fc> UNIVtRblTY ATHENS, GEORGIA UX ! PU 1« , A c?b yew, -wfio Have Si/ uout <§>oualit to malic tliio tiling succeed; ding us -Bu fund ziiagcstiono, expfalnina ev'vu need, ufd we dedicate tills meSfeii it ouv cot't'egc jofies—aff new ! fts a- tolien and cxpzeosion out gratitude to you ! 3e SBitots. EDITORIAL. |T could hardly be expected that the editors of this volume should come to the front to make their bow with anything but a proud smile; for we are proud. We are proud because we have published the first college annual ever issued from the University of Georgia; the second ever published in the South. Annuals are quite common in Northern colleges, and are as rare in the South, fully three-fourths of the Southern college students never having seen an annual, and having but a very crude idea of the character of such publications. Hence, we have but little fear that THK PANDORA will not receive a cordial reception. It will be an excellent Southern annual, because there are none with which to compare it. It will be the very best ever published in Georgia, because it is the only one the State has afforded. Hence, we are exceptional editors, because we have no apologies to make; we wish only to ask that, when you examine this book, and note how much room there is for improvement, you will remem­ ber that THE PANDORA is, in all respects, a pioneer. We sincerely hope that this pioneer will clear lands, build houses, and effect a permanent settlement, for there is no better way in which to preserve college records and to indicate progress than through annuals, and we ask our friends to give the future volumes of THE PANDORA all the encouragement and support they can, for the sake of the University of Georgia. Indeed, we should like to modestly suggest that the Board of Trustees annually set aside a certain sum of money to insure the regular publication of THE PANDORA in such style as shall rival the annuals of the wealthy colleges of the North. Our readers may be somewhat disappointed in this volume when they find that it has the enormous number of sixteen editors and business managers, and so we must explain that, as THE PANDORA promised to be a success and something new to Athens students, almost everybody in the Junior and Senior Classes desired to repre, sent their respective fraternities on the editorial or financial board, THE GENERAL LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA ATHENS, GEORGIA THE PANDORA. and it was impossible to agree upon a quota of less than two from each fraternity. The succeeding volumes will doubtless be gotten up by boards, consisting of one representative from each. WE take great pride in being able to give to our friends, as a. frontispiece, the pictures of our Faculty. This feature alone makes the book worth double its price. As " a thing of beauty is a joy forever," this frontispiece, as well as the pictures of " Ye Editors," will doubtless be preserved through coming years by all who are sofortunate as to come into possession of a copy of THE PANDORA. In ihe other artotype we show views of some of our buildings and apparatus rooms. The picture in the upper left-hand corner is of the Engineering Model Room ; the next to the right is an interior view of the Library ; while the lower right-hand corner furnishes a glimpse into the Physical Apparatus Room. The lower left-hand corner shows the Chapel, with the Demosthenian Hall to the right and the " Old Toomb's Oak " to the left. The central picture is a small view of the Moore Building. THE attendance at the University remains almost stationary from year to year. It was thought that when Prohibition went into effect,, the attendance would be perceptibly increased, but as yet we note no change. Prohibition having been given a successful test during the past year, perhaps we may predict a larger attendance next session. * * * WITH the exception of the election of Professor Strahan as Tutor, in place of Professor Van Hoose, resigned, there has been nochange in the Faculty during the past three years, and there-are no indications that there will be in the near future. An addition will be made, however, at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, as that very active and progressive (?) body will then fill the chair of Natural History and Agriculture. IT would be out of place to say much about the classes here, as the various historians have said about all that can be said, except that they all forgot to mention any demerits. The Class of '86 will,, without exception, be the largest ever graduated from the Univer­ sity of Georgia, and she is brainy in proportion to her size. You will hear from '86 in the future. The Junior Class, while rather EDITORIAL. smaller than usual, is withal a very fair class, and numbers some very fine men among its members. '88 is the largest class in college, as the Sophomore generally is, and is a very good class, morally, mentally, physically and vocally. They are very progressive, and cut prayers and get sick almost as much as the Seniors. '89 is decidedly " weasely " at present, though they aye typical Freshmen. They are young, fresh, noisy, funny, and each has a big head with nothing in it. * * * IT gives us pleasure to note the growing interest that our boys now take in athletics. Each class now has its first and second base­ ball nines and its football teams, and they exist not merely on paper, but in reality. The result has been good games of football during the fall and winter, and well-patronized baseball matches during the spring and summer. Such being the case, we hope the proper authorities will, at a very early date, give us a respectable playground, as the present condition of the campus ballground could not be much worse. We suppose it would be folly to express even a wish for more encouragement in athletics than this, but we cannot refrain from hinting at how much we need a gymnasium. Our present "gymnasium" consists of a horizontal bar and a trapeze that were erected in open air by some of the students. However, when old fogy notions have given way to modern ideas, and the Trustees are guided by the motto, "Metis sana in corpore satw," may our sons and grandsons come hither to drink at the "Pierian spring," and find a fully-equipped gymnasium. * * * AND now we believe we have nothing more to say; nothing but " Good-bye." In a few more weeks another college year will have ended. Another class will have stepped from the threshold of the college campus out upon the arena of life; will have put aside childish things and suddenly become men. Like others who have preceded them, they will soon be forgotten; yet, it will be long be­ fore they can forget the toils and pleasures of their college life. But for every meeting there is a parting, and so " Farewell, a word that hath been, and must be— A word that makes us linger, yet Farewell." THE PANDORA. BOARD or TRUSTEES. J. J. GRESHAM, H. V. M. MILLER, LAMAR COBB, PRESIDENT. VICE PRESIDENT. SECRETARY AND TREASURER. Atlanta. Dahlonega. Atlanta. Washington. Cave Spring. Albany. Atlanta. Macon. Macon. Atlanta. Athens. Macon. Savannah. Savannah. Thomas ville. Atlanta. Athens. Augusta. Eatonton. Athens. Americus. Columbus. Atlanta. Athens. Washington. Rome. Athens. Atlanta. Atlanta. Athens. Augusta. Marshalville. Cedartown. La Grange. Covington. H. V. M. MILLER, D. W. LEWIS,* JOSEPH E. BROWN, ROBERT TOOMKS,* B. C. YANCEY, D. A. VASON, . JAMES JACKSON, J. A. BILLUPS, . SAMUEL HALL, J. W. BECKWITH, LAMAR COBB, J. J. GRESHAM, JOHN SCRIVEX, A. R. LAWTON, A. T. MclNTYRE, ALFRED H. COLQUITT, W. W. THOMAS, . J. B. GUMMING, R. C. HUMBER. JAMES S. HAMILTON, . B. P. HOLLIS, W. A. LITTLE, H. D. McDANIEL, POPE BARROW, W. M. REESE, D. B. HAMILTON, ALEX. S. ERWIN. N. J. HAMMOND, H. W. GRADY, A. L. HULL, C. Z. McCoRD, W. H. FELTON, S. M. H. BYRD, . JAMES H. FANNIN, L. F. LIVINCSTON, *Deceased. OUR ALUMNI. OFFICERS OF TIJE ALUMNI SOCIETY, HON. JOEL A. BILLUPS. .............................. President. Hox. D. A. VASON. ......................... ist Vice-President. JULIUS L. BROWN, Esq....................... 2d Vice-President. HON. P. W. MELDRIM ........................ 3^ Vice-President. PROF. L). C. BARROW ................................ Secretary. INTERESTED , w A6R.ICXJLTUKE. JOHNS' OUT WEST. THE PANDORA, *(5). P. H. MELL, Chancellor, D.D., LL.U., Professor of Metaphvsics and Ethics. (8.) WILLIAMS RUTHERFORD, A.M.. Professor of Pure Mathematics. (6.) L. H. CHARBONNIER, A.M., Professor of Physics and Astronomy. (2.) C. P. WILCOX, A.M., Professor of Modern Languages. (4.) H. C. WHITE, C. and M.E., Professor of Agriculture, Chemistry, Mineralogy ami Geology. (3.) W. G. WOODFIN, A.M., Professor of Latin and Greek Languages and Literature. (i.) CHARLES MORRIS, A.M., Professor of Belles Lettres. (7.) D. C. BARROW, Jr., C. and M.E., Professor of Engineering. ................ \ Professor of ATatural History. (9.) C. M. STRAHAN, C. and M.E. Tutor in Mathematics and Ancient Languages. GEORGE DUDLEY THOMAS, B.S., B.L, Professor of Law. ANDREW J. COBB, A.B., B.L., Pn-fessor of Law. SAMUEL C. BENEDICT, M.D., Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence. * The numbers refer to the order in which the photographs occur in the frontispiece. t This chair is at present vacant. DEPARTMENTS. The departments of the University are as follows : I. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. (Known as Franklin College). II. STATE COLLEGE DEPARTMENT. (Being the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts). III. LAW DEPARTMENT. IV. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. (Situated at Augusta, Ga.). V. BRANCH COLLEGES. 1. NORTH GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. (Situated at Dahlonega). 2. SOUTH GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. (Situated at Thomasville). 3SOUTHWEST GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. (Situated at Cuthbert). 4- MIDDLE GEORGIA MILITARY AND AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. (Situated at Milledgeville). THE PANDORA. 10 >ffN T""- i S; T rr f"v fv rtf T /"VT^ /"^ T~^ * O /*" dL/ISS iilST OF 86. COLORS : Red, Orange and Black. J. M. SLATON, . J. J. GILBERT, G. W. LAMAR, JR., SANDERS McDANIEL, C. H. WILLCOX, P. L. WADE, . J. W. GRANT, NAME. N. H. BALI.ARD, ATA, M. B. BOND, ATA, J. D. CARSWELL, 2AE, ]. B. CARTER, A. G. CASSELS, R. F. CASSELS, W. L. CLAY, 2AE, S. T. CONYERS, KA, . W. B. COOK, ATH, W. C. COUSINS, <2>.TJ, T. C. CRAWFORD, J. B. DUDLEY, J. W. FAIN, X$, . A. L. FRANKLIN, ATA, J. J. GILBERT, J. W. GRANT, B. F. HAWKINS, C. H. HERTY, KA, N. L. HUTCHINS, Jr., 2AE, T. C. JACKSON, 2AE, A. W. JONES, 2N, . G. W. LAMAR, Jr., KA, President. Vice-President. Sec. and Treas. Historian. Prophet. Poet. Orator. RESIDENCE. Palmetto. Lebanon, Tenu Waynesboro. Boneville. Mclntosh. Mclntosh. Savannah. Perry. Brunswick. Jonesboro. Athens. Sonora. Atlanta. Covington. Columbus. Atlanta. Thomasville. Milledgeville. Lawrenceville. Atlanta. Augusta. Savannah. CLASS LIST OF '86. 11 RESIDENCE. NAME. Jackson. Pendergrass. Appling. Atlanta. Brunswick. Athens. Athens, Athens. Marietta. Cross Keys. Waynesboro. Chattooga Co. Monroe. Marietta. Lafayette. Atlanta. Atlanta. Augusta. Social Circle. Social Circle. Athens. Newnan. Athens. Athens, Ga. Alba-ny. Watkinsville. Waycross. Pike Co. J. M. LUTES, . J. U. LONG, H. H. MALONE, SAXDERS MCDANIEL, X<t>, R. D. HEADER, Jr., AT.d, C. J. MELL, 2AE, C. E. MORRIS, KA, J. W. O'KELLEY, 2JV, . T. D. POWER, 2N, .. M. F. RAMSEY, *]. J. REYNOLDS, C. C. RUDICIL, G. C. SELMAX, Jr., X<P, H. L. SEWELL, 2N, . J. P. SHATTUCK, J. M. SLATON, X<P, . P. H. SNOOK, Jr., 2JV, J. W. TWIGGS, <?//©, E. P. UPSHAW, T A, W. S. UPSHAW, ATA, P. L. WADE, A TA, E. T. WHATLEY, ATA, C. H. WILLCOX, KA, G. N. WILSOX, KA, . W. E WOOTEX, 2AE, G. H. WILLIAMSON, W. P. WILLIAMS, 2N, J. R. WILLIAMS Total, 50. * Left College. 12 THE PANDORA. ISTORY OF iL/ISS OF '86. j|T is with feelings of inadequateness to the task set before me that I take up my pen and attempt to write the history of '86. It is with a feeling of awe, too, for the subject is one that deserves an abler pen than mine, and if given at length, would take up volumes. The Class of '86 has been a noted one throughout its entire Col­ lege course. Away back in the days of '82, when we were Fresh­ men, we gained a reputation which has stuck to us and increased with each succeeding year. Our class has always been a large one. As Sophomores we numbered over 75, and as Seniors we will graduate (deo volente) with 48 men, the largest class but one that has ever gone forth from the University. Although we stand so well in numbers, we likewise rank high in quality. Although our class standing is high, we are not all of us hard students, as witness the following: One of the faculty re­ marked in the presence of the entire class that we " were a verybrainy, but exceedingly high spirited class," and another said " he had never yet had a class that could make so much noise to the square inch since he had been connected with the University." All of which is a specimen of how "others see us." Since the existence of the class of '86 the University has seen a greater interest taken in athletic sports than at any previous time in its history, and it is but due to '86 to say that she was the prime mover in this important department of college life. As a proof of this assertion, I need but mention the fact that, of the entire college nine, five of the best and most important players, including the captain, are Seniors. This is the nine that so thoroughly "did up," Emory College a short time ago, and without doubt the boys of '86 were mainly instrumental in doing the work. HISTORY OF CLASS OF '86. In other phases of college life '86 has asserted herself with equal success. THE PANDORA, the first college annual published in the State, and one of the first in the South, was originated and devel­ oped by a few energetic '86 men, although some '87 men are repre­ sented on the editorial staff. In fine, '86 has exercised an import­ ant influence in whatever enterprise she has entered, and her name will live in college traditions for many years to come. I know that I but re-echo the sentiments of every member of the class when I say that our stay here has been both profitable and pleasant. But, alas ! time flies and changes come to all, and we must soon scatter to the four corners of the world. And here this history must stop, but the future history of the Class of 1886 will, be writ on the pages of time and in the record of our common, country. HISTORIAN OF "86. 14 THE PANDORA. iL/ISS UlST OF 87. COLORS : Rcil and Grey. ' Fools are my theme, Let satire be my song."—Byron. . J. H. BLOUNT, JR., . . . R. L. JOHNSON, BEN. HILL THOMPSON, W. H. HAMMOND, C. F. RICE, . NAMES. W. L. M. AUSTIN, 2AE, JAMES H. BLOUNT, 2AE, FRANK C. BLOCK, X3>, JOHN B. BRITT, 21V, W. G. BROWN, 21V, T. C. CRAWFORD, H. A. CHARLTON, KA, W. B. CRAWFORD, MARION T. DAVIS, $4(j, M. ELKAN, W. A. FLORENCE, J. E. FLOWERS, 21V, ROBERT L. FOREMAN, KA, H. N. GALLAHER, 21V, A. W. GRIGGS, &FA, B. B. GLOWER, 21V, W. H. HAMMOND, 2AE, *W. C. HUMPHRIES, $A<~), W. L. HODGES, QFA, . . COURSE. Elective, A.B., B.Ph., B.A., A.M., Elective, B.Ph., B.C.S., B.C.S., B.E., A.B., A.B., B.Ph., B.E. A.B, B.Ph. B.Ph., A.B., A.B., * Left College. President. Vice-President. Secretary. . Treasurer. Historian. RESIDENCE. Greenville, S. C. Macon. Atlanta. McCormick, S. C. Alpharetta. Athens. Savannah. Lincolnton. Athens. Macon. Thomson. Doraville. Washington. Sandersville. West Point. Fayetteville. Thomasville. Doraville. Hartwell. 15 CLASS LIST OF '87. NAMES. ROBERT L. JOHNSON, ATD., •C. JOWERS, E. C. KONTZ, KA, C. C. MCGEHEE, 2AE, H. K. MILNER, AT.Q,, JOHN D. Moss, KA., JOHN D. MUNNERLYN, Jr., $>AQ. ROBERT L. NOWELL, ATA, WESLEY PEACOCK, 2AE, JOHN R. PITNER, LEWIS D. PACE, X<P, W. B. POWERS, $AO, C. F. RICE, X<f>, W. F. SMITH, W. A. SPEER, $A9, *M. McG. STEWART 2AE, BEN. HILL THOMPSON, 2A£, ALBERT J. TUGGLE, $A(-), C. M. WALKER, 2AE, J. H. WALKER, 2AE, U. V. WHIPPLE, $FA, W. W. WIMBERLY, 2AE, G. H. WINSTON, $AQ Total, 42. COURSE. B.E., Elective, B.Ph., B.Ph., B.E., B.E., A.B, B.Ph., A.B., B.Ph., Elective. B.Ph., B.C.S., A.B.. A.B., B.A., A.B., A.B., A.B., A.B., A.B., A.B., A.M. • Left College. RESIDENCE. Columbus. Preston. Atlanta. Atlanta. Birmingham, Ala. Athens. Waynesboro. Monroe. Thomasville. Athens. Covington. Palatka, Fla. Atlanta, Social Circle. Atlanta. Savannah. Atlanta. LaGrange. Monroe. Monroe. Cochran. Bullards. West Point. 16 THE PANDORA. HISTORY OF ©LASS OF '87. |T is with a great deal of difficulty that the historian of '87 collects together enough matter to present a pretense at a readable piece. Our class was born in October, 1883, and is, of course, very near three years of age. In the Freshman year '87 was rather below the average, in the opinion of others, but not of ourselves. The voyage through the first year was, however, calm and serene, and landed about twenty-five safely into the Sophomore Class. This class is generally the largest and one of the best in the University, and it remained for '87 to show up as preceding Sophomore Classes have done. We were increased by about fifteen men, which made us number fully thirty-five, or about half the number '86 possessed in the Sophomore year. But we found great consolation in the fact that we possessed quality, and not quantity. Our class was never composed of many fine orators, but we depended on deep-thinking and sober students. When the Spring Debate Election rolled 'round in early '85, both the Demosthenian and Phi Kappa societies were made aware of this fact. It was impossible to secure the requisite number of debaters from, the class. So the debate was killed—at least for one year—and Class '87 did the work. The year '85 passed gently by, and when the fall term was upon us new sheep were ready and anxious to enter the "flock," We now number forty. Looking over the names of the present members of the class, I see but few of the names of those who started away back in the Freshman year. Time has worked many changes, as has also " Soph. Math." As the Sopho­ more rises to be a Junior, he finds one great bugbear, "Junior Math; " and to avoid it, the B. C. S. course is resorted to by many, and it is found to be a great advantage towards securing a " sheep­ skin." As to the composition of this class, it possesses moral boys, im- HISTORY OF CLASS OF '87. 17 moral ones, some who are brilliant, and some who are rather blunt. Again, we possess those who are temperate, and those who occa­ sionally take in a little soda-water or lemonade. The average age of our class is eighteen years and six months. That the remaining year maybe as pleasantly spent as the past three have been is the sincere wish of the HISTORIAN OF '87. 18 THE PANDORA. CLASS RIST OF " We are men, my liege." " Aye, on the catalogue ye do pass for men."—Macki'th. W. D. NESBITT, E. J. BONDURANT, OSCAR DAYIS, . G. A. WH1.TEHEAD, JR.,. JOHN DANIEL, President. Vice-President. Secretary. Treasurer. Historian. NAMES. R. W. ALMON, J. A. BARNES, 2AE, W. E. BALDWIN, 2AE, E. J. BONDURANT, KA, N. R. BROYLES. X<P, J. E. BOSTON, X$, L. M. BRAND, LAMAR COBB, E. B. COHEN, J. G. CRANFORD, ~2N, E. A. COHEN, A. D. CHENEV, 2AT, . LEE CRAWLEY, '2N, E. W. CHARISONNIER, 2AE, W. S. CHISHOLM, KA, R. B. CLARKE, $FA, E. C. DAVIS, J. B. H. DAY, . OSCAR S. DAVIS, 4>/IO, JOHN DANIEL, KA, J. R. EVANS, &F/, C. P. FULLER, 2A£, L. G. FLEMING, X®, J. E. FOY, &4Q, W. M. GLASS, ATA, T. R. HARDWICK, RESIDENCES. Franklin Co. Augusta. Cuthbert. . Augusta. Atlanta. . Marietta. Logansville. . Athens. Athens. . Stateville. Macon. . Athens. Waycross. . Athens. Savannah. . Gainsville. . . . • . Albany. Social Circle. Greensboro. Augusta. Washington. Atlanta. Brunswick. Egypt. Warnerviile. Atlanta. CLASS LIST OF NAMES. *A. P. HOWELL, 2N, W. M. HAWES, $/;j, T. P. HUNNICUTT, ]. G. JARRELL, . *G. L. JOHNSON, ATfl, L. L. KNIGHT, X4>, . T. F. KENDRICKS, W. A. KENNON, &FA, *.]. W. LAMAR, KA, ]. D. LITTLE, 2AE, W. V. LANIER, J57^, CLARENCE MALLORY, J. C. MELL, W. L. MOORE, L. B. MOORE, A. McCAREL, KA, W. D. NESBITT, ^' *fW. J. NORRIS, C. C. POE, .. *FANNING POTTS, $Z(j, W. H. QUARTERMAN, E. G. RUSSELL, W. J. RUSSELL, E. L. ROBERTS, T. W. REED, D. W. RlNTELS, V. L. SMITH, KA, . H. C. STRICKLAND, E. O. STANTON, C. F. THOMAS, . F. C. THOMAS, KA, *M. W. TIFT, 2^ F. E. TWITTY, EUGENE W. WADE, F. WAYLAND WRIGHT, G. A. WHITEHEAD, Jr., Q. L. WlLLIFORD, . M. J. WEBB, Total, 64. * Left College. 19 RESIDENCES. Greensboro. Thomson. Turin. Athens. Marietta. Atlanta. Sharon. Hoboken. Savannah. Columbus. Guyton. Senvia. Athens. Atlanta. Thomson. Augusta. Marietta. Florence, S. C. Atlanta. Atlanta. Walthourville. Athens. Athens. Marietta. Atlanta. Charlotte, N. C. Atlanta. Maysville. Seneca, S. C. Cochran. Athens. Albany. Milford. Athens. Augusta. Savannah. Harmony Grove. Dawson. f Deceased. 20 THE PANDORA. IISTORY OF f LASS OF 88. [ITH what pride and pleasure did we enter in upon our duties this year as Sophomores ! How we did delight in "turning" the little Freshman as we had been done the year before; and how we rejoiced to mash a Junior's " derby " or tosee a Senior " turned." We are a noble band of 56 " Sophs " marching on and upward in the path of knowledge, with as many well-balanced and welltrained minds. We started with 52, but time added 12 to our num­ ber, and various causes have reduced us to 56. Notwithstanding that we have a reputation for being a little noisy sometimes, we are the best class in mathematics that our Professor has ever had the pleasure to instruct. Indeed, he so expressed him­ self one day, and said that he was very proud of our general high average. Indeed, we do very well in Latin and Greek, although, our reputation is sometimes upheld in dailys by tricks, ponies and double-acting panoramas. On the diamond we show up one of thebest ball teams in college. And we are also noted for the number of handsome men that delight in walking on Milledge Avenue and. admiring the fair L. C. I. damsels. In due time the political fever struck us and we were divided among ourselves, vieing for the honor of " Spring Debaters." There were 20 candidates in the field and twelve to be elected. Whowould be among the favored twelve was the question. After spend­ ing many a sleepless night after a hard day's labor in the political field, the favored twelve's fears were eased by the withdrawal of all the candidates but twelve. It was a pleasure to see a candidate; he always had a broad grin on his face and a pleasant word to say, which is characteristic of a college politician, and he was always ready to " set 'em up," and how they did " set 'em up " was a warn­ ing to their indulgent parents. We now see no more " wire pull­ ing," but the successful twelve have gone to work, and we are assured of two hot and spirted debates. Having spoken of the accomplishments of the class, we will de­ vote the remaining space to its description. The class of '88 is the HISTORY OF CLASS OF '88. 21 largest in College. Among the number are no less than four voters, and 30 who will vote at the next Presidential election. We have the tallest man in College, being 6 feet 6 inches, and the smallest, being 5 feet 3 inches; our average height is 5 feet 5 inches. Our total age is 1,130 years; average, 17 years and 6 months; maxi­ mum, 26; minimum, 15. In the midst of the pleasures of our Christmas holidays we were reminded that man is mortal and that death is ever amongst us. On the 27th of December W. J. Norris, of South Carolina, died. He was clever and very popular, though he had been in our ranks only three months. Altogether, he was a noble fellow, and was .sadly missed. Now we are drawing near to the close of the year; our time as Sophomores is almost gone, and as it is the duty of the Historian to record and relate what has taken place in the past, I hope that I have accomplished my duty, and we now bid you adieu as the first Sophomore Class that ever published a history in an Annual of the University of Georgia. HISTORIAN. 23 THE PANDORA. iLASS RlST OF 89. COLORS : Blue and Orange. ' A watery, pulpy, slobbery Freshman, and newcomer in this planet. — Sartor Jfi's A. S. THOMPSONJ, J. P. UPSHAW, JOE GERDINE, . B. C. COLLIER, W. J. SHAW, NAMES. M. P. BARROW, X$, J. C. BERNARD, LAWSON CHASE, SANBORN CHASE, B. C. COLLIER, ROBERT L. Cox, T. R. CRAWFORD, T. R. CRAWFORD, ASA T. DRAKE, WM. B. DIXON, $r/i; L. A. FLEMING, X$, JOE GERDINE, KA, GEORGE E. HEARD, WILLIAM HENDERSON, ANGUS S. JAMES, LEWIS W. JAMES, THEO. A. KLINE, SJV, H. N. LESTER, ~2N, C. W. MORRISON, EDGAR H. MORTON, HOPE C. POLHILL, 2N, . . . . . COURSE. Elective, B.E., Elective, B.C.S., B.E., A.B., B.Ph., B.E., B.Ph., B.E., B.Ph., B.Ph., B.Ph., A.B., A.M., B.E., B.E, B.E., B.E., B.E., A.B. and B.,Ph., President. Vice-President Secretary. Treasurer. Historian. RESIDENCES. Athens. Athens. Florence, S. C. Florence, S. C. Albany. Maiden Branch. Linconton. Athens. Philomath. Lafayette, Ala. Brunswick, West Point, Miss. Athens. Stilesboro. Douglasville. Salt Springs. Macon. Montezuma. Charleston, S. C. Rome. Forsyth. 23 CLASS LIST OF '89. NAMES. S. P. RICHARDSON, Jr., 21V, WILLIAM J. SHAW, 21V, KRVAXT J. SMITH, B. A. STOVALL, 2AE, PAUL A. TAPPAN, 21V, ASHLEY S. THOMPSON, JOHN UPSHAW, ATA , ANDREW WEAVER, JOHN H. WILLIFORD, *SEWEI,L A. WRIGHT, 21V, COURSE. A.B., A.B. and B.E., Elective, B.E., A.B., B.A., B.Ph., A.B., B.Ph., B.A., Total, 31. * Left College. RESIDENCES. Athens. Coosa. Statesville. Athens. White Plains. Smithville. Social Circle. Athens. Athens. Greensboro. 24 THE PANDORA. HISTORY OF iLASS OF '89. HE Freshman Class of '85-'86 was virtually organized on the 7th of October, 1885, although not formally until a later day. On ftie i3th of November, pretty soon after the opening of College, a gloom was cast over our class by the death of Mr. Lester, one of our most prominent and esteemed members. After a lingering illness, during which he was tenderly nursed by his club-mates and friends, he died, and his body was taken home by his club-mates and resigned to his parents. Al­ though we greatly deplore his death, we cannot think otherwise than that it was for the best that he should bo taken away, and that he has only gone on before. When we first arrived here, as a mat­ ter of course, we felt somewhat lost, but we were introduced into mathematics and the languages in such an endless chain that we had no time for feelings of bewilderment. But after so long a time we became acquainted with the place and its surroundings, and in a few months we began to feel as much at home here as anywhere else. We were very much annoyed by the boys fondly (?) calling us "Fresh" and making all manner of fun at our expense when we first entered College, but when they saw they could not accom­ plish their intended purpose they began to call us by our proper names, except in a few instances. It was really amusing to notice this difference just before the elections of anniversarians for the different societies. Before any of the candidates "came out" for this office, the usual salutation for any of our class was, " Hello, Fresh." But about a month before the election, when all the can- HISTORY OF CLASS OF '89. •didates "were out" and "electioneering," when one of our class was spoken to it was, " Good morning, Mr. ————," or evening, as the case might be, with a polite tip of hat. But, then, I have been told, very confidentially, that we were as good a class as ever entered the University, both in quantity and quality, and if you will only read on, you will see that the one who made this assertion had good grounds for doing so. Our class consists of thirty well-devel­ oped, fine-looking (?) boys; we sport three full-grown moustaches, and there are a great many more of us who could grow finer ones than some of the Sophomores turn out, and I think that, considering our average age is only eighteen years, that does pretty well. Well, after studying and struggling for that mighty rise for three long months, we found the Christmas holidays at hand, which, you may be sure, were well-timed and welcome. After spending our holidays at our respective homes, which passed off all too quickly and pleasantly, we came back considerably recuperated and refreshed, with the determination to make time pass as agreeably and profitably as possible. It was reported that directly after Col­ lege opened "some verdant young Fresh " came to recitation with his lunch in a tin bucket, a slate under his arm, and innocently asked how long it would be before recess. But, "gentle reader," I hope you will make some allowance for the Sophs for they are " constituted " so that they have to have somebody or something to pick at all the time, and they are really not responsible for the trouble their inventive power sometimes gets them in. On the 25th of January, 1886, our class had a call meeting, the object of which, as subsequently stated, was to formally organize, and re­ sulted in the election of the above-named officers. I think that the despatch with which we transacted this important business ought itself to be a good recommendation for the business qualities of "the class," for we were only about fifteen minutes, but it may have been due partly to the fact that dinner-time was near at hand. Our intermediate finals came on pretty soon after this, which gave us some pretty hard study for about a month, but we braced ourselves up to it, and, as a general thing, came out remarkably well. Pretty soon after the organization of our class we organized our base­ ball nine, which was to play the second Sophomore team. We have not played much yet, but we are practicing, and intend to accept •their challenge at an early day. Well, after these things had 26 THE PANDORA. taken place, there happened nothing very eventful in our class, but we followed the same old routine of studies that has been traversed by thousands before us until we stood our June finals, and by which we were informed on the " Blue List" that we were Sophomores, but still the same class advanced one year. HISTORIAN OF '89. ROLL OF UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL. ROLL OF UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL. " The first thing we do let's kill all the lawyers.''—HF.XRY VI. R. R. ARNOLD, J. D. CHENEY, H. S. JAMES, E. M. MITCHELL, B. E. MORGAN, . R. I,. MOVE, R. L. J. SMITH, F. S. STONE, FRANK UPSON, C. A. WARD, . J. S. WILLIAMS* J57V/, TOTAL, n. Atlanta, Ga. Mt. Vernon, Ga. . Douglasville, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. . Jasper, Fla. Cuthbert, Ga. . Athens, Ga. Mobile, Ala. . Athens, Ga. Douglas, Ga. , Waycross, Ga. . THE PANDORA. li- .T H e• OR D ££• or- 30 THE PANDORA. SIGMH fiLPMH EPSILON, JIS5B, ROLL OF ACTIVE CHAPTERS. 1884 1866 1866 1879 1882 1881 1885 1882 1867 1883 1878 1882 1860 1856 1884 1857 1857 1858 1884 1882 1867 1885 1884 1861 1870 1881 Mo. ALPHA... ... University of Missouri.......Columbus. Mo, GA. BETA. ........University of Georgia ...... .Athens, Ga. Miss. GAMMA. ... .University of Mississippi. .. .Oxford, Miss. GA. DELTA. .......N. G. Ag. College. ......... Dahlonega. Ga. S. C. DELTA. .... .S. C. College...............Columbia, S. C. GA. EPSILON. .... Emory College......... ... .Oxford, Miss. KY. EPSILON. .... .South Kentucky College..... .Hopkinsville, Ky. TENN. ZETA. ..... .">. W. P. University. ....... .Clarksville, Tenn. TENN. ETA. .......S. W. B. University. ....... Jackson, Tenn. N. C. THETA. ..... Davidson College. ........... Uavidson College, N. C. ALA. IOTA. ...... .Southern University........ .Greensboro, Ala. KY. KAPPA. ......Central University........... Richmond, Ky. TENN. LAMBDA .... Cumberland University....... Lebanon, Tenn. ALA. Mu..........University of Alabama.......Tuscaloosa, Ala. S. C. Mu......... .Erskine College............ .Due West, S. C. TENN. Nu........ . Vanderbilt University........ Nashville, Tenn. N. C. Xi.......... Chapel Hill................ Chapel Hill, N. C. VA. OMICRON. .... .University of Virginia; ...... University of Va. VA. Pi............ Emory and Henry College.... Emory and Henry, Va. TEXAS RHO... .. .University of Texas..........Austin, Texas. VA. SlGMA ....... .W. and L. University....... Lexington, Va. OHIO SIGMA. .... ..Mt. Union College..........Mt. Union, Ohio. VA. TAU ........ .Richmond College..... .... .Richmond, Va. KY. Cm..........K. M. Institute.............Farmdale, Ky. GA. Psi...........Mercer University...........Macon, Ga. TENN. OMEGA. .. ..University of the South.. ... .Sewanee, Tenn. ALUMNI CHAPTERS. ALPHA AL. ........... .............Atlanta, Ga. ALPHA BETA AL. ..... ................ Nicholasville, Ky. BETA AL. ........................... Albany, Ga. ETA AL. ........ ..... .............. Honea Path, S. C. LAMBDA AL. .................. ......Charleston, S. C. PHI AL. ............................. Greenville, S. C. SIGMA AL. ...........................Savannah, Ga. OMEGA AL. ...........................Augusta, Ga. : STATE ASSOCIATION. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE ASSOCIATION. \ GEORGIA BETA CHAPTER. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. (Established FRATRES IN URBE. A. A. LIPSCOMB, D. D., LL.D., R. M. WADE (Pi.), S. T. LANE, W. W. THOMAS, L. H. CHARBONNIER, JR., REV. C. W. LANE, D.D., • ED. BANCROFT. R. B. RUSSELL, Jos. HODGSON, C. A. SCUDDER, THOS. S. MELL, A. L. MITCHELL, G. C. HAMILTON, FRATRES IN FACULTATE. CHANCELLOR P. H. MELL, D.D., L.LD., L. H. CHARBONNIER, A.M. POST GRADUATE. JNO. D. MELL. SENIORS. JNO. D. CARSWELL, W. L. CLAY, N. L. HUTCHINS, JR., TOM COBB JACKSON, CHAS. I. MELL, P. H. SNOOK, JR., W. E. WOOTEN. JUNIORS. W. L. M. AUSTIN, JAS. H. BLOUNT, JR., W. H. HAMMOXD, C. C. MCGEHEE, JR., WESLEY PEACOCK, M. McG. STEWART, BEN HILL THOMPSON, CHAS. M. WALKER, J. H. WALKER, W. W. WIMBERLY. SOPHOMORES. Jxo. A. BARNES, W. E. BALDWIN, E. A. CHARBONNIER, C. P. FULLER, Jxo. D. LITTLE, BRYAX C. COLLIER, • JAS. C. MELL, W. L. MOORE, M. W. TIFT, G. A. WHITEHEAD, JR. FRESHMEN. B. A. STOVALL, JR. 31 33 THE PANDORA. ROLL OF ACTIVE CHAPTERS. 1859 1885 1867 1867 1867 1854 1867 ALPHA. ................... University of Virginia. BETA ..................... Harvard University. GAMMA ................... Emory College. DELTA .................... Rutgers College. EPSILON. ..................Hampden-Sidney College. ZETA ..................... Franklin and Marshall College. ETA ................ ...... University of Georgia. 1878 THETA. .................. .Troy Polytechnic Institute. 1883 IOTA ...................... Ohio State University. 1872 KAPPA. ... ................Brown University. 1875 LAMBDA ............ ....... University of California. 1883 1877 1883 1874 1871 1873 1872 1872 1869 Mu...................... .Stevens Institute. OMICRON .................. Yale College. Pi ........................ Vanderbilt University. RHO ...................... LaFayette College. SIGMA .....................Wofford College. PHI ...................... . Amherst College. Cm...................... .Ohio Wesleyan University. Psi ....................... Lehigh University. OMEGA .................... Dickinson College. ALUMNI CHAPTERS. 1880 ALEPH .................... Baltimore, Md. 1881 BETH.... ......... .........New York, N. Y. 1883 VAU ...................... Washington, D. C. -*=ssSf ^ VHO ETA CHAPTER—CHI PHI. CHI PHI. FRATRES IN FACULTATE. H. C. WHITE, A, W. G. WOODFIN, A, D. C. BARROW, Jr., ff. FRATRES IN URBE. E. W. BURKE, /"", POPE BARROW, Jr., ff, T. R. R. COBB, ff, W. McK. COBB, ff, WM. MCDOWELL, Ga..,A, C. B. GRIFFITH, ff, GEORGE HODGSON, ff, M. G. NICHOLSON, ff, BILLUPS PHINIZY, ff, J. H. RUCKER, ff, T. P. STANLEY, ff, R. G. TAYLOR, ff, ETA CHAPTER. 1886. E. M. MITCHELL (Law), G. C. SELMAN, Jr., A. G. CASSELLS, R. F. CASSELLS, J. W. FAIN, J. W. GRANT, A. S. HOPKINS, S. McDANIEL, J. M. SLATON. 1887. C. F. RICE, L. D. PACE. F. C. BLOCK, 1888. J. E. BOSTON, L. J. FLEMING, L. L. KNIGHT, N. R. BROYLES, E. O. STANTON, F. W. WRIGHT. 1889. L. A. FLEMING. 33 34 THE PANDORA. FOUNDED 1866. ROLL OF ACTIVE CHAPTERS ALPHA ........ .Washington-Lee University.......... ... . Lexington, Va. BETA. .... .... .Virginia Military Institute....... ........ .Lexington, Va. GAMMA. ........University of Georgia. . . ............... .Athens, Ga. DELTA......... .Wofford College.........................Spartanburgh, S. C. EPSILON ........Emory College. ........................ .Oxford, Ga. ZETA. ......... .Randolph-Macon College.. ............. .Ashland, Va. THETA. ........ .Sub-Rosa. ETA,. .... .... ..Richmond College ..................... .Richmond, Va. IOTA. ...........Furman University. .................... .Greeneville, S. C. KAPPA.. ....... ..Mercer University.......................Macon, Ga. LAMBDA ........ University of Virginia. .................. Albemarie Co., Va. Mu.. .......... .Erskine College........................ .Due West, S. C. Nu,. ...... .... .Alabama State College.................. .Auburn, Ala. Xi............. ..Sub-Rosa. OMICRON.. ...... .University of Texas.................... Austin, Tex. Pi. ......... .. .University of Tennessee........ ........Knoxville, Tenn. RHO. ........ ...South Carolina College .......... ......Columbia, S. C. SIGMA .......... Davidson College....................... Meckl'nb'gh Co., N.C. UPSILOX,....... .University of North Carolina............Chapel Hill.N. C. PHI. ........... .Southern University. .................. .Greensboro, Ala. CHI. ... ....... .Vanderbilt University. ................. .Nashville, Tenn. Psi.............. Tulane University. .... ...... ......... New Orleans, La. OMEGA. ..........Centre College of Kentucky. ............Danville, Ky. ALPHA-ALPHA. . ..University of the South.. ............... Sewanee, Tenn. ALPHA-BETA. .... University of Alabama.............. ... Tuscaloosa, Ala. ALPHA-GAMMA. .. Louisiana State University............... Baton Rouge, La. GAMMA CHAPTER—KAPPA ALPHA. 35 jM/,PH!A it tn GAMMA CHAPTER 1869. ESTABLISHED FRATRES IN FACULTATE. GEORGE D. THOMAS, B.L. (Law). CHARLES MORRIS, A.M., ANDREW J. COBB, B.L. (Law). C. P. WILCOX, A.M. C. M. STRATHAN, C. and M.E., SAMUEL C. BENEDICT, M.D. (Law). FRATRES IN URBE. JAMES C. BLOOMFIELD, F, '84, FRED. S. MORTON, F, HARRY H. PHINIZY, F, '82, J. N. SMITH, B, SYLVANUS MORRIS, F, '76, G. R. NICHOLSOX, F, W. M. ROWLAND, /"", H. N. WILCOX, F. CLASS OF '86. S. T. CONYERS, C. H. HERTY, G. W. LAMAR, Jr., C. E. MORRIS, C. H. WILCOX, G. N. WILSON. CLASS OF '87. R. L. FOREMAN, Jr., J. F. GREEN, J. D. Moss. E. C. KONTZ, H. A. CHARLTON. CLASS OF '88. A. McCARROLL, E. J. BONDURANT, V. L. SMITH, JOHN DANIEL, F. C.THOMAS. J. W. LAMAR, W. S. CHISHOLM. CLASS OF '89. JOE GERDINK. THE GENERAL LIBRARY THS*UNIVER3ITY OF GEORGIA ATHrNS, GEORGIA , 36 THE PANDORA. ESTABLISHED DEC. 26, 1848. ROLL OF ACTIVE CHAPTERS. ALPHA PROVINCE. Maine Alpha—Colby University. New Hampshire Alpha—Dartmouth College. Massachusetts Alpha- Williams College. Vermont Alpha—University of Vermont. New York Alpha— Cornell University. New York Beta—Union College. New York Gamma—College of the City of New York. New York Delta—Columbia College. Pennsylvania Alpha—Lafayette College. Pennsylvania Beta—Pennsylvania College. Pennsylvania Gamma—Washington and Jeffer­ son College. _Pennsylvania _..„__,..... Delta—Allegheny „ „ College. _ n______i__:.. Epsilon—Dickinson T7.,._:i__ T»:.,u:-,.,.,-, College. r'~ii_._ Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Zeta—University of Pennsylvania. BETA PROVINCE. Virginia Virginia Vtrginia Virginia Alpha— Roanoke College. Beta — University of Virginia. Gamma— Randolph-Macon Colleg Delta— Richmond College. Virginia Epsilon — Virginia Military Institute. North Carolina Beta — University of North Carolina. South Carolina Beta— South Carolina College.. GAMMA PROVINCE. Georgia Alpha — University of Georgia. Alabama Beta — State College of Alabama. Georgia Beta — Emory College. Mississippi Alpha — University of Mississippi.. Georgia Gamma — Mercer University. Texas Beta— University of Texas. Alabama Alpha — University of Alabama. Tennessee Alpha— Vanderbilt University. Tennessee Beta — University of the South. DELTA PROVINCE, Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio Alpha—Miami University. Beta—Ohio Wesleyan University. Gamma--Ohio University. Delta—University of Wooster. Ohio Epsilon—Buchtel College. Ohio Zeta—Ohio State University. Kentucky Alpha—Centre College. Kentucky Delta—Central University. EPSILON PROVINCE. Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Alpha—Indiana University. Beta—Wabash College. Gamma—Butler University. Delta—Franklin College. Indiana Epsilon—Hanover College. Indiana Zeta—De Pauw University. Michigan Beta—State College of Michigan.. Michigan Gamma—Hillsdale College. ZETA PROVINCE. Illinois Gamma. Illinois Epsilon—Illinois Wesleyan University. Illinois Delta—Knox College. Illinois Zeta—Lombard University. Wisconsin Alpha—University of Wisconsin. ETA PROVINCE. Missouri Alpha—University of Missouri. Missouri Beta—Westminister College. Kansas Alpha—University of Kansas. Nebraska Alpha—University of Nebraska, Iowa Alpha—Iowa Wesleyan University. Iowa Beta—State University of Iowa. Minnesota Alpha—University of Minnesota. California Alpha—University of California. ALUMNI CHAPTERS. New York Alpha Alumni—New York, N. Y. Ohio Alpha Alumni—Cincinnati, Ohio. Virginia Alpha Alumni—Richmond, Va. Ohio Beta Alumni—Akron, Ohio. District of Columbia Alpha Alumni—Washing- Kentucky Alpha Alumni—Louisville, Ky. ton, D. C. • Indiana Alpha Alumni—Franklin, Ind. Maryland Alpha Alumni—Baltimore, Md. Indiana Beta Alumni—Indianapolis. Ind. Georgia Alpha Alumni—Columbus, Ga. Illinois Alpha Alumni—Chicago, III. Alabama Alpha Alumni—Montgomery. Ala. Illinois Beta Alumni—Gaiesburg, 111. Tennessee Alpha Alumni—Nashville, Tenn. Kansas Alpha Alumni—Kansas City, Mo. Minnesota Alpha Alumni—Minneapolis, Minn. The next national Convention will be held at Cincinnati, Ohio, in the XXXVIII year of the Fraternity, commencing Monday, October 18, 1886, and closing the following Friday. GEORGIA ALPHA CHAPTER. 37 CHARTERED JUNE 5, 1871. FRATRES IN URBE. EDWARD K. LUMPKIN, EDWARD I. SMITH, W. G. WOODFIN, Jr., EDWARD H. DORSEY, EDWARD H. KIMBROUGH, N. B. JONES, JOHN F. JACKSON, WALTER L. CHILDS, J. B. L. COBB, FRANK W. CHENEY, C. A. DURHAM. EDWARD SANFORD. LAW. R. R. ARNOLD ................................... Atlanta. FRANK S. STONE, Jr................................ Mobile, Ala. CLASS OF '86. JAMES J. GILBERT. ....... ........................Columbus. B. F. HAWKINS, Jr..............................Thomasville. JAMES J. REYNOLDS. ............................. Waynesboro. JOSEPH W. TWIGGS. .............................. Augusta. CLASS OF '87. M. T. DAVIS. ................................ ... Athens. WM. C. HUMPHRIES .............................. Chamblee. JOHN U. MUNNERLYN ............................ Waynesboro. WM. B. POWERS .................................. Palatka, Fla. WM. A. SPEER ..................................... Atlanta. ALBERT J. TUGGLE. .............................. La Grange. GEORGE H. WINSTON ............................. West Point. CLASS OF '88. LAMAR COBB..................................... Athens. ED. B. COHEN ................................... Athens. OSCAR S. DAVIS .................................. Greensboro. JOHN E. FOY.................................... Egypt. THOMAS R. HARDWICK. ......................... .Atlanta. FANNING POTTS ................................. Atlanta. THOMAS W. REED ................................ Atlanta. 38 THE PANDORA. FOUNDED SEPTEMBER 11,1865. INCORPORATED 1878. ROLL OF ACTIVE CHAPTERS. 1865 VA. BETA. ................. ............Washington and Lee University. 1868 VA. DELTA. ............................ University of Virginia. 1869 VA. EPSILON ...........................Roanoke College. 1884 KY. ZETA. .............................Central University. 1870 KY. Mu ........................... .. .Kentucky Military Institute. 1877 TENN. OMEGA. ......................... University of the South. 1878 GA. ALPHA-BETA. .......................University of Georgia. 1879 N. C. ALPHA-DELTA. .................... University of North Carolina. 1879 ALA. ALPHA-EPSILON. ...................A. & M. College of Alabama. 1880 GA. ALPHA-ZETA. ....................... Mercer University. iSSi GA. ALPHA-THETA......................Emory College. iSSi N. C. ALPHA-ETA. ......................Sub-rosa. 1881 PENN. TAU. .............................University of Pennsylvania. 1881 MICH. ALPHA-Mu................... .. .Adrian College. 1881 NEW JERSEY ALPHA-KAPPA. ............ Stevens Institute. 1882 OH,IO ALPHA Nu...... .................Mt. Union College. 1882 N. Y. ALPHA-OMICRON . ............... .St. Lawrence University. 1882 PENN. ALPHA-RHO. .....................Lehigh University. 1882 TENN. ALPHA TAU. .....................S. W. Presbyterian University. 1882 PENN. ALPHA-UPSILON. ..................Penn College. 1883 S. C. ALPHA-PHI. ..... .................South Carolina College. 1884 OHIO ALPHA-Psi........................Wittenberg College. 1884 FLA. ALPHA-OMEGA. ........ . .......... University of Florida. 1885 IOWA BETA-ALPHA ...... .... .......... Simpson Centenary College. 1885 ALA. BETA-BETA. ........ .............. Southern University. 1885 MASS. BETA-GAMMA. .................... Mass. Institute of Technology. 1885 ALA. BETA-DELTA. ......................Universiy of Alabama. Next Biennial Congress meets at Charleston, S. C., Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1886. STATE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS. ALABAMA.—Next Annual Convention June 28th, 1886, with Alpha-Epsilon Chapter. GEORGIA.—Next Annual Convention June 26th, 1886, with Alpha-Theta Chapter. SOUTH CAROLINA.—Next Annual Convention February 22d, 1887. VIRGINIA.—Next Annual Convention June 24th, 1886. KENTUCKY.—Next Annual Convention August, 1886, at Lexington, Ky. NORTH CAROLNIA.—Next Annual Convention October, 1886, at Raleigh. FLORIDA,—Next Annual Convention June, 1886, with the Florida Alpha-Omega Chapter. DRE KA.PH I LA . GEORGIA ALPHA BETA CHAPTER. GA. ALPRA-BGCA (JRAPCGR OF TAU OM FRATRES IN URBE. A. F. BISHOP, B. M. BISHOP, REV. C. D. CAMPBELL, HON. H. H. CARLTON. CLASS OF '86. R. D. HEADER, Jr. W. B. COOK, CLASS OF '87. H. K. MILNER. R. L. JOHNSON, CLASS OF '88. W. D. NESBITT. *G. L. JOHNSON, h Left College. 39 40 THE PANDORA. FOUNDED 1860. ROLL OF ACTIVE CHAPTERS. ^........................... Allegheny College. P.......................... .Stevens Inst. of Technology. T........................... Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. jV. .......................... Lafayette College. r. .......................... Washington and Jefferson College. JI........................... Lehigh University. 2........................... Columbia College. M .......................... Ohio Wesleyan University. X. . ........................ Kenyon College. W ......... ... ............. Wooster University. Z.......................... . Adelbert College. B. ........... ............... Ohio University. €)........................... Bethany College. H. ....................... .. Buchtel College. BE. ........................ Emory College. EA. ........................ University of Georgia. BC-). ....................... .University of the South. A........................... University of Michigan. 0........................... Hanover College. ^........................... Albion College. /........................... Michigan State College. K. ......................... Hillsdale College. BE........ ................ De Pauw University. BZ......................... Butler University. O. ............... .......... Iowa State University. D..'......................... Iowa State College. S. ....................... .. Simpson College. Bff. ......... .............. University of Minnesota. BK.............. .......... University of Colorado. —— ...................... . Vanderbilt University. —— ...................... .University of Mississippi. —— ....................... Emory and Henry College. ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS. Nashville, Chicago, Michigan. Cleveland, Xew York, BETA DELTA CHAPTER. 41 BETA DELTA CHAPTER OF Tau CHAPTER ROLL. CLASS OF '86. M. B. BOND, W. S.' UPSHAW, E. T. WHATLEY. N. H. BALLARD, A. L. FRANKLIN, E. P. UPSHAW, CLASS OF '87. ROBT. L. NO\VELL. CLASS OF '88. W. M. GLASS. CLASS OF '89. SANBORN CHASE, J. P. UPSHAW. 42 THE PANDORA. FOUNDED 1848. ROLL OF ACTIVE CHAPTERS. 1848 1882 1882 1852 1855 1856 1856 1858 1859 1858 1885 1864 1865 1880 1866 1865 1867 1867 1867 and 1885 1870 1868 1870 1871 and 1884 1885 1878 1882 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1886 1886 A... ...Washington and Jefferson College.... .Washington, Pa. J1. ..... University of California........ ..... Berkley, Cal. A.... ..University of Lewisburgh ......... . .Lewisburgh, Pa. Z. ..... Indiana State University..............Bloomington, Ind. H.... ..Marietta College....................Marietta, Ohio. K.. .. ..Baylor University................... Independence, Tex. A.... ..De Pauw University ................ . Greencastle, Ind. ,3... . ..Pennsylvania College ....... .......Gettysburg, Pa. O. . . ..University of Virginia................Charlottesville. Va. n..... Allegheny College.... ..............Meadville, Pa. 2 ... ..Wittenberg College. .................Springfield, Ohio. T.. . . ..Hanover College.....................Hanover, Ind. T... ..College City of New York........... .New York City. X. .. ..Racine College..................... .Crawfordville, Ind. V.... .Wabash College .................... .Wabash, Ind. fl... ..Columbia College .... .............. .New York City. AA . ...Illinois Wesleyan University. ........ .Bloomington, 111. BA .... Roanoke College.................... Salem, Va. ) \ TA . ...Knox College. ..................... .Galesburg, 111. ) AA.. ..Hampden and Sydney College....... .Hampden and Sydney, Va.. EA.. ..Muh'lenberg College. ............... ..Allentown, Pa. &A . ...Ohio Wesleyan University............Delaware, Ohio. \ [• KA .... University of Georgia................ Athens, Ga. ) AA .. ..Denison University...................Granville, Ohio. OA .. ..Ohio State University................Columbus, Ohio. IIA.. ..University of Kansas... ........... .Lawrence, Kan. PA .... University of Wooster............... Wooster, Ohio. 'SA .. ..LaFayette College...................Easton, Pa. TA. . . .University of Texas.................Austin, Tex. A3>. .. .University of Michigan ..............Ann Arbor, Mich. BX. .. . Lehigh University..................Bethlehem, Pa — ... . Wm. Jewell College................. Liberty, Mo. f,A.. ..Adelbert College ...... ............ Cleveland, Ohio. KAPPA DEUTERON CHAPTER. Kappa Deuteron Chapter OF Flii 3 ESTABLISHED 1871-1884. IN URBE. LLEWELLYN S. BEARING. DR. JOHN J. HILL, LAW CLASS. ROBERT L. MOVE, A.B. WILLIAM C. COUSINS, CLASS OF '86. • PEYTON L. WADE. CLASS OF '87. A. PETTIT MOVE, U. V. WHIFFLE ASA W. GRIGGS, W. L. HODGES, CLASS OF '88. JL W••"" W. A. KENNON, H. C. STRICKLAND, EUGENE W. WADE. R. B. CLARK, JOHN R. EVANS, W. M. HAWES, CLASS OF '89. W. B. DIXSON, Jr. 43 44 THE PANDORA. ROLL OF ACTIVE CHAPTERS. A ............................... Virginia Military Institute. J?. .............................. University of Virginia. 1^. .............................. University of North Carolina. A............................... University of South Carolina. E............................... Bethany College. Z............................... Central University. H'........ ...................... Mercer University. fe*............................... University of Alabama. /............................... Howard College. K'............................... North Georgia State College. T.............................. .Washington and Lee University M.............................. University of Georgia. N.............................. University of Kansas. 3............................... Emory College. O.... ......................... ..Bethel College. n.............................. .Lehigh College. -P............................... University of Missouri. -2 .............................. Vanderbilt University. 45. MU CHAPTER. MUtCHSPTER OF SIGMA NU. CLASS OF '86. J. W. O'KELLY, M. F. RAMSEY, J. S. WILLIAMS, G. H. WILLIAMSON. A. W. JONES, T. D. POWER, H. L. SEWELL, W. P. WILLIAMS, CLASS OF '87. J. B. BRITT, J. E. FLOWERS, B. B. GLOWER. CLASS OF '88. A. D. CHENEY, A. P. HOWKLL, E. L. ROBERTS, CLASS OF '89. THEO. KLINE, H. C. POLHILL, P. A. TAPPAN, W. J. BROWN, H. N. GALLAGHER,. J. L. CROWLEY, W. V. LANIER, G. J. CRANFORD. S. P. RICHARDSON,. W. J. SHAW, S. H. WRIGHT. 46 THE PANDORA. THE " As thy days so shall thy strength be." | HE Demosthenian Society, one of the first literary societies ever founded in this country, and by all means the oldest in the State, owed its birth to the first class that ever graduated at Franklin College. Messrs. W. Jackson, J. Jackson, G. Clarke, W. Williamson, Henry Cox, J. V. Harris, Thomas Irwin, Jared Irwin, Robt. Rutherford, Wms. Rutherford, and A. S. Clayton, while members of the Junior Class were the founders of the Demosthenian Society, and drew up a constitution and by-laws, and gave the above name to the newly-formed society. As far as the writer knows, not one of the above-named gentlemen is now living. The birthday of the society is generally considered to be the igth of February, 1801, though, in a letter to the society, Mr. Wms. Rutherford states that on the 5th of February, 1803, the Junior Class consulted together and formed a society " for the pro­ motion of extemporizing, or extemporaneous speaking." This organization was perfected on the igth day of the same month ; hence this day is generally regarded as the birthday of the society. The society was recognized at once by the Faculty and Board of Trustees as a splendid feature of the College course, and was generously nourished in every way possible. The society has continued in a prosperous condition up to the present time. It owns a handsome hall, and a library of several thousand volumes, containing some very rare works. Some of the most distinguished men who have graduated at the University have been Demosthenians, among whom may be mentioned Robt. Toombs, Benj. Hill, William Lumpkin, and numerous Congressmen, United States Senators, noted divines, and in fact men of note in THE DEMOSTHENIAN SOCIETY. 47 all the professions throughout ihe South. In addition to these there are a great many honorary members of distinction, whose let­ ters of acceptance are still preserved in the society's records, and which would be worth their weight in gold to collectors of such letters. Among these are Henry Glay, Martin Van Buren, Judah P. Benjamin, Andrew Johnson, W. L. Yancey, Washington Irving, Wm. Cullen Bryant, Wm. Gilmore Simms, and many others. 48 THE PANDORA. PM Kappa Society, i|N the 22d of February, 1820, a party of students seceded from the Demosthenian Society and formed the Pht Kappa. This party consisted of Messrs. J. H. Lumpkin, of Lexington, Ga., Wm. R. Crabbe, of Columbia County, Ga., Edwin H. Macon, of Greensborough, Ga., and Henry Manger, of Athens, Ga. J. H. Lumpkin was elected the first president, and E. Lee the first clerk. There is a tradition to the effect that the ob­ ject of the foundation was at first to make the society a secret fra­ ternity, and with this end in view the first meetings were held in the belfry of the chapel. This tradition is strengthened by the fact that the society to this day has a number of secrets that are known only to its members, and these secrets are all of them recorded in the Greek language. At first the young society met with very little encouragement, and found it very hard to keep alive. The Demosthenians naturally looked down upon the new rival, and being the stronger of the two, the Phi Kappas found it very hard to compete with her; but its growth has been steady and sure, and to-day the stone that the Demosthenian builders rejected has be­ come the chief corner of the University. After meeting with varied success the society, finally, through the help of kind friends, and by the strenuous efforts of its members, was enabled to erect a hall. This building was of wood, and in it the society met until the new hall was built. In 1832, Alexander Stephens started a subscription to build a brick hall, and, meeting with considerable encouragement, he went ahead and had the hall that the society now meets in erected. In building this hall the society incurred a debt of three thousand dol­ lars, which hung over it until 1838, when three honorary members, Howell Cobb, John Milledge, and W. C. P. Whitehead, subscribed THE PHI KAPPA SOCIETY. 49 one thousand dollars each to defray the debt. The society, prompted by gratitude to these members, passed resolutions of thanks, had them printed in golden letters and hung over the president's chair,, and they hang there to this day. The society from that time on has been in a very flourishing condition. Her membership has been large and intelligent, and upon her roll appear the names of Georgia's greatest sons. She has been victorious for the last five or six years over her rival in the annual debate, and bids fair to continue so in years to come. It is to be hoped that the influence which she has wielded in moulding the great men of our State shall never grow less, but shall wax stronger and stronger in years to come. 50 THE PANDORA. yp THURSDAY, JULY 12. 10 P.M.—Complimentary Hop, from '87 to '86 ; Dupree Opera House. FRIDAY, July 16. 10 A.M.—Board of Trustees meets. 10 P.M.— Reception to Graduating Class by Prof, and Mrs. White. SATURDAY, JULY 17. 4 P.M.—Class Tree Exercises. 8 P.M.—Champion Debate be­ tween the Phi Kappa and Demosthenian Societies. SUNDAY, JULY 18. ii A.M.—Baccalaureate Sermon. 8 P.M.—Sermon to the PrayerMeeting Society. MONDAY, JULY 19. ii A.M.—Oration before the Library Societies, by the Hon. W. B. Hill, of Macon. 4.30 P.M.—Sophomore Exhibition. TUESDAY, JULY 20. 9 A.M.—Meeting of the Society of Alumni. n A.M.—Oration before Alumni, by Judge Logan E. Bleckley, of At­ lanta. 4.30 P. M.—Junior Exhibition. 8 P. M.-— Chancellor's Reception. WEDNESDAY, JULY 21. 10 A.M.—Senior Exhibition and Delivery of Diplomas. 10 P.M.— Commencement Ball, Dupree Opera House. ANNIVERSARIANS AND DEBATERS. 51 ANNIVERSARIANS AND DEBATERS, DEMOSTHENIAN SOCIETY. EDGAR T. WHATLY, of Newnan, Ga. PHI KAPPA SOCIETY. TOM C. JACKSON, of Atlanta, Ga. CHAMPION DEBATERS. DEMOSTHENIAN. W. L. CLAY, -*- W. C. COUSINS, SANDERS MCDANIEL, PHI KAPPA GEORGE W. LAMAR, Jr., P. H. SNOOK, Jr., E. P. UPSHAW. SUBJECT : "Resolved, That a common school education should not be a necessary qualification for voting in civilized nations." Affirmative, Phi Kappa; Negative, Demosthenian. 52 THE PANDORA. The University Reporter. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE LITERARY SOCIETIES. FIRST TERM. G. N. WILSON, P. K., Editor-in-Chief. J. W. FAIN, P. K. GEO. W. LAMAR, Jr., P. K. W. S. UPSHAW, P. K. W. L. CLAY, D. W. A. SPEER, D. S. MCDANIEL, D. Business Managers-^.. McG. STEWART, D.; J. D. CARSWELL. P.K. SECOND TERM. G. N. WILSON, P. K., Editor-in-Chief. J. H. BLOUNT, Jr., D. J. W. GRANT, P. K. R. D. HEADER, Jr., D. C. H. HERTY, P. K. E. P. UPSHAW, P. K. C. F. RICE, D. Business Managers—J. D. MUNNERLYN, D.; A. G. CASSELLS, P.K. THIRD TERM. W. E. WOOTEN, D., Editor-in-Chief. P. L. WADE, P. K. J. D. CARSWELL, D. B. H. THOMPSON, D. C. H. WILLCOX, P. K. F. C. BLOCK, D. J. J. GILBERT, D. Business Managers—W. B. POWERS, D.; C. I. MELL, P. K. FOURTH TERM. W. E. WOOTEN, Editor-in-Chief. R. L. FOREMAN, Jr., P. K. R. L. MOVE, D. J. M. SLATON, P. K. R. R. ARNOLD, P. K. F. S. STONE, Jr., D, E. T. WHATLEY, D. Business Managers—R. L. JOHNSON, D.; U. V. WHIFFLE, D. THE UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRA. f HE UNIVERSITY ®RCHESTRA. ALEX HOPKINS, CHAS. McGEHEE, LOUIS PACE, VICTOR SMITH. IUMTETTE. C. H. HERTY, C. M. STRAHAN, C. H. WILLCOX, H. N. WILLCOX. 54 THE PANDORA. Athletic Association. OFFICERS. T. C. JACKSON, . . . President. C. E. MORRIS, . . . Vice-President. W. B. COOK, .... Secretary and Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE C. H. WILLCOX, J. W. TWIGGS, P. H. SNOOK, Jr., C, E. MORRIS, S. T. CONYERS, T. C. JACKSON, H. K. MILNER, W. D. NESBIT, J. W. GRANT, A. S. THOMPSON. UNIVERSITY BASE BALL TEAM, 1886. C. E. MORRIS, '86, Pitcher and Captain. A. W. JONES, '86, Catcher, R. L. NOWELL, '87, First Base. C. J. MELL, '86, Second Base. E. J. BONDURANT, '88, Third Base. J. D. MELL, '86, Short-stop. C. H. WILLCOX, '86, Left Field. J. C. MELL, '88, Centre Field. Q. L. WILLIFORD, '88, Right Field. W. D. NESBIT, '88, Substitute. T. C. JACKSON, '86, Manager. SENIOR NINE. C. E. MORRIS, Pitcher and Captain. A. W. JONES, Catcher. C. J. MELL, First Base. C. H. WILLCOX, Second Base. T. C. JACKSON, Third Base. J. D. MELL, Short-stop. J. W. TWIGGS, Left Field. S. T. CONYERS, Right Field. P. H. SNOOK, Jr., Centre Field. G. W. LAMAR, JR., C. H. HERTY, Substitutes. W. S. UPSHAW, Manager. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. 55 JUNIOR NINE. W. A. SPEAR, Pitcher. A. W. JONES, Catcher. H. K. MILNER, Left Field and Captain. R. L. NOWELL, First Base. J. H. WALKER, Second Base. R. L. AUSTIN, Third Base. L. M. PACE, Short-stop. H. A. CHARLTON, Centre Field. C. C. McGEHEE, Right Field. W. A. SPEAR, Manager. SOPHOMORE TEAM. Q. L. WILLIFORD, First Base. J. C. MELL, Catcher. O. S. DAVIS, Pitcher. R. R. ARNOLD, Left Field. W. D. NESBIT, Second Base and Capt. J. E. BOSTON, Third Base. E. J. BONDURANT, Short-stop. N. R. BROYLES, Centre Field. C. P. FULLER, Right Field. F. C. THOMAS, Substitute. FRESHMAN CLASS. L. W. JAMES, Catcher. W. B. DIXON, Pitcher. S. CHASE, First Base. A. S. THOMPSON, Second Base. JOE GERDINE. Third Base, B. C. COLLIER, Short-stop. W. J. SHAW, Left Field. H. C. POLHILL, Centre Field. E. H. MORTON, Right Field. March April " " " " RECORD OF OFFICIAL GAMES. 27.—Seniors...........13 ........Sophomore..........8. 3.—Seniors........... 18........ Sophomore.......... 2. 10.—Sophomore ....... 23 ........Juniors......... ... .8. 17.—Seniors........... 9........ Sophomore.......... 9. 24.—At Union Point— University. .......12 ........ Emory College....... i. 26.—University........20. ...... .Athens City Nine. ... .6. 56 THE PANDORA. The Engineering Society. M. B. BOND, ----- President. R. L. JOHNSON, ... Vice-President. W. B. COOK, ----- Sec. and Treas. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. W. B. COOK, Chairman. N. H. BALLARD, J. B. BRITT, G. N. WILSON, R. L. JOHNSON. MEMBERS. '86. N. H. BALLARD, W. B. COOK, A. W. JONES, W. P. WILLIAMS, M. B. T. C. C. H. G. N. BOND; CRAWFORD, WILCOX, WILSON. '8 7 . J. B. BRITT, M. ELKAN, R. L. JOHNSON, W. B. CRAWFORD, H. N. GALLAGHER, H. K. MILNER, J. D. Moss. ENGINEERING SOCIETY. History of Engineering Society. DURING the month of May of each of the past few years, the Senior and Junior classes in Civil Engineering, with their professor, have laid aside their regular college duties for a week and gone into the field to combine theory with practice in railroad surveying. Text books are laid aside, instruments are mounted, old clothes are found, and the em­ bryo engineer leads a regular camp life for a week. Usually the route of some proposed railroad is selected for this exercise, and after the survey is finished, maps, profiles and es­ timates are made. While these surveys have been regularly made for several years, it re­ mained for the present classes to effect an organization and elect officers of " The Uni­ versity Engineering Society." We have done more than this, however, for, aided by the trustees, the society now possesses a complete camp equipage, in­ cluding five large tents. A railroad from Athens to Columbus, via Social Circle, has been variously discussed and more or less earnestly proposed for some time, so that last year it was decided to survey the route as far as High Shoals, a distance of a little more than seventeen miles. This survey proved a very pleasant as well as instructive one, and all the sallow, angular girls in the High Shoals factory, having heard that we were coming, greeted us on Saturday evening, after our work was done, with flour on their faces, flowers in their bosoms and oil on their hair. It is needless to say that we all left our hearts at High Shoals. This year we resumed the survey at High Shoals and completed the route to Social Circle. On Monday morning, the tenth of May, 58 THE PANDORA. eight Seniors, seven Juniors, and a Sophomore, clad in stout breeches, tourists' flannel shirts and large hats, with sheath knives and lunch bags strapped around them, set out for work with a two-horse cov­ ered wagon, well loaded with tents, provisions and camp equip­ age. It could hardly be said that we looked particularly dangerous, though the people looked on in amazement from safe distances, speculating as to whether we were cow-boys or desperadoes, while the policemen disappeared around the first corner. As we passed by the Lucy Cobb Institute on our way out of town, the dear creat­ ures screamed, one fainted, and another begged us on her knees not to scalp her, but to take her false bangs and be satisfied. We reached High Shoals in due time, pitched our tents and got everything in readiness for an early start next morning. That night there was a temperance meeting in the gay and festive city of shoals and factory people, and all the beauty and chivalry of that neigh­ borhood had gathered together to hear what was to be said against the evils of alcohol. Our boys were invited to the meeting accepted, went and distinguished themselves. All went in their field costumes except John M-ss, who had brought along his dress suit, patent leather pumps, satin cravats, and four-inch collars. He tried to speak, but his words could not rise above his collar and so his mighty eloquence was lost. B-ll-rd took the floor and said that we should abstain from liquor because the C2 H6 would act on C18 H^ O10 of the epigastrial meningal and produce H2 SO4, which would destroy the petalitxus, and produce a reflex action on the femoral expecturosis. After this eloquent display of wisdom the house adjourned sine die. There was little sleeping done in camp that night; the boys were jolly and they made things lively ; among other things they had an impromptu camp meeting, in which B-nd preached, J-lms-n prayed, and Elkans was converted to a ham-eater. At about one o'clock in the morning all hands turned in and all was quiet for about two hours when the big wall tent was serenaded. This was too much ; the old tent could not withstand the effect of the music which those serenaders made, and she tottered to the ground, nearly smothering the inmates, who swore so loudly that the mules blushed and crept behind the wagon. There was no more sleep that morning and after a breakfast of ham, bread and coffee, each man filled his lunch bag with sardines ENGINEERING SOCIETY. or canned beef and crackers, and by six o'clock all had begun work. From this time everything went smoothly on and the survey pro­ ceeded without friction. Our professor joined us at about eleven o'clock and the transitman ceased talking to the rodmen in italics and Sunday-school phrases. We worked with less hurry than last year, though we made the best time on record. Everywhere along the route whole families turned out to see us pass, and either stood gazing at us with open mouths or else over­ whelmed us with questions as to how long before the trains would be running, if we would build a depot opposite their house, and what would be the fare to Athens. One old lady saw the level pointed towards her house and sent out her son to request us to wait until she changed her dress before we took the picture. One day one of the reconnoitering party came across a typical Arkansas boy. " Bud," asked the young engineer, " where does this road go ?" "Hit don't go no whar ez I ever heerd on," he answered. "Well, but I mean where does it lead ?" " Tends on how fur you go." " Yes, I understand that, but how shall I reach Mr. Aycock's ?" " De best way yer kin." " But will I reach Mr. Aycock's if I follow this road?" "Better try it and see." "Say," said the disgusted reconnoitrer, "you go and soak your head." " You take a runnin' start and go to thunder," replied the boy. The disgusted surveyor went on, and soon the boy called out to him, " Ef ye don't git dar, come back an' make a cross mark in de road an' try agin." The third day out we came in sight of a large house by the road side, and as usual heads popped out of every door and window to see us and our maneuverings. As we drew near and our sheath knives, axes, and rods could be more distinctly seen by the aston­ ished people ; they heard the yells of Br-tt and grumbling of J-hns-n and saw the fiendish smile of Willie W-ll-ams and every head was drawn in, every window fastened and every door barred. Some of the boys wanted to buy a few of the spring chickens that were in the yard, but none of their hellos or knocks were answered by the slightest sound from within. They no doubt thought that the war had begun again, and that Sherman was once more marching through Georgia. Last year we had bacon and bread for breakfast, bread and bacon for dinner and ditto for supper. This year we determined on a lit­ tle more variety, and so, besides a good supply of canned meats THE PANDORA. which we brought out, we purchased every egg that we could lay hands on. Thursday night everybody had eggs : no one ate less than half a dozen, and B-ll-rd, that dainty delicate boy, got outside of just sixteen, while M-ln-rand G-ll-ger followed with eleven each. There was some lively cackling done in Camp Egg that night, and we all crowed the next morning at daybreak. On Friday at about noon stake 1027+48 was driven at the edge of the Social Circle depot, a bench mark was taken and our survey was ended. In our pioneer costumes we stood " the observed of all observers," and when we marched back to camp which was on the outskirts of the town, all passed down the main street, and every­ body turned out to view us as if we constituted a circus procession. The camp and corps were photographed, and then each man was at liberty to spend his time as he pleased. I 61 THE PANDORA. CORRECTtON. Proper order of photographs beginning at left upper corner and ™ going to the right: Wilson, Browue, Jones , e^ M. B. BOND, W. A. SPEER, C. F. RICE, X$, C. H. WILCOX, g at left NOTE—The Photographs are arranged in the above order, beginnin right. the to going upper corner and THE PANDORA. 61 Published bv the Fraternities. BOARD OF EDITORS. G. N. WILSON, KA, Editor-in-Chief. W. G. BROWN, 21V, A. W. JONES, 21V, S. MCDANIEL, X0, R. D. HEADER, AT£l, R. L. MOVE, &FA, F. S. STONE, $49, P. L. WADE, &FA, W. E. WOOTEN, 2AE, W. S. UPSHAW, BUSINESS MANAGERS. W. B. COOK, ATn, Chief Business Manager. M. B. BOND, ATA, W. A. SPEER, <PJ0, C. F. RICE, X$, C. H. WILCOX, KA. NOTE—The Photographs are arranged in the above order, beginning at left upper corner and going to the right. THE PANDORA. 62 G. N. WILSON, N. H. BALLARD, J. W. FAIN, - President. Vice-President. Sec. and Treas. MEMBERS. N. H. BALLARD, W. B. COOK, A. W. JONES, C. H. WILCOX, M. B. BOND, J. W. FAIN, J. M. SLATON, G. N. WILSON. 'YE EDITORS." U Ye Editors: flHEN others lay dreaming in peace, Of days when dread " Finals " should cea^e Ye editors wide awake lay. And to the fair Muses of Greece Would often beseechingly pray That they would descend once again, And dwell in each editor's brain ! And this was each editor's prayer: May Clio, with tablet in hand, Euterpe, Melpomene, stand Full ready to aid in the rout ; May Terpsichore, graceful and bland. Teach thoughts to dance speedily out ; But chiefly, O Thalia teach, To seize all the jokes within reach ! May Erato lead us to roam 'Mid sentiment frothy as foam; Polyhymnia teach it to flow In strains that Calliope's tome Informs us, the Epic (?) can go ; Urania unveil to our eyes The splendors which "lumine the skies ! 63 64 THE PAXDORA. Alma Mater. j]X that fair South, whose soft and sunny clime The bards oft sing", in rythmic, flowing rhyme ; Where men have lived, and warriors bravely died ; Where beauty, grace, and chivalry abide ; On Georgia's soil—most favored of all lands— An ancient temple, reared to Learning, stands. When first the glowing plow-share marked the groui;d, Closed in the campus walls, then all around Was wild and dark, and grand primeval trees Moaned to the wind and sighed to every breeze ; And weird and stately pines—though rooted fast— Swayed back and forth, low bending to each blast ! But now, a quaint and lovely old time town Engirts the campus as a jeweled crown ; And Georgia's wit and wisdom gather here— The home of beauty and of culture rare ! Its chiefest pride and ornament as well Are these historic walls, which proudly tell Of statesmen nurtured here, and heroes bred. Whose lofty deeds the admiring world has read— For not the least of those whom Fame shall crown Are Stephens, Toombs, Cobb, Hill—men whose renown, So well deserved, shall live forevermore In Southern song and legendary lore ! O dear old town, what mem'ries 'round you cling ; What pleasures and what pains these mem'ries bring ! And dear old campus, o'er whose hallowed sod The feet of mighty men have erst-while trod ; What calm retirement weary man can find From all the strife without—what rest for mind And mortal frame, 'midst thy seclusion sweet— What heavenly rest, dwells in thy blest retreat ! O Alma jlfati'r, old in years art thou ; But yet full strong and vig'rous even now ! Thou hast the wisdom which attends on years ; The energy of youth, which boldly dares— Though old, still young , ripe wisdom joined with strength Will bear thee safe, and fix thy fame at length ! Ye sons, who love your Alma Mater's name, To you is trusted all her state and fame. P. L. W. PROFESSORS STOP HERE. WARNINGS PROFESSORS MUST STOP HERE. 65 66 THE PANDORA. The Faculty. IN ALPHABETICAL ORDKR. HO revels in bending moments, Strains, stresses and foundations, And whose exams, make students think In dashes and exclamations ? "Old Dave." Who "rises superior to the text,'' And "busts " before his classes, Who thinks himself a Solomon, And all other men are asses. "Old Charby." Who is it runs the College In such an all-wise way, And who with funny (?) class-room jokes Thoroughly bores us day Dy day ? "Old Doc." Who is it teaches how to write Essays and compositions, And in Senior " Monthlies " doth delight Despite all our petitions ? " Old Morris." Who says " ' the poetry of math ' Is found in Analyt ; " Who has half-a-dozen hobbies, And of reason not a bit ? "Old Foot." THE FACULTY. Who is that fair-faced little boy Wearing always long-tailed coats,. Who finds an ideal in " old White," And solace in giving notes ? " Little Charley Who is it that teaches Chemistry, As he lectures like a hero, Who tells you "Yes, sir, that is right," As he marks you down a zero ? " Old Harry." Who is the " huffy " little gent That speaks all modern lingo, Who laughs at you, and "busts " you Till you wish him dead, by jingo ? "Old Zip." Who goes in for a classic skim Of all the Greek and Latin writers, Who talks of " humor classical," In fact, with classics doth surfeit us ? "Old Wood. 67 68 THE PANDORA. ||ND it came to pass that at that season of the year when "cussing" and cramming prevailed in the land, even at that period when Intermediates fill the land with weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth, a certain tribe, known as Juniorites, did go into the house of William, he that is nick-named F—t, to stand an exam, in Analyt. (Long may she live to teach the coming Junior how to cuss.) And when they glanced at the questions they were" exceeding glad, for the thing looked easy, and they smole a smile, and said one unto the other, " Ain't F—t a daisy ? I can get every­ thing." But they wist not what they said, for when they had written divers and sundry things, and were ready to tackle the eighth question, even that which was last, they went with joyful heart and read the question, and lo, they were cast down; yea, verily, verily, I say unto thee, even as though a millstone were dropped upon them, were they "squshed," for behold, there was not one among them who could answer that question. And the Juniorites cussed—yea, verily, they did roar as the bull of Bashan. Now, it being near the hour of two, even that hour when the Professor goeth out to crush grub with his new teeth, the Juniorites did consult one with another, and they said, "Behold, are we not professional bluffers ! Come, let us rub out that question, and the Professor will not dare to take notice thereof." And they rubbed the question out, and behold, there arose a shout, and one that belonged to the tribe of W—Ik—r did jump up and crack his heels together thrice. And the Juniorites were gay and festive for several weeks thereafter, and they said to the world, " Behold we are the brag men of the College ; even the Professors fear us." And it came to pass, in a few weeks after the examination, that one of these crafty Juniorites did purloin the "pocket record " of PARABLE I. him that is surnamed F—t, and, verily, I say unto you, there was not a man who made above eighty-four in that examination. And the Juniors were exceeding wroth, and they said, one to an­ other, " Dammit ! " And, verily, verily, I say unto you, when the " blue list " is wafted on the breezes of Commencement Day, then there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Selah ! 70 THE PANDORA. liable II. j|ND lo, it was during that month of the year called Nov­ ember, and a certain company of them that are called actors did come down upon the town called Athens, and for a truth they did call themselves the "49" Co., though I ween there was not one fourth that number among them. And amongst that crowd there were two women who called themselves actresses, and one was named Maud and the other Blanche. But she that was named Maud was more pleasing to the sight of man. And lo, it was at that time of the year when the " Fair" was being held, and Blanche and Maud did for a truth's sake "take in" the Fair. And at that " Fair " there were likewise two students, one of the tribe of Senorites and one of the tribe of Juniorites ; and each did did say unto himself, " I am a masher." And behold, he of the tribe of Seniorites said unto him of the tribe of Juniorites, " Let us seek an introduction to the fair damsels that we may the more enjoy ourselves at this Fair." And they had their wishes granted by a Mutual Friend, who had been mightily bored by the damsels. And the M. F. left them. And lo, the Seniorite did forthwith proceed to freeze on to her that is called Maud, for she seemed the youngest, while the Juniorite was feign to be content with her that is called Blanche. And the Seniorite, who was a very talkative fellow, did talk much with Maud on various subjects, such as Science and Art, Literature, Acting, &c. And then the maidens did propose to throw rings at sticks and buy pop corn, for which the students had to pay. And it did fall heavily upon them, and they did grieve in their heart of hearts much, for their pockets were as light as the gauzy fabrics which come from Damascus by the sea. But they did conceal their grief, and withal did appear delighted —but as for the damsels (?) they did seem mightily pleased, for PARABLE II. 71 verily I say unto you their pop-corn and chewing-gum did cost them nothing. And when the Seniorite and the Juniorite did part from their fair friends, they did brag much to their fellow students upon their exploit, and they did much praise the young ladies. But several weeks later a student did read in a paper which said that Maud had been married twice, which was against the laws of the country. And when the Seniorite was told of this, cold shivers did run up and down his back bone. And he did lose faith in womankind. Verily I say unto you. all men are fools compared to one like Maud. 72 THE PANDORA. QUOTATIONS. THE FACULTY. "O, reform it altogether."—HAMLET. W. G. IV.—" Away with him, away with him, he speaks Latin.''—Henry VI. C. P. W.—His equal does not live—thank God for that." C.M.—" None but himself can be his parallel."— Theobald. P. H. M.— "He'd undertake to prove by force Of argument a man's no horse." L. H. C.—" He talks and talks, and yet says nothing."—S/iaksfeare. W.R.—" Men may come, and men may go, but I stay here for­ ever. "— Tennyson (adapted.} D. C. B.—He was the noblest Roman of them all.— Cmsar. H. C. W.—"He smiles and smiles, and yet he is a deceiver." C. M. S.—" O Lord, my boy, my Arthur, my fair son."—King John. MISCELLANEOUS. LUCY COBB GIRLS.—" Maidens withering on the stalk."—Anon. TOWN GIRLS. —" Here's metal more attractive."—Shakspearc. ATHENAEUM.—"What a pity 'tis thy sense and courage are not pro­ portionate to thy conceit."—Anon. THE LAW CLASS.—" Ye good distressed ! Ye noble few ! Who here unbending stand, Beneath life's pressure, yet bear up awhile." YE ENGINEER.—" See yonder poor o'erlabored wight, So abject, mean and vile." To THE PARENTS OF THE FRESH.—" Those that do teach your babes, Do it with gentle means and easy tasks." THE POETS OF THE UNIV.—"I had rather be a cat and cry mew, than one of these same ballad mongers." THE ATHENS STREET RAILROAD.—" Crawling at snail's pace to and fro." LITERARY SOCIETIES.—" We sometimes wrangle when we should debate." ALPHABET OF '8 ALPHABET OF ' A stands for all of us—great ones and small. B is for Ballard—so handsome and tall. C is for Carter, and his patent walk. D is for Dudley, who loves so to talk. E is for early—the time Seniors rise. F is for Franklin—Ben Franklin the wise. G is for Gilbert—both truthful and true. H is for Herty—for " Heliotrope," too. I is for something that " Heliotrope " had. J is for Jackson—a " most intense" lad. K is for " Konscience," which students possess. L is for Longus, sub lignis the less. M is for Morris, who's said to love Math. N is for no one the Senior Class hath. O 's for O'Kelly, from County of Clark. P is for Powers, who ne'er trapped a "lark." Q stands for questions, which good boys will ask. R is for Ramsey, whose beauty's a mask. S is for Selman, who's often called " Cap." T is for Twiggs, who don't give "a rap." U is for Upshaw—both William and "Toad." V is for Vernal—the vernal epode. W 's for Whatley, the " Minerva" man. X, Y, Z, &, you may rhyme if you can. 74 THE PANDORA. )LE-OMAR.GAR,I]ME:-. FAMISHED STUDENTS ! DO not rise to waste the time in words ; 'Tis not my trade ; let Old P-t- S-mm-y talk ; But here I stand for right—let him give butter, For student's rights, though none there are for him to have. cluster there ! Cling to the butter, bugs, flies, roaches ! The name is false—I dare him to his proofs. 'Tis oleomargarine. Let its odor speak. Ay '. But this I will avow, that I have feared And still do fear to eat that hairy mixture. Who lays the grisly beef before me, or places the senile ham upon the festal board, Wrongs me not half so much as he who Wishes me to devour that antiquated mess. Come, honored trustees, from your homes Search well the Summey—take P-t- in hand, And gorge him upon what's meant for better men. STRAYED OR STOLEN From the Summey House one cake of Butter. Was about three years old, had a straggling beard ; color, bright mulatto ; strength, limitless. A liberal reward for its return. X. B.—Mr. Butter's real name is O. Lee O'Margarine. THE REASON WHY. f HE REASON WHY. |N times gone by, men fell in love, And staid in love forever ; But now the man who stays in love, Is seen by mortals never ! The girls are all so sweet and nice, So cultured and refined, too, A man is captured in a thrice, And in a thrice is lost, too ! A man's in love—he turns to song, And thinks of cracked hearts gravely— Another girl then comes along, And he gets o'er it bravely ! This is the reason men don't kill Themselves, as once they used to ; Because they fall in love at will, And change whene'er they wish to ! The ladies are as fickle, too, And for the same good reason— All boys are nice and when some woo, The absent suffer treason ! 75 1 76 THE PANDORA. |LD Tub's " a colored gentleman, And he, alas ! is blind; He pays his house-rent ev'ry day. And yet is still behind ; At least, he asks for cash each day, His monthly rent with which to pay. He always says pay-day's the next, And begs you for a dime, And promises to sing a song— Just any kind of " hyme." The dime bestowed, he now begins To sing his song and grin his grins ! '• O you better be a Christian whilst you young, Whilst you young ; O you better be a Christian whilst you young, Whilst you young ; O you better be a Christian ; you better be a Christian, You better be a Christian whilst you young !" " O religion is a blessing whilst you young, Whilst you young ; O religion is a blessing whilst you young, Whilst you young ; O religion is a blessing ; religion is a blessing, Religion is a blessing whilst you young !" etc. If pressed to sing again, • He'll sing one other strain: " Dere's two tall angels a coming after me ; Angels bid me to c-o-m-e. Come, drink sweet milk, an' de honey an' de wine— De angels bid me to come !" Chorus.—" Rise and shine, mourners, De angels bid me to come !" " Gwine to drink sweet milk, an' honey an' de wine ; Angels bid me to c-o-m-e ; Come, drink sweet milk an' de honey an' de wine— De angels bid me to come !"—Chorus. SKETCHES. ftMU, v- F' iVt m **^jtn-±>. M •^all C^rrJiirt^T t^ 78 THE PANDORA. STREET CARS. j]ARK TWAIN shows us very clearly, Glaciers travel much too slowly— Moving but a few feet yearly— For the tourist to use wholly As a means of journey'ng through Alpine vales and valleys too ! So I tell you, if you seek to Ride and see this lovely city ; It will take you a full week to View the same—oh ! what a pity— If you ride upon the cars, Moving slowly as the stars ! Mules which pull these cars with speed (?) Over all the " Classic City," Are full large—so large indeed, That you feel for them deep pity ; But, in truth, cannot perceive If they're there, but just believe / THE "WHAT IS IT?" What is yon lofty column red ? Yon lasting structure high ? Is it a pillar to the dead, Which stretches to the sky ? Not so—if you look at it well, You'll seek some other name ; It seems a smoke-stack straight from h—1 Made red-hot by the flame ! This thing of beauty is at last, No monument at all ; The ivater-tower it is—made fast, And reaching up so tall! OTHER ATHENS SKETCHES. 79 THE PANDORA. THE ATHENAEUM. CLUB there is—of clubs the best,— " The Athenaeum " called, And dudes and dullards, and the rest, Alone are never black-balled ! From in their walls they do exclude All Students, Jews, and "Niggers"; But eve'ry "spider-legged dude," They place among their " figgers !" For I would have you know at last, Aristocratic must be The favored ones who ever pass Beneath this select (?) roof-tree ! The club has none but men of brains— But ///«• thought sadly steals Across my mind, and credence gains— The •' brain " lies in their heels .' THE ATHENAEUM. 81 The club now owns a club-house too— The architect sure blundered— 'Twas built to hold but twenty-two ; 'Tis made to hold two hundred ! The reason why their house was built, I'll tell you truly now then : The students always in fair tilt, Could overcome the town men. And when they both would chance to meet, In visiting the fair ones,— In all assemblies of elite— The students were the big-guns ! So then they built their beauteous hall, And have their little dances, Where students cannot come at all, Nor thwart their killing glances ! But sad to say, 'tis still the truth, The girls prefer the students ; For while they know not much forsooth— The ATHENS beaus know " lesser. 1 ' TELEGRAM Which was received after the above had been Stereotyped: 1'ublisher of The Pandora, 62 Duane St., N. Y. Cut out the poem headed "The Atherueum." Niggers and Jews are still excluded. (Signed), ATHENS, Ga., April 25. Students are now admitted. THE EDITORS. 82 THE PANDORA. H. N. LESTER, Class '89, November 16, 1885. IN MEMOKIAM. W. J. NORRIS, Jr., Class '88, December 28th, 1885, 83 84 THE PANDORA. MAID OF ATHENS, A SENIOR S FAREWELL. * I. jjAID of Athens, ere we part, Give, oh, give me back my heart ! For, since that has left my breast, Scarce in dreams can 1 find rest ! For without a heart, you know, Man can hardly live below ! II. By those frizzes unconfined, Woo'd by ev'ry dusty wind ; By those lids, whose auburn fringe Kiss thy cheek's bright borrowed tinge ; By those eyes which languish so, Zd>7] /J.OV, aas III. By those lips, which often taste Chewing-gum and other paste ; By those blushes, which may tell, MAID OF ATHENS. That which words can't show so well: I would have you still to know, Zdirj nob, aas d.fa~u>. IV. Maid of Athens, fair art thou— Lovely and coquettish now ; Still so young, and still so soft, Though, 'tis said, that thou hast oft Flirted with our fathers so, When they came here—long ago ! V. Maid of Athens ! I am gone : Think of me, sweet! when alone ; And, in future years unborn, When my son is here—forlorn ! Do thou teach him how to love. Do thou be his darling dove ! 86 THE PANDORA. " If to a world of grump and gloom We've given one small smile, To cheer your pathway to the tomb, Our work 's been worth the while.' Notice, We respectfully ask that Students and others pat­ ronize those that patronize us, as by advertisements alone can the continued publication of THE PAN­ DORA be ensured. E. W. BURKE, Cor. Broad Street and College Avenue, BRANCH HOUSE, CLAYTOX STREET, ATHENS, G-A. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Blank Books, Allege and School Books, STAPLE AND FANCY STATIONERY. PIANOS AND ORGANS. Small Musical Instruments, Strings, Cases, Music, &c, JOB FEINTING EXECUTED IN BEST STYLE. q. JUDDER, " u™sm 1 r V XX 7X JEWELER. Repairing Fine "Watches Badges Pins and Jewelry a Specialty. F. W. CHRISTERN, 37 West 23rd Street, New York. IMPORTER OF Agent for the leading Paris Publishers, Tauchnits Collection of British AiitJiors, (2500 vols.,) Teultner's Greek and Latin Classics. Separate Catalogues of these publications will be mailed on demand stating those wanted, al­ so catalogue of American and Imported School and Text Books, for the study of European Languages. Agent for De L. Sauveur's Text Books for the study of French, according to the " Methode Naturelle." Wenckebache and Scheakamp's Books for the study of German on the same system. Catalogues of the principal European Dealers in Antiquaria Books will be mailed to those desiring them, on specifica­ tion of the particular subjects they wish to be informed upon, and in what language. Snead's Shoe Store, HEADQUARTERS FOE BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies' and Gents' Fine Hand Made Shoes A SPECIALTY. DUPREE BLOCK, ATHENS, GA. MOORE & ELDER, FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES Candies, Raisins, Nuts, DATES, FIGS, Apples and Oranges. x Cigars, Cigarettes, AND \ TOBACCO. • TURKISH 1.IXIMENT. For the cure of Neuralgia, Rheuma­ tism. Toothache, Sprains, Burns, Stiff Joints, Bunions, Contraction of the Mus­ cles, etc., the Turkish Liniment lias no equal. It will frequently relieve head­ ache in two minutes. Saturate a piece of paper with the Liniment, and hold it to the forehead till it burns freely, and the Headache will be relieved nine times in ten. It is made of Camphor, Chloro­ form, Ether, Ammonia, etc., in concen­ trated form, and put up neatly with In­ dia rubber stoppers to prevent loss of strength The money ""ill he returned to any one not satisfied after using a bottle of this Liniment. It is unequalled as a remedy in the treatment of all diseases in Horses, where liniments are used, such as Galls, Sprains, Bruises, Cracked Heels, Windfalls, Sweeney, Fistula, Scratches, etc., etc. Price, 25c. and 5Qc. per bottle. MANUFACTURED BY Dr. E. §. Lyiidoii, Athens, Ga. CRANFORD & DAVIS, DEALERS IX School Boob, Blank Booh and Stationery, PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, ETC., BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA. C. STERN, S. SLOMAK. CHAS. STERN & CO., iug, Cents' Furnishing Soods, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, &c. Suits Made to Order. Fit Guaranteed. New Hunnicutt Block, Broad St., Athens, Ga. " J. J. MINSTER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, (Located at Dr. LYXDOX'S Drug Store.) ATHENS, GEORGIA. airing lltojeg, (Jloolp and JeWeli1!! a $pecialfsi}. ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN (Rents' £oIIaFs, (Juffs and gcarfs, The Mullane Dry Goods Company. VISITORS AND CITIZENS CAN FIND AT THE (pravtc» Street Dru$ Store* *x* ...-~t ---f ,.- -si. ^tf'i-i . .- -=J- v. ..• -^ --p, ^=-' - -- --i^ A FULL SUPPLY OF Medicines, Perfumery, Colognes, Extracts, Fine Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes and Toilet Articles in Endless Variety. We can save your money. Call on us, Opposite Post Office. JNO. OBAWFORD & CO. McQUEEN & DURHAM, THE BOSS BARBERS, Shop on Jackson Street, Near Broad. 5 E. F. ANDERSON. and 55tattoiterii t No. 68 CLAYTON STREET, Between Hodgson Bro's and Talmage Bro's. S. HOFF, HMERCHMT TAILOR, ^ No. 5 Broad St., Athens, Ga. JOHN GERDINE, ~~ OFFICE : Corner College Avenue and Clayton Sts. UP STAIRS. JNO. F. LUTHER, PIESS, <" o. < FRATERNITY °- J h, < 5u 88 IW^VSS-A-TT g * BADGES. P> 3. I? ^1 ACID PHOSPHATE. For Dyssepsia, Mental and Physical Exhaustion, Nervousness, Diminished Vitality, Etc. Prepared according to the directions of Prof. E. F. Horsford, of Cambridge. A preparation of the phosphates of lime, magnesia, potash and iron with phosphoric acid, in such form as to be readily assimilated by the system. Universally recommended and prescribed by physicians of all schools. Its action will harmonize with such stimulants as are necessary to take. It is the best tonic known, furnishing sustenance to both brain and body. It makes a delicious drink with water and sugar only. As a Brain and Nerve Tonic. DR. E. W. ROBERTSON, Cleveland, O., says: "From my experience, can cordially recommend it as a brain and nerve tonic, especially in nervous debility, nervous dyspepsia, etc., etc." For Wakefulness. DR. WILLIAM P. CLOTHIER, Buffalo, N.Y., says: " I prescribed it for a Catholic priest, who was a hard student for wakefulness, extreme nervousness, etc., and he reports it has been of great benefit to him." In Nervous Debility. DR. EDWIN F. VOSE, Portland, Me., says: " I have prescribed it for many of the various forms of nervous debility, and it has never failed to do good." For the 111 Effects of Tobacco. DR. C. A. FERNALD, Boston, says : "I have used it in cases of impaired nerve function, with beneficial results,,especially in cases where the system is affected by the toxic action of tobacco." Invigorating, Strengthening, Healthful, Refreshing, Prices reasonable. Pamphlet giving further particulars mailed free. Manufactured by the KUMrOBD CHEMICAL WOKKS, Providence, E. I. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. 7 THE DIXIE CIGARETTES, OUE NEW BEAND OF ClaAEETTES: ARE MILD, SWEET AND FRAGRANT. Packages of 10, Packages of 20, - 5 Cents. 10 Cents. ALLEN & GINTER, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS. Gold Medal, Paris Exposition, 1878. FOR ARTISTIC USE in Fine Drawings, Nos. 659 (The celebrated Crowquill), 290 and 291. FOR FINE WRITING, Nos. i, 303, and Ladies', 170. FOR BROAD WRITING, Nos. 294, 389, and Stub Point, 849. FOR GENERAL WRITING, Nos. 332, 404, 390, and 604. JOSEPH GILLOTT &> SC1SS, 91 John Street, ff. Y. HENRY HOE, Ssie A^nt. A. B. LONG, * SRZIKG1ST * STREET, A.T.HESTS. ______ GEORGIA. Special flotice to the j&udentg: A full line of Laboratory Goods on hand, and I guarantee to save you money on all you buy of me. *G[oods. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, STYLES AND PRICES. HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, CHASE'S, LORENZ'S, PALMER'S, WRIGHT'S AND LUBIN'S. These Goods guaranteed to be the best in the market. SOAPS, WILL BE RUN THE ENTIRE YEAR. and fin THE BEST BRANDS IN THE CITY. PHYSICIANSrPRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED AND OF THE PUREST DRUGS. GIVE ME A CALL. A. B. LONG. MIXTURES FOR PIPE OR CIGARETTE. THREE KINGS, Turkish, Perique and Virginia. MELLOW MIXTURE, Turkish and Perique. TURKISH and VIRGINIA. PERIQUE and VIRGINIA. GENUINE TURKISH. FLAKE CUTS, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOB THE PIPE. VANITY FAIR. OLD GOLD. _____SALMAGUNDI, A NEW GRANULATED MIXTURE FBAjSBANT VANITY FAIE, SUPERLATIVE, CLOTH of SOLD. STRAIGHT CUT CIGARETTES. People of Refined Taste, who desire exceptionally fine Cigarettes, should use only our Straight Cut, put up in satin packets and boxes of ios., 503. and iocs. Our Cigarettes were never so fine as now, they cannot be sur­ passed for purity and excellence. Only the purest rice paper used. ESTABLISHED 1846. 14 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. Wm, S, Kimball & Co,, Peerless TobaccoWorks, Rochester, N. Y. Wholesale t GEORGIA. ATHENS, HENDERSON WAREHOUSE HODGSON BEDS. Proprietors. AND njwjm^ ATHENS, GEOKGIA. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO,, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Cor. BROAD & THOMAS ST., GERMAN AMERICAN, of New York. London and Lancashire, of Liverpool. PHENIX, of Brooklyn. Royal, of Liverpool. ATHENS, GA. OFFICE: COR. THOMAS AND CLAYTON STS. Westchester, of New York. Western, of Toronto. Continental, of New York.. 11 Dr. B. BIBB DAVIS, -He Dental Special attention given to children's teeth. All work guaranteed equal to the best. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide-Gas OFFICE: Comer College Avenue sad Glayton Street. OFFICE HOCKS : 8 to 12 A.M.; 3 to 6 P.M. Reference—National Bank of Athens. WILEY B. BUIJNETT, L 1BU ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ittorney at La¥, ATHENS, GA. ATHENS. GEORGIA. Practices in State and federal Courts. POPE BARROW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATTOR NEY AT LAW, Solicitor of the City Court for Clarke Co. ATHENS, GA. OFFICE': BROAD ST. HENRY C, TUCK GEORGE DUDLEY THOMAS, ATHENS, GA. ATHENS, GA. ATTORNEY AT LAW, E. K. LUMPKIN, Attorney at Law, A THENS, GA. ATHENS, GA. R. B. ^ussell, Practices in all the Courts. 13 r T. S. MELL. —— E T. BROWN, Solicitor General. ATHENS, GA. ^ IJELL, Special attention given to venereal diseases. Office—corner Broad ami Jackson Sts. ATTORNEYS AT LA IV, ATHENS, GA. Dr, J, L POPE, Samuel C, Benedict, M,D,, OFFICE: Broad Street, near Athenaeum, MCDOWELL BUILDING. RESIDENCE: Intersection Pope and Bearing St, College Ave., Office Hours: 8 to 10 A.M.; 3 to U P.M. ATHENS, GA. RESIDENCE: TELEPHONE 24. Best Equipped Livery Stable in the C'lty. J. H. REAVES, Proprietor, Successor to GAXX & REAVES, NEAT AND HANDSOME TURNOUTS, Fia© Horses, Harness and. Carriages, MARRIAGE OR FUNERAL OCCASIONS PROMPTLY SERVED, BEST FEED STAHLES IJf THE CITY. PURE SPRING WATER RUNNING THROUGH STABLE CONSTANTLY. RELIABLE STOCK AND GOOD DRIVERS. CHARGES MODERATE. THOMAS STREET, ATHENS, GA. Cleaning and Repairing' Neatly Done, PANTS A SPECIALTY. No. 1O BROAD STREET, J. T. JACKSON, Tailor. Up Stairs. 18 Artotypes. PHOTOGRAPHS IN PRINTING INK, ALBERTYPES, PHOTO-MECHANICAL PRINTS. Every kind of Picture or Print that can be re-produced by PhotograpJiy, printed in Permanent Inks. E. BIERSTADT, (SOLE PROPRIETOR OF ALL AUTOTYPE PATENTS IN AMERICA,) 58 & 6O Reade St., NEW YORK CITY. 14 WILLIAM^ Steam Book and Job Printers, No. 62 DUANE STREET, THIS WORK IS FROM THE PRESS OF WILLIAMS & SHIRLEY. 16 SCIENTIFIC AND MECHANICAL BOOKS. . The undersigned has a large stock of works on.the Industrial Arts and Sciences, embracing works on Architecture, Carpentry, Building, Astronomy, Meteorology, Navigation, Brewing, Distilling, Wine Making, Chemistry, Physics, Philosophy, Coal Oil, Oil, Gas, Drawing, Painting, Photography, Electricity, Electric Telegraph, Engineering, Machinery, Mechanics, Geology, Mineralogy, Metal­ lurgy, Hydraulics, Hydrostatics, Iron, Steel, Life Insurance, Math­ ematics, Ship Building, Works of Reference, Miscellaneous. " A complete Catalogue of 112 pages will be sent post paid, gratis, on application. D. VAN NOSTRAND, 23 MURRAY AND 27 WARREN STREETS, NEW YORK, U. S. A. C. K. COLLYNS, (SUCCESSOR TO W. A. TALMADGE.) DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks, &c., Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. CORNER WALL AND BROAD STS., ATHENS, GA. PHOTOGRAP'HER, BROAD STREET, ATHENS, CA., IE-very style of IF'irst-Ola.ss "\X7"orls: d.one. OLD PICTURES ENLARGED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Y. B. CLIFTON. University of Georgia, ATHENS, GA. P. H. MELL, D.D., LL.D., Chancellor. FACULTY: P. H. MELL, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Metaphysics and Etliics. WILLIAMS RUTHERFORD, A.M., ' Professor of Pure Mathematics. L. H. CHARBONNIER, A.M., Professor of Pliysics and Astronomy. C. P. WILLCOX, A.M., Professor of Modern Languages. H. C. WHITE, C. AND M.E., Professor of Chemistry, Agriculture and Geology. W. G. WOODFIN, A.M., Professor of Ancient Languages. CHARLES MORRIS, A.M., Professor of Belles Lcttres. D. C. BARROW, JR., C. AND M.E., Professor of Engineering. C. M. STRAHAN, C. and M.E., Tutor in Mathematics and Ancient Languages. The chair of Natural History and Agriculture is to be rilled next July. The University comprises the following departments: FRANKLIN COLLEGE, In which are given the following Degrees: BACHELOR OF ARTS. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. BACHELOR OF PHILOSOPHY. STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. In which are given the following Degrees: BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING. BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURE. BACHELOR OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 1!) LAW DEPARTMENT. With the following Faculty: GEO. D. THOMAS, B.S., B.L., ANDREW J. COBB, A.B., B.E., Professors of Law. SAMUEE C. BENEDICT, M.D. Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. This is situated at Augusta and has a full Faculty, of which the Dean is : EDWARD GEDDINGS, M.D. The Scientific departments of the University are provided with ample apparatus for full illustration of methods pursued on scientific investigations. The departments of Physics, Chemis­ try and Engineering occupy each a floor of a building 100x50 feet. The Lecture halls, apparatus, model and drawing rooms, and laboratories are most conveniently arranged, and furnished with gas and an abundant supply of water. The apparatus of these departments is new and bought of the best makers. By means of it, the instruction is made thoroughly practical. In the laboratories students are enabled to handle apparatus and perform by themselves the various experiments and tests; while the large collection of working models attached to the Engineering, enables students to form correct ideas as to the details of construction. This department is also supplied with full sets of Surveying Instruments, and every session the Senior class are taken on a railroad survey, where practical field work is done. A farm of seventy acres, on which experiments are made, is attached to the department of Agriculture. EXPENSES: Tuition in Franklin College and in the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts is free, but a matric­ ulation fee of $10.00, and a library fee of $5.00 are required. The necessary expenses of a student, including both of these fees, and board, washing, fuel and lights, are $200 per annum. For catalogues and full information concerning these two colleges, address: Prof. L. H. CHARBONNIER, Sec. Faculty, Athens, Ga. For information concerning the Law Department, address: Prof. G. D. THOMAS or A. J. COBB, Athens, Ga. And for information concerning the Medical College, address: DR. EDWARD GEDDINGS, Augusta, Ga. LAMAR COBB, Secretary Board of Trustees. 20 COHEN'S PARIS "STORE, ' THE GRAND CENTRAL DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AND Fancy Goods Emporium, OF NORTH-EAST GEORG-IA. ALL THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON IN DRESS GOODS, VELVETS, TRIMMINGS AND RIBBONS, To Match for all Seasons, and to Suit the Most Fastidious. Ginghams, Zepher Cloths, Batistes, Lawns, Satteens, Cambrics, Chamhrees, and many other Novelties in Imported and Domestic Cotton Fabrics, to suit the season. White Goods in large quantities and in all qualities at lowest market prices. Jaconet and. Lawn Embroideries, also a large variety of All Overs, and an innumerable variety of Laces in Egyptian, Valen­ ciennes, Oriental, Antique and Terschon in patterns Imported spec­ ially for the fine retail trade. The largest stock of Parasols, Fans, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, and many other Fancy Goods always on hand. Carpets, Rugs, Poles, Shades, Laces and Curtains, also a full line of Madras and Tapestry suitable for Curtains and Portiers. Our Dress Making' Department is under control, of a Modeste Dressmaker, and ladies would do well to call on us in that line, as we guarantee all garments to give perfect satisfaction. Our stock is at all times complete in all departments. We solicit a call. No trouble to show goods. ii , JULIUS COHEN. . R. IOMBAEB & GO., Foundry, Machine and Boiler Work Near the Water Tower, 1014 Fenwick Street, MAKEES AND DEALEES IN j&to Milfe Gji'igt! Mill?, Caqe BJillg, plantation Jjachiqei<i|, Engines and Boilers, Cotton Screws, Shaftings, Pulleys, Hangers,. Journal Boxes, Mill Gearing, Gudgeons, Turbine Water Wheels, Judson's Governors, Disston's Circular Saws and Gummers, and Files, Belting and Babbitt Metal and Brass Fitting Globe and Check Valves, Whistles, etc. Iron and Brass Castings, Gin Ribs, and Injectors. Repairing promptly executed at lowest prices. We cast both Iron and Brass. Having greatly increased our capacity, with latest improved tools. We are running on full time with 100 hands, which enables us to fill orders promptly at lowest prices. Give us a trial before sending elsewhere. Agents to Georgia and South Carolina for KORTING'S UNIVERSAL INJECTOR, the best boiler feeder out. Works with one lever. Will work warm or cold water, and will lift water. Warranted to give satisfaction. Send for Circulars before you buy any other. They are better than a pump. The Yanduzen thein best Tank Pump.^