MS Senate Districts - as Adopted May 3, 2012 886 ! ( ' & % 220 55 ' & % Walls 26 ' & % 220 82 84 27 24 61 56 62 59 476 89 50 9 70 ! ( 55 ' & % 64 47 45 ( / ! ( ( /% ' & 80 ( / 68 Rankin 1 63 145 20 49 ( / 30 468 ! ( 18 Friars Point Clarksdale 2 Sherard 51 20 55 ' & % 20 ' & % Jackson Area Clarksdale 5 Dublin Bobo Rena Lara Flowerdale Tupelo 4 North Gunnison Tupelo 2 78 45 6 178 ! ( Lee East Heights Winstonville North West Cleveland Pace 769 ! ( Tupelo 3 Tupelo 5 Boyle Stringtown Choctaw Fairview-Hale Washington ! ( Five Ok Three Leland Health Dept tib b e ek 32 Fourteen 145 Meridian Area 49 22 Holly Bluff Tallula Community Center 59 % ' & 11 ( / Cary Second District Spanish Fort First District Fairview Valley West Midway Zion 41 Bo w 59 ' & % U.S.M. Golf Course i e Rive r Center Ridge Yazoo Benton Robinette 34 23 North Heights Deasonville Madison Couparle 198 ! ( Pinecrest 98 ( / Woodley 45 Lamar Park 59 % ' & 98 ( / Cedar Grove Auditorium Plumbers Hall Little Burney Westside ( / 11 ( / Elks Lodge Salvation Army 49 Edwards Beechwood Jett 969 ! ( Ymca Goodrum Moose Lodge Utica 1 ! (Hattiesburg 98 Area 15 ! ( 25 Co. Precinct 2 758 ! ( 18 32 County Agent Winston Co. Precinct 1-A Co. Precinct 1-C American Legion New Ntnl. Guard 15 25 397 ! ( ! ( ! ( 18 ! ( Louisville ! ( Area 555 Thompson Pine Ridge Hamburg Palestine Northside Adams 37 Maryland Heights 925 ! ( 84 ( / By-Pass Fire Morgantown 61 Concord 932 930 ! ( Courthouse Mccall Beau Pre Roxie 37 84 Adams ( / ( / Area Natchez Wesley Chapel Knoxville Duncan Park61 928 ! ( Crosby 84 Meadville Homochitto Longmire Cold Springs 61 ( / Woodville 5th Gloster Woodville 4th Fort Adams Woodville 2nd Wilkinson ( / Coopers Creek(A-Z) Topeka New Zion Amite Fernwood School Magnolia Comm. Ctr. (11) Courthouse Riceville Enon Old Cent. School Osyka City Hall Hope James Church Pike Oak Grove A North East Prentiss 43 Saratoga Mt. Olive Carson 22 Strahan Melba 34 Jefferson Davis Carley Goss Darbun Morgantown Cedar Grove Foxworth Lamar 98 ( / 927 ! ( ! ( Dexter Walthall Improve Baxterville Sandy Hook East Lizana 906 Pike Co. Nat. Bank Legacy Motors Entergy 570 ! ( 55 98 Church of Christ Fire Station ' & % ( / 24 ! ( McLaw Enf. Comp. ! ( West Orange Grove Alpha Center aR iv e l Ya 67 ! ( 67 ! ( East Lyman ! ( North Bel-Aire Howard Creek 605 ! ( 605 ! ( 10 ' & % Margaret Sherry Gulfport 11 West North Gulfport East Miss City East North Gulfport Outside Long Beach Gulfport 12 332 14 Long Beach 5 14 24 48 Gulfport 15 Gulfport 16 Gulfport 13 Gulfport 8 Gulfport 7 Gulfport 5 Gulfport 14 Long Beach 4 Gulfport 4 South Vancleave North Bay 615 E. Orange Grove Stonewall St. Martin 10 Gulf Hills ' & % D'Iberville Biloxi Bay Biloxi 11 Biloxi 10 50 Jackson ' & % 110 Biloxi 4 609 ! ( Villa Maria 333 ! (8 Progress 3 Magnolia 47 Pine Grove 4 McNeill 3 Hickory Hills A Picayune 2 Salem 4 Picayune 1 S Picayune 4 E Nicholson 4 Gulf Park A Gulf Park Estates 90 46 Gautier Gautier B 52 Catahoula Hancock Kiln West Fenton 619 619 Perlington Bexley Salem Benndale Central West Lizana Red Hill Hwy 57 A Hwy 57 Ladner Kiln East Delisle North Vancleave New Hope East Lyman Stonewall West Orange Grove North Bel-Aire North Bay Howard Creek Latimer St. Martin Gulf Hills Gulf Hills B Gulf Park A Westside 48 49 50 51 South Vancleave A South Vancleave Escatawpa B Hickory Hills D'Iberville Gulfport 11 Villa Maria Gulf Hills A Outside Long Beach Gulfport 12 Biloxi 6 Biloxi 1 Os Civic Center Pineville Biloxi 11 Biloxi 8 Biloxi 3 Os Armory Gulfport 7 Gautier B Gulfport 9 Long Beach 2 East Central Red Hill A Larue Peace West Lyman Movella Jackson Carterville White Plains East Lizana Agricola Barton Tuxachanie Advance Shipman Howell Broome Harrison Ward Pine Level Basin Perkinston Vidalia Twin Creek Davis Big Level Poplar Head George Rocky Creek Multi Mart Pleasant Hill McHenry Library City Hall Middle School Shady Grove Courthouse Ten-Mile North Bay West Courthouse E. Pass Christian City Hall W. Pass Christian Waveland West South Bay Lakeshore Arlington ! ( ! ( Stone Maples Greene Leaf Old Hospital Saucier Diamondhead East Gautier C Presbyterian A N.Central Dedeaux Washington Neely Vernal McHenry Fire Station Standard Flat Top Leakesville Washington Deep Creek Bond Courthouse North Leakesville Jonathan Thompson Hill American Legion Riceville Lee Town 43 Arlington Beaumont Sr Citizens Beaumont Dist. 1 Maxie Crane Creek Ceasar 3 State Line Wade Janice Steep Hollow 3 Picayune 5 Sycamore 5 Os Civic Center ( / Carriere 5 Ozana 2 Piave McClain McNeill 5 Hide-A-Way/N Hill 5 10 ' & % Gulf Hills A Elarbee Derby Bt 1 Mill Creek 2 Hickory Hills West Miss City Westside South Vancleave A Gulf Hills B ( / Gulfport 3 51 57 ! ( Biloxi 1 Biloxi 7 OS Comm. Ctr. OS Civic Center A Biloxi 2 90 Biloxi 3 Os Armory Fontainblueu Biloxi 8 Long Beach 1 ! ( Henleyfield 2 47 Latimer 621 South Bel-Aire r Grenada North Vancleave ! ( Harrison 98 51 ( / McComb Area ! ! ( ( 55 ' & % o b us h 49 ( / 905 48 37 53 ! ( S. Pike Comm. Ctr. Joe's Tractor 24 ! ( 44 ! ( Mclaurin Project Road Savannah 3 iR er Ameri Legion Hut ( / West Lyman 570 ! ( MLK Ctr. New Hope 49 iv 938 ! ( Old Jones School B il ox 45 Brooklyn Gumpond 3 Poplarville 2 Peace Jones Hintonville New Augusta Comm. Center Yawn Whitesand Bt 2 Poplarville 1 Poplarville 3 Buck Branch 2 Whitesand Bt 1 State Line Mutual Rights Hickory Grove 3 Byrdline 2 Pearl River ! ( 605 Prospect Carnes 15 Chicora Richton Multi Purpose Sunrise Dantzler Denham Clara Dixie Pine Central South Purvis Waynesboro 2 Waynesboro 1 Buckatuna East Petal Forrest ! ( Strengthford Perry Purvis Lumberton Waynesboro 3 Mozingo Big Rock Winchester Richton City Hall Runnelstown Richton Holly Street Dixie 44 Pine Burr Ford's Creek 2 570 ! ( Summit City Hall Precinct 22 37 Pine Grove Diamond Yellow Creek Beat Four Myrick Coyt Hiwannee Eucatta Powers Comm. Center ³ Langsdale Wayne Bar Mac Springs Carmichael Corinth Timberton Pittman 57 ! ( 46 46 908 Okahola Manassa Desoto Landrum Indian Springs Oak Grove East Quitman Ovett West Petal Jones Camp Rowan North Quitman Chapparel Matherville Jones Blair Pineridge Tuckers Union Glendale Leeville Lake Serene Thames Richburg East Columbia Balls Mill 42 Rolling Creek Shubuta Rustin Pleasant Grove Antioch Pendorff Currie Glade Snell Energy Heidelburg Beat 5 Erata Calhoun Laurel Crthse Whynot Clarke Oakgrove Beaverdam Claiborne Mauldin Comm. Center Mason School Moselle South Quitman Philadelphia Shady Grove Alamucha Mt. Gilead Causeyville 33 Harmony Dist. 2 Eatonville Midway Greenville Pachuta Sandersville Civic Ctr. Matthews Toomsuba Vimville Valley Culpepper Souinlovie Vossburg Moss First County Barn U.S.M. Golf Course Union Hub Dist 3 Tylertown South Kirklin 40 National Guard Sageville Kewanee Odom Harmony Dist. 1 Sharon Soso Shelton Oloh Eight Four Eleven Nine Sixteen Ten Pickard Stonewall Dist.1 Paulding 34 Stringer South Jones Roosevelt Pine Grove Breland Bellevue Russell Five Six Union Rose Hill Holders-Waldrup 2 Sanford Rocky Branch Morris Thirteen Stonewall Dist. 3 Stainton Rawls Springs Prospect Marion East Marion One Enterprise Louin Rainey Sumrall Marion Fellowship Palestine Sand Hill Hathorn 24 Andrews Chapel West Dalewood New Lauderdale Zero Midway Montrose Centerville Pleasant Ridge Covington Oak Hill 2 ( 38 ! Jasper Blackwell Richmond Bassfield 31 ' & % 570 Good Hope 33 Meehan Newton Bruce Seminary South Nellieburg Bailey East Lauderdale Center Ridge Clarkdale Bay Springs Beat 3 West Collins South Collins West Lauderdale Center Hill Chunky Daleville Newton 4 Liberty Hebron Mitchell Kemper Springs Obadiah Lauderdale Newton 5 Lawrence Summerland Okahay Williamsburg Bassfield 26 Green's Creek 23 Stovall North Kirklin Gilmer Mount Nebo Newton 1 Antioch Station Creek Lone Star/Black Jack Son's Academy 25 Oakvale 41 Collinsville Decatur 1a Hazel Gitano Collins Dry Creek 55 Pike ! ( Yawn South Prentiss 12 East Arm White Bluff Zion Hill-New Haven Lynwood Martin Chapel Hill Moss Second Taylorsville Band Building Fort Stevens Duffee Decatur 1 Scanlon Holders-Waldrup 1 Bay Springs Beat 4 Magee 2 A Herbert Little Rock Union 1 Mize Granby 11 Kokomo Dist. 4 Tylertown St. Paul W Tylertown North Knoxo Mesa E Tylertown South Knoxo Midway New Hope Mt Carmel 42 South Prentiss 13 Union 2 Union 3 Cedar Grove Center Ridge Rock Hill Popetown Varnell Lexie Progress Library Shady Grove Sartinsville Darbun Dinan Holmesville Comm. Chatawa Post Office (12) Courthouse Walls 4th District West Old Jones School MLK Ctr. Legacy Motors Entergy Fire Station Joe's Tractor Alpha Center Tickfaw Amite River Street Tangipahoa East Fork South Liberty Lincoln Tilton Jayess Southwest BSU Bldg. Precinct 22 East Liberty Ruth Bowie Whiting 56 West Arm Center 67 ! ( 51 ( / 98 Johnson Smithdale Berwick East Centerville Centreville 1st Woodville 38 Ariel Centreville 3rd Peyton Town Magee 2 Red House 55 North Silver Creek Hooker Armory South Silver Creek Monticello 5 Courthouse A-Z Enterprise East Lincoln Norfield Dry Creek Magee 1 Farmers Market Neshoba Hickory Sylvarena Scooba A-L Courthouse Satellite House Neshoba Union-New Hope Weathersby Williamson Mill 44 Gwinville 51 Clem 41 Grange Wanilla Nola 39 Forestry Sumrall 32 Kellis Store Porterville Conehatta Ag-Complex Kemper Lynville Tucker Dist 1 Salem West Raleigh Hebron 52 Stringer Arlington Zion Hill Liberty Little Bahala Johnson Grove Bad Bayou Oneil Sontag Big Springs Bogue Chitto Whittington East Gloster Old Brook West Lincoln Bude Montgomery City Hall Gvmntl Comp. Zetus Vaughn Cains Kingston / ( /( Lucien Lawrence Deemer Hays 31 Oak Grove B Oak Grove New Hebron Center County Line Hillsboro Mendenhall 1 Merit Shivers Shivers A Shuqualak NW Philadelphia East Neshoba Forestdale Fairview Tucker Dist 3 Sebastapol Prospect Harperville Forkville Clifton Leesburg Jupiter D'Lo Mendenhall 3 35 Earl Nash Gym Preston North Bend Dixon Leake North Raleigh Fork Church Oma Heucks Retreat Lipsey Rogers Circle Pine Grove Bellemont Contrell Liberty 20 Harrisville East Winston Summerville Steele Fannin Georgetown South Bridgeport Brignal Loyd Star Eddiceton Ludlow Trace Harbor Pinola Wesson New Sight Caseyville Antioch Madden Pisgah Stronghope Union Old Red Star Franklin Cedar Grove Bapt. Braxton District 3 Central Bogue Chitto Hope Walnut Grove Salem Lena Magee 4-S Magee 4-N Beauregard Mcnair Washington Oakland Concord Stampley Pearl Georgetown North Martinsville Hazlehurst South Union Church Old Hollywood Church Harriston Ebenezer Chancery Clerk Highway 33 Freeny Canton 2 Hazlehurst North Hazlehurst West Hazlehurst East Shady Grove Centerpoint City Hall Cannonsburg Airport Claiborne Gallman Dentville Red Lick Fayette Manor Lovorn Tractor 554 Co. Precinct 5-A 36 South Carthage Luther Branson Good Hope Simpson Prairie Point Nanih Waiya Burnside Fork Zephyrhill 30 Crystal Springs South Jefferson Lorman Church Hill 38 Co. Precinct 1-B 14 ! ( Co. Precinct 4-B Noxubee Savannah Noxapater Pearl River Ebenezer Ratliff Ferry Cynthia Crystal Springs West Crystal Springs North Crystal Springs East Carpenter Co. Precinct 4-C Edinburg East Carthage Wiggins Mountain Creek Copiah Co. Precinct 3-A Co. Precinct 4-A 14 ! ( Hinds Co. Precinct 3-B ( / Utica 2 Fairgrounds F Vo-Tech Mashulaville New Ntnl. Guard Lovorn Tractor 18 29 Cayuga 59 ' & % 25 28 Tingleville Yokena Arnold Line Richburg Canton 1 27 Culkin Amer. Legion Post Walthall Rowan Thames Wesley Manor Eaton Plum Grove A Mill Creek Arlington North Carthage Gulf Park Estates Big Point Helena Escatawpa Gautier A Rec. Center Sue Ellen Orange Grove Gautier Eastside Jefferson Street Fair Chico Arlington A Fair A Presbyterian A Eastlawn Sacred Heart Gautier C 52 Ansley MS Gulf Coast Area Box 2 Grenada Co. Office 14 Grenada Area Horizontal Coordinate System Definition Geographic Latitude Resolution 0.000458 Longitude Resolution 0.000458 Geographic Coordinate Units Decimal degrees Map prepared by MARIS - 2/9/2015 Geodetic Model Horizontal Datum Name North American Datum of 1983 Ellipsoid Name Geodetic Reference System 80 Semi-major Axis 6378137 Denominator of Flattening Ratio 298257 New Hope C SE Oktibbeha Brooksville Fairground Mars Hill Main Harbor Northshore Langs Mill Tougaloo North Forest North Morton 81 80 79 46 78 Reservoir East 83 82 East-West Morton 45 44 Holbrook Northeast Forest House Pinehaven 84 Oakdale 36 41 42 Pelahatchie 29 Liberty 23 South Forest Clinton 4 Castlewoods West 33 21 11 15 32 Lake St. Thomas 31 Clinton 6 NE Brandon 68 60 9 Flowood Mullins Clinton 2 4 88 Raymond 1 58 53 5 1 Homewood Pulaski Cooperville W Pearl E Crossgates 64 47 Raymond 2 High Hill N Brandon Pearl 72 Crossroads Springfield 92 76 77 91 Scott W Brandon 95 Shiloh N Richland E Brandon 96 97 South Pearson Antioch Byram 2 Polkville-79 S Brandon Learned Byram 1 Old Byram Monterey Smith Johns Burns Cleary Polkville-77 Lorena-Spinola E Steen Crk. Mayton W Steen Crk. Dry Grove Chapel Hill Dry Creek Cato Clear Branch White Oak Warren Hill Terry Rankin Puckett Star Bovina Plum Grove B Oktoc Walthall Renfroe Singleton Rural Hill B Fairgrounds E Artesia Winston Zion Ridge Providence Williamsville Thomastown Camden Bear Creek Gluckstadt Lorman-Cav 26 Bolton 16 Crawford Sturgis/North Bradley Steens A Steens B Cliftonville Shiloh Sunrise Yandell Rd Bapt. Kings Brunswick Camp Whispering Lake Sunnybrook iv Davis Flora Brownsville er ! ( Virilla Magnolia Heights Smith School Attala North East Conway Sharon Bible Church Canton 5 New Indust. Park Liberty 42 ! ( 967 Blair North E. Lamar Le a f R Jones East Bentonia Oak Ridge Redwood Sessums Lee Middle Brandon A Newport Ofahoma Canton 7 Warren Osborn NE Starkville 17 Hunt B Rural Hill C Brandon C Hunt C Sale B West Lowndes B Trinity A Lowndes New Hope E West Lowndes A New Hope A New Hope F N Starkville 2 North Adaton County Agent American Legion Zama 21 Canton 4 West Bentonia Three-61 Tibbee Union Star Bell Schoolhouse Bradley South Longview Thompson West Carthage Mechanicsburg Issaquena Airbase A East-West Point Siloam Gillespie Southwest Ackerman East South West Mcadams Fugates Valley Park Community Ctr. West Petal Highland Park 44 Satartia 42 Forrest Lamar 11 Vinton North Longview Oktibbeha East Weir Ethel North Central Aponaug Sallis Beat 3 Goodman Harttown Tinsely ( / Airbase D Airbase C Airbase E Airbase B Cedar Bluff South-West Point Reform Panhandle Liberty Chapel Dover Glendale Caledonia Fentress Beat 3 Pickens East Midway 4-2 3-4 South Hamilton Darracott South Adaton W Starkville E Starkville District 5 West Weir Mccool Berea North West Beat 4 Walden Chapel(A-Z) Beat 3 Ebenezer (A-Z) Free Run Ward 5 Jonestown Ward 2 Possumneck 2 Lexington Sandhill Beat 2 Durant Eden Ward 4 Lake City French Camp Hesterville Lexington East Beat 3 Coxburg (A-Z) Carter Prairie Pheba Double Springs Choctaw Poplar Creek Carmack Beat 4 Thornton (A-Z) Lake City South Rolling Fork 1 Mayersville Courthouse East Vaiden Caradine Clay Bywy Nations Holmes Beat 4 Lexington Louise South 5 Stewart Kenego West Vaiden Beat 1 Lexington Rolling Fork 4 Rolling Fork 3 ! ( Kilmichael Box 1 Southeast Winona Beat 2 West Straight Bayou Fourth Dist. Anguilla Fourth District 15 Bartahatchie Lackey South Aberdeen Maben Sherwood Hebron North Aberdeen Aberdeen Third Maben Mathiston Eupora 3 Tomnolen Kilmichael Box 1 North Kilmichael 430 School Beat 5 Lexington(A-Z) Silver City South Fay East Winona Box 1 Eupora 2 Greenwood Springs Beat 5 Tchula Putnam South Midnight South Eupora 1 Lodi South Winona Box 1 Salem 1 Acona Delta City Fifth District Pickard ( / Belzoni South 3b Gooden Lake North Aguilla Fifth District Addie Voting Precinct Grace Voting Precinct McCarley Fire Tower Gravel Hill Humphreys Sharkey 33 Grady Williams Parham Becker West-West Point Big Black Icdc Athens Pine Bluff Cumberland Walthall Wren Egypt Clarkson Webster Hatley Amory Fifth Amory Second Willis Hampton Smithville 7 Bigbee Wigginton James Creek New Salem Carolina Tremont Tilden Evergreen Cardsville Boyds Gibson Sparta Mantee Fama Bluff Springs Alva West Winona Box 1 14 Southeast Gwd West Carroll Black Hawk Montgomery Mt. Pisgah Duck Hill Box 1 Bellefontaine American Legion Greenwood Richmond Monroe Oakland Clay Nettleton Bigbee Banner-Pineville Courthouse Mt. Gilead Armory Bounds Dorsey Plantersville Pearsall Woodland Derma 4 Fairview-Pleasanton Fawn Grove Mooreville Firestation Friendship Central Grove Southeast Houston Anchor Mantachie Kedron Petersburg Chickasaw Ryan Ozark Centerville Nettleton East Okolona Buena Vista Derma 5 Ratliff Gilvo 5 Shannon West Okolona Northwest Houston Calhoun City 1 Cadaretta Brewer North Okolona Vardaman Pleasant Grove Comm. Cen. Old Union Troy Van Vleet Calhoun City 4 North Duck Hill Calvary Pittsboro 2 North Carrollton Carrollton Beat 5 Cruger (A-Z) Isola North 2 Belzoni South 4b Sixteen Ten Rising Sun Glen Allen Library Eighteen Jefferson Calhoun Pleasant Grove Thorn Auburn Itawamba Kirkville Verona Pleasant Grove Beckham Grenada The Plant School NE Gwd Tupelo 4 South Palmetto Belmont Golden Eggville Gilvo-1 Tupelo 3 Tupelo 5 Dennis Pratts Hebron Oak Hill South Houlka Northeast Calhoun Pittsboro 1 Five Scuna-Vann's Mill Fourmile North Darlove Fifteen Nine Moorhead Morgan City Hollandale City Hall Seventeen Five Scobey Sidon Swiftwater Baptist Church Eleven 24 Belzoni North Twenty Five Coffeeville Box 4 Carrie Dotson Box 1 Vo-Tech Building Box 5 EOC Building Rays Shop SouthW Gwd Pontotoc 8 Bruce 3 Hardy 2 Vol Geeslin Fire Sta. Geeslin Fire Station Mt. Nebo Parker's Grocery Holcomb Comm. Center North Gwd West Gwd S Gwd Indianola 2 W Indianola 2 E Arcola City Hall Four Lauderdale Phillip Inverness Covenant Presbyterian Two Seven Eight Indianola 1 SE Ward's Rec. Center Six Cr Indianola 3 S Brent Center Tampa Drive Thirteen 33 Elks Lodge Cascilla Rosebloom Money Indianola 3 NE Pontotoc 4 6 Tishomingo East Belmont New Site Cotton Springs North Belmont Marietta Unity Tupelo 2 Bissell Woodland Judah Robbs Hoyle Belden Flowerdale Paden 5 Friendship Guntown Beech Springs Zion South Randolph Banner Yalobusha Futheyville 1st Pentecost North Itta Bena Indianola 3 N St. James Epis. Church Grace Meth.Church 33 Five Tillatoba Murphreesboro Leverette MVSU Sunflower 3 Leland Rotary Club 19 Paynes Webb Beat 4 Sunflower 4 Old American Legion 884 Blue Cane Webb Beat 2 Schlater Lafayette Three Sylva Rena Beat One North Beat Two Water Valley Four Coffeeville Carroll Sunflower Springville Algoma North Randolph Longview Pontotoc 5 Bankhead Pontotoc 3 Baldwyn Blair Saltillo Davis Box Bethel/Endville Pontotoc 1 Turnpike Tula Oakhill Prentiss Baldwyn Springhill Odom Hill E Booneville Hills Chapel-New Hope Lee Corrona Sherman Cherry Creek Buchanan Friendship Toccopola Paris Elliot Vol Fire Station Providence Gore Spr Comm. Boyer-Linn ! ( Anchor-Taylor 4 N Booneville Ingram Euclatubba North Houlka Charleston Beat 3 Doddsville Shaw Yocana Community Center Springhill Charleston Beat 1 Jericho East Union King's Chapel J&J Blue Springs Ecru Thaxton Airport Grocery Union West 4 Four Oakland Summer Beat 2 Minter City 13 South Cleveland Longshot Potter House South Springport Enid Leflore Ruleville North Eastgate Oxford 6 Box 3 City Auditorium Sunflower Plantation Benoit Scott Taylor 3 3 Ingomar Hurricane Denmark-Laf Springs-Pine Bl Oxford 1 Oxford 4 Center B. F. Ford Beacon Hill Sportsplex Pinedale Three North West Drew Merigold West Cleveland Skene 76 ! ( Tupelo Area Teasdale Glendora North Cleveland Renova Beulah 7 ! (6 East Batesville Batesville 3 Charleston Beat 2 Mound Bayou West Union Philadelphia Cross Roads Tuscumbia-New Candler W Booneville Wheeler Keownville Crowder Brazil Webb Beat 5 Rome Burgess Eureka Tallahatchie Summer Beat 5 Macedonia East Iuka Tishomingo Booneville Pleasant Ridge Glenfield Burnsville Jacinto Iuka West Iuka West Burnsville Biggersville Dry Creek Blackland NE Community College 9 Cold Springs Tippo 12 West Rosedale Coahoma Cornersville 4 Union Myrtle North Iuka Glen Pine Grove Dumas Hubbard Salem North Burnsville Thrasher Mitchell Cotton Plant Clarysville Blythe College Hill Oxford 2 Oxford 3 Cole's Point Courtland Tocawa District 3 South Lambert Tutwiler Roundaway Cagle Crossing Shelby ( / ( / ee West Lambert Hickory Flat Waterford Abbeville Pope Duncan-Alligator Bolivar North Batesville B Quitman Clarksdale 3 Potts Camp Chapman Coles Mill College Hill South Corinth Rienzi Ripley New Hope Blue Mountain Bethel Peoples Southwest Ripley Palmer Bethlehem Spout Springs Tippah Shady Grove Harmontown Macedonia-Concord Enon Clarksdale 4 North Floyd South Holly Springs Laws Hill Pleasant Mount North Batesville A Panola District 3 North South West Marks Lyons North Holly Springs 1 Chulahoma Tyro Looxahoma South Sardis Pleasant Grove North West Marks Jonestown Wyatte Thyatira Falkner East Corinth Central Alcorn Kossuth Providence Five Points West Corinth Union Center Chalybeate North Ripley East Sardis Curtis Belen Wall Hill West Sardis Darling Coahoma Farrell 11 Sledge Lula Marianna Walnut Tiplersville North Falkner Ashland Poagville 5 Como Crenshaw ! ( 53 66 Crenshaw Independence Senatobia 1 Longtown Two-Mile Lake Warsaw Marshall Senatobia 3 Senatobia 4 Sarah 468 29 2 51 58 28 67 52 33 Red Banks West Holly Springs Palestine Tate Sherrod Benton Hudsonville Alphaba-Cockrum Taylor Strayhorn 25 ! ( 8 4 Evansville Tunica West End Store 6 10 19 57 54 18 Courthouse Lamar Victoria Ingrams Mill Threeforks Canaan Slayden Watson Coldwater 3 Evansville-Highway 61 14 16 Oak Grove 10 Tunica Supt. Of Education 32 12 11 20 55 17 15 31 60 13 30 iver 21 ! ( 28 25 37 Pearl R Hinds 23 22 Mhoon Landing Lewisburg East Wenasoga Brownfield Early Grove North Cayce Mt. Pleasant Cayce 19 Hernando Central Love Prichard Barton Fairhaven Lewisburg West DeSoto 1 Eudora Banks/Hambrick Watsonville 38 40 29 27 42 39 41 Robinsville Hacks Cross Road Miller Bridgetown Nesbit East Nesbit West 45 43 Mineral Wells Plum Point Elmore Aldens Desoto Central Lake Cormorant 46 79 80 81 2 Cherry Valley Election Districts were compiled on a whole block basis by Legislative staff. Base data (roads, cities, precincts, and counties) were compiled from 2010 U.S. Census Bureau TIGER Files. Although the information contained on this map is believed to be accurate, the Board of Trustees, State Institutions of Higher Learning/MARIS, the Standing Joint Committee on Reapportionment make no warranties as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability or suitability of the data for any use, or for any conclusions derived from this map.