PFC/RR-83-9 DOE/ET-51013-78 UC20 A PRELIMINARY BUNDLE DIVERTOR DESIGN FOR ALCATOR DCT T. F. Yang A. Wan P. Gierszewski A preliminary design of an optional bundle divertor for Alcator DCT has been obtained. This report will briefly describe the advantages of using bundle divertors and summarize the results from the DITE operation. The preliminary magnetic and thermal hydraulic design of the DCT bundle divertor will be presented along with suggestions for minor machine modifications to accommodate the divertor. Finally, the reactor relevant aspect of the bundle divertor option will be discussed. 1 1. ADVANTAGES OF BUNDLE DIVERTORS There are the following advantages: 0 Plasma shape, vacuum chamber and TF coil can be circular and the plasma can still be up-down symmetric * Target and pumping systems can be outside 0 Divertor separatrix is permanent. Divertor operation is independent of plasma control (beta, shape, etc.) * The effect on system design is minor 2 2. CONCLUSION FROM DITE EXPERIMENT The experimental evidence from DITE can be summarized as follows: * Separatrix of the divertor acts as magnetic limiter 0 No experimental evidence of adverse effect on plasma confinement 0 No experimental evidence of adverse effect on ion confinement during beam heating * Effects on the plasma (a) Increases the central Te from 200 eV to 380 eV (b) Reduces hard X-ray flux (c) N0 emission reduced by an order of magnitude (d) Fe, Cr emission reduced 70% (e) Particle exhaust is nearly 100% (f) Ion temperature doubled by beam injection to T. = 610 eV (g) 02 is reduced only 20% (contamination may occur during startup) 3 .. ....... 3. PRELIMINARY DESIGN AND OPERATIONAL EVALUATIONS The toroidal flux configuration is shown in Fig. 1. Table 1 gives the design parameters used for DCT and the preliminary bundle divertor design parameters. As shown in Fig. 1, there is plenty of space inside the separatrix and between the TF coil and scrape-off edge for conductor and structure. Figure 2a shows a 3-D perspective view of the first (front) coil of the cascade divertor configuration shown in Fig. 2b. Four types of operational methods have been evaluated and listed in Table 2. Steady state water cooling is possible, but requires 30 MW of electric power. Liquid nitrogen cooling will reduce the power to 3 MW, but may need large quantities of liquid nitrogen. reduce the power requirement to 1 MWe. Gaseous helium cooling will The average current density is 6.7 kAmp/cm 2 which gives 10 kAmp per turn of current for the same superconductor cable used for DCT. The maximum field is estimated to be 8 T. The stability of the conductor has to be studied. for optimization. However, there is room. Current density can be reduced and the use of a super- conductor is quite feasible. Figure 3 compares the DITE MKlA and Alcator C divertors. There are the following improvements: 9 Null trace is bending toward the plasma and the plasma is less distorted * The null trace is taller so that qD is larger and the efficiency may be better a The plasma exhaust exit is larger * The ripple on axis is smaller Similar results can be expected from the DCT divertor design. 4 4. SUGGESTIONS FOR MINOR MACHINE MODIFICATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT It is more feasible for the use of superconductors if the following minor modifications can be made: 9 Make the TF coil cross-section rectangular with longer side in the R direction * Reduce the number of coils to 22 if allowable in the toroidal ripple. * These modifications will ,also increase the access spaces for all purposes * The scrape-off layer thickness is now designed to be 7 cm. The current density can be reduced immediately if 5 cm or less of the scrape-off is used 5 5. REACTOR RELEVANT The divertor configuration proposed for DCT has been proven reactor relevant for INTOR-type. 0 The bundle divertor was designed as an option 0 It is designed as a plug-in device 0 There is 60 cm of shielding space * The overall current density is only 3.5 kAmp/cm 2 ; therefore it can be superconducting * The divertor chamber is outside the tokamak system * A Monte Carlo modeling has shown that the magnetic surfaces are well formed with island structure. The thermal conductivity is only 40% larger than the neoclassical value of axisymmetric plasma. The impurities diffuse outward. 6 TABLE 1 BUNDLE DIVERTOR DESIGN PARAMETERS Ro = 2.0 m BO = 7.0 T a = 0.4 m Ascrape-off ID/coil = 800 kAmp Cross-section = 0.10 m x 0.12 m 2 JD = 6.7 kAmp/cm DIVERTOR OPERATION Water cooled 30 MWe Steady state N2 Superconductor 3 MWe Steady state Bmax =8 T I/turn = 10 kA stability? He 1 MW e Steady state 7 TABLE 2 DCT BUNDLE DIVERTOR THERMAL-HYDRAULICS Coil: 10 cm x 12 cm 10 kA/turn 1.5 cm2 /turn 80 turns 0.9 cm2 conductor 0.34 cm2 coolant Mass flow (hgls) Pei (MW) Pref (MW) Liters cool ant/ pulse Tin(k) Tmax 300 383 144 29 Liquid N2 70 97 144 4.2 49 10300 Gaseous He 30 56 1.2 47 6700 Normal Conductor Water * 14 single-phase, 10 atm inlet pressure, single-turn cooled. 7 Tesla, 100 RRR copper Superconductor Using coil similar to TF superconductor: 10 kA/turn in a peak field. of 7 T (?) Compare with TF coil parameters 5800 kA/turn in 9 T operating 7950 kA/turn in 9 T critical current 8 FLUX LINES .GO - .40- .20'j (M) IXIXIXI .00 FX71XIX -. 20-. 40- -. Go- .80I 2.0 I I 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 X (Mv.) Figure 1. Toroidal flux configurations 9 It is at n LI va .0 wl n ri n 0 It 0 I' '4 5- 1" ~ EM 2U W W U ~ ~ - -i - - - 1 1 ~ ~U3 40 u2 .- K St '4 L. I- r WI rl rt LO CM 'a vs n -CD Z Lt Vt 61 U N tU S U F 3F 10 - 1 !i 0) 0. DITE Modaus B SIOgnotoin cami k-n lotflr orbil Rs 16 41.2 R (m)1-1. 1.0 1.2 14 1.-. ALCATOR - % %% ~ t". . - * . . . * Figure 3. Comparison between DCT divertor and MKA divertor. 11 I In X -- LIi -o 4J -J 0a c 0)( -rC0. 0 ) 4J- -Q (WO) -~ @.-.o -8 a) X a) z v -S.- - ,-> -D -r= -5-O (0.0 0 (n ILi 0 CL) -ar c S -. - 90 0 *e. tI ~I . vi oio I* (WO) Z 12 5- - r._ 0 0~- 0,09- (Urc v.0 -D ::, A-I o 0 S.- 4