CONFIDENTIAL PROJECT START APPLICATION FORM Date: Office use only: Date Received ______________ Input in database ____________ Major: Anticipated Graduate Date: _______________________ How did you hear about the Project Start program? A. DEMOGRAPHICS: Name: K#: (Last) (First) (MI) Address: PO Box: City: State: Phone #: Zip: (H/C/W) Sex: Email Address: Date of Birth: Ethnic Origin: (Circle One) (optional) Hispanic/Latino American Indian or Alaska Native White US Citizen: (Circle One) Yes No Is English your first language? (Circle One) / / Asian Black or African-American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander f no, explain Yes No B. FAMILY/HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION: Marital Status: (Circle One) Do you have children? Apt #: Single/Never Married Married Separated Yes Divorced Remarried Widowed No If so, how many and what are their ages? What are your childcare expenses per week? $ List all persons in household (family members, including self, relationship) Name Relationship ____________________________ __________________ ____________________________ __________________ ____________________________ __________________ ____________________________ __________________ ____________________________ __________________ 1 Age: Do you have dependents not residing in your household? (Circle One) Name ____________________________ Relationship __________________ ____________________________ __________________ Yes No C. EDUCATION: Are you currently enrolled in a Technical Program at Kirkwood? (Circle One) Will you be full time or part time next semester? (Circle One) Did you graduate from high school? (Circle One) If no, have you received: GED? H.S. Alternative? Last High School Attended: Yes Full-time Yes No Yes Yes No No Name: No Part-time Date: Date: Year Graduated: _________ Address: City: State: Zip: ______ Additional Educational Training: Name: ______________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ State: Type of Training: _____________________________________________ Diploma, Certificate or Degree (Type and Dates) _____________________________________________________ List any other educational training received: **Note: If you have earned a Bachelor’s Degree, you will need to provide documentation detailing why you cannot utilize that degree and why you need trained in another area. Describe any help you may need in the following areas: Subject Describe Reading Math Writing Spelling Study Other 2 Please check areas in which you may need assistance: Personal Counseling Anxiety Family/Parenting Concerns Problem Solving Assistance Stress Management Time Management Advising/Registration Accommodations Career Services – resumes, interviewing, etc. Financial Aid Information Student Advocacy Other D. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION: Employment Status: (Circle One) Employed Full-time Self-employed Laid Off Employed Part-time Seasonally Employed Not Employed, date last worked: Work history (begin with current or most recent job & work backwards) 1. (Employer) (Date Started) (Address) (Hrs/Week) (City, State, Zip) ____ (Date Left) (Circle One) Part-time Full-time (Rate of Pay) Job Title: Reason for Leaving: Describe Duties & Skills Used: ________________________________________________________________________ 2. (Employer) (Date Started) (Address) (Hrs/Week) (City, State, Zip) (Rate of Pay) Job Title: Reason for Leaving: Describe Duties & Skills Used: 3 (Date Left) (Circle One) Part-time Full-time E. MEDICAL/HEALTH: If you have a physical or mental disability that creates a barrier to your education, please explain below: F. FINANCIAL: Have you applied for a Pell Grant or other Federal Financial Aid? (Circle One) Do you qualify for Pell Grant? (Circle One) Yes No Yes No What circumstances are causing a financial need? Family income: List all sources and amount of monthly income for all family members (including alimony and child support received if applicable) Household Member Employer or Monthly Income Receiving Income Benefit Program Total year income Benefits received: Do you or any family member receive any of the following benefits? Benefit Family Member Amount Length of Time Rec’d FIP ___________________ Food Stamps ___________________ _______________ __________________ Title 19 ___________________ _______________ __________________ SSDI - SSI ___________________ _______________ __________________ VA ___________________ _______________ __________________ General Assistance ___________________ _______________ __________________ _______________ __________________ Worker’s Compensation __________________ Employer Name: _____________________________________ 4 Unemployment ___________________ _______________ __________________ Employer Name: ____________________________________ When benefits end_______________ Other Assistance ___________________ _______________ Have you applied for funding from any of the following? Date Applied __________________ Name of Worker Promise Jobs _______________ ________________________ Title 20 Blockgrant _______________ ________________________ Are you (or will you be) paying childcare costs for you children while attending college? (Circle One) Average weekly amount paid for daycare: Yes No G. MISCELLANEOUS: Are you a veteran? Yes No If yes: Dates of service….From Branch: (Circle One) Army Type of Discharge: To Navy Air Force Marines Coast Guard Reserves H. REFERENCES: Name three people not related to you who can provide a reference. Name Address City State Zip Phone Years Known Relationship Name Address City State Zip Phone Years Known Relationship 5 Name Address City State Zip Phone Years Known Relationship I. PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: (you may type answers and attach document if you wish) Why did you decide to attend college? Why did you choose your current major? Share a time in your life when you had to overcome a hardship: 6 What have you liked most about being a college student? What have you liked least about being a college student? Tell me something you have learned about yourself since beginning classes at Kirkwood: What sets you apart from other students? 7 We are required by the Foundation and Scholarship Donors to follow-up with our students until they are employed in their chosen field. Please provide the name of two people who will know where you are in case we lose track of you after you graduate: Name: Name: Address: Address: Phone #: Phone #: Relationship: Relationship: J. SIGNATURE: 1. I give my permission to Kirkwood Community College's Project START staff to request information regarding any support I may receive from other agencies listed on this application. This information will be used for educational support purposes only, and will be kept strictly confidential. 2. If accepted into the program, I also give my permission for staff to contact faculty members to verify my participation in class. Student Signature Today's Date Return application to: Dean of Students Office 108 Iowa Hall Kirkwood Community College PO Box 2068 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 April 2015 8