Case: 3:15-cv-00421-bbc Document #: 105-8 Filed: 05/02/16 Page 1 of 3 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF WISCONSIN ALVIN BALDUS, CINDY BARBERA, CARLENE BECHEN, RONALD BIENDSEIL, RON BOONE, VERA BOONE, ELVIRA BUMPUS, EV ANJELINA CLEEREMAN, SHEILA COCHRAN, LESLIE W. DA VIS III, BRETT ECKSTEIN, MAXINE HOUGH, CLARENCE JOHNSON, RICHARD KRESBACH, RICHARD LANGE, GLADYS MANZANET, ROCHELLE MOORE, AMY RISSEEUW, JUDY ROBSON, GLORIA ROGERS, JEANNE SANCHEZBELL, CECELIA SCHLIEPP, TRAVIS THYSSEN, Civil Action File No. II-CV-562 Plaintiffs, TAMMY BALDWIN ET AL., GWENDOLYNNE MOORE and RONALD KIND, Three-judge panel 28 U.S.C. § 2284 Intervenor-Plaintiffs, v. Members of the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, each only in his official capacity: MICHAEL BRENNAN, DAVID DEININGER, GERALD NICHOL, THOMAS CANE, THOMAS BARLAND, and TIMOTHY VOCKE, and KEVIN KENNEDY, Director and General Counsel for the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, Defendants, F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, JR., THOMAS E. PETRI, PAUL D. RYAN, JR., REID J. RIBBLE, and SEAN P. DUFFY, Intervenor-Defendants. VOCES DE LA FRONTERA, INC., RAMIRO VARA, OLGA VARA, JOSE PEREZ, and ERICA RAMIREZ, Plaintiffs, v. Case No. II-CV- IOII JPS-DPW-RMD '( I V 1'54\f4y- ~IBI~ NO. _~=--=-_ '"'t Id-"~"J, RPTR ~ For the'Recor d, Inc. (608) 833-0392 Case 2:1l-cv-00562-JPS-DPW-RMD Filed 04/25/13 Page 1 of 3 Document 308 Case: 3:15-cv-00421-bbc Document #: 105-8 Filed: 05/02/16 Page 2 of 3 Members of the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, each only in his official capacity: MICHAEL BRENNAN, DAVID DEININGER, GERALD NICHOL, THOMAS CANE, THOMAS BARLAND, and TIMOTHY VOCKE, and KEVIN KENNEDY, Director and General Counsel for the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, Defendants. DECLARATION OF JEFF YLVISAKER I, JeffYlvisaker, declare under penalty of perjury and pursuant to 28 U.S.c. § 1746 that the following is true and correct: I. I am the Director of the State of Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau ("L TSB"). 2. The LTSB is a non-partisan legislative service agency responsible for providing technology services and support to the Wisconsin Legislature and its service agencies. Specifically, the LTSB procures, prepares, and supports computer hardware, software, and data for use by the Wisconsin Legislature. Once computers are delivered to the Legislature, the LTSB does not maintain possession or control of the computers or related equipment. However, LTSB services the computers or related equipment and maintains and operates the computer systems to which the computers are connected. 3. The computers that LTSB prepares and deploys to the Legislature are configured to receive updates when they are connected to the legislative network. These updates include the addition, deletion, and modification of system files and application files; for example, updates to the Microsoft Windows operating system or Microsoft Office. A forensic analysis of a typical legislative computer would very likely reveal evidence of system and application tile additions, Case 2:11-cv-00562-JPS-DPW-RMD Filed 04/25/13 Page 2 of 3 Document 308 Case: 3:15-cv-00421-bbc Document #: 105-8 Filed: 05/02/16 Page 3 of 3 deletions, and modifications that occur as a result of normal maintenance irrespective of what a user is doing on the computer. 4. The legislative redistricting computers used by the Wisconsin Legislature required additional support and maintenance due to the specialized software and data used for redistricting. To accomplish this, LTSB staff periodically added, modified, and deleted system files, application files, and large collections of census data used as input to redistricting plans. Additionally, LTSB staff would create, use, and subsequently delete redistricting plans on the redistricting computers in order to test updates to, and features of, the redistricting software. A forensic analysis of the redistricting computers would very likely reveal evidence of deletions of census data collections and test redistricting plans done by LTSB staff in addition to whatever system and application file additions, deletions, and modifications occur as a result of normal maintenance, all of this is irrespective of what a user is doing on the computer. 5. Even in the context of a litigation hold, normal maintenance is required to ensure that a computer is maintained in good working condition. Dated this 25th day of Apri I, 2013 lsi Jen"Ylvisaker Jeff Ylvisaker Case 2:11-cv-00562-JPS-DPW-RMD Filed 04/25/13 Page 3 of 3 Document 308