Iteration Complexity Analysis of Block Coordinate Descent Method Mingyi Hong Joint work with Xiangfeng Wang, Meisam Razaviyayn and Zhi-Quan (Tom) Luo University of Minnesota May 2014 Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 1 / 36 The Problem We consider the following problem (with K block variables) K minimize f ( x ) : = g ( x1 , · · · , xK ) + subject to xk ∈ Xk , k = 1, ..., K ∑ hk (xk ) k =1 (P) g (·) smooth convex function; hk (·) nonsmooth convex function; x = (x1T , ..., xKT )T ∈ ℜn is a partition of x; Xk ⊆ Rnk The gradient of g (·) is block-wise Lipschitz continuous k∇k g ([x−k , xk ]) − ∇k g ([x−k , x̂k ])k ≤ Mk kxk − x̂k k, Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD ∀ x ∈ X, ∀ k May 2014 2 / 36 The Algorithm Consider the cyclic block coordinate minimization (BCM) 1 At iteration r + 1, block k updated by r r 1 xkr +1 ∈ arg min g (x1r +1 , . . . , xkr + − 1 , xk , xk + 1 , . . . , xK ) + hk ( xk ) xk ∈Xk 2 Sweep over all blocks in cyclic order Each step small dimension – simple computation Popular for solving modern large-scale problems Many known variants – block coordinate descent (BCD) type 1 2 Block Selection Rule: cyclic, randomized, parallel, greedy,... Block Update Rule: exact minimization, proximal gradient,... Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 3 / 36 The Algorithm (cont.) A popular variant: cyclic block coordinate proximal gradient (BCPG) 1 At iteration r + 1, block k updated by r 1 r xkr +1 ∈ arg min uk (xk ; x1r +1 , . . . , xkr + − 1 , xk , . . . , xK ) + hk ( xk ) xk ∈Xk 2 Sweep over all blocks in cyclic order uk (xk ; y ): a quadratic approximation of g (·) w.r.t. xk uk (xk ; y ) = g (y ) + h∇k g (y ), xk − yk i + Lk k xk − yk k 2 . 2 Achieving descent in each block (Lk large enough) Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 4 / 36 The Contribution Question: For BCD-type algorithm, what’s the number of iterations required to solve problem (P) to ǫ-OPT (a.k.a iteration complexity)? Contribution 1: Cyclic BCPG-type inexact scheme achieves O(1/r ) rate Contribution 2: Variants of BCM achieve O(1/r ) rate (randomized, greedy, cyclic) Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 5 / 36 Agenda Prior Art 1 2 BCPG and its variants BCM and its variants Analyzing the cyclic BCPG-type Algorithm 1 2 The block successive upper-bound minimization (BSUM) Main steps for iteration complexity analysis Analyzing the BCM-type Algorithm 1 2 The randomized and greedy BCM The cyclic BCM Conclusion Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 6 / 36 Agenda Prior Art 1 2 BCPG and its variants BCM and its variants Analyzing the cyclic BCPG-type Algorithm 1 2 The block successive upper-bound minimization (BSUM) Main steps for iteration complexity analysis Analyzing the BCM-type Algorithm 1 2 The randomized and greedy BCM The cyclic BCM Conclusion Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 7 / 36 Prior Art: BCPG A large literature on analyzing BCPG-type algorithm Randomized BCPG: Each step randomly pick a block to update Strongly convex problems, linear rate [Richtárik-Takáč 12] Convex problems with O(1/r ) rate 1 2 3 Smooth [Nesterov 12] Smooth + L1 penalization [Shalev-Shwartz-Tewari 11] General nonsmooth (P) [Richtárik-Takáč 12][Lu-Xiao 13] Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 8 / 36 Prior Art: BCPG (cont.) How about cyclic BCPG? Less is known For strongly convex problems, linear rate For convex problems with O(1/r ) rate 1 2 3 LASSO, when satisfies the so-called “isotonicity assumption” [Saha-Tweari 13] Smooth [Beck-Tetruashvili 13] General nonsmooth, i.e., (P)? Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 9 / 36 Prior Art: BCM How about cyclic BCM? Even less is known For strongly convex problems, linear rate For convex problem O(1/r ) rate 1 2 Smooth unconstrained problem with K = 2 (two-block variables) [Beck-Tetruashvili 13] Other cases? Randomized BCM? Other coordinate update rules (e.g., Gauss-Southwell)? Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 10 / 36 Prior Art: Linear Rate for Convex Problem It is also possible to achieve linear rate for a subset of convex problems (without strong convexity) Assume g (·) is a composite function g (x ) = ℓ(Ax ), ℓ strongly convex, A linear mapping. Assume h(·) is a mixed L1/L2 Randomize/Cyclic BCPG with linear rate [Luo-Tseng 92][Hong et al 13, 14] [Necoara-Clipici 13][Kadkhodaei et al 14] For BCM: additional requirement of per-block strong convexity Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 11 / 36 The Summary of Results A summary of existing results on sublinear rate for BCD-type NS=NonSmooth, S=Smooth, C=Constrained, U=Unconstrained, K=K-block, 2=2-Block Cy=Cyclic, GS=Gauss-Southwell, R=Randomized Table: Summary of Prior Art Method Problem R-BCPG NS-C-K Cy-BCPG S-C-K Cy/GS-BCPG NS-C-K R/GS-BCM NS-C-K Cy-BCM S-U-2 Cy-BCM NS-C-K Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) O(1/r√) Rate Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD √ ? ? √ ? May 2014 12 / 36 This Work This work shows the following results NS=NonSmooth, S=Smooth, C=Constrained, U=Unconstrained, K=K-block, 2=2-Block Cy=Cyclic, GS=Gauss-Southwell, R=Randomized Table: Summary of Prior Art + This Work Method Problem R-BCPG NS-C-K Cy-BCPG S-C-K Cy/GS-BCPG NS-C-K R/GS-BCM NS-C-K Cy-BCM S-U-2 Cy-BCM NS-C-K Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) O(1/r√) Rate Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD √ √ √ √ partial May 2014 13 / 36 Agenda Prior Art 1 2 BCPG and its variants BCM and its variants Analyzing the cyclic BCPG-type Algorithm 1 2 The block successive upper-bound minimization (BSUM) Main steps for iteration complexity analysis Analyzing the BCM-type Algorithm 1 2 The randomized and greedy BCM The cyclic BCM Conclusion Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 14 / 36 The BSUM method We first introduce the so-called block successive upper-bound minimization (BSUM) method [Razaviyayn-Hong-Luo 13] A general framework includes BCPG as a special case Main steps 1 At iteration r + 1, block k updated by r 1 r xkr +1 ∈ arg min uk (xk ; x1r +1 , . . . , xkr + − 1 , xk , . . . , xK ) + hk ( xk ) xk ∈Xk 2 Sweep over all blocks in cyclic order uk (xk ; y ) a locally tight, upper-bound function for g (x ) Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 15 / 36 The BSUM method (cont.) Assumptions on uk (vk ; x ) (a) uk (vk ; x ) = g (x ), ∀ x, (locally tight) (b) uk (vk ; x ) is continuous in vk and x (continuity) (c) uk (vk ; x ) ≥ g (vk , x−k ), ∀ vk , x (upper-bound) (d) uk (vk ; x ) strongly convex in vk with coefficient γk (e) uk (vk ; x ) has Lipchitz gradient with coefficient Lk Refer uk (vk ; x ) as a valid upper-bound Figure: Illustration of the upper-bound. Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 16 / 36 The BSUM method (cont.) The convergence of BSUM is guaranteed, even for nonconvex problems [Razaviyayn-Hong-Luo 13] Reduces to the cyclic BCPG when uk (xk ; y ) is a quadratic approx. Reduces to cyclic BCM when no approx. is used Many other choices of upper-bound functions [Razaviyayn-Hong-Luo 13] [Mairal 13] Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 17 / 36 Iteration Complexity Analysis for BSUM Define X ∗ as the optimal solution set, and let x ∗ ∈ X ∗ be one of the optimal solutions Define the optimality gap as ∆r : = f (x r ) − f (x ∗ ) Main Steps 1 2 3 Sufficient Descent: ∆r − ∆r +1 large enough Estimate Cost-To-Go: ∆r +1 small enough Estimate The Rate: Show (∆r +1 )2 ≤ c ∆r − ∆r +1 Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 18 / 36 Sufficient Descent Lemma (Sufficient Descent) For BSUM, we have for all r ≥ 1 ∆r − ∆r + 1 = f (x r ) − f (x r + 1 ) ≥ γ k x r − x r + 1 k 2 , where the constant γ := 1 2 mink γk > 0. Proof easy, using per-block strong convexity Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 19 / 36 Estimating Cost-To-Go Define R := maxx ∈X maxx ∗ ∈X ∗ kx − x ∗ k : f (x ) ≤ f (x 1 ) Utilize the optimality of {xkr +1 } as well as the Lipchitz continuity of the gradient of g and uk ’s Lemma (Cost-to-go Estimate) For BSUM, we have (∆r +1 )2 = (f (x r +1 ) − f (x ∗ ))2 ≤ 2K (M 2 + L2max )R 2 kx r +1 − x r k2 where Lmax = maxk Lk . Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 20 / 36 O(1/r ) Iteration Complexity Linking the above two lemmas, we obtain for all r ≥ 1 ∆r − ∆r + 1 ≥ γ ( ∆r + 1 )2 : = σ ( ∆r + 1 )2 2 2 2 2K (M + Lmax )R By a simple induction argument, we obtain ∆r ≤ c1 , with c := max{4σ − 2, f (x1 ) − f ∗ , 2}. σr Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 21 / 36 Special Case for cyclic BCPG For BCPG, the upper-bound function is given by uk (xk ; y ) := g (y ) + h∇k g (y ), xk − yk i + Lk k xk − yk k 2 2 where Lk is the largest eigenvalue of ∇2k g (x ) Then we have γk = Lk = Mk , and the bound reduces to ∆r ≤ 8 cKM 2 R 2 1 mink Mk r The bound is in the same order as the one stated in [Beck-Tetruashvili 13, Theorem 6.1] Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 22 / 36 Remark Also addresses the rate for the cyclic-BCM, when the per-block subproblem is strongly convex The LASSO problem when each block is a single variable: min kAx − b k2 + kx k1 Rate maximization problem in wireless communication networks ! K max log pk ∑ | hk | 2 pk + 1 k =1 , s.t. pk ∈ Pk , ∀ k Extends to the Gauss-Southwell update rule (i.e., greedy coordinate selection) Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 23 / 36 Agenda Prior Art 1 2 BCPG and its variants BCM and its variants Analyzing the cyclic BCPG-type Algorithm 1 2 The block successive upper-bound minimization (BSUM) Main steps for iteration complexity analysis Analyzing the BCM-type Algorithm 1 2 The randomized and greedy BCM The cyclic BCM Conclusion Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 24 / 36 The Key Challenge No per-block strong convexity (SC) anymore 1 multiple optimal solutions 2 the sufficient descent estimate is lost The road map 1 Still focus on analyzing BSUM 2 Drop the strong convexity assumption on uk (xk ; y ) 3 Consider randomized/greedy update rules for (P) 4 Consider cyclic rules for a subset of problems in (P) Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 25 / 36 The R-BSUM (no per-block SC) Consider the Randomized-BSUM without per-block SC 1 Pick {pk }K k =1 satisfies pk > 0, ∑k pk = 1. 2 At iteration r + 1, randomly choose k ∗ = k with probability pk ∗ 3 Compute 1 r xkr + ∗ ∈ arg min uk (xk ∗ ; x−k ∗ ) + hk ∗ (xk ∗ ) xk ∗ ∈Xk ∗ and set xjr +1 = xjr for all j 6= k ∗ . 1 In each step, one of the optimal solution xkr + is picked ∗ Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 26 / 36 Rate Analysis for R-BSUM (Brief) Additional assumption: h Lip-continuous Similar 3-steps as before, convergence in expectation Covers the R-BCM as a special case Extends to BSUM with Gauss-Southwell-type update rule (greedy coordinate selection) Question: Extends to cyclic rule? Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 27 / 36 Rate Analysis for cyclic BSUM (no per-block SC) Consider the following family of problems 1 Composite smooth part: g (x ) = ∑Ii =1 ℓi (Ai ,1 x1 , . . . , Ai ,K xK ) 2 ℓi (y1 , · · · , yK ) strongly convex w.r.t. each component yk ; Ai ,k can be rank deficient Special case: 1 2 3 Group-LASSO: k ∑k Ak xk − b k2 + ∑k kxk k2 Sparse logistic regression over a compact set Optimizing wireless network (with rank-deficient channel) Key steps: Same three-step approach r +1 2 r )k ∆r − ∆r +1 ≥ γ̂∑Ii =1 ∑K k =1 kAk,i (xk − xk I K r + 1 2 T 2 ∆ ≤ K maxk,i ρ(Ak,i Ak,i )R ∑i =1 ∑k =1 kAk,i (xkr − xkr +1 )k2 ... Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 28 / 36 Rate Analysis for cyclic BSUM (no per-block SC) Extends to the following smooth part (L2-SVM) I g (x ) = ∑ i =1 h max{0, 1 − x T ai } i2 Implies the same rate for cyclic BCM for these two cases In [Beck-Tetruashvili 13], cyclic BCM is shown to have O(1/r ) rate for 2-block, smooth, unconstrained problem The above analysis is done for K-block, nonsmooth, constrained problem, but needs special structure Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 29 / 36 Agenda Prior Art 1 2 BCPG and its variants BCM and its variants Analyzing the cyclic BCPG-type Algorithm 1 2 The block successive upper-bound minimization (BSUM) Main steps for iteration complexity analysis Analyzing the BCM-type Algorithm 1 2 The randomized and greedy BCM The cyclic BCM Conclusion Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 30 / 36 Conclusion We show the O(1/r ) sublinear rate of convergence for a few BCD-type methods Main results summarized below Table: Summary Method Cy/GS-BSUM R/GS-BCM Cy-BCM Problem NS+C+K NS+C+K NS+C+K 1 Assumption uk valid upper-bound h Lipchitz/ g block-SC g composite/L2 SVM/block-SC 1 NS=Nonsmooth, C=Constrained, K=K-block, SC=Strongly Convex, GS=Gauss-Southwell, Cy=Cyclic, R=Randomized Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 31 / 36 Future Work Reduce the constants, especially w.r.t. K ; some preliminary results [Sun 14] Analysis for Cyclic BCM methods for general (P)? Linearly constrained problem? some recent results in this direction [Hong-Luo 12][Hong et al 14] [Hong et al 13] [Necoara et al 13] Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 32 / 36 Thank You! Mingyi Hong (University of Minnesota) Iteration Complexity Analysis of BCD May 2014 33 / 36 Reference 1 [Richtárik-Takáč 12] P. Richtárik and M. Takáč, “Iteration complexity of randomized block-coordinate descent methods for minimizing a composite function,” Mathematical Programming, 2012. 2 [Nestrov 12] Y. Nestrov, “Efficiency of coordinate descent methods on huge-scale optimization problems,” SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2012. 3 [Shalev-Shwartz-Tewari] S. Shalev-Shwartz and A. Tewari, “Stochastic methods for L1 regularized loss minimization,” Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2011. 4 [Beck-Tetruashvili 13] A. Beck and L. 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