High Plains Journal, KS 03-02-07

High Plains Journal, KS
Farmers learn to use living mulch system in fields
Kura clover is the new forage legume being used in living mulch systems in the
United States. This perennial plant reduces soil erosion, slows the leaching of
nutrients and grows in a wide range of soil and climate conditions.
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the Integrated
Farm/Livestock Management Demonstration Program, with the assistance of
Iowa State University (ISU) Extension, are currently funding a large on-farm
demonstration project in northeast Iowa to educate growers about kura clover
living mulch systems for grain crop production.
A one-day workshop will be held on this topic on March 8 at the Seed Science
Center auditorium at ISU. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. The workshop will run
from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. To register for this event or for more information, visit
the ISU Agribusiness Education Program Web site at www.aep.iastate.edu.
For Certified Crop Advisers (CCA), this workshop is an excellent opportunity to
obtain additional continuing education credits. The following CCA credits have
been applied for: 2.5 crop management and 1.5 soil and water management.
The fee for this workshop is $35, which includes lunch and parking fees.
Registrations will not be accepted at the door. The final day for registration is
March 5. Questions regarding registration should be sent to aep@iastate.edu or
call 515-294-6429.