Upland Cotton Regional Variety Trial H. Moser, G. Hart, and L. Clark University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Abstract Each year the University of Arizona conducts upland cotton variety tests to evaluate the performance of a diverse set of experimental lines and commercial varieties in Arizona. One such program is the Regional Variety Test (RVT). In 1999, we evaluated a total of 59 varieties at one or more locations in Arizona. These varieties were submitted to us for testing by 16 private seed companies and two public breeding programs. This report presents the results of the trials conducted at Maricopa, Marana, and Safford. Introduction Variety selection is the first and perhaps most critical decision cotton producers make each year. A productive variety provides a solid foundation for building a profitable cultural program. Conversely, even the best growers find it difficult to coax profitable yields from a poor variety that is not adapted to the region. Many sources of information are available to growers to help them choose a good variety. The best source of information, of course, is personal experience with a particular variety on the farm, but given the large number of varieties to choose from, it is impossible to try them all. Many growers, therefore, consider performance data from variety trials that are conducted by seed companies and universities within the region of interest. University variety trials provide growers with unbiased head-to-head comparisons of many varieties from different seed companies. Data generated through these testing programs also are useful to seed companies and other segments of the cotton industry. The University of Arizona conducted four different upland cotton variety testing programs in 1999 – the Advanced Strains Test, the Regional Variety Test, the Transgenic Comparison Test, and the State-wide Upland Cotton Variety Test. The Regional Variety Test (RVT) is designed to evaluate a diverse group of commercial varieties in trials that are conducted on research stations throughout the cotton producing regions of Arizona. The RVT is part of a beltwide program, National Cotton Variety test, which is conducted through a cooperative effort among the USDA and various university programs. The purpose of this report is to present our results from the 1999 Regional Variety Test. Materials and Methods We evaluated a total of 59 varieties in one or more trials in 1999. Sixteen private seed companies and two public breeding programs entered varieties into the trials. Four varieties – Maxxa, NuCOTN 33B, Atlas, and SG747 are national standards. We planted trials at four University of Arizona research stations in 1999 – Yuma Valley Ag Center (YVAC), Maricopa Ag Center (MAC), Marana Ag Center (MAR), and Safford Ag Center (SAC). Data from the YVAC trial is not presented in this report because we observed an unusually high level of variation in the field and the resulting data were variable and inconsistent. The basic experimental procedures were similar for all of the trials. Plots at MAC and MAR were four rows wide spaced 40 in. apart and 42 ft long and plots at SAC were two rows wide spaced 36 in apart and 38 ft long. Plots were arranged in a randomized complete block design with five replications at MAC and MAR and four replications This is part of the 2000 Arizona Cotton Report, The University of Arizona College of Agriculture, index at http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/crops/az1170/ at SAC. We used a high seeding rate of approximately 30 lbs/A and then thinned all plots to a final stand of three plants per foot of row. We planted the MAC test on April 14 and the MAR and the SAC tests on April 23. Emergence was outstanding in all three tests and our goal of 40,000 plants per acre was reached for almost all of the plots in the test. Yield data from the few plots with unacceptable stands were discarded from the data set prior to analysis. All tests were grown using standard herbicide and fertility regimes. Aggressive IPM practices using chemical and cultural methods were employed to control pink-bollworm, lygus, and whitefly. The plots at Marana were visually evaluated for foliar symptoms of Verticillium wilt just prior to defoliation. Each plot was given a score ranging from 0 for no visible symptoms to 9 for extensive foliar symptoms. Prior to harvest, we hand picked a random 50-boll sample from three replications at each site. These samples were weighed to determine average boll weight and then ginned on a 10-saw laboratory gin to determine lint and seed percent. The fiber obtained from the boll samples was sent to ITC for quality analysis using HVI equipment. The middle two rows of each plot were mechanically harvested and the weight of seedcotton was measured. Estimates of lint and seed yield were calculated from the seedcotton yields using lint and seed percent values from the hand picked boll samples collected before harvest. Plant height was measured from three replications of each test immediately after harvest. The last irrigation applied to these plots was on Sept 2 at MAC, Aug 24 at MAR and Aug 19 at SAC. The plots were harvested on Oct 29 at MAC, Nov 16 at MAR, and Nov 10 at SAC. We conducted an analysis of variance on the data for each test and calculated protected Least Significant Difference (LSD) values for all applicable traits. Results and Discussion Average lint yield of all 35 varieties tested at MAC was 1411 lb./A, ranging from a low of 811 lb./A for Maxxa to a high of 1822 lb./A for PM1560BG (Table 1). Early season lygus infestations were heavy at times resulting in poor fruit retention on the lower fruiting branches, vigorous plant growth (see plant heights in Table 2) and delayed maturity. The top yielding group in this test included PM1560BG, STV474, and HCR9257. Both PM1560BG and STV474 produced some of the highest micronaire values in the test, but micronaire of HCR9257 was below the average of the test. Staple length and fiber strength were more than acceptable for most of the varieties. Average lint yield of all 39 varieties tested at MAR was 1226 lb./A, ranging from a low of 909 lb./A for HCR9220 to a high of 1520 lb./A for FiberMax989 (Table 3). Verticillium wilt was fairly heavy and wilt tolerant varieties tended to produce the higher yields in this test (Table 4). The top yielding group in this test included FiberMax989, HCR9257, HS12, DP675, H9903, and AP6101. HS12 produced the overall best quality fiber of the top yielding group. Micronaire values in this tests averaged 5.0, with a range from 4.3 to 5.6. The majority of the varieties in this test, however, produced micronaire values within a fairly narrow range of 4.8 to 5.1. Average lint yield of all 42 varieties tested at SAC was 1168 lb./A, ranging from a low of 792 lb./A for Atlas to a high of 1517 lb./A for DP655BRR (Table 5). DP655BRR and DP458BRR both produced exceptional yields in this test. Pink-bollworm infestations were heavy in this trial, and even though we used aggressive chemical control measures, lint yields of varieties not containing the Bollgard gene were probably compromised. The highest yielding conventional varieties were Fiber Max 975, HS 12, and GC303. HS12 and DP655BRR produced the overall best fiber quality of the top yielding varieties in the test. In general, 1999 was a good year for cotton production in Arizona. Although cold temperatures in late March and early April affected some of the commercial crop, these tests were planted in good weather and did not experience any appreciable challenges in the spring. Day temperatures were mild in 1999 for the most part, although there may have been some low-level heat stress at MAC due to higher than average night temperatures and an extended monsoon season. Acknowledgements We wish to thank the many seed companies for their cooperation and partial support of the variety testing program at the University of Arizona. The land and resources provided by the University of Arizona Agricultural centers at Yuma, Maricopa, Marana, and Safford are also greatly appreciated. Table 1. Regional variety test at Maricopa Ag Center (MAC); lint yield and fiber properties Lint Fiber Unif. Fiber ElongVariety yield Mic length ratio strength ation lbs/A in g/tex PM1560BG 1822 * 5.7 1.11 83.6 29.6 5.7 STV474 1777 * 5.7 1.10 82.8 28.7 5.1 HCR9257 1754 * 5.1 1.11 82.7 28.5 5.4 PM1560BG/RR 1716 4.9 1.14 83.0 29.8 6.1 AP7115 1707 5.3 1.10 82.5 28.0 5.6 SG747 1663 5.7 1.15 84.4 27.0 6.7 DP422BRR 1626 5.1 1.14 83.3 27.6 6.5 NuCOTN33B 1555 5.4 1.12 82.3 29.8 5.8 SG125 1544 5.3 1.13 83.6 27.1 6.2 PSC355 1535 5.2 1.11 83.2 29.2 6.8 PM1440 1525 5.4 1.14 82.3 29.2 5.0 PSC413 1520 5.2 1.15 83.7 29.7 6.5 DP451BRR 1495 5.5 1.12 83.2 27.2 5.2 HCR7126 1487 5.1 1.16 82.1 30.9 5.8 SG821 1475 5.3 1.15 84.0 28.6 6.6 SG105 1473 5.5 1.18 84.8 29.5 6.1 GC120 1459 5.0 1.09 83.0 27.7 6.8 HCR7114-46 1414 5.0 1.09 82.1 26.1 6.4 HCR9240 1403 4.9 1.18 82.7 30.3 6.3 PSC952 1400 5.3 1.10 83.0 28.1 6.2 GC251 1390 5.6 1.12 83.5 29.8 6.1 Top-Pick 1387 4.9 1.19 84.2 30.3 6.4 HCR9220 1353 5.2 1.09 83.1 27.8 5.6 AP6101 1301 5.1 1.19 84.0 31.1 6.1 Terra292 1295 5.3 1.15 82.9 28.0 6.0 DP5415 1283 5.1 1.16 83.2 30.2 6.4 DP675 1283 4.8 1.16 83.2 32.0 6.6 Atlas 1226 5.1 1.13 83.4 30.2 6.2 SG248 1209 5.1 1.21 83.6 31.6 5.6 GA161 1202 5.1 1.19 83.1 31.3 5.8 FiberMax989 1159 4.9 1.16 83.1 32.1 5.0 GC303 1134 5.1 1.18 83.9 30.0 6.4 HS12 1081 5.0 1.18 82.7 31.8 5.5 PMX2609 1077 5.6 1.10 83.9 30.4 5.7 Maxxa 811 4.2 1.17 84.0 33.1 6.0 MEAN 1411 5.2 1.14 83.3 29.4 6.0 LSD 85 0.2 0.03 ns 1.2 0.5 CV 7 4.0 2.05 1.2 3.4 6.9 *= not significantly different from top yielding line Rd +b 80.9 78.1 82.3 80.6 82.1 78.9 82.7 82.1 78.9 79.3 80.3 78.7 82.0 81.1 80.7 80.8 81.3 82.5 80.9 79.6 79.9 80.5 81.9 81.8 82.1 82.7 80.8 79.7 80.8 80.4 80.5 81.8 81.5 78.1 81.2 80.8 0.9 0.9 8.1 9.0 7.4 8.1 7.9 8.6 7.6 7.8 8.6 8.6 8.4 8.5 7.7 7.7 8.7 8.0 8.2 8.0 8.4 8.4 8.2 8.2 7.8 7.7 7.7 7.5 8.3 8.0 7.8 8.4 8.0 7.6 8.0 8.7 8.2 8.1 0.2 2.2 Table 2. Regional variety test at Maricopa Ag Center (MAC); agronomic characteristics. Seed cotton Seed Lint Plant Boll Variety yield yield percent height weight lbs/A lbs/A % m g PM1560BG 4669 2843 39.0 1.20 5.3 4392 2583 40.5 1.33 4.8 STV474 HCR9257 4417 2624 39.7 1.31 5.0 4460 2730 38.5 1.43 5.2 PM1560BG/RR AP7115 4305 2564 39.6 1.25 5.4 4314 2633 38.5 1.24 5.5 SG747 DP422BRR 4466 2834 36.4 1.29 5.3 4217 2643 36.9 1.43 5.3 NuCOTN33B SG125 4051 2495 38.1 1.25 5.1 PSC355 4064 2509 37.8 1.37 4.8 PM1440 4014 2469 38.0 1.28 5.3 PSC413 4011 2491 37.7 1.23 4.7 DP451BRR 4354 2802 34.3 1.27 5.4 HCR7126 3843 2327 38.7 1.34 5.0 SG821 3833 2338 38.5 1.32 5.5 SG105 3905 2406 37.7 1.26 5.2 GC120 3799 2301 38.4 1.32 5.3 HCR7114-46 3868 2424 36.6 1.39 5.3 HCR9240 3652 2238 38.4 1.35 5.6 PSC952 3624 2205 38.6 1.44 5.0 GC251 3789 2372 36.7 1.30 5.2 Top-Pick 3961 2522 35.0 1.33 5.3 HCR9220 3497 2109 38.7 1.23 5.0 AP6101 3578 2249 36.4 1.43 5.2 Terra292 3899 2566 33.2 1.24 5.7 DP5415 3359 2041 38.2 1.50 4.8 DP675 3493 2196 36.7 1.55 5.8 Atlas 3593 2367 34.1 1.34 5.6 SG248 3219 1996 37.6 1.66 5.1 GA161 3256 2029 36.9 1.53 6.0 FiberMax989 3110 1931 37.5 1.45 5.7 GC303 3050 1898 37.2 1.67 5.0 HS12 3000 1904 36.0 1.67 5.4 PMX2609 2985 1883 36.1 1.45 6.2 Maxxa 2134 1308 38.0 1.49 5.8 MEAN 3772 2337 37.3 1.37 5.3 LSD 229 142 1.0 0.09 0.4 CV 7 7 2.4 5.63 6.2 Table 3. Regional variety test at Marana Ag Center; lint yield and fiber properties. Lint Fiber Unif. Fiber ElongVariety yield Mic length ratio strength ation lbs/A in g/tex FiberMax989 1520 * 5.0 1.16 83.9 31.0 5.1 HCR9257 1512 * 4.9 1.08 83.5 26.9 5.8 HS12 1419 * 4.8 1.16 81.9 31.2 5.7 DP675 1391 * 5.0 1.13 83.7 30.0 6.8 BR-H9903 1378 * 5.2 1.14 82.7 28.9 6.3 AP6101 1366 * 5.3 1.16 83.0 29.5 6.2 DP422BRR 1358 4.8 1.08 82.0 24.6 6.9 PSC413 1348 4.8 1.10 81.4 27.2 6.9 PM1560BG/RR 1338 4.6 1.12 82.7 26.9 5.3 HCR9240 1330 4.9 1.17 83.1 28.7 6.4 Maxxa 1315 4.3 1.15 83.5 31.4 5.4 GC303 1306 4.8 1.15 82.5 29.1 6.5 1302 5.1 1.13 82.8 28.8 6.1 SS9815 SG125 1299 4.9 1.11 83.2 25.6 6.7 Top-Pick 1295 4.8 1.15 82.0 27.9 6.7 PM1440 1288 4.9 1.13 84.4 27.9 5.6 1274 5.1 1.08 81.1 26.3 5.1 AP7115 HCR7114-46 1273 5.0 1.07 81.4 25.0 6.2 NuCOTN33B 1266 4.9 1.12 82.6 27.9 6.3 HCR7126 1256 4.9 1.15 82.9 28.5 6.2 1246 5.1 1.09 82.9 27.2 6.9 PSC355 SG105 1232 5.1 1.12 83.5 27.5 6.5 STV474 1231 5.1 1.08 81.7 26.5 5.4 GA161 1223 4.8 1.16 83.6 31.2 5.7 1203 5.3 1.09 81.8 25.4 6.8 SG747 BR-H9904 1174 5.5 1.12 83.3 28.5 5.3 PSC952 1169 5.1 1.06 81.4 25.8 6.1 SG248 1165 5.1 1.17 82.4 29.6 5.7 1155 4.8 1.13 82.9 25.9 5.7 DP451BRR GC120 1151 4.6 1.09 82.3 25.1 6.2 BR-H9902 1141 5.6 1.10 84.5 29.0 6.2 Terra292 1115 5.0 1.09 81.3 24.8 5.9 PM1560BG 1110 4.9 1.09 83.6 28.1 6.1 GC251 1107 5.5 1.12 84.9 28.8 6.0 Atlas 1087 5.0 1.07 83.3 28.0 5.8 BR-H9901 1077 5.0 1.14 82.9 29.4 6.1 SS9806 1008 4.9 1.09 82.8 26.1 5.2 BR-H9906 994 5.2 1.13 82.7 27.7 6.1 HCR9220 909 4.9 1.07 80.9 25.0 5.1 MEAN 1226 5.0 1.12 82.8 27.7 6.0 LSD 156 0.3 0.03 1.2 1.0 0.4 CV 14 4.4 2.04 1.2 3.1 6.0 * = not significnatly different from top yielding line Rd +b 80.4 82.4 81.4 80.3 82.1 81.4 81.5 79.0 80.8 80.0 81.5 82.1 79.8 78.8 81.1 80.9 81.7 82.3 81.3 81.9 79.2 81.0 78.6 80.2 78.3 79.9 79.4 80.9 82.2 80.7 79.6 81.2 80.7 80.0 80.6 79.8 80.1 81.3 82.1 80.7 0.8 0.9 8.2 7.6 8.0 8.3 7.7 7.9 8.0 8.7 8.2 8.6 8.1 7.8 8.4 8.6 8.4 8.2 7.8 7.9 7.8 7.9 8.8 8.1 9.0 8.2 9.1 8.3 8.7 7.8 7.7 8.2 8.6 7.8 8.2 8.2 8.0 8.2 8.5 8.1 7.7 8.2 0.2 2.2 Table 4. Regional variety test at Marana Ag Center; agronomic characteristics. Seed cotton Seed Lint Plant Variety yield yield percent height lbs/A lbs/A % Boll weight m g FiberMax989 3898 2357 39.0 1.32 HCR9257 3742 2201 40.4 1.32 HS12 3795 2358 37.4 1.47 DP675 3555 2148 39.2 1.38 BR-H9903 3537 2145 38.9 1.30 AP6101 3587 2202 38.1 1.33 DP422BRR 3636 2262 37.4 1.22 PSC413 3657 2288 36.9 1.08 PM1560BG/RR 3427 2032 39.0 1.35 HCR9240 3307 1962 40.2 1.30 Maxxa 3243 1905 40.6 1.17 GC303 3385 2068 38.6 1.50 SS9815 3367 2031 38.7 1.42 SG125 3300 1956 39.4 1.12 3478 2155 37.3 1.22 Top-Pick PM1440 3328 2013 38.7 1.23 AP7115 3165 1865 40.3 1.05 HCR7114-46 3229 1938 39.4 1.20 3381 2084 37.4 1.28 NuCOTN33B HCR7126 3123 1863 40.2 1.28 PSC355 3187 1930 39.1 1.20 SG105 3162 1886 38.9 1.25 3031 1753 40.6 1.10 STV474 GA161 3190 1942 38.3 1.30 SG747 2978 1758 40.4 1.10 BR-H9904 3211 2007 36.6 1.08 2964 1778 39.5 1.25 PSC952 SG248 3024 1827 38.5 1.47 DP451BRR 3300 2120 35.0 1.13 GC120 3006 1847 38.3 1.23 BR-H9902 3123 1958 36.5 1.17 Terra292 3204 2078 34.8 1.15 PM1560BG 2857 1723 38.8 1.07 GC251 2995 1876 36.9 1.03 Atlas 3067 1966 35.4 1.30 BR-H9901 2875 1795 37.4 1.17 SS9806 2645 1616 38.1 1.12 BR-H9906 2963 1949 33.6 1.15 HCR9220 2305 1390 39.5 1.03 MEAN 3204 1957 38.2 1.23 LSD 411 252 1.0 0.10 CV 14 14 2.2 7.40 1 Verticillium wilt rating at cutout 0 = no symptoms, 9 = extensive symptoms 5.8 5.3 5.3 5.5 5.1 4.9 5.3 5.1 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.0 5.3 5.1 5.2 5.6 4.9 5.5 5.0 5.1 4.7 5.3 4.9 5.6 5.1 5.4 4.8 5.1 5.0 5.1 5.5 5.4 4.6 5.1 5.6 4.8 5.2 5.8 5.2 5.2 0.3 5.0 Vert. wilt ratings1 1.8 4.2 3.4 3.2 3.0 4.0 4.6 4.2 6.4 3.4 1.0 3.6 4.4 5.4 3.4 4.8 4.2 3.6 6.0 5.4 4.6 3.6 6.8 5.0 6.6 3.6 5.2 4.0 4.6 5.4 4.8 3.6 7.0 4.0 3.2 6.2 5.2 5.0 6.8 4.5 0.8 19.3 Table 5. Regional variety test at Safford Ag Center (SAC); lint yield and fiber properties. Lint Fiber Unif. Fiber ElongVariety yield Mic length ratio Strength ation lbs/A in g/tex DP655BRR 1517 * 4.2 1.12 81.2 29.6 5.7 DP458BRR 1467 * 4.5 1.11 82.2 28.5 6.5 FiberMax975 1364 4.6 1.13 80.8 29.8 4.9 PM1560BG/RR 1354 4.4 1.11 82.4 27.2 6.0 HS12 1337 4.4 1.16 81.8 29.8 5.8 1331 4.9 1.13 82.7 29.5 6.3 GC303 1517-99 1326 4.1 1.15 83.4 31.4 6.5 MAC95 1323 4.6 1.12 82.3 28.5 5.2 FiberMax989 1307 4.4 1.14 82.8 30.7 5.7 1305 4.8 1.08 81.8 27.3 5.6 HCR9257 195-208 1281 3.5 1.28 83.8 35.2 7.2 STV474RR 1274 4.8 1.06 82.3 26.1 5.8 HCR9240 1265 4.5 1.13 82.4 28.2 6.3 DP90 1258 4.5 1.14 82.4 29.4 6.1 AP4103 1250 4.7 1.11 81.1 27.9 5.4 SG747 1241 4.8 1.11 82.2 25.8 7.1 SG105 1231 4.9 1.11 82.8 27.7 6.6 HCR7126 1220 4.3 1.14 81.2 28.7 6.6 HCR7114-46 1219 4.8 1.07 81.2 24.5 6.5 PSC355 1194 4.7 1.11 83.5 27.4 7.3 Top-Pick 1171 4.6 1.13 82.2 26.5 6.6 AP6101 1167 4.6 1.16 80.9 29.8 6.4 PM1560BG 1157 4.7 1.10 82.6 27.8 6.6 151-208 1154 3.9 1.27 84.9 37.4 6.9 GC251 1139 5.5 1.09 83.8 27.9 5.4 PM1440 1134 4.9 1.10 82.5 27.3 5.6 PSC413 1133 4.7 1.14 83.1 27.8 6.8 PSC952 1112 4.9 1.07 82.0 26.1 6.5 NuCOTN33B 1091 4.7 1.13 81.9 28.0 6.4 1517-91 1050 4.5 1.15 83.9 31.2 5.2 FiberMax832 1025 4.2 1.16 83.7 31.0 5.7 PMX2609 1023 4.9 1.08 82.0 27.7 6.0 AP7115 1017 4.6 1.05 80.7 25.5 5.7 GC120 1008 4.5 1.07 82.8 26.3 6.8 1517-95 996 4.3 1.17 84.7 31.2 5.7 W1218 991 3.9 1.20 82.0 31.2 6.4 175-208 985 3.9 1.23 83.9 35.9 7.0 Terra292 971 4.5 1.14 83.2 26.5 6.6 GA161 968 4.3 1.17 84.2 30.5 6.2 HCR9220 962 4.1 1.09 81.7 25.7 6.3 Maxxa 934 4.1 1.13 83.2 31.1 5.4 Atlas 792 4.6 1.08 82.6 28.8 5.9 MEAN 1168 4.5 1.13 82.5 28.8 6.2 LSD 114 0.3 0.03 1.2 1.3 0.6 CV 10 6.0 2.66 1.2 3.9 8.0 * = not significnatly different from top yielding line. Rd +b 80.5 82.3 82.5 81.3 81.4 81.9 79.0 80.1 81.1 82.1 73.8 79.5 80.4 80.3 80.8 79.6 80.6 81.3 82.0 79.5 81.0 80.5 81.1 75.4 79.8 81.3 80.2 80.1 82.2 79.2 81.9 79.5 81.6 80.9 77.4 79.6 75.0 81.2 80.6 82.2 80.2 78.9 80.3 1.0 1.1 8.8 8.5 8.0 9.0 8.7 8.6 9.0 8.9 8.6 8.3 10.9 9.7 9.1 9.0 8.7 9.3 8.8 8.4 8.7 9.5 8.9 8.7 8.5 10.3 9.0 9.0 9.2 9.6 8.5 8.8 8.3 9.1 8.5 8.8 8.7 9.0 10.3 8.7 8.9 8.3 8.7 8.5 8.9 0.2 2.4 Table 6. Regional variety test at Safford Ag Center (SAC); agronomic characteristics. Seed cotton Seed Lint Plant Variety yield yield percent height lbs/A lbs/A % m DP655BRR 3921 2414 38.7 1.06 DP458BRR 3631 2164 40.4 0.81 FiberMax975 3251 1859 42.0 0.89 PM1560BG/RR 3367 1991 40.2 0.86 HS12 3489 2138 38.3 1.02 GC303 3333 1983 39.9 0.79 1517-99 3541 2165 37.5 1.04 MAC95 3476 2128 38.0 0.92 FiberMax989 3195 1883 40.9 0.83 HCR9257 3161 1842 41.3 0.77 195-208 3631 2344 35.3 1.19 STV474RR 3014 1736 42.2 0.83 HCR9240 3111 1837 40.7 0.84 DP90 3215 1953 39.1 0.92 AP4103 3183 1906 39.3 0.91 SG747 3078 1817 40.3 0.89 SG105 3079 1826 40.0 0.90 HCR7126 3024 1781 40.3 0.84 HCR7114-46 3093 1870 39.4 0.75 PSC355 3071 1862 38.9 0.85 Top-Pick 3025 1837 38.7 0.80 AP6101 3004 1828 38.9 0.86 PM1560BG 2916 1755 39.7 0.82 151-208 3404 2221 33.8 0.90 GC251 3060 1897 37.2 0.80 PM1440 2798 1666 40.5 0.79 PSC413 2924 1791 38.7 0.76 PSC952 2728 1608 40.8 0.92 NuCOTN33B 2805 1698 38.9 0.76 1517-91 2891 1828 36.2 0.95 FiberMax832 2631 1587 38.9 0.88 PMX2609 2676 1646 38.2 0.93 AP7115 2495 1466 40.8 0.76 GC120 2553 1541 39.5 0.85 1517-95 2749 1727 36.3 1.06 W1218 2622 1632 37.8 0.93 175-208 3034 2037 32.4 1.02 Terra292 2780 1785 34.9 0.87 GA161 2504 1519 38.7 0.84 HCR9220 2510 1533 38.3 0.79 Maxxa 2323 1367 40.1 0.79 Atlas 2223 1409 35.7 0.78 MEAN 3012 1830 38.7 0.87 LSD 295 179 1.0 0.09 CV 10 10 2.2 10.05 Boll weight g 5.1 4.8 4.5 5.3 4.8 4.6 5.4 4.6 5.3 5.1 4.2 5.3 4.9 4.9 5.2 4.9 5.1 4.5 5.0 4.5 5.1 4.8 4.8 4.6 5.2 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.7 5.3 5.4 5.4 4.8 4.7 5.8 4.9 4.1 4.9 4.9 4.9 5.8 5.3 4.9 0.3 5.5