Facta Spring/Summer 2013 A newsletter of the students and student‐faculty collaborators in the Psychology Master’s and Ph. D. programs at Drexel University. This issue of Facta was compiled and edited by Richa Aggarwal and Elizabeth Nicholls under the guidance of faculty supervisor Dr. Brian Daly. Publications Bonacquisti, A., Geller, P. A., & Aaron, E. (in press). Rates and predictors of prenatal depression in women living with and without HIV. AIDS Care. Bonacquisti, A., Spiers, M. V., Geller, P. A., & Kloss, J. D. (2013). Instructor’s manual for Women’s Health Psychology. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Brooks Holliday, S. (2013). Transitioning from mentee to mentor: Establishing your mentoring identity, Part 1. The Rookie., Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 4-5. Brooks Holliday, S., King, C., & Heilbrun, K. (in press). Offenders’ perceptions of risk factors for self and others: Theoretical importance and some empirical data. Criminal Justice and Behavior. Capecelatro, M. R., Sacchet, M. D., Hitchcock, P. F., Miller, S. M., & Britton, W. B. (2013). Major depression duration reduces appetitive word use: An elaborated verbal recall of emotional photographs. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47(6), 809-815. Culnan, E., Brooks Holliday, S., Daly, B. P., Aggarwal, R., & Kloss, J. D. (2013). Insufficient sleep and weight status among high school students: Should we be focusing on the extremes? Children’s Health Care, 42(1), 99115. Culnan, E., Kloss, J. D., & Grandner, M. A. (in press). A prospective study of weight gain associated with chronotype among college freshman. Chronobiology International. DeMatteo, D., & Strohmaier, H. (in press). Diversion. In R. Cautin & S. O. Lillienfeld (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. DeMatteo, D., Keesler, M., & Strohmaier, H. (in press). Accessing the law and legal literature. In I. B. Weiner & R. K. Otto (Eds.), Handbook of Forensic Psychology (4th ed.), Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Ely, A. V., Winter, S., & Lowe, M. L. (in press). The generation and inhibition of hedonically -driven food intake: Behavioral and neurophysiological determinants in healthy weight individuals. Physiology & Behavior. Foster, E. E., Strohmaier, H., Filone, S., Murphy, M., Galloway, M., & DeMatteo, D. (2013). The importance of safety training in forensic psychology graduate programs. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology, 5, 1-15. Forman, E.M., Juarascio, A.S., Martin, L.M. & Herbert, J.D. (in press). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. In R. Cautin, S. Lillienfeld (Eds) & B. Gaudiano, (Assoc Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. Forman, E.M., Butryn, M.L., Juarascio, A.S., Bradley, L.E., Lowe, M.R., Herbert, J.D. & Shaw, J.A. (in press). The mind your health project: A randomized controlled trial of an innovative behavioral treatment for obesity. Obesity. Giarelli, E., Ruttenberg, J., & Segal, A. (in press). Bridges and barriers to successful transitioning as perceived by adolescents and young adults with Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. Giallella, C.L., Goldstein, N.E.S, & DeMatteo, D. (in press). Balancing legal, ethical, and clinical considerations when managing suicidality in research with juvenile offenders. In M. K. Miller & J. C. Chamberlain (Eds.), Psychology, law, and the wellbeing of children. Publications, Continued Goldstein, N.E.S., Wolbransky, M., Giallella, C.L., & Heilbrun, K. (in press). Collecting informed consent with juvenile justice populations: Issues and implications for research. Behavioral Sciences and the Law. Heilbrun, K., Kelley, S., Present Koller, J., Giallella, C.L., & Peterson, L. (2013). Community-based forensic services: The role of the university-based clinic. International Journal on Law and Psychiatry, 36, 195-200. Rosen, D., Schmidt, E., & Kim, Y. E. (in press). Utilizing music technology as a model for creativity development in K-12 education. Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition: Interactions & Intersections. University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. Recent Presentations Heilbrun, K., Shah, S., Foster, E., Keesler, M., & Brooks Holliday, S. (in press). Empathy, Abdo, M., Friesen, J., Bonacquisti, A., Eichenbaum, E., Grady, C., Khaksari, M., Geller, acceptance of responsibility, and compelled P. A., & Patterson, C. A. (2013, April). Develtestimony in juvenile transfer hearings: Legal oping support structures for fathers in the context and empirical evidence. Court ReNICU: Poster presented at the 15th annual view. Drexel University Research Day, Drexel UniHildenbrand, A. K., Nicholls, E., Aggarwal, versity, Philadelphia, PA. R., Brody-Bizar, E., & Daly, B. P. (in press). The Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90- Arigo, D. A., Schumacher, L. M., Butryn, M. L., & Forman, E. M. (2013, April). Social influences R). In R. Cautin & S. O. Lillienfeld (Eds.), Enon weight loss in acceptance-based versus cyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. Hoboken, standard behavioral weight loss treatment. NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. Poster presented at the 15th annual Drexel Hildenbrand, A. K., Daly, B. P., Nicholls, E., University Research Day, Drexel University, Brooks Holliday, S., & Kloss, J. D. (2013). Philadelphia, PA. Increased risk for school violence-related Berkowitz, S., Raståm, M., Wentz, E., Witt, A., & behaviors among adolescents with insuffiLowe, M. R. (2013, May). Weight suppression cient sleep. Journal of School Health, 83(6), and Body Mass Index predict long-term out408-414. come in adolescent-onset Anorexia Nervosa. Kelley, S., Lane, C., Present, J., Peterson, L., Poster presented at the annual AED Interna& Heilbrun, K. (in press). The Role of the Unitional Conference on Eating Disorders, Monversity-Based Clinic. International Journal of treal, Québec, Canada. Law and Psychiatry. Bonacquisti, A., Geller, P. A., & Patterson, C. A. Lowe, M. R., Butryn, M. L., & Ely, A. V. (2013.) (2013, May). Addressing parental stress in a Obesity in women. In M. V. Spiers, P. A. Gelneonatal intensive care unit. Poster presented ler, and J. D. Kloss (Eds.). Women’s Health at the 14th annual LEND Research SymposiPsychology (pp. 149-172). Hoboken: Wiley. um and Poster Day, The Children’s Hospital Nezu, A. M., Greenberg, L. M., & Nezu, C. M. of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. (2013). Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies. Bonacquisti, A., Geller, P. A., & Patterson, C. A. In F. T. L. Leong, L. Comas-Diaz, G. N. Hall, (2013, April). Postpartum depression and V. McLoyd, and J. Trimble (Eds.). Handbook mental health care utilization in mothers with of Multicultural Psychology, Washington, DC: infants in the NICU. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association. 13th annual College of Arts and Sciences RePatrick, K. E., Hurewitz, F., & Booth, A. E. search Day, Drexel University, Philadelphia, (2013). Word-mapping in autism: Evidence PA. for backwards bootstrapping of social gaze strategies. BUCLD 37: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 2, 332-344. Recent Presentations, Continued morbid features II: Further neuropsychological comparison Brennan, L., Schultheis, M. Tart-Zelvin, A., Whipple, of cluster-derived subgroups. Poster presented at E., Darin, A., Siderowf, A. (2013, February). Effects of dopaminergic therapy on everyday functhe 41st annual conference of the International tional tasks in Parkinson’s Disease. Poster presentNeuropsychological Society, Waikoloa, HI. ed at the 41st annual conference of the InternaFilone, S., Strohmaier, H., Murphy, M., & DeMatteo, D. tional Neuropsychological Society, Waikoloa, HI. (2013, March). The impact of proposed DSM-V diagnostic and label changes on criminal defendButryn, M. L., Matteuci, A. J., Forman, E. M., Raggio, G., ants. Paper presented at the 2013 annual ConferMikorski, R., & Kerrigan, S. (2013, March). An experimental pilot test of an acceptance-based ence of the American Psychology-Law Society physical activity intervention. Poster presented at (AP-LS), Portland, Oregon. the annual convention for the Society of BehaviorFriesen, J., Abdo, M., Bonacquisti, A., Eichenbaum, E., al Medicine, San Francisco, CA. Grady, C., Khaksari, M., & Geller, P.A. (2013, April). Determining the relationship between genCook, A. N., King, C. M., & the American PsychologyLaw Society Student Section Committee (2013, der and desired specialty with self-reported imMarch). “Ask the editors”: Publishing in eminent portance of an online pregnancy loss curriculum North American and international psychology-law for DUCOM medical students. Poster presented at journals and legal periodicals. Panel session conthe 15th annual Drexel University Research Day, ducted at the meeting of the American PsycholoDrexel University, Philadelphia, PA. gy-Law Society, Portland, OR. Friesen, J., Abdo, M., Bonacquisti, A., Eichenbaum, E., Culnan, E. (2013, April). Chronotype and its relationship Grady, C., Khaksari, M. & Geller, P.A. (2013, with weight and BMI. Poster presented at the 13th April). Determining the relationship between genannual College of Arts and Sciences Research der and desired specialty with self-reported imDay, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. portance of an online Pregnancy Loss Curriculum for DUCOM medical students. Poster presented at D'Argenio, D. (2013, April). Motivational interventions for the 15th annual Drexel University Research Day, sleep disturbance among college students. Poster Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. presented at Drexel University 13th Annual College of Arts and Sciences Research Day, Philadel- Galloway, M., Formon, D. & DeMatteo, D. (2013, phia, PA. March). A national survey of self-defense statutes: Stand your ground and the implications for batDavis, J. P., Galloway, M., & DeMatteo, D. (2013, tered women. Poster presented at the 2013 annual March). Mental illness and access to firearms. PostConference of the American Psychology-Law Soer presented at the 2013 annual Conference of the ciety (AP-LS), Portland, OR. American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS), Portland, OR. Giallella, C. L., Goldstein, N. E. S., Prelic, A., Santandrea, A., & Peterson, L. (2013, March). Why treat Davis, J., & DeMatteo, D. (2013, April). Post-traumatic anger? Relationships among anger, aggression, stress disorder as a sentencing mitigator and mental health. Paper presented as part of a for veterans in criminal court. Poster presented at symposium at the annual conference of the Amerithe 15th annual Drexel University Research Day, can Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR. Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. Goldstein, N.E.S., Peterson, L., Giallella, C.L., Serico, Davis, J., & Galloway, M. (2013, March). Mental illness J., & Kemp, K. (2013, March). Cooling off: Reducand access to firearms. Poster presented at tions in anger and aggression. In N.E.S. Goldstein the 2013 annual Conference of the American Psy(Chair), Improving outcomes for female juvenile chology-Law Society, Portland, OR. offenders: The Juvenile Justice Anger Management (JJAM) Treatment for Girls. Symposium presented Eppig, J., Nieves, C., Wicas, G., Tart-Zelvin, A., Benjaat the annual conference of the Americanmin, L., Giovanetti, T., Price, C.C., Lamar, M., Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR. Delano-Wood, L., Au, R., Bondi, M., & Libon, D.J. (2013, July). Alzheimer’s disease with vascular coGrady, C., & Geller, P. A. (2013, April). Proposed study: morbid features I: An empirically-driven cluster Diabetic women’s perceptions of pregnancy. Postanalysis approach. Poster presented at the 41st er presented at the 13th annual College of Arts annual Conference of the International Neuropsyand Sciences Research Day, Drexel University, chological Society, Waikoloa, HI. Philadelphia, PA. Eppig, J., Nieves, C., Wicas, G., Tart-Zelvin, A., Benjamin, L., Giovanetti, T., Price, C.C., Lamar, M., Delano-Wood, L., Au, R., Bondi, M., & Libon, D.J. (2013, July). Alzheimer’s disease with vascular co- Recent Presentations, Continued Graefe, A. C., Carlitz, A., Bishai, D., Johnson, S., & Schul- Hitchcock, P. F., Capecelatro, M., Sacchet, M., Miller, S. M., & Britton, W. B. (2013, May). Lifetime deprestheis, M. T. (2013, June). Relationship between sion duration, but not current depression, predicts challenging driving situations and neuropsychologdecreased appetitive processing. Poster presentical functioning in young adults with ADHD. Poster ed at the 25th annual American Psychological Scipresented at the annual meeting of the American ence Convention. Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, Chicago, IL. Iampietro, M., Krivitzky, L. & Brinckman, D. (2013, February). Memory functioning in pediatric stroke surGrayer, J., Altman, K., Hurewitz, F., & Dahlsgaard, K. vivors. Poster presented at the 41st annual Con(2013, May). Academic, social and self-advocacy ference of the International Neuropsychological goals for college students with autism spectrum Society, Waikoloa, HI. disorders. Discussion panel at the 7th annual Autism Building Bridges Conference: Evolving InKhaksari, M. & Geller, P.A. (2013, April). Depression sights on Autism, Philadelphia, PA. and perceived barriers to treatment for infertility. Poster presented at the 15th annual Drexel UniGreenberg, L. M., Nezu, A. M., & Nezu, C. M. (2013, versity Research Day, Drexel University, PhilaMay). Social Problem Solving Predicts Blood Presdelphia, PA. sure in Patients with Heart Failure. Poster presented at the 25th Association for Psychological SciKhaksari, M. & Geller, P.A. (2013, April). Psychosocial ence Annual Convention, Washington, D.C. correlates of infertility treatment among minority and non-minority women. Paper presented at the Haney-Caron, E., Goldstein, N. E. S., Daly, B. P., Hil13th annual College of Arts and Sciences Redenbrand, A. K., Galloway, M., & DeMatteo, D. search Day, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. (2013, March). Implications of zero tolerance policies for juvenile justice. Paper presentation at the King, C., DeMatteo, D., & Heilbrun, K. (2013, March). 2013 annual Conference of the American PsycholConstitutional arguments for an offender-held right ogy-Law Society, Portland, OR. to rehabilitation: A twenty-first century update. Paper presented at the 2013 annual Conference of Hastings, E., Eddy, K., Swanson, S. A., Edkins, K., Franko, the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, D., Witt, A., Berkowitz, S., Berner, L., Lowe, M. OR. R., & Herzog, D. B. (2013, May). Weight suppression does not predict time to onset of binge/purge LaDuke, C., Heilbrun, K., & DeMatteo, D. (2013, March). symptoms in Anorexia Nervosa. Poster presented Neuropsychology can enhance violence risk asat the annual AED International Conference on sessment: Opportunities and limitations for mental Eating Disorders, Montreal, Québec, Canada. health professionals. Poster presented at the 2013 annual Conference of the American PsychologyHerens, A., NeMoyer, A., Hirst, R., & Goldstein, N.E.S. Law Society, Portland, OR. (2013, April). Juvenile defendant characteristics associated with pre-adjudication diversion. Poster Lowe, S., Franko, D., Berner, L., Witt, A., Hastings, E., & presented at the 13th annual College of Arts and Edkins, K. (2013, May). Weight suppression preSciences Research Day, Drexel University, Philadicts time to weight restoration and remission from delphia, PA. Anorexia Nervosa. Poster presented at the annual AED International Conference on Eating DisorHildenbrand, A. K., Barakat, L. P., Alderfer, M. A., Smith ders, Montreal, Québec, Canada. -Whitley, K., & Marsac, M. L. (2013, April) Coping and coping assistance among children with sickle Mikorski, R., Martin, L. M., & Butryn, M. L. (2013, cell disease and their parents. Poster presented at May). Exploring the role of cognitive fusion in the National Conference in Pediatric Psychology, body image dissatisfaction. In Sandoz, E. New Orleans, LA. K. (Chair), Body Image. Paper presented at the 39th annual convention for the Association for BeHildenbrand, A. K., Daly, B. P., & Tarazi, R. (2013, April). havioral Analysis International, Minneapolis, MN. Predictors of neuropsychological outcomes in children with sickle cell disease. Poster presented at Morse, C.L., Askin, E., Lewis, T. (2013). Predictors of Rethe National Conference in Pediatric Psychology, habilitation Participation Following Brain Injury: A New Orleans, LA. Novel Perspective. Invited Address given at Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. Recent Presentations, Continued Ricelli, S., Stern, J., Nezu, A. M., & Nezu, C. M. Murphy, M., Galloway, M., DeMatteo, D. & (2013, April). Coping Factors Associated With Krauss, D. (2013, March). A national survey of Psychological Resilience. Poster presented at state sexually violent person (SVP) legislation: the 15th annual Drexel University Research Procedures, policy and practice at the 2013 Day, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS), Portland, Oregon. Rosen, D. (2013, June). Utilizing music technology as a model for creativity development in K-12 edNeMoyer, A., Prelic, A., Ebbecke, J., Foster, E., ucation. Poster presented at the 9th ACM Burkard, C. & Goldstein, N. E. S. (March Conference on Creativity and Cognition, Uni2013). Juvenile probation: What do courts reversity of Technology, Sydney, Australia. quire and which requirements do youth violate? Paper presented at the 2013 annual Schultheis, M. T., Nicholls, E., Brinckman, D., & Conference of the American Psychology-Law Daly, B. P. (2013, February). Driving BehavSociety, Portland, Oregon. iors in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster presented at the 2013 ConferOliver, L., Segal, A., Perlis, M., & Grandner, M. ence of Rehabilitation Psychology, Jackson(2013, June). Sleep disturbance partially meville, FL. diates the relationship between intimate partner violence and physical/mental health. Schumacher, L. M., Forman, E. M., & Butryn, M. L. Poster presented at the 27th annual Conven(2013, April). Self-compassion and health betion of the Association of Psychological Sleep havior change. Poster session presented at Societies, Baltimore, MD. the 15th annual Drexel University Research Day, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. Oliver, L., Segal, A., Priftanji, F., Perlis, M., & Grandner, M. (2013, June). Sleep duration as Segal, A., Diaz, C., Greenberg, L., Nezu, C.M., & a predictor of moderate/high (vs low) suicide Nezu, A.M. (2013, April). Predictors of attirisk in insomnia. Poster presented at the 27th tudes towards seeking medical care and psyannual Convention of the Association of Psychological care among Veterans. Poster prechological Sleep Societies, Baltimore, MD. sented at the 13th annual College of Arts and Sciences Research Day, Drexel University, Patrick, K. E. (2013, May). Word-learning strategies Philadelphia, PA. of children with autism spectrum disorders. Poster presented at the Philadelphia Neuropsychology May meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Shank, L., Zemel, B. S., Stettler, N., Parks, E. P., Tipton, A. E., & Lowe, M. R. (2013, May). Reliability and validity of the child version of the Patterson, C. (2013, April). Developing support Power of Food Scale. Poster presented at the structures for fathers in the NICU. Poster preannual AED International Conference on Eatsented at the 15th annual Drexel University ing Disorders, Montreal, Québec, Canada. Research Day, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. Peterson, L., Goldstein, N. E. S., Serico, J., Zelechoski, A. D., Kalbeitzer, R., Romaine, C. R., Kemp, K., & Giallella, C. L. (2013, March). Development, theoretical basis, and overview of JJAM. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, Oregon. Raggio, G. A., Palmer, S. C., Butryn, M. L., & Mikorski, R. (2013, March). Sexual problems and mindfulness in breast cancer survivors. Poster presented at the annual Convention for the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA. Recent Presentations, Continued Spiers, M. V., & Tart-Zelvin, A. (2013). We do use more than 10% of our brains: Using movies to address misconceptions about the brain. Poster presented at the Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete Beach, FL. Grants and Awards Stern, J., Lee, M., Nezu, C. M., & Nezu, A. M. (2013, April). Problem solving: How we think, feel and act. Poster presented at the 13th annual College of Arts and Science Research Day, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. Katherine Alvarez won 2nd place at the 13th annual Drexel University College of Arts and Sciences Research Day for her poster entitled, “Do oral contraceptives affect women’s perception of facial anger?” (advisor: M. Spiers). Strohmaier, H. & DeMatteo, D. (2013, March). The impact of defendant race and gender on mock jurors’ sentencing of psychopathic defendants. Paper presentation at the 2013 Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (APLS), Portland, Oregon. Stephanie Brooks-Holliday received a High Commendation recognition from the Drexel University Graduate Research Awards Committee (advisor: D. DeMatteo). Strohmaier, H., DeMatteo, D., & Filone, S. (2013, March). Forensic peer support: Evaluating the impact of a statewide training initiative. Poster presentation at the 2013 Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS), Portland, Oregon. Sunderaraman, P., Mandel, S., Martin, D., SwirskySacchetti, T. (2013, February). Comparison of neuropsychological profiles in forensic patients with and without suspected effort. Poster presented at the 15th Annual Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Jacksonville, FL. Sylvester, P., Sunderaraman, P., Schultheis, M.T. (2013, April). Examining the relationships between academic excellence and anxiety, depression, and intelligence. Poster presented at College of Arts and Sciences Research Day, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. Christy Giallella received American Academy of Forensic Psychology (AAFP) Applied Law/ Psychology Dissertation Grant ($600) for her dissertation, entitled “Are crossover youth a distinct group? Comparing the mental health and substance use needs of crossover youth and delinquent-only youth” (advisor: N. Goldstein). Lauren Greenberg, M.S. was granted the Graduate Student Research Award ($1500) from Health Psychology, Division 38 of the American Psychological Association in support of her dissertation research examining the efficacy of ProblemSolving Therapy in reducing stress, high blood pressure, and other outcomes in patients with hypertension (advisors: C. Nezu, A. Nezu). Emily Haney-Caron was selected as the Executive Editor of Notes for the Drexel Law Review for the 2013-2014 academic year (advisor: N. E. S. Goldstein). Aimee Hildenbrand received the 2013 Doctoral Tart-Zelvin, A., Patrick, K.E., Brennan, L., EpResearch Excellence Award ($500) from Drexel pig, J., Schultheis, M., & Libon, D. (2013). A proUniversity in May 2013 (advisor: B. Daly). cess approach to verbal fluency performance in Parkinson’s Disease: Evidence for derailed temPeter Hitchcock received a Distinguished Poster poral gradients. Poster presented at the AmeriAward from the Society for a Science of Clinical can Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology ConPsychology in May 2013. This award includes a ference, Chicago, IL. $100 monetary compensation and a 1-year APS membership (advisors: J. Herbert & E. M. ForWitt, A. A., Ely, A. V., & Lowe, M. R. (2013). Hedonman). ic hunger and binge eating among women with eating disorders. Poster presented at the annual AED International Conference on Eating Disorders, Montreal, Québec, Canada. Grants and Awards, Continued Kelly Jones, psychology graduate student, is the 2013 recipient of the Philadelphia Neuropsychology Society John E. Gordon Dissertation Award (advisor: B. Daly). Dr. Adrienne Juarascio, jointly mentored by Drs. Evan Forman and James Herbert, won the 2013 Theodore Blau Early Career Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Clinical Psychology. This prestigious award is presented jointly by the Society for Clinical Psychology (Division 12 of the American Psychological Association) and the American Psychological Foundation (given jointly with APF). The $5000 award is to be presented at the American Psychological Association convention, Hawaii, August 2013. Mitra Khaksari was invited to present her research at Books After Dark on May 16th, 2013. The talk was titled “Accessing treatment for infertility: The impact of perceived barriers.” A bookplate will be placed in the Library collection to recognize her participation at this event and her research at Drexel (advisor: P. Geller). Chris King received a $500 student travel award from the American Psychology-Law Society. He also received a $1000 Dissertation Grant in Applied Law/Psychology from the American Academy of Forensic Psychology (advisor: K. Heilbrun). Casey LaDuke was awarded the Outstanding Student Poster Award (Best Overall, Award Amount: $150) at the 2013 annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society (APA Div. 41) for his poster entitled “Neuropsychology can enhance violence risk assessment: Opportunities and limitations for mental health professionals”. He also received a $950 internal funding grant from the Drexel Univesity Simon Fraser University Graduate Student Exchange Program. In April 2013, Casey was a panelist at the Graduate School Application Preparation Program for the Treatment Research Institute in Philadelphia. Casey presented a talk entitled “Can neuropsychology enhance predictions of violence?,” at the Drexel University Graduate Student Association’s Books After Dark: Conversations on Interdisciplinary Research in April 2013 (advisors: D. DeMatteo & K. Heilbrun). Chelsea Morse was awarded the 2012 Foundation for Rehabilitation Psychology Dissertation Award ($3,000) for her project “Multitasking and Vocational Functioning in Multiple Sclerosis: A Performance Based Assessment” (advisor: M. Schultheis). She also received the WIL Edith Kaplan Scholarship Award by the Women In Leadership group of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, in recognition of an essay she submitted describing the influence of her mentors, in which she highlighted Dr. Schultheis' mentorship in particular. Chelsea also noted the positive influence of her practicum supervision by neuropsychologist Dr. Tom Sacchetti, a longstanding contributor to Drexel's doctoral neuropsychology program. Amanda NeMoyer won 1st place in the Oral Category at the 13th annual Drexel University College of Arts and Sciences Research Day. She also received a $500 student travel award from the American Psychology-Law Society to attend the 2013 AP-LS Conference (advisor: N. E. S. Goldstein). Kristina Patrick was awarded the Philadelphia Neuropsychology Society President’s Award, a $250 student research award, for her project entitled “Word-learning strategies of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders” (advisors: F. Hurewitz, D. L. Chute). Grants and Awards, Continued Kristin Salber was awarded a $17,796 grant from the Cooper Foundation in May 2013 to fund her dissertation project, “Experiential avoidance and distress in breast cancer patients.” Kristen and her practicum supervisor (Cori McMahon, Psy.D., Director of Behavioral Medicine at Cooper Cancer Institute) are co-investigators on this grant (advisor: A. Nezu). Leah Schumacher was awarded the Best Graduate Student Poster in the Humanities & Social Sciences at the 15th annual Drexel University Research Day (advisor: E. M. Forman). Andrea Segal won 1st place at the 13th annual Drexel University College of Arts and Sciences Research Day for her poster, entitled “Predictors of attitudes towards seeking medical care and psychological care among veterans” (advisors: A. Nezu and C. M. Nezu). Heidi Strohmaier received a $500 student travel award from the American Psychology-Law Society for her thesis research, entitled “The impact of defendant race and gender on mock jurors’ sentencing of psychopathic defendants” (advisor: D. DeMatteo). Preeti Sunderaraman received a $500 Drexel Travel Award to attend the 2013 Annual Rehabilitation Psychology Conference at Jacksonville, FL and received $195 to attend the 2013 American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology Conference to be held at Chicago, IL. She was also awarded $745 from the Council on Brain Injury to fund her dissertation project (advisor: M. Schultheis). Ashley Witt received a $500 international travel award from the Drexel Office of International Programs to attend the 2013 International Conference on Eating Disorders in Montreal, Canada (advisor: M. Lowe). Samantha Winter has a fellowship to attend the Summer Program for Neuroscience, Ethics and Survival at Brown's Marine Biology Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA from June 23 - July 20 (advisor: T. Hewett). Professional Service and Announcements Katherine Alvarez works as a volunteer at Camp Cranium, a summer camp for children up to age 21 with a brain injury. Meghann Galloway will be working at the APA headquarters next year in the Public Interest Government Relations Office. She will be working with the APA and Congress to help develop policy initiatives for future legislation. Kristina Patrick serves as the Philadelphia Neuropsychology Society Student Representative. Dave Rosen and his band, Chronicles of Sound, will be having their official release show on June 28, 2013 at Johnny Brendas in Philadelphia. For more information, visit www.chroniclesofsound.com or www.johnnybrendas.com. Preeti Sunderaraman was recently elected as Division 40’s Ethnic & Minority Affairs Subcommittee’s Student Representative. Program Milestones Richa Aggarwal successfully defended her Master’s thesis, entitled “Examining the effectiveness of an evidence-based teacher training program promoting behavior competence and social competence in at -risk preschool children,” on May 2, 2013. Katherine Alvarez proposed her thesis, entitled “Oral contraceptive androgenicity and cognitive performance in females,” on April 8, 2013. Taylor Blake successfully defended her Master’s thesis, entitled “Effect of nonconvulsive seizures following pediatric acquired brain injury on executive function and adaptive abilities,” on May 23, 2013. Laura Brennan successfully defended her dissertation, entitled “Dopaminergic therapy in Parkinson’s Disease: Psychiatric symptoms, cognition, and everyday functioning,” in April 2013. Stephanie Brooks Holliday successfully defended her dissertation, entitled “Self-reported and LS/ CMI measured risk factors: Relation to RNR adherence and criminal recidivism,” on January 15, 2013. Elizabeth Culnan successfully defended her Master’s thesis, entitled “Social jetlag as a mediator of the relationship between chronotype and Body Mass Index,” on May 19, 2013. Jennie Davis successfully defended her Master’s thesis, entitled “Post-traumatic stress disorder as a sentencing mitigator for veterans in criminal court,” on May 24, 2013. Alice Ely successfully defended her dissertation, entitled “Decision-making, appetitive responsivity, and hedonic eating behavior,” on April 19, 2013. Christy Giallella proposed her dissertation, entitled “Are crossover youth a distinct group? Comparing the mental health and substance use needs of crossover youth and delinquent-only youth,” in April, 2013. Mitra Khaksari successfully defended her Master’s thesis, entitled “Pursuing treatment for fertility problems: The effect of depression, social support, and perceived barriers,” on May 30, 2013. Casey LaDuke proposed his dissertation, entitled “Can neuropsychology inform violence risk assessment?” in April 2013. Amanda NeMoyer successfully defended her Master’s thesis, entitled “Identifying Predictors of Juvenile Probation and Success,” on March 14, 2013. Kristina Patrick successfully defended her thesis, entitled “Word-learning strategies of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Understanding of referential intent,” on February 14, 2013. Stephanie Rabin successfully defended her dissertation, “The Interaction of Therapist Experiential Avoidance and Extraneous Clinical Information in Predicting Therapist Preference for Exposure Therapy for OCD”, on April 29, 2013. Andrea Segal successfully defended her Master’s thesis, entitled “Social problem solving as a predictor of attitudes towards seeking psychological care and medical care among veterans,” on May 31, 2013. Lisa Shank successfully defended her Master’s thesis, entitled “The relation of hedonic hunger, food exposure, and hunger state to executive control, attentional food bias, and heart rate variability,” on May 31, 2013. Preeti Sunderaraman successfully defended her Master’s thesis, entitled “An exploratory study to examine decision making competency as a measure of functional performance,” in May 2013. Elizabeth Whipple successfully defended her Master’s thesis, entitled “The development of a veteran driving questionnaire,” in May 2013. Ashley Witt proposed her dissertation, entitled “An investigation of positive and negative affect before, during, and after binge eating episodes in Bulimia Nervosa,” on March 19th, 2013. SPOTLIGHT: Internship Matches 2013-2014 Congratulations to the following matched students, and best of luck at your internships! Kara Douglas Philadelphia VA Medical Center Efrat Eichenbaum Minneapolis VA Medical Center Alice Ely University of California-San Diego Consortium/VA Medical Center Lisa Glassman University of California-San Diego Consortium/VA Medical Center Deborah Green Boston Consortium in Clinical Psychology Lauren Greenberg Palo Alto VA Health Care System Michael Keesler University of Carolina Chapel Hill Sharon Kelly University of Massachusetts Worcester Joshua McKeever University of Washington Chelsea Morse Emory University Christina Nash Miami VA Medical Center SPOTLIGHT: See what our graduates are doing next year! Drexel University Ph.D. Graduates Laura Brennan (advisor: Maria Schultheis, Ph.D.) will have a summer research position in neuropsychology at the VA San Diego Health Care System. In September 2013, she will start a 2-year clinical/research neuropsychology postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Neurology at the Drexel University College of Medicine. Her clinical responsibilities will include working in the Memory and Neurology Clinics assessing a varied population of adults, and her research responsibilities will include working on projects within the Consortium for Epidemiological Neuropsychological Data Analysis regarding vascular risk factors and cognitive decline, as well as projects examining everyday functioning in Parkinson’s disease. Stephanie Brooks Holliday (advisor: Kirk Heilbrun, Ph.D.) will be starting a two-year postdoctoral fellowship next year with the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) at the Washington DC VAMC. The postdoctoral position will have a split emphasis on neuropsychology and research related to post-deployment health, and Steph hopes to pursue research that combines her interests in forensic psychology and veteran populations. Lizzy Foster (advisor: David DeMatteo, J.D., Ph.D.) will be a post-doctoral fellow in forensic psychology at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Stephanie Rabin (advisors: James Herbert, Evan Forman) will be completing her post-doctoral training at the Center for Emotional Health, a private practice in Cherry Hill, PA, that specializes in the treatment and assessment of anxiety disorders. Sarah Horsey Simpson (advisor: Jackie Kloss, Ph.D.) will be finishing her internship at Rush Health track and beginning a postdoc with primary care emphasis at the San Francisco VA Medical Center. She will be working in several of their primary care clinics, in the multidisciplinary pain clinic, conducting organ transplant and/or bariatric surgery evaluations, and collaborating on research with a sleep emphasis. Sarah will also begin the process of applying for licensure through Maryland and plans to take the EPP during postdoc. Finally, she will be applying for certification as a specialist in Behavioral Sleep Medicine (CBSM). Jennifer Serico (advisor: Naomi Goldstein, Ph.D.) will be starting a postdoctoral fellowship at the Family Center at Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, MD. The fellowship is a clinical position with opportunities for research funded through Johns Hopkins. The Family Center provides an array of evidence-based practices for families that have experienced significant trauma. Sanjay Shah (advisor: David DeMatteo. J. D., Ph.D.) will be completing his internship at Emory University and beginning a postdoctoral fellowship at the Emory School of Medicine’s Law and Psychiatry Service. He will also be performing forensic assessments at an Atlanta-area private practice. Drexel University M.S. Graduates Richa Aggarwal (Drexel advisor: Brian Daly, Ph.D.) will be entering the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA this upcoming Fall. She will be working with Dr. Deborah Drabick, studying family functioning and neuropsychological risk factors in children and adolescents, and conducting preventative and early interventions for underserved youth. Katherine Alvarez (Drexel advisor: Mary Spiers, Ph.D.) will be living in Philadelphia, PA next year and applying to positions in research. Taylor Blake (Drexel advisor: Maria Schultheis, Ph.D.) will be working as a Program Coordinator at the Louis and Anne Green Memory Disorders and Wellness Center at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL. Elizabeth Culnan (Drexel advisor: Jacqueline Kloss, Ph.D.) will be entering the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA this upcoming Fall. She will be working with Dr. Jackie Kloss, studying health psychology and sleep. Jennie Davis (Drexel advisor: David DeMatteo, Ph.D.) will be joining the Boston College Law School class of 2016 in Boston, MA. Megan Hudson (Drexel advisor: Felicia Hurewitz, Ph.D.) was offered a position as a PhD student/ research assistant at the University of Heidelberg in Heidelberg, Germany. She will be concentrating specifically on child development and cognition, using eyetracking to map development, and will work in conjunction with the Autism Center in Frankfurt, Germany to establish a high risk group for ASD development. Arwa Ibrahim (Drexel advisor: James Herbert, Ph.D.) will be relocating to Raleigh, NC, where she will pursue a research position with a focus on minority populations. Mitra Khaksari (Drexel advisor: Pamela Geller, Ph.D.) will be moving to Baltimore, MD and is currently applying to positions in research and academia. Renee Mikorski (Drexel advisor: Meghan Butryn, Ph.D.) will be moving to New Jersey next year and applying to positions in research. Andrea Segal (Drexel advisor: Christine Nezu, Ph.D., Art Nezu, Ph.D.) is excited to join the Scattergood Ethics team in the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. She will be working as an evaluation consultant engaging in research pertaining to the ethics of behavioral healthcare. Lisa Shank (Drexel advisor: Michael Lowe, Ph.D.) will be entering the Medical and Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) in Bethesda, MD this upcoming Fall. She will be working with Dr. Marian Tanofsky-Kraff, studying eating disorders, obesity, and binge eating. Ariana Tart-Zelvin (Drexel advisor: Michael Williams, Ph.D.) will be entering the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at Idaho State University in Pocatello, ID this upcoming Fall. She will be working with Dr. Kandi Turley-Ames, studying decision-making and cognitive abilities in individuals with disabilities and chronic conditions.