DOE/ET-51013-179 PFC/RR-86-10 A Poloidal Field Scenario Generating Code for Use in the Design and Operation of Tokamaks Joel H. Schultz May 15, 1986 Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 I A Poloidal Field Scenario Generating Code for Use in the Design and Operation of Tokamaks Joel H. Schultz M.I.T. Plasma Fusion Center Research Report PFC/RR-86-10 Introduction The calculation of energy, power, current and voltage requirements of the coils in a tokamak poloidal field system is a common design and analysis problem. The calculation of all circuit parameters, given a sufficient set of inputs, such as a program of current vs. time, along with coil dimensions, is straightforward. However, the construction of a general-purpose code is nontrivial. Several design decisions and physical insights are required, in order to program the coil currents and voltages. It is thus frequently difficult for one investigator to duplicate the design and analysis results of another, using a different code. A further, purely teclmical barrier, is that the display of calculated parameters in a manner that easily permits the selection of the number of turns for each coil, and the allocation of rectifiers, dump resistors and switches involves a large amount of graphics postprocessing and typesetting, which has not previously been completed. There are also a number of important parameters that can be calculated easily by the use of circuit theory that are usually neglected, including the radial and vertical forces on each coil, before or after a disruption, at each moment in time. The purpose of the code described below is to calculate everything of any design importance that, can be deduced through circuit theory, to display the results in a comprehensive, but easy to use format, and to retain enough flexibility in inputting to permit collaboration with other groups. Method A scenario is specified that includes the dimensions of each of the poloidal field coils, including the plasma. and the coil currents at a small number of discrete times. These are typically the begiming and ends of coil charge-up, plasma initiation, start-up, auxiliary heating, burn, plasma shutdown and coil rampdown. The scenario and coil specifications are input by hand or calculated by auxiliary algoritlus. Once the scenario is specified, three inductance matrices are specified. Both mutual and self 2 inductances are calculated using constant current density, rather than filamentary, models, in order to have the greatest possible accuracy. Mutual inductances are calculated at positions perturbed by 0.1 nun individually in the radial and axial directions in order to calculate radial and vertical forces on the coils. The perturbed mutual inductances are used to calculate influence matrices for radial and axial force that are multiplied by the coil currents to obtain the forces at each moment of time. Forces between the coils are simply calculated at each moment in time by precalculating an influence matrix, based on the conservation of coenergy, so that the per unit force due to 1 ampereturn in coil 1 on 1 ampere-turn in coil 2 is simply: 6A1 12 6r> Fr,pt, br: -6 4 M 12 where the average hoop tension in the coil is related to the fictitious radial force, as: =F FT FT-27r In order to calculate currents and forces in the coils after disruptions, the simplifying assumnption is made that the coils are connected to low impedance power supplies. in the short circuit limit, the coil currents will change passively so that the flux linkage of each coil is conserved. A matrix inversion is performed to calculate the per unit changes in each coil due to a change in plasia current that satisfv this crit erion. The flux-conserving currents in each coil due to disruptive disappearance of tlie plasma current are then calculated using this influence matrix at each moment of time in the scenario. The radial and axial force influence matrices are then used to cal- culate the forces on each coil at each moment of time. following a flux-conserving disruption. The radial force is converted to an average tensile stress over the winding pack cross section, while the axial force is converted to an average axial compression stress over the coil bearing area. Each case requires confirmation by more sophisticated analysis. but it has been our experience that average hoop stresses above 200 MPa will require the addition of steel reinforcement to the winding pack or case. 3 Guidance is given to the selection of power supplies by monitoring when each coil's current and voltage have the same polarity, and recording the maximum individual voltage and current for each polarity. Note that, the product of the maximum voltage and current is invariably higher than the maximum instantaneous power needed from the power supplies, since the current and voltage maxima usually do not occur at the same time. Periods of regenerative power flow are also monitored, in order to aid in the design of switches and dump resistors or to check for inverter commutation failure. The energy requirements for the system and for each individual coil are determined merely by monitoring the power flow through the coil terminals. Therefore, when the power flow is regenerative (negative), the code calculates a reduction in the instantaneous energy requirement. If the code is used to calculate the rotational stored energy requirements for the system, this output will always be optimistic, since not all of the regenerated power can be returned to the coils' energy source. Thus a diagnostic parameter called "Dump Energy" is calculated and displayed. This is the sum of the integrated regenerative power flow through each pair of coil terminals. The parameter physically corresponds to the energy ratings of dhunp resistors, if all of the negative coil power were dissipated in dump resistors. If the calculation of "Dunp Energy" is added to the calculation of energy required, upper and lower bounds can be calculated for the actual energy drawn from a source. Worked Example An interesting worked example is the limiter discharge, as of March 1986, for the Compact Ignition Tokamak (ClT ) device T-86]. This poloidal field system provides a 9 MA plasmna current for a 3.0 s ignited burn. All of the graphics and tabulated output of the code are included in the Appendix. Selected features of the output are discussed in the text.. Table I shows the posit ions. maxiniun anpere-turns an(d turns in each one of the PF coils. Coils above and below the equator are routinely tabulated, in order 16 avoid confusion or to handle the infrequent design case of an asynunetric system (e.g. hitor, Alcator DCT). Table II shows the peak current density over the winding pack envelope, maximum temperature, maximum energy and peak power required by the coil. The latter two values are the sums of dissipative and magnetic energies, thus representing the peak requirements for stored energy sources and power supplies. Table III 4 shows the peak positive and negative current and positive and negative voltage requirements of each coil. These are not the power supply ratings. The peak positive voltage frequently, even usually, occurs when the current is negative and vice versa. Since the instantaneous power flow is negative at that moment, a power supply is not required, and the coil can dump energy into a resistor, if desired. The values in Table III, then, are used primarily for the design of bus, ground insulation and switch circuits. Power supply requirements are listed in Table IV. During each moment of time, the emulator monitors whether the current and voltage have the same polarity, then divides the scenario for each coil into time intervals that have to be provided for by positive current power supplies, negative current power supplies or neither. Notice that the power ratings listed in Table IV are typically much larger than the peak power flowing instantaneously through the coils, being the product of the peak current and peak voltage during the entire period that current and voltage have the same polarity. Thus the power requirement tabulated is essentially the product of the no load voltage-full load current product that typifies the power supply requirement for each coil. Table V lists the volt-second contributions of each coil to the plasma, which is a source of physical insight for redesigning the coils or the scenarios. System requirements as a function of time are illustrated in Figures 1-7. Each total system requirement is usually illustrated in two different formats, showing the individual contributions of each coil pair and showing the individual contributions of the magnetic and resistive components of power or energy. As shown in Figure 1, the resistive energy requirements of the PF system are higher than the magnetic requirements. The peak total energy requirement of the PF system is 1283 MJ, so the pulsed energy source must be capable of delivering that much energy to the load. The fmal dissipate(l energy of the PF system is 990 MIJ. so the cryogenic system must remove that much energy from the coils between pulses. As shown in Figure 2. the dominant energy requirement for the CIT PF syst em cones from the outermost coil, EF3. that provides most of the plasma's vertical field. This is a typical situation. since the outermost coil always has the largest major radius and is usually the most efficient in providing vertical field on axis. The energy that flows through the coil terminals, however, is always less than the actual energy that an energy source must provide, because when magnetic energy leaves the coils, it is not returned to the energy source with 100 % efficiency. In particular, during plasma initiation, most or all of the regenerative energy flow through the coil terminals is dumped in external resistors. A diagnostic of the system dump energy is included in Figure 3. This is simply the sum of all the energy that could be either returned to the line or dumped from each coil, whenever its power flow is negative. A typical approach to source design is to assume that all of the dump energy during the initiation and start-up period, must be provided by the generator, while the 'dump energy' from the shutdown period can be returned to the line or provided over a long enough period to constitute a negligible load. As seen in Figure 3, the total dump energy is - 557 MJ, of which - 270 MJ is dumped during the start-up period. If the start-up dumped energy is charged to the generator, then it must provide 1553 MJ to the PF load during a plasma discharge. Power flow through the system is shown in Figures 3-7. Figure 3 shows the instantaneous power flow through all of the PF coils. The curve is dominated by the large regenerative power flow due to plasma initiation, and, therefore, makes all the positive powers somewhat difficult to read. Therefore, additional curves, labeled 'line power' are included, that only count and sum the positive power flows in each coil. As seen in Figure 4, the peak line power of 429 MVA, like the energy, is donnated by the outside PF5 coil at the end of plasma current ranipup, so the dominant power requirement of the system is simply ramping the vertical field to its final value. There are three secondary power peaks at the end of coil precharge. auxiliary heating and end of burn. As seen in Figure 5. the resistive coil losses are climbing rapidly at the end of burn, so there is probably not much to be gained ramping the plasma more slowly. However, the peaks are sufficientlY separated that an additional 0.5-1 second of ramp might lower the peak line power by 50 MW or so. Other tradeoffs that would be created, as shown later would be the final temperature of OH2. the hottest coil in the PF system, vs. the more difficult to evaluate benefits of being permitted to take longer to establish the final plasma. Figure 6 shows the history of the plasma loop voltage and the contributions of each pair of PF coils, confirming that 30 V are available for plasma initiation. Figure 7 shows the history of the volt-second linkage to the plasma, confirming that the specified 26 V-s have been satisfied by the PF system. The large contribution by the outside PF5 coil is striking. However, since the positive current polarity coil, PF4, used for elongating the plasma. subtracts a large number of volt-seconds, the contribution from the two central solenoid coils, PFI and PF2, is still half the total swing. Figures 8-11 display circuit and force scenarios for the upper 0111 coil. The scenario code generates total displays of all circuits for each one of the coils individually. The code automatically checks for synunetry. If the system is asynmetric, as in a recent simulation done for INTOR, four pages of curves apiece were generated for each of nine asymmetric coils, above and below the equator. If syrmnetry is satisfied, only the four coils above the equator are displayed. The designer has to keep this in mind when deciding whether to connect mirror image coils in series, parallel, or independently. Figure 8 displays the ampere-turns, volts/turn, power flow and energy vs. time for 0111, U. Note that the power flow curve displays not only the bipolar power requirements, but also the positive and negative power supply requirements. Both resistive and inductive contributions to energy and power are displayed. Figure 9 displays the conductor current, terminal voltage, flux linkage and coil temperature vs. time. Note that the flux linkage is the flux linking the coil, not the coil contribution to the plasma. For inertially-cooled coils, the temperature rise is frequently the dominant feasibility issue of the PF design. The rise of OH1 to 292 K is substantial, but within the allowable final temperature specification of 370 K. The radial and axial force vs. time are displayed in Figure 10. The 'radial force' is really the product of the average coil circumference and the radially outward force per unit circtumference, the actual integral of this force being zero. The average hoop tensile stress in the winding pack is this force divided by 27r times the area of the winding pack. When this average force exceeds 200 MPa, reinforcement of the copper is frequently found to be necessary. The axial force vs. time is the vertical bearing force on the top or bottom of the magnet. The average stress is this force divided by the cross-sectional axial bearing area of the winding pack. If the vertical force peaks somewhere other than the magnet end, then there will be no particular relation between the peak and average axial stresses. Whenever any coil has moderately high average stresses, the peak stresses are calculated. using E. Bobrov's three-dimensional closed-form solution to the stresses in a solenoid, using a fully anisotropic model of an equivalent composite winding pack [B084]. Figure 11 shows the pre- and post-disruption current and radial force in OH1, U, assuming that all the PF coils are flux-conserving (i.e.. short-circuited). Although the plasma had a demagnetizing effect on the OH1 field, the overall effect is a decreased 0111 current, so that the change in the bursting force on O1 is negligible at all times during the scenario. Note that disruption forces are given at every moment of time, so that what is being calculated is not a single scenario, but a series of hypothetical events, since a disruption might occur at any time, during a pulse. Conclusions A simple poloidal magnet scenario emulator has been constructed for use in the design and evaluation of tokamaks. This code has proven to have a wide utility, being used both in the design and planning of laboratory experiments, such as Alcator C-Mod at M.I.T., analysis of behavior on existing machines , such as Alcator C, and design and planning of national and international 'flagship' demonstration tokamaks, such as CIT and INTOR. The code is a simple time integrator that allows the designer and analyst to calculate all parameters that can be deduced by circuit theory, including power, energy, voltage, current, and force. A worked example has been presented from the CIT design, illustrating something of the extent of the analysis on that machine, along with some discussion of design problems and tradeoffs suggested by the results of PF system emulation. A complete set of code output for the CIT limiter discharge is included in the Appendix. Acknowledgments Special thanks are owed to A.M. Dawson for the preparation of this report. References 'B0841 E.S. Bobrov, "Electrically conducting orthotropic cylindrical shell in axial and radial magnet fields." in The Mechanical Behavior of Electromagnetic Solid Continua, ed. G.A. Maugin, Proc of the IUTAM-IUPAP Symposium, Paris. France, 4-7 July, 198:3, Elsevier Science Publishers (North- Holland), 1984 TH86] R.J. Thome et a]. "Poloidal field coil system design for the Compact Ignition Tokamak: Status Report." M.I.T. Plasma Fusion Center Research Report PFC/RR-86-Il, April, 1986 8 Table I CIT-L System Winding Pack Dimensions Coil R Z R, R, Z, (ni) (M) (i) (i) (i) OH1,U 0.383 0.184 0.259 0.507 0.000 OH1,L 0.383 -0.184 0.259 0.507 OH2,U 0.383 0.684 0.259 OH2,L 0.383 -0.684 EF1,U 1.050 EF1,L Z1 NI nttrns 0.368 7.000 200.0 -0.368 0.000 7.000 200.0 0.507 0.368 1.000 12.600 160.0 0.259 0.507 -1.000 -0.368 12.600 160.0 1.748 0.910 1.189 1.518 1.979 7.660 300.0 1.050 -1.748 0.910 1.189 -1.979 -1.518 7.660 300.0 EF2,U 2.050 1.680 1.887 2.213 1.517 1.843 4.220 112.0 EF2,L 2.050 -1.680 1.887 2.213 -1.843 -1.517 4.220 112.0 EF3,U 2.510 0.955 2.351 2.670 0.795 1.115 7.100 160.0 EF3,L 2.510 -0.955 2.351 2.670 -1.115 -0.795 7.100 160.0 9 (in) (MAT) Table II Current Density, Temperature, Energy and Power Coil Jetpk Tmax Epk,rcq Pmax (MA/m 2 ) (K) (MJ) (MW) OH1,U 76.701 292.358 116.791 34.715 OHI,L 76.701 292.358 116.791 34.715 OH2,U 80.390 300.559 207.244 52.526 OH2,L 80.390 300.559 207.244 52.526 EF1,T 59.556 95.636 84.585 53.247 EF1,L 59.556 95.636 84.585 53.247 EF2,U 39.708 95.568 36.884 9.223 EF2,L 39.708 95.568 36.884 9.223 EF3,U 69.771 139.789 348.497 133.600 EF3,L 69.771 139.789 348.497 133.600 10 Table III Peak Currents and Voltages on PF Coils Icond,max lcond,min Vtcrm,max Xterm,min (kA) (kA) (kV) (kV) OH1,U 29.300 -35.000 0.606 -2.786 OH1,L 29.300 -35.000 0.677 -2.702 OH2,U 78.750 -59.125 0.667 -1.938 OH2,L 78.750 -59.125 0.572 -2.062 EF1,U 25.533 -8.200 2.085 -9.196 EF1,L 25.533 -8.200 2.085 -9.196 EF2,U 37.679 -22.054 0.716 -0.156 EF2,L 37.679 -22.054 0.716 -0.156 EF3,U 5.750 -44.375 3.529 -12.986 EF3,L 5.750 -44.375 3.529 -12.986 Coil 11 Table IV Positive and Negative Power Supply Requirements I+PS V+PS P+PS I-PS V-PS Pps (kA) (V) (MVA) (kA) (V) (MVA) OH1,U 29.30 605.86 17.75 -35.00 -991.85 34.71 OH1,L 29.30 676.69 19.83 -35.00 -1699.02 59.47 OH2,U 78.75 667.00 52.53 -59.13 -862.22 50.98 OH2,L 78.75 572.14 45.06 -59.13 -721.88 42.68 EF1,U 25.53 2085.40 53.25 -8.20 -2216.50 18.18 EF1,L 25.53 2085.40 53.25 -8.20 -2216.50 18.18 EF2,T 37.68 288.90 10.89 -22.05 -156.17 3.44 EF2,L 37.68 288.90 10.89 -22.05 -156.17 3.44 EF3,U 5.75 598.59 3.44 -44.38 -3389.14 150.39 EF3,L 5.75 598.59 3.44 -44.38 -3389.14 150.39 Coil 12 Table V Volt-second Contributions of Each PF Coil Coil VSend,start,.jp VSendfiat (V-S) (V-S) OH1,U 1.384 -1.654 OH1,L 1.384 -1.654 OH2,U 1.969 -1.478 OH2,L 1.969 -1.478 EF1,U 2.067 -0.664 EF1,L 2.067 -0.664 EF2,U -1.498 2.560 EF2,L -1.498 2.560 EF3,U 0.906 -6.994 EF3,L 0.906 -6.994 Total 9.657 -16.461 13* op PF System Energy (MJ) Etotal (MJ) =1390.1 Wm,max (MJ) =5.20E+08 14 0 0 - vs. Time (s) PF Total Resistive Magnetic T --- R--- M-- 12001 10 10001 800 C 600 4001 I - , M 2001 0 00 'VT 2 4 6 Time 8 10 12 (s) Figure 1 - CIT Limiter Discharge: System Energy Requirement vs Time 14 14 PF System Energy (MJ) Etotal (MJ) CIT306L =1390.12 I 1400 T ------ --- 2-- -3_-- 1200 vs. Time (s) T PF Total PF1,U+L PF2,U+L PF3,U+L PF4,U+L ...PF5,U+L 1000 800 - 600- ~ 400 -/ z - -- - - - 200 0 2 4 -3-- 3 4 -- 6 8 10 12 14 Time (s) Figure 2 - Total PF System and Individual Coil Energy Requirements vs Time 15 PF Dump Energy (MJ) Edump (MJ) -- -s PFI, -- i-- +- ... - --------- \+L ' - - - e - - ------ ----- - -2- --- - PF2, +L P F3, +1 PF4,U L\ PF5,U L -- 3a-- -100 CIT306L =-548.683 C' PF - vs. Time (s) - --2 ~ -200 N -300 - -400 -500 - -600 0 I I I 2 4 I 6 I 8 10 12 14 Time (s) Figure 3 - Additional Energy Requirements if Regenerative Energy is not Returned to Source 16 PF Line Power (MW) vs. Time (s) CIT306L Pline,max (MW) =437.687 500 I I I I +T--PF T otal -T-- PF1, J+L -2-- PF2, J+L -3- - PF3, U-L 4PF4, J+L 5- PF5, J+L 400 i I I I 300 1- I 0 200 5 -5. 1001 // '/ 4, I, / / K-. ~ - 0 W 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (s) Figure 4 - Individual Power Supply and System Line Power Requirements (MW) vs Time(s) 17 PF Line Power (MW) CIT306L =437.687 Pline,max (MW) 500 i --R- vs. Time (s) i i i Total Resistive i I 4001- 300 0 200 100 0 ,, 0 I 2 ~i -i 4 L -r 6 i A 8 10 12 14 Time (s) Figure 5 - System Line Power: Resistive, Magnetic and Total (MW) vs Time (s) 18 Plasma 10 Loop Voltage (V) vs. Time (s) CIT306L Vloop,max (V) =6.33104 Vloop,min (V) =-31.4713 I I I I I I I r I 14,-- 0 - -4- -10 K 0 -20 ---- 1---- 2---- 3~+ 5 -30 I -40 0 I 2 I I 4 I I I 6 I 8 I Total PF1,U+L PF2,U+L PF3,U+L PF4,U+L PF5,U+L I 10 I I 12 14 Time (s) Figure 6 - Contributions of Individual PF Coils to Plasma Loop Voltage (V) vs Time (s) 19 Plasma Volt-Seconds 10 (Wb) CIT306L =9.65708 =-16.4607 VS,max (Wb) Vs,min (Wb) T -- I5-2-4 -- 3- 5 - - t x . -5..- vs. Time (s) Total PF1, +L PF2,N+ L PF3,U+L, PF4,U+L 4 PF5,U+L 4/ S.0 5 0 0 -10 5 5. 5 -15 5 -.- - -20 , 0 2 4 6 8 10 | 12 14 Time (s) Figure 7 - Contribution of Individual PF Coils to Plasma Volt-Seconds (Wb) vs Time (s) 20 dR (m) = 0.248 dZ (m) = 0.368 Volts/Turn vs. Time (s) OH1,U Re (i) = 0.38 Z (n) = 0.18 MA- urns vs. Time (s) 6 1'1 I I I 5 I 0 4 -5 0 -2 I tI 4 1 - 0 i 1 1 1 * I I -10 -4 -15, -6 c -8 0 I I I 2 4 6 I I 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 14 I Time (s) 14 Time (s) Power Flow (MW) I 0 vs. Time Max power =34.7148 Min power - 86.7317 + PS MVA: = 17.7516 - PS MVA: = 34.7148 Energy (MJ) Emax =116.791 120 - 4 .1- vs. Time T Tot 100 ---- R-- Res -~I-- Ind 80 R -20 60 c. -40 40 0 -60 20 -80 -100 -, 01 - 0 2 - -20 0 2 4 6 8 10 14 Time (s) 4 6 8 10 14 Time (s) Figure 8 - Ampere-Turns (MAT), Volts/Turn (V), Power (MW), and Energy (MJ) vs Time (s) for Upper OHI Coil 21 OH1,U Current (kA) vs.Time (s) Re =0.38 Ze =0.18 I,max = 29.30 Voltage (V) vs. Time (s) I,min =-35.00 .I- 30 1.0 .J ~.J 20 VSmx,=,.04729 0.0 0 C.) -10 . - 1 CI -0.5 0 -1.0 Sw -1.5 1 CO -20 -2.0 -30 0 C. 0.5 a) 10 -j nturns = 200.0 Vt,max =6.06E-01 Vt,min =- 2.78598 . -2.5 S-4 -40 -3.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 14 0 2 Time (s) Flux Linkage 8 (Wb) 4 6 8 10 14 Time (s) vs. Time Temperature (K) VS,max =7.04729 VS,min =-5.59458 vs. Tia J 2 t, norm =6.57195 Espec (J/cc) =1057.77 T,max (K ) =292.358 6 . . 300 4 CU 4 4 250 2 a) 5-4 0 1 ~ 1 . 200 4-, CU 5.4 150 a) -4 S a) 100 -6 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 14 0 Time (s) 2 I I 4 6 I .4 8 10 4. 14 Time (s) Figure 9 - Conductor Current (kA), Terminal Voltage (kV), Coil Flux Linkage (Wb), and Temperature (K) vs Time (s) for Upper OHI Coil 22 Time (s) Radial Force vs. 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 z 0 0o FL Z d = 0.383 R d ) = 0.248 sigmaTmax (MPa)= sigmaTmin (MPa)= (m) m = 0.184 = 0.368 221.40 -5.60 Tot - - Self Mut -7 -- 4 I I I I- -20 2 0 4 8 6 10 12 14 12 14 Time (s) Axial 2 z Force vs. Time (s) sigmaz,max (MPa)= sigmaz,min (MPa)= 0.59 -16.77 0 -2 0 -4 -6 .44? -8 -10 -12 K 0 I 2 4 6 * 8 10 Time (s) Figure 10 - Radial and Axial Force (MN) vs Time (s) on Upper OH 23 Coil Pre and Post Disruption R (m) di (m) Currents = 0.383 = 0.248 (MAT) 0.184 Z' (m) dZ (m)= = 0.368 6 E- C,, B _D - A--- 4 2 01 -2 'o fter - -4 -6 -8 -A 'A- A---- -A' A 2 0 4 6 10 8 12 -14 Time (s) Radial Force, Pre and Post-Disruption sigma'ima sigma'rmin 140 (MN) (MPa = 221.40 MPa = -5.60 120 100 80 60 40 - 20 --- D A-- Befor 'After 0 -20 ~ 0 I 2 I 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (s) Figure 11 - Current (MAT) and Radial Force (MN) Before and After Hypothetical Plasma Disruptions at Each Point in Time, Conserving Flux in PF Coils 24 Appendix Sample Output of PF Scenario-Generating Code A-1 CIT306L System Winding Pack Dimensions R z R, R, Z, Z2 NI (m) (m) (in) (m) (m) (m) (MAT) () OH1,U 0.383 0.184 0.259 0.507 0.000 0.368 7.000 200.0 OH1,L 0.383 -0.184 0.259 0.507 -0.368 0.000 7.000 200.0 OH2,U 0.383 0.684 0.259 0.507 0.368 1.000 12.600 160.0 OH2,L 0.383 -0.684 0.259 0.507 -1.000 -0.368 12.600 160.0 EF1,U 1.050 1.748 0.910 1.189 1.518 1.979 7.660 300.0 EF1,L 1.050 -1.748 0.910 1.189 -1.979 -1.518 7.660 300.0 EF2,U 2.050 1.680 1.887 2.213 1.517 1.843 4.220 112.0 EF2,L 2.050 -1.680 1.887 2.213 -1.843 -1.517 4.220 112.0 EF3,U 2.510 0.955 2.351 2.670 0.795 1.115 7.100 160.0 EF3,L 2.510 -0.955 2.351 2.670 -1.115 -0.795 7.100 160.0 Coil Coil JeIpk (MA/1, 2 ) Tmn,, Epk,req Pmax (K) (Mi) (MW) OH1,U 76.701 292.358 116.791 34.715 OH1,L 76.701 0.000 0.000 0.000 OH2,U 80.390 300.559 207.244 52.526 OH2,L 80.390 0.000 0.000 0.000 EF1,U 59.556 95.636 84.585 53.247 EFIL 59.556 0.000 0.000 0.000 EF2,1U 39.708 95.568 36.884 9.223 EF2.L 39.708 0.000 0.000 0.000 EF3,T 69.771 139.789 348.497 133.600 EF3,L 69.771 0.000 0.000 0.000 A-2 n0.0, Volt-second Contributions of Each PF Coil Coil VSend,atart-up VSendflattop (V-S) (V-S) OH1,U 1.384 -1.654 OH1,L 1.384 -1.654 OH2,U 1.969 -1.478 OH2,L 1.969 -1.478 EF1,U 2.067 -0.664 EF1,L 2.067 -0.664 EF2,U -1.498 2.560 EF2,L -1.498 2.560 EF3,U 0.906 -6.994 EF3,L 0.906 -6.994 Total 9.657 -16.461 A-3 Currents in PF Coils after Flux-Conserving Disruptions EOS EOS EOB EOB Iprc post pre Ipost (MA) (MA) (MA) (MA) OH1,U -6.093 -3.868 0.000 0.000 OH1,L -6.093 -3.868 0.000 0.000 OH2,U -7.790 -5.776 0.000 0.000 OH2,L -7.790 -5.776 0.000 0.000 EF1,U -1.609 -1.164 0.000 0.000 EF1,L -1.609 -1.164 0.000 0.000 EF2,U 3.774 4.046 0.000 0.000 EF2,L 3.774 4.046 0.000 0.000 EF3,U -6.658 -6.026 0.000 0.000 EF3,L -6.658 -6.026 0.000 0.000 Coil 2.941 Total A I A-4 1.470 Peak Currents and Voltages on PF Coils Coil Icond,mar Icond,min Vtermmax Vterm,min (kA) (kA) (kV) (kV) OH1,U 29.300 -35.000 0.606 -2.786 OH1,L 29.300 -35.000 0.677 -2.702 OH2,U 78.750 -59.125 0.667 -1.938 OH2,L 78.750 -59.125 0.572 -2.062 EF1,U 25.533 -8.200 2.085 -9.196 EF1,L 25.533 -8.200 2.085 -9.196 EF2,U 37.679 -22.054 0.716 -0.156 EF2,L 37.679 -22.054 0.716 -0.156 EF3,U 5.750 -44.375 3.529 -12.986 EF3,L 5.750 -44.375 3.529 -12.986 A-5 Positive and Negative Power Supply Requirements CIT306L Coil P--PS I+PS V+PS P+PS I-PS (kA) (V) (MVA) (kA) (V) (MVA) OH1,U 29.30 605.86 17.75 -35.00 -991.85 34.71 OH1,L 29.30 676.69 19.8-3 -35.00 -1699.02 59.47 OH2,U 78.75 667.00 52.53 -59.13 -862.22 50.98 OH2,L 78.75 572.14 45.06 -59.13 -721.88 42.68 EF1,U 25.53 2085.40 53.25 -8.20 -2216.50 18.18 EF1,L 25.53 2085.40 53.25 -8.20 -2216.50 18.18 EF2,U 37.68 288.90 10.89 -22.05 -156.17 3.44 EF2,L 37.68 288.90 10.89 -22.05 -156.17 3.44 EF3,U 5.75 598.59 3.44 -44.38 -3389.14 150.39 EF3,L 5.75 598.59 3.44 -44.38 -3389.14 150.39 A-6 -PS PF System Energy (MJ) CIT306L Etotal (MJ) =1390.12 1400 P PF Total T - -- 1----- 1200 - PF1,U+L PF2,U+L PF3,U+L PF4,U+L 2-- -3- vs. Time (s) - PF5,U+L 5 1000 800 600 400 200 -- -1- 02 0 2 -41- 4 6 4 8 Time (s) A-7 10 12 14 Energy Deposited in PF (MJ) 1200 Edepos (MJ) vs. Time (s) 10 12 CIT306L =1145.35 Total ----Joule -- N-Nuclear -T--- 1000 800 600 400 200 0 y 0 2 4 6 8 Time (s) A-8 14 PF Dump Edump (MJ) 0 B N f I . ~ -- a +-- PF - PF1, \+L -2-- PF2, +L -3PF3, +Il + - PF4,U L\ 5 PF5,U L -1001 vs. Time (s) Energy (MJ) CIT306L 548.683 +----------------'- --- -- ---------- 1 -- 2 -- 2- --- 2-- 3-3 -200 -300 -400 -500 -600 - 0 I I 2 I I 4 I I 6 I I 8 Time (s) A-9 I I 10 I I 12 14 PF System Energy (MJ) vs. Time (s) Etotal (MJ) =1390.1CIT306L Wm,max (MJ) =5.20E+08 1400 PF Total -- R-- Resistive --M-- Magnetic -±T- 12001 1000 800 -M 600 400 ,M, 200 0 IYJ 0 IV' 2 4 6 Time A-10 8 (s) 10 12 14 Power Flow (MW) PF System 0.5 Psys,max (MW) Psys,min (MW) I I I I vs. Time (s) CIT306L =437.687 =-1.20E+03 I I I I I I I I I5 0.0 co -0.5 0 T--- I---- 2-- PF Total PF1,U+L PF2,U+L -3- - PF3,U+L - -1.0 - PF4,U+L 5 PF5,U+L -1.5 0 2 6 4 8 Time (s) A-1l 10 12 14 PF System Power Flow (MW) Psys,max (MW) Psys,min (MW) i I i I 0.5 vs. Time (s) CIT306L =437.687 =-1.20E+03 I I I I I I 1-I - - - 0.01 CO -0.5 0 PF Totafl -T- -1.0 - -1.5 - -I- Resistive Inductive - - 0 2 4 6 8 Time (s) A- 12 10 12 14 PF Line Power (MW) vs. Time (s) CIT306L Pline,max (MW) 500 =437.687 i - +-- -H- i I Total Resistive I I I I I 400 300K- 0 200 I 100 0 I R 0 2 4 6 Time A-13 8 (s) 10 12 14 PF Line Power (MW) vs. Time (s) CIT306L Pline,max (MW) =437.687 I I I ' I I I --- F-- PF1 Total --+-PF1, U+L --- 2-- PF2, U+L 500 - -3--4 - I I I I PF3, UL4PF4, U+L PF5, U+L 5 400 I 300 T 0 200 -~ 5 / -- 5:5 100 2-~ 0' 0 2 6 4 8 Time (s) A-14 10 12 14 Plasma Loop Voltage (V) vs. Time (s) CIT306L Vloop,max (V) =6.33104 Vloop,min (V) = -31.4713 10 ' ' ' I '4-- I I I I I A- ------ I 4-4 - 4 I.. . . . . -10 P-4 0 -20 Total T- -- 1- -PF1,U+ L --- 2-- PF2,U+L - -345 -30 I -40 0 I 2 I I 4 I I 6 I .I 8 Time (s) A-15 PF3,U+L - II PF4,U+L PF5,U+L II 10 I I 12 I 14 Plasma Volt-Seconds 10 (Wb) vs. Time (s) CIT306L =9.65708 =-16.4607 VS,max (Wb) Vs,min (Wb) -- T-- 1~4 _4 -3- 5 - -4- 0 PF5,U+L 5 / Total PF1, )+L -PF2,N+L PF3,U+L PF4,U+L 4 2 0 5 10 '5 -15 -20 0 2 4 6 8 Time (s) A-16 10 12 14 Plasma Current I 8 4 0 0 4 vs. Time (s) CIT306L (MA) =10 2 (MA) 6 8 10 14 12 Time (s) Plasma Volt-Seconds vs. Time (s) 20- --- Inductive V-S 15 10 T -----------5 0- 0 _L I 2 4 6 8 Time (s) A-17 10 12 14 dR (i) = 0.248 dZ (m) = 0.368 Volts/Turn vs. Time (s) OH1,U R. (i) = 0.38 Z (m) = 0.18 MA-Tlurns vs. Time (s) 6 5 'I'll ' III ' 1111111 0 4 2 -5 U) 0 -2 S -4 0 -10 K -15 -6 liii ii 0 -8 0 2 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' 2 4 6 6 8 10 14 Time (s) 14 8 10 liii Time (s) (MW) Power Flow vs. Time Max power =34.7148 Min power =-86.7317 + PS MVA =17.7516 - PS MVA =34.7148 40 120 20 100 01 -20 0 Energy (MJ) , . , . , . , . - . I 80 -60 20 I Tot Res Ind 60 40 I T --- R---- I-- =116.791 ,. -40 -80 Emax vs. Time - -- - 01 I-I -/ , -r ' -20 -100 0 2 4 6 810 14 0 Time (s) 2 46 8 10 Time (s) A-18 14 OH1,U Current (kA) vs.Time (s) 0.38 Re = Zc- I,max Voltage (V) vs. 0.18 = nturns = 200.0 Vt,max =6.06E-01 Vt,min = -2.78598 29.30 I,min =-35.00 30 1.0 20 0.5 10 0.0 Time (s) -0.5 0 -1.0 -10 0 4- -1.5 .C -20 -2.0 I* E- -30 4' I -40 0 0 24 '' ' 1 6 810 Time Flux Linkag -3.0 14 0 I I 2 4 6 I I I 8 10 14 Time (s) vs. Time Temperature (K) =7.04729 = I (s) (Wb) VS,max VS,min -2.5 -5.59458 vs. Tim J 2 t, norrr =6.57195 Espec (J/cc) =1057.77 T,max (K ) =292.358 8 6 Juu 4 250 2 200 0 -) -2 150 E- 100 -4 -6 50 ii 0 2 4 6 8 10 14 0 Time (s) I I I 2 4 6 I 8 10 Time (s) A-19 I I 14 Radial R (in) = 0.383 dh (mn) = 0.248 sigmaT,,max (MPa)= sigma,, min (MPa)= 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 C Force vs. -A Time (s) 0.184 0.368 mW Z 221.40 -5.60 Tot Mut - - -M -20 0 4 2 6 8 Time Axial 2 z I 12 14 (s) Force vs. sigmaz,max (MPa) sigmaz,min (MPa) 10 Time (s) 0.59 -16.77 I * 0 N-, a.) C.) 0 -2 -4 -6 C.) -8 a.) -10 -12 I 0 2 4 6 Time A-20 8 (s) I 10 I 12 14 Currents Post Disruption Pre and 0.383 0.248 R (m) dk (W) (MAT) 0.184 0.368 (m) dZ 6 ----- 4 -A- 2 -N B o fter ' 01 'A -2 -4 -6 -8 0 4 2 6 Time Radial sigmaTmai 12 14 (s) Pre and Post-Disruption Force, sigmaTmax (MPa)= 140 10 8 (MN) 221.40 -5.60 (MPa)= 120 100 80 60 40 I Befor ----- N fter 20 0 -20 0 2 4 6 8 Time (s) A-21 10 12 14 dR (i) dZ (i) OH2,U Re (i) Ze (i) MA-Turns 0.38 0.68 vs. Time = 0.248 = 0.632 Volts/Turn vs. Time (s) = = 5 (s) ' , I I I II I 15 0 10 E-, -5 5 a$ 0 0 -5 -10 -15 0 -10 I I I 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time 50 0 I 4 6 8 10 Time 14 I I 14 (s) (s) Power Flow (MW) 100 2 I vs. Time Max power =52.5261 Min power =-181.474 + PS MVA =52.5261 - PS MVA =50.979 Energy Emax 250 - T - 200 =207.244 Tot Res d R-- --- I-- [ vs. Time (MJ) R 150 -50 100 -100 50 -150 01 I - -200, I -50 0 2 4 6 810 14 0 Time (s) 2 4 6 8 10 Time (s) A-22 14 OH2,U Current (k.A) vs.Time (s) Voltage (V) vs. Time (s) -0.38 Ze = I,max I,min 8Q 0.68 = 78.75 59.13 nturns = 160.0 Vt,max =6.67E-01 Vt,min =-1.93783 . 1.0 60 40 0.0- -4 20 0 -0.5 - 0 0 -1.0 -20 0 -1.5 E- -40 U -60 I I I I 0 2 4 6 810 Time Flux Linkage 8 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 vs. Time Temperature ( Jet, norm Espec (J/cc) T,max (K) 7.34052 =-4.85 = 350 4 S300 2 250 0 200 -2 4S 150 -4 Q) 100 -6 0 I I I 2 4 6 I 8 10 14 Time (s) 6 N-, . . . I. . . . I. . . . I. (s) (Wb) VS,max VS,min -2.0 I I 50 14 0 Time (s) 2 I I 4 6 K) =8.36783 -1370.28 =300.559 I I 8 10 Time (s) A-23 vs. Tirn 14 Radial Force vs. R m)= 0. 383 d (m)=0. 248 sigmaT,max (MPa)= sigma ,Tmin (MPa)= 300 250 200 dZ 0.684 0.632 (m) 291.95 -0.37 Tot Self 150 0 Time (s) -Mut - 100 50 I II * I- - f -50 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 12 14 Time (s) Axial Force vs. Time (s) sigmaz,max (MPa)= 0.00 sigmaz,min (MPa)= -56.31 0 I I I I -5 -10 0 -15 -20 C.) -25 -30 -35 0 2 I I I 4 6 8 Time (s) A-24 I 10 Pre and Post Disruption = 0.383 = 0.248 R (i) dk (m) Currents (MAT) 0.684 0.632 (m) Z 15 SBef re 10 0 -5 'A-A----- S -10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (s) Force, Pre and Post-Disruption Radial 300 sigmaTmax (MPa)= sigmaTmin (MPa)= (MN) 291.95 -0.37 250 200 150 100 -B-Before 50 fter A- 0 -50 0 2 4 6 8 Time (s) A-25 10 12 14 dR (i) = 0.279 dZ (i) 0.461 Volts/Turn vs. Time (s) EF1,U R. (i) = 1.05 Z (m) = 1.75 MA-Trurns vs. Time (s) 8 I' I' I' 10 I'l' 1111111 I' 0 I' 6 rz) -10 4 Cii) Cl) 2 H -20 0 S -30 0 -40 a.) -2 ii 0 -4 0 2 I I 4 6 I 8 10 I 2 liii 4 6 Time -1 14 Iii 8 10 14 (s) Time (s) Power Flow (MW) 100 vs. Time Max power =53.2472 Min power =-242.749 + PS MVA =53.2472 - PS MVA =18.1753 Energy (MJ) Eimax 100 50 80 0 -100 0 =84.5851 T --- R- Tot Res --- I-s Ind 60 / -50 vs. Time 40 a. -150 20 -200 RR 'I -250 1.1 0 0 2 4 6 810 Time 0 24 0 24 14 (s) 6 81 6 810 Time (s) A-26 1 1.4 EF1,U Current vs.Time (s) 1.05 (kA) R = zc 1.75 25.53 -8.20 I,max I,min 30 . . . . . . 4 25 4-d Voltage 0z 0u 10 -2 -4 5 -10 I I -10 I 0 2 4 6 810 Flux Linkage 14 0 2 VS,max VS,min (Wb) 4 6 8 10 14 Time (s) vs. Time vs. Tim Temperature (K) =19.5708 - 7.08021 J 2 t, norm =5.95E-01 Espec (J/cc) =30.955 T,max (K) =95.6358 I, 15 -4 I -8 Time (s) a) .1 -6 -5 20 . - 0 0 U -H 0 15 0 (s) nturns = 300.0 Vt,max =2.0854 Vt,min =-9.19584 2 20 (V) vs. Time 10n I fJI 10 1'1~ I' I'I~ I 95 5I E- 90 0 85 -5 80 0 2 4 6 810 14 0 Time (s) I I I 2 4 6 8 10 Time (s) A-27 I 14 Radial Force vs. Time R (m) 1.050 d& (m) 0.279 sigma,,max (MPa)= sigmaTmin (MPa)= 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 z ~- 0 106.61 0.00 (s) dZ 1.748 0.461 (m) Tot - Self - --- -0 2 ~ Mut M 4 8 6 10 12 14 12 14 Time (s) Time (s) Axial Force vs. sigmaz,max (MPa)= sigmaz,min (MPa)= 5 z C.) I I I I 2 4 0.19 -11.27 I I I I I 6 8 * 0 -5 -10 C.) -15 -20 -25 0 Time (s) A-2 8 10 Pre and Post Disruption Currents R dk ICl) 1.050 (in) Z 0.279 (mn) (MAT) 1.748 mW == 0.461 8 Be 6 er ----- 4 2 S4 Oj -2 -4 0 4 2 6 8 10 12 14 Time (s) Radial Force, Pre and sigmaTmax (MPa)= sigmaTmin (MPa)= 99. 996 Post-Disruption (MN) 106.61 0.00 79. 996 59. 996 39. 996 R Before --- A-- After 19. 996 - -0.004 0 2 4 6 Time A-29 8 (s) 10 12 14 dR (i) = 0.326 dZ (m) = 0.326 Volts/Turn vs. Time (s) EF2,U R. (m) = 2.05 Z (i) = 1.68 MA-Turns vs. Time (s) 5 'I 'I 8 111111 I I I I 6k 4 4 3 Cl) 2 2 1 4-' H 0 0 0 S -1 -2-2 -2 . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' -3 I 0 I 2 4 I 6 I I I I 0 i 2 I 4 ' I 6 8 Time 14 8 10 I I I i 10 12 14 (s) Time (s) Power Flow (MW) vs. Time Max power =9.22343 Min power =--17.3578 + PS MVA =10.8854 - PS MVA =3.44408 10 Energy 40 Emax -5 0 . I I vs. Time =36.8837 i III I I T --- R-- Tot Res 30 ---- I-- Ind 5k 1 (MJ) I I A-- R4,- --- I.- {l - - 20 - -10 I'd Q~) 10 -15 I -20 I I- . 0 2 4 6 8 10 0't 0 0 14 Time (s) 2 4 6 Time A-30 8 (s) 10 12 14 EF2,U Current (kA) vs .Time (s) 2.05 Ze = 1.68 I,max = 37.68 I,min = -22.05 40 Voltage (V) ct.) 800 I I 30 Y 600 0- 400 0 200 M4 0 vs. Time (s) nturns = 112.0 Vt,max =7.16E-01 Vt,min =-1.56E-01 20 10 0 .) -10 C -20 cis -30 0 1,1, 0 2 4 6 810 Time Flux Linkage 4 -200 1.1 0 14 I 2 4 vs. 6 I 8 10 14 Time Temperature (K) vs. Tim J 2 t, norm =5.61E-01 Espec (J/cc) = 30.9783 T,max (K) =95.5678 VS,max =3.17731 VS,min =- 2.05438 I~ 1.1 Time (s) (s) (Wb) I~ I I' 3 100 1'1' I'I'I* 2 95 1 0 4-) a>) Q.o 90 -1 E- -2 Ii -3 0 2 80 1111111 4 6 8 10 85 0 14 2 4 6 8 10 Time (s) Time (s) A-31 14 Radial R 2.050 dk (i) 0.326 sigmaTmax (MPa)= sigmaTmin (MPa)= 60 40 20 = ( _ 1.680 0.326 30.04 -72.25 - -- Tot Se -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 Pd- W Z ----- -IS 0f 0 Force vs. Time (s) - T T -M 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (s) Axial Force vs. Time sigmaz,max (MPa)= sigmaz,min (MPa)= 80 (s) 17.04 -0.27 60 40 0 Cz 0 -20 I 0 2 4 I I 6 8 Time (s) A-32 I 10 I 12 14 Pre and Post Disruption Currents R d 5 4 3 Cl) S -- A-- --- 2.050 = (in) (mn) 1.680 0.326 mW Z 0.326 (MAT) Before After 2 1 0, -1 -2 -3 2 0 4 8 6 Time 12 sigmaTiax (MPa)= sigmaTmin (MPa)= 14 (s) Pre and Post-Disruption Radial Force, 30 10 (MN) 30.04 -72.25 20 10 01 -10 A- -- -20 - -30 e -Bef -- A -- After -40 -50 0 2 6 4 8 Time (s) A-33 10 12 14 dR (m) dZ (i) 0.319 0.319 Volts/Turn vs. Time (s) EF3,U 2.51 0.95 vs. Time = = R 0 (in) Z (m) MA -T~lurns S, 2 , , 40 (s) I'I 1111111 I' 20 , , , = = 0 0 -20 Cl) -2 H -40 0 -4 -60 -80 S -6 -100 0 I I 2 4 -8 11111 Iii 8 10 6 14 Time (s) 0 2 4 6 8 10 14 Time (s) Power Flow (MW) 150 vs. Time Max power =133.6 - 137.017 Min power + PS MVA =3.4419 - PS MVA =150.393 -±-T --- R-250 -- I-200 150 0 0 Tot Res Ind 300 50 vs. Time =348.497 Emax 350 100 -50 (MJ) Energy - a.) - 100 -100 -150 -/ I ' ' 0 2 4 6 810 Time ' -50 ' 14 . . 1 0 I- R' 0i I 2 1 4 1 1 6 . 1 . A-34 1 8 10 Time (s) (s) - I 50 1 1 14 EF3,U Current (kA) vs.Time (s) Re- 2.51 = 0.95 Z Voltage (V) vs. Time (s) I,max 5.75 I,min =-44.38 I10~J I I'I 1'I 5 I' nturns = 160.0 Vt,max =3.52881 Vt,min =-12.9856 '1 -' 0 0 0 -10 0 -20 0 -30 Sz -10 E- -15 -40 0 -50 I U I I I I 0 2 4 6 8 10 14 -5 - 0 2 Time (s) Flux Linkage 20 VS,max VS,min (Wb) 6 14 8 10 Time (s) vs. Time Temperature =11.4692 - 4 - 57.3432 10 14 0 ( K) vs. Tjm J 2 t, norm =1.72271 Espec (J/cc) -140.534 T,max (K) -139.789 U 130 - -10 120 -20 110 -30 E- -40 100 -50 90 -60 80 L 0 2 I 0 2 4 6 810 14 Time (s) I 4 6 I 8 10 Time (s) A-35 I I 14 Radial Force vs. Time (s) = 2.510 R ( dk (m) = 0.319 sigmaTmax (MPa)= sigmaTmin (MPa)= 200 150 ~ Cz 100 T Tot -S-- Self -M--Mut - - dZ 0.955 0.319 (m) 272.14 0.00 & - - -8 - -*- - - - - - - 's, 50 01 - - -50 2 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (s) Axial sigmaz,max (MPa)= sigmaz,min (MPa)= 20 z Force vs. Time (s) 0.27 -16.80 0 -20 0 -40 -60 -80 -100 I 0 2 4 I I 6 8 Time (s) A-36 I 10 I 12 14 Pre and Post Disruption R df Currents 2.510 0.319 (in) (mn) (MAT) = 0.955 mW= 0.319 Z 2 e- - Oe fter---2 -4 -6 - -I* S -8 2 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (s) Radial Force, Pre and Post-Disruption 272.14 0.00 sigmaTmax (MPa)= 200 sigmaTmin (MN) (MPa)= 150 I I 100 A 50 ,A -0 0 Li /\ 2 4 6 8 Time (s) A-37 10 12 14