Statement of Research Interests Hsueh-Hua (Shay Wa) Chuang ________________________________________________________________________ Scholarly and Research Interests My scholarly and research interests are in the areas of technology and teacher education with a special interest in faculty development such as one-on-one technology mentoring programs and connections to PK-12 technology integration. Current Research My dissertation explored the changing roles of one exemplary teacher educator and her involvement in the one-on-one faculty technology mentoring program at Iowa State University. This study provided an in-depth case study, which revealed the shift of pedagogical beliefs of a teacher educator through the reciprocal process of the faculty technology-mentoring program, and how she had implemented desired changes in her teaching. Grounded theory was adopted as a data analysis framework, which involved using a coding paradigm to illustrate how various categories of data were integrated in a structured process. Following a similar theme to the case study was a survey study on issues of sustainability of technology use and integration in teacher education. I constructed an online survey to collect data on issues in the use and integration of technology by technology-experienced teacher education faculty. Results from the quantitative data revealed that hardware/software difficulties, support, curriculum integration and time were four emerging themes that the faculty identified as major issues in technology implementation. In addition, this study helped identify effective faculty development practices to address the issues raised. My involvement with the Iowa State’s Preparing Tomorrow’s Teacher to Use Technology (PT3) grant has yielded several scholarly works in publications and conference presentations. I am currently working with Dr. Ann Thompson and Dr. Denise Schmidt on a paper focusing on the impact of laptop use by preservice cohort students in a teacher education program. Publication in a Referred Journal Faculty Technology Mentoring Programs: Major Trend in the Literature Journal of Computing in Teacher Education 19(4), 101-106 This paper provides a review of the literature that documents technology mentoring models used in higher education and K-12 schools. Various mentoring models are described and summarized. Despite the variety of technology mentoring models, effective mentoring include common themes. These themes are providing visions for technology use, individualizing technology support, breaking down hierarchical structure, establishing learning communities and providing mutual benefits for mentors and mentees. Future Plans In addition to publishing my dissertation research, I will study the impact of technology in teacher preparation courses and its connections to technology integration in PK-12 educational settings. I am especially interested in exploring how skills from teacher preparation transfer once candidates go into the field, focusing upon issues of leadership, retention, and student achievement. My previous research focused upon obstacles to technology implementation in higher education teacher education programs and I will continue to investigate obstacles at the local school level, as well as the characteristics of professional development programs. I have had considerable experience working with grant–supported research teams. Early in my career, I want to explore funding opportunities. My long-term plans are to develop grant proposals to fund my research.