FM 100-10 Glossary BDAR AAFES

FM 100-10
AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange Service
ABCS Army Battle Command System
ACR armored cavalry regiment
ACS assistant chief of staff
ADES airdrop equipment and systems
AG adjutant general
ALOC air lines of communication
AMC United States Army Materiel Command,
Air Mobility Command
AMCO aircraft maintenance company
ammo ammunition
AO area of operations
APOD aerial port of debarkation
APOE aerial port of embarkation
AR Army regulation
ARC American Red Cross
ARFOR Army forces
ARSOF Army special operations forces
ASB aviation support battalion
ASCC Army service component command
ASG area support group
ASL authorized stockage list
ASMB area support medical battalion
ASMC area support medical company
ASMRO Armed Services Medical Regulating
ASOTSE Army special operations theater
support element
ASP ammunition supply point
ATM advanced trauma management
ATP ammunition transfer point
AVIM aviation intermediate maintenance
AVUM aviation unit maintenance
BCC battlefield circulation control
BDAR battle damage assessment and repair
bde brigade
bn battalion
BSA brigade support area
C3 command, control, and communications
CA civil affairs
CHE container-handling equipment
CHS combat health support
CINC commander-in-chief
CJMAO Central Joint Mortuary Affairs Office
CMMC corps materiel management center
CMO civil-military operations
COCOM combatant command
CofS chief of staff
COMMZ communications zone
CONUS continental United States
COSCOM corps support command
CRC CONUS replacement center
CS combat support
CSB corps support battalion
CSC combat stress control
CSG corps support group
CSH combat support hospital
CSS combat service support
CSSCS Combat Service Support Control System
CUCV commercial utility cargo vehicle
DA Department of the Army
DCG deputy commanding general
DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DISCOM division support command
DLA Defense Logistics Agency
DMI Depot Maintenance Interservicing
DOD Department of Defense
FM 100-10
DS direct support
DSA division support area
DSOR Depot Source of Repair
DVA Department of Veterans Administration
EAC echelons above corps
EAD echelons above division
engr engineer
EPW enemy prisoner of war
FAA Foreign Assistance Act
FH field hospital
fin finance
FM field manual, frequency modulated
FRA forward repair activities
FSB forward support battalion
FST forward surgical team
fwd forward
G1 Assistant Chief of Staff, G1 (Personnel)
G3 Assistant Chief of Staff, G3 (Operations and
G4 Assistant Chief of Staff G4 (Logistics)
G5 Assistant Chief of Staff, G5 (Civil Affairs)
G6 Assistant Chief of Staff, G6 (Information
Management Officer)
GH general hospital
gp group
GS general support
GSA General Services Administration
HCP health and comfort package
HEMTT heavy expanded mobility tactical truck
HETS heavy equipment transporter system
HMMWV high mobility, multipurpose wheeled
HNS host nation support
HQ headquarter
HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army
indiv individual(s)
ITO installation transportation office
J2 intelligence directorate at a joint headquarters
J4 logistics directorate at a joint headquarters
JFC joint force commander
JMC joint movement center
JMPA Joint Military Postal Agency
JMRO joint medical regulating office
JOPES Joint Operations Planning and Execution
JP joint publication
JTF joint task force
LOC lines of communication
LOGCAP Logistics Civil Augmentation Program
LOGPAC logistics package
LOTS logistics-over-the-shore
LPB logistics preparation of the battlefield
LPT logistics preparation of the theater
LSE logistics support element
LSV logistics support vessel
MACOM major command
MASH mobile army surgical hospital
MCA movement control agency
MCC movement control center
med medical
MEDCOM medical command
MEDLOG medical logistics
METT-T mission, enemy, troops, terrain and
weather, and time available
mgt management
MHE materials-handling equipment
MI military intelligence
MMC materiel management center
MOOTW military operations other than war
MP military police
MPSA Military Postal Service Agency
MRE meal, ready-to-eat
FM 100-10
MRO medical regulating office
MSB main support battalion
MSC Military Sealift Command
MSR main supply route
MST maintenance support team
MTF medical treatment facility
MTMC Military Traffic Management Command
MWR morale, welfare, and recreation
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC nuclear, biological, chemical
NGO nongovernmental organization
NICP national inventory control point
OCONUS outside continental United States
OPCON operational control
org organization
PA public affairs
PAC personnel and administration center
PAO public affairs officer
PASR personnel accounting and strength reporting
pers personnel
PERSCOM personnel command
PLL prescribed load list
PMC personnel management center
PMCS preventive maintenance checks and services
POD point of debarkation
POE point of embarkation
POL petroleum, oils, and lubricants
prep preparation
PSB personnel services battalion
PSS personnel service support
pub publication
PVO private volunteer organization
RAOC rear area operations center
RD replacement directorate
req’d required
ROC rear operations center
RTD return to duty
S1 Adjutant (US Army)
S3 Operations and Training Officer (US Army)
S4 Supply Officer (US Army)
SJA staff judge advocate
SLOC sea lines of communication
SOF special operations forces
SOSB special operations support battalion
SPO security, plans, and operations
SPOD seaport of debarkation
Spt support
sqdn squadron
SRA specialized repair activity
SSA supply support activity
SSF single stock fund
STAMIS Standard Army Management Information
svcs services
TCF tactical combat force
TDA table of distribution and allowances
TFE tactical field exchange
TFEO tactical field exchange officer
TMDE test, measurement, and diagnostic
TMMMC theater medical materiel management
tms teams
TOE table of organization and equipment
TPFDD time-phased force and deployment data
trans transportation
trmt treatment
UGR unitized group ration
UMT unit ministry team
UN United Nations
FM 100-10
UNHCR United Nations High Commission on
US United States
USAF United States Air Force
USAMMA United States Army Medical
Materiel Agency
USPS United State Postal Service
USTA United States Total Army
USTRANSCOM United States Transportation
WSM weapon system manager
WSRO weapon system replacement operations
XO executive officer