Equipm E ment and a Teechniccal Gu uide foor: IT12 (7 7512) Autom A motivee Brak kes (Auttomotiive Seervice Techn nologyy II) Return to the Eq quipment an nd Technicaal Guide hoome page Categorr y Item Quanti ty Require R d? equipme nt 1" carbon n scraper 4C y yes equipme nt 1" gasket scraper 4C y yes equipme nt 1-1/2 ton floor jack 4C y yes equipme nt 1/2" drill,, variable speed, rev versible, portable, corded 1C y yes equipme nt 1/2"-drivee socket wrench seet 4C y yes equipme nt 1/2"-drivee socket wrench seet, 10mm 4C 25mm staandard depth & deep d y yes equipme nt 1/2"-drivee socket wrench seet, 7/16" to 1-1/8" standard depth & deep d 4C y yes tool 1/2"-drivee torque wrench (5 50-250 lb. ft.) 1C y yes Estimat E e Cost ed Conta C ct W Who m? Contact C Infoormation Note s equipme nt 1/4" drive socket wrench set, flex/universal type 4C yes tool 1/4"-drive socket wrench set, 1/4" 1/2" standard depth & deep 4C yes Categor y Quanti ty Require d? tool 1/4"-drive socket wrench set, 6mm 12mm standard depth and deep 4C yes tool 12" adjustable wrench 4C yes equipme nt 12V test light 4C yes tool 25 watt pencil-tip soldering iron 1C yes equipme nt 3" & 6" extensions for 1/4"-drive socket wrench 4C yes equipme nt 3", 6" & 12" extensions for 1/2"4C drive socket wrench yes equipme nt 3", 6", 12" & 18" extensions for 3/8"4C drive socket wrench set yes tool 3/8" drill, variable speed, portable, 2C reversable, cordless yes equipme nt 3/8" drive socket wrench set, 9mm - yes Item 4C Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s 19mm standard depth + deep tool 3/8"-drive air ratchet 4C yes Quanti ty Require d? tool 3/8"-drive socket set, 5/16" and 3/4" standard depth (6 point) + deep 4C yes tool 3/8"-drive torque wrench (10-250 lb. in.) 1C yes tool 3/8"-drive torque wrench (5 - 75 lb. ft.) 1C yes equipme nt 5/16" Cape chisel and 3/8", 3/4" cold chisel 4C yes equipme nt 6" & 12" extensions for 1/2"4C drive socket wrench yes tool 6" adjustable wrench 4C yes equipme nt Air blow gun (meeting OSHA requirements) 4C yes equipme nt Air chisel (various bits) 1C yes equipme nt Air compressor and 1C hoses yes equipme nt Air pressure regulator yes Categor y Item 1C Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s Categor y Item Quanti ty Require d? tool Alternator service tools 1C yes equipme nt Analyzer, four or five gas exhaust 1C yes tool Antifreeze tester 2C yes tool Automotive stethoscope (electronic recommended) 1C yes tool Axle stands (safety stands) 8C yes equipme nt Ball joint press and other special tools 1C yes tool Battery charger 1C yes equipme nt Battery post cleaner 1C yes equipme nt Battery terminal pliers and puller 1C yes equipme nt Battery/starter/char ging system tester 1C yes Quanti ty Require d? Categor y Item tool Belt tension gauge 1C yes equipme nt Bench or pedestal grinder 1C yes tool Brake bleeder, pressure 1C yes tool Brake cylinder 4C yes Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s clamp tool Brake disc micrometer 1C yes equipme nt Brake drum micrometer and calibration equipment 1C yes equipme nt Brake lathe with disc and drum service attachments, mobile or stationary 1C yes tool Brake pedal depressor 1C yes tool Brake shoe adjusting gauge 1C yes equipme nt Brake spoon 4C yes Quanti ty Require d? Categor y Item tool Brake spring installers 4C yes tool Brake spring pliers 4C yes equipme nt Brass drift punch 4C yes tool Center punch 4C yes equipme nt Chisel holder 4C yes equipme nt Claw type pickup tool 2C yes tool Combination wrench set, 4C yes Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s standard (1/4"- 1") and metric (7mm 19mm) tool Compression tester 1C yes equipme nt Computer scan tool (hand held) or personal computer (PC) with interface capability for onboard diagnostics (OBD II compliant recommended) 1C yes tool Connector pick tool 1C set yes Categor y Quanti ty Require d? tool Constant velocity joint (CV) service tools: boot clamp pliers or crimping ring 1C yes tool Constant velocity joint (CV) service tools: boot installation tool 1C yes equipme nt Coolant/combustio n gas detector (recommended) 1C yes tool Cooling system pressure tester and adapters 1C yes tool Creeper 4C yes equipme nt Crowfoot wrench set, metric & standard 2C yes Item Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s tool Cylinder leakage tester 1C yes tool Depth micrometer 1C yes equipme nt Dial indicator with flex arm and clamp base 1C yes equipme nt Digital multimeter with various lead sets 2C yes Quanti ty Require d? Categor y Item tool Drag link socket wrench 1C yes tool Drain pan 4C yes tool Drill bit set, twist, 1/64" and 1/2" 2C yes tool Dual trace lab scope 1C yes equipme nt Ear protection 1S yes equipme nt Electronic-type wheel balancer 1C yes equipme nt Engine analyzer with scope (lab scope with ignition display capability acceptable) 1C yes equipme nt Engine coolant recovery equipment (recycler or coolant disposal contract service) 1C yes tool Engine timing light 1C yes Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s tool Categor y Extension cord Item 4C yes Quanti ty Require d? tool External & internal snap ring pliers 1C yes tool Face shield 4C yes equipme nt Feeler gauge (blade type), 0.002" 4C 0.040"; 0.006mm 0.070 mm yes tool Fender covers 6C yes equipme nt Files, coarse, 6" & 12"; fine 6" and 12"; half round 6" & 12" and round, 6" & 12" 4C yes equipme nt Flare nut (tubing) wrenches, 3/8" 3/4" and 10mm 17mm 2C yes tool Flashlight 4C yes equipme nt Flex handle (breaker bar) for 1/2"-drive socket wrench 4C yes equipme nt Flexhead ratchet for 3/8"-drive socket wrench 4C yes equipme nt Flexible socket set for 3/8" drive socket wrench, 3/8" 4C - 3/4" & 9mm 19mm yes Categor Item Quanti Require Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s Estimat Conta Contact Note y ty d? ed Cost Estimat ed Cost equipme nt Fuel injection cleaner 1C yes equipme nt Fuel injection pressure gauge sets with adapters 1C yes tool Fuse puller 4C yes tool Hacksaw 4C yes equipme nt Hammer, ball peen 16 oz, brass, dead blow, plastic... 2C yes tool Hand operated grease gun 2C yes tool Hand-held vacuum pump 1C yes tool Hand-operated bearing packer 1C yes equipme nt Hex key (Allen wrench) set, standard (0.050" 3/8") and metric (2mm - 7mm) 4C yes equipme nt Hoist 1C yes Quanti ty Require d? Categor y Item tool Hot plate or equivalent 1C yes equipme nt Hydraulic press with adapters (25 ton) 1C yes ct Who m? Conta ct Who m? Information s Contact Information Note s equipme nt Ignition wrench set - standard and metric 2C yes equipme nt Impact screwdriver set 4C yes tool Impact socket set, 3/8" drive (standard 2C and metric) yes tool Impact sockets, 1/2" drive (7/16" 1-1/8") & (12mm32mm) 2C yes equipme nt Impact wrench, 1/2" drive & 3/8" drive 2C yes tool Injector pulse tester 1C yes tool Inner tie rod end tool 1C yes equipme nt Inspection mirror 2C yes Quanti ty Require d? Categor y Item tool Jumper cables 1C yes equipme nt Jumper wire set (with various adapters) 2C yes equipme nt Magnetic pickup tool 2C yes tool Master puller set 1C yes tool Micrometers, 0-1", 1-2", 2-3", 3-4" and 1C 4-5" yes tool Oil filter wrench yes 2C Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s tool Oil waste receptacle with extension neck and funnel 1C yes equipme nt Oxyacetylene torch 1C yes tool Oxygen sensor socket 1C yes equipme nt Parts cleaning tank and gloves (nonsolvent based cleaner suggested) 1C yes Quanti ty Require d? Categor y Item equipme nt Phillips & standard screw starter 4C yes equipme nt Phillips screwdriver set stubby, #1, #2, 6" #1, 6" #2, 12" #3 and offset #2 4C yes equipme nt Pin punch, 1/8", 3/16", 1/4" and 5/16" 4C yes tool Pinch-off pliers 1C yes tool Pitman arm puller 1C yes equipme nt Plier set, combination 6", hose clamp, locking jaw, needle nose 6", side cutting and slip joint (water pump) 4C yes equipme nt Posidrive screwdriver set - 4C yes Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s #1, #2, #3 and #4 tool Pump type oil can 1C yes equipme nt Ratchet for 3/8"drive socket wrench set 4C yes equipme nt Ratchet for socket wrench set 4C yes Quanti ty Require d? Categor y Item tool Remote starter switch 1C yes equipme nt Rolling-head pry bar 1C yes equipme nt Safety glasses (meeting OSHA requirements) 1S yes tool Screw extractor set 2C yes tool Seat covers 4C yes tool Sending unit socket 1C yes tool Shock absorber tools 1C yes tool Soldering gun 1C yes tool Spark plug boot puller 1C yes equipme nt Spark plug feeler gauge (gap tool) 4C yes Quanti ty Require d? 4C yes Categor y Item equipme Spark plug sockets, Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s nt 5/8" & 13/16" for 3/8" drive socket wrench tool Spark plug thread tap 1C yes equipme nt Speed handle for 3/8" drive socket wrench 4C yes equipme nt Spring/strut compressor tool 2C yes equipme nt Standard screwdriver set stubby, 6", 9", 12", and offset 4C yes tool Static strap 1C yes equipme nt Straight pry bar 4C yes tool Tach/dwell meter 1C yes tool Tap and die set 1C standard and metric yes tool Tape measure 4C yes Quanti ty Require d? Categor y Item equipme nt Taper punch, 3/8", 1/2" and 5/8" 4C yes tool Thread repair insert 1C kit yes tool Tie rod puller 1C yes tool Tire inflator chuck 2C yes equipme nt Tire mounting machine (rim clamp suggested) 1C yes Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s equipme nt Tire pressure gauge 4C curriculu Today's Class m State Covered cost yes yes equipme nt Torx7 driver set T-8, T-10, T-15, T20, T-25, T-27, T30, T-40, T-50 and T-55 4C yes tool Trouble/work lights (fluorescent preferred) 4C yes tool Tube quick disconnect tool set 4C yes Categor y Item Quanti ty Require d? tool Tubing bender 1C yes tool Tubing cutter/flaring set (double-lap and ISO) 1C yes equipme nt Universal joint for 3/8" drive socket wrench 4C yes tool V-blocks 1C yes tool Vacuum/pressure gauge 1C yes tool Valve core removing tool 4C yes equipme nt Vernier calipers 0-6" and 0-125mm 1C yes equipme nt Wheel alignment equipment - 4 wheel with rack 1C yes 0 Vendo r Todaysclass.c om Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s (including alignment tools) tool Wheel chocks 8C yes tool Wheel weight pliers 1C yes Categor y Item Quanti ty Require d? tool Wire and terminal repair kit 4C yes tool Wire brush 4C yes tool Work bench with vises 8C yes Estimat ed Cost Conta ct Who m? Contact Information Note s Category • • • • • • • • • equipment - is a non-expendable, tangible item. It is usually more feasible to repair it rather than replace it with an entirely new unit. It has a unit cost of over $100. tool - is an expendable, tangible item. It is usually more feasible to replace it with an entirely new unit rather than repair it. It has a unit cost of less than $100. curriculum - is additional curriculum materials. software - is computer software that is required or can enhance the instruction. training - is coursework or other professional development for the teacher. subscription - is for curriculum or supplemental material for a specified period of time. supplemental - is instructional resources that provide more information about or extend the content of a subject. licensure/certification - is examinations, license and certification fees for the students. other - is additional instructional resources. Quantity - is the number of items needed for the (C) CTE classroom/lab, for the (B) school building, for the (L) LEA, or the number needed based on the number of (S) students in the classroom/lab. In some cases the number is based on the (W) workstations in the classroom/lab. A classroom may be divided into several kitchen workstations or hospital bed workstations. In these cases the number of items is what is needed to equip one workstation. The number of workstations is based on the anticipated number of students taking that course at one time. Quantity Examples: • • • • • • • 1S = one of these items for each student in the classroom/lab 1S, 1C = one of these items for each student in the classroom/lab and an additional one in the classroom for the teacher 1:4S = one item for every four students in the classroom/lab 1B = one of these items per school building. 1L = one of these items per LEA (school district). 2C = two of these items per CTE classroom/lab. 3W-kitchen = three of these items per kitchen workstation in the classroom/lab. Required? • • yes = This is required to teach the course. no = This is not required to teach the course. Estimated Cost - This is the estimated cost of this item. Contact Whom? - Should you contact the DPI Consultant or contact the vendor directly?