STATISTICS 402B Spring 2016 Homework Set#7 Solution 1. Using 2 block generators to allocate runs to 4 blocks in a 24 factorial: • Write contrasts for ABD and ACD for a 24 factorial: Effect ABD ACD Effect ABD ACD (1) d + + a + + ad - b + bd + ab + abd + - c + cd + - ac + acd + bc + + bcd - abc abcd + + • Select treatment combinations with sign pairs (+, +), (+, −), (−, +) and (−, −) in the two contrasts to divide the 16 runs into 4 blocks, as follows: Block I a bc d abcd Block II b ac cd abd Block III ab c acd bd Block IV (1) abc ad bcd 2. In a 27 factorial, 4 block generators are used to construct the plan. This implies that including the generalized interactions of the 4 effects used as generators 4 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 15 effects will be confounded in one replication. (a) What is the block size? Since 15 effects are confounded in a rep, their should be 16 blocks in a rep. Thus the block size is = 27 /16 = 128/16 = 8 (b) What is the number of blocks per each replicate? From part (i), the answer is 16. (c) What is the total number of effects that will be confounded with blocks in each rep? Clearly, as argued above the answer is 15. (d) Select 4 block generators (with more than 2 letters each) so that none of thei generalized interactions produce effects that have less than 3 letters. One such set is given in Table 7.9 of the text: ABCD, EFG, CDE, ADG (or you can try to construct one by your self) (e) This is also given in the Table 7.9 for this set: ABCD, EFG, CDE, ADG, ABCDEFG, ABE, BCG, CDFG, ADEF, ACEG, ABFG, BCEF, BDEG, ACF, BDF 3. In a 26 factorial, if the block size is going to be 16, there will be 4 blocks per replicate. • This means that there are 3 effects confounded in each replicate. • We need to select 2 effects out of these 3 and the third effect confounded will be the generalized interaction of those two selected. • We attempt to select two effects arbitrarily so that no effects with less than 3 letters are confounded. We try to this by ourselves or look at Table 7.9 to get an idea. • They suggest using ABCF and CDEF with their generalized interaction is ABDE. • By inspection, we see that another set can be constructed switching letters: ABCD, ADEF, and their generalized interaction is BCEF 1 • Thus we get an idea of how to balanced confounding in 5 replications by selecting a sets such as: ABCF ABCD ABCE ABDF ABEF Here only once in a CDEF ⇒ ABDE ADEF ⇒ BCEF ACDF ⇒ BDEF ACEF ⇒ BCDE ACDE ⇒ BCDF the 15 4-fi’s are confounded but we get balanced confounding since each 4-fi is confounded rep, and no other effects are confounded. • The abbreviated Anova table is: SV A, B, C, D, E, F AB, AC , . . ., DF ABC, ABD, . . .,DEF ABCD, ABCE, . . .,BCDF ABCDE, . . .,ABCDF ABCDEF Rep Block(Rep) Error Total d.f. 1 each (total=6) 1 each (total=15) 1 each (total=20) 1 each (total=15) 1 each (total=6) 1 4 15 237 319 %Inf. 100% each 100% each 100% each 80% each 100% each 100% 4. A single effect is confounded in each rep as there are only 2 blocks per rep. (a) Find the effect confounded in each replication. By inspection, it is easy determine that the following: Rep No. 1 2 3 4 5 Effect Confounded ABC AC AB ABC BC (b) Provide a table of estimates of the factorial effects with their standard errors. Term A B A*B C A*C B*C A*B*C Effect Estimate 1.6 1.9 0.25 0.4 0.3125 -1 -0.25 s.e.(effect) 0.3931 0.3931 0.4395 0.3931 0.4395 0.4395 0.5075 (c) Construct an analysis of variance table that inccludes F statistics and p-values. Add a column that indicates relative percentage of information used in estmating each of the partially confounded effects. 2 Model Error C. Total 16 23 39 Effect Tests Source A B A*B C A*C B*C A*B*C Rep Block[Rep] 146.35625 35.54375 181.90000 DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 9.14727 1.54538 Sum of Squares 25.600000 36.100000 0.500000 1.600000 0.781250 8.000000 0.375000 34.150000 21.906250 5.9191 Prob > F <.0001* F Ratio 16.5655 23.3599 0.3235 1.0353 0.5055 5.1767 0.2427 5.5245 2.8351 Prob > F %Information 0.0005* 100% <.0001* 100% 0.5750 80% 0.3195 100% 0.4842 80% 0.0325* 80% 0.6270 60% (d) Interpret the results of this analysis. First, determine the effects that are significant. Then quantitatively explain the effect of each significant factor on the mean responses. Main effects A and B and BC Interaction are significantly different from zero. A Least Squares Means Table Level Least Sq Mean 6.1500000 7.7500000 -1 1 Std Error Mean 0.27797306 0.27797306 6.15000 7.75000 LS Means Plot 12 Level Least Sq Mean 5.3000000 6.7000000 8.2000000 7.6000000 -1,-1 -1,1 1,-1 1,1 Std Error 0.40521188 0.40521188 0.40521188 0.40521188 LS Means Plot 10 -1 12 8 1 10 6 8 4 2 B*C Least Squares Means Table 6 -1 1 4 A 2 -1 1 C Effect of A is to increase mean yield by 1.6 units. Effect of B is different at each level of C: ***** at the low level of C, effect of B is to increase mean yield by 3.25 units ***** at the high level of C, effect of B is to increase the mean yield only by 1.25 units. 3