FM 41-10
R e f e r e n c e s
These are the sources quoted or paraphrased in this publication.
LTOE 41715L0. Civil Affairs Battalion (FID/UW).
1 April 1988.
Army Publications
FM 100-5. Operations. 5 May 1986.
LTOE 41725L0. Civil Affairs Battalion (DS).
1 October 1985.
The Department of the Army Manual.
FM 100-20. Low Intensity Conflict. 16 January 1981.
LTOE 41701L0. Civil Affairs Command.
10 October 1989.
1 October 1985.
Nonmilitary Publications
LTOE 41702L0. Civil Affairs Brigade. 1 October 1985.
National Security Strategy of the United States.
LTOE 41705L0. Civil Affairs Battalion (GP).
1 October 1985.
March 1990.
Title 10, U.S. C., April 1991.
These publications must be available to the intended users of this publication.
Joint and Multiservice Publications
Joint publication 1-02. DOD Dictionary of Military
and Associated Terms. 1 December 1989.
Joint Publication 3-57. Doctrine for Joint Civil Affairs.
October 1991 (Test).
Army Publications
AR 190-57. Civilian Internees Administration,
Employment, and Compensation. 4 March 1987.
AR 310-25. Dictionary of United States Army Terms.
15 October 1983.
AR 360-61. Community Relations. 15 October 1980.
AR 500-50. Civil Disturbances. 21 April 1972.
AR 500-60. Disaster Relief. 1 August 1981.
AR 500-70. Military Support of Civil Defense.
1 October 1982.
AR 570-9. Host Nation Support. 1 January 1981.
AR611-101. Personnel Selection and Classification,
Commissioned Officer Classification System.
31 October 1989.
DA Pam 690-80. Use and Administration of Local
Civilians in Foreign Areas During Hostilities.
12 February 1971.
FM 8-42. Medical Operations in LIC. 4 December 90.
FM 8-55. Planning of Health Service Support.
15 February 1985.
FM 14-7. Finance Operations. 9 October 1989.
FM 19-10. The Military Police Law and Order
Operations. 30 September 1989.
FM 19-15. Civil Disturbances. 25 November 1985.
FM 19-25. Military Police Traffic Operations.
30 September 1977.
FM 19-40. Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees,
and Detained Persons. 27 February 1976.
FM 27-10. The Law of Land Warfare. 18 July 1956.
FM 41-10
FM 31-20. Doctrine for Special Forces Operations. FM 100-25. Doctrine for Army Special Operations
20 April 1990.
Forces (SF, Rangers, CA, PSYOP, SOA).
FM 33-1. Psychological Operations. 31 July 1987.
12 December 1991.
FM 55-1. Army Transportation Services in a Theater of FM 101-5. Staff Organization and Operations.
Operations. 30 November 1984.
FM 90-14. Rear Battle. 10 June 1985.
FM 100-10. Combat Service Support. 18 February 1988.
25 May 1984.
FM 101-5-1. Operational Terms and Symbols.
21 October 1985.
These readings contain relevant supplemental information.
Joint and Multiservice Publications
Joint Pub 0-2. Unified Action Armed Forces (UNAAF).
1 December 1986.
Army Publications
AR 10-5. Department of the Army. 1 December 1980.
AR 12-1. Security Assistance Policy, Objectives, and
Responsibilities. 7 October 1988.
AR 12-7. Technical Assistance Field Teams (TAFT) and Technical Assistance Teams (TAT).
15 February 1979.
AR 12-15. Joint Security Assistance Training (JSAT)
Regulation. 1 October 1985.
AR 27-1. Judge Advocate Legal Service.
15 September 1989.
AR 27-50. Status of Forces Policies, Procedures, and
Information. 1 December 1984.
AR 28-19. The DA Domestic Action Program.
15 December 1980.
AR 310-49. The Army Authorization Documents
System (TAADS). 1 October 1981.
AR 310-50. Authorized Abbreviations and Brevity
Codes. 15 November 1985.
AR 550-1. Procedures for Handling Requests for
Political Asylum and Temporary Refuge.
1 October 1981.
AR 600-8-1. Army Casualty and Memorial Affairs in
Line of Duty Investigation. 18 September 1986.
AR 600-20. Army Command Policy. 30 March 1988.
AR 600-50. Standards of Conduct for Department of
the Army Personnel. 28 January 1988.
DA Pam 25-30. Consolidated Index of Army
Publications and Blank Forms. 31 December 1989.
DA Pam 27-1. Treaties Governing Lund Warfare.
7 December 1956.
DA Pam 27-153. Legal Services - Contract Law.
15 August 1989.
DA Pam 27-161-2. International Law, Vol II.
23 October 1962.
DOD Dir 3025.1. Use of Military Resources During
Reactive Civil Emergencies within the United States,
Its Territories, and Possessions.
DOD Dir 5530.3. International Agreements.
FM 7-20. The Infantry Battalion. 6 April 1992.
FM 19-30. Physical Security. 1 March 1979.
FM 19-60. Confinement and Correctional Treatment of
U.S. Military Prisoners. 27 May 1986.
FM 27-1. Legal Guide for Commanders. 12 June 1987.
FM 34-1. Intelligence and Electronic Warfare
Operations. 2 July 1987.
FM 34-3. Intelligence Analysis. 15 March 1990.
FM 34-130. Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield.
23 May 1989.
FM 55-10. Movement Control in a Theater of
Operations. 22 July 1986.
FM 55-30. Army Motor Transport Units and
Operations. 14 March 1980.
FM 63-1. Combat Service Operations-Separate
Brigade. 30 September 1983.
FM 63-2. Combat Service Support
Operations-Division. 21 November 1983.
FM 63-3. Combat Service Support Operations-Corps.
24 August 1983.
FM 63-4. Combat Support Operations-Theater Army
Area Command. 24 September 1984.
FM 71-100. Division Operations. June 1990.
FM 71-101. Infantry, Airborne, and Air Assault
Division Operations. 26 March 1980.
FM 100-20. Military Operations in Low Intensity
Conflict. 5 December 1990.
FM 100-37. Terrorism Counteraction. 24 July 1987.
FM 101-10-1/2. Staff Officers’ Field Manual-
Organizational, Technical, and Logistical Data
Planning Factors. 7 October 1987.
FM 101-40. Armed Forces Doctrine for Chemical
Warfare and Biological Weapons Defense.
30 June 1976.
U.S. Nonprofit Organizations in Development
Assistance Abroad, Standardization Agreements
STANAGs are available upon request from the Naval
Publications and Forms Center, 5801 Tabor Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19120
STANAG 2022. Intelligence Reports.
29 September 1988.
STANAG 2067. Control and Return of Stragglers.
10 June 1987.
Projected publications are sources of additional information that are scheduled for printing but are not yet available. Upon print, they will be distributed automatically via pinpoint distribution. They may not be obtained from the USA AG Publications Center until indexed in DA Pamphlet 25-30.
FM 41-10
STANAG 2079. Rear Area Security and Area Damage
Control. 17 December 1979.
STANAG 2091. Population Movement Control.
10 September 1979.
STANAG 2101. Establishing Liaison. 31 January 1985.
STANAG 2103 Reporting Nuclear Detonations,
Biological and Chemical Attack and Predicting and Warning of Associated Hazards and Hazard
Areas. 31 March 1988.
STANAG 2113. Denial of Military Equipment and
Supplies to an Enemy. 3 June 1986.
STANAG 2149. Intelligence Requests. 17 June 1988.
STANAG 2419. Rear Area Damage Control.
(No date given)
STANAG 2945. NATO Civil/Military Ground Fuels
Interchangeability Catalogue. 19 July 1985.
STANAG 6001. Language Proficiency Levels.
21 October 1976.
STANAG 6002. Principles and Procedures for the
Conduct and Financing of Training Assistance.
6 December 1984.
FM 7-30. The Infantry Brigade.
FM 46-1. Public Affairs Operations.
Joint Pub 3-0. Doctrine for Joint Operations.
Joint Pub 3-05. Doctrine for Joint Special Operations.
(Final Report) March 1992.
Joint Pub 3-07. Doctrine for Military Operations in LIC.