Agri News 07-11-06 A cure for Asian lady beetles? Jean Caspers-Simmet

Agri News
A cure for Asian lady beetles?
By Jean Caspers-Simmet
Agri News staff writer
AMES, Iowa -- The mere mention of Asian lady beetles is sure to bring groans
from homeowners. In recent years, the bugs have made real pests of themselves
in the fall by coming into homes by the droves.
Junwei Zhu, an Iowa State University research scientist, has developed a
botanical-based repellent that keeps ladybugs out of the house.
Zhu's MSTRS Technologies hopes to make the product, called Ladybug Off,
commercially available.
Ladybug Off is based on recent findings that plant-associated volatile odors can
effectively repel this insect. The product is non-toxic and botanical-based.
Zhu said people who are interested in trying his product should contact him. He
will try to send them test samples this fall. To contact him telephone (515) 2941610 or e-mail at