WHERE THE LINES ARE DRAWN AK YES AL yes AR AZ CA CO CT DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MD YES PERIM YES YES YES <5% PERIM YES YES ME MI MN MO <5% <2% YES yes YES yes YES YES YES YES YES spread YES yes yes YES YES Congressional districts Nesting Encourage competition No partisan favoritism YES YES YES yes YES YES mult. yes yes YES YES yes Communities of interest Political boundaries Compactness Population deviation State legislative districts YES yes YES YES YES mostly same as state districts YES YES YES IF POSS. yes YES YES yes 1 congressional district YES yes yes IF POSS. yes yes YES same as state districts same as state districts 1 congressional district same as state districts same as state districts same as state districts same as state districts same as state districts yes same as state districts different from state districts same as state districts yes mostly same as state districts same as state districts same as state districts mostly same as state districts yes yes YES A “yes” indicates that the state imposes the designated type of limit on its districts; a blank space indicates no limit in that category. BOLD CAPS indicates a constitutional limit; standard typeface indicates a statutory limit; and gray typeface indicates voluntary guidelines. In most states, limits must be followed only as closely “as is practicable,” leaving substantial flexibility to the redistricting body to serve other goals as well. And in every state, such standards are always subordinate to federal equal population limits and to the federal Voting Rights Act. Updated November 2010 NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY YES YES yes YES YES YES YES YES yes YES <8% <4% YES YES YES yes YES YES YES yes YES YES yes yes YES YES yes Nesting yes YES Congressional districts Encourage competition yes yes YES yes No partisan favoritism Communities of interest yes <1% spread YES YES Political boundaries MS MT NC ND Compactness Population deviation State legislative districts YES 1 congressional district yes 1 congressional district yes same as state districts YES yes same as state districts IF POSS. YES YES yes yes yes yes yes YES YES YES YES YES YES YES yes yes yes yes YES yes YES yes yes yes YES yes YES same as state districts YES same as state districts 1 congressional district yes YES if poss. same as state districts same as state districts 1 congressional district same as state districts 1 congressional district A “yes” indicates that the state imposes the designated type of limit on its districts; a blank space indicates no limit in that category. BOLD CAPS indicates a constitutional limit; standard typeface indicates a statutory limit; and gray typeface indicates voluntary guidelines. In most states, limits must be followed only as closely “as is practicable,” leaving substantial flexibility to the redistricting body to serve other goals as well. And in every state, such standards are always subordinate to federal equal population limits and to the federal Voting Rights Act.. Updated November 2010