be only rigid rod-like aggregates whose length varies inversely with the suspension shear rate. For this model, at dilute con- centrations, Casson found that the relationship between the axial ratio, J, of the aggregates and the shear rate, } , was, for J very much greater than unity: J= 9F A 1/2 4 8 q af (4-24) where FA is the cohesive force between the particles forming the ag- -2 gregates, dynes/cm , i7 is the suspending medium viscosity, and "a" 0 is a constant whose value depends on the average orientation of the aggregates with respect to the fluid streamlines. 96 For shorter aggregates, for mathematical simplicity, Casson assumed that over a limited shear rate range the relationship between the aggregate axial-ratio and the shear rate was J =a + p where a and p are constants. )1/2 (4-25) Casson then relates J to the viscosity of the suspension by determining the rate of energy dissipation due to the rods and the suspending medium. For a dilute suspension he finds 7= 77(1-c) + i a Jc (4-26) where fl is the suspension viscosity and "c" is the volume fraction of Combination of Equations the suspension occupied by the particles. (4-25) and (4-26) gives the relationship between shear rate and fluid To obtain an expression applicable at viscosity, for dilute suspensions. higher particle concentrations, use is made of an approximate method which considers that upon adding to a suspension an additional small amount of particles, the resulting new suspension can be treated as dilute suspension of the newly added particles, with the old suspension being considered as a continuous medium. The net result of this tech- nique is an expression relating the shear stress and shear rate for the suspension: T 1/2 (4-27) 1/2 + b - where s= 1/2 [ (4-28) 1-c)aa-1 b a-2 a a-1 97 2 -1 -1] (4-29) This technique, in addition to not being rigorous, does-not -take into account interactions between aggregates due to crowding. The Casson -suspension must fulfill certain conditions. a limited shear rate range, a plot of 7 Also, from Equation (28), a 1/ 2' versus First, over 1/ y1/2 should be linear. plot of ln s versus ln(1-c) should be linear, with a slope equal to [-(aa-1)/2]. From such a plot, it is then possible to make a plot of "b" versus (1-c)- (aa-1)/2 which, according to Equa- tion (4-29), should be a straight line whose slope equals the negative of the line's intercept on the "b" axis. Several examples showing that normal human blood fulfills the first condition, namely a linear T 1/2 versus P 1/2 plot, have already been presented, Figures (4-1), (4-3), (4-12). Figure (4-19) shows a plot of T1/2 versus .1/2 for a normal blood, with various red cell volume frac- tions (hematocrits). Typically, the shear rate range over which such a plot is linear increases as the hematocrit decreases, so that usually a linear plot is obtained for a blood sample with a hematocrit of 45% only from zero to about 1 sec . The linearity of such plots always extends from zero shear rate to a high shear rate where nonlinearity first occurs; this means that the quantity "b" in Equation (4-27) is the square root of the blood yield stress. Having established that normal blood fulfills the first Casson model suspension condition, one takes the slopes of the linear plots just described and tests them for the second condition, namely that ln s versus In (1-c) should be a straight line. In Figure (4-20), the data from Figure (4-19), as well as data for two other normal bloods, are shown. In this figure, the data from two of the bloods seem to fall on the same curve. These data fit linear curves, and thus show that blood does satisfy the second 98 FIGUE 1.0 4-19 Caston plot of data for blood of various hematocrits Sample M 8264 0 Temperature = 25.0C 00 -0 0.5 ci, -r---- -0 1.0 - -- 2.0 J7i ,(sec-/2) 3.0 FIGURE 4-20 Test of Casson equation using human blood data 0.3 0in 0.2 A Whiting series II 19.060, slope = -1.19 .0 Whiting series II, 19.000, slope = -1.19 D M8264, 2500, slope = - 1.09 0 I -0.7 -0.5 -0.3 in (1 - 100 a) -0.1 0.1 0 Casson model condition. As will be illustrated later when the effect of temperature is discussed, the slope of the lines in Figure (4-20) is a function of temperature, decreasing as the temperature increases. With Figure (4-20) enabling one to evaluate the quantity (aa -1), the third test of blood data can be made. In Figure (4-21), such a test is made on the data obtained for the three bloods described in Figure (4-20). The data again fall on a straight line and the slopes of the lines are approximately equal to the negatives of the "b" axis intercepts (not shown, and well off the plot). Note that even though the data for two of the bloods fell on the same line in Figure (4-20), they do not fall on the same line in Figure (4-21). On only one condition does normal blood not fulfill all of the conditions of the Casson model: the slopes and negative intercepts of Figure (4-21) are not equal. They are not equal because the lines do not pass through the point (1-c)(a 1)/2 1.00, b = 0. The reason that the lines do not pass through that point is that blood, as all suspensions, does not have a yield stress at very low particle concentrations because at very low concentrations there are not a sufficient number of particles available to construct a three-dimensional network throughout the fluid. The Casson equation does not recognize this, as can be seen from Equation (4-29), where "b" (the square root of the yield stress) does not become exactly zero until "c" equals zero. Unfortunately, Equations (4-24) and (4-25) cannot be combined to enable one to calculate FAs the cohesive force between the red cells forming the rouleaux. To do so, one would have to know that J was much greater than unity, so that 1/2 A1 (48a) /2 101 (4-30) 1.8 FIGURE 4-21 Test of Casson equation using human blood data 1.6 0 1.2 1.0 10b (dyne/cm2)i 0.8 0.6 0.41- 0.2 0 Sample Intercept Whiting,III -0.253 Slope 0.242 A 0.156 -0.163 Whiting, II 19.000 0 0.290 -0.316 M8264 25.000 / 1.0 1.2 Temp. 19.000 0 1.6 1.4 r- ) 102 ad - 1 2-g- 1.8 _________________ 2.0 2.2 2.0 This would require a to be zero, which it clearly is not, being calculated from Figure (4-20) to be 4. 5 in one case and 4. 8 in two other cases (assuming the time average orientation of the rouleaux to be along the fluid streamlines). If it is assumed that the average orientation of the blood rouleaux are along the fluid streamlines, the constant "a" become equal to 1/V. With this assumption, the values of a and p canbe determined, and the average axial ratio of the rouleaux, as a function of shear rate, can be calculated. Table 4-3 lists the values of a, p, 'r 1/2 and the axial ratios 0 of the rouleaux at shear rates of 1 and 0.01 sec~, calculated from Equation (4-25), for the three bloods described in Figures (4-20) and (4-21). TABLE 4-3 Casson constants and rouleaux axial rations calculated from Equation (4-25) from data of Figures (4-20) and (4-21). Whiting Series M 8264 0 Symbol in Figures ) a ( p (dyne/cm2)1/2 77 1/2 (poise)1/2 J Whiting Series 4.8 4.8 4.5 0.54 0.82 .0.93 0.13 0.13 0.13 9.0 1 s 1 sec 47. J0. 01 sec-1 11.1 11.8 68. 77. The axial ratios calculated for a shear rate of 1 sec but the values at 0.01 sec- seem reasonable, do not. As pointed out by Casson (10), be- cause of the simplifying assumptions made in deriving the equations to describe the model suspension, the axial ratios calculated from Equation (4-25) will be high. By comparison with the Einstein equation for dilute 103 suspensions of spheres, Casson concluded that suspensions of spheres would have a values of about 5 (p = 0). Therefore, Casson model sus- pensions whose fundamental particles are spherical would be expected to have values of a of about 5. Blood seems to fall into this category, and this seems fairly reasonable considering the red cell shape. It is interesting to note that the Casson derivation predicts that for large values of J, the suspension viscosity is proportional to J2 (shown by combining Equations (4-24) and (4-25), and (4-27)), while the statistical law of flow for long slipping ropes says the viscosity should be proportional to J The fact that the Casson model equations correlate the shear stress - shear rate data for normal human blood does not conclusively prove that blood acts in an analogous manner to the Casson model, since fluids which flow by other mechanisms may have flow properties which can be ye/.2 _P 1/2 plot correlated with the Casson equations. A linear r 1/2 versus does not mean that the suspension acts like the Casson model: Bolger (5) found that kaolin suspensions, which are not Casson model suspensions, act as Bingham fluids at high shear rates: 7 = m-? + n where "m' and "n" are constants. For this fluid, at high P values, the quantity d r1/2/d P 1/2 is equal to ml/2, which means' a 71/2 versus ? 1/2 plot would be linear. In spite of its inability to describe precisely the physical behavior of human blood at low shear rates, because of simplifying assumptions and necessary approximations, the Casson equation is very useful as a means of correlation. On the other hand, it appears unreasonable to attempt to force out of it parameters of fundamental significance. 104 (b) The high shear rate region At sufficiently high shear rates, the red cells in blood will not be able to remain aggregated in the form of rouleaux because the shear stress on any potential rouleaux will cause the tension at any point in the rouleaux to exceed the force of cohesion between the red cells. However, this does not mean that blood at such high shear rates would be simply a suspension of individual particles. Mason and Bartok (45) have found that in dilute suspensions of equal, neutral spheres, under a uniform shear rate, the fraction of the spheres which are present as shear-induced doublets is given by fd = 8c, where "c" is the particle volume fraction. Thus, a 7% (volume fraction) sus- pension of spheres will have 56% of the spheres in collision doublet form at any time and any shear rate. This relationship is not valid at high particle concentrations because of the formation of triplets, etc. by collision, and because of the depletion of single particles at high doublet concentrations (both effects neglected in deriving the doublet relationship). In addition, attractive forces between particles will add to the steady state number of doublets in a suspension by increasing the average life of the doublets. Consequently, as a result of purely hydrodynamic inter- actions, the fraction of the red cells present in blood as individuals, even at high shear rates, is very small; interparticle attractive forces reduce this fraction even further. Any relationship aimed at describing the rheological properties of a suspension at high shear rates would therefore have to take these hydrodynamic aggregations into account. On the basis of the theoretical equa- tions proposed for dilute colloidal suspensions of neutral particles, it has been suggested (28) that this relationship can be represented by a concentration power series: 105 7 {1 + ] c + k, [712 c2 + k [ 3 c 3 +. (4-31) ' where [t7] is the suspension (particle) intrinsic viscosity, and k , k 1 2 etc., .are constants which are functions of the shear rate and the dimensions of the particles. Vand (64), considering a dilute suspension of spheres in which hydrodynamic aggregation occurred, found theoretically that Equation (4-31) was: 7+ 2.5 c + 7.349 c2 +.. (4-32) Mason and Bartok (45) found experimentally that sphere doublets rotated as though their axial ratio was unity (instead of two) and that the doublets had a longer life than Vand assumed. On this basis, they proposed that 2 the coefficient of the c term should be 10.05 instead of 7.349. They re.ported that experimentally this coefficient has been found to be 11.7, 12.5, and 12.7. The difficulties experienced in attempting to find theoretical equations needed to describe the flow properties of dilute suspensions of neutral spheres at very low shear rates are only minor when compared to the problems involved for concentrated suspensions of flexible, nonspherical particles, such as blood. Attempts to solve this more difficult problem, at least for neutral sphere suspensions, have all lead to results which have a common aspect (see Appendix B): namely, at a particular shear rate, the suspension relative viscosity is a function only of the particle concentration. Thus, suspensions of particles in various suspending media should all have the same relative viscosity at the same shear rate and particle concentration. Figure (4-22) shows the shear stress - shear rate data for red cells suspended in plasma (blood) and red cells suspended in serum (plasma 106 FIGUIE 4-22 Shear stress - shear rate data for blood, red cells in serum, plasma, and serum 1.0 - c = 4i2.5 %50 Temperature - 37.0 0C 0.9 Predicted curve for .blood, based on data W 0 of red cells in serum, plasma, and serum. CDD 000 -e 0.5 0.3 400 Serum 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 , (sec-) 20 whose fibrinogen has been removed by clotting), both suspensions containing the same volume fraction of red cells; the same data for the two If the red cells are acting as neutral suspending media are also shown. individuals at the upper shear rates shown in this figure, then at the higher shear rates the relative viscosities of the two suspensions should be equal: UBlood _ ?7Plasma 7RC-S Vserum or, at a. given shear rate _ Blood - Plasma yserum RC-S where the subscript RC-S refers to the suspension of red cells in serum. The dotted line in Figure (4-22) is the curve predicted by the above equation from the data on plasma, serum, and the suspension of red cells in serum. Although it approaches the actual blood curve, it does not co- incide with the blood curve in the shear rate range of Figure (4-22). Figure (4-23) is similar to Figure (4-22) except that instead of using a suspension of red cells in serum, a suspension of red cells in a 3. 5% albumin - saline solution was used; the albumin prevents any red cell aggregation, as was confirmed by microscopic investigation of the susAgain, the predicted blood curve does not coincide with the actual blood curve, even at shear rates of 103 sec . pension. The suspension of red cells in the albumin - saline solution is as close to a suspension of neutral* red cells as one can get; the red cells do no aggregate even in the stationary suspension. Consequently, *Neutral means no net attraction or repulsion between the particles of the suspension. 107 FIGURE 4-23 Shear stress - shear rate behavior of blood and red cells suspended in albuminated saline - 5 0 Blood, c = 41.7 0 Red cells in albumin - saline solution, c 4 Cu V Albumin S U = = saline solution Plasma C) =25.0 10 20 00 - 3 Temperature C to 2 0 0 50 1.026 41.7 the fact that the predicted blood curve in Figure (4-23) does not coincide even at 103 sec 1 with the actual blood curve indicates that interparticle forces still play an appreciable role at 103 secrheological properties of blood. in determining the Higher shear rates are needed in order to make these forces insignificant enough, compared to the hydrodynamic forces, for the blood to act like a suspension of neutral particles. The similarity between Figures (4-22) and (4-23) makes one wonder if red cells in serum act like a suspension of neutral particles. To test this idea, Figure (4-24) presents data on a suspension of red cells in serum, and a suspension of red cells (from the same blood sample) in isotonic saline. In each suspension case, the red cells were removed from blood by centrifugation, and washed in isotonic saline by mixing the cell pack with an equal volume of saline and recentrifuging (washing was repeated once more for serum suspension cells and twice more for saline suspension cells). The serum suspension cells were then washed twice, by the same process, with serum. Following these treatments, the cells were suspended in their respective media to a particle volume fraction of 37.3%. This washing treatment not only insures that no fibrino- gen is in the final suspensions, but probably also removes some outer layers of material from the red cell membrane, so that the red cells in the serum suspension may no longer be identicalto red cells whichwould be found in serum if one could employ Maxwell demons to remove fibrinogen molecules from blood without altering the blood in any other way. These suspensions did not show rouleaux formation when examined under the microscope, although some small aggregates of 2 or 3 cells could be seen. Although the two suspensions have very different shear stress- shear rate curves, the dashed curve in Figure (4-24) shows that the curve for the red cells in serum can be predicted from the data for the saline 110 FIGUBE 4-24 Shear stress - shear rate behavior of red cell - serum and red cell - saline suspensions o red cells in serum, c = 37.3 % 5 0 red cells in saline, c =37.3% - predicted red cells in serum from red cells in saline 4 E- serum = 1.69 saline 3 Temperature =25.0 C 43 5 +2 CO ELEl *~0 10 20 30 40 Shear rate, 50 t 10 , (sec1 ) 0 suspension and the two suspending media, at shear rates above 30 sec Below 30 sec 1 the predicted curve and actual curve for the red cell suspension in serum do not agree, probably because the proteins in the serum alter the interparticle forces between the red cells from the forces between red cells in saline. Thus, below about 50 sec -1 , the effects of the interparticle forces are not negligible, while above about 50 sec they are negligible compared to the effects of the hydrodynamic forces (assuming -the red cells suspended in saline to be neutral). In view of the above paragraph, the discrepancy betweenthe predicted curves and the actual curves for blood in Figures (4-22) and (4-23), es-1 pecially at shear rates above about 30 sec , arises because the protein fibrinogen increases the interparticle forces between red cells so much that the highest shear rates used in this work are insufficient for making the effects of these forces negligible with respect to the effects of hydodynamic forces. This influence of fibrinogen is not measured by the viscosity of plasma since the other proteins contribute a large amount to the viscosity of plasma. Consequently, as shown in Appendix B, no satisfactory theoretical relationships exists to correlate the rheological properties of blood at the highest shear rates used in this study. For interpolation purposes, any of the methods tested in Appendix B can be used to "correct" data for differences in hematocrit. 4. The yield stress (a) Method of determination An experimental method of determining the yield stress of a fluid has already been discussed in subsection A-2-b of section IV (Time Effect Upon Stopping Viscometer Bob Rotation). This procedure is time consuming and an alternate method usually was employed to determine the yield stress. 112 The alternate method makes use of the fact that the initial rate of torque decay upon stopping bob rotation is so high that it appears to be linear on the torque - time curve traced out on the viscometer recorder. If the viscometer contains a fluid which does not have a yield stress, the torque - time curve appears linear until the torque drops down to about 6 - 8 percent of the full scale torque value. If the fluid in the viscometer has a yield stress and the torque corresponding to the yield stress is several times greater than 6 - 8 percent of the full scale torque value, the point where the torque - time curve departs from its initial linear section can be easily determined within about 1o of the full scale torque value. This point of departure is the same as the departure point as determined by the lengthy procedure discussed in the earlier subsection mentioned in the previous paragraph. The yield stress was determined by the alternate method by stopping the bob rotation when the peak of the torque - time curve was reached. Because the time required to reach the torque - time curve peak was up to several minutes at bob rotational speeds of 0.01, 0.02, and 0.05 rpm, the yield stresses were not determined when the bob rotation was stopped from these initial speeds. This was because such a determination would result in a low yield stress because of the plasma layer which formed at one or both viscometer walls during the several minutes required to reach the peak of the torque - time curve. On the other hand, initial bob speeds of 1 rpm or greater could not be used because the full scale torque value at these speeds was so large that the torque corresponding to the yield stress was less than 10% of the full scale torque value, thereby not permitting the yield stress to be determined. Consequently, the yield stresses were determined with initial bob rotational speeds of 0.05, 0.2, and 0.1 rpm only. 113 Table (4-4) gives representative experimental data on the yield stresses of blood samples, as determined by the alternate method just discussed. If there is any variation in yield stress with the initial bob rotational speed it is lost in the error of the method used to determine the yield stress. One might expect a variation of the yield stress with bob initial speed, since when the bob is rotating (at low speeds) the length of the rouleaux in the blood varies inversely with the bob speed (shear rate). Assuming that the three-dimensional red cell network in blood, which gives rise to the yield stress, is composed of the rouleaux which were present when the blood was being sheared, networks composed of longer rouleaux would be expected at the lower initial bob rotational speeds. Possibly, this variation in red cell network should give rise to a variation in yield stress, but this does not seem to be the case, or else the variation is very small. It may be that the variation in rouleaux length with shear rate is not significant in the shear rate range considered here. Alternately, the seemingly constant yield stress may arise because of variations in the viscometer wall plasma layer thickness which cancel the effect of variations in rouleaux length.' Even though the time available for this wall layer to develop is small, during the yield stress determination, it may nevertheless be of some small importance. When the wall layer is purposely allowed to become large before making the yield stress determination, a much lower yield stress is measured. From this discussion, it is apparent that a "dynamic" yield stress is being measured and if the network were formed of randomly oriented rouleaux of randomly varyinglengths the yield stress. might be different. 114 TABLE (4-4) IN! IAL - STRESSE5 YeL-a (dyne/cn) DEX TER BLOOD M 8264 BLOOD PEED OF BLOOD STRESSES YiELD EXPERIMEANTALL Y DETER MiNED 0.5 0.054 0.036 0.019 0.059 0.054 0.044 0.044 0.2 0.052 0.030 0.0/7 0.062 0.059 0.051 4.042 0.1I 0.048 0.031 0.019 0.059 0.057 0.053 0.042 HEMATOCRJT 46.0 S9.0 53.2 TEM PERAqTUtE 25.0 25.0 25.0 ("c) )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44.6 44.6 9 .98 _ _ _ _ _ 44.6 44.6 2.0 36.8 t.C _ _ _ _ _ In all the graphs presented in this thesis, the experimentally determined yield stress is indicated on the ? = 0 axis by the same symbol as used to designate the experimentally determined shear stresses at other shear rates. If the yield stress was not experimentally determined, the extrapolated yield stress is not marked by a symbol in any graph. (b) Effect of hematocrit As the hematocrit of a blood sample is increased, the number concentration of rouleaux present at a given shear rate must also increase since the number of red cells in a rouleaux is determined by the shear stress. Consequently, as the hematocrit is increased, the density of linkages in the red cell network formed in blood upon stopping the fluid motion must increase and the yield stress will also increase. This is what is found experimentally to happen. As has already been shown in Figure (4-21), the yield stress - hematocrit relationship can be expressed by the relationship, 1/2 = k 2 (4-33) + k where k 1 is about 0.1 to 0.3, k 2 about 1.0 to 1.2, and k3 is roughly equal to (-k1 ). This relationship developed from the Casson model. An empirical equation, proposed by Norton (51) for clay suspensions, and confirmed for kaolin suspension by Bolger (5): (T )1/3 = a(c-c c (4-34) has also been found to correlate the yield stress-hematocrit data for blood of hematocrits below about 50 percent. (4-25) for five different normal bloods. This is shown in Figure In Equation (4-34), the "a" is a constant which does not vary markedly between bloods, as is shown by the small variation in slope among the lines in Figure (4-25). 116 The FIGURE 4-25 Cube root of yield stress versus hematocrit, for 5 different normal bloods - 0.5 cm 0.4 3 cu S2 - 0.3 0.2 -,- 0.1 00 0 20 40 0, 117 (%) 60 quantity cc is the red cell concentration below which the red cell - plasma suspension cannot have a yield stress, since there are not enough parti- to give stationary blood a yield stress. The possibility that red cell - cles present with which to build up the three-dimensional networkneeded plasma suspensions have no yield stress at red cell concentrations below cc has been experimentally confirmed. In Figure (4-25), there is a six-fold variation in cc. By the discus- sion of the above paragraph, this variation in cc means that in some red cell - plasma suspensions (those with low cc values) more effective use is made of the cells to make a network. This more efficient use is that the cells are organized into longer rouleaux; thus in'two suspensions of the same concentration one has in one a network composed of a number of long rouleaux while the other suspension consists of a larger number of smaller rouleaux, which cannot be randomly spatially arranged to This variation in rouleaux give a continuous three-dimensional network. length arises because of a variation in the cohesive force between red cells; this variation in cohesive force arises because of variations in the fibrinogen content of the plasma in which the cells are suspended (to be discussed in a later section). The fact that a suspension follows Equation (4-34) is not a sufficient condition that it will also follow the behavior of the Casson model; this was demonstrated by Bolger's data on kaolin suspensions. (c) Effect of temperature In Figure (4-26), the effect of temperature onthe rheologic- al properties of blood is shown. The intercept on the ordinate of this figure is the square root of the yield stress. As indicated, the yield stress appears to be independent of temperature for red cell - plasma suspensions with hematocrits below about 40%. 118 With suspensions of higher hematocrits, there is a small inverse variation in yield stress with temperature, as shown in Figure (4-26) and also in Table (4-4). This temperature independence, or near independence, of the yield stress is an indication that the energy of interaction holding the red cell network together (in stationary blood) is much greater than the thermal energy of the blood constituents. The fact that the yield stress becomes slightly temperature dependent and also deviates from Equation (4-34), as shown in Figure (4-25), at a hematocrit above 40% is indicative that the nature of the red cell network in this particular stationary blood changes as the hematocrit increases over 40%. One of the features of the Casson equations, which are satisfied by normal blood, is that the rouleaux length depends only on the shear rate and is independent of particle concentration. At a given shear rate, as the particle concentration increases, the number density of the rouleaux increases, and this rouleaux concentration will be directly proportional to the particle concentration. However, as the particle concentration becomes very high, the particles become so packed together that the nature of the red cell network formed from the rouleaux changes, and the rheological properties of the individual cells become more important. The fact that the yield stress is temperature independent at hematocrits below 40% not only implies that Brownian agitation is of negligible importance, but also means that the product of the network link density and the average link strength remains constant. This link strength does not necessarily have to be the red cell cohesive force holding two red cells together in the rouleaux, since the cohesive force holding two cells together may be a function of what parts of the red cells are in contact (two cells joined at their flat faces may have a much higher cohesive force than two cells joined at their rims). 119 FIGURE 4-26 b Casson plots for a typical normal human blood, at three temperatures and four hematocrit levels b cC05 "00-- a C" 0 0 02 0) ['3 tC --c c = = 35.5 49$-- 49.8 e -- = /- Dexter blood -- -- 1 2 iv (sejl)l/2 = 4, Figure 4-25) 21.0 0 C .a = 37 . Q (curve c == 30.. 0 0 , 0$ CO 3 In order that the linkage density - link strength product remain constant, any change in the number of linkages would have to be inthe opposite direction of the change in the average linkage strength (fractional changes would be equal but opposite). This is not unreasonable since a decrease in the number of linkages could come about bya decrease in the number of rouleaux, which would mean an increase in the rouleaux length and the cohesive force holding the cells together in a rouleaux. This increase in cohesive force holding the cells in a rouleaux together would most likely be accompaniedby anincrease in link strength since the source of a change in either bond would also be the same source of a change in the other (changes in adsorbed protein concentration, red cellmembrane "flicker" etc.). Thus, the terperature independence of the yield stress means either the average link strength and link density are independent of temperature, or that they vary in opposite directions. Since for suspensions of hematocrit above about 40% the yield stress is slightly temperature dependent, some, property of the individual red cell must be temperature dependent. There is no reason to suspect that such a property, be it the severity of membrane flicker or the nature of the adsorbed protein layer on the red cell surface, should become less temperature dependent at lower hematocrits (at lower hematocrits the environment of the red cells contains a larger amount of plasma constituents per red cell, and so the likelihood of exhausting a plasma constituent by adsorption or metabolism is less). Changes in red cell geometry with temperature, if any, should be unaffected by red cell concentration in the range considered here. Consequently, it must be argued that the link density - link strength product at hematocrits below 40% remains constant but that the individual members of the product vary with temperature. 121 It is of course possible that at hematocrits above 40% the part of the individual red cell which governs the red cell network strength is different from the part which is important in suspensions of hematocrits below 40%. Such a change in network character could account for the tem- perature behavior being discussed, but it is difficult to visualize such a mechanism change. The proposition that the link density - link strength product remains independent of temperature while the members of the product vary with temperature does not conflict with the Casson model suspension. (d) Variation with source All of the bloods whose yield value - hematocrit data are shown in Figure (4-25) came from persons in good health. From this figure it is apparent that the yield stress can vary over a large range, even at the same hematocrit level; the range in Figure (4-25) is from 0.015 to 0.050 dyne/cm2 at a hematocrit of 45%. be due to variations in red cells or plasma. This variation could The effect of the plasma, especially the fibrinogen content, seems the most important factor and is discussed in the section dealing with the effect of fibrinogen on the rheological properties of blood. 5. Effects of physical factors on blood rheological properties. (a) Hematocrit The effect of red cell concentration on the rheological properties of blood has been discussed in Section A-3, Theoretical Correlation of Shear Stress - Shear Rate Data, of the Discussion of Results. 122 (b) Temperature In as much as the viscosity of water, the solvent in plasma, decreases as the temperature is increased, one expects the viscosity of blood to likewise decrease as the temperature is increased. In Table (4-5), the effect of temperature on the rheological properties of a sample of normal human blood is shown; the blood viscosity at a given shear rate does decrease with increase in temperature. Because the hematocrit of this sample is above 40%, the yield stress is also found to decrease as the temperature increases. Figure (4-27) is an Arrhenius plot of the logarithm of the blood viscosity versus the reciprocal of the absolute temperature. Also shown on this graph is the viscosity of water multiplied by ten, so that the effect of temperature on blood at high shear rates can be compared to the effect of temperature on the viscosity of water. The similarity in the curve for water and blood at the highest shear rates indicates that at the highest shear rates, the effect of temperature on the viscosity of blood is governed predominantly by the effect of temperature on the viscosity of the suspending medium, plasma. This agrees with the postulation that at the higher shear rates used in this work the interparticle forces are becoming negligible compared to the hydrodynamic forces. As blood is subjected to lower shear rates, the interparticle forces become more important and the temperature effect on blood changes, as shown in Figure (4-27). Since the yield stress of blood is only slightly temperature dependent at a hematocrit of 44.6%, the cu-rves in Figure (4-27) tend to become less steep as the shear rate decreases. In this figure, the limiting slope for this blood is shown, based on the yield value - temperature data, and a limiting horizontal straight line which 123 TABLE (4-5) REOLOG/CAL TAE OF rEMPERATURES ON EFFECT PROPERTIES OF BLOOD 7EMPERATURE5 /5.0 *C 1O.0*C S/EAR. SHEAR RATE STRESS- Sec-i /02.6 dyne/cnl /2.6 3 Z 0 'C 25 0G -ea .0 *C VIScosiry cp /2.2 /0.7 /0.5 9.31 9.08 8.25 8.05 4.28 51.3 7.25 14.1 6.04 //.8 5.38 10.5 4.80 9.35 3.56 20.5 10.3 3.58 2.16 /7.5 21.1 3.10 1.86 /5./ /3.1 /8./ 2.69 1.62 2.40 1.46 //.7 /4.2 5.13 2.05 1.34 0.730 26.1 35.6 1.14 0.6/ 7 22.3 30.1 /.0/ 0.553 /9.6 1.03 0.513 0.472 46.1 0.413 40.3 0.369 36.0 0.321 62.5 0.277 53.9 0.258 /0/ 150 0.180 0.131 87.7 0.147 0.205 0.206 0.103 0.153 YIELDSTS 0.0609 130 0.0562 SAMPLE : DEXTER 15.9 27.1 6.95- 1.88 1.13 9.19 //.0 0.908 17.7 0.502 24.5 0.703 0.393 /3.7 /9.2 33.0 0.268 26.1 - 0.189 36.9 - 0.128 62.3 - 0.0988 96.3 - 0.0443 0.338 50.3 81.4 0.131 /28 0.0526 6./2 - - HEMA70CR1T = 44.67% Limiting slope curve, constant r Limiting slope curvebased on . 200 . . -e o-o.-103 100 sec 0.25 50 a053 s~c 0' 0 p4 C) 3 Cd ,.3 .0 sec 4) *14 U, C U C, *rI 10 Pure water, x 10 5 FIGURE 4-2y Viscosity (log scale) versus reciprocal absolute temperature determined from data of Table 4,5 at constant hematocrit of 44.6 (AOD as anticoagulant) 32 I I I 33 34 35 x 104 125 -C) would be obtained if the blood hematocrit were less than about 40%, so that the yield stress were independent of temperature. Figure (4-28) is the same data plotted as the blood relative viscosity (relative to water) versus temperature. It clearly shows the change in the viscosity - temperature function of blood as the shear rate is lowered. Over the temperature range (10*C to 37*C) considered thus far, the viscosity changes withtemperature are reversible. of reversibility are not indefinite. However, the limits In Table (4-6), are given data for a sample of blood at different temperatures; the temperature sequence was from 25* C up to 48* C and then down to 250C again. Some of these data are shown in Figure (4-29), from whichfigure it is quite apparent that some irreversible change has occurred in the blood during the time that it was at the higher temperatures. The cause of this change may be two (1) the destruction of some red cells at the higher temperatures fold: would result in the spilling of hemoglobin into the plasma (verified by a slight darkening of the plasma color during the experiment), and (2) the denaturation of proteins in the plasma. Kreuzer (41) reports that the denaturation of proteins in blood serum was noted by several investigators to occur if the serum was heated to 52 - 57*C. This temperature range is higher than the temperatures used in Table (4-6), and Figure (4-29), but the protein fibrinogen, not present in serum, may be more temperature sensitive than the other plasma proteins. Two features regarding the experiment just described should be noted. First, the torque decay rate observed when the viscometer bob was rotating at a constant speed was high at 25*C, became normal at 36*C, and was non-existent at all times afterwards, even when the blood was returned to 25*C. Secondly, the yield stress, as recorded in 126 I I 200 1- -1 100 t- 0.205 see - ;k 0 4>) 0 F4 0.513 see 50 I- 10 W *0 -1 1.03 sec 1 --- -1 0 0 a U 2.05 see 5.13 sec- 10.3 sec W a F,' 4-) -1 % CE 0 I- - 10 . I -1 51.3 sec 51-3 see 103 FIOURE 5 sec i-28 Relative viscosity (log scale) versus temperature, computed from Figure 4-27 I 10 I 20 30 Temperature, 127 (0 C) 40 TABLE 4-6 EFFECT of #icu TEMPERA7URES ON THE SPEAR S//EAR RA T .sec -) 103 51.3 1EO1OG/CAL PROPERTIES OF B1000 SrRESSES 25.0 C 36. 0 *C 4. 62 3.49 -2.57 /.91 /.0 2.26 #2.0,0 C 3.27 (dyne/cm) 48.00 c 42.C0 4.10 C 25.0*c 7.04 - 20.5 /.25 0.935 0.876 /.08 10.3 0.740 0.550 0.5/ 0.6/5 0.740 5.13 0.435 0.322 0.300 0.34f 0.-23 2.05 0.226 0.168 0.157 O.175 1.03 0.145 0.115 0./1 0-.114 0.136 0.184- 0.513 0.0945 0.088 0.0814 0.0775 0.0866 0.123 0.205 0.064-5 0.0575 0.103 0.0485 0.0390 0.0538 0.04/5 0.0505 0.0389 0.0527 0.028 0.0546 0.0/5 0.013 0.012 YiE0 ST/?ESS 51.000 SAMPLE A'CMATOCRIT: A4722/ 38.7 % (ORIGINAL.) 3S.5% (FINAL) /.07 _-.- 0.305 - - 0.013 Mo te: OSrERM/VArIONS OP 044. ABVE, CotUMN TO RIer WERE MACS IN OROER G.OING PROM L Fr 1.0 10.3 seC 1 0.7 0.5- 0.2CU 1.03 seC 1 %0.1 --- 0.07 0-0 -- - .103 see .. 0.00 FIGURE % - temperatures on the rheological properties of blood Sample M 7221 Hematocrit = 38.7 Arrows indicate sequence of experiments- ,Effect of high 4-29 0.02 - 31-.0 32.0 (10 33.0 (0K)G/T), 129 34.o Table (4-6), was virtually independent of temperature and was not affected by the blood having been subjected to a high temperature. Both of these facts indicate that the high temperature resulted in primarily irreversible changes in the plasma, and not in the red cells. In an Qffort to more clearly define the high temperature effect on blood, another sample of blood was, subjected to a temperature of 39.2*C and then returned to a reference temperature of 25.2*C and finally heated to 41.20 C and then returned to the reference temperature again. The viscometriq measurements made at each temperature are recorded in Table (4-7). It appears from this table that some irreversible change occurs at 39.2* C, but the greater change occurs at 41.2* C. Inmaking these measurements, the blood sample properties were determined after the sample had been at a given temperature about 15 minutes, and the properties did not seem to be a function of time. TABLE 4-7 Effect of high temperature on rheological properties of blood Shear Stresses (dyne/cm 2 25.2"C 37.2 0 C 39.2 0 C 25.2*C 41.2*C 25.2 0 C 0.775 0.555 0.550 ----- 0.565 0.901 5.13 0.461 0.330 0.322 ----- 0.334 0.539 2.05 0.237 0.170 0.170 0.252 0.172 0.288 1.03 0.164 0.121 0.119 0.122 0.194 0.513 0.113 0.0805 0.0805 0.0861 0.135 0.205 0.0746 0.0542 0.0539 0.0566 0.0898 0.103 0.0588 0.0421 0.0410 0.0436 0.0670 (sec ) Shear Rate 10.3 Sample M7,221 Hematocrit: Note: 39. 6% (original) 39. 2% (final) 130 ---- Measurements made in order of columns from left to right A lower temperature below which an irreversible change in normal blood's rheological properties occurs must be below 4*C, if it exists at all. Normal blood cooled to 4 C and stored for several days at 4 0 C, when reheated to 25.0*C showed no change in rheological properties from the original sample at that temperature. However, such can not be said for some abnormal bloods, the so-called cold-agglutinating bloods. Table (4-8) is an illustration of such a blood, with the rheo- logical -properties determined at various temperatures. From thischart it is seen that an irreversible change occurs when the blood is cooled down to 31"C. TABLE 4-8 Effect of temperature on a cold-agglutinating blood Shear Stresses (dyne/cm 2 37.0C 35.50C 37.00C 31.00C 37.00C 1.12 0.665 1.14 0.678 1.13 0.668 1.32 0.802 1.17 0.696 4.10 2.05 0.363 0.235 0.369 ----- 0.363 0.240 0.403 0.295 0.257 1.03 0.410 0.176 0.180 0.176 0.213 ----- 0.131 ----- ----- 0.156 0.142 0.205 0.103 0.105 0.0778 ----- 0.103 0.0778 0.112 0.0884 0.110 0.0899 Rate (sec ) Shear 20.5 10. 3 Sample: Hammerley Note: Sequence of measurements is from left column to right Hematocrit = 38.8% So far this discussion on the effect of temperature on the rheological properties of blood has been concerned with a sample of constant hematocrit. The effect of temperature at different hematocrit levels in the 131 same blood is illustrated in Figure (4-26). Particularly interesting is the low shear rate region-where the data fulfill the Casson model equations. In Figure (4-30) are shown data illustrating how the slope of the -Casson plot, s, varies with temperature and hematocrit; generally, the slope decreases with increase in temperature (at a constant hematocrit), and the change in s with temperature becomes less as the hematocrit is lowered. Consequently, a plot of ln s versus ln(1-c)would show lines of decreasing negative slope (and decreasing intercept) as the temperature increased (a plot similar to Figure (4-20)); this means that the Casson constant a decreases with temperature increases. Also, a plot of (1/(1-c)) (aa -1)/2 versus b (similarto Figure (4-21)) would show lines of increasing slope as temperature was increased; therefore, the Casson constant P increases as the temperature increases. Both of these varia- tions inthe Casson constants are in agreement with the effect of temperature on the rheologicalproperties of blood as set forth in the section dealing withthe effect of temperature on the yield stress. The increase in P with increasing temperature means that the rouleaux length increases' with temperature; this is because inthe shear rate range where the Casson model seems applicable, the rouleaux length calculated from the Casson equations depends predominantly on the term containing P and not the term containing a. Since p is also a direct function of the cohesive force holding the red cells inthe rouleaux together, the increase in p with temperature means the cohesive force increases with temperature also; this corresponds to an increase in linkage strength as temperature increases. This could result in a constant link density - link strength pro- duct for the three-dimensional network which gives stationary blood its yield stress. 132 I i FIGURE 4-30 Effect of temperature and hematocrit - 0.40 on the slope of the Casson plot for a blood Sample: Dexter CU 0 0) 0.30 0 CH 0 % %--= 35-5 0.20 % c = 30.0 O o.14 20 30 Temperature, (0c) 133 G c = 20.3 4o %. (c) Sample age Blood samples which have had the standard ACD solution added to them can be stored at 4*C. This method of storing blood is standard blood bank practice, although blood so stored more than three weeks is no longer considered satisfactory for transfusions since if it is used in a transfusion about 30o of the red cells will be immediately destroyed. There is a gradual maturing of the red cells, even at 4 0 C, which accounts for more cells being destroyed upon transfusion as the length of storage of the blood increases. It was the usual practice in this thesis work to store blood samples at 4*C, and to use such blood as long as its storage time did not exceed 8 days. To see how the length of blood storage affected the rheological properties of the blood, the data shown in Table (4-9) were obtained. Variations in hematocrit slightly complicate the results, but it is apparent that if there is any change in the rheological properties with length of storage during the first 10 days, it is a slight rise in shear stress at a given shear rate. After about 12 days storage, the change in rheologi- cal properties is unmistakable. This gradual change could come about because of changes in the blood constituents, or because the red cells. sedimented out during storage and remained agglutinated to some extent even during the viscoroetric testing. This latter argument does not seem valid: a blood sample routinely agitated and tested in the viscometer did not show signs of unusual aggregation when looked at under the microscope. In an effort to see if the age of the red cell had an influence on the rheological properties of blood, the red cells in a blood sample were fractionated, according to age, in a centrifuge. 134 As red cells age, they TABLE (4-9) EFFECT 4 0 C OA P4 (sECt) ____ OF STORING BLOOD CONTA/NING A CD AT RHEOL06/CAL PROPERTIES OF BLOOD T~HE SMEAR _ STRESSES, Cdyne 2/ct) /0/17/62 /0/18/62 /0/19/62 /0/22/62 /0/23/42 /0/24/62 10/25/42 /0/27/62 /0/2962 /0/1J/62 1/1/6Z zo.5 0.914 0.734 0.697 0.963 0.973 0.973 /.07 1.02 1.06 /.0S 1.09 10.3 0.528 0.391 0.4/3 0.564 0.58/ 0.573 0.603 6.6~05- O.6WS 6.608 0.629 0.268 0.167 0.206 0.135 0.187 0.1/5 0.312 0.294 0.194 0.3/6 0.20/ 0.316 0.187 0.31/ 0.104 0.308 0.198 0.30g 0.194- 0.330 .205 0.1/4 0.0808 0.0652 0.133 0.123 0.1-32 o.129 0.129 0.128 0,12-8 0.142 0.0679 0.0552 00369 0.081/ 0.0804 0.0845 .08/0 0.0777 0,08A 0.0847 0.0508 0.0457 0.0313 0.0591 0.0570 0.0583 - ao4i4 0.0322 0.OiO6 0.0469 38.8 32.4 36.9 0.194 39.3 0.0595 39.6 1.0846 0.0632 0.0608 o.0491 0.0495 39.3 .4 .0-45C 0.473 -3.O /017/62 BLOOD DRA WN: SAMPLE K-2 /96 TEMPERATURE = 370* C 39.0 -- 0.0625 0528 B. 38.4 change their physical properties sufficiently to permit them to change their sedimentation rate. Borun, Figueroa, and Perry. (6) and Prankerd (55) found, by tagging cells with radioactive tracers, that if a blood sample is centrifuged, the age of the cells in the sedimented bed increases as one goes from the top to the bottom of the red cellbed. An attempt was made to use this behavior to prepare red cell fractions, by centrifuging at 3000 g, a normal blood sample. - shown below: The fractionation scheme is ii RED CELL/ FROM ORIGINAL BLoO D -- 5 AMPLE B, where indicates agitation and suspension. of the red cells in an equal volume of albuminated saline, and centrifuging. fractions then ranged from T (the oldest). The average age of the (the youngest) through T 2 , B1 , and B2 Finally, each fraction was washed once and then suspended in plasma at a hematocrit of about 391/ and the rheological properties were determined at 25.00C. Table (4-10) presents this data, together with the like data for the original blood sample. No really significant difference is found between the properties of the various age fractions. 136 TABLE (4-10) Rheological properties of suspensions of different ages red cells in plasma Shear Rate (sec 2 Shear Stresses, (dyne/cm) ) B1 T2 T Original B2 (25.00 C) (25.0*C) (25.00C) (25.0 0 102,6 4.41 4.36 4.54 4.61 4.18 51.3 2.37 2.33 2.47 2.53 2.16 20.5 1.17 1.10 1.19 1.23 1.12 10.3 0.688 0.654 0.725 0.725 0.650 5.13 0.402 0.382 0.418 0.435 0.380 2.05 0.205 0.191 0.212 0.222 0.187 1.03 0.121 0.116 0.144 0.146 0.119 0.513 0.0915 0.0792 0.0855 0.101 0.0800 0.205 0.0593 0.0499 0.0610 0.0636 0.0489 0.103 0.0414 0.0355 0.0359 0.0480 0.0368 0.011 0.0095 0.012 0.012 0.012 39.3 38.1 39.7 39.9 39.3 C) (25.2 C) Yield Stress (dyne/cm Hemato- crit (%) Sample M 7221 All temperatures = 25.0*C (except original sample) This lack of difference in rheological properties of the suspensions of red cells of various average ages, as prepared in the experiment just described, may not be conclusive evidence that the change in red cell properties with age do not affect the rheological properties of red cell - plasma suspensions. The fractionation procedure of Prankerd (55) was followed exactly with only one exception: human albumin instead of bovine albumin was used in the albumine - saline suspension solution. 137 The use of this solution may have removed the outer layer of the red On the other hand, using plasma as a suspending medi- cell membrane. um during fractionation probably would not be effective since the fibrinogen present in the plasma would probably cause such large intercellular attractive forces that the red cells could not sedimentate as individuals. At this time it would appear most likely that the rheological properties of blood change with time because of changes in the blood plasma (increase in hemoglobin content, etc.). (d) Centrifugation In the course of preparing red cell - plasma suspensions, it is usual to centrifuge the blood so that the red cells and plasma can The question arises as to the effect of this centrifuging be separated. on the properties of blood. To see what effect centrifuging had on the rheological properties of blood, a sample of blood was subjected to viscometric measurements at 25.0*C, centrifuged at 4*C and 5000 g for 20 minutes, rewarmed to 25.0*C. and agitated, and its rheological properties again determined, (4-11) shows the results of this experiment. Table The effect of centrifuging under these conditions, which are more drastic than those used in preparing red cell 6. - plasma suspensions, is negligible. Effects of chemical factors on blood rheological properties (a) Anticoagulants Because blood will clot soon after withdrawal from the body, it is convenient to add an anticoagulant to the blood to prevent clotting. However, the question arises whether or not the addition of an anticoagulant changes the properties of native blood. 138 TABLE 4-11 The effect of centrifuging on the rheological properties of blood (25.0*C) ) Shear Stresses (dyne/cm Shear Rate (sec ) Sample After Centrifuging Original Sample 5.64 5.60 51.3 3.20 3.13 20.5 1.65 1.64 10.3 0.994 0.980 5.13 0.601 0.588 2.05 0.322 0.316 1.03 0.212 0.205 0.513 0.160 0.159 0.205 0.112 0.107 0.103 0.0814 0.0814 103 Hematocrit 42. 4% 4'2. 7% Centrifuging at 5000 g (4*C) for 20 minutes. To determine the answer to this question, a sample of blood was drawn from a healthy donor with a siliconized syringe and needle. A portion of the native blood was placed in the viscometer and its rheological properties were determined at 19* C. To 8. 5 ml of the native blood, 20 mg of heparin in 0.2 ml of isotonic saline was added. To another 8.5 ml portion of the native blood trisodium citrate (45 mg Na 3 C 6 H 5 0 7 - 2H 2 0) was added, and to a 10 ml sample of native blood ACD (33 mg trisodium citrate, 12 mg citric acid, 37 mg dextrose) was added. These anticoagu- lated blood samples were examined at 19*C in the GDM viscometer and the results of the investigation are tabulated in Table (4-12) and shown graphically in a Casson plot in Figure (4-31). 139 FI6UBE 4-31 Comparison of anticoagulated blood samples with native blood 2.0 cu cu El Native blood = 40.2 % Heparinized blood, c 0 1.0- = 36.5 % Citrated blood, c Temperature = 19.0 0C 0 0 1 2 34 5 /2,(see-1/2) 6 7 8 9 TABLE 4-12 The effect of anticoagulents on the rheological properties of blood Shear Stresses, r, dynes/cm 2 Shear Rate ? _ (sec ) Native Blood 74.6 5.98 6.39 6.38 5.92 37.3 3. 27 3.48 3.29 3.21 14.9 1.56 1.64 1.51 1.54 7.46 0.920 0.960 0.823 0.887 3.73 0.573 0.595 0.473 0.514 1.49 0.326 0.345 0.248 0.262 0.746 0.250 0.156 0.191 0. 373 0.172 0.108 0.147 0.149 0.123 0.0654 0.108 ----- 0.0917 0.0536 ----- 40.2% 0.0746 Hematocrit Heparinized Blood Trisodium Citrated Blood ..36.5% ACD Blood 38. 3% All temperatures = 19.0*C Because the native blood sample clotted in the viscometer, its hematocrit could not be determined. of blood are reproducible. Prior to clotting, the rheological properties The ACD blood sample- data are not shown in Figure (4-31), to avoid confusion of the graph, but Table (4-12) shows that it falls slightly below the native blood data at high shear rates and between the heparinized and citrated samples at low shear rates. Because the native blood hematocrit is unknown, and because of the differences in hematocrit between the other samples, only the following conclusions can be drawn from this data: (1) the addition of heparin or ACD to native blood does not change the rheological properties of the 141 blood very much, if at all, (2) addition of tiisodium citrate alone seems to increase the apparent viscosity of blood at the higher shear rates, and (3) most important of all, native blood, in the region studied, behaves rheologically just as ACD blood does (i. e., obeys the Casson relationshIp). It also follows, not only because native flood fits the Casson plot, but more importantly, because of the data for heparinized and ACD blood samples, that plasma calcium ions are not necessary for the formation of rouleaux. This conclusion is based on the fact that citrate ions act as a blood anticoagulant because they remove free calcium ions from the blood by forming weak complexes with them, while heparin does not affect the calcium ions at all. There is a decided advantage to using ACD as the anticoagulant for blood. Not only does the ACD permit the storage of blood at 4*C, but heparin, by not removing free calcium ions from the plasma, does not prevent the platelets in the blood from forming small pin-head size clots, which make any rheological experiment impossible. Since calcium ion is necessary for the formation of platelet clots, citrate ions, by removal of free calcium ions, prevent this complication from occurring. (b) Plasma protein content The influence of the plasma proteins on the rheological properties of blood, especially in the very low shear rate region, is of interest. In view of the complexity of the plasma protein content, this influence is probably not simple. Ideally, one would like to obtain blood samples from a single source in which the content of just one protein, or protein fraction, varied at a time. This is not possible, so one must devise means of adding or subtracting one substance at a time from or to the blood without changing the blood in any other way. 142 Because of its ability to strongly influence rouleaux formation, the effect of fibrinogen is especially of interest. Fortunately, the fibrinogen content of plasma can be varied, without changing the other protein contents, by mixing various fractions of anticoagulated plasma and serum formed from the anticoagulated plasma by the addition of thrombin. Be- cause residual thrombin in the serum would cause the plasma fibrinogen to clot when the serum and plasma portions were mixed, it is necessary to keep the serum at 37*C for 8 hours or more before mixing with the plasma so that the excess thrombin is destroyed. The serum and plasma can then be safely mixed and the mixture will be identical to the plasma except in fibrinogen content. Inthe manner just described, red cells suspended in plasma, serum, and a mixture of equal parts of serum and plasma were investigated. The red cells'were washed in the suspension medium three times before finally suspending them in a fresh portion of the medium. The protein analyses of the media, before and after the red cells were added, were as follows Protein Content Albumin Plasma, new Serum, new Cells removed Mixture; new Cells removed - Globulin 1.8 2. 0 2. 0 2.3 1.8 4.0 3. 1 3. 3 3.4 3.8 Percent of Medium Fibrinogen 0.25 0 0 0.11 0.13 The analysis methods were all direct colorimetric methods, and each number is the average of two determinations; the greatest difference between two determinations was 0. 3 units and was usually 0. 1 units. 143 The rheological data for the red cells (from the same original blood sample as the plasma and the serum) suspended in the three media, at 37.0 0 C, are shown in a Casson plot as Figure (4-32). The yield value s of the two suspensions which contained the plasma and the serum plasma mixture were determined by the torque decay method; no yield stress could be determined by this method for the red cell - serum suspension. while a torque - In addition, time effect (at a constant viscometer bob speed) was noted for the red cell - plasma and red cell - serum plasma mixture suspensions, none was seen forthe red cell - serum suspension. In view of the protein analyses, it can be concluded thatthe yield stress is dependent on the fibrinogen content, and does not depend on the concentration of the other proteins since the red cell - serum mixture has no yield stress. These comments apply only to normal blood however, and abnormally high or low concentrations of the other proteins might result in a yield stress dependent on the concentration of a different protein. These conclusions have been verified by similar experiments on samples from several blood donors. The hematocrit of the red cell- plasma suspension is slightly lower than that of the red cell - serum plasma mixture suspension. Consequent- ly, the yield stress of the red cell - plasma suspension at the same hematocrit as the mixture suspension would be slightly higher (4%). The yield stresses of these two suspensions are 0.028 dyne/cm 2 and 0.0077 dyne/cm 2 for the red cell - plasma and red cell - mixture suspension respectively; this is a ratio .of 3.6 while the fibrinogen concentration ratio is 1.9. Ob- viously, the yield stress - fibrinogen concentration relationship is not linear. Additional detailed work must be done, of the above type of ex- periment, to define this relationship, which may lead to an understanding of how the fibrinogen causes rouleaux formation, which results in blood yield stresses. 144 1.0 FIUR -32 Eheolkgical properties of red cells suspended in plasma, serum, and a plasma - serum mixture 0.8 50 % plasma - 50 c = 43.0 % , 0.13 3 100 %serum, - no fibrinogen % serum % fibrinogen e 43.1 % o 0.6 - 100 %plasma, c = 42.5% 0.25 % fibrinogen 0.4Blood sample K 5196 Temperature = 37.0'C Plasma Serum 7 0.2 0 3 12 /2, (se-1/2 The use of the additive process, that is changing the concentration of one protein at a time, is of rather limited use, because of practical difficulties. Such a process requires a supply of proteins in the solid form, which is not easy to obtain since proteins are unstable and hydrated. Even if such a supply is available, getting the solid protein to dissolve in plasma is a large problem because of slow solution, foam formation, denaturation, etc. One exception to these problems seems to be albumin, which was obtained in solid form, recrystallized twice, from Nutritional Biochemical Corporation. It dissolved in plasma rapidly, at room tem- perature, without foam formation. Use of this method of varying the albumin content of plasma and plasma - serum suspension media for red cells will be valuable in a study such as proposed in the previous paragraph, especially since several investigators believe that the red cell is partially covered with an outer layer of albumin (54). content, of normal blood is large and the accumulation of yield stress - The variation of the blood yield stress, as a function of the protein protein content data should give some insight into the red cell - protein interactions. The routine accumulation of such data has been started in the Blood Rheology Laboratory of the Department of Chemical Engineering, M. I. T. (c) Plasma lipid content A group of plasma constituents which might have an influence on the rheological properties of blood is the lipids. One possible way of investigating the effect of lipid content on the flow properties of normal blood is to compare a blood of abnormally high lipid content with a "normal" blood. A blood 'sample of extremely high lipid content was that illustrated earlier in Figures (4-6) through (4-8). 146 While the lipid content of that sample was not determined, the lipid content of a sample drawn from this donor the previous day was: cholesterol triglycerides phospholipids 1,400 mg/100 ml serum 12,000 2,200 (the usual cholesterol level is around 200 mg/100 ml serum). The flow properties of this blood at 37.0*C are shown inthe Casson plot, Figure (4-33). .. The extrapolated value of the square root of the yield stress is 0.313 (dyne/cm2)1/2, which is in good agreement with the value, obtained by the torque decay method of 0.29, which is known tobe low because the bob rotation was stopped after the torque - time curve peak (at constant rotational speed) had beenpassed (this blood showed a large time effect). The maximum value of the square root of the yield stress recorded for normal bloods of the same hematocrit is 0.22 (dyne/cm2 1/2, as shown in Figure (4-25). However, this high yield stress for this high lipid blood cannot be so simply attributed to the high lipid content because samples of this blood obtained on two later occasions also show high fibrinogen and globulin plasma protein contents: 8/16/62 10/26/62 fibrinogen globulin 0. 51% 3. 30% 0.46% 3. 55% albumin 3. 55% 3. 25% Also shown in Figure (4-33) is data on another sample of blood drawn from the same donor on October 26, 1962 - about 3 months after the sample already described. At this time, the lipid level in the blood had decreased to the following levels: cholesterol triglycerides 895 mg/100 ml serum 1712 phospholipids 875 147 FIGURE 4-33 Theological data for a high lipid content blood 1.0- CU CQ 0.5 WeA sample 7/31/62, c = C 43 -7 % Temperature = 37.0 0 Sample 0 Hr., c = 31.8 %, 8/16/62 13 Sample 3 Hr -, c = 30-7 %, 8/16/62 o Sample 9 Hr., c = 29.3 %, 8/16/62 % Sample 10/26/62, c'= 41.7 I 0 1 I I 2 3 (see ,1/2 ) 0 4 5 (The plasma protein content is given above). This represents a large de- crease and, even considering the difference in hematocrit between this sample and the previously described one, the change in rheological properties is larger than expected. For example, assuming that Equation (4-34) 1/3 = a(c-c C) is also valid for the two high lipid samples being discussed, one would predict, upon the basis of the hematocrit and yield stress for the first sample, a yield stress for the second sample of 0.084 dyne/cm 2, where2 as it was found to be 0.063 dyne/cm2. This difference could be attributed to the drop in lipid content; however, not knowing the protein analysis of the first sample, this comparison is not conclusive evidence that the lipid content of these blood samples had an effect on the rheological properties of the blood. Figure (4-33) also shows the behavior of several samples of blood obtained from the same donor several weeks after the first sample described above. These samples were taken during a fat tolerance test, performed at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and collected into ACD. The first sample, designated "0 HR", was taken just before the person broke .a fast; the sample designated "3 HR" was taken 3 hours after the first, and the "9 HR" sample was taken 9 hours after the first. The lipid contents of these samples, as determined by the Massachusetts General Hospital, were as follows (in mg/100 ml serum): cholesterol 0 HR 3 HR 9 HR triglycerides 455 430 430 485 852 812 149 phospholipids 487 ----- The fact that the 3 hour sample and the zero hour sample have the same yield stress, inspite of the lower hematocrit of the 3 hour sample, would seem to indicate that the lipid content does effect the yield stress. On the other hand, use of Equation (4-34) and the data of the samples "3 HR" and " 9 HR" do not predict a reasonable value for cc (14%). It would ap- pear that this data is inconclusive due to either experimental error, or a variation in the samples which is not recorded here. This variation could be the introduction of hemoglobin into the plasma from red cells which break when the blood sample being drawn from the donor is placed in dry ACD, as it was done here. The cellbreakage occurs because of a high salt concentration in local areas of the blood sample before complete mixing is obtained. The question of what effect the lipid content of blood has on its rheological properties has not been answered. It seems likely that at least very high lipid concentrations may show an effect on the yield stress of the blood. (d) Plasma hemoglobin content As -indicated in the end of the previous section, it is possible to cause red cells to rupture during the process of mixing the native blood and anticoagulant. Also, during the manipulation of blood samples,. red cell damage may occur from mechanical causes. is evidenced by a deepening in color of the plasma. That such occurs To determine if libera- tion of hemoglobin could possibly affect the properties of blood, human hemoglobin, obtain in solid form from Nutritional Biochemicals Corporation, was added to plasma in the amount of 0.0505 gm hemoglobin per gm of plasma. Red cells were suspended in this altered plasma and the pro- perties of this suspension were compared with those of the originalsample. 150 The data for the suspensions and plasmas are shown in Figure (4-34). There is a very large discrepancybetweenthe two suspensions which can only be attributed to the presence of the added hemoglobin. The viscosity of the altered blood would be expected to be higher than that of the original blood, because of the increased plasma viscosity due to the added hemoglobin. However, this expected increase is shown in Figure (4- 34) by the dashed curve, and it is apparent that the greater part of the increase in flow properties is not due to the increased' plasma viscosity. It appears that the greater part of the increased blood viscosity is due to the hemoglobin increasing the intercellular forces between the red cells. The amount of hemoglobin added in this experiment is many times the increase in hemoglobin which might be expected from red cell breakage during -anticoagulant mixing. Nevertheless, hemoglobin does have a large effect of the rheologicalproperties and care must be taken to prevent increases in the hemoglobin content of blood during sample collecting and testing. B. Red Cell Suspensions Solutions of plasma proteins in isotonic saline were prepared, and red cells were suppended in these solutions. The mainpurpose of making and investigating these suspensions was not to gather data on the flow properties of the suspensions, but rather to attempt to determine which plasma proteins were responsible for giving normal blood its yield stress. In all the viscometric determinations reported in this section, the smooth surfaced viscometer Set A was used, unless otherwise noted. 1. Red cells suspended in saline A saline solution of the following composition was prepared with reagent grade chemicals: 151 FIGURE 4 -34' Effejt of hemoglobin on the rheological properties of blood 1.2t 1.0Kf841,c= 42.2 K 1184 plus 0.0505 gm hemoglobin/gm plasma, c Temperature = 25.7 Oc Symbols for plasmas correspond to symbols for blood samples. 0 Blood Dashed line is expected altered blood curve calculated from data for the blood and plasmas. E 0.8 Blood % O 0 = 42. 3 o.6 I- ~~~0 0.. Plasmnas o.4 7 0.2 I 0 00 3-1 .1 I 3 2 2 *1/2, (see -1/2) - I I* I I *I . iI I I FIGURE 4-35 Eheological properties of red cell saline suspensions, effect of hematocrit - - 1.25 I I Bematocrits o047.1 % 1.0 % o 38.0 A 27.8% V 19.0% So0 -75' Temperature = 25.8 0 C 0.56 Go cc to 0 0.25 0 1 2 3 4 5 20 10 , (sec 1 ) .0 NaCi 4. 384 gm 3.549 3.403 0. 901 Na 2 HPO4 KH 2 PO4 glucose diluted with distilled water to make 500 ml of solution. Red cells were obtained by centrifuging normal blood, containing ACD anticoagulant, at 3000 g (40C) for 20 minutes. . The plasma and top layer of cells were.removed with a syringe and needle, and the remaining cells were suspended in an equal volume of the above saline solution. The suspension was centri- fugedat 3000 g for 20 minutes, and the supernatant liquid and top layer of cells removed. The red cells were again resuspenoed in an equal volume of saline, maintained for 10 minutes at 37*C, and again centrifuged and the supernatant fluid removed. Finally, the red cells were suspended in the saline at the desired hematocrits. The rheological properties of red cell-saline suspensions at 25. 80C are shown in Figure (4-35). origin. The curves all extraploate through the graph No yield stress, or torque decay at constant viscometer rotational speed, was found experimentally. Rouleaux formation was not detected under the microscope. 2. Red cells suspended in albumin - saline solutions Red cells, obtained from ACD blood and washed by the procedure given in the previous section, were suspended inthe following solution: NaCi KC1 NaHCO3 NaH 2PO4. H2 0 Albumin 154 6. 27 wt. o 0. 0136 0. 0581 0 0117 3.82 The pH of this solution was 7. 1 at 25*C. The albuminwas twice crystal- ized human albumin obtained from the Nutritional Biochemicals Corporation. The albumin dissolved readily with very little foam formation (due to trapped air in solid albumin) yielding a clear, slightly straw - colored solution. The albumin concentration is about that normally found in human plasma. The rheological data obtained from several red cell - albuminated saline suspensions are shown in Figure (4-36). Again, no yield stresses, torque decays at constant shear rates, or rouleaux formation were found. The viscosity of a suspension of this type, at a given hematocrit and shear rate, is lower than that of the red cell - saline suspensions just discussed; this is probably due to lower intercellular forces inthe red cell - albuminated saline suspensions. 3. Red cells suspended in a-globulin -saline solutions. Because a -globulin, obtained from the Nutritional Biochemicals Corporation, does not readily dissolve in isotonic saline, the solid aglobulin was first dissolved in a saline solution whose salt content was five times normal. The solution was then diluted with distilled water to re- turn the salt concentration to those given for the albumin solution described in the previous section. In this fashion, it was possible to pre- pare solutions containing 0.783% and 0. 308% (by weight) a -globulin solutions. Red cells, washed once as described previously, were suspended in these solutions. The rheological properties of these suspensions are shown in Figure (4-37). Again, no yield stresses, torque decays, or rouleaux formation were detected. 155 Rheological properties of red cell 1.25 1.00 - 4-36 FIGURE albuminated saline suspensions 1 C~ 0.75 - -- 0 (U 1A s-1 0.50 H ematocrit 56 0 49 25.4 46 25.4 Oc 0% j TeMerature 24.7 'C c 25.4 'C 42 V2 0.25 V ~ 0 ,0 1 2 3 4 5 10 i (sec -1 20 FIGURE Rheology o.6 of red cefl - h-31 a-globulin saline suspensions 0.5 0.3 a-globulin 0 0.783 % A 0.783 % 22.8 0 0.308 % 30-7 Temperature 0.1 1 2 3 4 5 l0o2 , (see- t ) 0 0 % % 26.4 % M.2 Hematocrit = 25-0 OC 4. Red cells suspended in y -globulin - saline solutions Human solid y -globulin was dissolved in saline solution of the The y - same composition as that used to prepare albumin solutions. globulin, again obtained from Nutritional Biochemicals Corporation, was 2. 5 wt. % and dissolved in the saline to give two protein concentrations: 1.0 wt. % (slightly above normal plasma concentration). Previously washed red cells were suspended in the solutions at a hematocrit of 38% and the rheological properties were determined in the rough surfaced viscometer set B. The data, obtained at 36. 5*C, are shown in Figure (4-38). Again no yield stresses or torque decays were noted. 5. Red cells suspended in fibrinogen - saline solutions Solid fibrinogrin, obtained from Cutter Laboratories and sold under the trade name "parenogen", was dissolved according to the manufacturers instructions. The so prepared concentrated fibrinogen solution was diluted with the saline solution given as the solvent for the albumin solutions previously discussed. Fibrinogen conentrations of 0. 3 and 0. 6% were prepared, to cover the usual plasma concentration range, and washed red cells were suspended in the solutions. Rheological meas- urements were made in the rough surfaced Set B viscometer at 25*C; the data are presented in Figure (4-39) in the form of a Casson plot. , These suspensions were found to have yield stresses, both experi- mentally by the torque decay method and by extrapolation. A torque de- cay at constant viscometer rotational speed was found, and it was greater for the suspension with the higher fibrinogen concentration. The behavior of these samples is remarkably the same as would be expected for bloods of the same hematocrit and fibrinogen content. 158 Rheology of red cell - a-globulin saline suspensions o.6 0.5 o.4 -- 0)0 r-globulin., c38.0 ar-globulin., c ='37.8 (.3 % -i'% SO 2.5 Temperature =36.5 *c 0.1- > 1 2 3 4 5 302 1.026 ,(e % 0 03 FIGURE Rheology of red cell - 4-39 fibrinogen-saline suspensions 1.0 CU. CUi 0.5 0.6 % fibrinogen, c = 43.3 0 0.3 % fibrinogen, c = 38.5 % 0 % Ct o 0 0 2 1 1,/2 (sec1/2 3 This information, together with the data presented for red cells suspended in the other protein - saline solutions, strongly suggests that - fibrinogen is almost exclusively responsible for the Casson model like behavior of blood at low shear rates. C. Plasma The viscosity of a plasma sample has been found to be a constant, independent of the shear rate, in the shear rate range of this work. This is illustrated in the following table: Shear Rate - l(sec Shear Stress, ) 27.0*C 20.5 10. 3 5. 13 2.05 1.03 0.513 0. 205 0. 103 dyne/cm 36.20C 2 0.30 0.253 0.152 0.124 0.0764 0.0619 0.0300 0.0247 0.0149 0.0123 0.00750 0.00624 0.00299 0.00247 0.00149 0.00120 Viscosity 1. 45 cp 1.20 cp Sample source: Dexter 7/3/62 The temperature dependence of the viscosity of plasma has been found to be the same as that of the viscosity of water. demonstrates this on an Arrhenius plot. Figure (4-40) The properties of the solvent, water, therefore govern the change in viscosity of plasma with change in temperature. 161 I FIGURE 4-40 Effect of temperature on plasma viscosity 0 2.0 Dexter Whiting, II 0 Water 0.8 - 0- 0.7 0.6 34.0 33.0 32.0 T0 4 -1 T 162 V. CONCLUSIONS 1. Normal human blood has a yield stress. Of all the plasma proteins investigated by any procedure, only the protein fibrinogen is found to cause this yield stress. What other molecular elements participate in the fibrinogen - produced structure are not known. On the basis of the work described in this thesis it is possible to state that: (i) the yield stress is noi proportional to the fibrinogen con- centration in the blood plasma, but increases as a higher power of concentration, and (ii) calcium ions are not needed to act as a "bridge" between the fibrinogen and the red cells. At hematocrits below about 35% the yield stress is independent of temperature; above about 35% hematocrit, the yield stress decreases slightly as the temperature increases. 2. In the shear rate range near zero, normal blood follows the relationships derived by Casson for a suspension model which closely follows the behavior of blood. This model consists of mutually attractive particles, suspended in a Newtonian fluid, which aggregate at a low shear rates to form rod-like aggregates, called rouleaux in the case of blood. The length of these aggregates decreases as the shear rate increases. The relationships for the Casson model, found to be valid for blood in the low shear rate range, are: .1/2 1/2 T zsy + b In s b 1/2 ln 0 + k1 ln (1-c) = k2 (1-c) k1 +k3 163 where b = the square root of the yield stress k , k2, k3 =- constants and k 3 -k 2 . The range of applicability of these relationships is from a shear rate of zero up to an upper limit, the value of which increases as the hematocrit decreases. As the temperature increases, the value of k 1 , which is negative, becomes less negative, and k2 , which is positive, increases. The equations for the Casson model can not be used to calculate such quantities as the cohesive force between the red cells in a rouleaux or the rouleaux axial ratio because the equations contain assumptions which are not consistent with the observable nature of blood. 1/3 T 13= a (c-c ry acc ) 3. It has also been found that the empirical equation correlates the yield stress-hematocrit data of blood for hematocrits below about 50%. In this equation, "a" is a constant, as is cc, the critical particle concentration below which a yield stress can not exist. 4. In the concentric cylinder viscometer, in which the shear rate is almost constant throughout the fluid, the red cells in blood, at shear rates below about 1 sec , migrate away'from the outer wall of the viscometer gap, leaving behind a wall layer of plasma. This migration may be due to the Magnus effect, or to the intercellular attractive force of the red cells, but it can not be due to forces arising from the deformation of the .red cells since such forces would cause migration of the red cells to the outer viscometer wall. 164 Whatever the migration mechanism is, it requires the aggregation, or occurs simultaneously with the aggregation, of the red cells since red cell suspensions in which rouleaux formation does not occur do not show any evidence of red cell migration. The speed of migration also is directly related to the fibrinogen concentration in the normal blood concentration range. 5. Smooth solid surfaces prevent particles in a suspension from occupying the space next to the wall at the same space concentration as the bulk concentration. This effect was found for blood to be equivalent to the existence of plasma layers, 1 - 3 thick, at the smooth surfaces. This effect is applicable at all shear rates and was found to cause appreciably low torque readings in the GDM viscometer when smooth viscometer surfaces were used. 6. The commonly used equations for concentric cylinder viscometers relating the viscometer rotational speed to the shear rate assume that the fluid in the viscometer gap has a uniform viscosity at each particular viscometer speed. For non-Newtonian fluids, this assumption may lead to erroneous results. For blood, in the GDM viscometer, it was found necessary to use the Krieger-Elrod equation to calculate the shear rates for samples of high hematocrit (above about 45%); the Krieger-Elrod equation does not make a by assumption regarding the rheological character of the fluid in the viscometer. of the usual equation led to low shear rate values. 165 Use VI. RECOMMENDATIONS The investigation of the effect of fibrinogen on the yield stress of blood should be extended. This can be done by preparing a number of plasma-serum mixtures in which red dells from a single blood sample can be suspended. This will enable the fibrinogen - yield stress relationship to be defined, all other plasma constituent concentrations being constant. The addition of albumin to such suspensions will also define the albumin - yield stress relationship in the presence of fibrinogen. In the interest of determining if the albumin and fibrinogen compete for the same absorption sites on the red cell surface, and the relative affinity of the sites for the proteins, the time sequence of red cell environment changes should be varied and changes with time of the yield stress immediately after the environment changes should be determined. The collection of yield stress - plasma composition data should be continued so that the effects of other plasma constituents on the rheological properties of blood can be determined. The variation of red cell surface and its effect on the rheological properties of blood, including the yield stress, should be looked into. Two ways of investigating this variable are; (1) placing red cells from various donors, both healthy and ill, into one sample of AB plasma. In this scheme, any difference between red cell - plasma suspensions would have to be attributed to differences in red dell surfaces. Any significant differences would best be investigated by determining the effects of fibrinogen and albumin concentrations on the yield stress. Such an investigation would yield information on the nature of the difference in the red cell surfaces. 166 (2) washing red cells different numbers of times in saline and resuspending the washed cells in plasma or fibrinogen-saline solutions. According to Lovelock (44), the rate of lipid removal from the red cell with washing is not the same for all of the lipids. In connection with these investigations, red cell ghosts can be prepared by various methods and the rheological properties of washed ghosts suspended in plasma can be studied. Investigations aimed at determining the source of red cell migration at low shear rates in blood are of fundamental importance. It has not been determined if the migration occurs at both walls of the GDM viscometer, or just at one of them. If the Magnus effect explains the migration, the migration should be away from the outer wall, but not away from the inner wall. To test this question, means should be devised for rotation of the outer cylinder of the GDM viscometer while the inner cylinder remains stationary. Using a blood sample which has a high fat content, or a dyed plasma, it will be easy to determine if the red cells migrate away from the outer wall. If they do, the Magnus effect would have to be discounted as a cause of red cell migration. Determination of the state of aggregation of the red cells as a function of shear rate is most important. Attempts to determine this relationship can be pursued in two ways. A microscope has been mounted on the GDM viscometer so that the fluid in the viscometer gap can be observed. Only preliminary use of this device at very low hernatocrit levels has been made, and the further use of this means of determining the physical state of blood at low shear rates is to be encouraged. The study of the sedimentation of red cells in the GDM 167 viscometer gap under various shear rates, combined with data on the sedimentation of cylinders of fixed axial ratio, may also be useful in determining the shear rate - aggregation function. At the present time, the hematocrit of blood samples is measured by filling a capillary tube with a sample of the blood and centrifuging the sample at about 17,000 g for about 15 minutes. Variations in the hematocrit of a single sample, determined by this method, may vary by one hematocrit unit. Generally the variation is not this large, but considering the accuracy of the other measurements being made on blood, a more satisfactory method of determining the red cell volume fraction in blood must be found. If a satisfactory hematocrit measurement can be made, the effect of red cell size at constant hematocrit can be determined. A red cell counter is commercially available. The cause of the irreversible changes that occur in blood at temperatures above normal body temperature should be investigated. Whether the change takes place in the plasma, or the red cells, or both needs to be determined. The actual location of the change can then be pursued. The effect of changes in the dissolved gas content of blood on the rheological properties of blood have not been investigated. Considering the change in gas content which occurs in the body, this effect should be determined. 168 APPENDIX A The Derivation of the Krieger-Elrod Equation* 1. The derivation of the Krieger-Elrod equation for calculating the shear rate at the surface of the inner cylinder of a concentric cylinder viscometer whose outer cylinder is stationary and whose inner cylinder rotates is as follows: Consider a concentric cylinder viscometer whose inner cylinder has radius r1 and a rotational speed .o radius r 2 = s r. , and whose outer cylinder is of For a fluid which is a continuum, and which is in laminar flow, the shear rate at any point in the viscometer gap is given by ? = r dlnr (A-1) while the shear stress is T G2 2ffr (A-2) Since G is a constant under steady state conditions d In T = -2 d(ln r) (A-3) and therefore, substituting (A-3) in (A-1) y -2 d nr (A -4) Integrating this expression, and using the boundary conditions *The Krieger-Elrod equation, as originally presented, was derived for the case where the outer cylinder rotated and the inner cylinder was stationary. The derivation, as presented here, is for the case of the GDM viscometer - inner cylinder rotates. 169 1 at r = r - T = T , 7 = T 20 .0 at r = 2 one obtains 2 s 1i T72 (A-5) X-dT 2=- Assuming that a relationship exists between ? and T of the form g(T) differentiating (A-5) with respect to T 1 yields 1 [ g( 1) - g(r 2 ) I (A-6) - d 1 as follows = h(T ) Define a function h( T) ) - [g(T - 2 d 1 dln T (A-7) From Equation (A-6) h(- 1 - g) T d 2)J (A -8) - g(s -2T ( g(r) Also h(s-2 -2 T ) - g(s 4 T (A-9) h(s 4 T ) = [g(s T 1 ) - g(s -,6 1 etc. Since s > 1 and g(0) 0 h(s -2n T )=g n=o 170 (A-10) Series (A-10) is a slowly convergent one, but its asymptotic value can be determined by using the Euler-MacLaurin sum formula: mn' m f(n) dn + .An) r[f(0) + f(m)) n=o M (2k-1) B2k Lf(m) ! + (2 (2k-)] - f(O) k=1 rn-i + i+1i 5 i (2r+1) x 1) f(x) P2r+1 dx (A-11) i=0 th where B = i Bernoulli number and P = the Bernoulli polynomial. Krieger and Elrod (42) applied formula (A-11) to the left hand side of (A-10) and they arrived at the expression o co (s -2nT h(s - 2n dn+ - [ h(T7) + h(0) I n=o l[dh(s-2n 12 dn + 1 dn 3 (A-1 2) +3'' can be evaluated by making the sub- stitutions s -2nT 1 dn- n= n0O h(s -2nT) 720 The integral in Equation (A-12) T dy 2y in s 171 and using equation (A-7): 0, ) h(s-2nT 1 - dn 1 1 h(y) Au y In s C 2 In s (A-13) 1T The derivatives in expression (A-12) can be evaluated as follows: differentiating (A-13) dw 1 in s d h(7 1 ) 1 dn (A-14) dn 1n s d2 w 1 d2 n2 (A-15) d since by definition (A-7) h( r1 ) = dw 1 2 d in T - Then, using (A-14') 1 dw y ins dn do 1 =-2 dlnn 1 d (0 d2 .dn 2 = - 2 in s (A-16) d(ln r 1 ) dn and *2 d = -2 1 In s (A-17) (d ln r 1)2 1 ) dn d(ln Combining (A-16) and (A-i?) d2 d2 o dn2 = 4(n S) 2 di21 (d In 172 T 1)2 2 (A-18) Substitute (A-18) in (A-15) to obtain d h(T ) d2 W I d = 4 1ns (A-19) (d 1nT )2 dn Therefore, the first derivative in the right hand side of series (A-12) is dh(a -2n )1' 4 1n s dn 20 d )2 2n (d 1n s 7 (A-20) Similarly, again starting from (A-13) 1 1 1 in s ) d3 h(T dn 3 (A-21) dn 4 and differentiating (A-18) 3 = 4(n s) 2 dn ______ (A-22) 2 (di 1 ) dn and (A-17) d3c d3 w 1n s 1 (A-23) 1 - (d 1n T ) dn (d 1n T ) -2 Combining the last two equations d3____ 3 d3 - 8(n s) 41 = - 8(ln s) 3 dn3 d3 1 (d 1n TI) 3 and differentiating dn 4 173 (A-24) dn(d 1n T I) 3 Differentiating (A-23) gives 4 d4 d4 o -2 in s (d In dn (d in T ) 3 7) and therefore d d4 W 4 - (A-25) 16 (In s) 4 dn (d in T ) d4cW Substitution of (A-25) in (A-21) gives d3 h(Tr) = dn3 16 (in s) (A-26) 1 (d in T 1) The additional derivatives can be similarly determined. Since h(7r) and it derivatives are zero when T, = 0, the final expression for the value of the shear rate at the inner cylinder surface becomes, after substitution of (A-26), (A-20), (A-13) in (A-12) and substitution of the resulting expression in (A-10): 1' = g(r1 ) - 2 ins + - h(Tr) 1 in1s s 2 1 3 (d in- T1)2 d4 --I (in s) 3 + 45 'P = I n s in W I d In T7l d (n s ) 4 45w (i (d in T1)2 + (d In T 174 ) W11-nd . .I (A-27) This expression, (A-27), is the Krieger-Elrod equation, which permits the shear rate to be determined at the inner, rotating, cylinder of a concentric cylinder viscometer provided (1) the flow is laminar, (2) the fluid can be considered a continuum, and (3) the shear rate is solely a function of the shear stress. 2. The application of Equation(A-27) to human blood in the GDM vis- cometer (cylinder set B) is illustrated below: The second column of Table (A-1)gives the shear stress at the inner cylinder wall, calculated from the experimentally measured torques given in column one, and the third and fourth columns give the corresponding inner cylinder rotational speed, in revolutions per minute and radians per second respectively. plot of In o From an enlarged version of Figure (A-1), a versus In T the values of the slope d in o 1 / d in T 1 were evaluated and recorded in column five of Table(A-1). The second derivative d2 In w /(d In _ 1)2 was determined from an enlarged version of Figure (A-2), a plot of the first derivative versus in T 1 and its values recorded in the sixth column of Table (A-1). By use of the relationship (d in T )2 1 (d n T ) In w, (d n w 1 d2 d2 + 2 din T the values of the derivative recorded in column seven of Table (A-1) were calculated. Having determined the values of the necessary derivatives, the value of the shear rate at the inner cylinder surface of the viscometer was determined from Equation (A-27): (01 ('iKE In s 1 +Lin sd in o 1 d in 7 175 - (in s)2 + 3W1 2 d W (d ln T1) 2 ] I i FIGURE A-1 10 4i agrtai LUr Uva X-LLL6~l - 1 Elrod equation / for the Krieger w 1~ /U 0 1i (rad/sec) 0.1 0.01 70 I 1 0,1 10 (dynes/cm2 ) 0.001 176 I I I FIGURE A-2 Diagram for evaluating d2 for the Krieger 13 - ln c.;/(d ln Elrod equation - 15 15 0 11- 9 - 1% 30 I 0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 ln 1.0 Table (A-1) gives two values of (?1)KE: the first column gives the calculated values for the shear rate using only the first two terms of the series in Equation (A-27), while the other column gives the values of (fy)KE using the first three terms of the series. Use of an addition term in the series of Equation (A-27) would increase the lowest shear rates by less than 1% over the values calculated with two terms of the series, while leaving unchanged the higher shear rates. gives the values of The last column of Table (A-i) calculated by assuming that the fluid viscosity is constant across the viscometer gap. A comparison of the shear stress - shear rate data for this sample of blood is shown in Figure (4-1), which is a plot of the data calculated here using the Krieger-Elrod equation, and constant viscosity equation to obtain the shear rate values. 178 TABL.E SE4AR STRESS 4-1 S/144R fjAtE OArA d-w,4zz'A., d2K r_ _ I____ q1____0 dt4A; NAf4)z (Cd9t4)Z 2 TERMS I_ dyne cm dyne/cmz rev/nin rad/sec 3 FOR A BLOOD SAMPLE ci re- s I .-- - sec sec-' sec' sec~ 2.32 0.102 0.0/0 o.oa,5 14-.7 - 7?.9 0.145 0.0269 0.0311 0.0124 2.45 0-/08 0.020 0.0209 //.as -57.5 0.173 0.0474 0.052( 0.0246 2.67 0.117 0.050 0 .o524 7.7 -29.57..54- 3.18 0.140 0.100 o.oos 4.27 -:0.3 3.62 0.15? 0.200 0.0209 3.05 - S.00 o.220 0.400 0.o4/ 2.58 7.o 0.310 1.00 0.oos 00.2 0.5/ 2.00 15.5 28.2 0.682 4.00 1.24 96.0 2.OZ 0.159 o.10o 0.1a24 4.27 0.0957 0.291 0.Z747 0.24( - 1.77 0.205 0.563 0.569 0 .49/ 2.1 2 - 0.150 0.372 1.36 0.20? 1.74 - 0.5/5 o.525 2.64 1.37 2.45 1.24 z.i( 0.f/9 1.58 - 0.249 0.134 10.0 /.05 1.1-8 - 0.161 2.13 5.21 12.9 13.0 +.91 12.4- 20.0 2.09 1.42 - o.oq4 4.03 z5.8 Z5.9 24.6 ROUGH .V r % 0.0933 = 47. TE MPERATCURE = 2 f.8 W4EAIA-OCRI 4 C SURPA CED VISCOMETER S = .V. o. 9%G 0.10/ o.061S /.2i9 . / cm 12 cm (sEr a) = o.o0k99 57.Z4 APPENDIX B Use of Theoretical Equations to Correlate Blood Data in The Shear Rate Range 2 to 20 sec In this section various theoretical rheological relationships proposed for suspensions of neutral spheres, will be investigated for possible correlative use with blood. In view of the fact that all proposed theories applicable to dilute suspensions of spheres can be expressed in a power series of the concentration volume fraction of the particles (28) sp [ c it is natural to plot - +k 1 [] /c versus c. 2 c + k 3 c2 + --- (B-) Data for a typical normal blood is given in Table (B-1) together with the calculated relative viscosities and 7j Sp /c values. This information is presented graphically in Figure (B-1) together with the curves predicted by the first two terms of equation (B-1), using the constants theoretically calculated by Vand (64), and Mason and Bartok (45): sP= 2.5 + 7.35c C and 2.5 + 10.05c These latter theoretical equations are applicable only at low particle concentrations since the higher order concentration terms have been neglected. To illustrate the importance of the higher order terms, Vand's experiment curve for spheres is also shown in Figure (B-1), for which the equation is, to three terms; 180 I it I FIGURE B-1 101" T / Specific viscosity divided by conc. versus conc. for red cells in plasma 250C 9 ~V / A 7 - s /0// 2.05 4.10 010.3 0 20.5 ..... -7 seesee' see' sec-1 Vand eq. Mason & Bartok modified Vand eq. AM--Experimental Vand eA., theoret ical (two terms) Mao Bro 2 0 10 20 30 % a, 181 40 50 = 2.5 + 7.17c + 16.3 c - sp c From this diagram, two features stand out: (1) as the shear rate increases, making the interparticle force effects less important, the curves approach the theoretical curves for suspensions of neutral spheres, and (2) the intrinsic viscosity of red cells suspended in plasma could be 2.5, namely the same as for neutral spheres. It appears from this figure that Vand's value for the coefficient of the second term of equation (B-1) is more correct for dilute red cell suspensions than that value proposed by Mason and Bartok. The possibility also exists that at shear rates high enough to make the effects of interparticle forces negligible, the data for red cells suspended in plasma may coincide with Vand's experimental curve for neutral sphere suspensions. Attempts to obtain a theoretical rheological equation of state for concentrated suspensions have usually considered a particular particle concentration as being attained by successive addition of a small number of particles to a suspension, which is considered as a homogeneous solvent having the rheological properties of the suspension. Thus, Mooney (jQ) found for a suspension of neutral uniform particles exp (2.5 (B-2) where k is a constant, which for suspensions of spheres is between 1.35 and 1.91. In order to see how closely blood followed Mooney's equation, equation (B-2) was rearranged to give the relationship 1 2.5c - 1 ln'rel k 2.5 182 TABLE B-1 Viscosity of blood at shear rates between 4 sec-I and 20 sec 1 Viscosities, (centipoise) 10 .2 46.0% 39.0% 33.2% 28.1% 21.6% 19.2% 20-52 7.40 5.79 4.85 4.o4 3.16 2.79 2.142 1.61 10.26 4.1o 9.44 12.71 6-75 8.66 5.41 6.46 4.36 5.15 3-33 3-76 2.86 3.142 2.142 2.21 i.61 1.61 2.05 16.79 11.12 8.15 6.11 4.40 3-54 2-32 1-61 Hematocrits 0 Shear Rates ) (sec7 Relative Viscosities 0. Wo 4.59 5.85 3-59 3.01 2.50 1-959 1-730 1-330 1.00 4.18 3.355 2-70 2.064 1-773 1.330 1.00 4.10 7.88 5.37 4-oo 3-19 2.331 1.948 1.370 1.00 2.05 io.41 6.89 5.05 3.79 2.728 2.195 1.439 1.00 3.30 ---- 20-5P io.26 20.52 7.80 6.64 6.o6 5.34 / Hematocrit 3.80 4.44 10.26 10-54 8-15 7.10 6.05 4.93 4-03 3.30 4.10 14.96 11.21 9.04 7.79 6.16 4.94 3.63 2.05 20.46 15-10 12.20 9-93 8.00 6.22 4.30 Specific Viscosity Temperature = 25.0 Samp1e: m 8264 C On this basis, Figure (B-2) was prepared by plotting 1/in t 7rel against 1/(2. 5c), using the data of Table (B-1). From this figure it appears that Mooney's equation does not satisfactorily define the rheological equation of state of blood in the higher concentration region. Figure (B-2) does show thatthe possibility exists that the lower concentration, range, at high shear rates, may be well represented by Mooney's equation. In addition, at higher shear rates it may be that plots of 1/2.5c versus 1/ln ' rel will be linear over a large concentration range. Using a similar technique, Brinkman (2) and Roscoe (52) developed similar rheological equations for uniform neutral sphere suspensions of finite concentration: .. 2 5 (B-4) (1 - kc) where for Brinkman's equation k equation. 1, but is just a constant in Roscoe's To test this relationship with the blood data, it was converted to the form ln 7 re = - 2.5 ln (1 - kc) (B-5) Figure (B-3) shows a plot of ln 7rel versus in (1 - c) for the blood data of Table (B-1). The data at all the shear rates shown seem to fit straight lines on this plot, with the slope varying with the shear rate so that as the shear rate increases the slope seems to approach the theoretical value. Again, at higher shear rates than used here, the data for blood may be well described by Brinkman's equation and Roscoe's equation. with k = 1.0. 184 I 4 I I FIGURE B-2 Test of Mooney eq. with red cell suspension data T = 25.000 1 2.9-c 2 2.05 seeA VAQG 0 4.10 sec l 1 10.3 o 20.5 see"' se- 1 / / Area between dashed lines is range of theoretically predicted curves. 0L 0 i ___j I 2 1/(lm wrel 185 3 I I 1 V 052 O 5 sec 10 9 a 4.10 sec 7 6 Y\rel 5 3 20.5 sec 0 4 C; 3 - FIGURE B Test of Brinc ian's eq. with data for red cell plasma susjpension 0 Dashed line is curve predicted by Brinznari equation. 1 0.3 . I ___ .. I 0.7 0.5 (1 .... - 186 c) _L 0 \ -.. 0.9 Simha (_0) considered the particles in a suspension as being in a spherical "cage", the diameter of which decreases as the particle concentration increases. From his model he found, for concentrated suspensions of neutral particles 2 JL 54 40 cmax c (1 -- (B-6) 3 c where c max is the particle concentration at closest packing. In this case, the value of c max will be taken to be equal to the apparent volume fraction of the blood occupied by the red cells after sedimenting to a steady state (over 12 hours) divided into the hematocrit as determined by centrifuging the suspensions at about 17,000 g for 15 minutes. As shown in Table (B-2), the value of cmax so determined is a constant independent of hematocrit. TABLE B-2 Red Cell Volume Fraction at Closest Packing for Suspensions of Table B-1 Hematocrit c(%) 46.0 39.0 33.2 28.1 21.6 19.2 10.2 2 c cM maxmax 72.5 75.7 73.7 72.4 75.8 76.0 74.7 c cma max c /c 0.619 0.524 0.446 0.378 0.290 0.258 0.137 3.83 1.41 0.650 0.328 0.130 0.0903 0.0162 Average 74.4 In Figure (B-4) a plot of q rel versus c/(1 - c/c )3 is presented for the data of Tables (B-1) and (B-2), together with the theoretical curve (equation (B-6)). The.actual do not resemble the theoretical 187 8 FIGURE B-11 Test off Simha's equation with data for red cell - plasma suspensions 2.5sec1 7 61|A 5 H I-. A V A o 3 2 0 Dashed line iscurve predicted by Siniha equation VA 7' 1 0. 3' 2 I (- c/cm) 3 curve. One might argue that the wrong value had been used for c max but increasing c ma would lower the slope of the theoretical curve and shift all the experimental points horizontally to the left; this would not make the theoretical and experimental curves agree. Lowering the value of c similarly would not result in agreement of the theoretical max curve with the experimental data. It appears that Simha's theoretical. equation does not describe the rheological properties of blood. Thus far the correlative attempts in this appendix have been concerned with the effect of particle concentration. Attempts to take' into account changes in shear rate seem to have been aimed at finding how changes in shear rate affect the rate of dissipation of energy of doublets. This rate of energy dissipation of anisometric bodies occurs because as the shear rate increases, the bodies tend to orient themselves with their major axis either along or perpendicular to the flow. Having determined the shear rate - endrgy dissipation relationship, the intrinsic viscosity of the anisometric particles can be formulated in terms of the shear rate. This then permits the coefficients in equation (B-1) to be corrected for-shear rate changes since the coefficients can be formulated in terms of the intrinsic viscosities of single particles, doublets, etc, and the interaction coefficients. The doublet intrinsic viscosity - shear rate relationship has theoretically been found to be (Q28, [i] =[] = .O) {1 - constant v 2 189 + --- ] (B-7) Experimentally, it has been found for polymer solutions that the relationship is usually of the form (70) [ =] 7- 9=0 constant n (B-8) There is not, however, general agreement on the form of the shear rate - intrinsic viscosity relationship. If equation (B-7) is substituted into the theoretical expressions for the coefficients of equation, (B-1), then at constant particle concentration one obtains 7 = k - k2 2 2 + -- (B-9) It would be interesting to see if this equation (assuming higher shear rate terms to-be negligible) was valid for blood, but data at sufficiently high shear rates have not been obtained in this thesis work. In conclusion, it would seem possible that equations (B-1) and (B-4) hold promise as theoretical correlation means at shear rates above 20.5 sec , while equation (B-2) may be applicable at both high con- centrations and high shear rates. Equation (B-6) does hot seem applicable at all. 190 APPENDIX C Location of Data and Calculations The data and calculations are in the custody of Professor E. W. Merrill of the Department of Chemical Engineering, and are physically located in Room 12 - 171. 191 APPENDIX D Literature Citations Bayliss, L.E., in "Flow Properties of Blood", A. L. Copley and G. 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He attended elementary school in Carle Place, New York, junior high school in Los Angeles, California, and high schools in Los Angeles and Monrovia, California. In September 1950, he entered Pasadena City College, Pasadena, California, from which he graduated in June 1953. Transfer as a junior into the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, was made in September 1953, but studies were interrupted in January 1954 by action of a local Selective Service Board. The years 1954 and 1955 were spent in California and Japan as a member of the U. S. Army. Returning to Cal. Tech. in January 1956, the author attained his B.S. degree in Applied Chemistry in June 1957. The M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering was obtained from Cal. Tech. in June 1958. The author entered M.I.T. in February 1960, the intervening years having been spent with the Dow Chemical Company, Williamsburg, Virginia. Work towards the Sc.D. degree began a year later. During his graduate work, he was a teaching assistant, instructor, and research assistant in the Department of Chemical Engineering. 200