Planting Date Effects on Soil Temperature, Crop Growth, and Yield of Upland Cotton, 1999 J.C. Silvertooth and E.R. Norton Abstract A field study was conducted in 1999 at the University of Arizona Marana Agricultural Center (1,974 ft. elevation) to evaluate the effects of three planting dates on yield and crop development for eight Upland varieties. Soil temperature effects associated with date of planting and method of planting (dry or wet planting) were also evaluated in relation to soil temperature at the depth of seed placement. Planting dates ranged from 28 April to 20 May and 821-1157 heat units accumulated since Jan 1 (HU/Jan 1, 86/55o F thresholds). Lint yields generally declined with later dates of planting for all varieties. Soil temperatures associated with the dry planting method, which requires a water-up irrigation, experienced much wider diurnal variations, had slightly lower mean temperatures, and were more strongly coupled to ambient air conditions. Thus, dry planting methods impose more potential risk in terms of seedling stress. Overall, crop growth and development patterns or yield results were not significantly different between the planting methods. Either method can provide satisfactory results if managed appropriately. Introduction There are numerous factors that contribute to the realization of a successful cotton crop in Arizona. Two major management decisions, variety selection and planting date management can have a profound effect on the development and final outcome of the crop. Selection of a specific variety will have a large impact on the way in which planting date should be managed. Similarly, the time frame in which a crop can be planted due to weather and/or other circumstances should have a large impact on the selection of a suitable variety. Previous research in Arizona has shown that delayed plantings often result in higher vegetative growth tendencies at the expense of yield. Optimum planting date windows have been developed for different variety maturity groups (Figure 1) based upon heat units accumulated from January 1 (Silvertooth et al., 1989; Silvertooth et al., 1990; Silvertooth et al., 1991; Silvertooth et al., 1992; Silvertooth et al., 1993; Silvertooth et al., 1994; Unruh et al., 1995; Norton et al., 1997; Silvertooth et al., 1997; Silvertooth et al., 1998; Norton and Silvertooth, 1999). Planting date management not only has a large effect on crop growth, development, and yield but it also impacts insect pest management (Brown et al. 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998). Reduced season management, of which early planting plays a major role, has become increasingly important in recent years. The ability to plant and establish a crop early, carry it through the primary fruiting cycle in a timely and efficient manner, followed by early termination; has become increasingly important with increased late-season insect pressures in Arizona. This approach to earliness management has also been important in terms of avoiding inclement weather conditions commonly associated with the summer monsoon season, which creates higher humidities (higher dew point temperatures) and higher night temperatures, resulting in accelerated rates of fruit loss and abortion (Brown and Zeiher, 1997). Another method used for insect pest management is delayed planting. Delayed plantings have been utilized by many producers in some parts of Arizona to aid in the management of pink bollworm (PBW, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders)) populations. Delayed plantings are intended to encourage suicidal emergence of over-wintering PBW populations, theoretically lowering early season infestation levels. However, with the increasing use of transgenic cotton varieties that provide resistance to PBW pressures this method of pest management is becoming less common. This is part of the 2000 Arizona Cotton Report, The University of Arizona College of Agriculture, index at Both wet and dry planting methods are commonly used in the cotton producing regions of the desert Southwest. In a dry plant situation, seeds are commonly placed at a very shallow depth in the soil, with a very thin layer of soil covering the tops of the seeds. Thus, seeds planted into dry soil and subsequently “watered-up” are directly exposed to the soil surface and atmospheric conditions. Seeds that are planted into moisture (wet planting) are commonly placed in a seed line one to two inches below the soil surface, depending on soil conditions and depth to adequate soil moisture. In desert cotton production, it is common to cover seeds planted into moisture with a “cap” or layer of soil approximately six to eight inches deep to serve as a dry mulch or insulating layer above the seedline. Many questions commonly arise regarding the pros and cons associated with these two planting techniques, particularly in terms of temperature effects on the seeds. The primary objective of this study was to further evaluate planting date windows and use the information for the validation and revision of current UA Extension agronomy recommendations. This evaluation involves an investigation of the effects of planting date management on the growth, development, and yield of cotton. Another objective of this project was to compare the differences in soil temperatures at the depth of seeding due in relation to planting method (dry vs. wet planting). Materials and Methods The experiment was conducted at the University of Arizona Marana Agricultural Center in Marana, Arizona on a Pima clay loam soil (1,974 ft. elevation). The experimental design employed in this experiment was a split-split plot arrangement of treatments within a randomized complete block design. Mainplots were method of planting treatments. The two planting methods were evaluated in terms of crop growth, development, and yield. One planting method treatment was initiated by planting the seed into a dry bed and then irrigating in order to obtain seed germination. The other method involved a pre-irrigation two weeks prior to planting. The beds were then mulched and the seed was planted into a moist seedbed. Subplots consisted of three planting dates (Table 1) while the sub-subplots consisted of eight different varieties (Table 1). All plots were replicated four times. Sub-subplots consisted of four, 40” rows in width and 30’ in length with 10’ alleys. Planting dates were selected so as obtain three representative dates along the recommended planting date range. Varieties selected for this study (Table 1) ranged in maturity from a early-season, determinate variety (Deltapine DP20) to more indeterminate varieties (DP 5415 and DP33B). The varieties selected for this study also provide a direct comparison between a transgenic Bt variety and its recurrent parent. All inputs such as fertilizer, water, and pest control were managed on an as-needed basis. Each of the three planting dates were managed in such a manner as to complete the first cycle fruit set. Irrigation termination dates were also selected based upon completion of the primary fruiting cycle. Climatic conditions and heat unit accumulations were monitored using an Arizona Meteorological Network (AZMET) site located at the station. Soil temperature sensors and data loggers were placed in the line of seed placement immediately following planting, but just prior to the application of the water-up irrigation in the case of the dry planting plots. Lint yields were obtained for each treatment by harvesting the center two rows of each plot with a two row mechanical picker. Results were analyzed statistically in accordance to procedures outlined by Steel and Torrie (1980) and the SAS Institute (SAS, 1988). Results The differences in soil temperature at the depth of seeding for both the dry and wet planting techniques are shown in Figures 2-5. The dates of planting and accumulated heat units (HU) from 1 January for each date are also shown. Figure 2 is for a 1 April planting date that was ultimately abandoned due to poor stands and very poor seedling vigor following a strong cold front (with rain and snow) that hit the area on 2 – 4 April 1999. In that case, soils were saturated for both planting techniques due to rainfall and one can easily see the extent of cold temperature stress that the seeds were exposed to. Figures 2-5 describe the temperature regimes associated with both the wet and dry planting techniques for three subsequent planting dates. It was found that either technique can be used to produce favorable stands and yields. However, seeds planted shallow with a dry plant method are subject to wide fluctuations in temperature, following very closely the diurnal shifts in air temperature. These temperature ranges can commonly involve changes of 40o F in one day, which can result in a greater potential for seedling stress in a dry plant situation if air temperatures drop significantly. In the first few days following a water-up irrigation, while soils are still wet, the average soil temperature in the dry plant situation is usually slightly lower than in a wet planting. Thus, there is more risk associated with a dry planting operation and watering-up in terms of cold temperature stress on the seeds in the event of cold weather. It is also important to note that seedlings are often considered to be most sensitive to cold stress during the first few days of germination. Accordingly, this information reinforces the common recommendations to carefully consider the five-day weather forecast prior to planting in relation to expected weather conditions and HU accumulations. Results from the analysis of variance for lint yield are shown in Table 1 with all main effects and interaction terms for the experiment. The degree of variation within the experiment was relatively small for this type of study with a coefficient of variation (CV%) of about 7.0% for the first two dates of planting and approximately 11.43% for the third. Main effects associated with planting date and variety were significant (P < 0.05). There were no significant interaction terms. Thus, lint yields are presented among varieties by planting date in Table 3 with mean separations and appropriate statistical parameters. In general, higher lint yields were realized for all varieties at the earlier date of planting (28 April). Lint yield trends among planting dates for each variety are also shown graphically in Figure 6. DP 20B performed very well at all planting dates. More indeterminate varieties, such as DP 33B, had tendencies to provide higher lint yields at earlier dates of planting and decline with later dates of planting. Lint yield results among dates of planting for each variety are shown in Table 4. The varieties DP 50 and DP 50B demonstrated the greatest degree of stability among the three dates of planting. It is interesting to note that the more determinate varieties (e.g. DP 20, DP 20B, SG 125, and SG 125BR) realized a greater decline in yield with delayed or later planting in this study. Percent lint turn-out and lint quality parameters are listed for each variety by planting date in Table 5. Samples were collected and composited among variety by planting date combinations for turn-out and HVI analyses. Therefore, mean values are provided in Table 5. References Brown P. W., B. Russel, J. C. Silvertooth, L. Moore., S. Stedman, G. Thacker, L. Hood, S. Husman, D. Howell, and R. Cluff. 1992. The Arizona cotton advisory program. p. 233-240. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-91. Brown P. W., B. Russel, J. C. Silvertooth, L. Moore., S. Stedman, G. Thacker, L. Hood, S. Husman, D. Howell, and R. Cluff. 1993. The Arizona cotton advisory program. p. 11-16. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-94. Brown P. W., B. Russel, J. C. Silvertooth, P. Ellsworth., S. Stedman, G. Thacker, L. Hood, S. Husman, D. Howell, and R. Cluff. 1994. The Arizona cotton advisory program. p. 11-17. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-96. Brown P. W., B. Russel, J. C. Silvertooth, P. Ellsworth., S. Stedman, G. Thacker, S. Husman, D. Howell, R. Cluff, S. Winans, and R. Grumbles. 1995. The Arizona cotton advisory program. p. 13-19. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-99. Brown P., B. Russel, J. Silvertooth, P. Ellsworth., S. Stedman, G. Thacker, S. Husman, D. Howell, R. Cluff, S. Winans, R. Grumbles, T. Knowles, D. Dunn, and M. Schneider. 1996. The Arizona cotton advisory program. p. 26-33. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-103. Brown P., B. Russel, J. Silvertooth, P. Ellsworth., S. Stedman, G. Thacker, S. Husman, D. Howell, T. Knowles, L. Clark, D. Dunn, and M. Schneider. 1997. The Arizona cotton advisory program. p. 23-30. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-108. Brown P., B. Russel, J. Silvertooth, P. Ellsworth., S. Husman, T. Knowles, L. Clark, D. Dunn, and M. Schneider. 1998. The Arizona cotton advisory program. p. 5-12. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-112. Brown P. W., and C.A. Zeiher. 1997. Cotton heat stress. Pp. 91-104. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P108. Norton, E.R., J.C. Silvertooth, and P.W. Brown. 1997. Evaluation of date of planting effects on crop growth and yield for Upland and Pima cotton, Marana, 1995. p. 41-48. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-108. Norton, E.R., J.C. Silvertooth. 1999. Evaluation of date of planting effects on crop growth and yield for Upland cotton, Marana, 1998. p. 29-37. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. Series P-116. SAS Institute. 1988. SAS/STAT:Procedures. Release 6.03 ed. SAS Inst., Cary, NC. Silvertooth J. C., J. E. Malcuit, D. R. Howell and P. Else. 1989. Effect of date of planting on the lint yield of several cotton varieties planted at four locations in Arizona, 1988. p. 69-72. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-77. Silvertooth J. C., T. F. Watson, J. E. Malcuit, and P. W. Brown. 1992. Evaluation of date of planting and irrigation termination in the yield of Upland and Pima cotton. p. 252-273. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-91. Silvertooth J. C., T. F. Watson, J. E. Malcuit, and P. W. Brown. 1993. Evaluation of date of planting and irrigation termination in the yield of Upland and Pima cotton. p. 27-39. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-94. Silvertooth J. C., T. F. Watson, L. I. Terry, and J. E. Malcuit. 1990. Evaluation of date of planting and irrigation termination in the yield of Upland and Pima cotton. p. 6-12. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-81. Silvertooth J. C., T. F. Watson, L. I. Terry, and J. E. Malcuit. 1991. Evaluation of date of planting and irrigation termination in the yield of Upland and Pima cotton. p. 1-14. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-87. Silvertooth J.C., P.W. Brown, E.R. Norton, and B.L. Unruh. 1994. Evaluation of date of planting on the yield of several Upland varieties at Marana, 1993. p. 26-32. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-96. Silvertooth J.C., P.W. Brown, E.R. Norton, and B.L. Unruh. 1997. Evaluation of planting date effects on crop growth and yield for Upland and Pima cotton, 1996. p. 49-61. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P-108. Silvertooth, J.C., E.R. Norton, and P.W. Brown. 1998. Evaluation of planting date effects on crop growth and yield for Upland and Pima cotton, 1997. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Report Series P-112 p2033. Steel, R.G.D., and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. McGraw-Hill, New York. Unruh, B.L., J.C. Silvertooth, P.W. Brown, and E.R. Norton. 1995. Effect of planting date on yield of Upland and Pima cotton varieties at Marana. p. 20-24. Cotton, Univ. of Arizona Rep. P96. Short-Season Medium-Season Full-Season 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Heat Units Accumulated After January 1 Figure 1. General recommended planting date windows for different maturity type varieties grown in Arizona. Table 1. Planting dates and varieties, planting date by variety study, Marana, AZ, 1999. Varieties Maturity Type Deltapine DP33B Mid-Full Season Deltapine DP5415 Mid-Full Season Deltapine DP50B Mid Season Deltapine DP50 Mid Season Deltapine DP20B Early Season Deltapine DP20 Early Season Sure Grow 125BR Early Season Sure Grow 125 Early Season Planting Dates* Planting Date 1 28 April (821 HU/Jan. 1) Planting Date 2 10 May (970 HU/Jan. 1) Planting Date 3 20 May (1157 HU/Jan. 1) *Actual planting date for pre-irrigated plots and water-up date for dry planted plots. Table 2. Experimental effects and statistical significance from the analysis of variance, planting date by variety study, Marana, 1999. Source of Variation (Effect) OSL (Pr >F) Planting Method (wet or dry) NS (0.1691) Planting Date 0.0013 Variety 0.0001 Planting Method * Planting Date NS (0.4558) Planting Method * Variety NS (0.2582) Planting Date * Variety NS (0.2582) Planting Method * Planting Date * Variety NS (0.6325) Significance declared at the = 0.05 level. Table 3. Lint yield results for all varieties by planting date, Marana, AZ, 1999. Planting Date 1 (28 April) Lint Yield (lbs. lint/acre) Deltapine DP20B 1946 a* Deltapine DP33B 1813 b Sure Grow 125BR 1754 bc Deltapine DP50 1677 cd Deltapine DP20 1663 cd Sure Grow 125 1639 cd Deltapine DP5415 1616 d Deltapine DP50B 1572 d LSD* 121.4 OSL** 0.0001 C.V. (%) 7.07 Planting Date 2 (10 May) Deltapine DP20B Sure Grow 125BR Sure Grow 125 Deltapine DP33B Deltapine DP50B Deltapine DP20 Deltapine DP50 Deltapine DP5415 LSD* OSL** C.V. (%) 1764 a* 1725 ab 1706 ab 1671 abc 1623 bc 1612 bc 1575 c 1454 d 116 0.0001 7.01 Planting Date 3 (20 May) Sure Grow 125BR 1518 a* Deltapine DP20B 1505 a Deltapine DP50 1489 a Deltapine DP50B 1442 a Deltapine DP33B 1420 a Sure Grow 125 1410 a Deltapine DP20 1381 a Deltapine DP5415 1157 b LSD* 163 OSL** 0.0014 C.V. (%)§ 11.43 *Least Significant Difference – means followed by the same letter within a planting date are not significantly different according to a Fishers mean separation test. **Observed Significance Level §Coefficient of Variation Table 4. Lint yield results by variety for each planting date, Marana, AZ, 1999. Planting Deltapine Deltapine Deltapine Deltapine Deltapine Deltapine Sure Grow Sure Grow Date DP20B DP20 DP33B DP5415 DP50B DP50 SG125BR SG125 1 1664 a* 1946 a 1813 a 1616 a 1572 a 1677 a 1754 a 1639 a 2 1612 a 1764 b 1671 a 1454 a 1623 a 1575 a 1725 a 1706 a 3 1381 b 1505 c 1420 b 1157 b 1442 a 1489 a 1518 b 1410 b LSD* 160 169 149 170 NS NS 164 228 OSL** 0.0045 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 0.0842 0.0868 0.0162 0.0355 C.V. (%)§ 9.62 9.06 8.52 11.28 9.88 9.84 9.21 13.39 *Least Significant Difference – means followed by the same letter within a column are not significantly different according to a Fishers means separation test. **Observed Significance Level §Coefficient of Variation Table 5. Percent turn-out and lint quality parameters for each variety by planting date combination, Marana, AZ, 1999. Planting Date 1 (28 April) Turn-out Staple Micronaire Strength Deltapine DP20 33.3 35 41 25.0 Deltapine DP20B 36.0 34 44 25.0 Deltapine DP33B 33.8 37 43 29.5 Deltapine DP50 33.3 36 44 25.5 Deltapine DP50B 30.8 36 44 26.9 Deltapine DP5415 34.6 36 42 27.9 Sure Grow 125 34.7 36 45 24.6 Sure Grow 125BR 34.1 35 48 25.4 Planting Date 2 (10 May) Deltapine DP20 32.8 35 41 24.6 Deltapine DP20B 35.5 37 40 25.3 Deltapine DP33B 34.0 37 45 26.1 Deltapine DP50 30.6 37 43 28.3 Deltapine DP50B 30.8 37 41 25.1 Deltapine DP5415 33.9 35 44 27.0 Sure Grow 125 35.8 35 47 22.8 Sure Grow 125BR 35.1 36 45 24.7 Planting Date 3 (20 May) Deltapine DP20 31.4 35 40 25.1 Deltapine DP20B 33.3 37 41 26.4 Deltapine DP33B 32.8 37 41 27.6 Deltapine DP50 31.9 36 42 26.3 Deltapine DP50B 30.8 37 44 27.2 Deltapine DP5415 34.0 36 37 27.6 Sure Grow 125 33.3 37 42 26.2 Sure Grow 125BR 32.8 36 44 26.3 Length 109 107 116 111 113 112 112 109 Uniformity 82 80 82 82 81 81 81 83 109 114 115 116 115 110 108 112 81 82 82 82 81 81 80 82 110 114 115 113 116 113 114 113 81 81 81 80 81 82 82 82 120 Soil Temperature o F PD = 1 April HU=564 Dry Plant 100 Wet Plant 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Date (1 April - 9 April) Figure 2. Soil temperature results for both planting methods on planting date 1 April, 1999. 110 Dry Wet 100 Soil Temperature o F PD = 28 April HU=821 90 80 70 60 50 40 26-Apr 28-Apr 30-Apr 2-May 4-May 6-May 8-May 10-May 12-May Figure 3. Soil temperature results for both planting methods on planting date 28 April, 1999. 120 Dry Wet 110 Soil Temperature o F PD = 10 May HU=970 100 90 80 70 60 50 8-May 10-May 12-May 14-May 16-May 18-May 20-May 22-May Figure 4. Soil temperature results for both planting methods on planting date 10 May, 1999. 130 110 Soil Temperature o F 120 Dry Wet PD = 20 May HU=1157 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 18-May 20-May 22-May 24-May 26-May 28-May 30-May 1-Jun 3-Jun Figure 5. Soil temperature results for both planting methods on planting date 20 May, 1999. Lint Yield (lbs. lint/acre) 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 0 1 2 3 4 Planting Date DP20 DP20B DP33B DP50 DP50B DP5415 SG125 SG125BR Figure 6. Lint yield response to planting date for each variety, Marana, 1999.