Facta Undergraduate Edition Spring/Summer 2011

Undergraduate Edition
Spring/Summer 2011
A newsletter of the undergraduate students and student‐faculty collaborators in the Psychology program at Drexel University. This issue of Facta was compiled and edited by Richa Aggarwal and Elizabeth Nicholls under the guidance of faculty supervisor Dr. Brian Daly.
Barbieri, A. (2012, April). Gender differences in
reactions to infertility and the importance of social support. Poster presented at Drexel University College of Arts + Sciences Research Day,
Philadelphia, PA.
Philadelphia, PA.
Goldstein, S. P., Goetter, E. M., Forman, E. M.,
& Herbert, J. D. (2012, March). An examination
of technological difficulties and interpersonal relationships in a remote treatment for obsessive
compulsive disorder. Poster presented at the
7th Annual Philadelphia Area Psi Chi Research
Day, Philadelphia, PA.
Burkard, C., Kelley, S. M., & Goldstein, N. E. S.
(2012, March). Late adolescents’ risky decision
making: Does the legality of behavior matter?
Poster presented at the 7th Annual Philadelphia
Graff, N., Schultheis, M. T., Manning, K. J., Ang,
Area Psi Chi Research Day, Philadelphia, PA.
J., Mitura, R., Neyens, D., & Boyle, L. (2012,
Ebbecke, J. (2012, April). Interrogative sugMarch). Virtual driving safety following traugestibility and academic achievement: The rela- matic brain injury. Poster presented at the 7th
tionship with reading and listening comprehen- Annual Philadelphia Area Psi Chi Research
sion. Poster presented at Drexel University Col- Day, Philadelphia, PA.
lege of Arts + Sciences Research Day, PhiladelHildenbrand, A. K. (2012, April). Initial developphia, PA.
ment and evaluation of a web-based intervention
Faller, A., & Daly, B.P. (2012, April). The Infor children after acute medical trauma. Invited
credible Years program: Evaluation of program talk presented at the Drexel University College
effects with at-risk youth. Poster presented at
of Arts and Sciences Research Day, Philadelthe Drexel University College of Arts and Sciphia, PA.
ences Annual Research Day, Philadelphia, PA.
Hildenbrand, A. K., Clawson, K. J., Alderfer, M.
Filone, S., Foster, E. E., Galloway, M., Murphy, A., & Marsac, M. L. (2012, April). A mixedM., Strohmaier, H., & DeMatteo, D. (2012,
methods assessment of coping with pediatric
March). Perceptions and violations of safety: An cancer. Poster presented at the Midwest Reexamination of graduate student and early cagional Conference in Pediatric Psychology,
reer professional safety in forensic settings.
Milwaukee, WI.
Poster presented at the 7th Annual Philadelphia
Hildenbrand, A.K., Daly, B.P., Nicholls, E.,
Area Psi Chi Research Day, Philadelphia, PA.
Holliday, S.B., & Kloss, J.D. (2012, April). The
Formon, D. (2012, April). Stigma measurements relationship between sleep and violence among
to behavioral vignettes among college psychol- adolescents: Examining gender and ethnic difogy majors. Poster presented at Drexel Univer- ferences. Poster presented at Drexel University
sity College of Arts + Sciences Research Day,
Research Day, Philadelphia, PA.
Presentations, Continued
Hildebrand, B., Foster, E., Patel, K., Evans, A.,
Greenberg, L., Ricelli, S., Salber, K., Segal, A.,
Nezu, A. M., & Nezu, C. M. (2012, March). Benefit finding and problem solving in patients with
heart failure. Poster presented at the 7th Annual
Philadelphia Area Psi Chi Research Day, Philadelphia, PA.
Saleet, G. (2012, April). The positive and negative effects of the No Child Left Behind Act of
2001. Poster presented at Drexel University
College of Arts + Sciences Research Day, Philadelphia, PA.
Matteucci, A., Shaw, J., Juarascio, A., Forman, E.
M., Bradley, L., Herbert, J. D., Butryn, M., &
Lowe, M. (2012, March). The role of values in the
change of eating disorder symptomatology.
Poster presented at the 7th Annual Philadelphia
Area Psi Chi Research Day, Philadelphia, PA.
posters at the 2012 Drexel College of
Arts + Sciences Research Day:
Shecker, M., Kelly, S. M., Foster, E., Petronglo,
M., & Goldstein, N. E. S. (2012, March). Gender
Hoffman, M., Daly, B.P. (2012, April). Examining differences in adolescents’ risks of confessing
sensory processing deficits in children with and
during interrogations. Poster presented at the
without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 7th Annual Philadelphia Area Psi Chi Research
(ADHD). Poster presented at the Drexel Univer- Day, Philadelphia, PA.
sity College of Arts and Sciences Annual ReStrohmaier, H., DeMatteo, D., Filone, S., Woodsearch Day, Philadelphia, PA.
ley, L., Keltz, L., & Madigan, P. (2012, March).
Kelley, S., & Goldstein, N. E. S. (2012, March).
Evaluating the impact of a statewide forensic
Juvenile guilty pleas: Pennsylvania policy reform peer support initiative. Poster presented at the
as a model. Poster presented at the 7th Annual
7th Annual Philadelphia Area Psi Chi Research
Philadelphia Area Psi Chi Research Day, Phila- Day, Philadelphia, PA.
delphia, PA.
Zhao, L., & Schultheis, M. T. (2012, March). DrivMace, L., Manning, K. J., Weisser, V. T., Ang, J. ing behaviors and self-rated driving ability in
G., & Schutlheis, M. T. (2012, March). Is the SSQ multiple sclerosis patients. Poster presented at
successful in the assessment of sim sickness
the 7th Annual Philadelphia Area Psi Chi Reamong a diseased civilian population? Poster
search Day, Philadelphia, PA.
presented at the 7th Annual Philadelphia Area
Psi Chi Research Day, Philadelphia, PA.
The following students also presented
Prelic, A., Dovidio-Zelechoski, A., Lane, C., &
Goldstein, N. E. S. (2012, March). Does intelligence predict school bonding among delinquent
youth? Poster presented at the 7th Annual Philadelphia Area Psi Chi Research Day, Philadelphia, PA.
Lauren Mace
Ava Skolnik
Maria Petrongolo
Ariel Pollak
Erika Foster
Marli Schecker
Ana Prelic
Lisa Zhao
Emilie Pinkasavage
Nicole Graff