If you are wondering what WIU is doing to be to: www.wiu.edu/vpas/

If you are wondering what
WIU is doing to be
environmentally friendly, go
to: www.wiu.edu/vpas/
sustainability or click the
sustainability link on the
bottom of the WIU website.
Then sign the sustainability
pledge! Let’s work together
to make our campus a better
place to live, study and work!
What’s your
ecological footprint?
APRIL 22, 2012 IS
Recycling at Western
How do I go green?
Carry reusable bags when shopping
Turn off the lights and unplug
electronics when not needed
Use energy efficient light bulbs
Use refillable water bottles and
coffee mugs (NO STYROFOAM!)
Turn off the water when you are washing
dishes, brushing your teeth and lathering up
your shampoo
Wash your clothes in cold water
Donate items that you no longer
need or use instead of throwing them
Compost instead of using a garbage
Walk, bike or take public transportation
Buy recycled products
Find ways to repurpose items
Stop junk mail—go to www.catalogchoice.org to
opt out.
The Pledge Tree—
find it on campus and
make your pledge
to live a more
sustainable lifestyle!
Stop by the
April 4, 2012
9am to 3pm
University Union
Take the quiz and learn
how you can reduce
your impact at:
Recycle bins are located throughout campus. We have a comingled recycling systems, so all items (except paper—there
are separate, marked bins for paper) can be placed in the
same bin! Easy right?!
So, what exactly can I recycle?
*Glass—beverage and salsa jars
*Plastics (#1 & #2—number is on bottom of container) water & soda/pop bottles, milk jugs, detergent containers
*Paper—white & colored, envelopes, magazines
*Chipboard & Cardboard boxes - tissue, food, cereal & mailing
* Aluminum and Tin cans—food cans and lids, aluminum foil,
soda/pop cans
884 million people lack access to
clean water
3.575 million people die each year
from water-related disease
An American taking a five-minute
shower uses more water than a typical
person in a developing country slum uses
in a whole day (www.water.org)
The Mississippi River is the 2nd most
polluted waterway in America, the
Missouri river is ranked 7th
Environmental wellness is an awareness of the precarious state of the earth
and the effects of your daily habits on
the physical environment. It is maintaining a way of life that maximizes
harmony with the earth and minimizes
harm to the environment. It includes
being involved in socially responsible
activities to protect the environment.
Stall Talk
Volume 13 , Issue 23
April 2, 2012
Stall Talk is brought to you by Beu Health Center Graduate Assistant and Peace Corps
Fellow Danielle Hoekwater. For more information, call 298-1888 x.235. For more
health info, visit beu.wiu.edu. For adaptive format see Disability Support Services.