UN GEN NERAL ASS SEMBLY QUADRIEN Q NNIAL COM MPREHENS SIVE POLIC CY REVIEW W 155 October 20012 Statemeent on behalf of the United Nations Intter-Agency Cluster C on Trade T and Productive P C Capacity The Uniteed Nations Innter-agency Cluster on Trade T and Productive P Capacity was officially laaunched in April 2008, at UNCT TAD XII, byy the Secrettary-General of the Unitted Nations.. The membbers of the DO, FAO, ITC, I WTO, UNDP, UN NEP, ILO, UNCITRAL, U , UNECA, Cluster innclude UNCTAD, UNID UNECE, UNECLAC,, UNESCAP P, UNESCW WA, and UN NOPS. Thiss is a uniquue UN-widee effort to coordinatee the trade-reelated develoopment conttributions of different enntities to the global agenddas of Aid for Trade,, the Millenn nium Develoopment Goals and the upcoming u Su ustainable Deevelopment Goals and post-2015 development agenda. The Clusterr has greatlly contributeed to system m-wide cohherence by t national and regionall levels in th he area of innternational providing coordinated technical asssistance at the trade and pproductive capacity. UNCTAD D facilitates coordinationn between these t UN entities e with a view to avoiding duplication, d ensuring eefficiency, annd more impportantly, adding value to the qualityy of the UN assistance thhrough the diverse exxpertise that exists e within the UN systtem. The joint programmess of the Cluuster can adddress the com mplex needss of several sectors of developing d countries’ economies. Various modalities of asssistance, parrticularly policy advice, can be delivvered at the micro andd macro leveels as requeested by natiional authorrities and in the contextt of UN Deevelopment Assistancee Framework ks (UNDAFss). Examples of the operrations coorrdinated by the Cluster include actiions linking trade to em mployment c and trade negotiiations, envirronmental gooals and indu ustrial policiees, support policy, foood security concerns to the expport enterprisses to improove their inteernational coompetitiveness and faciliitate access tto markets and investtment promootion policiess, and many other issuess of concern. Regional agendas a are fully f taken into accouunt thanks to the partticipation, within w the Cluster, C of the UN Reegional Com mmissions. Cooperatioon with otheer internationnal organizaations, financcial institutio ons and bilaateral donorss is always welcome aas required inn each counttry and as agrreed with national authorrities. We believve that the development d impact of the Cluster at a the field level l is wideer and deepeer than the impact achhieved by thee operations of agencies acting alone. As a contrribution to th he General Assembly A deebate on the QCPR, and in light of the t results acchieved by this interaggency mechaanism in term ms of coordiination and coherence, c th he UN entitiees that are members m of the Clusterr would like to emphasizze that: i) ii) iii) iv) A thematic intter-agency mechanism m su uch as the Cluster C is a sttrategic instrrument in thhe effective m-wide coheerence. opperationalisattion of system Byy acting togeether when formulating,, delivering and monitorring the impact of their assistance, the UN entities can be bettter aligned with w national developmennt strategies. p and the drriving force for further Thhe Post-20155 Development Agenda should be thhe road map prrogress in thee delivery off UN joint proogrammes off development assistancee. Doonors’ suppoort to joint prrogrammes such s as thosee of the Clustter, in particu ular through the MultiPaartner Trust Funds, F is criitical to ensuure sustainabble, predictabble and timely assistancee from UN aggencies to acchieve higheer levels of efficiency and a coherencce in the deelivery of traade-related asssistance. The entitiees of the Cluuster on Tradde and Produuctive Capaccity stand reaady to impleement, in a coordinated fashion, thhe mandates of the Generral Assembly y that will ressult from thiss debate on the t QCPR. Thank youu, Chair.