Guidance on Finding Green Products for Purchase The USDA Forest Service is required to use environmentally preferable products and services in order to comply with federally mandated programs and USDA’s Agriculture Acquisition Regulations (AGAR 423.703). This includes the use of recovered material products; energy and water efficient products; alternative fuels and fuel efficiency, bio-based products; non-ozone depleting substances; priority chemicals; and environmentally preferable products. These products are described on the Office of the Federal Environment Executive website ( The items below are designed to make it easier for you, the contractor, to regularly purchase green, environmentally-friendly products. Purchasing ENERGY STAR Compliant Products ENERGY STAR is a voluntary labeling program that identifies and promotes energy-efficient products. ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. In 2005 alone, ENERGY STAR saved businesses, organizations, and consumers about $12 billion. Major appliances, computers, monitors, office equipment, lighting, heating, cooling, and new commercial and industrial buildings, are listed as being ENERGY STAR compliant if they meet certain energy-efficient standards. Simply look for the ENERGY STAR label when purchasing these kinds of products or visit the ENERGY STAR website ( for more information. Purchasing Recycled Products The Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG) are part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) efforts to promote the use of materials that are recovered from solid waste. EPA is required to designate products that are or can be made with recovered materials, and to recommend practices for buying these products. Once a product is designated under CPG, agencies are required to purchase it with the highest recovered material content level practicable. For general information about the CPG program, visit ( For a list of products and for guidance on which products to purchase, see ( Purchasing Green Cleaning Products The federal government does not certify green janitorial products. However, many government contracts for green cleaning products and services reference the Green Seal list of products. Green Seal is a nonprofit organization that provides science-based environmental certification standards to help manufacturers and purchasers make environmentally responsible choices about the products they make or buy. Green Seal has standards that are applicable for all-purpose, bathroom, and glass cleaners (GS-37). Green Seal also has standards that apply to all-floor care products (GS-40), degreasers (GS-34), and hand cleaners (GS-41). A list of Green Seal certified cleaning products can be found at the following website ( The Center for a New American Dream also keeps an updated list of products that meet their nationwide purchasing criteria which are based on the Green Seal GS-37 standard ( Using GSA Advantage to identify and/or purchase green products The federal government’s General Services Administration provides a one-stop web location for federal employees to procure products. This website is called GSA Advantage ( While non-federal purchasers cannot buy from GSA advantage, the website can serve as a useful resource in determining products that meet the ‘green’ requirements listed above (ENERGY STAR compliant, CPG compliant, or Green Seal Certified). The “Environmental Aisle” of the GSA Advantage website is dedicated to identifying green products and can be accessed by clicking “Environmental” under the list of “Special Categories.” CPG and ENERGY STAR Compliant Products Green Seal Certified Products Using the window above, users can shop for ‘green’ products that match certain criteria. Nonfederal purchases can identify green products and then purchase items elsewhere, whereas federal employees can purchase these products directly from GSA Advantage.