FM 8-55
AA air ambulance
AMEDD Army Medical Department
AABB American Association of Blood Banks
AMEDDC&S Army Medical Department
Center and School
AAD admission and disposition
AML area medical laboratory
ABCA American, British, Canadian, and
AO area of operations
ACFT aircraft
AOC area of concentration
ACR armored cavalry regiments
AOR area of responsibility
AD active duty
APOD aerial port of debarkation
ADAPCP Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention
and Control Program
approx approximately
AR Army regulation
ADC area damage control
ARC Army Reserve Component
admin administrative
ASAP as soon as possible
ADP automatic data processing
ASBP Armed Services Blood Program
AE aeromedical evacuation
ASBPO Armed Services Blood Program Office
AECC Aeromedical Evacuation Control Center
ASF aeromedical staging facility
AECE aeromedical evacuation control element
ASIOE associated support items of equipment
AELT aeromedical evacuation liaison team
ASL authorized stockage list
AFMIC Armed Forces Medical Intelligence
ASMB area support medical battalion
AG Adjutant General
ASMC area support medical company
AJBPO Area Joint Blood Program Office
ASMRO Armed Services Medical Regulating
AJMRO Area Joint Medical Regulating Office
amb ambulance
ASWBPL Armed Services Whole Blood Processing Laboratory
AMC air mobility command
ATM advanced trauma management
FM 8-55
attn attention
CAP crisis action planning
AUTODIN automatic digital network
CDS cargo delivery system
AVIM aviation intermediate maintenance
CFRC combat fitness reconditioning center
avn aviation
chap chaplain
AWM aviation unit maintenance
CINC Commander in Chief
AWOL absent without leave
CJTF Commander, Joint Task Force
AXP ambulance exchange point
CLS combat lifesaver
BAS battalion aid station
CMCC corps movement control center
BDC blood donor center
cmd command
bde brigade
CMO civil-military operations
BDP base development plan
co company
BFC battle fatigue casualty
COA course(s) of action
BG Brigadier General
CofS Chief of Staff
BI battle injury
COHORT cohesion, operational readiness
BLDREP blood report
BLDSHIPREP blood shipment report
COL colonel
COMARFOR Commander, Army Forces
bn battalion
comm communication(s)
BPD blood products depot
COMMZ communications zone
BSA brigade support area
compt comptroller
BSU blood supply unit
CONPLAN concept plan
BTC blood transshipment centers
cont control
CA Civil Affairs
CONUS continental United States
CANA convulsant antidote for nerve agent
COSCOM corps support command
FM 8-55
CP command post
DBSS Defense Blood Standard System
CPT captain
DCS Deputy Chief of Staff
CRAF Civil Reserve Air Fleet
DCSOPS Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
and Plans
CRO carded-for-record only. Special cases that
are not admitted to an inpatient status but
require the preparation of a DA Form 3647
or a DD Form 1380 and the assignment of a
register number (AR 40-66 and AR 40-400).
CRTS casualty receiving ship
CS combat support
CSA corps support area
CSB combat stress behavior
DE directed energy
den dental
DEPMEDS Deployable Medical Systems
det detachment
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DIH died in hospital
DIS disease
CSC combat stress control
DISCOM division support command
CSCP combat stress control preventive
distr distribution
CSCR combat stress control restoration
div division
CSH combat support hospital
DMCC depot maintenance control center
CSS combat service support
DMOC division medical operations center
CTF commander, task force
DMRIS Defense Medical Regulating Information System
CVC calibration, verification, and certification
DMSB Defense Medical Standardization Board
CZ combat zone
DMSO division medical supply officer
D day
DNBI disease and nonbattle injury
DA Department of the Army
doc document
DA Pam Department of the Army Pamphlet
DOD Department of Defense
DAS3 Decentralized Automated Service Support
DOS days of supply
FM 8-55
DOW died of wounds
fld field
DS direct support
FLOT forward line of own troops
DSA division support area
FM field manual
DSN defense switched network
FMC field medical card
DSU direct support unit
FOUO For Official Use Only
D-TACC deployed tanker airlift control center
FRAGO fragmentary order
DTF dental treatment facility
FSB forward support battalion
DTG date-time group
FSMC forward support medical company
E echelon
FSP forward supply platoon
EAC echelons above corps
fwd forward
EEI essential elements of information
FY fiscal year
EMT emergency medical treatment/technician
FZ frozen
ento entomology
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPW enemy prisoner(s) of war
equip equipment
G1 Assistant Chief of Staff (Personnel)
G2 Assistant Chief of Staff (Intelligence)
G3 Assistant Chief of Staff (Operations and
evac evacuation
G4 Assistant Chief of Staff (Logistics)
FAC free available chlorine
G5 Assistant Chief of Staff (Civil Affairs)
FAX facsimile
GA ground ambulance
FDA Food and Drug Administration
GEN general
FEBA forward edge of the battle area
GH general hospital
FFP fresh frozen plasma
gp group
FH field hospital
GS general support
FM 8-55
GWS Geneva Convention for the Amelioration
of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick
in Armed Forces in the Field
inf infantry
HHC headquarters and headquarters company
infect infectious
HHD headquarters and headquarters detachment
intel intelligence
info information
INTSUM intelligence summary
hist history
IPDS Individual Patient Data System
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
IRHA injury result of hostile action
HMMWV high mobility multipurpose wheeled
ISG immune serum globulin
hldg holding
ITR inpatient treatment record
hosps hospitals
J2 Intelligence
HQ headquarters
J3 Operations and Plans
HREC health record
J5 Civil Affairs
HSC headquarters and support company
JA Judge Advocate
HSS health service support
JAMPS JINTACCS Automated Message Preparation System
HUB hospital unit, base
HUH hospital unit, holding
HUM hospital unit, medical
HUS hospital unit, surgical
HUSF hospital unit, surgical forward
HUSM hospital unit, surgical main
IAW in accordance with
JBPO Joint Blood Program Office(r)
JCS Joint Chiefs of SW
JFK John F. Kennedy
JINTACCS Joint Interoperability of Tactical
Command and Control
JMRO Joint Medical Regulating Office(r)
JOA joint operational area
IG inspector general
IM infectious mononucleosis
JOPES Joint Operation Planning and Execution System
FM 8-55
JTF joint task force
MCT movement control team
KIA killed in action
mech mechanized
LAPES low-altitude parachute extraction
MED medical
MEDASM medical assemblage management
LAT/LONG latitude/longitude
MEDCOM medical command
lbs pounds
MEDDAC medical department activity
loc locator
MEDEVAC medical evacuation
log logistics
MEDLOG medical logistics
LOGPLAN logistics plan
LOGSTAT logistic status
LQ liquid
LTC lieutenant colonel
LTOE living tables of organization and equipment
MEDMNT medical maintenance
MEDMOD medical module
MEDPAR medical patient accounting and
MEDREG medical regulating
MEDSTAT medical status
MACOM major Army command
maint maintenance
MEDSTEP Medical Standby Equipment Program
MAJ major
MEDSUP medical supply
MAJCOM major command
MEDTRAP medical threat risk assessment
MASCAL mass casualties
MER medical equipment repairer
MASF mobile aeromedical staging facility
MASH mobile army surgical hospital
METT-T mission, enemy, terrain and weather,
troops, and time available
mat materiel
mgt management
MCC movement control center
MH mental health
MCD medical crew director
MIA missing in action
FM 8-55
mil military
MWD military working dog(s)
mL milliliter
NAPP nerve agent physostigrnine pretreatment
MMC materiel management center
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
MOPP mission-oriented protective posture
NBC nuclear, biological, and/or chemical
MOS military occupational specialty
NBI nonbattle injury
MPL mandatory parts list
NCO noncommissioned officer
MPM Medical Planning Module
NCOER NCO evaluation report
MPRJ Military Personnel Records Jacket, US
NCOIC noncommissioned officer in charge
MRE meal(s), ready to eat
NEACDS Naval Emergency Air Cargo Delivery
MRO medical regulating office(r)
NEO noncombatant evacuation operations
MSB main support battalion
neuro neurology
MSC Military Sealift Command
MSE mobile subscriber equipment
MSMC main support medical company
NG National Guard
NICP national inventory control point
MSR main supply route
NLT not later than
MSRS Medical Summary Reporting System
NMP national maintenance point
MST mobile support team
NOFORN Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals
MTE medical treatment elements
NP neuropsychiatric
MTF medical treatment facility
NR not recorded
MTFE Message Text Format Editor
MTMC Military Traffic Management Command
MTOE modified table of organization and equipment
NSN national stock number
OCONUS outside continental United States
OER officer evaluation report
FM 8-55
OL operating level
POL petroleum, oils, and lubricants
OOTW operations other than war
POR preparation of replacements for oversea
OPCON operational control
OPLAN operation plan
OPORD operation order
OR operating room
ORF operational readiness float
OST order ship time
OTSG Office of The Surgeon General
PAD patient administrator(ion)
pam pamphlet
P&A Personnel and Administration
PA Public Affairs
PCP patient collection point(s)
PERINTREP periodic intelligence report
ppm parts per million
prof professional
PROFIS Professional Officer Filler System
pros prosthodontics
PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder
PVNTMED preventive medicine
QSTAG Quadripartite Standardization Agreement
RBC red blood cell
REBUT resupply by unit
RFI requests for information
RO requisitioning objective
ROP reorder point
RP retained personnel
rqns requisitions
PFM patient flow model
RSC regional studies course
PIES proximity, immediacy, expectancy, simplicity
RTD return(ed) to duty
PLL prescribed load list
S1 Adjutant
plt platoon/platelet concentrate
S2 Intelligence Officer
PMCS preventive maintenance checks and
S3 Operations and Training 0fficer
pnt patient
S4 Supply Officer
FM 8-55
sani sanitation
TACC tactical air control center
S&T supply and transport
TAMMIS Theater Army Medical Management
Information System
SB supply bulletin
TB technical bulletin
SC supply catalog
TB MED technical bulletin medical
sec section
TC training circular
SFG special forces group(s)
TCMR traffic control movement request
SIB signal battalion
TCMS Theater Construction Management System
SICC service item control center
TDA table of distribution and allowances
sig signal
tech technical/technician
SIMLM single integrated medical logistics
TM technical manual/team
SJA Staff Judge Advocate
TMDE test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment
SKO sets, kits, and outfits
SL safety level
TMMMC Theater Medical Materiel Management
SOI signal operation instruction
TO theater of operations
SOP standing operating procedure
TOE table(s) of organization and equipment
SPO security, plans, and operations
TPFDD Time-Phased Force Deployment Data
spt support
TPFDL Time-Phased Force Deployment List
sqd squad
trans transport
SSA supply support activity
trmt treatment
STANAG Standardization Agreement
TSG The Surgeon General
surg surgeon
TSOP tactical standing operating procedure
svcs services
UAL unit assemblage listing
TA theater Army
UM unit maintenance
FM 8-55
UMT unit ministry team
US United States
USAF United States Air Force
USTRANSCOM United States Transportation
UTM universal transverse Mercator (grid)
VET veterinary
USAMMA United States Army Medical Materiel Agency
VIC vicinity
USARPERCEN US Army Personnel Center
WBC white blood cell
USCINCLANT United States CINC, Atlantic
WHO World Health Organization
WIA wounded in action
USJMTF United States Joint Message Text
USMC US Marine Corps
WRAIR Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
WWMCCS Worldwide Military Command and
Control System