Design of a Carbon Neutral Airport Joel Hannah, Danielle Hettmann, Naseer Rashid, Chris Saleh, Cihan Yilmaz Agenda • • • • • • • • Context/Background Stakeholders/Problem Airport Operations Case Study Airport Inventory Tool Results Recommendations Management 2 Aviation Enplanements at U.S. Airports 9 8 7 (in Millions) Passengers 6 5 Air transportation is a critical part of United States economy as part of movement of people and goods for economic growth 4 •$7.4 Billion profit for passenger carriers in 2010 •786.7 Billion revenue passenger miles in 2010 3 2 1 0 Year Sources: The Global Airline Industry, Belobaba et al, 2009 FAA 2010 Year in review 3 Climate Change •3.63% of U.S. GHG Emissions •2% of global CO2 Emissions •Keeling Curve from data measured in Hawaii •Since 1960, data shows an increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere Sources: New England Aquarium, Introduction to Climate Change, 2012; White House Initiative on Global Climate Change, 1995 4 ACRP Report 11, Transportation Research Board 2009; Putting Aviation's Emissions in Context, International Civil Aviation Organization Emissions Introduction Source: Adapted from Lee, D.S., et al., Aviation and global climate change in the 21st century, Atmospheric Environment (2009), doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.04.024 5 Governmental Response • Kyoto Protocol (United Nations) – Aims to reduce four greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and sulphur hexafluoride) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) and perfluorocarbons (PFC) • National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) (USEPA) – CO2 included as air pollutant since 2007, no CO2 in aviation • International Air Transport Association (IATA) Carbon Neutral Growth – 1.5% average annual improvement in fuel efficiency from 2009 to 2020 – Carbon-neutral growth from 2020 – 50% absolute reduction in carbon emissions by 2050 Sources: The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 15th Conference of the Parties , Background Paper A, 2009 EPA, GHG Tailoring Rule, May 2010 IATA, Carbon-Neutral Growth by 2020, 8 June 2009 6 Agenda • • • • • • • • Context/Background Stakeholders/Problem Airport Operations Case Study Airport Inventory Tool Results Recommendations Management 7 Stakeholder Interactions 8 Evaluating Solutions Maturity -customer complaints -impacts on airport service -regulations Implementation -handle customer complaints -issues with airport service -staff training Control Airport Manager -negotiating airport budget -capital investments -manage daily ops -manage daily ops Emissions -regulations (FAA, EPA) -manage daily ops -maintenance 9 Problem Statement • Airport needs to achieve carbon neutral growth operating an enterprise with limited control • With unmitigated growth, unable to reach carbon neutral growth by 2050 Source: FAA, Office of Environment & Energy Notional FAA Domestic Projection for Carbon Neutrality 2018 10 Agenda • • • • • • • • Context/Background Stakeholders/Problem Airport Operations Case Study Airport Inventory Tool Results Recommendations Management 11 Airports as Sources of Emissions •Aircraft •Taxis •Shuttles •Rental Cars •Personal Vehicles •Tugs & Tractors •Fuel Tankers •Ground Power Units •Buses •Container Loaders •Transporters •Air Starter •Catering Vehicles •Passenger Boarding Stairs •Pushback Tugs •Mobile Lounges •Boilers •Waste Disposal •Incinerators •Training Fires •Construction Activities •Airport Vehicles 12 Airport Operations Four Main Sources of Emissions: Aircraft Ground Access Vehicles (GAV) Stationary Ground Support Equipment (GSE) General Idea: •Passengers flow-in in cars/buses/masstransit/airplanes •Passengers leave on airplanes/mass transit Source: Google Maps 13 Airport Operations Video 14 Landing-Take Off Cycle (LTO) • LTO refers to the number of aircraft that land and then takeoff • LTO is divided into 4 segments • Approach • Taxi-idle • Takeoff • Climbout • Baseline for emissions calculations Source: Port of Seattle Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory - 2006 15 Aircraft Emissions Aircraft Emissions = (ππππ ) ππ ∗ πΉπ ∗ πΈπ πΏππ • • • • • • N = number of engines T = time in mode (minutes) F = fuel burn rate E = emissions index for LTO mode LTO = annual landing take-off cycles 16 GSE Emissions GSE Emissions = ππ π π πΏπ (πΆ) T = time in use R = horsepower L = load factor C = CO2 emissions factor 17 GAV Emissions GAV Emissions = π·π£ (πΈπ£ ) πΉπ£ • • • • Source: Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority D = distance travelled by vehicle F = fuel economy of vehicle E = emissions index value v = vehicle 18 Stationary Emissions Stationary Emissions = ππ ∗ πΈπ • • • f = total fuel consumed E = emissions index of fuel type m = source 19 Agenda • • • • • • • • Context/Background Stakeholders/Problem Airport Operations Case Study Airport Inventory Tool Results Recommendations Management 20 Case Study – Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD) • • • • Operated by MWAA Located in Chantilly, VA Airport Opened – Nov. 1962 Airport Property – 11,830 acres – – – – – • 3 Terminals 104 gates 4 Runways Mobile Lounges AeroTrain system 5 Public Parking Areas – 24,000 spaces – Serviced by MWAA controlled shuttle buses • • Dulles Toll Road, Route 28 Taxi Contract – Washington Flyer Source: Quick Airport Statistics, Dulles International Airport, 21 IAD Trends in Demand Total Flights Passengers 600,000 25,000,000 500,000 20,000,000 400,000 15,000,000 300,000 10,000,000 200,000 5,000,000 100,000 2010 2007 2004 2001 1998 1995 1992 1989 1986 1983 1980 1977 1974 1971 1968 1965 2010 2007 2004 2001 1998 1995 1992 1989 1986 1983 1980 1977 1974 1971 1968 1965 1962 1962 0 0 -5,000,000 Source: Air Traffic Statistics, Dulles International Airport, 22 Focus of Work • Provide the airport manager a tradeoff analysis for strategies to achieve carbon neutral growth – Carbon neutral growth by 2020 – Baseline of 2005 – Zero net growth of emissions by 2050 Sources: FAA Next Gen, International Air Transport Association, 23 Agenda • • • • • • • • Context/Background Stakeholders/Problem Airport Operations Case Study Airport Inventory Tool Results Recommendations Management 24 Tradeoff Analysis – Airport Inventory Tool • Airport Manager as user • Calculate emissions for baseline • Provides emissions projections • Model reflects design alternatives 25 Airport Inventory Tool 26 Method - Aircraft 27 Method - Aircraft • Operations Data from Dulles Airport: – Fleet mix – Annual LTOs for each aircraft • Fuel Burn Rates for each LTO segment (CATSR, George Mason University): – Applied FBR to each aircraft in Dulles fleet – Assumptions made if aircraft not in CATSR database by using similar class of aircraft/engine – Supplemented with data from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Environmental Impact Study • • LTO Emissions Factors / Fuel Consumption (kg/LTO/aircraft) verified with Aircraft Emissions Data from ICAO (2007) Time in Mode for each LTO segment (MWAA): – Applied time to each aircraft in Dulles fleet • APU Emissions calculation (European Commission): – 1.6% of total aircraft emissions 28 Airport Inventory Tool - Aircraft 29 Airport Inventory Tool - Aircraft 30 Method - GSE 31 Method - GSE • Derived GSE Groups based on Dulles Operational Data – List of GSE for IAD from Draft Environmental Impact Statement for New Runways and Terminal Facilities (MWAA, 2005) – Analyzed each aircraft type, found similar groupings of GSE, assigned group label – Calculated emissions for each group using provided information: operating time, horsepower, load factor – Emissions index values from EPA based on IAD specified fuel types 32 Airport Inventory Tool - GSE 33 Airport Inventory Tool – GSE Groups 34 Method - GAV 35 Method - GAV • Total passengers for IAD in 2005 (MWAA) • O&D passengers Seattle-Tacoma Emissions Inventory, verified by vehicles per year data from Roadway Database (IAD – EDMS) • Distribution of O&D passengers to vehicle type, MPG, distance travelled (Seattle-Tacoma Emissions Inventory) • Passengers per vehicle: – Personal vehicles: derived through assumptions of average vehicle capacity (Census data and first person observation) – Parking shuttle: derived using passengers traveling by private vehicle. 60% of these passengers are assumed to park on airport property. Of these passengers, 60% are assumed to take a parking shuttle to the main terminal. – Rental shuttle: 100% of passengers using rental cars are assumed to use the rental shuttles. 36 Airport Inventory Tool - GAV 37 Method - Stationary 38 Method - Stationary • Stationary data currently being collected by the airport for reporting to Clean Air Act regulations • Emissions indices from EIA and EPA for each fuel type 39 Airport Inventory Tool - Stationary 40 Agenda • • • • • • • • Context/Background Stakeholders/Problem Airport Operations Case Study Airport Inventory Tool Results Recommendations Management 41 AIT Results LTO Modeled: Domestic and International Passengers (Annually) O&D Passengers Total CO2 Emissions (kg/year) 185,390 27,052,118 19,748,046 590,876,659 CO2/Passengers Aircraft (total CO2/total passengers) GAV (total CO2/O&D passengers) GSE (total CO2/total passengers) Stationary (total CO2/total passengers) CO2 (kg) 9.43 14.77 1.10 0.52 25.83 42 Evaluating Alternatives Utility Implementation Time Maturity of Reduction Strategy Airport Control Emissions Reduction (0.15) (0.15) (0.30) (0.40) Score Implementation Time Maturity of Reduction Strategy Airport Control Emissions Reduction 1 Long-term: > 10 years Conceptual stage Airport operator has no ownership, control, or influence over implementation of the strategy. Does not decrease emissions 2 Medium-term: 6– 10 years Trial tested Airport operator has no ownership or control but can influence the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through policy, procedures, or training. Low: Reduction of emissions is always relatively low. 3 Short-term: 1–5 years Proven 4 Immediate: < 1 year Proven at airports Medium: There is potential for the Airport has no ownership or control but can reduction of emissions to range from influence the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions low to high depending on through infrastructure improvements. implementation details. Airport operator has complete control over implementation of the strategy. High: Reduction of emissions is always relatively high. *4 is best, 1 is worst Source: Transportation Research Board, Airport Cooperative Research Program, Report 56 43 Aircraft Implementation Alternative How will this impact emissions Goal CO2 Ranking Ranking by Utility Reduced by Emissions Value (kg) Utility Saving Annually Cost Decrease emissions Minimize the Use of through APU, 50% reduction in Auxiliary Power Units supplement APU emissions from 0.63 6,129,651 (APUs) with electric ground APU power Higher efficiency, 50% inc in Fuel Efficiency Targets less fuel burned, efficiency per 0.60 125,591,052 for Aircraft lower emissions aircraft Alternative fuels Development of have lower 50% fuel mix in all Alternative Fuels for Emission Index 0.32 67,920,449 engines Aircraft compared to Jet A Fuel Shift total annual Incentivize landing Implement EmissionLTO per aircraft more efficient based Incentives and class to most 0.52 63,968,930 aircraft, lower Landing Fees efficient aircraft in emissions/LTO that class 1 8 6 1 11 2 7 3 44 GAV Implementation Alternative Alternatively Fueled Vehicles for Rental Cars and Commercial Vehicles Provide Transit Fare Discounts and/or Alternative Mode Subsidies Alternatively Fueled Taxis Ranking by CO2 Reduced Ranking by Emissions (kg) Annually Utility Cost Saving How will this impact emissions Goal Utility Value Convert Rental Cars from Gas to Hybrid 50% Rental Fleet to Hybrid 0.62 24,111,294 4 5 Promote using low emission vehicles for airport transport 10% GAV to Hybrid 0.52 17,093,539 7 6 0.63 2,545,749 1 9 0.50 1,084,202 9 10 Convert Taxi Fleet to Hybrid [Control 100% Taxi Fleet to through MWAA Hybrid Contract] Provide Priority Priority Parking Vehicle Parking encourages driving for Emissions Emissions Friendly Friendly Vehicles Vehicles 2% GAV to Hybrid 45 GSE & Stationary Implementation Alternative How will this impact emissions Goal 4 acres of mature Offset CO2 Emissions Install Sustainable, trees (planted 10 through trees (CO2 Long-term feet apart, each removed based on tree Vegetation absorbing 10 kg diameter) CO2 annually) Alternatively Fueled Convert GSE from Ground Service Gas/Diesel to Electric Equipment (GSE) Power Push Back Tugs 50% GSE to Electric Power Minimize taxi time, Reduce Taxi Time implementing push back 50% tugs reduces taxi time Ranking Ranking CO2 Reduced by by Utility Value (kg) Annually Utility Emissions Cost Saving 0.63 17,400 1 11 0.48 10,386,825 10 7 0.62 37,016,242 4 4 46 Utility vs. Cost 47 CO2 per Passenger CO2 (kg)/PAX [without mitigation] 25.8 kg CO2(kg)/PAX [with design alternatives implemented] 7.8 kg 18.0 kg mitigated 48 Findings Emissions Projection 2005 to 2050 (2% Growth) 1,800,000,000 Carbon neutral growth can be achieved with a margin of 51 million kg CO2 in 2050 CO2 Emissions (kg) 1,600,000,000 1,400,000,000 1,200,000,000 1,000,000,000 800,000,000 600,000,000 400,000,000 200,000,000 0 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Year All Design Alternatives Combined Forecasted 2% Desired 49 Findings CO2 Emissions (kg) Emissions Projection 2005 to 2050 (4% Growth) 1,800,000,000 - Carbon neutral growth cannot be achieved 1,600,000,000 - Exceed desired levels beginning in 2038 1,400,000,000 - Gap of 302 million kg CO2 in 2050 1,200,000,000 1,000,000,000 800,000,000 600,000,000 400,000,000 200,000,000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Year All Design Alternatives Combined Forecasted 4% Desired 50 Agenda • • • • • • • • Context/Background Stakeholders/Problem Airport Operations Case Study Airport Inventory Tool Results Recommendations Management 51 Recommendations Ranking by Utility CO2 Reduced (kg) Ranking by Emissions Value Annually Utility Saving Alternative Goal Minimize the Use of Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) 50% reduction in emissions from APU 0.63 6,129,651 1 8 Install Sustainable, Long-term Vegetation 4 acres of mature trees (planted 10 feet apart, each absorbing 10 kg CO2 annually) 0.63 17,400 1 11 Alternatively Fueled Taxis 100% Taxi Fleet to Hybrid 0.63 2,545,749 1 9 Push Back Tugs Reduce Taxi Time 50% 0.62 37,016,242 4 4 Alternatively Fueled Vehicles for Rental Cars and Commercial Vehicles 50% Rental Fleet to Hybrid 0.62 24,111,294 4 5 Fuel Efficiency Targets for Aircraft 50% inc in efficiency per aircraft 0.60 125,591,052 6 1 Implement Emission-based Incentives and Landing Fees Shift total annual LTO per aircraft class to most efficient aircraft in that class 0.52 63,968,930 7 3 10% GAV to Hybrid 0.52 17,093,539 7 6 2% GAV to Hybrid 0.50 1,084,202 9 10 Alternatively Fueled Ground Service Equipment (GSE) 50% GSE to Electric Power 0.48 10,386,825 10 7 Development of Alternative Fuels for Aircraft 50% fuel mix in all engines 0.32 67,920,449 11 2 Provide Transit Fare Discounts and/or Alternative Mode Subsidies Provide Priority Vehicle Parking for Emissions Friendly Vehicles 52 Future Work • Inhibiting factors to carbon neutral growth: – Technology (aircraft) – Limitations of cost – Stakeholder disagreement • Disagreement between people and policy • Required cooperation between multiple regulatory agencies • Evaluate how advances in technology impact ability to attain carbon neutral growth • Evaluate the use of ‘green’ ticket fee to cover carbon offsets and invest in new technology 53 Agenda • • • • • • • • Context/Background Stakeholders/Problem Airport Operations Case Study Airport Inventory Tool Results Recommendations Management 54 WBS Design of a Carbon Neutral Airport 1.0 Planning 2.0 Design / Method of Analysis 3.0 Implement 4.0 Deliver 5.0 Management 1.1 Context 2.1 Research 3.1 Apply Tool 4.1 Preliminary Project Plan 5.1 WBS 1.2 Stakeholder Analysis 2.2 CONOPS 3.2Analyze Results 4.2 Final Project Plan 5.2 Budget 1.3 Problem 2.3 Develop Tool 3.3 Formulate Goals/Limits 4.3Poster 5.3 Weekly Activity Summary 1.4 Need 2.4 Analyze Tool 3.4 Develop Mitigation Strategies 4.4IEEE Conference Paper 5.4Timesheets 1.5 Scope 2.5 Enhance Tool 4.5 Presentations 5.5 360 Evaluation 1.6 Requirements 4.6 Competitions 55 Schedule 56 Earned Value 57 CPI / SPI 58 Questions 59