Lecture 30 CSE 331 Nov 13, 2009 To be strictly enforced For the rest of the semester on Fridays SUBMIT your HOMEWORKS by 1:10 PM At the end of the lecture Graded HW 7 and HW 9 On Jaynee’s order Reminder: Resignation deadline is today Divide and Conquer Divide up the problem into at least two sub-problems Recursively solve the sub-problems “Patch up” the solutions to the sub-problems for the final solution Improvements on a smaller scale Greedy algorithms: exponential poly time Divide and Conquer: O(n2) asymptotically smaller running time Multiplying two numbers Given two numbers a and b as binary a=(an-1,..,a0) and b = (bn-1,…,b0) Compute c = a x b Running time of primary school algorithm? To be strictly enforced For the rest of the semester on Fridays SUBMIT your HOMEWORKS by 1:10 PM