ANALYSIS OF HEAVY PARAFFINIC FISCHER-TROPSCH WAXES USING GEL PERMEATION CHROMATOGRAPHY by HARRY ELLIS JOHNSON B.S., Stanford University (1981) Submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY May 1983 @c Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1983 Signature redacted--- Signature of Author 06e Certified by r md nt o femical Engineering May 1983 1/4 Signature redacted Professor Charlds N. Satterfield Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Sig iature redacted Archives MASSACHUSETTS INSTiTUTE OF TECHNOLOGY OCT 2 41983 LIBRARIES Professor Glenn C. Williams Chairman, Department Committee 2 ANALYSIS OF HEAVY PARAFFINIC FISCHER-TROPSCH WAXES USING GEL PERMEATION CHROMATOGRAPHY by HARRY ELLIS JOHNSON Submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering on May 1, 1983 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering ABSTRACT The technique of Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) was utilized in analysis of paraffinic wax samples generated via the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a slurry reactor. Chromtograms were obtained by using standard GPC equipment with Waters 100 and 500A Ultrastyragel TM columns. Differential number fraction molecular weight distributions were obtained to C70 and C105 for ambient and elevated temperature injections re- spectively. Corresponding relation of heavy wax hydrocarbonproduct distributions to Flory plots show chain growth probability factor a value of 0.92 - 0.94. These values are within experimental accuracy of results found by previous investigators obtained by vapor-phase gas chromatography analysis. The results indicate that GPC may be used successfully in obtaining quantitative data for heavy solid products formed by slurryreactor operation of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Thesis Advisor: Title: Charles N. Satterfield Professor of Chemical Engineering 3 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Room number: 6 6-2 5 0 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Telephone: 253-6546 May 1, 1983 Professor Jack P. Ruina Secretary of the Faculty Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dear Professor Ruina: In accordance with the regulations of the faculty, I submit herewith a thesis entitled "Ai1alysis of Heavy Paraffinic Fischer-Tropsch Waxes Using Gel Permeattion Chromatography," in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Respectfully submitted, ,/ Signature redacted 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my thesis advisor Professor Charles Satterfield for his helpful support and critism. I will remember to "stick to the facts". I hope that I also wish to thank Professor Jeff Tester and Michel Boudart for their constant encouragement throughout my graduate career. I wish to thank the GEM program, Shell Development Co., Amoco, and Chevron for their financial support. Thanks are also extended to the Department of Energy for its support of the project. To my collegues in the department, I have unmeasureable gratitude for all of the assistance offered during my stay at M.I.T.. Special acknowledgements are given to Harvey Stenger, Rich Pekela, Al Horn, Lisa Jungherr, and my officemates. I also wish to thank all of my friends who suffered with me through this very trying ordeal. I am especially grateful for the friendship and support of Pieter VanderWerf, Brian Smiley, Westley Spruill, and Scott Slate. To Eugenia Brown, I offer the sincerest thanks for her friendship and love. Thanks also to Sally Kreuz for the exceptional assistance in production of this thesis. And finally to my family, of thanks. I offer a thunderous chorus To my parents I give my love and appreciation for all they've done. Thanks for teaching me to believe in myself and giving me the courage to try and accomplish my goals. most of all, thanks for instilling in me a devotion to God. And 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Introduction 11 II. Objectives 15 III. Literature Review 16 IV. Experimental 35 IV.A. 35 35 35 35 49 49 49 IV.B. Experimental Apparatus IV.A.l. Fischer-Tropsch Reactor IV.A.2. Ambient Temperature Apparatus IV.A.3. Elevated Temperature Apparatus Experimental Procedures IV.B.l. Ambient Temperature Procedures 1. Sample Preparation 2. IV.B.2. Chromatographic Analysis 2a. Preparation 2b. 2c. Analysis Calculation 50 51 52 Elevated Temperature Procedures 1. Sample Preparation 53 53 2. Chromatographic Analysis 53 2a. Preparation 53 2b. Analysis 54 2c. Calculation 55 V. Results V.A. Ambient Temperature GPC Results V.B. Elevated Temperature GPC Results VI. Discussion 103 VII. Conclusion 113 VIII. Appendices 114 IX. References 117 56 56 84 6 LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. 3-1 Page Development and Detection of Size Separation by 21 3-2 General Schematic of GPC Equipment. 24 4-1 Slurry Reactor Apparatus. 36 4-2 Waters M6000A Solvent Delivery System, Exploded View. 38 Waters M6000A Solvent Delivery System, Circuit Diagram for Hydraulic Components. 39 Injectors: Injector; 40 GPC. 4-3 4-4 4-5 (1) Rheodyne Model 7125 Sample (2) Waters U6K Sample Injector. Schematic of Waters R401 Refractive Index De- tector Optical Unit. 42 4-6 Schematic Waters 150C Main Pump. 45 4-7 Schematic Waters 150C Injection System. 47 4-8 Schematic Waters 150C Differential Refractor- meter. 5-1 5-2 5-3 48 GPC Chromatogram - Injection 1-4: Mixture of n- Hydrocarbon Standards C22, C28, and C38. 59 GPC Chromatogram - Injection 1-7: Mixture of nHydrocarbon Standards C24, C25, C26, C28, and C30. 60 GPC Calibration Curve Run 2: Phase, Toluene Mobile 1 x 100A Ultrastyragel Column, 22C, and n-hydrocarbon standards C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, C28, C30, C32, C36, C38, and C40. 61 5-4 GPC Chromatogram - 62 5-5 GPC Calibration Curve Run 3: Toluene mobile phase, 1 x 100A Ultrastyragel column, 24.4C, and n-Hydrocarbon Standards C19, C22, C26, C28, C36, and C40. Injection 2-15: SS-9A 65 7 Figure No. 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 Page GPC Chromatogram - Injection 3-11: SS-9E, Attenuation 2X, Chart Speed changed to 4 inch/ min @ 5.8 minutes. 67 GPC Chromatogram - Injection 3-12: uation 2X, Chart Speed 4 inch/min. 68 SS9D, Atten- Peak Height and Retention Time Distribution: Injections 3-11 and 3-12. 70 Cumulative Weight Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution: Injections 3-11 and 3-12. 71 Differential Number Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution: Injections 3-11 and 3-12. 72 GPC Calibration Curve Run 4. Toluene Mobile Phase, 1 x 100A Ultrastyragel Column, 23C, nhydrocarbon Standards C20, C28, C32, C36, C40 and Polystyrene Standards 800, 1800, and 2000. 74 Peak Height-Retention Time Distribution: Injec- tion 4-11. 77 Cumulative Weight Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution: Injection 4-11. 78 Differential Number Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution: Injection 4-11. 79 GPC Calibratiop Curve Run 5. Toluene Mobile Phase, 1 x 100A and 1 x 500AO Ultrastyragel Columns, 25C, n-Hydrocarbon Standards C20, C24, C28, C36, C40 and Polystyrene Standard 1800. 81 Area Percent Molecular Weight Distribution: jections 5-12 and 5-17. 83 In- Cumulative Weight Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution: Injections 5-12 and 5-17. 85 Differential Number Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution: Injections 5-12 and 5-17. 86 GPC Calibration Curve 0 Run 6: Trichlorobenzene Mobile Phase, 1 x 100A and 1 x 50OX Ultrastyragel Columns, C28, C38, 50C, n-Hydrocarbon Standards C20, and C40. C24, 88 8 Figure No. 5-20 5-21 Page GPC Calibration Curve Run 7: Trichlorobenzene Mobile Phase, 1 x 100A and 1 x 500l Ultrastyragel Columns, 50C, n-Hydrocarbon Standards Standards C20, C24, C28, C38, C40 and Linear Polyethylene Standard 1800. 91 Area Percent Molecular Weight Distritubion: jections 7-7, 7-8, 7-9, 7-11, and 7-12. 99 In- 5-22 Cumulative Weight Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution: Injections 7-7, 7-8, 7-9, 7-11,and 7-12. 100 5-23 Differentioal Number Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution: Injections 7-7, 7-8, 7-9,7-11, and7-12. 101 5-24 Weight Percent Molecular Weight Distribution: Injection 7-13. 102 Form of Flory Plot Postulated for 2-Site Reaction and Accumulation of Products in Liquid Carrier 104 6-1 6-2 Carbon Number Distribution for Run 9 at 248C and H2/CO Feed of 1.81. 6-3 Carbon Number Distribution of Liquid Carrier After Run 9. 6-4 6-6 107 Theoretical Carbon Number Distribution Based on Flory Equation. 6-5 106 108 Carbon Number Distribution of Heavy Paraffinic Fischer-Tropsch Wax at Ambient Temperature Using GPC. 110 Carbon Number Distribution of Heavy Paraffinic Fischer-Tropsch Waxes at Elevated Temperature Using GPC. 111 9 LIST OF TABLES Table No. 3-1 Page Gel Permeation Chromatography Operating Conditions - Hillman, 1971. 32 Summary of Iun 1. Operating Conditions: Solvent - Toluene, Temperature - 25C, Columns 1 x 100A Ultrastyragel, Flowrate - 1 ml/min, Injection Volume 100 pl, Polarity - Positive. 57 5-2 Summary of Run 2. 58 5-3 Summary of Run 3. 64 5-6 Cumulative and Differential Weight Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution Data: Injections 3-11 and 3-12. 69 5-5 Summary of Run 4. 77 5-6 Cumulative and Differential Weight Fraction Molecular weight Distribution data: Injection 4-11. 76 5-7 Summary of Run 5. 80 5-8 Cumulative and Differential Weight Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution Data: Injections 5-12 and 5-17. 82 5-9 Summary of Run 6. 87 5-10 Summary of Run 7. 90 5-11 Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Operating Conditions. 92 5-12 Cumulative and Differential Weight Fraction - 5-1 Molecular Weight Distribution Data: 5-13 5-14 5-15 Injection 7-7. 93 Cumulative and Differential Weight Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution Data: Injection 7-8. 94 Cumulative and Differential Weight Fraction Molecular weight Distribution Data: Injection 7-9. 95 Cumulative and Differential Weight Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution Data: Injection 7-11. 96 10 Table No. 5-16 Page Cumulative and Differential Weight Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution Data: Injection 7-12. 97 5-17 GPC Weight Percent Data: 98 6-1 a Values of GPC. Injection 7-13. 112 11 I. INTRODUCTION The production of synthetic fuels to supplement dwindling supplies of natural fuels has directed attention towards development of processes which utilize abundant resources of indigenous reserves such as coal. Fischer-Tropsch synthsis. One such process is the In this procedure the indirect liquefaction of coal to hydrocarbons is accomplished via the catalytic reaction of synthesis gas, a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen produced by gasifaction of coal in the presence of oxygen and steam. The hydrocarbons produced from the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis are predominantly linear paraffins and olefins with some oxygenates (primarily alcohols). The overall reaction stoichiometry may be represented as: Paraffins : nCO + (2n + 1)H2 2 C H n 2n+2 + nH2 0 + 123 kcal 2 (1) Olefins: Alcohols: nCO + 2nH 2 nCO + 2nH C H 2 + n 2n + nH 0 + 93 kcal CnH 2n+OH (2) 2 + (n - 1)H 20 + 102 kcal (3) where the heat of reaction is based on n=3 at 227C. Two im- portant side reactions may also occur: Water-Gas-Shift: Boudouard: H20 + CO = CO2 + H2 + 10 kcal 2CO -+ C(s) + CO2 + 42 kcal (4) (5) The synthesis of hydrocarbons from carbon monoxide and hydrogen has been known since the classical methane synthesis 12 of Sabatier and Senderens (1902). In 1922 Franz Fischer and Hans Tropsch obtained their first patent on "Synthol", a mixture of oxygen-containing derivatives of hydrocarbons. developments by Fischer and Tropsch in the 1920's Further and 1930's directed the synthesis to produce predominately hydrocarbons by using cobalt-based catalysts in fixed-bed, vapor-phase reactors. In 1943, Germany optained a peak production of 16,000 bbl per day. 23% diesel fuel, oil. The products consisted of 46% gasoline, 23% waxes and detergents, and 3% libricating With World War II, Germany's supply of cobalt from the Belgium Congo was severely cut and active search was initiated to develop iron catalysts. In the United States during the 1950's a fluidized-bed process using an iron catalyst to convert synthesis gas from then inexpensive natural gas to gasoline was installed by Hydrocol, but it never operated satisfactorily. And as petroleum supplies became plentiful further investigation of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis became uneconomical. Until recently, South Africa has been the only country actively pursuing Fischer-Tropsch technology. Synthetic Oil Limited At South African (SASOL), fixed- and fluidized-bed proce- dures have been developed which utilize iron catalysts at intermediate pressures (5 - 50,000 bbl per day. 25 amt), with production capacity of Current expansion is afoot which will ultimately increase capacity to over 100,000 bbl per day. The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is a linear polymerization process. The process begins with an adsorbed single-carbon specie which can either grow in molecular size by addition of 13 another carbon unit or terminate by desorption into the gas (or liquid) phase as product. Debate still exists over the mechanism and nature of this carbon unit. But this does not affect the mathematical development of an expression to predict carbon number distribution if the probability of chain growth is independant of molecular size. Flory (1936) statistically derived the basic relation- ship for any polymerization process where the primary step is addition of monomer units one at a time onto the terminus of a growing linear chain. The chain growth proability factor * is defined as: r = (r pt where r + r (6) ) a and rt are the rates of propagation and termination respectively (a is independant of molecular size). fraction m The mole of molecules in the polymer mixture which contains n structural units is given by the Flory Equation: mn = (1 - a) n- (7-) If the added weight of each carbon unit is proportional to chain length n, the weight fraction w w = (l -c )2n n is given by: (n-l)(8 A more covenient form for expressing experimental data is the logarithmic form of the Flory Equation: ln (m ) n = n ln (x) + ln (1-) (9) 14 Therefore a plot of ln linear with slope ln (m n) versus carbon number n should be (a) and ordinate intercept (1 - a) at n = 1. The products formed in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis depend on the hydrogen to carbon monoxide ratio in the synthesis gas as well as on the catalyst and reactor conditions selected. These products range from methane to high molecular weight compounds such as heavy paraffinic wax. Gas chromatography has been successfully applied in the analysis of most FischerTropsch products. However utilization of gas chromatography becomes ineffective in examination of high carbon number products (C30 +) due to the low volatility of these heavier hydrocarbons. For complete analysis, an additional technique is needed that will provide quantitative data of the heavy Fischer-Tropsch fractions. meation Chromatography One such technique is Gel Per- (GPC), which involves the separation of molecules based upon differences in their effective size in solution. The size sorting takes place by repeated transfer of solute molecules between the bulk mobile phase and stagnant liquid phase within the pores of the packing, allowing sample characterization by its molecular weight distribution. 15 II. OBJECTIVES The present investigation focused on gel permeation chromatography analysis of heavy paraffinic waxes formed during the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a slurry reactor. of fundamental and practical importance. This is Fundamentally, one would like to know how high in molecular weight the FischerTropsch synthesis proceeds and if the Flory equation is applicable in this high carbon number product region. Practically, it is needed to know how long the reaction can be allowed to continue before excessive accumulation of heavy hydrocarbons might occur in the reaction apparatus. of GPC was sought. First, an understanding Then application of GPC analysis to Fischer- Tropsch wax samples was undertaken. Finally GPC data were interpreted and related to other results. 16 III. LITERATURE REVIEW attributed to work performed by Michael Tswett. In 1903 - Conventional founding of liquid chromatography has been 1906, Tswett recognized chromatography as a general method in description of separation of colored vegetable pigments in petroleum ether on calcium carbonate. From Tswett's early findings, a large number of workers continued to develop liquid chromatography to its present high performance capabilities and it has found application in various forms of scientific disciplines (Synder and Kirkland 1974). The phenomena of gel chromatography were first observed with adsorption of different sized ions in 1925 (Ungerer 1968). The term "molecular sieving" was first used in 1926 by McBain (Porath 1962a). The crystalline crosslinkages of natural and synthetic aluminum silicates, known as molecular sieves, made possible separation of molecules according to size and shape (Wiegner 1931, 1948). Tiselius 1934, Claesson and Claesson 1944, Later, Barrer and Brook established and proved correla- tions of adsorption and molecular size in molecular sieves (1953). Sieving properties were also found during application of ion exchange resins (Samuelson 1944, Rauen and Felix 1948). A correlation between the number of crosslinkages, the degree of swelling, and the ion exchange capacity of the large ions was found in the structure of ion exchange resins Amberlite, Kumi and Myers 1949, Mikes 1958). (Wofattite, This property was used in sepration of numerous compound groups including 17 amino acids, peptides, and proteins Thompson 1952, Partridge 1952). (Richardson 1949, 1951, This experience directed attention to larger-pored polysaccharide matrices. Uncharged crosslinked galactomannane gel was used in the desalting of colloids (Deuel and Nenkom 1954). Peptides and proteins were separated on granulated starch particles Storgards 1955, Lathe and Ruthuen 1955). (Lindquist and Later, it was estab- lished by Lathe and Ruthuen that the penetration of molecules into the gel phase depended upon structure and contration of the gel, and a relationship between molecular size and chromatographic behavior was found (1956). The study of electrophoresis played an important role in the development of gel permeation chromatography. Preparative and analytical methods of gel electrophoresis prompted the examination of macromolecues and biopolymers (Smithies 1955, Raymond and Wintraub 1959, Davis and Ornstein 1959, Porath and Bennich 1962). The electroosmosis of natural substances and proteins in dextran, a characteristic polysaccharide, investi- gated by Tiselius in Sweden led to the production of a new semi-synthetic gel (1959). Sephadex, dextran gel copolymerized with epichlorhydrin and packed into a column, achieved good separation even without an electric current. A closer examina- tion of Sephadex by Porath and Flodin marked the beginnings of what may be called an explosive development of gel chromatography (1959). Since the properties of natural polysaccarides, such as dextran, were difficult to reproduce, application of such materials were not found wholly suitable for chromatographic 18 uses. In the early 1960's semi-synthetic and synthetic poly- mers replaced the natural gel formers Sehon 1962, Hjerten and Mosback 1962). (Polson 1961, Lea and Initially hydrophilic polyacrylamide gels produced by copolymerization of acrylamide and methylene bisacrylamide found widest application. The examination of gels which swelled in organic solvents began simultaneously with that of hydrophilic gels, particularly with attention to polystryene matrices copolymerized with divinylbenzene. In 1964 J.C. Moore disclosed the use of cross-linked polystrene gels for separating synthetic polymers soluble in organic solvents (Moore 1964). It was recognized that with proper calibration, gel permation chromatography was capable of providing molecular weight and molecular weight distribution information for synthetic polymers. Gel permeation chromatography is used as an analytical technique for separating small molecules according to size difference and to obtain molecular weight distribution information of polymers. (The raw-data GPC curve is a molecular weight distribution curve.) With a concentration sensitive differential refractometer detector, the GPC curve can become a size distribution curve in weight concentration. And with proper calibrating, molecular weight averages can be calculated. A convenient quantity which measures the average chain length in a polymer sample is the number-average molecular weight, Mn, defined as: 19 Mw n W = = EN W E()Mw. (10) ' EN M 1 where W and N are the weight and number of molecules with molecular weight Mw , respectively. M Ehi and Mw (11) (h /Mw ) S where h From GPC: is the GPC curve height at the ith volume increment is the molecular weight of the species eluted at the ith retention volume, and N is the number of chains present. Another convenient quantity obtainable from GPC data is the weight-average molecular weight, Mw, M ZN Mw 2 E N__MW 2 N. Mw. w given by: 2w VW. Mw L~d 1W1(12) EW. ll 1 and from GPC: M The value of M w w = Z(h. Mw.) (13) Ehi is always greater than Mn n except when the values are identical in monodisperse systems. The dispersity, M /M , is a measure of the broadness of the molecular weight distribution. The Z-average molecular weight, Mz, is related to a higher moment of the distribution and is defined as: Mw3 M z = ZN ENi Mw 1 2 (14) 20 (Dallas and Abbott 1979). In the (theoretical) model to describe GPC, the gel is composed of a porous matrix whose pores are closely controlled in size. The separation mechanism involves differences in ability of molecules to penetrate the pores. Very large mole- cules cannot penetrate into the gel pores and thus migrate down the column through the interstitial volume between particles and emerge first from the column. Smaller molecules can to some degree penetrate into the gel pores, and thus they are slowed in their migration through the column. Very small molecules that are able to completely penetrate into the gel pores will be retained the most, last (Lawrence 1981). and elute from the column This is represented by the illustration shown in Figure 3-1. The retention time, RT, is the time required for a peak to elute from the column following sample injection. Its value is sensitive to changes in experimental conditions such as flow rate and the specific column used. The retention volume, RV, accounts for flow rate differences and is defined as: RV = F(RT) where F is the mobile flow rate. (15) The peak capacity factor, k', is a more basic retention parameter. Physically, k' represents the ratio of the weight of solute in the stationary phase to that in the mobile phase. RT k T RV- V T 0 o This is defined as, m _ m (16) 21 (A) TIME SEQUENCE: Sample Injected (B) Small (D) Solutes Eluted Large (C) Solutes Eluted Size Separation 00C>, C- . . 49~K Refractive Index Detect Chromatogram (Concentration Elution Curve) Injection (A) (B) (C) (D) RT = RV/F Figure 3-1: Development and Detection of Size Separation by GPC (Yau, Kirkland, and Bly 1979). 22 = RT for an untetained peak and Vm = F(T ) for the where T retention volume of unretained solute. To account for differences in stationary-phase loading, the solute distribution coefficient, KLC, is defined as: k' V K LC = V m (17) S where Vs is the equivalent liquid volume for a stationary phase. Physically, KLC is the ratio of solute concentration in the stationary phase to that in the mobile phase. Transfer between mobile and stationary phases occurs as solute molecules migrate through the column to continually redistribute themselves between the phases to satisfy thermodynamic equilibrium. This implies equivalance of chemical potential of each solute component in the two phases. For dilute solutions at equilibrium, solute distribution can be related to the standard free energy difference, AG*, given by: AG* = - AG* = AH* RTlnK (18) with - TAS* (19) where K is the solute distribution coefficient, R is the universal gas constant, T the absolute temperature, and AH0 and AS* are standard enthalpy and entropy differences between phases, respectively. In GPC, solute distribution is governed primarily by entropy changes between phases Therefore, with AH0 ~ 0, KGPC is given by, (Dawkins 1976). 23 KGPC eAS/R (20) Temperature changes have only a small indirect effect on GPC retention since they only affect polymer solute molecule size, which in turn affects AS*. Large fluctuations of temperature of GPC experiments should be avoided. The results of temperature, flow rate, and steric mixing experiments show that GPC retention is an equilibrium, entropycontrolled, size-exclusion process. The diffusion in and out of the pores of the solute is fast enough with respect to flow rate to maintain equilibrium solute distribution. Extensive developments in liquid chromatography have made available a variety of equipment which can be used in gel permeation chromatography. A general schematic for GPC equipment is shown in Figure 3-2. The instrumentation used in GPC is needed to function rapidily and reliably. In the solvent delivery system a constant, reproducible supply of solvent to the column is required. The sample injector must introduce sharp volumes of sample without disturbing the flow of the solvent. High efficiency columns are needed to give maximum separation capability and provide reproduciable information over extended periods of time. Specific detectors with wide sensi- tivity ranges are used to monitor the separation. A detailed description of apparatus used in this study will be presented in Section IV.A. Gel permeation chromatography was primarily developed for measuring molecular size distribution of polymer products. 24 8 7 6 5 3 2 Figure 3-2: General schematic of GPC equipment: (1) Solvent Supply; (2) Solvent Delivery System; (3) Injector; (4) Sample Syringe; (5) Columns; (6) Differential Refractometer Detector; (7) Computerized Data Handling Device; (8) Recorder. 25 A series of narrow molecular weight range fractions of anionic polystyrene samples were efficiently separated in polystrene columns with aromatic and chlorinated solvents (Moore 1964). Further investigation by Hendrickson and Moore (1966) found that by calibrating columns with carefully characterized polymers, it was possible to prepare a curve relating the elution volume to the logarithm of the average molecular chain length (or effective angstrom chain length) given by: Angstrom chain length where C.A.U. (A) = 2.5 + 1.25 (C.A.U.) is the size in carbon atom units. (21) These calibra- tion curves were often linear over a large range of chain length, and molecular weight distributions of unknown polymer samples could then be calculated. Analysis of polystyrene, polyvinylchloride, and polypropyleneoxide dissolved in THF showed some deviation from the molecular chain length correlation. Hendrickson and Moore suggested five basic forces that might be expected to modify elution volume of compounds in GPC: (1) changes in width of the network openings in the column packing beads, (2) solvent - tion of solute molecules, (5) solute association, (4) (3) dimeriza- intramolecular bonding, and adsorption of solute onto or into the gel surface. fore, There- simple chain length was an inadequate size parameter in correlation of elution volumes of some non-normal samples. Smith and Kollmansberger (1965) reported on the separa- tion of a number of alkanes and halogenated aromatic compounds by GPCalso using THF as the solvent. They established that 26 the apparant molecular volume is the important parameter influencing the degree of separation, (where molar volume (ml/nole) is defined as molecular weight divided by density at 25C.). Later, Edwards and Ng (1968) investigated the use of bulk molar volume for various compounds (including normal hydrocarbons) and showed that there was a linear relationship between logarithm bulk molar volume and elution volume for normal hydrocarbons. The elution behavior of about 100 model com- pounds was studied to show the effectiveness of GPC as an analytical tool. It was found that organic functional groups exert a systematic influence on GPC elution behavior, reinforcing the theory that such behavior is the result of solute's association with the solvent, the gel packing, or itself. By measuring these effects with model compounds, gen- eralized observations for characterization of nonfunctional minor components of lower molecular weight epoxy resins was accomplished. Rather than using standards such as polystyrene and polypropylene glycols to calibrate GPC columns, Sweeney, Thompson, and Ford (1970) used normal paraffins and cali- brated by carbon number. This calibration was used to deter- mine relationships between boiling point, carbon number, elution volume. and A limited number of branched hydrocarbons were also investigated as well as a brief quantitative study to determine response factors for the normal hydrocarbons. Lambert (1970) recommeded that a set of molar volume values for n-alkanes be used as standards to calibrate GPC 27 columns. Molar volume is given by: Molar volume (ml/mole @ 20C) = 33.02 + 16.18 + 0.004 where C.A.U. (C.A.U.) (C.A.U.) (22) is as previously defined. Debate still exists over the appropriate parameter to use in calibration of GPC columns. Mori and Yamakawa (1980) obtained relationships among oligostyrene, n-hydrocarbons, and oligoethylene glycol in chloroform and tetrahydrofuran. Different elution behaviors of oligomers in different eluents made it difficult to use molar volumes or effective chain lengths as the calibration parameter. The n-hydrocarbons are non-polar compounds and were assumed to elute without solutesolvent association or the adsorption on the gel. Molecular weight conversion equation for several oligomers based on molecular weight of oligostryene and n-hydrocarbons were de- derived, making it possible to use these as reference standards when molecular weights of oligomers are measured. A wax is a complete mixture of high molecular weight organic components. Hatt and Lamberton (1956) defined a wax as "a thermoplastic of low mean molecular weight and low mechanical strength." hydrocarbon, They classified waxes into three categories: natural (ester), and synthetic waxes. Hydrocar- bon waxes, derived from petroleum, can be further sub-divided into two groups, the paraffinic and the microcrystalline waxes. Paraffinic waxes consist primarily of long chain nor- mal paraffins, with small amounts of branched chain and 28 cycloparaffin in the approximate range of C18 - C42. The microcrystalline waxes consist mainly of branched chain paraffins of high molecular weight. The natural (ester) waxes, excreted by most animals and plants, are more complex in composition and consist mostly of mixtures of esters of long chain (C18+) fatty acids and alcohols. of free acids, alcohols, paraffins, Appreciable amounts resins, dihydride alcohols, hydroxy acids, ketones, and sterols are also present. Syn- thetic waxes may be entirely synthetic, such as polyethylene types, be prepared from petroleum waxes, or be prepared from other natural materials. Many elaborate procedures have been utilized in complete analysis of waxes (Robinson and Johnson 1966). widespread use of chromatographic techniques, Prior to lengthy pro- cesses of fractional distillation and fractional crystallization were used. Infra-red spectroscopy has been applied in the fingerprinting of single wax compounds by comparison with infra-red spectrums of known waxes. properties Investigation of wax (melting point, inflexions on cooling curves, speci- fic gravity, penetration hardness, and refective index) have been used for the quality control of all types of waxes, however, the information given by these methods is not completely reliable. Robinson and Johnson noted two problems involved in complete analysis: 1. Separation of wax constituents according to their chemical nature, etc. i.e. ester, alcohols, paraffins, 29 2. Separation of the fractions into individual single chemical species must then be identified. Chromatographic techniques are superior due to, i) efficiency of separation, iii) ii) simplicity of operation, and direct indication of the identity of components from their rention data. Paper chromatography was used to separate the mercuric acetate-methanol adducts of the allyl esters of the fatty acids by Kaufman of Pollenberg (1957). Reversed phase paper chromatography was used to separate even-numbered acids up the C36 in Beeswax, Carnuba wax, and Montan wax by Kaufmann and Das (1963). The major problem in paper chromatography is the low solubility of wax acids in solvents at room temperature, and elevation of temperature increases the complexity of the method. Gas chromatography of waxes has been largely investigated. Adlard and Whitham (1958) separated paraffin hydrocarbons up to C36 using a silicone coated column at 270C. Normal paraffins were removed from kerosine by means of Linde 5A molecular sieve by Whitham (1958). O'Connor and Norris (1960 and 1962) extended this procedure to the higher molecular weight paraffins waxes. Gas chromatography of separated fractions gave the ratio of normal to non-normal paraffins, the relative amounts of each normal paraffin, and the relative amounts of total non-normal paraffin of each carbon number in a paraffin wax. Unfortunately this separation procedure required long time periods (15 days) which minimized the use of this method 30 for routine analysis. Scheneck and Esima (1963) used Linde 5A sieves in conjuction with a gas chromatography column using silicon stationary phase for paraffins in crude oils and rock extracts. Gas-solid chromatography was used by Scott and Rowell (1960) to separate C15 and C36 paraffins using an alumina column deactivated with sodium hydroxide at 390C. co-workers Levy and (1961) separated and identified 67 components pre- sent in a refined paraffin using mass spectrometry in conjuction with gas chromatography (8-foot columns packed with 10% microwax distillation residue on Chromosorb W. at temperatures of 300C). Levy and Paul (1963) used a dual column, dual flame ionization, temperature programmed gas chromatograph to obtain carbon number distributions of C19 to C36 paraffinic waxes using 12-foot 1/8-inch copper tubing packed with 0.82% microcrystalline wax distillation residue on 80-100 mesh Diatoport S over the temperature range 140-330C at 2.3C per minute. Resolution of a homologous series of the even-numbered alkanes from tetradecane through dopentacontane was accomplished on 6-foot aluminum columns packed with 0.1% Apiezon L on 60-80 mesh glass microbeads over the temperature range 40 to 350C at 5.6C per minute by Perkins, Laramy, and Lively (1963). Hydrocarbon components in the range C25 to C68 of four microsrystalline waxes were resolved on dual 2-foot columns packed with SE 52 on Chromosorb G using a temperature programmed dual flame ionization gas chromatograph by Ludwig (1965). Column chromatography was found to be rather inefficient 31 in total characterization of waxes. Cole and Brown (1960) used a specially prepared alumina column for separation of complex waxes into fractions according to their chemical nature, however incomplete separation often occurred. Wiedenhof (1959) used column chromatography prior to X-ray diffraction measurements on wax fractions. Ion exchange column chromato- graphy was used in determination of free wax acids, wax soaps, and total hydrocarbon content in waxes by Presting and Janicke (1960). Robinson and Johnson recommended use of ion exchange column chromatography only as a precursor to gas or thin layer chromatography (1966). With the introduction of GPC by Moore (1964), column chromatography became a more useful technique in wax analysis. Hillman (1971) found that by selecting the appropriate porosity range of Styragel column packing, waxes in carbon range C15 to C100 could be closely examined. By using a series of Styragel columns it was possible to characterize hydrocarbon and ester waxes dissolved in organic solvents. Operating conditions for study are shown in Table 3-1. The GPC unit was calibrated using 0.1% solutions of nhydrocarbons (C16, C20, C28, C32, C36, C48) molecular weight range polystrenes from Waters Associates). and narrow (No. 25168, 26169, 25171 Retention times were plotted versus carbon number, the carbon number for polystrenes being calculated by effective carbon number (equation 21). Calibration plots were essentially linear over the range interest but showed marked deviation at high molecular weights where the TABLE 3-1: Gel permeation chromatography operating conditions-Hillman, 1971. I Column Porosities (A) 100, 500, 10, II 100, 100, 100, 500 III 100, 400, 500, 103 3 x 104 Column Temperature 70 30 80 Solvent Toluene Tetrahydrofurane o-Dichlorobenzene Inhibitor Nil Quinol Stavox CP 1.0 1.0 0.5-1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Sample size (ml) 2 2 2 Sensitivity x2 x2 x2 for fingerprinting x4 for polyethylene 70 30 80 70 30 80 70 30 80 Flow rate (*C) (ml/min) Sample Concentration Inlet heater Syphon heater (*C) (*C) Detector heater (*C) (%) (5g/gall) L&J 33 molecular exclusion of the column system was approached. The extrapolation of the linear region for the n-hydrocarbons passed through the point for the lowest molecular weight polystyrene standard. In the actual hydrocarbon wax analysis, carbon numbers corresponding to the retention times of the maxima of the gel permeation chromatograms were read off the applicable calibration curve. A correction factor of twice the standard deviation of the gaussian peak obtained for injection of pure C36 was introduced to account for peak broading during elution. Improvements in the efficiency of small pore packing materials and column preparation advanced the speed and convenience of GPC to that of gas chromatography. Lack of vola- tility, or absence of significant differences in polarity, solubility, or ionic characteristics are not significant problems in GPC analysis. Krishen and Tucker found that the high efficiency of the GPC column affords a separation of components as distinct separate peaks, in the short time, and provided a useful technique for extending the molecular weight range beyond that covered by gas chromatography Harmon (1977). (1978) used GPC in characterization of hydrocar- bon waxes, reporting molecular size distribution profiles, coupled with melting point profiles from differential scanning calorimetry, as the basis for comparison and selection of replacement waxes for use by the B.F. Goodrich Company. Styragel columns were used by Sosa, Lombana, and Petit in analysis of crude paraffinic waxes (C16 - C50) waxes (1978). 34 Molecular weights (Mn and Mw) and molecular weight distribu- tions of waxes containing various amounts of oil were determined. The method of GPC was choosen because temperatures re- quired to analyze n-paraffins having chain lengths above C40 are almost at the upper useful limit of routine gas chromatography. Gas and gel permeation chromatograms were presented and were found to complement each other well. 35 IV. A. EXPERIMENTAL EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS A. 1. Fischer-Tropsch Reactor The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reactions were carried out in a semi-continuous, slurry-bed catalytic reactor system. A schematic of the slurry reactor unit is shown in Figure 4-1. The stainless-steel, 1-liter autoclave was operated isothermally in semi-batch mode. Pre-mixed synthesis gas was feed into the autoclave by a pneumatically-controlled valve while volatile products were removed overhead. The catalyst and inert liquid carrier remained in the reaction vessel. were collected in a wax trap (held at 2C). (held at 70C) Condensable products and a cold trap A detailed discussion of the reactor system and procedures followed during operation are found in the Ph.D. thesis of G.A. Huff and related publications by Satterfield and Huff. A. 2. Ambient Temperature Apparatus Analysis of Fischer-Tropsch wax samples at ambient temperature was performed on two gel permeation chromatographic apparatuses. sions: This equipment may be categorized into five divi- solvent delivery system, injector, columns, detector, and data compiling system. 1. Solvent Delivery System In both sets of GPC components used at ambient temperature, Waters Associates Model M6000A pumps were utilized to deliver a constant flow of solvent. Diagrams of this pump are shown in Vant Ab PI P -6 Corriar Som pla P 9 -8- I- P 10 -11 _ LA~) a.' 3* 4 1 Wox Sompla Figure 4-1: Oil Sompla (1) Gas Cylinder with Premixed CO/H 2 Mixture; Slurry Reactor Apparatus: (2) Pressure regulator; (3) Automated Flow controller; (4) Back-Pressure Regulator; (5) 1-Liter, Mechanically Stirred Autoclave with Thermocouple at (a) and Turbine Impeller at (b); (6) Pressure Gauge; (7) Wax Receiver; (8) Ice-Cooled Receiver; (9) Back-Pressure Regulator; (10) Gas Sample Valve; (11) Soap-Film Flowmeter (Huff 1982). 37 Figures 4-2 and 4-3. The M6000A is a dual head reciprocating piston positive displacement pump, in which solvent enters through an inlet check valve during the first half of the piston stroke and exits through an outlet check valve during the second half of the stroke. Each pump head delivers 100 microliters of solvent per stroke. A steady flow of solvent was provided by precise timing of the pistons. The flow rate of the pump was adjustable in 0.1 ml/minute increments between 0 and 9.9 ml/minute. 2. Injector Two types of injectors were used in these experiments, a Rheodyne Model 7125 (Run 5). 4-4. (Runs 1 - 4) and Waters Associates U6K Schematics of these injectors are shown in Figure The Model 7125 is a six port sample injection valve. The sample loop, whose volume corresponds to the injection volume, is loaded by syringe through a needle port built into the valve shaft. While in the load position, solvent from the pump flows directly to the columns and sample from the syringe may be loaded into the sample loop. When flipped to the inject position, solvent from the pump pushes the samples from the sample loop into the column. The U6K has a 2 ml last-in-first-out sample loop into which any sample amount under 2 ml can be injected. load, the solvent flows through the restrictor loop. While on To in- ject a sample into the sample loop, the needle port valve is locked by flipping the injector valve to inject, allowing solvent flow through the sample loop to carry the sample into the columns. I ~Ii I-M~4 ~r 1 - Figure 4-2: - - k Waters M6000A Solvent Delivery System, Exploded View Equipment Manuals). (Waters GPC W00 39 AC j.L3QA V -E -- OT 2 IREFERENCE HIGM CI4OLAASSEMBLY TRANSEEREA PUMP MEA OUTLET ACESSORY EE NOT &I C. E OUTAsETOLO VALV FITFILTER CONNECTION -414ALs D*asAD UfA MITLET LTE- -XLT CHIECK VALVI ASSEMBLY LEFT IS 3 G ME IU I 04CT syaPyN Pump 14EAO OUTLET CECK VALVE v.4 CMAVS CI ASSEMASLY PUMP'NG a 141GO4 PUW 04EAO 6--FLAVTA -FHLI- wOLET CHECK OLET CHICK VALVE sEMBLY fRACitOft cC T . OUTLET PO0-4 ctsE NoE Is) VALVI ASSEMBLY INLE T MsANIFOLD ASSErSIBy PvRG1 iNft TL 14 7O O WCTM 7-r3 COLL ECT LINE) "AVTE VALVE WASTEPORT FLT .... m. SOLVENT IETO DEsTECT.R SOLVE.T PiSOVE4 EOLV ST63) L VAV I L T SOLVENT PIES 0tvC.11 ASLENTlm PLaSIO IR 0 ME Figure 4-3: Waters M6000A Solvent Delivery System, Circuit Diagram for Hydraulic Components (Waters GPC Equipment Manual). 40 -,e LIFJ Vets IL At\/pop U.I _J_ Poll e' ;Kt ri~~~ j;C~ .2~ PLU flleneto INJFCT (1) Rheodyne Model Sample 7125 Injector LJ (2) Figure 4-4: C Waters U6K Sample Injector (1) Rheodyne Model 7125 Sample Injector Injectors: Manual); (2) Waters U6K Sample (Rheodyne Injector (Waters GPC Equipment Manual). Injector 41 3. Columns The columns used were Waters Associates Ultrastyrageltm Gel Permeation Columns. As discussed in Section III, is a cross-linked styrene/divinylbenzene copolymer. Styragel The Ultra- styragel columns are available in a variety of pore sizes 50 ranging from 100 to 10 A. Ultrastyagel columns have better resolution that their precursor, Waters p Stryageltm columns. Ultrastyagel columns provide the highest resolution per column of any GPC column currently used for separation of hydrocarbons, low to intermediate MW polymers, synthesis reaction products, and polymer additives as well as other samples. produces 10,000 - 15,000 plates per cm column. Each column Two sizes of Q columns were used in this investigation, 1 x 100A (Runs 1-4) 0 and 1 x 100A0 in series with 1 x 500A (Run 5), each 30 cm in length. 4. Detector A Waters Associates R401 refractive index detector was used in all GPC analyses. and electronic units. The detector consists of optical The optical unit, a schematic shown in Figure 4-5, consists of a light source shone through a slit, lens, and the sample cell to a mirror. a It reflects off the mir- ror, back through the sample cell and the lens, to a rotable piece of glass used as the zero adjust, and finally to a cadmium sulfide detector which measures the position of the beam. The beam's deflection is proportional to the refractive index difference between the contents of the sample cell, which contains flow from the column and flow directly from the pump. MIRROR SAMPLE - LENS - REFERENCE Figure 4-5: - 0-TTETL MASK - 0PTICAL ZERO DETECTOR LIGHT SOURCE AMPLIFIER & PWRSPL RECORDER ZERO ADJUST Detector Optical Unit (Waters Schematic of Waters R401 Refractive Index GPC Equipment Manual). 43 The cadmium sulfide detector outputs a voltage proportional to the beam deflection. This signal is sent to the electronics unit, which amplifies the signal and outputs it as a voltage between -100 and +100 millivolts. The amplification of the signal from the optics unit is controlled with an attenuator switch with settings from 128X (least sensitive)to 1/4X (most sensitive). A zero test setting on the attenuator and a potentiometer labeled RECORDER ZERO allow the zero setting of the detector to be matched with the zero setting of the recorder. A polarity switch allows the polarity of the signal to be reversed. a chart marker switch sends a small output to the recorder to allow events to be marked. 5. Data Compiling A Houston Instruments 0 - 10 millivolt 2 channel recorder with friction driven chart speeds variable over a wide range was used in Runs 1 - 4. One channel was used to record the out- put of the differential refractometer, the other channel was not used. The output from the detector was passed through a two resistor voltage divider, which transformed the 100 millivolt output to a 10 millivolt output. A Waters Associates M730 Data Module was employed in Run 5 to compile chromtographic data. The M730 is a versatile printer-plotter-integrator offering a choice of calculation methods and baseline corrections, and individual sample calculations with ten calibration files. Parameters for set-up, peak integration, and calculation are entered prior to injection of samples. Integration can be controlled by user selection of timed events. A typical plot is marked with an injection mark, 44 retention times, and start and stop integration marks. The calculated results, retention time, area, molecular weight, and area/molecular weight, are printed after plotting of the chromatogram. For detailed discussion of operation of the M730, con- sult the Waters Data Module Instruction Manual. A. 3. Elevated Temperature Apparatus The waters Associates 150C ALC/GPC was used in all elevated temperature runs. The Model 150C is a fully automated, micro- processor-based system consisting of all the fundamental GPC components plus it has capability for precise temperature control. High temperature control is extremely important when: 1. The sample is difficult to dissolve at room temperature 2. The sample is difficult to keep in solution at room temperature 3. The viscosity of the sample in solution is high, or 4. The viscosity of the solvent is high. Each component of the self-contained Model 150C is designed for superior system operation. The 150C operates automatically under microprocessor control and functions in the same manner for single or multiple samples. via the front panel keyboard. operating commands are entered The microprocessor stores the instructions and organizes them into the required sequence of mechanical operations. The solvent delivery system, shown in Figure 4-6, con- sists of a noncircular, computer-designed gear drive which overlapes piston strokes to provide constant flow for smooth baseline. A small pre-pump, in-line filter and debubbler ensure 45 TO INJECTOR COMPARTMENT PRESSURE TRANSDUCER OUTLET 1 CHECK VALVES INLET CHECK VALVES BUBBLE I TRAP 0NLN INE MANIFOLD TO REFERENCE SIDE OF REFRACTOMETER Figure 4-6: FLE * LOW PRESSURE DETECTOR PURGE VALVE Schematic of Waters 150C Main Pump Equipment Manual). SOLVENT SUPPLIED BY PRE-PUMP (Waters GPC 46 highly accurate, resetable solvent delivery to the inlet of the high pressure pump. Compressibility compensation provides accurate flow rates fo 0 to 9.9 ml/minute in 0.1 ml/minute increments. The programmable injection system, shown in Figure 4-7, provides automatic spin, filtration, and injection volumes from 10 to 500 -pl for each of sixteen sample vials. The 150C per- forms injection of samples just as an operator would manually with a syringe. It cleans the syringe, places the needle into the sample vial, withdraws a specified amount of sample, injects, and marks the chromatogram. The column oven accepts up to 10 columns. designed to operate from ambient to 150C. This oven was It maintains samples and solvent temperatures constant for consistent and reliable results. The programmable heating rate reduces thermal shock to columns. The columns used were 1 x 100A and 1 x 500A Ultra- styragel columns. A sensitive, linear universal refractive index detector, shown in Figure 4-8, is utilized in the 150C. Light passes through the flow cell and is reflected by a mirror behind the flow cell. The reflected light then passes through the flow cell again and is focused on a photodetector sending an output voltage to the recording device. When a difference between refrac- tive indices of the two fluids in the cell chambers is detected, the refracted light beam falls upon a different part of the photodetector, causing a change in the photodector voltage out- put which is indicated by deflection on the chart recorder. A 47 SYRINGE SYRINGE VALVE (V2) (OPENED) HOLDING LOOP RES YRI MOTORl)E A TUATED PISTON TO COLUMN TSYRINGE SE VENT INJECT fl CLOSED) BYPASS T7 7771RESTRICTOR V'11 SOLVENT FROM FILTERED SA!.MPLE Figure 4-7: SAM PLE VIAL Schematic of Waters 150 Injection System (Waters GPC Equipment Manual). PUMP 48 SAMPLE FROM INJECTOR COLL UMN SET CL IMIN COMPART MENT SAMPLE SIDE SILICON PHOTODETEC TOR TO _ COLLIMATING LENS OUTLET TEE a REFERENCE SIDE -REAR MIRROR FROM PUMP+ BUBBLE TRAP FIBER OPTICS CABLE REFRACTOMETER LIGHT SOURCE INTERNAL LOW NOISE SIGNAL CABLE W WASTE CONTAINER TO R.I. ELECTRONICS PUMP COMPARTMENT Figure 4-8: Schematic of Waters 150C Differential Refractometer (Waters GPC Equipment Manuals). 49 counter-current heat exchanger ensures thermal stability to 0.0005C. Fiber optics light transmission provides cooler opera- tion of the light source for sensitive detection and longer life. Usage of a quartz halogen light source provides extra sensitivity by increasing signal to noise ratio. Rapid and reproducible data recording with automatic calculation of GPC data was obtained with the Data Module M730 (as described in Section 4.A.2.5). For a more complete description of the 150C and its components, consult the Waters Model 150C ALC/GPC Instruction Manual. B. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES B. 1. Ambient Temperature Procedures The procedure of obtaining a molecular weight distribution using GPC is broken into three parts: sample preparation and solvent selection, actual chromatographic analysis to generate chromatograms, and calculation of molecular weight informa- tion from the resultant chromatograms. 1. Sample Preparation Samples from 0.02 - 0.2 weight% were prepared by dissolving a known weight of sample in a given volume of solvent. Larger concentration of samples could cause "viscous fingering," a phenomenon in which the sample components being separated reach a high enough concentration in the column to begin to interact with each other, causing poor separation. The solvent used in all ambient experiments was HPLC grade Toluene supplied by VWR Scientific. Toluene was chosen because of its capatibility with 50 the column system, refractive index difference from samples, and easy accessibility. Samples were filtered through Millipore Corporation Millex-GV .22 pm filters. 2. 2a. Chromatographic Analysis Preparation The solvent is vacuum filtered through 1/2 micron Millipore filters to prevent particulate contamination to the columns. The pump is then primed by drawing solvent through the pump inlet into a syringe. ensure that The pump is turned to a high setting to the pump outputs to a low pressure. Solvent is pushed from the syringe into the pump until the pump can operate on its own. The M6000A pump will pump the volume to which it is set immediately once primed. The reference valve on the pump is positioned at REFERENCE and the pump is set at 3 ml/minute to purge the reference cell. A few minutes purging is sufficient. Flow is then returned to 0 ml/minute and the reference valve is turned to the column position. If the Rheodyne injector is used a syringe full of solvent is used to flush the sample loop. If the Waters injector is used, the valve is turned to INJECT and the sample port valve to UNLOCK, the pump turned back to 3 ml/minute, and the loop purged for three sample loop volumes. After purging, the flow should again be retuned to zero, the sample port valve locked, and the injection valve to LOAD. After the injector is flushed, the flow rate can be brought slowly up to the operating flow rate, 1 ml/minute in 51 all ambient experiments. Care must be taken to ensure that the pressure does not oscillate considerably, which could be due to failure of the pump inlet check valve. If this occurs, the pump must be reprimed with degassed solvent. The chart recorder is zeroed relative to the refractive index detector by turning the detector to ZERO TEST and adjusting the recording zero knob until flipping the polarity switch produces little or no deflection of the chart recorder pen. The optics are zeroed by turning the detector to its lowest sensitivity and adjusting the optical zero to the chart recorder zero, and repeating this process in the next higher sensitivity until the desired sensitivity is reached. Sensitivities of 4X and 2X were used in all ambient experiments. 2b. Analysis Once the baseline has steadied and the appropriate sensitivity level reached, samples are ready for injection. The desired amount of sample is injected into the sample loop with a clean syringe. Injection volumes of 100 pl were used in all ambient experiments. When using the Rheodyne injector, the injector must be on LOAD. Several hundred microliters of air- free solvent are injected into the loop and around the injection port to clean the syringe loop. Injection of the appropriate amount of air-free sample then follows. the injector. The syringe remains in When the Waters injector is used, the injector also must be on LOAD and the sample port unlocked. After the sample is unlocked in the injector, it is withdrawn and the sample port locked. If the sample port is not locked injection will cause depressurization of the columns. 52 To inject the sample, flip either injector to INJECT. The Rheodyne injector must be flipped quickly as there is no flow when the injector is between LOAD and INJECT. After one sample loop volume has flowed through the injector, it can be flipped back to LOAD, flushed with solvent. and in the case of the Rheodyne injector In any case, the syringe should be rinsed with clean solvent. The output of the detector, the chromatogram, is recorded on the chart recorder (Runs 1-4) or the Data Module (Run 5). Sufficient time should be allowed for complete elution of sample before injection of another sample. This time can be approxi- mated from flow rate values and column lengths. After all samples have been run, the flow rate is slowly returned to zero, and all instrumentation is turned off except the detector. The detector is designed to remain on continuously, and turning it off will decrease its usefullness. 2c. Calculation In order to obtain molecular weight data from a chromatogram, calibration of the column is first required. If nar- rowly dispersed standards are available (as is the case in this investigation) calibration is quite simple. Injecting samples of the standards and determing their retention time is all that is required to formulate a calibration curve. A plot of log molecular weight versus peak retention time yields a linear calibration curve which conforms to the equation, log (MW) = D o + D 1 (RT) (23) 53 where MW is the standard's molecular weight, RT its retention time, and D and D are calibration constants computed from a linear fit of data from analyses of a series of standards. Analysis of a chromatogram involves drawing a baseline and measurement and interpretation of the detector response. The magnitude of the detector response is proportional to the amount of eluting sample at a specific retention time. This retention time is related to the corresponding molecular weight by the calibration curve via Equation (23). To calculate molecular weight distributions, the sample peak is cut into equally spaced slices, each slice has a retention time and an area. The area of each slice is directly re- lated to the weight of a particular molecular weight fraction in the whole sample. The complete procedure for computation of molecular weight distribution is found in Appendix I and is illustrated in Sections B. 1. 2. V.A and B. Elevated Temperature Chromatography Sample Preparation Samples are prepared as in the ambient experiments, except that sample vials supplied with the 150C are to be used and placed in the rotary carriage prior to analysis. The same sample size and solvent considerations are employed. The sol- vent used in all elevated temperature experiments was filtered HPLC grade 1,2,4 - Trichlorobenzene supplied by Fischer Scientific. 2. Chromatographic Analysis 2a. Preparation 54 The prepump is primed by forcing solvent into the prepump via the external supply line with a syringe or by drawing solvent into the prepump through the solvent drawoff valve. The main pump is primed by depressing the SYSTEM PURGE button. The flow rate should be set to a flow rate consistent with anticipated use. Allow the SYSTEM PURGE to operate for three minutes. The injector is now purged by depressing the INJ PURGE button to flush all flow paths within the injector and to cycle the injector syringe one complete cycle. Since operating at elevated temperature, time must be allowed for the system to equilibrate and maintain a stable baseline. The 150C is automatically zeroed by inputting a zero to the scale factor. Auto zero moves the baseline signal to the 0 millivolt location and holds it there for twenty-four seconds. This allows the system to automatically compensate for any long term drift that might occur over extended periods of operation. 2b. Analysis Operation of the Model 150C for GPC quantitation is very simple due to the automated nature of this apparatus. The general routine is as follows: 1. Set data, time, chart speed, plotting mode, pen con- trols, GPC mode, and calibration mode. 2. Set integration parameters for standards to detect standard peaks (injection volume, sensitivity, polarity, ect.). 3. Inject standards of known molecular weight to determine retention times. 55 4. A calibration table of retention times and molecular weights is entered. 5. The coefficients of the equation representing the calibration curve are internally calculated. 6. Slice width, integration parameters for analysis, and timed events to control baseline are set. 7. A Samples are injected and results are calculated. complete discussion of parameters and detailed operational procedures can be found in the Waters 2c. 150C Instruction Manual. Calculation The Data Module M730 was used to record and report chroma- tographic data obtained from the 150C. Manual computation methods described in Section IV.B.l.2c were also employed to provide continuity between ambient and elevated temperature runs. 56 V. V.A. RESULTS AMBIENT GPC RESULTS To gain an understanding and appreciation for gel permeation chromatography fundamentals, samples of pure and mix- tures of pure normal paraffin standards in carbon number range C19 - C40 were injected in Runs 1 and 2. are presented in Tables 5-1 and 5-2. Summarized results Injections of mixtures were used to determine whether or not discrete separation by carbon number could be achieved. As seen in the chromatograms shown in Figures 5-1 and 5-2, separation by GPC will not resolve mixtures by carbon number unless wide separation exists between the components in the mixture. Separation of Fischer- Tropsch wax samples will resemble chromatograms like Figure 5-2, exhibiting a bell-shaped curve representative of the distribution of molecular weight fractions. In order to correlate retention time and molecular weight data, a calibration curve was constructed using data from Run 2 for C19 - C40 shown in Figure 5-3. Equation (23) can now be used to estimate molecular weights from retention times for samples of unknown molecular weight. The calibration coefficients determined for the operating conditions of Run 2 are, D D 0 = 4.71 = -0.31 The chromatogram from injection of a slurry wax sample from Huff's Run 9 is shown in Figure 5-4. The detector response peaks at a retention time of 6.86 minutes which corresponds to C28 from 57 SolventOperating Conditions: Summary of Run 1. Toluene, Temperature-25C, Columns - 1 x 100A 1 ml/min, Injection Ultrastyragel, Flowrate Volume - 100 pl, Polarity - Positive. - TABLE 5-1: MW log MW WT C22 310.59 2.49 .0238 7.5 C28 394.74 2.60 .1589 7.2 C38 535.00 2.73 .0261 6.8 1-2 C40 563.06 2.75 .2123 6.6 1-3 C19 268.51 2.43 .2180 7.8 1-4 C22 310.59 2.49 .0114 7.5 C28 394.74 2.60 .0807 7.1 C38 535.00 2.73 .0114 6.7 C20 282.54 2.45 .0500 7.6 C24 338.64 2.53 .0431 7.2 C28 394.74 2.60 .0431 7.0 C36 506.95 2.71 .0431 7.0 C40 563.06 2.75 .0341 6.6 C24 338.64 2.53 .0363 7.3 C25 352.67 2.55 .0465 7.3 C26 366.69 2.56 .0420 7.3 C28 394.74 2.60 .0397 7.3 C30 422.80 2.63 .0409 7.3 C24 338.64 2.53 .0205 7.4 C25 352.67 2.55 .0205 7.4 C26 366.69 2.56 .0205 7.4 C28 394.74 2.60 .0216 7.4 C30 422.80 2.63 .0239 7.4 1-1 1-5 1-6 1-7 Cn % Injection RT (min) 58 5-2: Summary of Run 2. Operating Conditions: olventToluene, Temperature-22C, Columns - 1 x 100A Ultrastyragel, Flowrate- 1 ml/min, Injection Volume 100 pl, Polarity - Positive. Inj ection * Cn* MW log MW WT % - TABLE RT (min) 2-1 C19 268.51 2.43 .1182 7.46 2-2 C20 282.54 2.45 .1136 7.36 2-3 C21 296.52 2.47 .1159 7.29 2-4 C22 310.59 2.49 .1091 7.19 2-5 C23 324.61 2.51 .1114 7.12 2-6 C24 338.64 2.53 .0909 7.06 2-7 C25 352.67 2.55 .1068 7.02 2-8 C26 366.69 2.56 .1114 6.96 2-9 C28 394.74 2.60 .1204 6.86 2-10 C30 422.80 2.63 .1136 6.76 2-11 C32 450.85 2.65 .1159 6.66 2-12 C36 506.95 2.71 .0932 6.52 2-13 C38 535.00 2.73 .1159 6.66 2-14 C40 563.06 2.75 .1114 6.39 2-15 SS-9A .1840 6.86 2-16 SS-9B .1102 6.86 Cn - refers to n-hydrocarbon standard of known molecular weight. SS-ni - refers to Huff slurry reactor run-n, dissolved sample i of unknown molecular weight. C28 Impurity* U, Inj ectic n C22 C38 i 0 1 I I 2 3 I I 4 5 I 6 I I I 7 | 8 |I 9 I| 10 1 11 | 12 I| 13 Retention time Figure 5-1: GPC Chromatogram - Injection 1-4 Mixture of n-Hydrocarbon Standards C22, C28, and C38. *Represents low molecular weight impurity absorbed on column. | 14 (Minutes) Mixture Imp urity 0 I I I I i 0 1 2 3 4 Figure 5-2: GPC Chromatogram - 5 i I I. 6 Injection 1-7: C24, C25, C26, C28, and C30. i . 7 8 9 I 10 . . Inj ection 11 12 13 14 Retention Time (Minutes) Mixture of n-Hydrocarbon Standards 61 1000 900 800 700 600 500 log MW 400 = 4.69 - 0.31 RT S -) Ye 300 K. 4 200 I- 100 6.0 6.25 6.5 6.75 7.0 Retention Time, RT. Figure 5-3: 7.25 7.5 7.75 (minutes) GPC Calibration Curve - Run 2: Toluene Mobile Phase, 1 x 100A Ultrastyragel Column, 22C, and n-Hydrocarbon Standards C19, C20, C21, C22, C23 C24, C25, C26, C28, C38, C32, C36, C38, and C40. C28 Injection I I I 0 1 2 3 Retention Time Figure 5-4: 4 6 (minute) GPC Chromatogram - Injection 2-13: I I 5 SS-9A 7 8 63 the calibration curve. The liquid runs was octocasane, C28, so it carrier used in Fischer-Tropsch is not unlikely that a major portion of the accumulated waxcomposition would be C28. The slight build-up of carbon fractions greater than C28 can be seen to the left peak. It is also assumed that the wax is product is of the C28 primarily linear, so no correction factor for methyl branching is incorporated in calibration or analysis. In previous work by Huff, analysis application of gas chromatography in of Fischer-Tropsch products has given good quantitative mates to the carbon number disbribution was proposed in this estimates investigation up to approximately estiC30. It to use GPC to generate quantitative of the carbon number distribution of heavier hydrocarbons. Amplification of detector response in the region greater than C28 could be attained by altering the attentuation of the differential refractometer and the chart speed of the recorder during succeeding runs. Analysis of the recorder pen deflection to the left of the C28 peak gives precise insight into data generated by the heavier components of the paraffin wax. Data for Run 3 is summarized in Table 5-3. C22, C26, C28, C36 and C40 (supplied by PSC) erate the calibration curve Standards C]9, were injected to gen- shown in Figure 5-5. The resulting calibration coefficients are, D D 0 = 4.73 = -0.30 Several slurry samples were injected, altering attentuation and chart speed to magnify detector response for carbon numbers C28 and greater (retention time 6.98 minutes and greater). Shown in 64 TABLE 5-3: Summary of Run 3. Operating Conditions: Toluene, Temperature-24.4C, Columns - Injection Cn MW log MW Wt % Ultrastyragel, Flowrate -1 ml/min, 100 l, Polarity-Positive. Injection Volume- RT (min) 3-1 C19 268.51 2.43 .1182 8.17 3-2 C19 268.51 2.43 .1182 7.60 3-3 C19 268.51 2.43 .1182 7.60 3-4 C19 268.51 2.43 .1960 7.60 C26 266.69 2.56 .2111 7.08 C40 563.06 2.75 .1960 6.53 3-5 C40 563.06 2.75 .1114 6.53 3-6 C22 310.59 2.49 .2001 7.37 C36 506.95 2.71 .2379 6.67 .2270 6.97 .1204 6.98 3-7 SS-9C 3-8 C28 3-9 SS-9D .5018 7.02 3-10 SS-9D .5018 7.00 3-11 SS-9E .7789 7.02 3-12 SS-9D .5018 7.00 3-13* SS-9D .5018 10.10 394.74 2.60 * Flowrate changed to 0.7 ml/min. Solvent- 1 x 10OA 65 I 1000 I I I 900 800 700 600 log MW 500 400 = 4.73 - 0.30 RT I 0 300 Q) :3: 200 U4 100 i I 6.24 6.5 i 6.75 a 7.0 Retention Time, RT Figure 5-5: 7.25 7.5 (minutes) GPC Calibration Curve-Run 3: Toluene Mobile Phase, 1 x 100A Ultrstragel Column, 24.4C, and n-Hydrocarbon Standards C19, C22, C26, C28, C36, and C40. 66 Figures 5-6 and 5-7 are chromatograms illustrating the effect of changing attentuation to 2X and chart speed to 4 inches/minute Note that the pen deflection goes for injections 3-11 and 3-12. off scale in the region of C28 due to altered attenuation. usual procedure, As molecular weights were approximated by correla- tion of retention time and calibration coefficients. In GPC the pen deflection, expressed as detector response, is proportional to amount of substance eluting at a specific retention time. Computation of area, cumulative weight, and corresponding molecular weight can be accomplished by using the slicing procedure discussed in Section IV.B.2.2c and Appendix I. Retention time and molecular weight distribution data are shown in Table 5-4 for Injections 3-11 and 3-12. figures can be generated from this data. versus retention time, Several interesting Plots of peak height cummulative weight versus molecular weight, and differential weight fraction versus molecular weight are shown in Figures 5-8, 5-9 and 5-10 respectively. Linear trends in cumulative weight and differential weight fraction distribu- tions are shown for carbon number range C36 - C68. To validate linear extrapolation of the calibration curve to the exclusion limit of the column, standards of polystyrene (supplied by the Pressure Chemical Company) 4, were injected in Run the results of which are summarized in Table 5-5. The cali- bration curve for Run 4 is shown in Figure 5-11, with calibration coefficients, = D 5.27 0 D 1= -0.37 67 5.8 minutes I I 6.0 5 I 6.25 I 6.50 . 6.75 7 7.0 I I 7.25 I I 7.50 Retention Time Figure 5-6: I 7.75 I 8.0 (minutes) GPC Chromatogram-Injection 3-11: SS-9E, Attenuation 2X, Chart Speed Changed to 4 inch /min @ 5.8 minutes. 68 I L 6.0 6.25 i 6.50 I 6.75 I 7.0 I 7.25 7.50 7.75 Retention Time Figure 5-7: GPC Chromatogram-Injection 3-12: 2X, Chart Speed 4 inch/min. 8.0 8.25 (minutes) SS-9D, Attenuation 69 TABLE 5-4: Injection 3-11 3-12 Cumulative and differential weight fraction molecular weight distribution data. i RT. MW. 1 Cn h. 1 8 5.83 954.99 68 0.0 7 5.96 874.98 62 16.0 6 6.09 799.83 57 5 6.22 731.14 4 6.35 3 Cum W. 1 X. 1 N. x 104 .0315 0.33 .95 .0960 1.10 43.0 .87 .1535 1.92 52 46.0 .78 .1995 2.73 668.34 48 58.0 .66 .2426 3.63 6.48 610.94 43 68.5 .52 .2849 4.60 2 6.61 558.47 40 80.0 .36 5.91 1 6.74 510.51 36 92.0 .17 .3300 ----- 7 5.67 1071.52 76 0. .0082 0. 08 6 5.83 954.99 68 2. .99 .0695 0. 73 5 6.00 851.14 61 14. .91 .1780 2. 09 5 6.17 758.58 54 27. .79 .2575 3. 39 3 6.33 676.08 48 36. .63 .3604 5. 33 2 6.50 602.56 43 47. .43 .4385 7. 28 1 6.67 537.03 38 54. .21 1.0 1.0 70 I 1000 I I I I .. 0 Injection 3-11 A Injection 3-12 7, 0 700 0 I 0 900 800 I 0 600 0 AA 500 400 0' 0 300 ;E, 200 ,A 100 0 L - 5.8 5.9 I 6.0 6.1 6.2 Retention Time, RT Figure 5-8: 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 (minutes) Peak Height and Retention Time Distribution: Injections 3-11 and 3-12. 6.7 6.8 71 1. p * 0 I Injection 3-11 I I I I J A Injection 3-12 0.8 .H 0.6 -H A 0.4 /A 0.2 I 0.0 300 400 500 I 5-9: I I1~- 600 700 8009001000 Molecular Weight, MW Figure I 1400 (g/mole) Cumulative Weight Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution: Injections 3-11 and 3-12. 72 8.0 7.0 C .H -P Injection 3-11 A Injection 3-12 6.0 0 * A 5.0 A 0 4.0 4 0 3.0 A a) 2.0 0* 1.0 I 300 I A i I J 400 500 600 5-10: Differential Number Fraction Distribution: ; a : 700 800 9001000 Molecular Weight, MW. Figure i _ _ - 0.0 e i 2 1700 (g/mole) Molecular Weight Injections 3-11 and 3-12. 73 5-5: Inj ection Summary for Run 4. Operating conditions: SolventToluene, Temperature -23C, Columns - 1 x 10QA ultrastyragel, Flowrate -1 ml/min, Injection volume100 -pl, Polarity - Positive*. Cn MW log MW WT % TABLE RT 4-1 C20 282.54 2.45 .1706 7.68 4-2 C28 394.74 2.60 .1195 7.33 4-3 C28 394.74 2.60 .1195 7.33 4-4 C32 450.85 2.65 .0341 7.13 4-5 C36 506.95 2.71 .0284 7.00 4-6 C40 563.06 2.75 .0570 6.87 4-7 PS 800** 440 2.64 .1479 7.17 4-8 PS 1800 990 3.00 .1593 6.23 4-9 PS 2000 1100 3.04 .1650 6.23 4-10 C20 282.54 2.45 .1700 7.68 C28 394.74 2.60 .1190 7.30 C32 450.85 2.65 .0340 7.10 C36 506.95 2.71 .0283 7.0 C40 563.06 2.75 .0570 7.0 .5018 7.33 4-11 SS-9D * Polarity changed to negative for polystyrene standards. ** Polystyrene standards of given molecular weight, corresponding hydrocarbon molecular weight given by (0.55) Polystyrene weight, Corresponding carbon number: PS 800-C31, PS 1800-C70, PS 2000-C78 7000 - 6000 - 5000 - 8000 - 10000 9000 - 74 4000 3000 2000 0 1000 900 800 0.37 RT 5.27 log MW - 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 6.0 6.25 6.50 6.75 Retention Time, Figure 5-11: RT 7.0 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.0 (minutes) GPC Calibration Curve - Run 4: 1 x 100A Ultrastyragel Column, Toluene Mobile Phase, 23C n-Hydrocarbon Standards C20, C28, C32, C36, C40 and Polystyrene Standards 800, 1800, 2000. 75 The linear exclusion limit occurs at a retention time of 6.23 minutes (approximately C70). Retention time and molecular weight distribution data for Injection 4-11 are shown in Table 5-6. ential The resulting peak height, cumulative weight, and differweight fraction distributions are shown in Figures 5-12, 5-13, and 5-14, respectively. Again-, linear trends cumulative weight and - differential weight fraction distributions are seen for C31 C67. To extend the observed range of heavier molecular weight fractions, a 500A Ultrastyragel column was added to the GPC configuration for Run 5. Table 5-7. A summary of the results is shown in In these series of injections,the Data Module M730 was used to record detector response. As discussed in Section IV.A.l.5 the Data Module M730 is capabile of calculating pertinent molecular weight information internally. The generated calibration curve is shown in Figure 5-15, with calibration co- efficients, D D 0 =5.05 = -0.17 However the exclusion limit of the column apparatus with the additional column is still approximately C70 at ambient temperature. Results of slurry samples are summarized in Table 5-8 for Injections 5-12 and 5-17 (note inclusion of molecular and area percent calculations from retention time by the Data Module). Module). A graph of area percent versus molecular weight based on Data Module calculations is shown in Figure 5-16. A 76 TABLE 5-6: Cumulative and differential weight fraction molecular weight data for Injection 4-11. i RT. MW. 1 C n h. 1 Cum W. x. N. x 104 11 6.10 1030.39 73 0.0 1.00 0.0122 0.12 10 6.20 946.24 67 1.4 0.98 0.0367 0.39 9 6.30 868.96 62 3.3 0.94 0.0673 0.77 8 6.40 797.99 57 6.4 0.87 0.0918 1.15 7 6.50 732.82 52 6.9 0.81 0.1102 1.50 6 6.60 672.98 48 817 0.73 0.1286 1.91 5 6.70 618.98 44 10.2 0.63 0.1469 2.38 4 6.80 567.54 40 11.9 0.52 0.1653 2.91 3 6.90 521.19 37 13.2 0.40 0.1776 3.41 2 7.00 478.63 34 13.9 0.27 0.1969 4.09 1 7.10 439.54 31 15.2 0.13 77 18.0 16.0 4 Ci- 14 0 12.0 10.C 0 _H Ii 0 8.0 S 6.01 4.0 2.0 n. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Retention Time, Figure 5-12: 6.7 RT 6.8 6.9 (minutes) Peak Height-Retention Time Distribution: Injection 4-11. 7.0 7.1 78 1 I I 1 1 f1 1 1 1 1.o A 0 0.8 0~' 0 / 0 0.6 4 / 4 4-) 0.4 0 Q) 0.2 4-) I 0 300 400 500 I I 600 700 800 900 1000 Molecular Weight, MW. Figure 5-13: (g/mole) Cumulative Weight Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution: Injection 4-11. 2000 79 5.0 I I I I F I I r-T-r-r z 4.0 0 3.0 -0 .H -H 2.0 0 0e -P 1.0 a) 0 -4 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Molecular Weight W Figure 5-14: 2000 (g/mole) Differential Number Fraction Molecular Weight Injection 4-11. Distribution: 80 Summary of Run 5. Operating Conditions: SolventToluene Temperature-24C Columns - 1 x 10OX 1 x 5001 ultrastyragel, Flowrate - lml/min, Injection Volume - 100pl, Polarity - Positive.* Inj ection * Cn MW log MW WT % & TABLE 5-7: RT 5-1 C40 563.06 2.75 .1114 13.33 5-2 C40 563.06 2.75 .1114 13.23 5-3 C36 506.95 2.71 .0932 13.48 5-4 C28 394.74 2.60 .1204 14.13 5-5 C24 338.64 2.53 .0909 14.48 5-6 C20 282.54 2.45 .1136 14.95 5-7 PS 1800 990.00 3.00 .1593 12.40 5-8 Ss- 9C 5-9 SS- 9C .3853 5-10 SS- 9E .7789 5-11 SS- 9F ------ .1289 5-12 SS- 9H ------ .6458 5-13 Ss- 9C ------ .3853 5-14 SS- 9C ------ .3853 5-15 Ss- 9C ------ .3853 5-16 SS- 9C ------ .3853 5-17 SS- 9C ------ .3853 5-18 SS- 9C ------ .3853 5-19 SS- 9G ------ .1934 ------ .3853 Polarity changed to Negative for Polystyrene Standard (Injection 5-7). 81 2000 1000 900 800 0 700 K log MW 5.05 = - 0.17 RT 600 -p ..c: 500 100 400 300 200 12.0 12.25 12.50 12.75 Retention Time, Figure 5-15: 13.0 RT GPC Calibration Curve Run 13.25 13.50 13.75 (minutes) 5. Toluene Mobile Phase, 1 x 100A and 1 x 50OX Ultrastyragel Columns, 25C, n-Hydrocarbon Standards C20, C24, C28, C36, C40, and Polystyrene Standard 1800. Cumulative and differential weight fraction molecular weight data. Injection MW. Cn h. Cum W. 11.79 1000.00 71 2.0 1.00 .0787 0.79 3.12x10-2 12.04 904.66 64 3.5 .97 .1312 0.45 0.24 12.29 818.44 58 6.0 .92 .1966 2.40 4.64 12.54 740.40 52 9.0 .84 .2886 3.90 8.32 12.79 669.83 48 13.0 .73 .4066 6.07 13.43 13.04 605.99 43 18.0 .58 .5113 8.44 19.30 13.29 548.21 39 21.0 .42 .6296 11.48 24.95 13.54 495.96 35 27.0 .20 5 12.27 825.05 59 2.0 1.00 .2383 2.89 7. 08x101 4 12.57 731.56 52 3.5 .90 .4107 5.61 7.52 3 12.87 648.73 46 6.0 .74 .6092 09.39 18.12 2 13.17 575.25 41 8.0 .53 .8208 14.27 29.36 1 13.47 510.07 36 11.0 .25 RT. 5-12 5-17 X.1 N. x 104 Area % TABLE 5-8: 35.56 44.16 00 83 45.0 I * In jectio n 5-12 A In jectio3 n 5-17 A 6NO AL0 4 Q) 400 I jI I I I iA -j 1000 Molecular Weight, MW. Figure 5-16: I (g/mole) Area Percent Molecular Weight Distribution: Injections 5-12 and 5-17. 84 Shown in Figures 5-17 and 5-18 are graphs of cumulative weight and differential weight fraction versus molecular weight based on the manual computation scheme used in analysis of previous runs. The nature of the cumulative weight, differential weight fraction, and area percent distributions remains linear out to the highest molecular weight component excluded from the column. Quantitative estimates of corresponding molecular weight distributions up to C70 were possible. V.B. ELEVATED TEMPERATURE GPC RESULTS Lack of sufficient solubility of slurry samples at ambient temperature lead to analysis of samples at elevated temperature. By using the Waters 150C GPC apparatus, it was pos- sible to efficiently and automatically inject and analyze a series of paraffinic standards and Fischer-Trposch was samples at reproducible conditions with precise temperature control. Summarized results for Run 6 are shown in Table 5-9. The generated calibration curve for injection of paraffinic standards is shown in Figure 5-19, with the resulting calibration coefficients D 0 D = = 4.67 -0.0996 Further analysis in Run 6 was suspended due to the clogging of a guard column after injection of an improperly filtered slurry sample, SS-lA, (which demonstrates the overall efficiency of the 150C in its ability to protect the columns). The final series of injections of standards and samples 85 I I 1.0 S A I - -I r Injection 5-12 AInjection 5-17 0.8 -Ii I I 0.6 a a -H 0.4 .U 0.2 A 0.0 400 --- -~~ 500 600 i . (g/mole) Cumulative Weight Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution: a 2000 700 800 900 1000 Molecular Weight, MW Figure 5-17: 1 : Injections 5-12 and 5-17. I 16.0 0T I I I -rI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i A 14.0 * Injection 5-12 12.0 A Injection 0 0 10.0 a -Ii rz4 5-17 8.0 COz 6.0 z -i 4.0 4 2.0 44i 44i .rA I 0.0 500 600 I -I I 700 800 I I I I I 900 1000 Molecular Weight, MW Figure 5-18: I I (g/mole) Differential Number Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution: Injections 5-12 and 5-17. I 2000 87 Summary of Run 6. Operating Conditions: SolventTrichlorobenzene, Temperature - 50C, Columns1 x 100A and 1 x 500A ultrstragel, Flowrate- 0.7 ml/min, injection volume-300pi,. positive. Injection Cn MW log MW Polarity RT 6-1 C20 282.54 2.45 22.30 6-2 C24 338.64 2.53 21.40 6-3 C28 394.74 2.60 20.80 6-4 C36 506.95 2.71 19.80 6-5 C40 563.06 2.75 19.20 6-6 SS-lA - TABLE 5-9: 88 I I 1000 I 900 800 700 600 500 log MW = 400 0 300 N4 4.67 - 0.0996 RT - -, K -H 200 0 a 100 9.0 20.0 Retention Time, Figure 5-19: 21.0 RT 22.0 (minutes) Trichlorobenzene GPC Calibration Curve 0 Run 6: Mobile Phase, 1 x 100A and 1 x 500k Ultrastyragel Columns, 50C, n-Hydrocarbon Standards C20, C24, C28, C36, and C40. 235. 89 was completed in Run 7, 5-10. the results of which are found in Table The calibration coefficients for the calibration curve shown in Figure 5-20 are, D 0= D 4.82 = -0.0824 From injection of a sample of linear polyethylene 7-6) (Injection the exclusion limit of the columns was determined to be 19.5 minutes ibraton curve (corresponding to linear extrapolation of the calup to approximately C116). Several different slurry samples were injected and analysezed in Injections 7-7 to 7-13. The different slurry samples represent different time-on-stream for various operating conditions for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis as discussed by Huff. These operating conditions are summarized in Table 5-11. Re- tention time and molecular weight distribution data for these injections are presented in Tables 5-12 through 5-17. Plots of area percent versus molecular weight based on Data Module calculations are shown in Figure tions, 5-21. From manual computa- cumulative weight and weight fraction are plotted in Figures 5-22 tribution, shown in Figure and 5-23. 5-24, distributions The weight percent dis- for Injection 7-13 was gen- erated by application of the special GPC calculation mode of the Data Module. Weight percent The linearity of the molecular weight distribution to fraction as high as C]05 is illustrated by these figures. 90 5-10: Summary of Run 7. Operating Conditions: SolventTrichlorobenzene, Temperature-50C, Columns 1 x 100A, 1 x 500A ultrstyragel, Flowrate- 6 ml/min, - TABLE Injection volume Run C 3004A, Polarity-Positive. MW log (MW) RT 7-1 20 282.54 2.45 28.80 7-2 24 338.64 2.53 27.70 7-3 28 394.74 2.60 27.00 7-4 36 506.95 2.71 25.70 7-5 40 563.06 2.75 25.10 7-6 LPE 1634.56 3.21 19.50 7-7 SS-lA --------- ---- ----- 7-8 SS-8A ------- 7-9 SS-91 ------------ 7-10 SS-91 ------------- 7-11 SS-llA --------- ---- 7-12 SS-12A ----------- ---- 7-13 SS-12A ----------- ---- --------- ----- 91 10000 log MW = 4.82- 0.0824 RT 1000 Cn Q) 0 100 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 Retention Time, Figure 5-20: RT. GPC Calibration CurveoRun 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 (minutes) 7: Trichlorobenzene Mobile Phase, 1 x 100A and 1 x 500X Ultrastyragel Columns, 50C, n-Hydrocarbon Standards C20, C24, C28, C36, C40 and Linear Polyethylene Standard 1800. Table 5-11: Run Catalyst Total Time Total Loading,* on Stream, Pressure hr kPa g/cm * Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Operating Conditions Slurry Temperature *C H 2 /CO Feed Ratio 1 0.273 258 100-150 225-273 1.42 8 0.142 860 790 232-263 0.69 9 0.139 680 445-1480 11 0.153 --- 12 0.198 432 Precipitated Iron catalyst 232-263 0.55-1.18 275-960 248 0.34 790 248-285 1.19 (Fe-P) used in Run 1. Fused Iron catalyst used in all other runs listed. Space Velocity, hr 1 1500-4000 3300 1500-4000 2300 1500-4000 93 TABLE 5-12: Cumulative and differential weight fraction distribution molecular weight data for Injection i RT. 1 MW. 1 C n h. 1 Cum W. 1 N. 1 x 104 Area % 7-7. 20 20.04 1473.81 105 0.0 1.00 0.02 0.09 19 20.29 1405.47 100 0.4 1.00 0.06 0.15 18 20.54 1340.34 95 0.8 .99 0.10 0.25 17 20.79 1278.22 91 1.0 .99 0.14 0.38 16 21.04 1218.97 87 1.5 .98 9.21 0.63 15 21.29 1162.51 83 2.3 .97 0.32 0.97 14 21.54 1108.60 79 3.2 .96 0.45 1.32 13 21.79 1057.26 75 4.2 .95 0.60 1.76 12 22.04 1008.23 72 5.1 .93 0.83 2.28 11 22.29 961.56 68 7.2 .90 1.14 3.10 10 22.54 917.00 65 9.0 .86 1.56 4.12 9 22.79 874.50 62 12.1 .81 2.13 5.36 8 23.04 833.88 59 15.5 .75 2.80 6.75 7 23.29 795.32 57 19.0 .68 3.44 8.06 6 23.54 758.46 54 21.5 .60 4.10 9.21 5 23.79 723.30 51 24.5 .51 4.72 10.01 4 24.04 689.78 49 26.0 .41 5.25 10.63 3 24.29 657.81 47 27.5 .31 5.76 11.13 2 24.54 627.33 45 28.5 .21 6.29 11.55 1 24.79 598.25 43 29.9 . 11 12.23 94 TABLE 5-13: Cumulative and differential weight fraction distribution molecular weight data for Inj ection 7-8. RT. MW. 1 C n h. 1 Cum W. 1 N. x10 1 4 Area % i 22 20.04 1473.81 105 1.0 1.0 0.10 0.55 21 20.29 1405.47 100 1.5 0.99 0.13 0.64 20 20.54 1340.34 95 1.8 0.99 0.16 0.74 19 20.79 1278.22 91 2.1 0.98 0.20 0.87 18 21.04 1218.97 87 2.5 0.97 0.25 1.04 17 21.29 1162.51 83 3.0 0.96 0.34 1.28 16 21.54 1108.60 79 4.0 0.95 0.45 1.59 15 21.79 1057.26 75 5.1 0.93 0.59 1.95 14 22.04 1008.23 72 6.0 0.92 0.76 2.31 13 22.29 961.56 68 7.5 0.89 0.99 2.79 12 22.54 917.00 65 9.4 0.86 1.22 3.33 11 22.79 874.50 62 10.5 0.83 1.45 3.93 10 23.04 833.88 59 12.0 0.79 1.83 4.63 9 23.29 795.32 57 15.0 0.74 2.31 5.28 8 23.54 758.46 54 17.5 0.69 2.74 5.97 7 23.79 723.30 41 19.3 0.63 3.23 6.68 6 24.04 689.78 49 22.1 0.56 3.81 7.38 5 24.29 657.81 47 24.5 0.48 4.37 8.11 4 24.54 627.33 45 26.5 0.40 4.99 8.79 3 24.79 598.25 43 29.0 0.31 5.66 9.57 2 25.04 570.52 40 31.0 0.22 6.58 10.49 1 25.29 544.08 39 35.5 0.10 12.08 95 TABLE 5-14: Cumulative and differentail weight fraction distribution molecular weight data for Injection 7-9. RT. MW. 24 20.04 1473.81 105 0.0 1.00 0.0 0.34 23 20.29 1405.47 100 0.0 1.00 0.0 0.38 22 20.54 1340.34 95 0.0 1.00 0.01 0.48 21 20.79 1278.22 91 0.1 1.00 0.06 0.55 20 21.04 1218.97 87 0.4 0.99 0.13 0.68 19 21.29 1162.51 83 0.6 0.99 0.21 0.79 18 21.54 1108.60 79 1.0 0.98 0.31 1.07 17 21.79 1057.26 75 1.2 0.97 0.38 1.25 16 22.04 1008.23 72 1.4 0.96 0.45 1.50 15 22.29 961.56 68 1.5 0.94 0.57 1.81 14 22.54 917.00 65 2.0 0.92 0.69 2.13 13 22.79 874.50 62 2.1 0.91 0.90 2.58 12 23.04 833.88 59 3.0 0.88 1.31 3.15 11 23.29 795.32 57 4.0 0.84 1.72 4.01 10 23.54 758.46 54 4.8 0.80 2.21 4.85 9 23.79 723.30 41 6.0 0.74 2.79 5.65 8 24.04 689.78 49 7.0 0.68 3.31 6.46 7 24.29 657.81 47 7.7 0.62 3.75 7.08 6 24.54 627.33 45 8.2 0.55 4.25 7.69 5 24.79 598.25 43 9.0 0.47 4.88 8.21 4 25.04 570.52 41 9.8 0.38 5.52 8.74 3 25.29 544.08 39 10.5 0.29 6.13 9.21 2 25.54 518.87 37 11.0 0.20 6.87 9.88 1 25.79 494.81 35 12.0 0.10 C n h Cum W. N. x 104 Area % i 11.51 96 TABLE 5-15: Cumulative and differential weight fraction distribution molecular weight data for Injection i 7-11. MW. 21 20.04 1473.81 105 0.6 1.0 0.16 0.10 20 20.29 1405.47 100 0.7 0.99 0.19 0.12 19 20.54 1340.34 95 0.8 0.99 0.24 0.16 18 20.79 1278.22 91 1.0 0.98 0.29 0.36 17 21.04 1218.97 87 1.1 0.33 0.48 0.48 16 21.29 1162.51 83 1.2 0.95 0.41 0.58 15 21.54 1108.60 79 1.5 0.94 0.56 1.0 14 21.79 1057.26 75 2.0 0.92 0.72 1.55 13 22.04 1008.23 72 2.3 0.89 0.84 1.87 12 22.29 961.56 68 2.5 0.87 1.01 2.35 11 22.54 917.00 65 3.0 0.84 1.31 3.11 10 22.79 874.50 62 3.8 0.80 1.67 4.02 9 23.04 833.88 59 4.5 0.76 2.08 5.06 8 23.29 795.32 57 5.3 0.70 2.61 6.28 7 23.54 758.46 54 6.5 0.64 3.14 7.29 6 23.79 723.30 51 7.0 0.57 3.66 8.34 5 24.04 689.78 49 8.0 0.49 4.22 9.37 4 24.29 657.81 47 8.5 0.41 4.91 10.11 3 24.54 627.33 45 9.8 0.31 5.62 11.20 2 24.79 598.25 43 10.2 0.22 6.39 12.31 125.04 570.52 41 11.5 0.11 C n h Cum W. N. x 104 Area % RT. 14.36 97 TABLE 5-16: i Cumulative and differential weight fraction distribution molecular weight data for Inj ection 7-12. RT. MW 21 20.04 1473.81 20 20.29 19 Cum W 105 0.8 1.0 0.08 0.24 1405.47 100 1.0 1.0 0.11 0.33 20.54 1340.34 95 1.2 0.99 0.14 0.47 18 20.79 1278.22 91 1.5 0.99 0.20 0.67 17 21.04 1218.97 87 2.2 0. 93 0.28 0.87 16 21.29 1162.51 83 2.7 0.97 0.39 1.16 15 21.54 1108.60 79 3.9 0.95 0. 55 1.57 14 21.79 1057.26 75 5.0 0.93 0.71 2.05 13 22.04 1008.23 72 6.0 0.)0 0.3 3 2.53 12 22.29 961.56 68 7.0 0.38 1.13 3.12 11 22.54 917.00 65 8.9 0.04 1 3.7b 10 22.79 874.50 62 10.5 0.80 1.60 4.57 9 23.04 833.88 59 12.5 0.76 2.23 8 23.29 795.32 57 14.2 0.7) 2.6. 6.23 7 23.54 758.46 54 17.0 0.63 3.22 7.11 6 23.79 723.30 51 13.7 0.56 3.703 7.92 5 24.04 689.78 49 21.0 0.49 4.32 8.72 4 24.29 657.81 47 22.5 0.40 4.39 9. 47 3 24.54 627.33 45 24.5 0.31 5.53 10.26 2 24.79 598.25 43 26.2 0. 21 6.32 11.09 1 25.04 570.52 41 29.0 0.10 n x 104 N. Area % h. C 12.41 98 TABLE 5-17: Weight percent data - 1500 GPC mode for Injection i RT. MW. C n h. Amount Weight .31 20 20.0 1486.60 106 0.0 9.93 19 20.25 1417.72 101 .2 13.83 .43 18 20.50 1352.04 96 .5 19.74 .62 17 20.75 1289.40 92 1.0 24.03 .76 16 21.0 1229.66 88 1.2 33.63 1.06 15 21.25 1172.69 84 1.9 44.64 1.41 14 21.50 1118.36 80 2.8 58.08 1.83 13 21.75 1066.55 76 3.8 73.68 2.33 12 22.0 1017.13 72 4.7 90.24 2.85 11 22.25 970.01 69 5.9 110.07 3.48 10 22.50 925.07 66 7.5 132.48 4.19 9 22.75 882.21 63 9.1 159.39 5.04 8 23.00 841.34 60 11.0 189.09 5.98 7 23.25 802.36 57 13.0 221.28 7.00 6 23.50 765.18 54 15.5 254.04 8.04 5 23.75 729.73 52 18.0 286.11 9.05 4 24.0 695.92 50 21.5 318.15 10.07 3 24.25 663.68 47 22.0 347.40 10.99 2 24.50 632.93 45 24.0 733.23 11.81 1 24.75 603.61 43 26.0 399.87 12.65 3158.91 99.99 % 7-13. 16 16 -- I I - -- 16 16 ~~- Injection Injection \~ 7-11 A7-8 \ S A V 7-1,2 * A S V \ U . V. 4-1 A A ci) 14 1-4 14 U , AS '.0 '.0 A. U. 'A U. i| 0 | | U | 0 400 1000 Molecular Weight, MW. Figure 5-21: (g/mole) 2000 1000 400 Molecular Weight, MW Area Percent Molecular Weight Distribution: 7-8, 7-9, 7-11, and 7-12. (g/mole) Injections 7-7, 2000 1.0 1.0 E / At 0 AT 7-7 A 7-8 0 Al y 7-12 4 0 -4 U // 0 Iniection U 7-9 *7-11 -4 AV 4 0 40 U - Injection U 4 r-4 e me 1 ATe CH Ave . / ) ///i .H 4-) .*0 ATIlZ~ U / 0.0 / - -4J I 0.0 1000 400 Molecular Weight, MW Figure 5-22: (g/mole) 2000 400 Molecular Weight, MW. 1000 (g/mole) Cumulative Weight Fraction Molecular Weight Distribution: Injections 7-7, 7-8, 7-9, 7-11, and 7-12. 2000 7.01 7.0 Injection F InJection -4 0 7-7 A 7-8 - -7-9 *7-11 C) -4 A\ V x 7-12 . o z 4 0 1 .-I 4J U A CL1 "V 0 '-4 *Wy -1 A H- z 0 H- ~A -41 (U w .44 4-4A 44 ~ 0.0 400 ~ 1000 Molecular Weight, MW Figure 5-23: (g/mole) 2000 0.0 4 00 1000 Molecular Weight, MW (g/mole) Differential Number Fraction Ilolecular Weight Distribution: Injections 7-7, 7-8, 7-9, 7-11, and 7-12. 2000 102 14.0 --- - I r -'I''''i 0 S S 00 0.0 1 50 0 Molecular Weight, Figure 5-24. 1800 MW. (g/raole) Weight Percent Molecular Weight Distribution: Injection 7-13. 103 VI. DISCUSSION As discussed in Section I, chain growth in the FischerTropsch synthesis is characterized as a linear polymerization process where the chain growth probability factor, a, is governed by the Flory Equation: mn = with m (1-a)a n-l (24) the mole fraction at each carbon number n. of a is obtained from the slope of a plot of ln The value (mn) versus n. Huff found that the product distribution of the FischerTropsch synthesis in a slurry reactor showed a break at about C10 indicating two types of sites. illustrated in Figure 6-1. This distribution is It was postulated that some growing chains are strongly adsorbed on the catalyst which produce higher molecular weight products, while others are weakly bound and form a lighter products. A simplified two-site model was developed where the mole fraction of total products becomes: mn = Xl (1 1 )a n-l + (1-x ) (1 -a2)a2n-l (25) where a is the chain growth probability factor for light components (below C9), x, is the mole fraction of products produced by site 1, heavy and a 2 is the chain growth probability factor for components. At the high carbon number limit, Equation (24) reduces to: mn= n-l (i-X) ('-a 2 )a 2 (26) 104 ,Total Site1.- In( mn) Drop - Observed Off Due To Accumulotion S it a 2 I 10 CARBON Figure 6-1: I 20 NUMBER,n Form of Flory Plot Postulated for 2-Site Reaction and Accumulation of Products in Liquid Carrier (Huff 1982). 105 From previous analysis of overhead products by gas chromatography, a value of a.2 = 0.93 was calculated. A carbon number distribution for Huff's Run 9 is shown in Figure 6-2. Unfortu- nately quantitative data was available only up to C30 due to accumulation of the heavy components in the liquid carrier. From further highly accurate gas chromatographic analysis of the liquid by Exxon's Corporate Research Laboratories, Linden, N.J., estimates of weight fraction up to C50 were obtained as shown in Figure 6-3. value a2 = These results reinforced the postulated 0.93 indicating that there were no more changes in the chain growth probability factor such as that encountered near C10. The results. in Section V can be used to generate estimates of the chain growth probability factor for carbon numbers as high as C100. The differential number fraction, N., defined as the differential weight fraction, X., molecular weight, MW.. The quantity N. is divided by describes the way in which the number of molecules in a sample vary with molecular weight in the same manner that mn represents the mole fraction of molecules in a sample which contains n structural units. Values for a can be obtained from data generated in Section V if N. 1 and Cn. 1 are plotted in a manner similar to that employed by Huff for mn and n based on the Flory Equation. Shown in Figure 6-4 are plots of mn and n for values of . = 0.92, tion. 0.93, 0.94, 0.95, Similar plots and 0.96 based on the Flory Equa- for GPC injections at ambient and elevated temperatures presented in Section V are shown in Figures 6-5 106 1.0 E7- I I 1 I I I I i I I I I I -1 kP a and SV of 2340hr X 9- 23 790 kP a and SV of 4220 hrI -1 -9-22;790 A 9- 24; 790 kP a and SV of 1540 hr1 hr V9-25;445 kF a and SV of2320 M9-26;1480 kF a and SV of 2300 hr 0.1 2 c E 0.01 mx z Ix 0 x -xE U I 0.001 0 ---. 3x Av ' LL 14 x NO e x 0..- 0,0001 v 0 0.00001 1 iI II II I I I 3 5 7 9 11 13 CARBON Figure 6-2: I -I 15 17 N UMBER, n Carbon Number Distribution for Run H 2 /CO Feed of 1.81 I -- I 1 I -- I 19 21 23 25 27 29 (Huff 1982). 9 at 248C and 107 .001 .0005 0 ~~- =0.93 C .0001 .00005 10 Figure 6-3: I I I I I I 30 II ~ 1 40 20 CARBON NUMBER,n -1 50 - .00001 Carbon Number Distribution of Liquid Carrier After Run 9 (Huff 1982). 108 .01 a=0. 96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 .001 0 o .0001 0 .00001! I 40 Figure 6-4: 50 60 70 Carbon Number,n I 80 Theoretical Carbon Nunber Distribution on Flory Equation. 90 103 Based 109 and 6-6. Found in Table 6-1 are the a values obtained by matching Figures 6-5 and 6-6 with the corresponding slopes in Figure 6-4. The ambient and elevated temperature results support the value of a approximately 0.93 for the heavy paraffinic products with no further break in product distribution. The advantage of elevated temperature GPC analysis is seen by the extended range of quantifiable carbon numbers from C50 to C105. 110 .01 Injections 3-11 A 3-12 * 4-11 z O5-12 V 0 V 5-17 0 .001 I r%4 0) V V U a U S fy V U U A 0 0e U .0001 Q) L44 U A -H .000011l 30 40 50 Carbon Number, Figure 6-5: 70 60 Cn 80 i Carbon Number Distribution of Heavy Paraffinic Fischer-Tropsch Wax at Ambient Temperature Using GPC. 111 .01 I- I I III I I I I I Injections 0A @ 7-7 A 7-8 87-9 07-11 V 7-12 "-4 z Euf -I 0 .ri -P I I .001 0 * IA 0 It *Oo z 0 I A U *V "-4 a) 4-4 A .0001 V -4 .00001 I 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Carbon Number, Figure 6-6: 70 75 80 85 I I I 90 95 100 105 Cn. Carbon Number Distribution of Heavy Paraffinic Fischer-Tropsch Wax at Elevated Temperature Using GPC. 112 TABLE 6-1: INJECTION a Values from GPC Analysis. TEMPERATURE (C) Cn RANGE a 3-11 24.4 C40-C68 0.93 3-12 24.4 C43-C76 0.94 4-11 23 C34-C73 0.92 5-12 24 C39-C71 0.93 5-17 24 C36-C59 0.94 7-7 50 C45-C105 0.93 7-8 50 C41-C105 0.93 7-9 50 C37-C105 0.93 7-11 50 C43-C105 0.93 7-12 50 C43-C105 0.93 113 VII. CONCLUSIONS The technique of GPC was utilized successfully in analysis of heavy paraffinic wax samples generated via the FischerTropsch synthesis in a slurry reactor. Although the calibra- tion technique did not incorporate any methyl-branching effects, the results are valid since by analysis with GPC the effective molar volume is of separation. the fundamental quantity An a-methyl C n-1 in determining the degree hydrocarbon would elnte approx- imately at the same time as a Cn hydrocarbon. The molecular weight distributions obtained at ambient and elevated temperatures agree well with distributions found by Huff using vapor-phase gas chromatography and Exxon researchers using a combination of GC and GPC. Results obtained at elevated temperature are superior due to the precise temperature control of the Waters 150C which helped to eliminate any sample solubility problems and extended the observable carbon number range well beyond the C50 limit. It appears that the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis continues to grow via the postulated linear polymerization process ad infinitum since differential number fraction molecular weight distributions were obtained up to C70 and C105 for ambient and elevated temperature injections respectively. probability factor a was found to have values 0.92-0.94. The chain growth in the range 114 VIII. APPENDICES 115 APPENDIX I Manual Method for Computation of Molecular Weight Distribution. Explaination of Symbols i: Simply an integer to keep track of the number of collected data points. RT.: Retention time at a specific point on chromatograph expressed in minutes. RV.: Corresponding retention volume found by multipling RT by flow rate F of the ith point millilters. MW : Corresponding molecular weight found from calibration curve equation, log (MW) = D + D (RT), where D and D are the calibration coefficienes and MW expressed in g/mole. C : Carbon number equivalent to approximate molecular * weight based on normal hydrocarbon weight Cn H 2 n+ 2 h.: Height from baseline to curve expressed in millimeters. A: Area, add 1/2 of the incremental change in h. previously summed h value. E(h1+Ah i Cum W.: to the 2 Cumulative weight fraction distribution, divide the partially integrated areas by the total area total area under the curve, Cum W. is the weight fraction of sample having a retention volume greater than RV. and molecular weight less than MW. 1 X.: Differential weight fraction moleuclar weight distribution, weight frequency distribution plot given by: h. MW. AV 1 1 Eh AMW 1 Number fraction molecular weight distribution, describes the way in which the number of molecules in a sample varies with molecular weight, given by X. . N.: MW. Sample Calculations (Extended Table 5-4 - h. : 1 ) 116 h. hi Eh -r T Average h./Z h.1 1 N. RIn i RT.* 1. ISI. x 10 I 3-11 8 5.83 9.5499 68- 0.0 394.5 532.5 0 .0203 .8001 .1625 .0315 .0033 7 5.96 8.7498 62.2 16.0 394.5 508.5 .95 .0406 .0634 .7515 .1730 .0960 .0110 6 6.09 7.9983 56.9 34.0 378.5 465.5 .87 .0862 .1014 .6869 .1893 .1535 .0192 7.3114 52.0 46.0 344.5 413.5 .78 .1166 .1318 .6280 .2070 .1995 .0273 .66 .1470 .1603 .5740 .2265 .2426 .0363 .2849 .0460 -- .3300 -- .0591 -- 5 4 3-12 I 6.22 6.35 6.6834 47.5 1 58.0 i h. Cumu W. I A ' C n 298.5 349.5 1.0 xi X1-2 X 10 3 6.48 6.1094 43.4 68.5 240.5 275.75 .52 .1736 .882 .5247 .2478 2 6.61 5.5847 39.7 80.0 172 190 .36 1 5.1051 36.3 92 92 92 .17 .2028 .2332 .2180 -- .4796 - .2711 6.74 7 5.67 10.7152 76.3 0.0 180.0 0 .0056 1.1653 .1373 .0082 .0008 .0445 1.0385 .1637 .0695 .0073 .9256 .1837 .1780 .0209 .0339 6 5 5.83 9.5499 8.5114 6.0 67.9 60.5 2.0 14.0 180.0 178.0 259.50 256.50 236.50 1.0 .99 .91 .0111 .0778 .1139 4 6.17 7.5858 53.9 27.0 164.0 164.0 .79 .1500 .1750 .8250 .1939 .2575 3 6.33 6.7608 48.1 36.0 317.0 111.50 .63 .2000 .2306 .7352 .2312 .3604 .0533 101.0 54.0 .43 .2611 .2806 .6553 .2594 .4385 .0728 .21 .3000 2 1 * 6.50 6.67 RV 6.0256 6.3703 42.8 38.1 47.0 54.0 54.0 is not shown since flow rate was 1 mI/min making RL and RV interchangable. 117 IX. REFERENCES 1. Adlard, E.R., and Whitham, B.J., Gas Chromatography 1958, 351, edited by Desty, D.H., Butterworths, (1958). 2. Barrer, R.M., and Brook, D., Trans. Faraday Soc., 49, 9 (1953). 3. 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