02 Nort i Perry Sterling Creen Beaver Union Marlon 15 Miles 03 ) ~,, / -e ) Map layers C Districts o o County Subdivision County Water Area 1.5 3 4.5 04 r----.,: ~adison .~ (0'. Scott Jyckson ~ Ballville )' \). Jackson Liberty t· PI~Jsnnt ~~,a Adams , cA ~~ton ~ f 'neea Scipio G rOloll Ox ford ' Milan Berlin ...I orietls.....n- arlis l l _ 'YOr~kU'~~~"'--~~-t--"'---t_~h,(.~~.-'h.~~_I6il-=" ~ !h!':;e ~_I akem. Iittsfiel 91 -';:;'"]J'" ... ·hompsol . .- - - - -.....- . ._ _ _ _~_.l.__1 OpCWCl 1 ILoudon . Reed 1 ig Sprin Seneca: Bloom Edt!n Venice ,,1 ,LYKens 'X s h8tfiel l ubu ~--. .--IIIIfMonroe Rich lan S garCre~k~..~-4_~--I ~~~~,.;' m"u;tt' '"",.. . . . ._'T'I.._-f'hawnee~crry Salem Logan No~~e Moulton [UChOUlIU tUnion , "Mary erman ok,nn ~ pinsmor Jacksor .J.,~lJ.e bv Sa lem ,u~rlec ~ Me llean . Cynthian ~ W Bo ling Grn " hln ~~lthur """" =1 Pleasant ' rL ' ' I!nto~ I l ll: I~ __ , ~aShingto Jackson B kescr 'k York ' Claibour. ~ > ~~ al , elTerson gaD Perry Liberty I : ' I. eesbur oio r Miami:" Unio!" ' I ' l /\ .JO " ~ , Monroe Zane I~~:V ' . ove L.. lien ~arJ.s . Adams Harnson . ..... ~ ,\. Ji::'. += . Loramie . Tu ll y I M rion StOke~~~ ; RiC~ Elt ,·L~· ~ OJ h"",~~--',~ Gosben Clay a ltRoc Jig Ishm Marion' ~ \Vayne f--Push~ la ~= - , - AugJaiz r'--""l~--+---" Perry t' • . ._ _ _ _.' . . . .ra.n.g. .G.r.e.enJ r-- ~ ~ohnson ~ oncord Salem /Wayn , Rush > Union Dllrby Jerome r .. •~n,ipD . ·~ rbuna Unionposhe DCounty County Subdivision Water Area 10 20 30 D Ilicree. !JaCkson ad Rive Map layers c:::I Districts o Miles 05 r un myes Prn;crlSon r id gewa te , . j\ j II C re k Go r ha m Florence "~ rI'f~erson Su Bra dy J o. ~p h Cente r I P ike Fulton Dofsl to Farm er' ~ prin gficl ~as h i n g lo Clinton - York ,"icksvill e Mark .., Car ryaU i~' I ". ~I .~, -. en oe in'gfi) ard in ill. T iffin Ada ms Na ll oleo.n- ( 1 '- ~ r Allen • rd • r rysb ur J. ' I" . Clay n- T r oy L- Midd le,o n I ovi dcnc Webster r:--- •• hlngt G r " d 'R a ids Harriso n Damasc lis Weston Harris .. - ~ Siilrm* f--- Bo io g r en rt'T eed oJU 1'--, ,) Noble Dehn~'v~~ 'y .. ' ....rr- ~RJo hJ an.d .., / Flntroc k M\,ffi~ Ri chfield Mil ton Liber ty Portage ontga me Pleasant Ma ri on Bu rtl o\y J ac kson Hen r y Bloom Perry r.l Ocfiaifce /' ~r .-\ uglaize E merald , Hig hl a nd ... ~, Ha rri so n Benton La ke tcn ill ~ w '/''' 1;1 wun C ree Rid gev ille Freedo m """Ce ~ ...- (I Li ber ty Milford ~ichfieldl S'ylv.n~ Mo ncl; vu , ' to A m boy .' Germ an ~ki ryu . Roya lt on neer Fr anklin ~r hcsterOel iBro.wn Pa ul q;I\Kl d1l¥gk.on Mo nroe Pa l Ill er Pe r ry ree nsb ur Li berty IvanBurc i o t tawa Bla nch a r Blanc h ~ rd Plcasu nt Port ng Allen Cuss - in ' ns hin gJo I "Bent on lIu e C r ee Latty T ully 'Union Ha rrison 1' lcusa D' Ridge Li berty Yo r k Hoag li n Washingto l ,.Liber ty : ~ ~ indl am ackson Unio n on ter ". Pleasa nt ar-ion Biglick ock ~Y Uni on Eagle J ackson ennings ugar .C re Va nj~ert W illshi re ~- ( ~Rshin·g~o : Amll"?, dg C rawfo rd lfJela wa r Or a nge ~ad lso Lib erty 'I E ~n c h a ij J onil lack Cree Du blin Liberty Mercer Hopewell Un ion I{ ~-- ~~ Ly n n Center ...,;.efy l us hlngto ,.. III ~ cDona fL-- ! ca mo P lcasant , t ichl am Sa~a ~~a n e 1 1IC k SOI Mifflin u:.. Gos hen ~ (. Buck aylor C ree Du d ley - c:rPi tt Marj eil i'es ' Eden r-ntrlr Map layers I c:I Districts c:J County o o County Su bdivision Water Area 5 10 H:ile Miles 15 06 ....... Mohoning ~~ town Ei .Iumh Scipio Map layers c::I Districts o o o County County Subdivision Water Area 10 20 30 07 ,..~ Avon No. bRidg' lie ~ olu~bi ~ "·"....,~IIIS ..- .....;:~Lt-· 'r {l. aGr-ang G.rafton iverpoo ~ - herman Peru Bronson Hartland Ie right. I~penccr J'l0rwich t~. n, hatbam Sp~e~ , 11;1 chest r Fairfield Fitchvill Wl i : i r d L n . . Ichlllun, R'tw HovtRiPley 'j"lFenwlctRuggles Troy sumvan Homer ymout Cass', Butler Welle I afay~ hin::f:::'iil ~I L Juckson haro ackso Y.}I Penlield ,",itchnele Huron \ "r . ~~ASI Mim~Jt "t 1 - sc~illl) r:::~!lI!.nabUrg ~.wrl ~';;'ton Vermilll.n M.hica Monroe Green Lake " -~ Hun.ver. . - I ---r Ripley Prairie Kn 0",.<> .x ,"--'" [,--.,.--"..., ~ ;ddl , IH" I,Berlin Brown ~efferso '1< : ,.J Pike . , Fredulil'l<town Wayne Morris Richland ' t"--- I M.nroe 1 alt Creek Hardy . Kill~uck LibertY I ( Hilliar Milford Miller Jyi:ech'a nic LO~rrers.n Butler ~cwcHSiTi . ~~~,.~~:he '--" _ 1: gar '1. rawfor~ dll' Jacks.n Perry Bedford ~rk Bucks Jefferso Adams -.___,,_?>-II . Clay Sand) Jack;.n ", "e' ,afayetl Oxford ' oirliel . ~hcl Clark 1 Keene Pike creJl)-usc',;'rflV~ 1 :~·~-~~'-_-.Jfvarr~ ~t'.. phi Inut Cr·A;It---.....--__,,",iL'hl>1 Auburn (·1.'1 ± Paris' "'llwrenc Sandy a y.ne rank~ ~ t----+----+-----t------i'-----I--:c=OS:1h;;';3~ · ="""'fil+~a:-:s'~. ,:-:,--+/ :- -. M.rgan Bethlehem rv 'I-I!>!!""~'--o-ve-r"""'/---'III_ Berli~ "1 _ e W s Monroe ~pward Union triverton Monroe Clark ' III ----I--l'-cLn.. " ~Dh: ,..--.---_+"~Ii"&'ff'n:~ __~.n=lfil\ln'eusan ~arrlso 'n ~~--""'I""'-"""-pa-int"L..--r~~ 1~1"1 · - - -fr------1vashihgto 1 Marlboro j~ ~1J-r-J~M~._nt_'t-nl_e_ry____t-____l '" du ' pringliel e , ~''''- Map layers c:::I Districts DCounty County Subdivision Water Area o 5 10 15 D Miles 08 - .-. Butler Recovery Ma ri on Granville G ibso n Wabash frt i ssis~inawa A ll en ....· Patte r so n York Jackson . Way ne Brown Richland Was hin gto n . ~ ~ .... . . . , Pi t'";" Adams Darke J I Va n Buren N,,:,eave ,'. " CMia~~ :nL. Ne,,:ton frankl.in (_~.. Lostcreek on cord ' .. ( \, l------+-+~1t~0~8~----+----t----~7-~ -Elizabet h :-J Ha rri so n Brown ~SSltiauuw nroomn-t------____ Green~v ill e ' Liberty 'c r ee k Monroe Twin Butler Uni on i _ Mon ro e ~ ..D.. ( ---_liliillill-----Ltt' I-----+-----+----J...--.. ~ Bethet :--- ~hts Pike G Moor~ e~rnan )~1J .(5'" • 1 Pleasant 2 " .1 ~ . Spri ngfie' ;r -=-ijrL.L:....----i-_ Bethel .. . .' CI .... k : ~ . Hurmony prm gfield Jefferson Harrison Mo nroe Twin Jackson .~ La nier Dixon Jsraef ~ " ~..r-,; ~ .. Oxford Gratis ~· Soili ers " ,. . , Madison Wayne Milford 1iddl etow Map layers \ Reily ,. j St, Clair 1::1 Districts Lemon o Hanove~~ u 1-------l'-----.:O"'f11lI..: ~ 'ItF ' rfield D Libe rty o Mo rgan Ross West e ll'ester Fu irfiel County County Subdivision Water Area 5 10 Miles I 15 09 County subdivisions not den ned ~ Jounty subdivisions not defined Ke~8nd Map layers c:::I Districts Lorain DCounty County Subdivision WaterArea _ o 5 10 15 D Miles 10 Bath Ross Beavercreek Silver creek Wnshingto n Caesarscreek Germ an Jefferson 11 C OUll subdh'isions not defined Richfi eld Map layers c::I Districts CJ County Ba th o o County Subdivision Water Area 5 10 15 12 Jefferson Worlhingto Ches~er So th Bloom Id porler Harlfo~d Fallsbury Perry .. Map layers fra~k~in Bow'~ng c:I Districts Hopewell o CJcounty ... County SubdivIsion Water Area Green 5 o oc 10 Miles Meigs * 15 13 rum u Summit Southin~!..on Champion Boardman Map layers c::I Districts D County . DCoun ty Subdivision o Water Area 3.3 10 -=6~.7_ _• ----·M"'iles 14 COUD Iy subdivisions Dot d enDed Madiso n Perry PaiDesville Conneaut un ty subdivisions not d efin ed Monroe Saybrook Sheffield Plymouth" Geneva Ashtabul ; -,---... ,"I~, ~-.~ Thompson Harpersfield Aqstinburg Trumbull Morgan -' Pierpont ''' Jefferson ,. Denmark Richmond ' Lenox Dorset New Lyme herry Valle, Colebroo1< 'Yayne "r~, Elartsgrove J:lumbdell t . Muns~ea .... g&=,uridon Auntsbu_rg I \Vindsor " Romc \ Orwell i' ,. NeWb'~ry\ _'".;,. Burton Ie J~ . Mesopotamia Bloomfield ~"j '" Farmington Bristol .....r--1~":::'~I!!!!!...._.-~__....j.:......;;..;.......+-J.._-~-.....~...--~-----..- ..r-----)li-~~dille Map layers c::I Districts c:::J County o ~'Sl.!alersville o County Subdivision Water Area 5 10 Miles 15 15 Thorn Hopewell adiso Walnut Clay to ichlan Reading er us Jackson Berne ~ , Marion Monroe Coal Good Hope ~F~II. Perry Laurel Ward Starr York Benton " Trimble Homer Dover Ames _. '-. Swnn Engle Jackson Union it ~ . . :Green Hocking ushingto , 8rown Wnterloo "'<., Atbc.~S( -' · Can~aan \ , . ....J "":. / ~--+-~~--+---+---~ Elk adiso Knox Richlnndv'~:on._-+_--.JL,. ." _ "_ _..I__~ "--\--Ji\Clinton Vinton __-W '. . " Lee ·. .; Alexander Map layers c::I Districts c::J . . . 0 County County SubdIvIsIon water Area IVllkesvill o 5 10 Miles 15 16 Gr anger " .'" . , Sharon Med in. onn Westfield ,;rI'J" " 'V Sevi Randolph .fl /' Congress ~anaan Milton La wr:e n'ce Green Wayne , East Union Plain Grecn rIDhiPpew a Wayne C heste r Baughmun ' • : _, JacksolJl:l: .. Sugor, Creek Map layers CI Districts Franklin . , C linton Salt Cree k Pai nt' o D o County County Subdivision Water Area 3.3 6.7 Miles 10