ELASTIC WAVE PROPAGATION IN HOMOGENEOUS TRANSVERSELY ISOTROPIC MEDIUM WITH SYMMETRY AXIS PARALLEL TO THE FREE SURFACE M.A., by Chi-fung Wang B.S., National Taiwan University (1966) State University of New York at Stoney Brook (1970) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September, 1973 Signature of Author. Depar+-m"n+- of 'arth(-andUlanetarv_ .-- nces /7J Certified by.. isis Supervisor b/ i3 /?? Accepted by..... un ~uttntal Committee on Graduate Students oc9 5d ELASTIC WAVE PROPAGATION IN HOMOGENEOUS TRANSVERSELY ISOTROPIC MEDIUM WITH SYMMETRY AXIS PARALLEL TO THE FREE SURFACE by Chi-fung Wang Submitted to the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences on September , 1973 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science ABSTRACT Phase velocities of elastic wave propagation in a homogeneous transversely isotropic medium with symmetry axis parallel to the free surface of a half space is investigated. Approximate solutions of the problem of phase velocities of Rayleigh, horizontally propagating P and SH waves is obtained by means of perturbation method on the assumption that the deviation of the elastic coefficients from isotropy is small. In the case of horizontally propagating SV waves an exact solution is obtained. The vertical lamination model approximating fracture zones and the Olivine model based on Francis' hypothesis have been tested. The results derived from fracture zone model showing small anisotropy fail to explain the observed data. The Olivine model showing large azimuthal variation of P and Rayleigh waves needed some modification in such a way that the a axis of Olivine crystal will be distributed diffusely. Suitable choice of weighting functions averaging the orientation of a a axis will give close agreement between both observed and predicted P and Rayleigh waves. Keiiti Aki Thesis Supervisor: Title: Professor of Geophysics TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 4 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM AND EQUATION OF MOTION 8 BOUNDARY CONDITION 17 THEORY OF THE SURFACE WAVES OF RAYLEIGH TYPE 19 TRANSVERSE ISOTROPY AS THE LIMITING CASE OF A LAMINATED MATERIAL 31 OLIVINE MODEL BASED ON THE FRANCIS' SUGGESTION 39 PERTURBATION TECHNIQUE FOR THE P-WAVE VELOCITY 52 ANISOTROPY OF S WAVES 59 TRANSVERSELY ISOTROPIC MEDIUM WITH THE ORIENTATION OF SYMMETRY AXIS DIFFUSELY DISTRIBUTED 62 CONCLUSION 84 REFERENCES 87 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT -4Introduction A great deal of attention has been given to the anisotropies of the propagation velocities of seismic waves in connection with the investigation of the structure of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. An anisotropic medium is characterized by the change of its elastic properties with the direction. In seismology, the transverse isotropy in which the elastic properties remain invariant in the plane perpendicular to the symmetry axis has been of the greatest interest. Stoneley (1949) is the first seismologist who discussed surface and body wave propagation in a homogeneous transversely isotropic half space with the symmetry axis normal to the free surface. Synge (1957) showed that the propagation of undamped Rayleigh waves do not exist unless the symmetry axis is either parallel or perpendicular to the free surface. Bulchwald (1961) discussed the waves radiated from a time-harmonic source and used the method of Fourier double integrals to obtain the equation for the velocity of Rayleigh waves which is the same as that obtained by Stoneley. A rapid variation of elastic constants with depth may apparently have the same effect as an anisotropic medium on the propagation of long waves. Postma (1955) gave the explicit formula for the five elastic constants of homogeneous transversely isotropic medium which is equivalent to a periodic, -5isotropic two-layered medium in the long wave limit under the restriction that the Lame's Constants are positive. Backus (1962) applied the averaging technique to the constitutive relation and equation of motion to approximate an inhomogeneous isotropic and transversely isotropic horizontally layered medium by a long wave equivalent, but more slowly varying transversely isotropic inhomogeneous medium in the direction perpendicular to the layers. Their theories will motivate us to set up a model to approximate the crust in the Nazca Plate discussed in this paper. The anisotropy of the oceanic uppermantle beneath the Mohorovicic discontinuity is first suggested by Hess (1964). In the light of the observed results of the measurements of P velocities showing that low velocities perpendicular to the fracture zones and high velocities parallel to them in the region near the ridge axis in the East and North East Pacific, he claimed that seismic anisotropy of the upper mantle beneath the oceans results from a preferential alignment of Olivine crystals and predicted that the b axis that tends to be perpendicular to the fracture zones could explain the observed anisotropy. Francis (1969) suggested, on the other hand, that the a axis of olivine crystals tend to point away from the ridge axis and the b and c axes will be randomly oriented in the vertical plane parallel to the ridge axis at the time that -6the oceanic lithosphere was produced. Backus (1965) used perturbation technique to derive the general form of the azimuthal dependence of the phase velocity of the Pn waves as a function of the azimuth of the wave number vector. He showed that correct to the first order in pertur- bation, the expression for the Pn wave phase velocity can be written as ~9A 1 + 36'P +1 A%.Co2. -1 -1A+ 4 Co.54 + A Sin4e where the five coefficients A are functions of the elastic constants of the wave medium. Later on, all the investigators utilized the formula derived by Backus to interpret their observed results in seismic refraction measurements (Raitt, 1969; Morris, 1969; Keen and Barret, 1971; Raitt, Shor, and Morris, 1971). Forsyth (1972) observed that there was a 2% azimuthal variation of Rayleigh wave phase velocity in the region of Nazca plate. Smith and Dahlen (1972) combined Rayleigh's principle and Backus' harmonic tensor decomposition to discuss the effect of small anisotropy on the propagation of surface waves of Rayleigh and Love type with the motivation of explaining Forsyth's observed value. They also obtained the general form of the dependence of surface wave dispersion on the azimuth -76 of the horizontal wave number vector. Much more detailed study of the propagation of surface and body waves will be required in order to predict the degree of anisotropy of the earth's crust and upper mantle. However, it is worth adopting some simple models to compare the theoretically calculated results for comparison with observation. In this paper, two such simple models will be set up to explain Forsyth's observation and previously observed Pn wave anisotropies. For simplicity, we shall assume that the media in both are vertically homogeneous. The first model will be a laminated mantle in which soft vertical layers representing fracture zones are sandwiched alternately between hard layers. The second model will be a homogeneous half space made of Olivine crystals in which the orientations of the b and c axes are uniformly distributed over the vertical plane and the a axis distributes with a certain distribution function with respect to the normal to the ridge axis (Francis, 1969). Both models can be reduced to a homogeneous transversely isotropic half space with symmetry axis parallel to the free surface. In this case, the problem of the surface waves of Rayleigh type can be solved by means of the separation of the equations of motion and boundary conditions under the restriction of neglecting the displacement of SH type which is of the second order in perturbation. The powerful procedure analogous to -8that of Stoneley will be used in both the lamination model and the olivine upper mantle model. In order to relate the Pn wave anisotropy and Rayleigh wave anisotropy, body waves will also be considered in the equivalent homogeneous transversely isotropic medium derived from the second model and some of the necessary averaging technique will be taken into account. The purpose of this paper is to present the theory based on these two models to explain the observed P n wave anisotropy and Rayleigh wave anisotropy simultaneously. 2. Statement of the problem and equation of motion Our analysis is primarily concerned with the propagation of surface waves of Rayleigh type in two simple earth models: one is the model of 'fracture zone' in which soft vertical layers forming the fracture zones are sandwiched in the normal oceanic lithosphere, and the other half-space composed of olivine crystal in which the a axis of the olivine crystal tends to become perpendicular to the ridge axis and parallel to the horizontal plane, and the b and c axes orient randomly in the plane perpendicular to the a axis. In either case, the problem is reduced to finding the phase velocity of the surface waves of Rayleigh type in a homogeneous transversely isotropic medium, whose axis of symmetry is perpendicular to the ridge axis and parallel to the free surface. -9- Let (- ) 1|, be an orthonormal coordinate frame oriented in the right-hand sense at a point of the free surface with T pointing in the direction of the axis of symmetry, directed vertically downward into the medium. To obtain expressions convenient for comparison with observations, we have to choose another orthonormal coordinate frame 1, q',3') obtained by rotating ( i,, such a way that become parallel to a vertical plane ej about the vertical axis in containing the wave number vector. In the notation of Grant and West (page 27), the stress components and strain components in a transversely isotropic body are related by the following constitutive relation. ?uL 0 0 0 0 Px. ()4+4) 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 e. 2.) (2-1) Because of the existence of strain-energy function, there exists the symmetry of the elastic coefficients - C= and hence the elastic constant tensor of the medium in our -10problem can be written as the linear combination of tetradics (Morse and Fashbach, page 72) in the following form, C AV~e + A11e~; A.AAL4j 24- ( + )(~ il + J~~~ viCiSZi+ +(~) ) i ± (2-2) Suppose that the departure from isotropy is sufficiently small, we may assume that the elastic constant tensor the medium is perturbed from an isotropic tensor t t ~ + where S$ of to is small compared to Hence we take C~( + +~)~ +iv~i (2-3) 4q + where .-4 1 htAfi,= 15+ in fl) and Next, we shall introduce the infinitesimal displacement E( t)=%(L + (t. + 4 3 arising from the wave propagation with the wave number vector -11then the strain dyadic tensor is ~(zi-i.w~z where a T denotes the transpose, and the stress dyadic tensor is given by or where (2-5) +~r ~~ ,~ z.~)(2-6)' is the operator which transforms the displacement fields ~(() = LL+(4..3 3 into the stress fields. 7 7 C3 In the discussion of the propagation of surface waves of Rayleigh type, we are mostly concerned with the regions devoid of sources. The initial approach is to obtain the source free equation of motion appropriate to the medium of our problem in terms of the spatial derivatives of the displacement components with respect to the orthonormal coordinate frame and then use the method of displacement potentials for plane waves and the prescribed boundary condition at free surface to obtain the modified Rayleigh's equation and determine whether surface waves of Rayleigh type.can or cannot -12exist in such a medium. A simple means to reach our goal is to express every vector and tensor in terms of their components with respect to the frame w%', ' 73O. In homogeneous source-free regions, for time-harmonic displacement fields with exp (-Cot ) dependence, and assume that plane wave solutions of the type exp are admissible, then in the equation of motion, be replaced by = replaced by is = and -w + 3' where = the position vector and 9 can can be X A= = ' (A", 2.,3) The equation of motion in a medium of density f on the assumption of infinitesimal deformation, and in the absence of body force is (2-7) -/" 1)3 or Aj.)~ 1z - '4 3~(-) Our final step in obtaining the equation of motion is to express CA?>AAg AD ), /1 ) A . 9 in terms of five elastic constants through the coordinate transformation -13- C0SO 41 S ineSr,' + cose5' (2-8) and Co5e + Sene -t Cose (2-9) 3 s-i Note that the tensor C0 in 44 0 is S$ an isotropic tensor, which can be written as (2-10) + In case of the equation of motion is reduced of course to the equation for an isotropic body [(I,] (A~~44~ 1±A ~3 0 At W- L) %21 (2-11) 0 LL O lt 2 -14In a homogeneous transversely isotropic medium, the departure from isotropy is due to the existence of three parameters of 6>, 6f and . The absence of symmetry in the horizontal plane requires some complicated SC algebra to obtain the right hand side of (2-7) in terms of the five elastic constants Al . the coordinate frame I -(COS f , li. , At Using (2-8), and 9 in (2-9) and 4- (Exa (A + (L3e 3, -Sk($noU3.) (5) Qw j) + ('3 (2-12) then after some lengthy calculation, (2-7) becomes Ile 0 )VI (71) At','(*) jG4V Ir, Fa A04 & 0-) A Q70 41 (Q,9.447i) A;(70.11 AIz £A12&', (viI '13J .3 ~ $$ph) hwar) {(t3 (2-13) A33) where (AOA-) IJ3 Al (h) A'O (Q) h (Vr) A51 (7T) A*aE() Ai3 (V) A44? + (2-14) -15and is a 3x3 symmetric matrix with elements . A,1(v)=Au4 r) (-4x5irne (as e-25A.S S E(= ~3MG2 .) COce+ 65SC52ce)d +$)c. (2-15) Equation (2-13) constitutes a set of three coupled simultaneous linear partial differential equations in three unknowns ( (tI represent d= t becomes i2. and C a., C3 . To solve this set, we first n( &d-.3 as consisting of part due to The displacement in (2-j3) plus a perturbed part. M = + TCm + + IM - (2-16) The zero subscript denotes the value of ' in isotropic medium with ,Al and Aq as Lame's constants, and the i(i>Q) subscript denotes the perturbed portion of - which is of i-th order in and SA . term in (- than zero in -= If 2 SA S) we assume that =0 , then every is of order higher V.--14, and ' * We note also that the -16- elements Ami (W)+$Am(w)=A4)+6Aw(v2); A357() Am (+) and + (7) terms involving 6,k 3x& $9. = A"(9)+6A3X(W) 3))±SAg Neglecting all (L which are of order higher than one in we get (All +&1 (Li + (Ao(7)+SAt~ 3 Ait~ + (A2L(wr)+ SA2w(r) (L-+ 6~v Z)+ 6A,(V)) 333 (2-17) The second equation in (2-17) offers explanation how horizontal transverse displacement ( can be generated by (LI and U3 through the perturbation of the elastic properties of the medium. On the other hand, the motion governing U. k3 and can be discussed in two dimensions (X', containing the wave number vector. Therefore, only the first x3')- the vertical plane and third equations of (2-17) are needed to discuss the propagation of P-waves, SV-waves and surface waves of Rayleigh type; whereas, in considering the propagation of SH-waves, ( and (L3 are regarded at least of the first order in perturbation and the second equation of (2-17) becomes t fAA20 (W) + 2 .427 (2-18) -173. Boundary condition The boundary condition of our problem is the vanishing of all the components of stress working at free surface X3 =0 The combination of this condition and the condition at infinity: Z=O at X3'= Oo will determine the property of Free Rayleigh waves. The stress working on the horizontal plane is 3'{J + 3) J(3-1) For the isotropic part, we have the well known result: Next, we shall consider the perturbation term of (3-1). (3-2) From (2-4) and (2-6), we have {f3 3 (3-3) -18Applying (2-9) and (2-12) to (3-3), we finally find Coe5(c 5'(('g)$}5= 33 - 5,9 So(se + $1?A(Coo Q--S 0 (4. c) 5 Sn9 ) ' e+oso,) - Sheresend 1 S (3-4) When we are interested in the motion described by Cian only, ( and 6A(. l C3 may be neglected for the reason discussed in relation to (2-17) and hence (3-4) can be written approximately as (3-5) Then the boundary condition at free surface =o becomes (3-6) This relation plus the condition at infinity that the energy will decay to zero is sufficient to determine the motion of free surface waves. When C (3-6) reduces to the -19boundary condition for isotropic body. A10141t + (,4 3 +- 4. 0 (~+A,~L3 (3-7) (k= 0 Theory of the surface waves of Rayleigh type In order to obtain the phase velocity of waves analogous to Rayleigh waves, we shall apply the method of plane waves due to Stoneley (1949) to our modified equation of motion and boundary condition at free surface. Recall that in Section 2 the first and the third equations in (2-17) are sufficient to discuss P-waves, SV-waves and surface waves of Rayleigh type approximately and the second equation will be ignored for the present so that the equations of motion expressed in terms of the components in the coordinate frame IFd?(L 3where (F iL), (tt { ' ( ( U) are (4-1) -20- A~ Gwiiki+ ~ L = +59e C = A 2 GjY~~5e +F~5~)i~ (4-2) Now we set (4-3) or Assume that waves are plane of sinusoidal disturbance, the displacement must have exp(--.2iid) dependence, where is the circular frequency. Wo Then we can write (4-1) as (4-4) Note that we no longer have in general purely compressional waves or purely rotational waves as in the isotropic medium. 7 and 8. The details will be described in Sections In order to investigate the surface waves of Rayleigh type, it is convenient to derive the modified Rayleigh's equation by means of displacement potentials. -21Considering homogeneous plane waves with the phase velocity c, we assume that (4-5) oo and insert them into (4-1) and (4-3) to get the following equations. i (,rc4)-0A4 (f~2 2L + (F+2±Ly+] + [L 3X-+ (rc-A+FiL) + (L--Cc )L- = cF) - o (4-6) or 9 = o,5 T A 4h=\ = =o, the equations of motion are reduced to those on unperturbed isotropic medium with Lame's constants AIj and ,e , and (4-6) becomes + +7 ) (4-7) which correspond to equations and )(."i+ - waves in isotropic medium, where +i + 0 -- -f for inhomogeneous plane C ~ and - -22We assume further that +())= - _ 0.4p( 3 1) From (4-7) and (4-8) are constants. where yl=' and we have CX-A - Ae f f' (Ft 2-L c--2L c) Q - = .'(c-iiF+L- L - L-CtF =o (4-9) In order that inhomogeneous plane waves may exist, there must be non-trivial solutions 0 and )' of (4-9). This condition is (1-g{L - C A + ( (fcr-A) C Or + L(fes -t) + (FPL) (fc_--4)(c1-L 0 In equation (4-10), the solutions (4-10) (=:J have nothing to do with the motion of surface waves of Rayleigh type. solve for in (4-10) to give the values LC We can -23- (4-11) Lw <= where For 6 =O,5-r ~ C1 -A) + L.(fe -L (F or isotropic medium with Ali) .l as Lame's constants, they reduce to g;~=~ ~- 7fc7 . There are two roots 9 of equation (4-10) , and and [ hence the solutions of (4-7) must be of the form, E ~= 4f According to (4-9), *&)=9,og(14x (-it l3') + .Y2X (-&l ir2X5 ) (4-12) (4-12) can be written as -- $.o L ex0 (4-13) -24in which both g, and fsmust be negative in order to satisfy the condition at infinity, where - f.c -A + 3&(F-L) fc7- - A t F t L + L,,: ( , Now that we have (4-13) which expresses the characteristic of surface waves, we are going to put them into the boundary conditions at free surface given by (3-6) to obtain the modified Rayleigh's equation. Since we are not interested in , for the time being, we only write the condition in the following way. + (~±±~) .i6.~3 + ~~ ~-i-~ (~0 ~3 ~ (4-14) In terms of compressional and rotational potentials, (4-14) becomes Az bi J + 32. ' 11)( = 0 On substituting (4-13) into (4-15), we obtain (4-15) -25~A x , tQP(fg.i) (N~24g /Nil Ae. (I ~ (4-16) For non-vanishing 4, and 4, to exist, the following condition must be satisfied. 1k N (4-17) It can be shown which is the modified Rayleigh's equation. that in an isotropic medium, this equation is reduced to the ordinary Rayleigh's equation - for arbitrary Poisson's ratio where C : - and CS are phase velocities of P wave and S wave respectively. Let us look at the elements of (4-17) more explicitly and find that -26- (frc'-A) "no (~f c-A Co + if"CAo +24 + +)N4+,q + <&A+b)CosLe+ <-h(AII+Al +GA+ 9)Gs5'e ) C +Al 4 + 0 A+)Cae + a (A, H6 Cose) +-t ? +A1 Cos'0 ) (t 2 -- A +.u+ All + (b +S9) Cos's ± (a +±COS+LO)v)L (Cfe4) (fi-() N {(ki _ (t+~;) A + ( (peC -A) k fc '&-A - . +,Al +.A (, + + ;A (0s5e6) (6A+ 6S)Co5o + (A, +P5&oAe)V ) (4-18) where A= h +2.fA + S A + is indicated in Coe (4-2) C(ots ) +2.e5A Coslo +45p S1 M]26 -27From the above results, we find a common factor (fC'-A) + Al tAt + ( A+'9) in the column of (4-17). Cos+ ± (Ali +9 Cose) & From the expression of we see that the matrix in (4-17) has rank 1 if we set and hence there must be a common factor the left hand side of (4-17). After removing the factor whereAF-and L are expressed in - [N5) (Alt2t) + f c-A) (A+k) O+2 +(A ) +9(A+4-)(r +4 (A+4(a t on (4-2), we get (A u)&I±A F. ) (Y 0 -A) -A)(c-) 5'(f'A =o (4)(f-A) (4-19) -28where From (4-11), we recall that (4-20) + A + + Substituting (4-20) and (4-21) into C AL) (4-19) and after some arrangement, the modified Rayleigh's equation is finally obtained. (4-21) -29- A+, ~ 0 (,(+2L) X%~ -2"A) + (AIj+6F)2- (4-22) where X=fC For small anisotropy, Al%4L.0O in the medium under consideration. and hence there must be a root of interval ( >0 X ,4f .f%) and ( i4 by)(A We have F 00=O and P Auf f)>o in the open For real roots, we must have which is equivalent to <Al,+IAR+SA RO)<0 (X-,-k))(4 X>kAt+L , X >A+2/44fA X<fAtjk F(X) only takes real roots for the second case. but Rationalizing equation (4-22), we obtain a polynomial equation in 4L -- eie (4iL 7j'% of degree 3, SL i {All:& Y.(4~ +~~~~ -30- +~~ (-t-L,(I+ ~2 (4-23) 2 where for the poisson solid satisfying ' 2 -.--- (+ Aw) -) where 0 2J -2+ 7= . , we have 2 (4-24) + (j+ ).3 Both of (4-23) and (4-24) are the modified Rayleigh's equation from which we can determine the phase velocity as a function of the azimuth of wave number vector. In the following sections, we shall calculate the ratio of the phase velocity to corresponding to from (4-23) 0* I*,' = =C and (4-24) in ten directions and 90* for the two models; the fracture zone model and the olivine model discussed in the introduction. -31- 5. Transverse isotropy as the limiting case of a laminated material The motivation of our choice of approximating the oceanic lithosphere by a laminated model comes from the conjecture that the fracture zones may be regarded as the soft thin layers sandwiched in the Normal Oceanic lithosphere and in welded contact with it. Postma (1955) has shown that in the long wave limit, a medium consisting of alternating plane parallel isotropic layers of two different elastic properties can be approximated by a homogeneous transversely isotropic medium. Since Forsyth found the anisotropy for Rayleigh waves in the Nazca plate up to wave lengths of 400 km, the long wave assumption may be justified. Consider a laminated half space, in which vertical thin layers with thickness h, and Lame's constants /s,141 sandwiched in a half space with Lame's constants and thickness ho as shown in Figure orthonormal coordinate frame f(i, 1. %A3 are a, /d Let us choose an at some point on the free surface such that f is the horizontal unit vector normal to the plane of lamination, and i is the unit vector directed vertically downward into the medium. of the frame is also indicated in Figure 1. The geometry Following Postma (1955), we choose a fraction of their thickness as the weighting function to average all the stress and strain components in these two different isotropic layers, finally the averaged stress and strain relation is obtained. Comparing this -32- X074 L X T 7/' V A e2 - +- Figure 1. h0 -- A Coordinate frame fI, Fzf3 laminated half-space. attached to a @i is the horizontal unit vector normal to the interfaces. the vertical unit vector and 2 A is -33result with the constitutive relation in homogeneous transversely isotropic medium with symmetry axis parallel to E we find (A o + 2/J A44)t+ '+ it4- (Ao+2Ao) t where, ( 0) (5-1) A- There are five elastic constants of the transversely isotropic body equivalent to the laminated body at long wave -34For simplicity, we shall assume Ie =Ao and A=/&t C(e) Then the ratio in equation (4-24) was computed limit. y(9) ' for 50 at 100 interval for several cases of J\= and a fixed rigidity ratio. 2 for The result is given in Table 1 For 9300, which is the value of () = 134.o2. in the isotropic Poisson's solid. We see from Table 1 that the variation of __ with the azimuth of the propagation is small compared with the 2% anisotropy observed by Forsyth for Rayleigh waves in the Nazca plate. The set of parameters and which give the required 2% anisotropy were obtained by the following procedure. For Poisson's solid, we assume that Ao=Ao and = Then equation (5-1) becomes S+ (5-2) /A.. +(5-2) -35Table 1. Y(e) calculated for the laminated model in = .21.16/16 which A)." +0a 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 (Degree) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 y(O) 0.9131 0.9132 0.9136 0.9143 0.9153 0.9164 0.9175 0.9185 0.9191 0.9194 0.9169 0.9170 0.9171 0.9174 0.9178 0.9182 0.9187 0.9190 0.9193 0.9194 0.9176 0.9178 0.9178 0.9180 0.9182 0.9185 0.9189 0.9191 0.9193 0.9194 -36from which we have 3&tAoA _L 1 V-All /I& +c~ /4_ .- iA1A q AI 1 4.v 'cA+ /'.AA -A A- (O-A0A,+(A-A)2 (I - * - (5-3) and hence (4 t a,4,)d~ + a,4.) 54+A (A (5-4) ).. For given values of (5-4) is reduced to the homogeneous quadratic equation (- ) + a( i+ -- ( 4* + (+A) ) =o - (2 (5-5) -37Table 2. calculated for laminated model compared (W=(Y with observed by Forsyth (1972). @ (Degree) 10 20 70 Calculated Observed 0.899 0.900 0.901 0.903 0.906 0.910 0.913 0.917 0.919 0.919 0.901 0.902 0.903 0.905 0.909 0.912 0.915 0.917 0.919 0.919 -38Table 3. ); and which give the $ Model parameters observed anisotropy for Rayleigh wave phase velocity. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1.599 1.634 1.704 1.780 1.854 1.930 2.000 2.070 2.140 2.208 2.342 2.538 2.854 3.460 4.048 4.625 5.195 5.760 6.321 6.800 7.440 -39in which the root Q ) must be greater than 1. On the other hand, from the requirement of 2% anisotropy, in Rayleigh velocity the values of .- oAgg 84.3 -O=-283 are required from the first order perturbation of Rayleigh equation (4.24) in 4.)S, JA and . -- By successive approximation, we finally obtain = 034-5ET which gives nearly 2% anisotropy in Rayleigh wave phase velocity. of The variation with 0 are given for the final solution together with the observed data as shown in Table 2. Thus, the observed 2% anisotropy in Rayleigh waves require the anisotropy parameter From equation as much as 0,o5I.T30 (5-4), one can find the combination of parameters for the fracture zone model which give this value for . The result is given in Table 3. For example, if the thickness ratio is 10:1, the rigidity ratio more than 2:1 is required. We consider the result rather unreasonable and therefore conclude that the fracture zone model is unacceptable. 6. Olivine model based on the Francis' suggestion Observed anisotropy of the upper mantle in the Pacific Ocean appear to agree with the hypothesis that maximum velocity -40is in the direction of sea-floor spreading. Since Fracture zone model is inadequate, an alternative Olivine model will now be tested. In this model, we can include the measurements for short period P wave anisotropy simultaneously. In this section, we shall approximate the upper mantle by a half space made of an aggregate of olivine grains in which the crystallographic a axis lies horizontally in the direction perpendicular to the ridge axis, and the orientation of the b and c axes are randomly and uniformly distributed over a vertical plane parallel to the ridge axis. Let , E3 be an orthonormal frame field which is parallel everywhere with i' and F," in the direction of a axis, F" in the directions of the b and c axes respectively of a single olivine crystal, then the constitutive equation for this grain is described by nine elastic constants as ( c3 C.CX% Cis (C 00 _61010 0 o Cci , C1 3 0 0 0 0 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 q 0 C O2.(e6 6 (6-1) -41from which the elastic constant tensor of this single crystal can be written as + where G /±. C,%(' and e" 1 ~'+ -W)+ are the components of the stress dyadic '-= AAs and strain dyadic Let ? respectively. be another orthonormal coordinate frame at a point of the free surface of the half space such that is the horizontal vector in the direction perpendicular to the ridge axis and medium. is directed vertically downward into the According to Francis' hypothesis, we may assume first and hence these two frames are related by a and rtS. + cs (6-3) -42- ee=2 2 e3 e3" e3 Figure 2. Coordinate frames (ti, e!,1 j and { ' E:; ~ is parallel to the free surface and normal to the ridge axis. E is downward unit vector a into the half-space. 3 and ~". is the angle between The plane spanned by Ez and 9 is the same as the plane spanned by 8 'and ' is the azimuthal angle measuring the rotation around the vertical * . -43- Coa (6-4) The geometry of this transformation is shown in Figure 2. A great deal of recent work indicates that preferred grain oreintation is probably the most important factor in producing anisotropy in a compact aggregate (e.g., Babuska, 1968; Kumazawa, 1964; Klima and Babuska, 1968; Crosson and Lin, 1971), and hence we shall neglect the interface structure between the grains in our model. In order to predict the elastic properties of the model in which the b and c axes orient randomly in the plane perpendicular to the a axis (or g), we shall go through the procedure according to Voigt, Reuss and Voigt-Reuss-Hill approximation with the spatial average replaced by averaging the single crystal property with respect to rotation around the a axis. If the components C in (6-2) which form a tensor of fourth order are transformed into the components of C the coordinate frame C A3i 7" R in and we write . Then the components (4) are functions in the angular variable e) -44according to the transformation represented by the rotation (6-3). In the Voigt's scheme it is assumed that the strain field induced is uniform throughout the aggregate, then we consider an equivalent uniform elastic body which would produce the averaged stress for the given uniform strain. The stress- strain relation in this set of grains can be written as C( all-(a) '(6-5) .3 Z-A ; 'A where * in (6-2). The averaged stress field in the whole aggregate is is the elastic constant tensor then given by K 9- The Voigt's averaged elastic constant tensor is (6-6) , After the evaluation of each integrals with components of c(a) as integrands <C>v c ' + CX'I'z x y&; + C3 3A"3r +F LT) 4- C O (VS3+'f~'f)T T + S" tr L§++ (6-7) -45where CY= C+ CIII= C113= 1:CI-+C3 (ct +C33) -(-44c4-4c cyt C3 3) %~~~C #G+ C 3 L= +(c 3 +c+) C + (6-8) According to equation (6-7), becomes the elastic constant tensor of a homogeneous transversely isotropic medium with % as the symmetry axis in which the matrix representation of this tensor is CY CY CVa c, cit 0 c" 3 cV 3 0 0 0 0 C4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e o 0 aCSY 0 For our convenience, we shall adopt the notation in (2-1) and write -46- el I Cy 0 0 0 q2. C3 o 0 0 Cra C0 C0a 0 0 0 2.C4 0 0 0 0 o24o6 0 o 0 0 o AL" W+ I~aA) "'Iv V (AI +2/ kVi) O0 0 0 0 YR)I 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 2c4 o 0 o 0 1 V0 o69 (6-9) or V 94 = .C Ogv S 6 (6-9)' In the Reuss scheme, it is assumed that stress is uniform throughout the whole aggregate, then we consider an equivalent uniform elastic body which would produce the average strain for the given uniform stress. Hence (6-10) where the compliance tetradic tG) is the inverse of tensor cQ) when we regard them as the symmetric operators on the 6-dimensional tensor space. -47In the notation of matrix in the frame ( can be represented by the matrix s,S13 0 0 0 Ss Sla. S (s]= ftW 513 -%3533 * 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o lS3 C"l C13 where (C St3 0 0 0 2&2 eta 4O0 0 0 Cual 023 0 0 0 0 0 0 C2.3 C33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :L: 3 0C O Pc C55 0 (6-11) is the inverse of the matrix (C) represented in (6-1) and hence in tensor notation,&A) can be written as +3 ±)+~ '+ (;e '3+ Z3';r)) OP41 +~ ~~ 53 C4 #3# cf- 't1'± e) (Xte~) (; jjez' t (6-12) -48Following the same procedure as that in Voigt's scheme, we find that the Reuss average compliance tensor becomes + SQ(3 ) + + +e) sr(3+ )((+) A(6-1' t 3)(L2) (6-13) in which Si, 4.= 3.j= o,37. it= SA= 3( ss(S = ( Sa + Sa3 ) + 0%25,5x3 + o,554 (512.+313) -33)=- 0,%12.-(S o,s (Ss-- + St) + S5)-4,5 ss 4+ (6-14) -49The matrix representations of the elastic compliance tensor and stiffness tensor are related by (6-11) and hence the matrix representation of the Reuss average elastic stiffness tensor +tT1l('l+ 4-CIL (+ is obtained. ± ei) Va ) For any values of C -S( in (6-2), we find that still represents the transverse isotropy with as the symmetry axis. In the notation of the preceding sections also, we set KA---=C K E Wt(6-16) (6-15) Ft -50- The Voigt-Reuss-Hill (VRH) approximation, the, arithmetic mean of the elastic constants calculated according to the Voigt and Reuss schemes, is given by C;!= Os(C4 +Cj) Now we shall go back to the discussion of the phase velocities of the propagation of surface waves of Rayleigh type on the model with elastic constants calculated from these three schemes. Let us choose Olivine (93% Fosterite) as an example, the density and the elastic constants are as follows: dcei.s;4/ f = 3.3110 3%KXA C,= 3.23O M6. Cal= 1,376 oN b Qis=-.f 2,3 5.1 M b. O0n3= e-T5 0e M b. C4 =0,64G2.Mb. Cm= -. 805 rib. Ca= o.T Mb. According to the foregoing procedures, the five elastic constants of these three schemes are Voigt: A= 7647T5 PMb = 0,6+3TS Kb 4.:: o, 63o oooM AV= A.2T300 ML PV= oq,8545o NMb. (6-17) -51Table 4..Y(e)= "Olivin 6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 < computed for three schemes of average for the Model" by Francis. (Degree) Voigt value 1.0184 1.0153 1.0063 0.9924 0.9755 0.9580 0.9527 0.9313 0.9246 0.9224 Reuss value VRH value 1.0254 1.0220 1.0124 0.9975 0,9793 0.9604 0.9435 0.9308 0.9231 0.9205 1.0220 1.0187 1.0093 0.9950 0.9774 0.9592 0.9431 0.9311 0.9239 0.9215 -52Reuss: 0633500 M6 O So,661440 Mb 6 M6. ,o63638 At L.0 1.265040 Mb 0,7854 t3 Mb. (6-18) VRH: = 0,'4 '2\ 37 Mb. -o= -6 682. o m b o,663133 Mb. =48543+ Mb (6-19) Substituting all the values of these three schemes into equation (4-23), we obtain the calculated values of the ratio = 200, c(e) ... in ten directions corresponding to e = 0*, , 9 0 * as given in Table 4. 10, The results show that the predicted anisotropy is much stronger than the observed 2%. In order to obtain agreement with the observation, we shall diffusely distribute the a axis around the normal to the vertical plane along the ridge. In the following sections, we shall find such a distribution of a axis that will explain both P and Rayleigh wave anisotropy simultaneously. 7. Perturbation technique for the P-wave velocity Accumulating evidences from refraction measurements -53support strong anisotropy in the velocity of horizontally propagating P waves in the top of the Oceanic Upper Mantle. The propagation of body waves through an anisotropic media may be described by three phase velocities obtained from the dispersion relation. As already mentioned, purely longitudinal waves and purely transverse waves can no longer exist in a generally anisotropic medium. We shall, at this point, treat the case of small anisotropy analogous to the work of Backus (1965) by means of the perturbation technique in dealing with the coupled body waves. We shall assume that the wave number vector is horizontal, and the model will be the half space composed of aggregate of Olivine grains discussed in Section 6 which can be specified as a homogeneous transversely isotropic medium having the symmetry axis in the horizontal direction , In considering . the phase velocities of the propagating waves, plane wave approach could be an appropriate one. If C-(r) is a plane wave of dependence exp {( then it will satisfy equation (2-7). let c be the phase velocity and Define 3 (T) 7 f - fX = (7) be the positive definite symmetric tensor of rank 2, where ( 3(7)) is the contraction of elastic constant tensor defined by -t)) ()) -54- then equation (2-7) becomes B() M ()=Ca7E7 (7_1) The three eigenvalues of 67) which are squared phase velocities correspond to the polarizations of three body waves. It is clear that the tensor S(7) can be separated into a part 4(7) which describes the propagation in isotropic medium with Lame's constants A u, * and another part b () which describes the effect due to the anisotropy, namely (7-2) where = the is v,3 pc)) C31' (7 2)1 From the isotropic tensor Cc given by (2-3), we can write -55- Lr(7-3) 5o Hence, we have the degenerate case for an isotropic medium in which the polarizations of the longitudinal waves and transverse waves are uncoupled. In this section, we consider the propagation of P waves, SV, and SH waves will be discussed in the next section. that the unit vector -P1 section 2 is precisely 7 waves. 4 Recall in the orthonormal frame defined in for horizontally propagating body As we have already seen that from Se given in (2-4), is not eigenvector of and hence the polarization is no longer longitudinal for P wave. However, the perturbation theory (Backus, 1965) which is nondegenerate for P waves provides us with the information on small anisotropy. write the eigenvalue of () as the first order in perturbation from + S; then, If we correct to -56- Z(75) ) and (2-15) A&(V) where replaced by gCZt=os = are given by (2-15) with Vr We finally have (S^(t+Sie)+±.54.(cs + 4 1936 (7-6) which is the deviation of the squared phase velocity as a function of the azimuth of P wave propagation, which is reducible to the general form provided by Backus. In general, when we want to evaluate the phase velocity of the propagation of P waves in any weakly anisotropic medium, we may impose the condition that wave number vector is in the direction of the eigenvector (to be more precise, the polarization of the particle motion is along the direction of the wave number vector) regardless of its coupling with other modes. The Pn velocities calculated by the formula C )+(T)Cos'e H(-3) + 2ACos e (7-7) .+4S) -57Table 5A. 6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 P, SV and SH wave phase velocities computed for Voigt scheme for the "Olivine Model" by Francis. (Degree) P Ij"/g Ic)a)( 9.8876 9.7984 9.5509 9.1994 8.8195 8.4856 8.2452 8.1065 8.0453 8.0295 4.8705 4.8602 4.8303 4.7784 4.7269 4.6652 4.6065 4.5581 4.5262 4.5150 4.8705 4.8933 4.9542 5.0146 5.0560 5.0560 5.0146 4.9542 4.8933 4.8705 -58Table 5B. P, SV, and SH wave phase velocities computed for Reuss Scheme for the "Olivine Model" by Francis. G(Degree) Table 5C. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ) L5~L 9.6814 9.5918 9.3419 8.9836 8.5895 8.2330 7.9641 7.7975 7.7157 7.6925 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 6 ~ (xyAe() 4.8705 4.8589 4.8253 4.7734 4.7090 4.6400 4.5731 4.5183 4.4822 4.4696 4.8705 4.8859 4.9249 4.9688 4.9972 4.9972 4.9688 4.9249 4.8859 4.8705 P, SV, and SH wave phase velocities computed for VRH schemes for the "Olivine Model" by Francis. (Degree) CA #kg'C) 9.7850 9.6957 9.4470 9.0921 8.7052 8.3453 8.1059 7.9535 7.8822 7.8628 4.8752 4.8595 4.8280 4.7760 4.7180 4.6524 4.5898 4.5382 4.5042 4.4924 4.8705 4.8896 4.9377 4.9917 5.0267 5.0267 4.9917 4.9377 4.8896 4.8705 -59for 10 directions 0 0*, 100, ... , 9 0 * for the 'Olivine model with averaged elastic constants of three schemes mentioned in the last section are tabulated in Table 5. all too large along the direction of 7 . These values are We must conclude that the Olivine Upper Mantle model in which the orientation of the a axis of all the Olivine grains lies in the horizontal direction perpendicular to the ridge axis cannot explain the observed anisotropy. It is again necessary to diffusely distribute the orientation of the a axis. 8. Anisotropy of s waves From (7-3) we see that the eigenvalue ) of ,(i) is degenerate with a two dimensional eignespace normal to k generated by ( and '. 0(11) .. .EX2± st(4). If we write the eignevalues of in terms of (~)~~(~. for waves of SV and SH type respectively, then again to the first order in perturbation by imposing the condition that 3 and l are the eigenvectors corresponding to the waves of SV and SP type respectively, we find, following Backus, that 69 following matrix and $4) are the eigenvalues of the -60These two eigenvalues can be obtained by choosing two orthonormal vectors which generate the same eigenspace normal to f/ and diagonalize the matrix in (8-1). In the present case of transverse isotropy, the problem is much simplified. Synge (1957) has shown that in a homogeneous transversely isotropic medium, there is an eigenvector of 8(ft) normal to the symmetry axis and the wave number vector. Hence in the medium characterized by the = elastic tensor +' r with ' and $' the form of (2-11) and (2-4) respectively, eigenvector of 7(') (')49' expressed in ' is the and the matrix in (8-1) is diagonal, namely, the polarization of SV waves is purely transverse. For the waves of the SH type, the polarization is no longer purely transverse. of obtaining (8-1) gives C : However, the approximation - (; '- correct to the first order in perturbation. As long as it is permissible to impose the condition that the polarization of SH waves is transverse, the azimuthal dependence of the phase velocity C5N will be obtained. Summarizing the foregoing remarks, exactly for SV, and JC=K(C2? (6 we have Se-- ('A SC=' 2.$%)3Z6(oS correct to the first order in perturbation for SH waves. In other words, the phase velocities C written as and CSH can be -61- .m.~/%I(C ~ ~ +a+All's4ah ~cs (8-2) + A 5 'e ~r'6 (8-3) The phase velocities CSH and Csv given by (8-2) and (8-3) are also tabulated in Table 5 for the three averaging schemes in (6-17), (6-18) and (6-19). They show that the azimuthal dependence of CSH is weaker than C v!. P waves exhibit much greater azimuthal dependence than S waves. The phase velocity of SV is monotonically decreasing from e = 0* to e = 900, while that of SH waves is the smallest at 6 = 0* and 90* and the largest at e = 450*. These features should be helpful for diagnosing the anisotropy of a transversely isotropic body. -629. Transversely isotropic medium with the orientation of symmetry axis diffusely distributed. So far, the phase velocities of Rayleigh waves in 'fracture zone' model and 'Olivine' model computed in Section 5 and Section 6 were unable to explain the observed data; the latter gave too large azimuthal variation and the former too little. Also, the calculated values of the phase velocities of P waves did not fit the observation. In order to explain observed results, we shall modify the 'Olivine' model in such a way that the a-axis is no longer strictly perpendicular to the vertical plane along the ridge axis, but diffusely distributed around the direction. Since we found in Section 6 that the bounds given by Voigt and Reuss averages are narrow enough, we shall calculate only the Voigt average here assuming that the strain is uniform. On the assumption of uniform strain throughout the whole medium, the averaging of the elastic constants is reduced to the averaging of the equation of motion. Before this average, we have to perform the transformation of the coordinate frames. EL4'1 %',' #,,, Let and {fi, ' be three orthonormal frames having the same origin at a point of the free surface of half space with the geometry described in the following way: is the horizontal unit vector normal to the ridge -63axis, ( and is the unit vector directed vertically into the medium V is obtained by setting is obtained by rotating frame an angle e such that N' = .' fFi 7x the frame t 3 about C, through is the horizontal vector parallel to the vertical plane containing the wave number vector. frame freu, " '3 is obtained by rotating the frame The {fi, W,/J- about % through an angle I first and then followed by the rotation of the rotated frame through an angle a about the axis 2/ which is at an angle T with ' as shown in Figure 3. Any two pair of these three frames are related by S~i+C5Q~a(9-1) ~. GCsf Co i + Co sp S~,nrL MDWM =Cos C ( ' 5+ G S 5 (4 sI 9 3 -64- e2 2nI e2 e3 e3 Figure 3. Coordinate frame figure 0' . "x r is '' { (, , is specified in measured clockwise about ' '3 is parallel to the symmetry axis of transversely isotropic medium, and at an angle with the horizontal plane. In particular, when S = 0, namely, ( lies in a horizontal plane, (9-3) is reduced to Sir (-p ~ +Cos(e)' (9-4) The displacement vector Z in case of infinitesimal deformation can be written as -i + +(1 +(C0 C05~ (1*L. e PS (-L Ca- S e~' +pCs ( (9-5) Furthermore, if we assume that a symmetry axis of a homogeneous transverse isotropic medium with five elastic constants AL,,AL, Alu IAl and V is arbitratily oriented, then by suitable choice of the angular variables S and r, direction of the symmetry axis and ' in a horizontal plane. ZjDW will lie in the -66The choice of this frame outlined to the transverse isotropy is reasonable and can simplify our calculation in deriving the equation of motion later-on, since in the plane normal to the symmetry axis, the frame can be arbitrarily rotated without affecting the expression of the elastic tensor. { n"',*2., the choice of the frame ) After is made, the elastic tensor can be expressed as +~i (Al~N)(' t (AL* + 05 (9-6) + which can be decomposed into aZ=)+/ part with Lame's constants given by , c9 3 in isotropic medium and a perturbed part -67- e 't+L + el e (9-7) "+ ti + ile e3 +3 c6) SA where 3* ' (9-8) +*e + , = A -An = AL -Aii /A and 77 makes The choice of the frame 0 and hence the relation between the partial derivatives with respect to the coordinates in 4 (e aK 1 and frame frame becomes = cO sp cs(c-r)I p - e= 5A(e -r) di 32'=Slay (e.Ko-r) a (9-9) (i=1,2, 3) and where <b=) T = 3' i +f=+X'A'+a ji' is the position vector of the medium particle. If motion we apply (9-3), - ' (9-5) and (9-9) to the equation of C/ 3 A A 4" X3 I -68we find that A- 1 3134 (L (9-10) (r) where the 3x3 matrix operator ( ) given in (2-12) and is the same as that is the perturbed part which contributes to the dependence of the motion on the angle between the direction of propagation vector and symmetry axis. Following the same procedures as those discussed in the previous sections, we shall calculate and A(V) j '3 when we deal with P, SV waves and surface waves of Rayleigh type and 6 when dealing with SH waves. For the discussion of P and Rayleigh waves, the relevant (t', motion in two dimensions (Lai E,') will be V3 (W)(9-11) where- S Cos~ 11(6 ( -~'l 5 +a-cc (e~r h Cc3 ( -69S- - - 5h3lpCo o(05 y (0 cg- ) a(03 cf13(0-r) 1 Cos2j Co2 3(e-0 ) + (9Co-5 4; (go= c32~ s2p Cosc(6sr)+<- %3S)z(V s(-r - .( ( -( SA)( (3sepCposs%30-35>pcosp 4 4'2(o-d 0) +PSCO (6-6 Cos cosp .J[Ap +( SA - 6 A) ( s1'y Co5't Co5 <-r)+ Sl$ ate-r) + (asp 4cos-)]. (A2.S).) 6) X +coly3(s (oS 09-r I (e-f) SWj Cosp GS S ~ Cc~3 Co ,Zo1k)= '1 2f ±6Co5a~Co$~(e~~) r2[ 6'52 c 5 R Co S(e-) + S A 3 + + (( 2) 2 4SA)SW3 spco(e-t) (cost<s1 -r) p + A 5 ('12P + > )5 )3 ) 2Jj2. (9-12) -70In the particular case that symmetry axis is parallel to the free surface and at an angle r with f , equation (9-11) is reduced to equation (4-1) with the angle e replaced by 6-r r' F.=0 The boundary condition that normal stress at the free surface X =o can also be obtained by following the procedure of carrying out the transformation of the tensor components. Among the three components of ('. the condition ~). 0'o = ,' can be ignored. , The remaining two are approximately ± 54 C5 2 -t 5os''(-f )H- 3 + 2.A-5 X) S np Cosp np c(o-6) S Co 'A pPCo(9-) + J . -( - ) ,A-4SA)S 1Pcop Cos t I Cos2.P Cos(9-1) C-G) (9-13) -71- +o5 $2 + 2 - S -1 ~ ((55-b ~S -' CospcspCos I (Oosc5-)>-i'(e-r) pcosp + ~ $ ,9 'i ojo (9-13) +() t The operators of b , 3I and is replaced by - , . j'(9g) are a linear combination For sinusoidal disturbance, a which is purely imaginary in the case of surface wave and hence we see from (9-11), (9-12), (9-13) and the assumption of the displacement potentials of the form (4-12) that the modified Rayleigh's equation will become a polynomial with complex coefficients on the assumption that . Q, 0.51r, then the solution for phase velocity would be complex in general. It means that steady Rayleigh waves no longer exist in homogeneous transversely isotropic medium -72unless the symmetry axis is parallel to the free surface or vertical, confirming the result of Synge (1957). Let us consider a unit hemisphere H: X-4 x" = (x,o) in which any point can be specified by two angular variables p, r, then its differential area element would be CoSpAgdo~ Let W(p,Y) be any weighting function that averages over H defined in the following way: V W(pP-)\o Then if -r) <f >=H is any function #(fr) w(par) Cosp4 is the average of 4A (9-14) over the whole hemisphere. We can extend the average of functions to the average of any partial differential operator by setting K--~ ( nAI 'f T =1--~ ai3 (9-15) -73then the averaged equation of motion becomes k3t [ ( + 6 (w)~d) (V W)±4 + ) (9-16) The average of Voigt's approach is that it can simplify our calculation. )tr, (S It is easy to see that for integers fi, C'OSt(e-r) =O n if>Ap is odd positive integer. Then equation (9-11) can be averaged to calcel out some terms to make (9-16) become a equation of motion for a homogeneous transversely isotropic medium with symmetry axis parallel to the free surface. To avoid bulky expressions, the following abbreviation will be adopted. +7 C 3±+ (-(1 .~i(9-17) -74Hence equation of motion becomes f1L, a -,f +rs] Wa+d%]+4[Z&, ((3+ ~b~dILLI} Z~c,+ 44 a I (9-18) in which CQ5 Co52 (8)t - A 4 Co sp l(Aiw)+ t (S + 6 Cos5P $ j~1~X'e-~) Cf)cosm46-r Co 51 (o52(e-r) + S f(A + -($S),"0 COS,-(G-r) 4, + s; <- C' Ct (Ali+2-t) +(S %C2- C051. (6 - Co-(e -,)(~6A-~)1I1 -r)(2A4ox3 CO b9 )(C54-SA) + 94O p3$ -) 4- 3pA (9-19) -75Let 4p(e) be the Rayleigh wave phase velocity. ~(e) --- Set and combine the theory - in Section 4 with (9-18) and the boundary condition at the free surface ± ICL3 'C 3~& 3 . 0 (9-20) the modified Rayleigh's equation becomes (C.-C'L') .+ 4 -L' t' -- 2 LA'2)c'L'A']C c' ( 'A'*~Z F'CA + ') - L (2 F'C' ---2.C')) (c''A'*- where F'= L' (a 2 f''C'A' t F'* ) =0 (9-21) -76Let and Cy be the P and SV wave velocity respectively, then (9-22) S -- L- (9-23) We shall consider two averaging schemes. In one scheme, we average the orientation of the symmetry axis over a segment of the horizontal great circle on the hemisphere H which is symmetric with respect to the axis parallel to the origin. % through In the other, the average is taken over a section of H enclosed by a cone which is also symmetric with respect to the axis parallel to 9 through the origin. For simplicity, we shall approximate the weighting function by two sequences of step functions defined in the following way: For each positive integer n and real number a closed interval ('x) Let rX) M) O<A<1, on the hemisphere is defined by s,4 0.AII Ids 0,3Ai (9-24) -77- 7r \ ........... .............. ............. ............... .... ........ ........... .......... ....... ....... V., ..................... .......... ............ .............. .... ............... ......... .. ................. .......... ........ ...... ............. .. ............ .............. .e.... ................................ A.. ........... ... ........................... .................... ..... .. .. ........... ...... ......... ..'.r .... ............ ................ ..... .% ........ ...... ................ ................. .... .................. ............... *................................... ........ ..... ................. . ....... ................... *.*.*.,:.*: .......... ",.*.,: ............ .. .................. ............... X-: ............. .......... ................ ..... ........... ...... .............. ....... ......... I....... I........... ................. V.......... * ........ .............. ...... n e2 Figure 4. (the shaded region) on Upper half part of hemisphere H =(Ku, xaI 4. 1 + , Ka kIe5Nr, fj=a5ir Boundary of APX" is defined by -78- E VP( JEVnA ~.8X) d (/,y)d3 -E X4 7r 2) Figure 5. ,) defined on closed interval as a function of the area below each is equal to unity. Jv t, where rd 7 -79- (A) Wn n= 0 Figure 6. The sequence and r. {W plotted against The volume under each equal to unity. "e is -80- r) P( SM C (9-26) Their schematic figures are shown in Figure 4, 5 and 6. The significant difference between these two sequences is that rL gives uniform distribution of the orientation of the symmetry axis (or crystallographic a axis) within a cone enclosed by D4') on H, while confines the uniform distribution of the symmetry axis to the horizontal great circle within 6(p) in (9-25) angular variable and W//*' DI due to the factor which is the dirac delta function in only. It is obvious that both Af*'t are weighting functions with Dirac Delta function in angular variables 6 and ' as their sequence limit. It is noted that the delta function served as a weighting function will give rise to the same equations and results in a homogeneous transversely isotropic medium with as the symmetry axis and each V and W *'9 4 will give certain degree of uniform distribution of the orientation of -81Table 6A. P, SV and SH phase velocity anisotropy calculated for Voigt scheme for the weighting function VA"-f e (Degree) e (P"5. ) 8.8267 8.8267 9.0680 8.4991 9.3167 8.2659 9.5218 8.1424 9.6655 8.0839 9.7571 8.0566 9.8868 8.0297 Table 6B. 4.9670 4.9670 4.9873 4.9873 4.9774 4.9774 4.9500 4.9500 4.9230 4.9230 4.9028 4.9028 4.8708 4.8710 P, SV, and SH phase velocity anisotropy calculated for Reuss scheme for the weighting function I't - (Degree) 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 14 14 4.6962 4.6962 4.7492 4.6426 4.7938 4.5965 4.8244 4.5643 4.8436 4.5439 4.8551 4.5317 4.8705 4.5152 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 8{6t5 8.6853 8.6853 8.9442 8.3444 9.2036 8.0950 9.4127 7.9567 9.5576 7.8873 9.6493 7.8529 9.7785 7.8156 I~ (X%)e 4.6743 4.6743 4.7340 4.6138 4.7842 4.5620 4.8187 4.5254 4.8403 4.5023 4.8531 4.4884 4.8706 4.4697 4.9362 4.9362 4.9501 4.9501 4.9433 4.9433 4.9246 4.9246 4.9061 4.9061 4.8924 4.8924 4.8704 4.8704 -82Table 6C. P, SV, and AH phase velocity anisotropy calculated for VRH scheme for the weighting function 8 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 g- ( 9 A-/) (Degree) 8.7562 8.7562 9.0023 9.4674 9.2603 8.1809 9.4674 8.0501 9.6117 7.9862 9.7034 7.9554 9.8328 7.9234 4.6853 4.6853 4.7416 4.6282 4.7890 4.5792 4.8215 4.5449 4.8419 4.5231 4.8541 4.5101 4.8704 4.4925 4.9517 4.9517 4.9687 4.9687 4.9604 4.9604 4.9474 4.9374 4.9145 4.9145 4.8976 4.8976 4.8707 4.8707 -83- Table 7. -- 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 P wave and Rayleigh wave phase velocity anisotropies calculated for three averaging schemes by choosing Wn (0.95) as the weight function. ----------------------------------------------------------VRH Reuss Voigt 00 90* 00 90* 00 90* 0* 90* 0* 90* 0* 90* 8.4940 8.4940 8.5453 8.4255 8.6034 8.3527 8.6673 8.2890 8.7355 8.2335 8.8060 8.1870 0.9972 0.9972 1.0028 0.9913 1.0086 0.9853 1.0144 0.9795 1.0201 , 0.9741 1.0254 0.9691 8.3355 8.3355 8.3926 8.2601 8.4567 8.1862 8.5264 8.1183 8.5997 8.0586 8.6750 8.0079 0.9991 0.9991 1.0048 0.9930 1.0107 0.9868 1.0167 0.9809 1.0225 0.9752 1.0279 0.9700 8.4151 8.4151 8.4693 8.3417 8.5304 8.2699 8.5971 8.2041 8.6678 8.1465 8.7407 8.0980 0.9982 0.9982 1.0038 0.9922 1.0097 0.9861 1.0156 0.9802 1.0213 0.9747 1.0267 0.9696 -84- the symmetry axis. The phase velocity anisotropies of the P, S waves and Rayleigh waves calculated from the average of the symmetry axis of the three schemes given in section 6 by means of the weighting functions will be given in Table 6 and Table 7. All these results will agree with the results obtained in Section 6-8 as n goes to infinity. Each V of the sequence { V' )5 gives consistently large P wave velocity or higher P wave velocity anisotropies than the observed value. give e% However, the sequence { W values that fit the observed data, and agree with the observed 2% anisotropy of Rayleigh wave phase velocity closely. 10. Conclusion We have presented the detailed derivation of the modified Rayleigh's equation, and the body wave phase velocities for a homogeneous transversely isotropic medium in which the symmetry axis is parallel to the free surface. The motivation for the derivation is the observed anisotropies of the Pn wave and Rayleigh wave. We started with the 'fracture zone model', in which the earth is considered as a lamination of fracture zone and normal crust-mantle, approximated by an equivalent homogeneous transversely isotropic medium in the long wave -85- limit. The computed results for any reasonable values of the rigidities of the fracture zones give much weaker anisotropy than observed. On the other hand, the 'Olivine' model proposed by Francis (1969) gives much greater anisotropy than observed. In order to obtain agreement with observation, we introduced a distribution of the symmetry axis of the transverse isotropy randomly oriented about the boundary surface of a circular cone which is symmetric with respect to the horizontal axis normal to the ridge. The averaging of elastic constants over distributed orientation was carried out by the use of a sequence of weighting function which has the maximum in the horizontal direction normal to the ridge axis but slowly decreasing away from this direction. The seismic refraction measurements show the observed magnitude of P wave anisotropies from 3% to 8%. Table 7 shows calculated values for the P wave and Rayleigh wave phase velocity anisotropies for the modified Olivine model averaged by the weighting sequence The calculated C {W N--o values from n=2 to n=5 fall within the range of all the measured values approximately; whereas, the corresponding magnitudes of Rayleigh wave phase velocity anisotropy range from 2.3% to 5.7% which is higher than -86observed value of 2% (Forsyth, 1972). The small discrepancy may be attributed to the fact that the Rayleigh velocities were measured over greater area than the Pn velocities, and anisotropy may be diminished when averaged over a larger area. -87References Backus, G.E., 1965, Possible forms of seismic anisotropy of the upper mantle under oceans, J. Geophys. Rev., 70, 3429-3439. Backus, G.E., 1970, A geometrical picture of anisotropic elastic tensors, Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. 8, 633-671. 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